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Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  LANBK Prolog Top of page
              Define a structure to represent a Virtual LAN or VSwitch
              (Local Area Network) within z/VM.
              For performance reasons the LANBK is allocated as a
              fixed 1024 byte control block from z/VM's Aligned Memory
              Storage Pool.  This will insure the LANBK starts on
              cache-aligned boundary spanning three different
              cache-lines.  The LANBK is organized to contain z/VM
              referenced fields within the fist two cache-lines.  The
              third cache-line will only contain the LANBK Lock
              (LANLKWRD).  This will minimize cache missed hot spots
              from occurring in the main-line data transfer routines.
              (LANBK) Virtual LAN Block
                    0 +--------------------------------+
                      |           Section 1            |
                      |                                |
               Cache  |      z/VM Referenced Fields    |
               Line 1 |                                |
                      |                                |
                 100x |           Section 2            |
                      |                                |
                      |      z/VM Referenced Fields    |
               Cache  |                                |
               Line 2 |                                |
                      |                                |
                 200x |           Section 3            |
                      |                                |
                      |      z/VM Referenced Fields    |
               Cache  |                                |
               Line 2 |                                |
                      |                                |
                 300x |           Section 4            |
                      |                                |
                      |     LANLKWRD Lock Word Only    |
               Cache  |                                |
               Line 3 |                                |
                      |  (no other referenced fields)  |
                      |                                |
                 400x        Fixed 1024 Byte Block
 CREATED BY : Dynamically created by HCPGETST when a DEFINE
              LAN or VSwitch CP Command is issued.
 DELETED BY : Deleted by HCPRELST while processing either
              a DETACH LAN or VSwitch CP Command.
              HCPEQUAT COPY - General CP equates
 NOTES      :
              - The following tags are used to described the
              address type for pointers within this control block:
              A : Host absolute address
              R : Host real address
              L : Logical address in the system execution space
              G : Guest absolute address
  LANBK Control Block Content Top of page

 LANBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure LANBK Virtual LAN Block Static Area - The fields in this area are relatively static. They are set when the LANBK is constructed. 0000 0 Character 32 LANTOKEN (0) VSWITCH Trace Table Token 0000 0 Character 16 LANID (0) LAN Fully-Qualified Identifier 0000 0 Character 8 LANOWNER LAN Owner (user who defined it) 0008 8 Character 8 LANNAME LAN Name 0010 16 Character 8 LANDESC LAN Description 0018 24 Character 8 LANDEFBY LAN Defined By <userid> 0020 32 Signed 4 LANDFTOD CPU TOD (high-order word) when this LAN was defined 0024 36 Bitstring 1 LANTYPE LAN Type 00000001 LANHIPR 1 LANHIPR - HiperSockets LAN 00000002 LANQDIO 2 LANQDIO - QDIO LAN 0025 37 Bitstring 1 LANPROTO LAN Protocol 00000001 LANENET X'01' LANENET - Ethernet / Fast Ethernet 00000002 LANTRNET X'02' LANTRNET - High Speed Token Ring 00000003 LANGBE X'03' LANGBE - Gigabit Ethernet 00000010 LAN10GE X'10' LAN10GE - 10 Gig Ethernet 00000080 LANQDIOP X'80' LANQDIOP - QDIO Protocol 00000081 LANATME X'81' LANATME - ATM Emulated Enet Port 00000082 LANATMTR X'82' LANATMTR - ATM Emulated Token Ring Port 00000083 LANATMGE X'83' LANATMGE - ATM Emulated GbEnet + MTU size 00000088 LANATMP X'88' LANATMP - ATM Emulated Port + autoconfig 00000090 LANATM X'90' LANATM - Native ATM 0026 38 Bitstring 1 LANLEVEL LAN Level 00000001 LANGLAN 1 LANGLAN - Level 1 - Guest Lan 00000002 LANVSW 2 LANVSW - Level 2 - Vswitch 0027 39 Bitstring 1 LANTRANP Transport type 00000001 LANIP 1 LANIP Layer 3 IP datagrams 00000002 LANETHER 2 LANETHER Layer 2 Ethernet frames 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 * (3) Reserved for Future IBM Use LAN Management Area - 0040 64 Bitstring 1 LANCFLG LAN Configuration Flags 1... .... LANINPRG X'80' LANINPRG - Initialization in Progress .1.. .... LANDLPRG X'40' LANDLPRG - Delete in Progress ..1. .... LANLIMCN X'20' LANLIMCN - Limit connections by LANMAXCN ...1 .... LANLIMID X'10' LANLIMID - Limit connections by userid .... 1... LANSYSLN X'08' LANSYSLN - Registered System LAN .... .1.. LANUSRLN X'04' LANUSRLN - Private LAN .... ..1. LANTRANS X'02' LANTRANS - Transient LAN .... ...1 LANACNT X'01' LANACNT - Accounting Enabled 0041 65 Bitstring 1 LANCFLG2 More LAN Configuration Flags 1... .... LANRDV X'80' LANRDV - RDEV or GROUP was specified for VSWITCH .1.. .... LANDLDIP X'40' LANDLDIP - LANBK on Delete In Progress Chain ..1. .... LANPRTRQ X'20' LANPRTRQ - PRIROUTER was specified for VSWITCH ...1 .... LANVLFLT X'10' LANVLFLT - VLAN Filtering (VLAN AWARE) .... 1... LANGVRP X'08' LANGVRP - GVRP (VLAN Registration) Requested .... .1.. LANLKAG X'04' LANLKAG - Link Aggregation group defined .... ..1. LANREST X'02' LANREST - Automatic restore after Link Ag group failure .... ...1 LANVLACT X'01' LANVLACT - VLAN Counters ON 0042 66 Signed 2 LANIPTO IP Timeout value (in 30 sec tics) 0044 68 Signed 4 LANRFCTR LAN Reference Counter 0048 72 Address 4 LANFPNT Pointer to next LANBK 004C 76 Address 4 LANBPNT Pointer to previous LANBK 0050 80 Address 4 LANACLHD Pointer to first ACLBK 0054 84 Address 4 LANACLTL Pointer to last ACLBK 0058 88 Signed 4 LANMFS Maximum Frame Size in bytes 005C 92 Signed 4 LANMAXCN Maximum number of connections 0060 96 Address 4 LANCNLST Pointer to Connected NICBK List 0064 100 Signed 4 LANCNCTR LAN Connection Counter 0068 104 Character 8 LANUPDBY LAN Updated By <userid> These fields represent a real OSA-Express interface. 0070 112 Address 4 LANSPBLK Pointer to Physical Ports Block LANDFVID - Default VLAN ID This is the VLAN ID that will be used when no VLAN ID is specified on a GRANT for an ACCESS port. Depending on the porttype, traffic on the default VID may or may not be delivered to the guest tagged. (INGRESS rule). There is no default VLAN ID for a virtual switch created as DEFINE VSWITCH VLAN AWARE. In this case LANDFVID is set to x'8000'- thus indicating no default LAN ID assigned. +---+-----+--------------+ LANDFVID | I | 000 | XXXXXXXXXXXX | +---+-----+--------------+ I = Invalid bit. When bit is on, there is no DEFAULT VLAN ID x = VLAN ID 1-4094 0074 116 Signed 2 LANDFVID Default VLAN ID 1... .... LANINVLD X'80' LANINVLD - No Default VLAN (VLAN AWARE) LANDFVID LANDFMSK X'0FFF' LANDFMSK - Default VLAN ID Mask 0076 118 Bitstring 1 LANDFPRT Default Porttype .... ...1 LANDFPRT_ACCESS 1 LANDFPRT_ACCESS = Access Port (untagged) .... ..1. LANDFPRT_TRUNK 2 LANDFPRT_TRUNK = Trunk Port (tagged or mix 0077 119 Bitstring 1 LANFSV Queuestorage value (1-8) 0078 120 Signed 4 LANSPEED Link Aggregate Port Speed 007C 124 Signed 4 LANVDEVN (0) Pseudo-Virtual Device Number LANVDFLG Bits defined in HCPMSVBK MSVVDFLG 007C 124 Bitstring 1 LANVDFLG Virtual Device Type Flag 007D 125 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 007E 126 Signed 2 LANDEV# Device Number 0080 128 Signed 4 * CTR for tracing on 0084 132 Address 4 LANPROM Pointer to list of Prom users LANMCTBL - Pointer to LAN Multicast Table Each IPNBK in the Multicast Table represents a device (NIDBK) which is subscribed to a multicast group. This table is sorted by Multicast IP Address. 0088 136 Address 4 LANMCTBL Ptr to IPNBK chain 008C 140 Signed 2 LANMCCTR Number of Multicast subscribers LANMRCTR - Count Multicast Routers on this LAN 008E 142 Signed 2 LANMRCTR Number of Multicast Routers LANIDTBL - LAN Link ID Table (MLTBK) Each entry in the Link ID Table represents the set of devices registered for a Link ID (which is a combination of VLAN ID and MAC address). BLOCKMAP DEFINE LANIDTBL (4)D 0090 144 Dbl-Word 8 LANIDTBL (4) Reserve a MLTBK here LANIPTBL - Pointer to GALPL (hash table) This IP Table functions as an "ARP Cache" for the LAN segment. LANIPTBL contains a pointer to GALPL which is the hash table that holds the unicast IP addresses. Each entry (IPNBK) represents an IP Address, and holds a pointer to the network device (NIDBK) which owns this IP Address. Notes : Only unicast addresses should be installed in this table. MAC addresses should be installed in the Link ID Table (LANIDTBL) by MAC address. 00B0 176 Address 4 LANIPTBL Ptr to GALPL (hash table) 00B4 180 Signed 2 * Reserved LANNVID - Native VLAN The Native VLAN is the VLAN for the untagged set. For a trunk port on a VLAN AWARE VSWITCH, the guest MUST be authorized for the native VLAN in order to receive untagged traffic. All traffic on the Native VLAN is delivered to the guest UNTAGGED (Ingress Rule). There is no NATIVE VLAN ID for a virtual switch created as DEFINE VSWITCH NATIVE NONE. In this case LANNVID is set to x'8000'- thus indicating no default LAN ID assigned. +---+-----+--------------+ LANNVID | I | 000 | XXXXXXXXXXXX | +---+-----+--------------+ I = Invalid bit. When bit is on, there is no DEFAULT VLAN ID x = VLAN ID 1-4094 LANNVID Bits defined in HCPLANBK LANDFVID 00B6 182 Signed 2 LANNVID Native VLAN ID LANVLANL - Pointer to LANVID list This is the anchor for a list of VLAN groups active on this LAN. 00B8 184 Address 4 LANVLANL Pointer to LANVID list 00BC 188 Bitstring 3 LANMACSF Save MACID suffix from MODIFY VSWITCH MACID FORWARDING Mode: Determines how guest-to-guest and guest-to-external destinations are handled. - ISOLATION: No guest-to-guest traffic allowed (dropped) and also no communication to sharing OSA connections allowed. Mutually exclusive with VEPA ON. - VEPA: Guest-to-guest traffic forwarded to external switch where a firewall, ACL, etc. may reject it or send it back via Reflective Relay. Requires OSA & partner switch support. Mutually exclusive with ISOLATION ON - VEB: ISOLATION OFF & VEPA OFF. Default, and traditional mode. Guest-to-guest traffic is allowed (subject to other filters, eg VLAN) with any hosts that share the same OSA UpLink Port. 00BF 191 Bitstring 1 LANFORW LAN FORWARDING Flags 1... .... LANISOL X'80' LANISOL ISOLATION: Drop guest-to-guest .1.. .... LANVEPA X'40' LANVEPA VEPA: Forward all traffic Following Fields are only relevant when the LAN Sniffer is active either with TRSOURCE or SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE. 00C0 192 Signed 4 LANTRID # of active type lan trace ids 00C4 196 Signed 4 LANSUSR # of promiscuous users on lan 00C8 200 Address 4 LANTRCBK Pointer to TRCBK VSWITCH Routing Table Anchor LANRTBL is the logical address of the first page of routing tables allocated for this LAN. Each page consists of multiple table entries. Assignment of a table entry occurs when coupling a virtual NIC to the LAN. The table's function is to route outbound data destined to the physical LAN to one of eight possible OSA Ports. 00CC 204 Address 4 LANRTBL L:ADR of first routing table UPLINK NIC fields. 00D0 208 Bitstring 10 LANUSRDV (0) UPLINK NIC userid/dev addr 00D0 208 Character 8 LANNCUSR UPLINK NIC userid 00D8 216 Signed 2 LANNCDEV UPLINK NIC virtual device addr 00DA 218 Bitstring 1 LANNICCONN UPLINK NIC Connect Processing 1... .... LANNICCONN_ACT X'80' LANNICCONN_ACT - Connect/Disconnect Pendin 00DB 219 Bitstring 1 LANNIC_RSN Failure reason .... .... LANNIC_RSNNONE X'00' LANNIC_RSNNONE - None identified .... ...1 LANNIC_RSNNOUSER X'01' LANNIC_RSNNOUSER - Userid not logged on .... ..1. LANNIC_RSNNOAUTH X'02' LANNIC_RSNNOAUTH - Not authorized .... ..11 LANNIC_RSNNOVDEV X'03' LANNIC_RSNNOVDEV - VDEV does not exist .... .1.. LANNIC_RSNVDEVATT X'04' LANNIC_RSNVDEVATT - VDEV is attached elsew .... .1.1 LANNIC_RSNVDEVTYPE X'05' LANNIC_RSNVDEVTYPE - VDEV not compatible t .... .11. LANNIC_RSNVLANCONF X'06' LANNIC_RSNVLANCONF - vlan conflict .... .111 LANNIC_RSNNOMAC X'07' LANNIC_RSNNOMAC - No MAC address .... 1... LANNIC_RSNNOTENSEM X'08' LANNIC_RSNNOTENSEM - Not managed by Unifie Resource Manager .... 1..1 LANNIC_RSNPORTERR X'09' LANNIC_RSNPORTERR - Port error .... 11.1 LANNIC_RSNMISMATCH X'0D' LANNIC_RSNMISMATCH - Type Mismatch (IP< 1111 1111 LANNIC_RSNUNKNOWN X'FF' LANNIC_RSNUNKNOWN - Unknown error 00DC 220 Signed 4 LANUPPT UPLINK NIC portnumber 00E0 224 Signed 4 LANNICBK UPLINK NIC Adapter SETVMAC Debug Counters. See HCPVLCSS. 00E4 228 Signed 4 LANVMACD (0) Debug counters 00E4 228 Signed 2 LANVMERR Count of SETVMAC errors 00E6 230 Signed 2 LANVMRTY Count of SETVMAC retries ******** Start of Virtual Switch Controller Section ******** Also used for Management ID information. The Virtual Switch Controller section of this structure is serialized by a combination of LANLKWRD and LANCTLCK. To reference these fields, the LANLKWRD must be held at least SHARED. To modify these fields, either: 1) Obtain the LANLKWRD EXCLUSIVE, or 2) Obtain the LANLKWRD SHARED and the LANCTLCK EXCLUSIVE. The second choice allows access to the controller- related fields without interference with data transfer among the guest hosts coupled to the virtual switch. LANCTLCK - LKWRD for VSWITCH Controller functions Notes : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords. 00E8 232 Dbl-Word 8 LANCTLCK (3) LAN CONTROLLER lock word Active Interface Definition - 0100 256 Character 64 LANCNS (0) Controller 0100 256 Character 8 LANCONT Controller 0108 264 Character 8 LANCON2 Controller2 0110 272 Character 8 LANCON3 Controller3 0118 280 Character 8 LANCON4 Controller4 0120 288 Character 8 LANCON5 Controller5 0128 296 Character 8 LANCON6 Controller6 0130 304 Character 8 LANCON7 Controller7 0138 312 Character 8 LANCON8 Controller8 0140 320 Signed 4 * Reserved 0144 324 Bitstring 1 LANCTSTA VSwitch Controller State 00000001 LANCTDEF X'01' LANCTDEF - Virtual switch defined 00000002 LANCTNOC X'02' LANCTNOC - Controller not available 00000003 LANCTOPR X'03' LANCTOPR - Operator intervention required 00000004 LANCTDIS X'04' LANCTDIS - Disconnected 00000005 LANCTATT X'05' LANCTATT - VDEVs attached to controller 00000006 LANCTINI X'06' LANCTINI - OSA initialization in progress 00000007 LANCTNOT X'07' LANCTNOT - OSA device not ready 00000008 LANCTRDY X'08' LANCTRDY - OSA device ready 00000009 LANCTDET X'09' LANCTDET - OSA devices being detached 0000000A LANCTDEL X'0A' LANCTDEL - VSWITCH delete pending 0000000B LANCTRCV X'0B' LANCTRCV - VSWITCH failover recovering 0000000C LANCTRES X'0C' LANCTRES - Autorestart in progress 0000000C LANCTLST X'0C' LANCTLST - High water mark for validation NOTE: Cannot exceed 99 (X'63'). Mapped to decimal message number MS2830xx. 0145 325 Bitstring 1 LANCTFLG VSwitch Controller Flag 1... .... LANXIPV6 X'80' LANXIPV6 - VSWITCH RDEV supports IPv6 .1.. .... LANPRTAC X'40' LANPRTAC - PRIROUTER is active on VSWITCH ..1. .... LANNOARP X'20' LANNOARP - No Send_Grat_Arp support ...1 .... LANMSARP X'10' LANMSARP - HCP2859I - ARP message issued .... 1... LANNOGVR X'08' LANNOGVR - No GVRP support .... .1.. LANMSGVR X'04' LANMSGVR - HCP2859I - GVRP message issued .... ..1. LANMSRCV X'02' LANMSRCV - HCP2851I - Extended recovery message issued 0146 326 Signed 2 LANCONCT Count of configured controllers 0148 328 Signed 4 LANUSEFX Adjustment factor for IPNUSAGE 014C 332 Address 4 LANIPCHN Chain of deferred SETIP requests 0150 336 Address 4 LANIPCHE Last entry - Chain of deferred SETIP requests 0154 340 Signed 4 LANIPCNT Count of incomplete SETIP reqs 0158 344 Address 4 LANRRDEV Chain of LANRDD descriptors(head) 015C 348 Address 4 LANRRDVT LANRDD descriptors (tail) 0160 352 Signed 4 LANSWPBK Link Aggregation Port Group Token 0164 356 Signed 4 LANMGIPA LAN Management IP Address 0168 360 Address 4 LANMGSWI SWIBK for management stack 016C 364 Signed 4 LANMGPOH Guest port/ifIndex high water mrk LANMACPR Codes defined in HCPSLMBK SLMMACPR 0170 368 Bitstring 1 LANMACPR LAN MACProtect setting 0171 369 Bitstring 1 LANCFLG3 More LAN Configuration Flags 1... .... LANNIC X'80' LANNIC - NIC was specified for VSWITCH .1.. .... LANNOUPL X'40' LANNOUPL - NOUPLINK was specified for VSWITCH ..1. .... LANPORTB X'20' LANPORTB - PORT BASED vswitch ...1 .... LANUSERB X'10' LANUSERB - USER BASED vswitch .... 1... LANSIOCP X'08' LANSIOCP - SET ISOLATION OFF done by CP initiative. .... .1.. LANSWOVF X'04' LANSWOVF - SET SWITCHOVER to RDEV .... ..1. LANPORTN X'02' LANPORTN - Portname specified .... ...1 LANIVL X'01' LANIVL - This is the IVL VSWITCH 0172 370 Bitstring 1 LANPRIQ PRIQUEUING setting 00000000 LANPQOFF 0 LANPQOFF - Off 00000004 LANPQFOF 4 LANPQFOF - Forced Off (IVL only) 00000008 LANPQON 8 LANPQON - On 0173 371 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use The following port numbers are significant: 0001-2048 = LANMXGST Reserved guest ports 2049-2056 = +LANMXTRO RDEV ports 2057 = +LANMXTRG RDEV + Bridge Port RDEV 2058-2099 = unused 2100 = LANMGIVL IVL Port 2101-2111 = unused 2112 = LANMGAGG LAN Management Port 2113-2175 = unused 2176-4095 = LANTPRT0-LANTPRTN Transient guest ports 0174 372 Address 4 LANMGNIC LAN Management NICBK LANMGNIC LANMXGST 2048 LANMXGST Max guest ports .... 1... LANMXTRO 8 LANMXTRO Max port group trunk ports .... 1..1 LANMXTRG 9 LANMXTRG Max port group trunk ports plus 1 BridgePort ..11 .111 LANMXTRR 55 LANMXTRR Reserved for future use 0178 376 Address 4 LANMGPTR Pointer to LAN Management maps 1... .... LANMGPOR X'80' LANMGPOR Port is in use LANMGPTR LANMGBRG 2057 LANMGBRG Bridge Port Port Number Constant LANMGPTR LANMGIVL 2100 LANMGIVL IVL NIC Port Port Number LANMGPTR LANMGAGG 2112 LANMGAGG Aggregator ifIndex constant LANMGPTR LANTPRT0 2176 LANTPRT0 First transient Port Number LANMGPTR LANTPRTN 4095 LANTPRTN Last transient Port Number 017C 380 Address 4 LANSWOVT SWITCHOVER target LANRDD 0180 384 Dbl-Word 8 LANMGTIM Time of manager assignment ******** End of Virtual Switch Controller/ ******** Management ID section. 0188 392 Address 4 LANBPBLK Pointer to Bridge Port Block 018C 396 Bitstring 1 LANCFLG4 More LAN Configuration Flags 1... .... LANPMTOF X'80' LANPMTOF - SET VSWITCH PATHMTUD OFF was specified. .1.. .... LANPMTVA X'40' LANPMTVA - SET VSWITCH PATHMTUD VALUE nnnnn was specified. ..1. .... LANPMTEX X'20' LANPMTEX - SET VSWITCH PATHMTU EXTERNAL was specified or defaulted. ...1 .... LANGLBL X'10' LANGLBL - GLOBAL virtual switch .... 1... LANIPFUL X'08' LANIPFUL - LANIPTBL hash table full 018D 397 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use UpLink Port's MTU Size LANL2HDS is added to the reported hardware MTU Size and stored into LANFRMSZ in order to provide a fast MTU check. LANFRMSZ can be compared against the size stored in NDMTOTLN to determine if the packet is within the hardware MTU. NDMTOTLN contains the size of packet plus the size of Ethernet Header (excludes the QDIO Header). 0190 400 Signed 2 LANPMTUD SET VSWITCH UPLINK PATHMTUD value is between 512-65535 0192 402 Signed 2 LANFRMSZ Calculated Frame size to insure acceptable PMTUD compliance for frames targeted for uplink port 00000016 LANL2HDS 14+4+4 Frame size constant of a Ethernet Header including 4 Byte CRC and 4 Byte VLAN 0194 404 Address 4 LANSWOVS SWITCHOVER Source LANRDD 0198 408 Address 4 LANTRACE UPLINK Private trace table 019C 412 Signed 2 LANPAGES Pages in UPLINK Private trace tbl LANIOFF is Serialized by the SWPBK Lock Always fetch the offset after acquiring the SWPLOCK. 019E 414 Signed 2 LANIOFF Port Group Instance Array Offset 01A0 416 Dbl-Word 8 LANIVLDPTXBYT Number of bytes sent over the IVL Data Plane on behalf of this global vswitch. 01A8 424 Dbl-Word 8 LANIVLDPRXBYT Number of bytes received on the IVL Data Plane on behalf of this global vswitch. 01B0 432 Dbl-Word 8 LANIVLDPTXPKT Number of packets sent over the IVL Data Plane on behalf of this global vswitch. 01B8 440 Dbl-Word 8 LANIVLDPRXPKT Number of packets received on the IVL Data Plane on behalf of this global vswitch. 01C0 448 Address 4 LANGVSENBK Pointer to Global Vswitch Entry block GVSENBK Priority Queuing Network Connection Settings 01C4 452 Character 4 LANQUBUF (0) Array of 4 Queue Weights 01C4 452 Bitstring 1 LANQUB0 Queue 0 Weight 01C5 453 Bitstring 1 LANQUB1 Queue 1 Weight 01C6 454 Bitstring 1 LANQUB2 Queue 2 Weight 01C7 455 Bitstring 1 LANQUB3 Queue 3 Weight LANRXTBL - LAN Router Table (MLTBK) Each entry in the Router Table represents the set of devices registered as a Router (using an ID formed by VLAN ID and IPv4/IPv6 value). BLOCKMAP DEFINE LANRXTBL (4)D 01C8 456 Dbl-Word 8 LANRXTBL (4) Reserve a MLTBK here 01E8 488 Signed 4 LANDXVER Version counter of MAC/IP Hash Table Changes 01EC 492 Signed 4 * Reserved for Future IBM Use 01F0 496 Dbl-Word 8 * (2) Reserved for Future IBM Use Start LANBK Section 3 (see prologue) 0200 512 Dbl-Word 8 * (32) Reserved for Future IBM Use Start LANBK Section 4 (see prologue) Note that certain fields are additionally serialized by LANCTLCK. See above locks for more information. Notes : For performance reasons, only the LANLKWRD Lock is allocate. All remaining bytes are reserved. 0300 768 Dbl-Word 8 LANLKWRD (3) LAN Block Lockword 0318 792 Dbl-Word 8 * (28) Reserved: Do Not Use 03F8 1016 Dbl-Word 8 LAN$EYE (0) LANBK Eye Catcher 03F8 1016 Bitstring 3 LAN$FLAG Allocation Indicator '<<<' Allocated ' ' FRETTED 03FB 1019 Bitstring 5 LAN$ID Control Block ID 'LANBK' End of the LANBK. 00000400 LAN$END * End of the LANBK 00000400 LANBKLN *-LANBK Length of LANBK in bytes 00000080 LANBKSZ (*-LANBK+7)/8 Size of LANBK in doublewords ** ** Define LANVID Structure ** ** ** This structure maps one element of the LANVLANL list. ** Each element represents an active VLAN group on this ** LAN segment. **
 LANVID DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure LANVID Virtual LAN Block 0000 0 Address 4 LANVID_FPNT Pointer to Next LANVID 0004 4 Address 4 LANVID_BPNT Pointer to Previous LANVID 0008 8 Signed 2 LANVID_ID VLAN group ID 000A 10 Bitstring 2 * Reserved 000C 12 Signed 4 LANVID_CTR Number of interfaces active 0010 16 Signed 4 LANVID_DLCTR Number of times deleted 0014 20 Character 8 LANVID_TIMC Creation timestamp 001C 28 Character 8 LANVID_TIMU Most recent change timestamp 0024 36 Signed 4 * Reserved for Future IBM Use 00000028 LANVIDLN *-LANVID Length of LANVID (bytes) 00000005 LANVIDSZ (LANVIDLN+7)/8 Length of LANVID (doublewords) ** ** Define LANRDD Structure ** ** ** This structure maps each element of the LANRRDEV array **
 LANRDD DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure LANRDD Virtual LAN Block 0000 0 Address 4 LANRDD_NEXT Pointer to Next LANRDD 0004 4 Address 4 LANRDD_PREV Pointer to Prev LANRDD 0008 8 Address 4 LANRDD_CTPTR Pointer to Controller entry 000C 12 Address 4 LANRDD_VQSBK Pointer to VQSBK for this entry 0010 16 Signed 2 LANRDD_RDEV Real device address 0012 18 Signed 2 LANRDD_VDEV Virtual device address 0014 20 Character 8 LANRDD_PORT Port name for this device 001C 28 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_FLAG Device status flags: 1... .... LANRDD_ACTIVE X'80' LANRDD_ACTIVE - Active, primary RDEV. .1.. .... LANRDD_BACKUP X'40' LANRDD_BACKUP - Backup RDEV. ..1. .... LANRDD_INOP X'20' LANRDD_INOP - Inoperative device ...1 .... LANRDD_ATTACH X'10' LANRDD_ATTACH - RDEV attached to controlle .... 1... LANRDD_PRT X'08' LANRDD_PRT - Port name specified .... .1.. LANRDD_DELETE X'04' LANRDD_DELETE - Delete LANRDD when cleanup completed .... ..1. LANRDD_PORTG X'02' LANRDD_PORTG - RDEV part of a port group .... ...1 LANRDD_HSBRG X'01' LANRDD_HSBRG - RDEV is HiperSockets Bridge 001D 29 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_RSN Failure reason 00000000 LANRDD_RSNNONE X'00' LANRDD_RSNNONE - None identified 00000001 LANRDD_RSNPORTNAME X'01' LANRDD_RSNPORTNAME - Portname conflict 00000002 LANRDD_RSNNOLAYER2 X'02' LANRDD_RSNNOLAYER2 - No layer 2 support 00000003 LANRDD_RSNNORDEV X'03' LANRDD_RSNNORDEV - RDEV does not exist 00000004 LANRDD_RSNRDEVATT X'04' LANRDD_RSNRDEVATT - RDEV is attached elsew 00000005 LANRDD_RSNRDEVTYPE X'05' LANRDD_RSNRDEVTYPE - RDEV not compatible t renamed from LANRDD_RSNNOTQDIO 00000006 LANRDD_RSNINITERR X'06' LANRDD_RSNINITERR - Initialization error 00000007 LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDO X'07' LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDO - Stalled OSA 00000008 LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDC X'08' LANRDD_RSNSTALLEDC - Stalled controller 00000009 LANRDD_RSNSEVER X'09' LANRDD_RSNSEVER - Controller connection se 0000000A LANRDD_RSNROUTING X'0A' LANRDD_RSNROUTING - Primary or secondary r conflict 0000000B LANRDD_RSNOFFLINE X'0B' LANRDD_RSNOFFLINE - Device is offline 0000000C LANRDD_RSNDETACHED X'0C' LANRDD_RSNDETACHED - Device was detached 0000000D LANRDD_RSNMISMATCH X'0D' LANRDD_RSNMISMATCH - Type Mismatch (IP< 0000000E LANRDD_RSNSTORAGE X'0E' LANRDD_RSNSTORAGE - Insufficient storage i controller virtual machine 0000000F LANRDD_RSNTCPIPCONF X'0F' LANRDD_RSNTCPIPCONF - TCP/IP Configuratio 00000010 LANRDD_RSNNOLINKAGG X'10' LANRDD_RSNNOLINKAGG - No Link Aggregation 00000011 LANRDD_RSNBADATTRIB X'11' LANRDD_RSNBADATTRIB - OSA-E Attribute mis 00000012 LANRDD_RSNRESERVED0 X'12' LANRDD_RSNRESERVED0 - Reserved for future 00000013 LANRDD_RSNNOTREADY X'13' LANRDD_RSNNOTREADY - OSA-E is not ready 00000014 LANRDD_RSNRESERVED1 X'14' LANRDD_RSNRESERVED1 - Reserved for future 00000015 LANRDD_RSNRESTART X'15' LANRDD_RSNRESTART - Attempting restart fo 00000016 LANRDD_RSNEXCLUSIVE X'16' LANRDD_RSNEXCLUSIVE - Exclusive use error Group Exclusive 00000017 LANRDD_RSNBADSTATE X'17' LANRDD_RSNBADSTATE - Device state is inva 00000018 LANRDD_RSNBADPORTN X'18' LANRDD_RSNBADPORTN - Port number is inval 00000019 LANRDD_RSNNOISOLATE X'19' LANRDD_RSNNOISOLATE - No ISOLATION Suppor 0000001A LANRDD_RSNEQIDMISMT X'1A' LANRDD_RSNEQIDMISMT - EQID Mismatch 0000001B LANRDD_RSNCONTROLLER X'1B' LANRDD_RSNCONTROLLER -Incompatible contr 0000001C LANRDD_RSNNOHSBRIDG X'1C' LANRDD_RSNNOHSBRIDG - No HS Bridge Suppor 0000001D LANRDD_RSNERRBRIDGE X'1D' LANRDD_RSNERRBRIDGE - Error on init of HS 0000001E LANRDD_RSNNORR X'1E' LANRDD_RSNNORR - No Reflective Relay 0000001F LANRDD_RSNRRERR X'1F' LANRDD_RSNRRERR - Reflective Relay Error 00000020 LANRDD_RSNNOVEPA X'20' LANRDD_RSNNOVEPA - No VEPA Support 00000021 LANRDD_RSNSWITCHOVR X'21' LANRDD_RSNSWITCHOVR - SET VSWITCH SWITCHO 00000022 LANRDD_RSNNOPRIQ X'22' LANRDD_RSNNOPRIQ - No Priority Queueing NOTES : Update the following TCSWITCH COPY HCPCSIBK COPY HCPVLQ's TR$RSN table for any additions to LANRDD_RSN. 001E 30 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_FLAG1 Device status flag continued 1... .... LANRDD_NOVDEV X'80' LANRDD_NOVDEV - VDEV not available at chos controller .1.. .... LANRDD_SELECT X'40' LANRDD_SELECT - Cause select (HPCSWCSE) to occur after disconnect. For example, failback or port number change ..1. .... LANRDD_STANDBY X'20' LANRDD_STANDBY - RDEV was requested to be STANDBY mode ...1 .... LANRDD_STANDBY_NEW X'10' LANRDD_STANDBY_NEW - RDEV was requested to STANDBY mode for a new RDEV .... 1... LANRDD_RETRYABLE X'08' LANRDD_RETRYABLE - Eligible to retry initi following timeout. Set ON when a DisconnectDevice is sent to stop a NotReady or Autorestart- ing device. .... .1.. LANRDD_SETACC X'04' LANRDD_SETACC - Set Access Control support for this device .... ..1. LANRDD_REMOVE X'02' LANRDD_REMOVE - Remove device from LANBK w cleanup is completed. Once the device is removed, the storage should be released only if the LANRDD_DELETE flag is ON. Typically LANRDD storage is released when the device is no longer associated with a LANBK, but the LANRDD is still needed when the device is a port group member. .... ...1 LANRDD_SETBMAC X'01' LANRDD_SETBMAC - SetBMAC supported for dev 001F 31 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_OSAPORTN OSA-E hardware portnumber 0020 32 Address 4 LANRDD_SWPPTR Pointer to port group entry 0024 36 Address 4 LANRDD_XFPNT Pointer to next port group LANRDD 0028 40 Address 4 LANRDD_XBPNT Pointer to prev port group LANRDD 002C 44 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_WHICH Most recent message flow 00000001 LANRDD_WHICH_SENT 1 LANRDD_WHICH_SENT Send (CP -> TCPIP) 00000002 LANRDD_WHICH_RECV 2 LANRDD_WHICH_RECV Receive (TCPIP -> CP) 002D 45 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_SENT Last msg sent to controller 002E 46 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_RECV Last msg received from controller 002F 47 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_FLAG2 Device Status Flag (continue) 1... .... LANRDD_VPCHID X'80' LANRDD_VPCHID - pCHID is valid for this DE .1.. .... LANRDD_ADDACT X'40' LANRDD_ADDACT - Indicates will need to add to LANBK LANRDD Active Chain when controller assignment is done. ..1. .... LANRDD_PENDING X'20' LANRDD_PENDING - LANRDD entry is pending. Used in case undo of an HCPSWPSE operation is needed. 0030 48 Signed 2 LANRDD_PCHID Physical Channel Path Identifier (pCHID) for this device when LANRDD_FLAG2.LANRDD_VPCHID is ON 0032 50 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_QOUT Number of Output queues 0033 51 Bitstring 1 LANRDD_BUSY Controller Busy Counter 1... .... LANRDD_BUSYTHRES X'80' LANRDD_BUSYTHRES Redrive Threshold 0034 52 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for future use. 00000038 LANRDD$END * End of the LANRDD 00000038 LANRDDLB *-LANRDD Length of each LANRDD in bytes 00000007 LANRDDLD (LANRDDLB+7)/8 Length in doublewords LANRDD Summary Status. Set by a call to HCPSWUST. 1... .... LANRDD_SUMMFREE X'80' One or more RDEVs not initialized .1.. .... LANRDD_SUMMACTIVE X'40' One or more ACTIVE RDEVs ..1. .... LANRDD_SUMMBACKUP X'20' One or more BACKUP RDEVs ...1 .... LANRDD_SUMMINOP X'10' One or more RDEVs inoperable .... 1... LANRDD_SUMMRETRY X'08' One or more RDEVs retryable .... .1.. LANRDD_SUMMRETRYATTACH X'04' One or more RDEVs retryable AND attached .... ..1. LANRDD_SUMMNOTREADY X'02' One or more RDEVs not ready .... ...1 LANRDD_SUMMRESTART X'01' One or more RDEVs restarting Constants used to retrieve BPBLK fields using HCPSWGBP. 00000000 LAN_BPBROLE 0 Retrieve bridge port role 00000004 LAN_BPBSTATE 4 Retrieve bridge port state 00000008 LAN_BPBACNT 8 Retrieve in use async buffers 0000000C LAN_BPBCOD16 12 Retrieve Unavailable Buffer Count 00000010 LAN_BPBAOWNER 16 Retrieve Owner (LPAR/User/Gend) 00000014 LAN_BPBMFS 20 Retrieve CHPID Configured MFS Size 00000018 LAN_BPBRDEV 24 Retrieve Real Bridge Port Devno 0000001C LAN_BPBASYNC 28 Retrieve Async Request Count 00000020 LAN_BPBABUFS 32 Retrieve Async Buffer Limit TRSOURCE type LAN flow (see HCPTXO). 00FFFFFF LANDGDIR_OUT -1 Outbound from dev to segment 00000000 LANDGDIR_IN 0 Inbound to dev from segment TRSOURCE type LAN reason codes (see HCPTXO). 00000000 LANDGRSN_OK 0 No problem detected 00000001 LANDGRSN_TOOLONG 1 Too long for 64KB buffer 00000002 LANDGRSN_TOOSHORT 2 Too short (headers incomplete) 00000003 LANDGRSN_OVERFLOW 3 Not received by host/uplink 00000004 LANDGRSN_BADDEST 4 Bad destination 00000005 LANDGRSN_NOTREADY 5 LAN structures not ready TRSOURCE type LAN flow (see HCPTXO). 00000001 LANDGFLOW_XFER 1 Transfer through LAN/VSWITCH 00000002 LANDGFLOW_VMSND 2 Send to VM vdev 00000003 LANDGFLOW_VMRCV 3 Receive from VM vdev 00000004 LANDGFLOW_DVSND 4 Send to RDEV uplink port 00000005 LANDGFLOW_DVRCV 5 Receive from RDEV uplink port 00000006 LANDGFLOW_BPSND 6 Send to BridgePort buffers 00000007 LANDGFLOW_BPRCV 7 Receive from BridgePort buffers Define MLTBK for this compile. PREFIX_LEN = 3 Start of Assembler Control Block
  LANBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** LANBK - Virtual LAN Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       LANOWNER                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       LANNAME                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       LANDESC                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       LANDEFBY                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |         LANDFTOD          |:TYPE |:PROTO|:LEVEL|:TRANP|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  28 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |:CFLG |:CFLG2|  LANIPTO    |         LANRFCTR          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         LANFPNT           |         LANBPNT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         LANACLHD          |         LANACLTL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |          LANMFS           |         LANMAXCN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         LANCNLST          |         LANCNCTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |                       LANUPDBY                        |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  70 |         LANSPBLK          |  LANDFVID   |:DFPRT|LANFSV|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  78 |         LANSPEED          |:VDFLG|//////|  LANDEV#    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  80 |///////////////////////////|         LANPROM           |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |         LANMCTBL          |  LANMCCTR   |  LANMRCTR   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  90 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANIDTBL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  B0 |         LANIPTBL          |/////////////|  LANNVID    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  B8 |         LANVLANL          |     LANMACSF       |:FORW |
*     +---------------------------+--------------------+------+
*  C0 |         LANTRID           |         LANSUSR           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         LANTRCBK          |         LANRTBL           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |                       LANNCUSR                        |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |  LANNCDEV   |(0DA) |(0DB) |         LANUPPT           |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  E0 |         LANNICBK          |  LANVMERR   |  LANVMRTY   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  E8 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANCTLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 100 |                       LANCONT                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 108 |                       LANCON2                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 110 |                       LANCON3                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 118 |                       LANCON4                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 120 |                       LANCON5                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 128 |                       LANCON6                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 130 |                       LANCON7                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 138 |                       LANCON8                         |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 140 |///////////////////////////|:CTSTA|:CTFLG|  LANCONCT   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 148 |         LANUSEFX          |         LANIPCHN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 150 |         LANIPCHE          |         LANIPCNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 158 |         LANRRDEV          |         LANRRDVT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |         LANSWPBK          |         LANMGIPA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |         LANMGSWI          |         LANMGPOH          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 170 |:MACPR|:CFLG3|:PRIQ |//////|         LANMGNIC          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 178 |         LANMGPTR          |         LANSWOVT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |                       LANMGTIM                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 188 |         LANBPBLK          |:CFLG4|////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+--------------------+
* 190 |  LANPMTUD   |  LANFRMSZ   |         LANSWOVS          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 198 |         LANTRACE          |  LANPAGES   |  LANIOFF    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 1A0 |                    LANIVLDPTXBYT                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1A8 |                    LANIVLDPRXBYT                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B0 |                    LANIVLDPTXPKT                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B8 |                    LANIVLDPRXPKT                      |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 1C0 |        LANGVSENBK         |:QUB0 |:QUB1 |:QUB2 |:QUB3 |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 1C8 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANRXTBL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1E8 |         LANDXVER          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 200 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 300 |                                                       |
*     =                       LANLKWRD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 318 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
* 3F8 |     LAN$FLAG       |             LAN$ID               |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
* 400
*** LANBK - Virtual LAN Block
*** LANVID - Virtual LAN Block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |       LANVID_FPNT         |       LANVID_BPNT         |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   8 | LANVID_ID   |/////////////|        LANVID_CTR         |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |       LANVID_DLCTR        |       LANVID_TIMC-        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |          -(014)           |       LANVID_TIMU-        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |          -(01C)           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28
*** LANVID - Virtual LAN Block
*** LANRDD - Virtual LAN Block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |       LANRDD_NEXT         |       LANRDD_PREV         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |       LANRDD_CTPTR        |       LANRDD_VQSBK        |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |LANRDD_RDEV  |LANRDD_VDEV  |       LANRDD_PORT-        |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |          -(014)           |(01C) |(01D) |(01E) |(01F) |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |      LANRDD_SWPPTR        |       LANRDD_XFPNT        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  28 |       LANRDD_XBPNT        |(02C) |(02D) |(02E) |(02F) |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  30 |LANRDD_PCHID |(032) |(033) |///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  38
*** LANRDD - Virtual LAN Block
  LANBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
LAN$END        03FB 00000400
LAN$EYE        03F8
LAN$FLAG       03F8
LAN$ID         03FB
LAN_BPBABUFS   0034 00000020
LAN_BPBACNT    0034 00000008
LAN_BPBAOWNER  0034 00000010
LAN_BPBASYNC   0034 0000001C
LAN_BPBCOD16   0034 0000000C
LAN_BPBMFS     0034 00000014
LAN_BPBRDEV    0034 00000018
LAN_BPBROLE    0034 00000000
LAN_BPBSTATE   0034 00000004
LANACLHD       0050
LANACLTL       0054
LANACNT        0040 01
LANATM         0025 00000090
LANATME        0025 00000081
LANATMGE       0025 00000083
LANATMP        0025 00000088
LANATMTR       0025 00000082
LANBKLN        03FB 00000400
LANBKSZ        03FB 00000080
LANBPBLK       0188
LANBPNT        004C
LANCFLG        0040
LANCFLG2       0041
LANCFLG3       0171
LANCFLG4       018C
LANCNCTR       0064
LANCNLST       0060
LANCNS         0100
LANCONCT       0146
LANCONT        0100
LANCON2        0108
LANCON3        0110
LANCON4        0118
LANCON5        0120
LANCON6        0128
LANCON7        0130
LANCON8        0138
LANCTATT       0144 00000005
LANCTDEF       0144 00000001
LANCTDEL       0144 0000000A
LANCTDET       0144 00000009
LANCTDIS       0144 00000004
LANCTFLG       0145
LANCTINI       0144 00000006
LANCTLCK       00E8
LANCTLST       0144 0000000C
LANCTNOC       0144 00000002
LANCTNOT       0144 00000007
LANCTOPR       0144 00000003
LANCTRCV       0144 0000000B
LANCTRDY       0144 00000008
LANCTRES       0144 0000000C
LANCTSTA       0144
LANDEFBY       0018
LANDESC        0010
LANDEV#        007E
LANDFPRT       0076
               0076 01
               0076 02
LANDFTOD       0020
LANDFVID       0074
LANDGDIR_IN    0034 00000000
               0034 00000007
               0034 00000006
               0034 00000005
               0034 00000004
               0034 00000003
               0034 00000002
               0034 00000001
               0034 00000004
               0034 00000005
LANDGRSN_OK    0034 00000000
               0034 00000003
               0034 00000001
               0034 00000002
LANDLDIP       0041 40
LANDLPRG       0040 40
LANDXVER       01E8
LANENET        0025 00000001
LANETHER       0027 00000002
LANFORW        00BF
LANFPNT        0048
LANFRMSZ       0192
LANFSV         0077
LANGBE         0025 00000003
LANGLAN        0026 00000001
LANGLBL        018C 10
LANGVRP        0041 08
LANHIPR        0024 00000001
LANID          0000
LANIDTBL       0090
LANINPRG       0040 80
LANINVLD       0074 80
LANIOFF        019E
LANIP          0027 00000001
LANIPCHE       0150
LANIPCHN       014C
LANIPCNT       0154
LANIPFUL       018C 08
LANIPTBL       00B0
LANIPTO        0042
LANISOL        00BF 80
LANIVL         0171 01
LANLEVEL       0026
LANLIMCN       0040 20
LANLIMID       0040 10
LANLKAG        0041 04
LANLKWRD       0300
LANL2HDS       0192 00000016
LANMACPR       0170
LANMAXCN       005C
LANMCCTR       008C
LANMCTBL       0088
LANMFS         0058
LANMGIPA       0164
LANMGNIC       0174
LANMGPOH       016C
LANMGPOR       0178 80
LANMGPTR       0178
LANMGSWI       0168
LANMGTIM       0180
LANMRCTR       008E
LANMSARP       0145 10
LANMSGVR       0145 04
LANMSRCV       0145 02
LANMXTRG       0174 09
LANMXTRO       0174 08
LANMXTRR       0174 37
LANNAME        0008
LANNCDEV       00D8
LANNCUSR       00D0
LANNIC         0171 80
               00DB 0D
               00DB 02
               00DB 07
               00DB 00
               00DB 08
               00DB 01
               00DB 03
               00DB 09
               00DB FF
               00DB 04
               00DB 05
               00DB 06
LANNICBK       00E0
               00DA 80
LANNOARP       0145 20
LANNOGVR       0145 08
LANNOUPL       0171 40
LANNVID        00B6
LANOWNER       0000
LANPAGES       019C
LANPMTEX       018C 20
LANPMTOF       018C 80
LANPMTUD       0190
LANPMTVA       018C 40
LANPORTB       0171 20
LANPORTN       0171 02
LANPQFOF       0172 00000004
LANPQOFF       0172 00000000
LANPQON        0172 00000008
LANPRIQ        0172
LANPROM        0084
LANPROTO       0025
LANPRTAC       0145 40
LANPRTRQ       0041 20
LANQDIO        0024 00000002
LANQDIOP       0025 00000080
LANQUBUF       01C4
LANQUB0        01C4
LANQUB1        01C5
LANQUB2        01C6
LANQUB3        01C7
LANRDD$END     0034 00000038
               0033 80
LANRDD_INOP    001C 20
               002F 20
LANRDD_PRT     001C 08
               001E 08
               001D 00000011
               001D 00000018
               001D 00000017
               001D 0000001B
               001D 0000000C
               001D 0000001A
               001D 0000001D
               001D 00000016
               001D 00000006
               001D 0000000D
               001D 0000001C
               001D 00000019
               001D 00000002
               001D 00000010
               001D 00000000
               001D 00000022
               001D 00000003
               001D 0000001E
               001D 00000013
               001D 00000020
               001D 0000000B
               001D 00000001
               001D 00000004
               001D 00000005
               001D 00000012
               001D 00000014
               001D 00000015
               001D 0000000A
               001D 0000001F
               001D 00000009
               001D 00000007
               001D 00000008
               001D 0000000E
               001D 00000021
               001D 0000000F
               001E 01
               001E 20
               001E 10
               0034 40
               0034 20
               0034 80
               0034 10
               0034 02
               0034 01
               0034 08
               0034 04
               002C 00000002
               002C 00000001
LANRDDLB       0034 00000038
LANRDDLD       0034 00000007
LANRDV         0041 80
LANREST        0041 02
LANRFCTR       0044
LANRRDEV       0158
LANRRDVT       015C
LANRTBL        00CC
LANRXTBL       01C8
LANSIOCP       0171 08
LANSPBLK       0070
LANSPEED       0078
LANSUSR        00C4
LANSWOVF       0171 04
LANSWOVS       0194
LANSWOVT       017C
LANSWPBK       0160
LANSYSLN       0040 08
LANTOKEN       0000
LANTRACE       0198
LANTRANP       0027
LANTRANS       0040 02
LANTRCBK       00C8
LANTRID        00C0
LANTRNET       0025 00000002
LANTYPE        0024
LANUPDBY       0068
LANUPPT        00DC
LANUSEFX       0148
LANUSERB       0171 10
LANUSRDV       00D0
LANUSRLN       0040 04
LANVDEVN       007C
LANVDFLG       007C
LANVEPA        00BF 40
LANVID_ID      0008
LANVIDLN       0024 00000028
LANVIDSZ       0024 00000005
LANVLACT       0041 01
LANVLANL       00B8
LANVLFLT       0041 10
LANVMACD       00E4
LANVMERR       00E4
LANVMRTY       00E6
LANVSW         0026 00000002
LANXIPV6       0145 80
LAN10GE        0025 00000010
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:51:48 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022