RQPARM Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
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  RQPARM Control Block Content Top of page

 RQPARM DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RQPARM 0000 0 Signed 1 RQWTCNT R*1 Wait count 0001 1 Signed 1 RQCOUNT R*2 Count of QITEMS sent 0002 2 Character 1 RQTRFCD R*3 Transaction function code 0003 3 Character 1 RQTYPCD R*4 Type code 0004 4 Character 8 RQUSERID User issuing command 000C 12 Signed 4 * (0) Ensure re-definition point is on a full word 000C 12 Character 6 RQVOLID Volume id 0012 18 Bitstring 1 RQDEVTP Device type 0013 19 Bitstring 1 RQFLAGS Flag byte The flag bits in RQFLAGS are the same as in QCFLAGS in CSESHQBK. They are defined in CSESHQBK. 0014 20 Signed 2 RQDISP Minidisk starting cyl 0016 22 Signed 2 RQEDISP Minidisk ending cyl 0018 24 Signed 4 * (0) Ensure re-definition point is on a full word 0018 24 Bitstring 1 RQCTYPE VMDCTYPE of command issuer 0019 25 Bitstring 1 RQQIFS Flags for the query and indicate commands The flag bits in RQQIFS are the same as in QCQIFS in CSESHQBK. They are defined in CSESHQBK. Length of request parm list for INDICATE and QUERY 0000001A RQRPRML (*-RQPARM) Length in Bytes 00000004 RQRPRMSZ (*-RQPARM+7)/8 Length in Double Words End of Request Parameter List for INDICATE and QUERY. 000C 12 Character 8 RQDATA (multiple uses) End of general use redefinition 0014 20 Signed 4 RQMADDR Message address 0018 24 Signed 4 RQMLENG Message length 001C 28 Signed 2 RQMIDLN User id length 001E 30 Bitstring 2 * (reserved) 00000020 RQMPRML (*-RQPARM) Length in bytes 00000004 RQMPRMSZ (*-RQPARM+7)/8 Length in Double Words. End of Request Parameter List for message with response. 0018 24 Signed 4 RSTRNUM Transaction number 001C 28 Signed 4 RSSYSPTR System B SHP table address 0020 32 Signed 2 RSRETCD Return code for system B 00000022 RSRPRML (*-RQPARM) Length in Bytes 00000005 RSRPRMSZ (*-RQPARM+7)/8 Length in Double Words End of Response Parameter List for INDICATE and QUERY.
  RQPARM Storage Layout Top of page
*** RQPARM - Control Block in RQPARM
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:TCNT |:OUNT |:RFCD |:YPCD |        RQUSERID-          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   8 |          -(004)           |         RQVOLID-          |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |   -(00C)    |:EVTP |:LAGS |   RQDISP    |  RQEDISP    |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |:TYPE |RQQIFS| 1A
*     +------+------+
*** RQPARM - Control Block in RQPARM
*** Overlay for RQVOLID in RQPARM
*                                 +---------------------------+
*     ...                       C |         RQDATA-           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |          -(00C)           |         RQMADDR           |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |         RQMLENG           |  RQMIDLN    |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20
*** Overlay for RQVOLID in RQPARM
*** Overlay for RQCTYPE in RQPARM
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         RSTRNUM           |         RSSYSPTR          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |  RSRETCD    | 22
*     +-------------+
*** Overlay for RQCTYPE in RQPARM
  RQPARM Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
RQCOUNT        0001
RQCTYPE        0018
RQDATA         000C
RQDEVTP        0012
RQDISP         0014
RQEDISP        0016
RQFLAGS        0013
RQMADDR        0014
RQMIDLN        001C
RQMLENG        0018
RQMPRML        001E 00000020
RQMPRMSZ       001E 00000004
RQQIFS         0019
RQRPRML        0019 0000001A
RQRPRMSZ       0019 00000004
RQTRFCD        0002
RQTYPCD        0003
RQUSERID       0004
RQVOLID        000C
RQWTCNT        0000
RSRETCD        0020
RSRPRML        0020 00000022
RSRPRMSZ       0020 00000005
RSSYSPTR       001C
RSTRNUM        0018
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:46:48 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022