STLTE Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  STLTE Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Segment Table List Block Table Entry
 FUNCTION   : There is one Segment Table List Block Table
              Entry (STLTE) for each megabyte in an STLBK.
              The format of the STLTE matches the ESA/390
              STE to the extent that there is a page table
              origin (PTO) in the entry.
              STLSTE2   field of HCPSTLBK
              While these entries have a PTO like STEs, they
              are only "templates" used during saved segment
              processing.  They are never "attached" to the
              hardware in the architectural sense.
 CREATED BY : HCPBSCSL  when an STLBK is built
              HCPBSCBS  when an STLBK is built
 DELETED BY : HCPBSCBS  when an STLBK is released
              HCPUIMSL  when an STLBK is released
  STLTE Control Block Content Top of page

 STLTE DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure STLTE Segment Table List Block Table Entry 0000 0 Address 8 STLENTRY Pointer to page table in a PGMBK Masks to extract fields from the STE contents .... .... STLNULLM X'80000000' Isolate null entry flag 0000F000 STLPGMM X'F000' NILL mask to isolate the PGMBK HRA given the STE address 0000F800 STLPTOM X'F800' NILL mask to isolate the Page Table Origin HRA given the STE address 00000020 STLEXCLM STLEXCL Use NG Rx,=AD(STLEXCLM) to isolate the "exclusive" bit 00000010 STLWRITM STLWRITE Use NG Rx,=AD(STLWRITM) to isolate "shared writable" bit .... 1111 STLPTLM X'000F' Use NG Rx,=AD(STLPLTM) to isolate the page-table length 00000008 STLTElen *-STLENTRY Length on one table entry 00000003 STLTEsft 3 2**STLTEsft = L'STLTE 00001000 STLTEsiz 4096 Size of each STLTE area. 00000200 STLTEper (STLTEsiz)/(STLTElen),(STLTEsiz)/ (STLTElen) Number of STLTEs in each STLTE area. The second value is specified equal to the first value so that things like macros can use the L' attribute to get the actual value of STLTEper. 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 STLNEXT (0) Next table entry 0000 0 Bitstring 7 * Bits 00-55 of PGMBK/PTO address 0007 7 Bitstring 1 STLSTAT Bits 56-63 of PGMBK/PTO address, which is the entry status ..1. .... STLEXCL X'20' STLEXCL Entry is exclusive ...1 .... STLWRITE X'10' STLWRITE Writeable storage in shared PGMBK
  STLTE Storage Layout Top of page
*** STLTE - Segment Table List Block Table Entry
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       STLENTRY                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** STLTE - Segment Table List Block Table Entry
*** Overlay for STLENTRY in STLTE
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
*   0 |////////////////////////////////////////////////|:STAT |
*     +------------------------------------------------+------+
*   8
*** Overlay for STLENTRY in STLTE
  STLTE Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
STLENTRY       0000
STLEXCL        0007 20
STLEXCLM       0000 00000020
STLNEXT        0008
STLNULLM       0000 00
STLPGMM        0000 0000F000
STLPTLM        0000 0F
STLPTOM        0000 0000F800
STLSTAT        0007
STLTElen       0000 00000008
STLTEper       0000 00000200
STLTEsft       0000 00000003
STLTEsiz       0000 00001000
STLWRITE       0007 10
STLWRITM       0000 00000010
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:56:44 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022