IPNBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  IPNBK Prolog Top of page
              The IPNBK represents an IP address which is associated
              with a specific network device (represented by a NIDBK).
              The IPNBK may be created by an explicit action (e.g.
              by a SETIP function on a specific device to register
              the IP Address on the LAN), or it may be created by
              the LAN simulation to associate an IP Address (or an
              IP function) with a specific device.
   LANBK pointers
     The LANBK uses IPNXFPNT and IPNXBPNT to maintain
     lists of IP Addresses registered on the LAN.
     These IPNBK lists function as a common ARP table
     for the LAN segment.  These lists are used to
     locate targets during data transfer.
   NIDBK pointers
     The NIDBK uses IPNFPNT and IPNBPNT to maintain lists
     of IP Addresses registered for this device.  These
     lists are only used to maintain the LAN tables (not
     to locate targets during data transfer).
              IP Address functions in module HCPIPN.
              IP Address functions in module HCPIPN.
 COMMENTS   : - This block is mapped in the system execution space, and
              may be backed anywere in storage.
              - This block is not known by hardware.
  IPNBK Control Block Content Top of page

 IPNBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure IPNBK IP Node block LAN Table management fields 0000 0 Character 1 IPNTYPE IPNBK Type 000000E4 IPNTYPUC C'U' IPNTYPUC Unicast IPNBK 000000D4 IPNTYPMC C'M' IPNTYPMC Multicast IPNBK 000000C2 IPNTYPBC C'B' IPNTYPBC Broadcast IPNBK 000000D9 IPNTYPRX C'R' IPNTYPRX Router IPNBK 0001 1 Bitstring 1 IPNPROTO Protocol (see IPAIPVER) 00000004 IPNIPV4 4 IPNIPV4 IPv4 Protocol 00000006 IPNIPV6 6 IPNIPV6 IPv6 Protocol 0002 2 Bitstring 1 IPNFLAGS IPNBK flags 1... .... IPNDEACT X'80' IPNDEACT DEACTIVATED from LAN IP Table .1.. .... IPNLOCAL X'40' IPNLOCAL LOCAL to this LAN Segment ..1. .... IPNARPCL X'20' IPNARPCL Soft entry claimed by ARP reply ...1 .... IPNPROXY X'10' IPNPROXY Set by ARP Add Address Entry .... 1... IPNINUSE X'08' IPNINUSE Indicate recent activity .... .1.. IPNPERM X'04' IPNPERM Permanent (SETIP/SETIPM) entry .... ..1. IPNOWNER X'02' IPNOWNER Owner of VSWITCH IP address .... ...1 IPNVALID X'01' IPNVALID Validated on VSWITCH (if active) 0003 3 Bitstring 1 IPNFLAG1 Additional flags 1... .... IPNARP X'80' IPNARP Entry created by ARP response Pointer to associated data device. 0004 4 Address 4 IPNLINK Pointer to NIDBK (data device) Linkage for Device IP Table chain. 0008 8 Address 4 IPNFPNT Host logical address of next Device IPNBK 000C 12 Address 4 IPNBPNT Host logical address of previous Device IPNBK Linkage for LANBK IP Table chain. 0010 16 Address 4 IPNXFPNT Host logical address of next LAN IPNBK 0014 20 Address 4 IPNXBPNT Host logical address of previous LAN IPNBK Timestamp when this IP Address was installed. 0018 24 Bitstring 8 IPNTOD TOD Clock created/refreshed Usage counter. Count references to this entry for comparison against other entries in the LAN table. Entries with higher usage counts should be moved toward the front of the list. 0020 32 Signed 4 IPNUSAGE Count references to this entry Operating System ID may be used to validate IP Takeover. 0024 36 Bitstring 2 IPN_OSID OS ID (from SETIP interface) SETIP netmask field is converted to a bit count here. 0026 38 Bitstring 2 IPNMSKNN Netmask bits (from SETIP) IPNARPFL represents SETIP Flag byte 3 (see HCPIPABK). 0028 40 Bitstring 1 IPNARPFL SETIP ARP flag byte 3 .... ..1. IPNNFAIL X'02' IPNNFAIL Takeover this IP address from the current owner. Ignore prior ownership claims. SETIP ARP Flag x'00000002' (Do not fail Grat ARP). CP: IPAIPNRP TCPIP: ArpIpTakeOver. OSA-E: Register this IP address even if it is in use on this adapter (No E005 error). Grat ARP from any other host is ignored (No E00A error). Notes : HiperSockets requires matching OSID to use this option. If the new SETIP and original SETIP do not use the same OSID, the new SETIP fails with code E005 (in use on this adapter). ArpVipa x'00000001' CP: IPAIPRPL TCPIP: ArpVipa. OSA-E: Register this IP address without sending a Gratuitous ARP on the network. If this IP address is in use on the same adapter, SETIP fails with code E005. If this IP address is in use on the same network, SETIP fails with code E00A. Notes : CP Simulation for HiperSockets treats all virtual NIC coupled to the same LAN as part of the same adapter, so SETIP fails with code E005 no matter which device registered the address. .... ...1 IPNNARP X'01' DO NOT Grat ARP this address. 0029 41 Bitstring 7 * Reserved ARP Cache Table would contain these fields. 0030 48 Bitstring 1 IPNPATYP ARP Physical Address Type 00000001 IPNPALAN 1 IPNPALAN - LAN address type == MAC 0031 49 Bitstring 1 IPNIATYP ARP Internet Address Type 00000001 IPNIAV4 1 IPNIAV4 - ARP IPv4 address type 00000002 IPNIAV6 2 IPNIAV6 - ARP IPv6 address type 0032 50 Bitstring 6 IPNMACAD MAC Address 0038 56 Bitstring 16 IPNADDR (0) IP Address (in ARP cache) 0038 56 Bitstring 16 IPNIPAV6 (0) IPv6 address (128-bits) 0038 56 Bitstring 12 IPNIPXV4 IPv4 pad bytes (null) 0044 68 Bitstring 4 IPNIPAV4 IPv4 address (32-bits) 0038 56 Bitstring 4 IPNRXID (0) Router ID (VLAN||ver||type) 0038 56 Signed 2 IPNRXLAN Router VLAN ID 003A 58 Bitstring 1 IPNRXVER Router IP Version (IPv4/IPv6) 003B 59 Bitstring 1 IPNRXTYP Router Type (unicast/multicast) 00000001 IPNRXPRI 1 IPNRXPRI - Primary router 00000002 IPNRXSEC 2 IPNRXSEC - Secondary router 00000003 IPNRXMCR 3 IPNRXMCR - Multicast router 003C 60 Bitstring 1 IPNRXFLG - Global router flag .... .... IPNRXVLR 0 IPNRXVLR - vlan router .... ...1 IPNRXGLR 1 IPNRXGLR - global router 003D 61 Bitstring 11 * Reserved End of the IPNBK. 0048 72 Dbl-Word 8 IPN$END (0) End of the IPNBK structure 00000048 IPNBKLN *-IPNBK Length of IPNBK in bytes 00000009 IPNBKSZ (*-IPNBK+7)/8 Size of IPNBK in doublewords IP Multicast Address (IPM) indicator. When the IP Address byte 0 is in the range of 224-239 (x'E0'-x'EF') it designates an IP Multicast address. To determine if an IP Address is an IPM Address: (1) TM byte0,IPNMCON; If cc<3 it is NOT an IPM (2) TM byte0,IPNMCOFF; If cc>0 it is NOT an IPM The address must pass BOTH tests to be accepted as a Multicast IP Address. 1111 .... IPNMCMSK X'F0' IPM Byte 0 - Significant bits 111. .... IPNMCON X'E0' IPM Byte 0 - These bits are ON ...1 .... IPNMCOFF X'10' IPM Byte 0 - These bits are OFF
  IPNBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** IPNBK - IP Node block
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:TYPE |:PROTO|:FLAGS|:FLAG1|         IPNLINK           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         IPNFPNT           |         IPNBPNT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         IPNXFPNT          |         IPNXBPNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                        IPNTOD                         |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |         IPNUSAGE          |  IPN_OSID   |  IPNMSKNN   |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |:ARPFL|////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  30 |:PATYP|:IATYP|                IPNMACAD                 |
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       IPNIPXV4                        |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*  40 |                           |         IPNIPAV4          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48
*** IPNBK - IP Node block
*** Overlay for IPNADDR in IPNBK
*     +-------------+------+------+------+--------------------+
*  38 |  IPNRXLAN   |:RXVER|:RXTYP|:RXFLG|////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+------+------+////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for IPNADDR in IPNBK
  IPNBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
IPN$END        0048
IPN_OSID       0024
IPNADDR        0038
IPNARP         0003 80
IPNARPCL       0002 20
IPNARPFL       0028
IPNBKLN        0048 00000048
IPNBKSZ        0048 00000009
IPNBPNT        000C
IPNDEACT       0002 80
IPNFLAGS       0002
IPNFLAG1       0003
IPNFPNT        0008
IPNIATYP       0031
IPNIAV4        0031 00000001
IPNIAV6        0031 00000002
IPNINUSE       0002 08
IPNIPAV4       0044
IPNIPAV6       0038
IPNIPV4        0001 00000004
IPNIPV6        0001 00000006
IPNIPXV4       0038
IPNLINK        0004
IPNLOCAL       0002 40
IPNMACAD       0032
IPNMCMSK       0048 F0
IPNMCOFF       0048 10
IPNMCON        0048 E0
IPNMSKNN       0026
IPNNARP        0028 01
IPNNFAIL       0028 02
IPNOWNER       0002 02
IPNPALAN       0030 00000001
IPNPATYP       0030
IPNPERM        0002 04
IPNPROTO       0001
IPNPROXY       0002 10
IPNRXFLG       003C
IPNRXGLR       003C 01
IPNRXID        0038
IPNRXLAN       0038
IPNRXMCR       003B 00000003
IPNRXPRI       003B 00000001
IPNRXSEC       003B 00000002
IPNRXTYP       003B
IPNRXVER       003A
IPNRXVLR       003C 00
IPNTOD         0018
IPNTYPBC       0000 000000C2
IPNTYPE        0000
IPNTYPMC       0000 000000D4
IPNTYPRX       0000 000000D9
IPNTYPUC       0000 000000E4
IPNUSAGE       0020
IPNVALID       0002 01
IPNXBPNT       0014
IPNXFPNT       0010
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:51:39 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022