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  RCCBK Prolog Top of page
              This control block maps the RCPU data area and
              defines constants used by the RCPU subsystem.
              HCPRCCCM - RPCU common data area
              System initialization
              System termination
  RCCBK Control Block Content Top of page

 RCCBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RCCBK RCPU DATA AREA MAPPING SAVBK management zappable constants and queues 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 RCCURCQ SAVBK reclaim queue (unsorted) 0008 8 Address 4 RCCSRCQ SAVBK reclaim queue (sorted) 000C 12 Address 4 RCCSFQ SAVE frame queue 0010 16 Signed 4 RCCRCNUM Number of SAVBKs being reclaimed 0014 20 Signed 4 RCCSVNUM Number of SAVBKs allocated 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 RCCSFQL (6) SAVE frame queue lock 0048 72 Signed 8 RCCICFAB Incomplete frame reclaim time limit in seconds 0050 80 Signed 8 RCCLNINT HCPSAMFS sampling period, 10 sec. 0058 88 Signed 4 RCCNOINT Number of intervals to average .... 1... RCCMXAVS 8 RCCMXAVS Scaling factor for below &VX1NASG 005C 92 Signed 4 RCCMAXAV Maximum percentage of buffers available 0060 96 Signed 4 RCCMINSV Minimum number of saveareas per processor 0064 100 Address 1 RCCSTFLG Free storage availability flags 1... .... RCCSAVL X'80' RCCSAVL Free storage available for SAVBKs 0065 101 Bitstring 1 * (3) Reserved for future IBM use MP Defer Data Area Checkpoint determination intervals 0068 104 Signed 8 RCCMPDLY 1/10 second, until adjusted by HCPISR to be a function of the minor timeslice. 0070 112 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM use 0078 120 Address 1 RCCMPDAC MP Defer Active Test & Set flag 0079 121 Bitstring 3 * Reserved "CP Loss of Control" deferred work queues 007C 124 Address 4 RCCMPCQ0 Work for which 0 or more MP checkpoints have occurred 0080 128 Address 4 RCCMPCQ1 Work for which 1 or more MP checkpoints have occurred "Loss of Control" deferred work queues 0084 132 Address 4 RCCMPSQ0 Work for which 0 or more MP checkpoints have occurred 0088 136 Address 4 RCCMPSQ1 Work for which 1 or more MP checkpoints have occurred STSI response data areas. Function : A managed, in memory copy of STSI output. The following STSI responses are maintained: 1.1.1 and 1.2.2. For STSI 1.1.1 and 1.2.2, an additional pair of data areas is maintained that contains the most recent responses with non-transient states indicated. See SSI1TRNS and HCPSSICC. These are needed for Diagnose x'2E0'. References to these data areas during CP initialization must test the pointers to ensure they are initialized (nonzero pointer) before using the response areas. HCPSSIBK maps the STSI responses. Serialized : These data areas are updated only during system initialization while running on a single processor, or later while running on the SYSTEM VMDBK. Each time the STSI responses are updated, a new data area is allocated and the pointers below are updated. The prior response area is released by an MPDFR call to HCPSSIRL to allow existing references to continue to use the old response areas until their next loss of control. No serialization is provided to consumers of these data areas that allows access over a loss of control. The STSI response area may have been released during the loss of control. No form of serialization can provide a self-consistency guarantee for the pair of responses for STSI 1.1.1 and 1.2.2 since changes may occur between the STSI instruction invocations that affect values reported in both STSI responses. For example, changes to capability values reported by STSI 1.2.2 may be explained by corresponding changes to CCR and CAI values reported by STSI 1.1.1. 008C 140 Address 4 RCC111 Most recent STSI 1.1.1 response. 0090 144 Address 4 RCC122 Most recent STSI 1.2.2 response. 0094 148 Address 4 RCC111NT Non-transient STSI 1.1.1 resp. 0098 152 Address 4 RCC122NT Non-transient STSI 1.2.2 resp. RCCEMSxx: EMSBK Cleanup Counts and Type flags Function : Track statistics for cleanup of EMSBKs found on the PFXPG of a processor during VARY processing. The individual counts are for different points in the processing of VARY OFF PROC/CORE and VARY ON PROC/CORE. If the EMSBKs are cleaned up after the HCPMPCLF processing, then the EMSBKs may have been waiting to be processed for 2 minutes or more. This should be avoided because the result will be that the tasks waiting for completion of HCPSGP's processing will appear to hang while the EMSBK is on the PFXEMSAN queue. Currently, this is only the case for HCPSGPNC's callers indicated by RCCEMSNF.RCCEMSNC being on. There should be a count field and flag byte for each caller of HCPSGPDR. Serialized : All RCCEMSxx fields are serialized by HCPRCCVA - VARY Processor Lock. 009C 156 Signed 4 RCCEMSFL EMSBK cleanups done by HCPMPCLF. 00A0 160 Signed 4 RCCEMSOF EMSBK cleanups done by hcpmpsOF. 00A4 164 Signed 4 RCCEMSON EMSBK cleanups done by hcpmpsON. 00A8 168 Signed 4 RCCEMSFS (0) EMSBK cleanup flags. 00A8 168 Bitstring 1 RCCEMSLF EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSFL. 1... .... RCCEMSAR X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery type EMSBKs. .1.. .... RCCEMSSM X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type EMSBKs. ..1. .... RCCEMSLC X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type EMSBKs. ...1 .... RCCEMSNC X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type EMSBKs. 00A9 169 Bitstring 1 RCCEMSFF EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSOF. 1... .... RCCEMSAR X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery type EMSBKs. .1.. .... RCCEMSSM X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type EMSBKs. ..1. .... RCCEMSLC X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type EMSBKs. ...1 .... RCCEMSNC X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type EMSBKs. 00AA 170 Bitstring 1 RCCEMSNF EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSON. 1... .... RCCEMSAR X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery type EMSBKs. .1.. .... RCCEMSSM X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type EMSBKs. ..1. .... RCCEMSLC X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type EMSBKs. ...1 .... RCCEMSNC X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type EMSBKs. 00AB 171 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 00AC 172 Signed 4 * Reserved for future IBM use. STSI 15.1.x response data area & system topology fields Function : To save System Topology (STSI 15.1.x) data and counters related to how often the data has been updated. A lock is defined as these fields can only be updated when the lock is held exclusive and can only be read/copied when the lock is held shared. System Topology data is saved in storage for 1st level CP systems. Periodically, CP polls (via PTF FC 2) to determine if the system topology has changed. If it has, STSI 15.1.x is issued to update the System Topology data in storage. When monitor needs to cut a system topology configuration record (D1R26) or an event record (D5R14), the fields are copied while the lock is held shared to ensure the values are not being updated at the time. The lock is released before the copied data is passed to the monitor routine because monitor might lose control while processing the data. HCPSSIBK maps the STSI responses including the first part of the STSI 15.1.x response. Serialized : The following data areas are serialized by the Topology lock (HCPDSVTL). This lock must be held as follows to ensure these fields are kept in sync and apply to the same instance of system topology (STSI 15.1.x) response: EXCLUSIVE: * Whenever any of the fields are changed. * For STSI data updates, the lock must be held from BEFORE the PTF FC 2 until after the STSI 15.1.x is issued to ensure the saved STSI data is the most current. SHARED: * Whenever 2 or more fields are read/copied and need to be in sync with each other. This lock is *NOT* to be held over a loss of control. 00B0 176 Dbl-Word 8 * (3) Reserved for IBM use 00C8 200 Bitstring 1 RCCTOPFG Flags for STSI 15.1.x information 1... .... RCCTOPSP X'80' RCCTOPSP Indicates whether system topology facility is supported. The rest of the system topology fields are only valid when this bit is ON. 00C9 201 Bitstring 1 RCCSTSIP STSI Parameters: Bits 0-4 = Reserved, stored 0 .... .111 RCCMNEST X'07' Bits 5-7 = RCCMNEST (like PCCMNEST) Value of selector-2 (x) used in most recent STSI 15.1.x ins that CP issued. If PCCMNEST=0, RCCMNEST=2 and use STSI 15.1.2 00CA 202 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for IBM use 00CC 204 Address 4 RCC151x Most recent STSI 15.1.x response. This 31-bit address points to the 4K page holding the STSI 15.1.x response. 00D0 208 Signed 4 RCCTOPPL Count of times system topology was polled by CP via PTF FC 2. 00D4 212 Signed 4 RCCTOPCH Count of times system topology was found changed and was updated in storage (aka number of times that PTF FC 2 returned CC=1) HiperDispatch related fields Function : Fields used to manage the HiperDispatch environment. Serialized : These fields are serialized by the Vary Processor Lock (HCPRCCVA) and the Topology Lock (HCPDSVTL), unless otherwise noted. 00D8 216 Signed 4 RCCDEDCT Count of Dedicated vCPUs. Serialized by vary proc lock 00DC 220 Signed 4 RCCDSVCH Count of times DSVBK association has been changed. In addition to when Topology changes are detected, CPU dedication changes can also cause us to change DSVBK association. 00E0 224 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 00E0 224 Signed 8 RCCDSVTM TOD value at last DSVBK assoc change. 00E8 232 Bitstring 64 RCCVALID Mask of CPUs that have valid association to DSVBKs. 0128 296 Address 4 RCCTOPBF Address of pre-allocated buffer from which to "allocate" TOPBKs 012C 300 Signed 4 RCCTOPBS Length in bytes of the RCCTOPBF buffer 0130 304 Address 4 RCCTOPCU Cursor/pointer into the RCCTOPBF buffer from where the next TOPBK should be allocated. Miscellaneous data fields RCCPROC and RCCCORE are dynamically allocated limits and should be used solely for any dynamically allocated structures. For compile time structures refer to HCPEQUAT for associated allocation limits. 0134 308 Signed 2 RCCPROC MIN of z/VM supported limit on maximum number of LCPUs and partition supported limit on maximum number of cores times the max threading level. Used to allocate PFXPG table array and SXLBK related arrays. This is a limit on the number of CPUs AND the maximum allowed CPU address. 0136 310 Signed 2 RCCCORE MIN of z/VM supported limit on maximum number of LCPUs and partition supported limit on maximum number of cores. used to allocate CORBK table array. This is a limit on the number of cores AND the maximum allowed core address. 0138 312 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0138 312 Signed 8 RCCSTPST TOD value at last system timer pop interval 0140 320 Signed 8 RCCSTPT Smoothed total processor time (microsec) in last time interval The RCCTOPDX contains the index into the VMUTOPDA array that was used during the last rebalance operation. This field is used to maintain the VMUTOPDA array such that the Nth entry of each array for every VMUBK is for the same rebalance operation. RCCTOPDX is also used as an index into the SRXNICPF, SRXLIUSG, SRXVMDCT, SRXACGUS and SRXNIPAD, all fields related to rebalance and park/unpark operations. 0148 328 Bitstring 1 RCCTOPDX Zero based index into the most recent element in the SRXNICPF, SRXLIUSG, SRXVMDCT, SRXACGUS, SRXNIPAD, and VMUTOPDA arrays. This field is serialized by the same mechanism as the rebalance operation. It is updated by HCPHIPTM and used by park/unpark calculations (HCPHIC) and rebalance (HCPDSBRB). 0149 329 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use. 014C 332 Signed 4 RCCREBAL Count of the number of times a rebalance was done on this system. The following fields are used to build two arrays of origin VMUBKs for use by the DSVBK rebalance routine. Storage for the array is obtained at system IPL time. The arrays are rebuilt each time the guest CPU usage prediction routine is called. The prediction routine is called by the Periodic HiperDispatch routine before it calls the rebalance routine. There are two arrays built because rebalance wants to assign new home DSVBKs first to the guests with the largest predicted future CPU usage. So the first array is built unordered at the beginning of this buffer and then a quick sort is done to order them by predicted usage. The second array is maintained at the end of the buffer working backward through the buffer. This This array contains all origin VMUBKs whose predicted CPU usage is below a certain threshold as defined in HCPVMU. This second array is built to make the quick sort as efficient as possible by keeping the potentially large number of inactive guests out of the array that needs to be sorted. There is very little difference in the predicted CPU usage of all of these guests and so no real need to sort them. Serialization of these arrays is accomplished with the RCCVMULK defer lock. This lock is obtained at the time the arrays are populated with VMUBK addresses. This is done early in the Periodic HiperDispatch routine which is driven once every two seconds. The lock is held from the time population of the arrays begins until near the end of the Periodic HiperDispatch routine processing when the rebalance function completes. This lock is held to ensure no VMUBKs in either array can be released by logoff before all of the rebalance function completes. Note that because this lock is obtained early and held continuously across most of the Periodic HiperDispatch routine, other locks are obtained after RCCVMULK was obtained. Therefore RCCVMULK must always be obtained prior to obtaining any of the following: vary lock, scheduler lock, topology lock. An entry (element) in the arrays consists of two fields which are mapped by the VMUARYEN DSECT in HCPVMUBK: 1) a fullword pointer to an origin VMUBK 2) a fullword CPU usage value which is a scaled percentage of the guest's total predicted CPU usage for the next interval. 0150 336 Dbl-Word 8 RCCVMULK (3) Defer lock used to serialize the ordered and unordered arrays of VMUBKs (see lock heirarchy info in the block comment above) 00000100 RCCVMUPC 256 Count of pages of contiguous storage to reserve at IPL time for these arrays. This number is enough to have origin VMUBKs for 100,000 guests plus 20,000+ extra for things like AT command VMDBKs. A CKMAINT macro invocation in the module that obtains this storage verifies it is enough. 0168 360 Address 4 RCCVMUOA HLA start address of the ordered array of origin VMUBKs 016C 364 Signed 4 RCCVMUOC Count of the number of elements in use in the RCCVMUOA array 0170 368 Signed 4 RCCVMUUC Count of the number of elements in use in the RCCVMUUA array 0174 372 Address 4 RCCVMUUA HLA addr of 1st entry in array of origin VMUBKs with small predicted CPU usage. This is at the end of the storage buffer that starts at the address in RCCVMUOA. This array will be filled in by backing up into the buffer 0178 376 Address 4 RCCVMUPP HLA pointer to a one-page buffer to be used as a work area by the VMUBK array sort routine and also by the dispatch vector rebalance routine 017C 380 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use. Other fields used for HiperDispatch. The WHIBK pointer and the WHIBK control block are serialized by restricting their use within a loop of sequential routines which execute after a timer pop. These fields are modified by HCPWHI and viewed by HCPHIC. These routines cannot be re-entered until the next timer pop because a single TRQBK is repeatedly used for this purpose and it is not re-stacked by the calling routine until all of the routines complete. 0180 384 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0180 384 Signed 4 RCCWHIBK HLA pointer to the WHIBK, obtained and used by HCPWHI for white-space predictions. 0184 388 Signed 2 RCCCPUCT (24) Array of counts of CPUs which are associated with DSVBKs, indexed first by CPU type, then by polarization. Serialized by the topology lock. Counts include dedicated CPUs. 00000030 RCCCPUCT_len *-RCCCPUCT Length of array Similar to RCCWHIBK above, RCCNUPK is serialized by being set and used in sequential routines executed after a timer pop. RCCNUPK is set in HCPHIC when the decision about which CPUs should be in the unparked state is made. RCCNUPK is later used when creating the park/unpark decision monitor event record. The timer is not restacked until after the monitor record has been generated, thus preventing HCPHIC from running again and modifying this field until it has been consumed. 01B4 436 Signed 2 RCCNUPK (6) Array of counts of CPUs that are requested to be in the unparked state for the next interval, indexed by CPU type. RCPU side car trace table token. No serialization is needed, as the RCCTRACE field is modified only at initialization. 01C0 448 Signed 4 RCCTRACE Token for RCPU function trace table. Similar to RCCWHIBK and RCCNUPK, RCCOSCCT is serialized by being set and used in sequential routines executed after a timer pop. RCCOSCCT is used in HCPHICCC to decide whether to leave one extra CPU unparked to avoid park/unpark oscillation. 01C4 452 Signed 2 RCCOSCCT (6) Array of times in a row that HCPHICCC has predicted it will need exactly one less CPU than it currently has unparked. Indexed by CPU type. These arrays are allocated for two purposes: 1. When CP is running in a dedicated partition, they (RCCTUTIL and RCCTTIME) are used in calculating utilization which must be done differently when the logical processors are dedicated to physical processors. 2. Calculating a (per-CPU-type-pool) T/V ratio. That is, within a given CPU type, a ratio of non-wait execution time to guest emulation (run under SIE) time. This is used when making park/unpark decisions to gauge the potential MP overhead savings by parking a CPU. The arrays have MAXRPROC doubleword entries and are indexed by cpu address. At each interval the value of non-wait execution time in microseconds since the CPU was brought online is calculated using PFXTMSYS and PFXUTIME. HCPWHI calculates utilization for the interval as the difference from the non-wait execution time of the prior interval. The same calculation is performed for guest emulation time. 01D0 464 Address 4 RCCTUTIL HLA pointer to the array of interval utilization in micro- seconds calculated from PFXTMSYS and PFXUTIME since the last interval. 01D4 468 Address 4 RCCTTIME HLA pointer to the array of non-wait execution time in microseconds calculated from PFXTMSYS and PFXUTIME. 01D8 472 Address 4 RCCVUTIL HLA pointer to the array of interval utilization in micro- seconds calculated from PFXPRBTM since the last interval. 01DC 476 Address 4 RCCVTIME HLA pointer to the array of guest emulation time in microseconds calculated from PFXPRBTM. These fields are used to record the duration of HCPSGRSP SIGP Restarts. Monitor record MRPRCPUP (D5R16) records the duration and count in the D5R16 record. Note, however, that RCCSIGTD and RCCSIGCT include SIGP Restarts for operations unrelated to processor parking. 01E0 480 Dbl-Word 8 RCCSIGTM Work area for timestamp used to calculate the duration of SIGP restart operations. Serialized by vary proc lock. 01E8 488 Dbl-Word 8 RCCSIGTE Work area for timestamp used to calculate the duration of SIGP restart operations. Serialized by vary proc lock. 01F0 496 Dbl-Word 8 RCCSIGTD Cumulative duration of time spent in SIGP restarts expressed as the sum of the TOD clock increments between the time the SIGP restart started and returned. Serialized by vary proc lock. 01F8 504 Signed 4 RCCSIGCT Cumulative count of successful SIGP restarts. Serialized by vary proc lock. 01FC 508 Address 4 RCCLPDCY Address to a copy of the previous diagnose x'204' data buffer. We copy the buffer just before we issue a new diagnose x'204' so that we can compare between the previous and current intervals data. RCCxCAPy: CPU Capability formats from STSI 1.2.2 in integer and binary floating point formats. - If the secondary value (integer or BFP) is zero, then all processors have the same capability, reflected in the primary value. - If the nominal value (integer or BFP) is zero, then processors are currently operating at their nominal capability, reflected in the primary or secondary value. - Integer values are rounded from BFP values, except that a near-zero BFP value is rounded up to integer 1. Function : In zEC12 and earlier machines, STSI 1.2.2 reports only integer values for CPU capability fields. In z13 and later machines, the CPU capability is given as an integer or as a binary floating point number. We want to store both values for all architectures for monitor and accounting records' backward compatibility. Serialized : Serialized by SYSTEM VMDBK Dispatch lock for store and none for fetch (it's just a snapshot of fields). 0200 512 Signed 4 RCCCCAPF CPU Capability in BFP format 0204 516 Signed 4 RCCCCAPI CPU Capability in integer format 0208 520 Signed 4 RCCSCAPF Secondary CPU Cap in BFP format 020C 524 Signed 4 RCCSCAPI Secondary CPU Cap in int format 0210 528 Signed 4 RCCNCAPF Nominal CPU Cap in BFP format 0214 532 Signed 4 RCCNCAPI Nominal CPU Cap in int format START OF MULTITHREADING CONFIGURATION DATA. Multithreading(MT) facility related fields. Notes : RCCMTTDW is set at initialization and RCCACMNT is serialized by SMT configuration lock (SMTSMTLK) plus Vary Proc Lock (HCPRCCVA). 0218 536 Bitstring 1 RCCMTTDW Multithreading thread id width 0219 537 Bitstring 1 * (3) Reserved 021C 540 Signed 4 * Reserved 0220 544 Bitstring 1 RCCACMNT (6) Actual numbers of activated threads per CPU type 0220 544 Address 1 RCCACCP Activated threads for CP cores 0221 545 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED 0222 546 Address 1 RCCACZAP Activated threads for ZAAP cores 0223 547 Address 1 RCCACIFL Activated threads for IFL cores 0224 548 Address 1 RCCACICF Activated threads for ICF cores 0225 549 Address 1 RCCACZIP Activated threads for ZIIP cores 0226 550 Bitstring 1 * (2) Reserved END OF SMTSMTLK SERIALIZED DATA SECTION. END OF MULTITHREADING CONFIGURATION DATA. These arrays are allocated for dedicated partition utilization calculation when multithreading is enabled. The arrays have RCCMXCOR+1 doubleword entries and are indexed by core ID. 0228 552 Address 4 RCCDPTUT HLA pointer to the array of interval utilization in micro- seconds calculated from CPUMF MT-1 counters and core cycle speed since the last interval 022C 556 Address 4 RCCDPTTM HLA pointer to the array of non-wait execution time in microseconds calculated from CPUMF MT-1 counters and core cycle speed 00000000 RCCCORLO 0 Lowest valid core ID (0). 0230 560 Address 2 RCCMXCOR Max core ID supported for current multithreading configuration settings. 0232 562 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use. 0234 564 Address 4 RCCCORST Start address of CORBKs contiguously allocated and indexed by core ID. 0238 568 Signed 4 RCCSPCP CP engine speed in cycles per microsecond. 023C 572 Signed 4 RCCSCCP Count of speed changes for CPs. 0240 576 Signed 4 RCCSPSPC Specialty engine speed in cycles per microsecond. 0244 580 Signed 4 RCCSCSPC Count of speed changes for specialty engines. Start of HISMT related information used by the HISMT service or invokers of the service. 0248 584 Dbl-Word 8 RCCCTtoPC (0) CPU Type to HISMT ProcClassIndex conversion table. Used to convert from architected CPU type codes to the ProcClass values used by the HISMT service. x'FF' indicates an unsupported CPU type value. 0248 584 Address 4 * (0) Force a cross reference 0248 584 Address 1 * CP CPU Type 0249 585 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 024A 586 Address 1 * zAAP CPU Type 024B 587 Address 1 * IFL CPU Type 024C 588 Address 1 * ICF CPU Type 024D 589 Address 1 * zIIP CPU Type 024E 590 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 024F 591 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 0250 592 Dbl-Word 8 RCCPCtoCT (0) ProcClass to HISMT ProcClass Index conversion table. Used to convert from ProcClass values used by the HISMT service to architected CPU type codes. x'FF' indicates an unsupported CPU type value. 0250 592 Address 1 * CP ProcClassIndex 0251 593 Address 1 * zAAP ProcClassIndex 0252 594 Address 1 * zIIP ProcClassIndex 0253 595 Address 1 * ICF ProcClassIndex 0254 596 Address 1 * IFL ProcClassIndex 0255 597 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 0256 598 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 0257 599 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED FOR IBM USE. 0258 600 Signed 8 RCCHSTTM Time for next HISMT call for historic values. Value is in TOD units. 0260 608 Address 4 RCCMTCTR HCPMTC Timer Task TRQBK address used to control timing of calls for CBF and historic metric data calculations. HCPMTC function identifiers used internally to identify the specific function using the HISMT service. These equates must be assigned values corresponding to the ordering of the bits in RCCHMDIS and the entries in the RCCYMTUS array. 00000001 RCCYMTCB 1 ID for HISMT user = CBF 00000002 RCCYMTHD 2 ID for HISMT user = historic metric data. 00000003 RCCYMTMC 3 ID for HISMT user = SRXMCF. 00000004 RCCYMTIN 4 ID for HISMT user = Indicate Multithread. 00000005 RCCYMTMN 5 ID for HISMT user = MT sample data for Monitor. 00000005 RCCYMTMX RCCYMTMN Maximum function identifier. HISMT/HISYMT related data areas. These data areas contain values needed for HISMT invocations. These data areas are allocated only MT is enabled. The contents of the data area are mapped by the RCCYMTDS DSECT. Each of the data areas is serialized by the task that invokes it which are singleton tasks, each of which never executes on multiple processors concurrently. 0264 612 Address 4 RCCYMTUS (5) Array of HISMT related data areas. 0264 612 Address 4 RCCCBYMT HISMT related data area for CBF Timer Task (HCPMTCTL). Serialized by singleton nature of CBF Timer Task. Mapped by RCCYMTDS. 0268 616 Address 4 RCCHDYMT HISMT related data area for historic Data requests (HCPMTCTL). Serialized by singleton nature of CBF Timer Task. Mapped by RCCYMTDS. 026C 620 Address 4 RCCMCYMT HISMT related data area for SRXMCF and CoreBusyTime calculations (HCPMTCSR). Serialized by singleton nature of Hiperdispatch timer task. Mapped by RCCYMTDS. 0270 624 Address 4 RCCINYMT HISMT related data area for HCPSTPGS usage for Serialized by singleton nature of HCPSTPGS. Indicate Multithread. Mapped by RCCYMTDS. 0274 628 Address 4 RCCMNYMT HISMT related data area Monitor MT Sample data. Serialized by the Monitor command lock. Mapped by RCCYMTDS. End of HISMT/HISYMT related data areas. 0278 632 Signed 4 RCCHMSTA (0) HISMT usage status word. 0278 632 Address 1 RCCHMDIS HISMT service disabled. RCCHMDIS is used to indicate when an error was returned from a call to HISMT, or MT is not enabled so the use of the HISMT service was disabled. 1... .... RCCCBDIS X'80' RCCCBDIS CBF Task use of HISMT disabled. .1.. .... RCCHDDIS X'40' RCCHDDIS Historic data use of HISMT disabled. ..1. .... RCCMCDIS X'20' RCCMCDIS SRXMCF management and CoreBusyTime use of HISMT disabled. ...1 .... RCCINDIS X'10' RCCINDIS Indicate MT use of HISMT disabled. .... 1... RCCMNDIS X'08' RCCMNDIS Monitor data use of HISMT disabled. 1111 1... RCCALDIS RCCCBDIS+RCCHDDIS+RCCMCDIS+RCCIND IS+RCCMNDIS RCCALDIS All disabled. 0279 633 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 027A 634 Address 1 RCCHMCSF HISMT Caller-specific flags. 1... .... RCCMNCS1 X'80' RCCMNCS1 Monitor has initialized HISMT but not extracted the first set of metrics, which should be discarded. 027B 635 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 027C 636 Address 4 RCCHMT Pointer to a table of HISMT data by CPU type used by HCPSTP. Rows of the table are indexed by values of PFXCPUTY. Rows of the table are mapped by the RCCHMTDS DSECT. The table is allocated during initialization by HCPIOP. Row count is RCCHMTCT. Row length is RCCHMTLN. 00000006 RCCHMTCT 6 Count of rows (CPU types) in the table. Historic HISMT metric values The historic values are kept in fullword arrays indexed by ProcClass. The arrays are only updated by the HISMT service when invoked by the MTC Timer Task. The serialization for updates to the arrays is provided implicitly by the fact that there is a single instance of the task in the system. These arrays are initialized to default values at CP initialization. The default for all values will be 1 with the scaling HISMT uses which is defined by HisMT_Entry_kMetricFactor to be 1024. 0280 640 Address 4 * (0) Force a cross reference 0280 640 Address 4 RCCHPROD (5) ProcClass historic values per ProcClass. 0294 660 Address 4 RCCHCAP (5) CapClass historic values per ProcClass. 02A8 680 Address 4 RCCHMCAP (5) MaxCapClass historic values per ProcClass. 02BC 700 Address 4 RCCHCBF (5) CBFClass historic values per ProcClass. 02D0 720 Signed 8 RCCSTPCR Time of second to last system timer pop interval Processor Pool information. 02D8 728 Bitstring 1 RCCPLFLG Processor Pools flag byte. 1... .... RCCPOOLS X'80' RCCPOOLS Pools-defined flag. When one, one or more pools are defined and RCCPLNAM specifies the pool name of the pool this partition is assigned to. When zero, no pools are defined. 02D9 729 Character 7 * Reserved for IBM use. 02E0 736 Character 8 RCCPLNAM When RCCPOOLS is zero, the RCCPLNAM field is undefined. When one, the RCCPLNAM field is defined as follows: - When RCCPLNAM is binary zeros, the logical partition is associated with the default processor pool. - When nonzero, it contains the left- justified EBCDIC name of the pool with which the partition is affiliated, padded on the right with blanks. Distributed shared-exclusive spinlock data areas. This is the start address of the area that contains all SXLBKs and all SXLENs in the system. See the prolog of HCPSXLBK for a description of how the data structures are organized. 02E8 744 Address 4 RCCSXLKS Address of start of shared- exclusive spinlock per processor data. Unchanging after it is set during IPL. 02EC 748 Bitstring 1 RCCDEDMK Dedicated CPU Type Mask. Updates serialized by HCPRCCVA. 02EC 748 Bitstring 1 RCCDEDTP Dedicated CPU Type Mask. The mask is indexed by the CPU type value with the bit on if the CPU type is dedicated. 02ED 749 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use. Temporary bitmask that is MAXVMPRC in length, the address of which is passed to HCPDSBQU as a quiesce mask. This field is serialized by the VARY PROC lock 02F0 752 Dbl-Word 8 RCCDSBQU (2) Temporary quiesce bitmask for input to HCPDSBQU Shield management 0300 768 Dbl-Word 8 RCCSHLLK (3) SHIELD control lock: shared/excl defer lock. Serializes related fields in RCCBK, PFXPG, VMDBK. 0318 792 Bitstring 4 RCCSHLWD (0) Shield control flag word 0318 792 Bitstring 1 RCCSHELD Flag byte that controls CPPROTECT command defaults for MODE2 1... .... RCCSHLDF X'80' RCCSHLDF MODE2 Default is ON 0319 793 Address 1 RCCSHLPC Protection class desired and active status for the system 1111 .... RCCSHLRQ X'F0' RCCSHLRQ Desired protection mask 1... .... RCCSHLR1 X'80' RCCSHLR1 Protect mode 1 requested .1.. .... RCCSHLR2 X'40' RCCSHLR2 Protect mode 2 requested ..1. .... RCCSHLR3 X'20' RCCSHLR3 reserved ...1 .... RCCSHLR4 X'10' RCCSHLR4 reserved .... 1111 RCCSHLAC X'0F' RCCSHLAC Active protection mask .... 1... RCCSHLA1 X'08' RCCSHLA1 Protect mode 1 active .... .1.. RCCSHLA2 X'04' RCCSHLA2 Protect mode 2 active .... ..1. RCCSHLA3 X'02' RCCSHLA3 reserved .... ...1 RCCSHLA4 X'01' RCCSHLA4 reserved 031A 794 Bitstring 1 RCCSHLHC Hardware Protection characteristics 1111 .... RCCSHLCP X'F0' RCCSHLCP Installed HW capabilities 1... .... RCCSHLC1 X'80' RCCSHLC1 Mode 1 protection installed .1.. .... RCCSHLC2 X'40' RCCSHLC2 Mode 2 protection installed ..1. .... RCCSHLC3 X'20' RCCSHLC3 reserved ...1 .... RCCSHLC4 X'10' RCCSHLC4 reserved .... 1111 RCCSHLIH X'0F' RCCSHLIH Inherent HW capabilities .... 1... RCCSHLI1 X'08' RCCSHLI1 Inherent mode 1 protection .... .1.. RCCSHLI2 X'04' RCCSHLI2 inherent mode 2 protection .... ..1. RCCSHLI3 X'02' RCCSHLI3 reserved .... ...1 RCCSHLI4 X'01' RCCSHLI4 reserved 031B 795 Bitstring 1 RCCSHLZP Hook zap table status 1... .... RCCSHLZ0 X'80' RCCSHLZ0 Hook type 2 installed .1.. .... RCCSHLZ1 X'40' RCCSHLZ1 Hook type 3 installed ..1. .... RCCSHLZ2 X'20' RCCSHLZ2 Hook type 5 installed End of RCCSHLWD redefinitions 031C 796 Signed 4 RCCCOUNT Count of users with MODE2 ON End of the RCCBK 0320 800 Signed 4 RCCBKEND (0) End of the RCCBK
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RCCHMTDS RCPU DATA AREA MAPPING 0000 0 Signed 4 RCCCF Capacity factor. 0004 4 Signed 4 RCCMCF Max capacity factor. 0008 8 Signed 4 RCCUTIL Utilization 000C 12 Signed 4 RCCPROD Productivity. 0010 16 Signed 4 RCCDENS Thread Density. 0014 20 Signed 4 RCCBUSY Type busy percentage. 0018 24 Signed 4 RCCTHRCL Activated thread count. 001C 28 Bitstring 1 RCCCHANG Flag byte for nonfatal HISMT return codes 1... .... RCCSPCH X'80' RCCSPCH A speed change was detected. 001D 29 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use. 00000020 RCCHMTLN *-RCCHMTDS Length of array element. This DSECT maps the HISMT/HISYMT related data areas.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RCCYMTDS RCPU DATA AREA MAPPING 0000 0 Address 4 RCCYMTAD Address of HISYMT area. 0004 4 Signed 4 RCCYMTLN HISYMT area length in bytes. 0008 8 Signed 4 RCCYMTRC Last HISMT return code. 000C 12 Signed 4 RCCYMTRS (0) Last HISMT reason code. 000C 12 Signed 2 RCCYMTR1 Bits 0-15 undefined, but are set to zeros by HISMT MACRO. HCPMTC overlays it with the flags below after HISMT. Reason code testing should be done using RCCYMTR2. 000C 12 Bitstring 1 RCCYMTFL Copy of HisMTHdr.HisMTFlg. 000D 13 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 000E 14 Signed 2 RCCYMTR2 Reason code is bits 16-31. 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 RCCYMTPL (8) HISMT parmeter list plus room for growth. 00000050 RCCYMTDL *-RCCYMTDS HISMT/HISYMT related data area length in bytes. 0000000A RCCYMTDD (RCCYMTDL+7)/8 HISMT/HISYMT related data area length in doublewords.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure RCCTOPDC RCPU DATA AREA MAPPING 0000 0 Bitstring 8 RCCTOPDA (512) Topology description array. Describes the system topology of each processor. Indexed by CPU address. 00001000 RCCTOPLN *-RCCTOPDC Topology description array length in bytes 00000200 RCCTOPDD (RCCTOPLN+7)/8 Topology description array length in Double Words 0000 0 Signed 2 RCCTOPDI Dispatch vector id to which a CPU is associated 0002 2 Bitstring 4 RCCTOPDS Topo descriptor of DSV assigned. This topology descriptor or identifier consists of the container IDs (TOPCNTID) for the TOPBKs in the topology tree above the DSVBK specified in RCCTOPDI. These container IDs are positioned left to right with the highest (greatest TOPNL value) TOPBKs listed first. 0006 6 Bitstring 2 RCCTOPRS Reserved for IBM use End of RCCTOPDA entry mapping
  RCCBK Storage Layout Top of page
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RCCURCQ                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         RCCSRCQ           |          RCCSFQ           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         RCCRCNUM          |         RCCSVNUM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCSFQL                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       RCCICFAB                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       RCCLNINT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         RCCNOINT          |         RCCMAXAV          |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  60 |         RCCMINSV          |:STFLG|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  68 |                       RCCMPDLY                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |:MPDAC|////////////////////|         RCCMPCQ0          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         RCCMPCQ1          |         RCCMPSQ0          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         RCCMPSQ1          |          RCC111           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |          RCC122           |         RCC111NT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         RCC122NT          |         RCCEMSFL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         RCCEMSOF          |         RCCEMSON          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |:EMSLF|:EMSFF|:EMSNF|//////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |:TOPFG|:STSIP|/////////////|         RCC151X           |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         RCCTOPPL          |         RCCTOPCH          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         RCCDEDCT          |         RCCDSVCH          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E0 |                       RCCDSVTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCVALID                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 128 |         RCCTOPBF          |         RCCTOPBS          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 130 |         RCCTOPCU          |  RCCPROC    |  RCCCORE    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 138 |                       RCCSTPST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 140 |                       RCCSTPT                         |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* 148 |:TOPDX|////////////////////|         RCCREBAL          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* 150 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCVMULK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |         RCCVMUOA          |         RCCVMUOC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 170 |         RCCVMUUC          |         RCCVMUUA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 178 |         RCCVMUPP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |         RCCWHIBK          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
* 188 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCCPUCT                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
* 1B0 |                           |         RCCNUPK           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1C0 |         RCCTRACE          |         RCCOSCCT          |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1D0 |         RCCTUTIL          |         RCCTTIME          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1D8 |         RCCVUTIL          |         RCCVTIME          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1E0 |                       RCCSIGTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1E8 |                       RCCSIGTE                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1F0 |                       RCCSIGTD                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1F8 |         RCCSIGCT          |         RCCLPDCY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 200 |         RCCCCAPF          |         RCCCCAPI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 208 |         RCCSCAPF          |         RCCSCAPI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 210 |         RCCNCAPF          |         RCCNCAPI          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* 218 |:MTTDW|////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 220 |                RCCACMNT                 | 226
*     +-----------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for RCCACMNT in RCCBK
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
* 220 |:ACCP |//////|:ACZAP|:ACIFL|:ACICF|:ACZIP|/////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
* 228 |         RCCDPTUT          |         RCCDPTTM          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 230 |  RCCMXCOR   |/////////////|         RCCCORST          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 238 |         RCCSPCP           |         RCCSCCP           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 240 |         RCCSPSPC          |         RCCSCSPC          |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 248 |//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 250 |//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 258 |                       RCCHSTTM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 260 |         RCCMTCTR          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       RCCYMTUS                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 278
*** Overlay for RCCACMNT in RCCBK
*** Overlay for RCCYMTUS in RCCBK
*                                 +---------------------------+
* 260 ...                     264 |         RCCCBYMT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 268 |         RCCHDYMT          |         RCCMCYMT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |         RCCINYMT          |         RCCMNYMT          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 278 |:HMDIS|//////|:HMCSF|//////|          RCCHMT           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 280 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCHPROD                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
* 290 |                           |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       RCCHCAP                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2A8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCHMCAP                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
* 2B8 |                           |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       RCCHCBF                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2D0 |                       RCCSTPCR                        |
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
* 2D8 |:PLFLG|////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
* 2E0 |                       RCCPLNAM                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 2E8 |         RCCSXLKS          |:DEDMK| 2ED
*     +---------------------------+------+
*** Overlay for RCCYMTUS in RCCBK
*** Overlay for RCCDEDMK in RCCBK
*                                 +------+--------------------+
* 2E8 ...                     2EC |:DEDTP|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 2F0 |                       RCCDSBQU                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 300 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCSHLLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 318 |:SHELD|:SHLPC|:SHLHC|:SHLZP|         RCCCOUNT          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*** Overlay for RCCDEDMK in RCCBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |          RCCCF            |          RCCMCF           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         RCCUTIL           |         RCCPROD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         RCCDENS           |         RCCBUSY           |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  18 |         RCCTHRCL          |:CHANG|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  20
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         RCCYMTAD          |         RCCYMTLN          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |         RCCYMTRC          |  RCCYMTR1   | E
*     +---------------------------+-------------+
*** Overlay for RCCYMTR1 in RCCYMTDS
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
*   8 ...                       C |:YMTFL|//////|  RCCYMTR2   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  10 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCYMTPL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50
*** Overlay for RCCYMTR1 in RCCYMTDS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCTOPDA                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for RCCTOPDA in RCCTOPDC
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
*   0 |  RCCTOPDI   |         RCCTOPDS          |  RCCTOPRS   |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
*   8
*** Overlay for RCCTOPDA in RCCTOPDC
  RCCBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
RCCACCP        0220
RCCACICF       0224
RCCACIFL       0223
RCCACMNT       0220
RCCACZAP       0222
RCCACZIP       0225
RCCALDIS       0278 F8
RCCBKEND       0320
RCCBUSY        0014
RCCCBDIS       0278 80
RCCCBYMT       0264
RCCCCAPF       0200
RCCCCAPI       0204
RCCCF          0000
RCCCHANG       001C
RCCCORE        0136
RCCCORLO       022C 00000000
RCCCORST       0234
RCCCOUNT       031C
RCCCPUCT       0184
RCCCPUCT_len   0184 00000030
RCCCTtoPC      0248
RCCDEDCT       00D8
RCCDENS        0010
RCCDPTTM       022C
RCCDPTUT       0228
RCCDSBQU       02F0
RCCDSVTM       00E0
RCCEMSAR       00A8 80
RCCEMSAR       00A9 80
RCCEMSAR       00AA 80
RCCEMSFF       00A9
RCCEMSFL       009C
RCCEMSFS       00A8
RCCEMSLC       00A8 20
RCCEMSLC       00A9 20
RCCEMSLC       00AA 20
RCCEMSLF       00A8
RCCEMSNC       00A8 10
RCCEMSNC       00A9 10
RCCEMSNC       00AA 10
RCCEMSOF       00A0
RCCEMSON       00A4
RCCEMSSM       00A8 40
RCCEMSSM       00A9 40
RCCEMSSM       00AA 40
RCCHCAP        0294
RCCHCBF        02BC
RCCHDDIS       0278 40
RCCHDYMT       0268
RCCHMCAP       02A8
RCCHMCSF       027A
RCCHMDIS       0278
RCCHMSTA       0278
RCCHMT         027C
RCCHMTCT       027C 00000006
RCCHMTLN       001D 00000020
RCCHPROD       0280
RCCHSTTM       0258
RCCICFAB       0048
RCCINDIS       0278 10
RCCINYMT       0270
RCCLNINT       0050
RCCMAXAV       005C
RCCMCDIS       0278 20
RCCMCF         0004
RCCMCYMT       026C
RCCMINSV       0060
RCCMNCS1       027A 80
RCCMNDIS       0278 08
RCCMNEST       00C9 07
RCCMNYMT       0274
RCCMPCQ0       007C
RCCMPCQ1       0080
RCCMPDAC       0078
RCCMPDLY       0068
RCCMPSQ0       0084
RCCMPSQ1       0088
RCCMTCTR       0260
RCCMTTDW       0218
RCCMXAVS       0058 08
RCCMXCOR       0230
RCCNCAPF       0210
RCCNCAPI       0214
RCCNOINT       0058
RCCNUPK        01B4
RCCOSCCT       01C4
RCCPCtoCT      0250
RCCPLFLG       02D8
RCCPLNAM       02E0
RCCPOOLS       02D8 80
RCCPROC        0134
RCCPROD        000C
RCCRCNUM       0010
RCCREBAL       014C
RCCSAVL        0064 80
RCCSCAPF       0208
RCCSCAPI       020C
RCCSCCP        023C
RCCSCSPC       0244
RCCSFQ         000C
RCCSFQL        0018
RCCSHELD       0318
RCCSHLAC       0319 0F
RCCSHLA1       0319 08
RCCSHLA2       0319 04
RCCSHLA3       0319 02
RCCSHLA4       0319 01
RCCSHLCP       031A F0
RCCSHLC1       031A 80
RCCSHLC2       031A 40
RCCSHLC3       031A 20
RCCSHLC4       031A 10
RCCSHLDF       0318 80
RCCSHLHC       031A
RCCSHLIH       031A 0F
RCCSHLI1       031A 08
RCCSHLI2       031A 04
RCCSHLI3       031A 02
RCCSHLI4       031A 01
RCCSHLLK       0300
RCCSHLPC       0319
RCCSHLRQ       0319 F0
RCCSHLR1       0319 80
RCCSHLR2       0319 40
RCCSHLR3       0319 20
RCCSHLR4       0319 10
RCCSHLWD       0318
RCCSHLZP       031B
RCCSHLZ0       031B 80
RCCSHLZ1       031B 40
RCCSHLZ2       031B 20
RCCSIGCT       01F8
RCCSIGTD       01F0
RCCSIGTE       01E8
RCCSIGTM       01E0
RCCSPCH        001C 80
RCCSPCP        0238
RCCSPSPC       0240
RCCSRCQ        0008
RCCSTFLG       0064
RCCSTPCR       02D0
RCCSTPST       0138
RCCSTPT        0140
RCCSTSIP       00C9
RCCSVNUM       0014
RCCSXLKS       02E8
RCCTHRCL       0018
RCCTOPBF       0128
RCCTOPBS       012C
RCCTOPCH       00D4
RCCTOPCU       0130
RCCTOPDA       0000
RCCTOPDD       0000 00000200
RCCTOPDI       0000
RCCTOPDS       0002
RCCTOPDX       0148
RCCTOPFG       00C8
RCCTOPLN       0000 00001000
RCCTOPPL       00D0
RCCTOPRS       0006
RCCTOPSP       00C8 80
RCCTRACE       01C0
RCCTTIME       01D4
RCCTUTIL       01D0
RCCURCQ        0000
RCCUTIL        0008
RCCVALID       00E8
RCCVMULK       0150
RCCVMUOA       0168
RCCVMUOC       016C
RCCVMUPC       0150 00000100
RCCVMUPP       0178
RCCVMUUA       0174
RCCVMUUC       0170
RCCVUTIL       01D8
RCCWHIBK       0180
RCCYMTAD       0000
RCCYMTCB       0260 00000001
RCCYMTDD       0010 0000000A
RCCYMTDL       0010 00000050
RCCYMTFL       000C
RCCYMTHD       0260 00000002
RCCYMTIN       0260 00000004
RCCYMTLN       0004
RCCYMTMC       0260 00000003
RCCYMTMN       0260 00000005
RCCYMTMX       0260 00000005
RCCYMTPL       0010
RCCYMTRC       0008
RCCYMTRS       000C
RCCYMTR1       000C
RCCYMTR2       000E
RCCYMTUS       0264
RCC111         008C
RCC111NT       0094
RCC122         0090
RCC122NT       0098
RCC151x        00CC
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:54:16 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022