Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure NSDBK DEFSEG/DEFSYS parameter control block
0000 0 Bitstring 1 NSDOPTFG Operand/option flag
...1 .... NSDMINSZ X'10' NSDMINSZ If on, indicates
MINSIZE operand was specified.
..1. .... NSDPREGS X'20' NSDPREGS If on, indicates
PARMREGS operand was already
.1.. .... NSDSAMER X'40' NSDSAMER If on, indicates
that SAMErange operand was
already specified
1... .... NSDSSP X'80' NSDSSP If on, indicates
that the SPACE operand was
already specified
0001 1 Bitstring 1 NSDERRFG Error flag
1... .... NSDMSSCL X'80' NSDMSSCL Indicate that the
MSS (R8) SDFBK is to be closed
.1.. .... NSDMSSPU X'40' NSDMSSPU Indicate that the
MSS (R9) SDFBK is to be purged
..1. .... NSDSSPCL X'20' NSDSSPCL Indicate that the
SSP (R8) SDFBK is to be closed
...1 .... NSDSSPPU X'10' NSDSSPPU Indicate that the
SSP (R8) SDFBK is to be purged
.... 1... NSDNOMSG X'08' NSDNOMSG Indicates to exit
without sending a message
0002 2 Bitstring 1 NSDSTAFG Status flag
1... .... NSDMSSOR X'80' NSDMSSOR Indicates that the
member was found opened for reads
.1.. .... NSDNEWSP X'40' NSDNEWSP Indicates a new
SSP created. No need to return
frame from the call to HCPNSCFA.
..1. .... NSDSSPOR X'20' NSDSSPOR Indicates that the
segment space was found opened
for read
0003 3 Bitstring 1 NSDLCKFG *NSS SDF queue lock status
1... .... NSDSDFEX X'80' NSDSDFEX Indicates that the
*NSS SDF queue lock is held
..1. .... NSDSDFNO X'20' NSDSDFNO Indicates that the
*NSS SDF queue lock is not held
00000001 NSDBKDSZ (*-NSDBK+7)/8 NSDBK block size in
00000004 NSDBKBSZ (*-NSDBK) NSDBK block size in
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