PCIHQ Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  PCIHQ Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: PCI Information block
 FUNCTION   : This control block contains information for
              real and virtual PCI functions.
 LOCATED BY : For RPCI (1 per system):
              SYSCM :: SYSPCIHQ (PCIHQ)
              For VPCI (1 per VMDBK):
 CREATED BY : HCPPCHIN - PCI Initialization (for RPCI)
              HCPBVMBK - Build a VMDBK (for VPCI)
  PCIHQ Control Block Content Top of page

 PCIHQ DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure PCIHQ PCI Information block 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 PCIHQLCK (3) Configuration lock (RPCI or VPCI) 0018 24 Address 4 PCIHQHQO Anchor for ordered list of R/VPCIs 001C 28 Address 4 PCIHQPFID Function ID hash table pointer 0020 32 Address 4 PCIHQHNDG General handle hash table pointer 0024 36 Address 4 PCIHQHNDE Enabled handle hash table pointer 0028 40 Address 4 PCIHQFPT PCI Facilities pointer 002C 44 Bitstring 20 * Reserved for future IBM use 0040 64 Bitstring 128 PCIHQINF RPCI or VPCI information This section is for fields associated with RPCIs 0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 PCIHQGLK (3) Shared/Exclusive Defer Lock to serialize the GAIT 0058 88 Address 4 PCIHQ2PG Address of 2-pages used for CLP cmds Serialized by PCIHQLCK when not used for system init & shutdown 005C 92 Bitstring 100 * Reserved for future IBM use This section is for fields associated with VPCIs 0040 64 Signed 4 PCIHQECB ECBBK 0044 68 Signed 4 PCIHQTIM Measurement timer 0048 72 Bitstring 116 * Reserved for future IBM use 00000018 PCIHQSIZ (*-PCIHQ+7)/8 SIZE OF PCI HASH QUEUE BLOCK
  PCIHQ Storage Layout Top of page
*** PCIHQ - PCI Information block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       PCIHQLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         PCIHQHQO          |        PCIHQPFID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |        PCIHQHNDG          |        PCIHQHNDE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         PCIHQFPT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                                                       |
*     =                       PCIHQINF                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0
*** PCIHQ - PCI Information block
*** Overlay for PCIHQINF in PCIHQ
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                                                       |
*     =                       PCIHQGLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         PCIHQ2PG          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*  60 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0
*** Overlay for PCIHQINF in PCIHQ
*** Overlay for PCIHQINF in PCIHQ
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         PCIHQECB          |         PCIHQTIM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////+---------------------------+
*     |///////////////////////////| BC
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for PCIHQINF in PCIHQ
  PCIHQ Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
PCIHQECB       0040
PCIHQFPT       0028
PCIHQGLK       0040
PCIHQHNDE      0024
PCIHQHNDG      0020
PCIHQHQO       0018
PCIHQINF       0040
PCIHQLCK       0000
PCIHQSIZ       0048 00000018
PCIHQTIM       0044
PCIHQ2PG       0058
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:53:18 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022