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NAME : HCPMONEQ DESCRIPTION: Monitor Equate Symbols DSECT : MONEQ FUNCTION : Provide standardized equate symbols for domain and record numbers for monitor records. These equates should also be used to code the Monitor call instruction (MC) for event processing LOCATED BY : None CREATED BY : None : This file contains only constants and definitions to be used elsewhere therefore, it takes up no space and requires no storage. DELETED BY : NONE RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : None NOTES : Each domain is represented by a constant. The name of the constant for each domain is derived as follows: MONxxxCL Where MON - Three character control block id xxx - Three character domain id, where xxx is determined as follows: Domain 3 char id SYSTEM SYT MONITOR MTR SCHEDULER SCL STORAGE STO USER USE PROCESSOR PRC I/O IOD SEEK SEK NETWORK VND ISFC ISF APPLMON APL SSI SSI CL - Two character id indicating that this is a monitor class (used in coding the Monitor Call (MC) instruction. Each monitor record within a domain is represented by a constant. This constant defines the record number for the record. The name of the constant is derived as follows: MONyzzzC Where MON - Three character control block id y - One character domain id, where y is determined as follows: Domain 1 char id SYSTEM Y MONITOR M SCHEDULER C STORAGE T USER U PROCESSOR P I/O O SEEK K NETWORK N ISFC S APPLDATA A SSI X zzz - Three character record identifier. These three characters should be the same as the last three characters of the Monitor record that this constant represents. C - One character id indicating that this is a monitor code (used in coding the Monitor Call (MC) instruction. NOTE: The seek domain has violated this convention because there are three different interfaces to generate the same monitor record. This is and should remain as the only violation to this convention. Example of coding a monitor call: MC MONyzzzC,MONxxxCL i.e. MC code,class MC record,domain |
MONEQ Control Block Content | Top of page |
MONEQ Storage Layout | Top of page |
*** MONEQ - Monitor Equate Symbols * * *** MONEQ - Monitor Equate Symbols |
MONEQ Cross Reference | Top of page |
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- MONAEDTC 0000 01 MONAPLCL 0000 0A MONASDTC 0000 02 MONCADLC 0000 04 MONCAELC 0000 06 MONCALLC 0000 0D MONCDDLC 0000 05 MONCDLLC 0000 0E MONCIOPC 0000 0B MONCRDBC 0000 01 MONCRDCC 0000 02 MONCSCAC 0000 0C MONCSHRC 0000 09 MONCSQDC 0000 0A MONCSRMC 0000 07 MONCSTPC 0000 08 MONCWRRC 0000 03 MONDDUMC 0000 0000FFFF MONDUMCL 0000 FF MONIODCL 0000 06 MONISFCL 0000 09 MONKSEKC 0000 01 MONMAXDM 0000 0F MONMAZNC 0000 24 MONMCHCC 0000 20 MONMCPCC 0000 1C MONMCPDC 0000 1D MONMDDRC 0000 0E MONMDEVC 0000 06 MONMECCC 0000 12 MONMECMC 0000 02 MONMENCC 0000 22 MONMENDC 0000 0B MONMEOFC 0000 0D MONMEPRC 0000 01 MONMFCCC 0000 21 MONMHPPC 0000 14 MONMILCC 0000 18 MONMINDM 0000 00 MONMISCC 0000 17 MONMMCCC 0000 15 MONMMEMC 0000 07 MONMPAGC 0000 08 MONMPCCC 0000 23 MONMPCIC 0000 1B MONMPRPC 0000 05 MONMQDCC 0000 13 MONMSCHC 0000 10 MONMSCMC 0000 0A MONMSOSC 0000 0C MONMSPRC 0000 09 MONMSRVC 0000 1F MONMSSIC 0000 19 MONMSTPC 0000 16 MONMSUSC 0000 03 MONMSYSC 0000 04 MONMTOPC 0000 1A MONMTRCL 0000 01 MONMUSRC 0000 0F MONMXSGC 0000 11 MONNGLBL 0000 04 MONNLSCD 0000 03 MONNLSCU 0000 02 MONNSESC 0000 01 MONOALSC 0000 0A MONOATDC 0000 05 MONOATSC 0000 09 MONOBPAC 0000 21 MONOBPDC 0000 22 MONOBPSC 0000 23 MONOCADC 0000 04 MONOCHAC 0000 2F MONOCHDC 0000 30 MONOCHSC 0000 31 MONODCHC 0000 11 MONODDVC 0000 0F MONODEVC 0000 03 MONODSBC 0000 08 MONODTDC 0000 06 MONOENBC 0000 07 MONOFCAC 0000 33 MONOFCDC 0000 34 MONOFCSC 0000 32 MONOHPCC 0000 1D MONOHPFC 0000 20 MONOHPPC 0000 1C MONOLPTC 0000 1E MONOMDEC 0000 1F MONOMDVC 0000 10 MONOMOFC 0000 0E MONOMONC 0000 0D MONOPACC 0000 27 MONOPADC 0000 2A MONOPATC 0000 24 MONOPDLC 0000 2B MONOPDSC 0000 28 MONOPDTC 0000 25 MONOPENC 0000 26 MONOPERC 0000 29 MONOPMDC 0000 2C MONOPOFC 0000 2E MONOPONC 0000 2D MONOQDAC 0000 19 MONOQDDC 0000 1B MONOQDSC 0000 1A MONOSCSI 0000 18 MONOSECC 0000 35 MONOSOFC 0000 0C MONOSONC 0000 0B MONOSTCC 0000 14 MONOTOFC 0000 13 MONOTONC 0000 12 MONOVOFC 0000 02 MONOVONC 0000 01 MONOVSWC 0000 15 MONOVSWF 0000 16 MONOVSWR 0000 17 MONPAPCC 0000 09 MONPAPMC 0000 0A MONPCPUC 0000 13 MONPDHFC 0000 12 MONPDIAC 0000 0C MONPDSVC 0000 0F MONPINSC 0000 0B MONPIOPC 0000 08 MONPMFCC 0000 0D MONPMFMC 0000 14 MONPMFSC 0000 00000017 MONPPRPC 0000 03 MONPPUPC 0000 10 MONPRCCL 0000 05 MONPRCDC 0000 11 MONPSMTC 0000 15 MONPSXLC 0000 16 MONPTOPC 0000 0E MONPVOFC 0000 02 MONPVONC 0000 01 MONSCLCL 0000 02 MONSEKCL 0000 07 MONSILCC 0000 03 MONSISAC 0000 02 MONSISCC 0000 01 MONSNODC 0000 04 MONSSICL 0000 0B MONSTOCL 0000 03 MONSYTCL 0000 00 MONTADDC 0000 15 MONTASCC 0000 0C MONTASDC 0000 0D MONTASIC 0000 0E MONTASPC 0000 04 MONTASSC 0000 0B MONTATCC 0000 07 MONTAZNC 0000 19 MONTBPGC 0000 08 MONTRCPC 0000 18 MONTREMC 0000 17 MONTRSGC 0000 01 MONTRSPC 0000 02 MONTRSTC 0000 16 MONTSCSC 0000 12 MONTSHDC 0000 10 MONTSHLC 0000 0F MONTSHPC 0000 06 MONTSHRC 0000 03 MONTSHSC 0000 05 MONTSXGC 0000 13 MONTSXPC 0000 14 MONTVDKC 0000 11 MONTXSGC 0000 09 MONTXSUC 0000 0A MONUACTC 0000 03 MONUATEC 0000 09 MONUCPCC 0000 0D MONUDFCC 0000 05 MONUDTCC 0000 06 MONUINTC 0000 04 MONUITEC 0000 0A MONULOFC 0000 02 MONULONC 0000 01 MONURDCC 0000 07 MONURLEC 0000 0C MONURLSC 0000 0B MONUSECL 0000 04 MONUTREC 0000 08 MONVNDCL 0000 08 MONXLVLC 0000 05 MONXPDRC 0000 08 MONXSCHC 0000 03 MONXSCSC 0000 01 MONXSLTC 0000 04 MONXSMIC 0000 02 MONXXDIC 0000 07 MONXXLKC 0000 06 MONYASGC 0000 06 MONYCOMC 0000 0B MONYCPCC 0000 09 MONYCPMC 0000 12 MONYCUGC 0000 0F MONYCUMC 0000 11 MONYCUPC 0000 10 MONYEPMC 0000 14 MONYPRPC 0000 02 MONYRSGC 0000 03 MONYRSPC 0000 04 MONYSCGC 0000 0A MONYSCPC 0000 0D MONYSHSC 0000 07 MONYSLCK 0000 17 MONYSPTC 0000 18 MONYSXGC 0000 15 MONYSXPC 0000 16 MONYSYGC 0000 13 MONYSYPC 0000 01 MONYUSRC 0000 08 MONYUWTC 0000 0C MONYXSGC 0000 0E MONYXSPC 0000 05 |
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