Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure PPRLG Pending Page Release Log
0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 PPRLGENT PPRLG entry
00000008 PPRLGESZ *-PPRLGENT PPRLG entry size in
0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 * (120) Log (56-small, 120-large)
000003C8 PPRLGOFS *-PPRLG Displacement to Last
03C8 968 Dbl-Word 8 PPRLE Last entry
000003D0 PPRLGSZ *-PPRLG Log size in bytes
03D0 976 Dbl-Word 8 PPRIASIT I-ASIT for log's space
03D8 984 Bitstring 1 PPRFLAG Flag byte
stacked This flag is set to
indicate that HCPPPRFR/KP/KL has
been unable to completely process
the PPRLG, and has stacked a call
to entry HCPPPRDF. If a
subsequent invocation of one of
HCPPPRFR/KP/KL occurs prior to
the unstack of the call to
HCPPPRDF, this flag will inform
HCPPPRFR/KP/KL that call to
HCPPPRDF is already stacked, and
another one is not necessary.
.1.. .... PPRFRET X'40' PPRFRET HCPPPRFR requests
log fret This flag is set to
indicate to HCPPPRDF that it
should NOT process the log, just
fret it. HCPPPRFR sets it if
PPRSTKD is already set.
03D9 985 Bitstring 1 * (7) reserved
0000007C PPRLGDWD (*-PPRLG+7)/8 Log size + lock in
Dwds. Total size + hdrs = 128DW
0000 0 Signed 4 PPRLO Low page range
0004 4 Signed 4 PPRHI High address of range
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