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  RLMSG Control Block Content Top of page

 RLMSG DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RLMSG LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs For message requests, the high order bit of the 1-byte message type in RLMSCODE will be 0. For message replies, The high order bit of the 1-byte message type in RLMSCODE will be 1. 0000 0 Bitstring 1 RLMSMHDR (0) Message Header 0000 0 Bitstring 1 RLMSCODE Message type 00000000 RLMSMM X'00' RLMSMM Memory Move 00000001 RLMSCMPS X'01' RLMSCMPS Memory Move Complete 00000002 RLMSCLRT X'02' RLMSCLRT Clear throttle 00000003 RLMSETTH X'03' RLMSETTH Set throttle 00000080 RLMSKRDY X'80' RLMSKRDY Socket setup complete 00000081 RLMSCMPD X'81' RLMSCMPD Send/recv counts match/Mem Move complete 00000082 RLMSVCSD X'82' RLMSVCSD Send/recv counts match 00000083 RLMSVCFD X'83' RLMSVCFD Send/recv counts don't match 00000084 RLMSCKOK X'84' RLMSCKOK Eligibility checks successful 00000085 RLMSCKBD X'85' RLMSCKBD Eligibility checks unsuccessful 00000086 RLMSCROK X'86' RLMSCROK Create spaces successful 00000087 RLMSCRBD X'87' RLMSCRBD Create spaces failure 000000FF RLMSVERD X'FF' RLMSVERD Message version incompatible 0001 1 Bitstring 1 RLMSSTAT Copy of RLOSTATUS on the source side at the time of transmission 0002 2 Bitstring 1 RLMSVRSN Version number for request messages (except for RLMSMM whose version is established when socket is created) Also used to hold destination's msg version for response RLMSVERD (msg versions incompatible) 0003 3 Bitstring 1 * Reserved 0004 4 Signed 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 00000001 RLMSSIZE (*-RLMSG+7)/8 Size in doublewords 00000008 RLMSBSZE RLMSSIZE*8 Size in bytes
 RLMAS DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RLMAS LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs 0000 0 Bitstring 8 RLMAHEAD Imbed RLMSG header 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 RLMACNTR Count of sends on the source system 0010 16 Signed 4 RLMAMXRVP Reserved frames on source system (VMDMXRVP) 0014 20 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use The amount of standby and reserved storage is sent because the guest can use the DEFINE STORAGE STANDBY command to change the amount of standby storage in element 1 even when a relocation is in progress. Other forms of DEFINE STORAGE, (those that cause a SYSTEM RESET to occur) will terminate a relocation in progress. 0018 24 Signed 2 RLMAEL1st Element 1 standby (ASCEL1st) 001A 26 Signed 2 RLMAEL1rs Element 1 reserved (ASCEL1rs) 001C 28 Bitstring 1 RLMASTAT Current state (ASCSTATE) 001D 29 Bitstring 1 RLMARLVL Source VM release level - when zero, the source release is 6.2 which was first release of LGR 00000001 RLMAR63 1 Release 6.3 or later 001E 30 Bitstring 1 RLMASLVL Reserved for future IBM use - when zero, no service applied to RLMAS dsect 001F 31 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use Cumulative historical counts when address space is private. See additional counts below structured by z/VM release and service 0020 32 Signed 4 RLMAPPST Count of private address space pages stolen (ASCCPPST) 0024 36 Signed 4 RLMAPPGR Count of private address space pages read from DASD (ASCCPPGR) 0028 40 Signed 4 RLMAPPGW Count of private address space pages written to DASD (ASCCPPGW) 002C 44 Signed 4 RLMAPXRD Count of private address space pages read from XSTORE (ASCCPXRD) 0030 48 Signed 4 RLMAPXWT Count of private address space pages written to XSTORE (ASCCPXWT) 0034 52 Signed 4 RLMAPMIG Count of private address space pages migrated by CP from XSTORE to DASD (ASCCPMIG) 0038 56 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use 003C 60 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use Cumulative historical counts when address space is shared. See additional counts below structured by z/VM release and service 0040 64 Signed 4 RLMATRSH Cumulative count of page translations for shared pages (ASCPTRSH) 0044 68 Signed 4 RLMASPST Count of shared address space pages stolen (ASCCSPST) 0048 72 Signed 4 RLMASPGR Count of shared address space pages read from DASD (ASCCSPGR) 004C 76 Signed 4 RLMASPGW Count of shared address space pages written to DASD (ASCCSPGW) 0050 80 Signed 4 RLMASXRD Count of shared address space pages read from XSTORE (ASCCSXRD) 0054 84 Signed 4 RLMASXWT Count of shared address space pages written to XSTORE (ASCCSXWT) 0058 88 Signed 4 RLMASMIG Count of shared address space pages migrated by CP from XSTORE to DASD (ASCCSMIG) 005C 92 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use 0060 96 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use 0064 100 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use Cumulative historical counts when address space is private. Added for release 6.3. 0068 104 Signed 4 RLMAPINT Count of private instantiated pages. 006C 108 Signed 4 RLMAPREL Count of private pages whose frames were reclaimed without preserving the page content because of the guest page state (that is, CMM2 state or contents were released by the guest). 0070 112 Signed 4 RLMAPINV Count of private pages made IBR. 0074 116 Signed 4 RLMAPPFI Count of private IBR pages that were revalidated while on the frame owned list. 0078 120 Signed 4 RLMAPPFA Count of private IBR pages that were revalidated while on the global aging list. 007C 124 Signed 4 RLMAPFRY Count of private IBR pages on the global aging list that were already backed on auxiliary before the frames needed to be reclaimed. 0080 128 Signed 4 RLMAPFNR Count of private IBR pages on the global aging list that were written to XSTORE or auxiliary storage immediately prior to the frames being reclaimed. 0084 132 Signed 4 RLMAPXRL Count of XSTORE blocks released by migration when the private page contents was already in auxiliary storage. Updated by migration task (on master processor). Cumulative historical counts when address space is shared Added for release 6.3 0088 136 Signed 4 RLMASINT Count of shared instantiated pages. 008C 140 Signed 4 RLMASREL Count of shared pages whose frames were reclaimed without preserving the page content because of the guest page state (that is, CMM2 state or contents were released by the guest). 0090 144 Signed 4 RLMASINV Count of shared pages made IBR. 0094 148 Signed 4 RLMASPFI Count of shared IBR pages that were revalidated while on the frame owned list. 0098 152 Signed 4 RLMASPFA Count of shared IBR pages that were revalidated while on the global aging list. 009C 156 Signed 4 RLMASFRY Count of shared IBR pages on the global aging list that were already backed on auxiliary before the frames needed to be reclaimed. 00A0 160 Signed 4 RLMASFNR Count of shared IBR pages on the global aging list that were written to XSTORE or auxiliary storage immediately prior to the frames being reclaimed. 00A4 164 Signed 4 RLMASXRL Count of XSTORE blocks released by migration when the shared page contents was already in auxiliary storage. 00000015 RLMASIZE (*-RLMAS+7)/8 Size in doublewords 000000A8 RLMABSZE RLMASIZE*8 Size in bytes
 RLMBP DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RLMBP LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs 0000 0 Bitstring 8 RLMBEYEC Eyecatcher "RLMBP==>" 0008 8 Bitstring 128 RLMBLbmp Start of bitmap (see ASCELbmp for details) 00000011 RLMBSIZE (*-RLMBP+7)/8 Size in doublewords 00000088 RLMBBSZE RLMBSIZE*8 Size in bytes
 RLMDE DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RLMDE LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs 0000 0 Signed 8 RLMDENXT Pointer to next RLMDE on the stack 0008 8 Signed 4 RLMDERCD Error code (message number) if not successful 000C 12 Bitstring 1 RLMDFLGS Byte to hold miscellaneous flags 1... .... RLMDOVRI X'80' RLMDOVRI Indicates that this message can be overridden .1.. .... RLMDSPCR X'40' RLMDSPCR Indicates that this message represents an address-space creation failure ..1. .... RLMDVRER X'20' RLMDVRER Indicates that this message represents an LGR version mismatch 000D 13 Bitstring 1 RLMDCAPA Capacity-checking flag for this error. If this error isn't related to system capacity, then this is set to zero. Otherwise, its a copy of the flag set in RLOCAPCK set for this error. 000E 14 Bitstring 6 * Reserved for IBM use 0014 20 Bitstring 84 RLMDESUB Space for message substitution data 0000000D RLMDEDSZ (*-RLMDE+7)/8 Size in doublewords 00000068 RLMDEBSZ RLMDEDSZ*8 Size in bytes
 RLMLG DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RLMLG LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs 0000 0 Bitstring 8 RLMLGHDR Eyecatcher for this block 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLNPOH Count of max nonpageable CP frames 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLPGOH Count of max pageable CP frames 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCRES Current number of resident frames in use by this guest 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCRXS Current number of XSTORE slots in use by this guest 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCRAX Current number of AUX pages in use by this guest 0030 48 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM use 0038 56 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCRFT Total current guest footprint 0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLMXFT Maximum guest footprint 0048 72 Bitstring 1 RLMLSTAT Current source value of RLOSTATS 0049 73 Bitstring 1 RLMLSDAT Flag identifying source data fields sent to destination. Used for fields added after initial release of LGR 1... .... RLMLSPRM X'80' PERMANENT storage need fields sent 004A 74 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for IBM use 004C 76 Signed 4 RLMLCRPS Current memory copy pass number 0050 80 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLDTCT Number of max DAT table frames and VDISK PGMBK frames 0058 88 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLPNCT Count of private pinned frames 0060 96 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCPGO Count of current pageable CP frames 0068 104 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCNPO Count of current nonpageable CP frames 0070 112 Dbl-Word 8 RLMLCDTC Count of current DAT table frames and VDISK PGMBK frames 0000000F RLMLGDSZ (*-RLMLG+7)/8 Size in doublewords 00000078 RLMLGBSZ RLMLGDSZ*8 Size in bytes
  RLMSG Storage Layout Top of page
*** RLMSG - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:SCODE|:SSTAT|:SVRSN|//////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   8
*** RLMSG - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*** RLMAS - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RLMAHEAD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       RLMACNTR                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |        RLMAMXRVP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 | RLMAEL1ST   | RLMAEL1RS   |:ASTAT|:ARLVL|:ASLVL|//////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |         RLMAPPST          |         RLMAPPGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         RLMAPPGW          |         RLMAPXRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         RLMAPXWT          |         RLMAPMIG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         RLMATRSH          |         RLMASPST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         RLMASPGR          |         RLMASPGW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         RLMASXRD          |         RLMASXWT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         RLMASMIG          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         RLMAPINT          |         RLMAPREL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         RLMAPINV          |         RLMAPPFI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         RLMAPPFA          |         RLMAPFRY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         RLMAPFNR          |         RLMAPXRL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         RLMASINT          |         RLMASREL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         RLMASINV          |         RLMASPFI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         RLMASPFA          |         RLMASFRY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         RLMASFNR          |         RLMASXRL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8
*** RLMAS - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*** RLMBP - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RLMBEYEC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RLMBLBMP                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  88
*** RLMBP - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*** RLMDE - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RLMDENXT                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*   8 |         RLMDERCD          |:DFLGS|:DCAPA|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |///////////////////////////|                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       RLMDESUB                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68
*** RLMDE - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*** RLMLG - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RLMLGHDR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       RLMLNPOH                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       RLMLPGOH                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       RLMLCRES                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       RLMLCRXS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       RLMLCRAX                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       RLMLCRFT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       RLMLMXFT                        |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |:LSTAT|:LSDAT|/////////////|         RLMLCRPS          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |                       RLMLDTCT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  58 |                       RLMLPNCT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       RLMLCPGO                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       RLMLCNPO                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                       RLMLCDTC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78
*** RLMLG - LGR Memory Move Message DSECTs
  RLMSG Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
RLMABSZE       00A4 000000A8
RLMACNTR       0008
RLMAEL1rs      001A
RLMAEL1st      0018
RLMAHEAD       0000
RLMAMXRVP      0010
RLMAPFNR       0080
RLMAPFRY       007C
RLMAPINT       0068
RLMAPINV       0070
RLMAPMIG       0034
RLMAPPFA       0078
RLMAPPFI       0074
RLMAPPGR       0024
RLMAPPGW       0028
RLMAPPST       0020
RLMAPREL       006C
RLMAPXRD       002C
RLMAPXRL       0084
RLMAPXWT       0030
RLMARLVL       001D
RLMAR63        001D 00000001
RLMASFNR       00A0
RLMASFRY       009C
RLMASINT       0088
RLMASINV       0090
RLMASIZE       00A4 00000015
RLMASLVL       001E
RLMASMIG       0058
RLMASPFA       0098
RLMASPFI       0094
RLMASPGR       0048
RLMASPGW       004C
RLMASPST       0044
RLMASREL       008C
RLMASTAT       001C
RLMASXRD       0050
RLMASXRL       00A4
RLMASXWT       0054
RLMATRSH       0040
RLMBBSZE       0008 00000088
RLMBEYEC       0000
RLMBLbmp       0008
RLMBSIZE       0008 00000011
RLMDCAPA       000D
RLMDEBSZ       0014 00000068
RLMDEDSZ       0014 0000000D
RLMDENXT       0000
RLMDERCD       0008
RLMDESUB       0014
RLMDFLGS       000C
RLMDOVRI       000C 80
RLMDSPCR       000C 40
RLMDVRER       000C 20
RLMLCDTC       0070
RLMLCNPO       0068
RLMLCPGO       0060
RLMLCRAX       0028
RLMLCRES       0018
RLMLCRFT       0038
RLMLCRPS       004C
RLMLCRXS       0020
RLMLDTCT       0050
RLMLGBSZ       0070 00000078
RLMLGDSZ       0070 0000000F
RLMLGHDR       0000
RLMLMXFT       0040
RLMLNPOH       0008
RLMLPGOH       0010
RLMLPNCT       0058
RLMLSDAT       0049
RLMLSPRM       0049 80
RLMLSTAT       0048
RLMSBSZE       0004 00000008
RLMSCKBD       0000 00000085
RLMSCKOK       0000 00000084
RLMSCLRT       0000 00000002
RLMSCMPD       0000 00000081
RLMSCMPS       0000 00000001
RLMSCODE       0000
RLMSCRBD       0000 00000087
RLMSCROK       0000 00000086
RLMSETTH       0000 00000003
RLMSKRDY       0000 00000080
RLMSMHDR       0000
RLMSMM         0000 00000000
RLMSSIZE       0004 00000001
RLMSSTAT       0001
RLMSVCFD       0000 00000083
RLMSVCSD       0000 00000082
RLMSVERD       0000 000000FF
RLMSVRSN       0002
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:57:52 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022