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  IPLREC Prolog Top of page
 NAME       : IPLREC
 DESCRIPTION: System Initialization (IPL) record
 FUNCTION   : Maps the system initialization record created
              during IPL and collected by SVC 76 processing.
 DELETED BY : The EREP record recording process.
  IPLREC Control Block Content Top of page

 IPLREC DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure IPLREC System Initialization (IPL) record Type of record 0000 0 Bitstring 1 IPLKEY1 Class/Source(type of record) 00000050 IPLIND X'50' IPLIND IPL record System and Release level of issuing system. 0001 1 Bitstring 1 IPLKEY2 System/Release Level of issuing system 00000080 IPLMVS X'80' IPLMVS System is OS/VS2 or a later MVS system 00000060 IPLVM X'60' IPLVM System is CP67, VM/370 or a later VM system 00000040 IPLOSVS1 X'40' IPLOSVS1 System is OS/VS1 00000020 IPLDOS X'20' IPLDOS System is DOS (VSE) 00000000 IPLOS360 X'00' IPLOS360 System is OS/360 (X'00'-X'1F') Release level Miscellaneous switches. 0002 2 Bitstring 1 IPLSMS Record-independent switches 1... .... IPLMORE X'80' IPLMORE More records follow If this is the last record, this bit is zero. .1.. .... IPLWTOD X'40' IPLWTOD IBM System/370 time-of-day clock instruction issued. If this bit is zero, an IBM System/360 TOD clock instruction was issued. This is used in conjunction with IPLDATE and IPLTIME. ..1. .... IPLTRUNC X'20' IPLTRUNC Record truncated. ...1 .... IPLXA X'10' IPLXA 370-XA mode record. .... 1... IPLTMAC X'08' IPLTMAC TIME macro used (OS/VS) If zero, the time is in timer units (VSE). Operating system- and processor-specific information 0003 3 Bitstring 2 * Reserved. 0005 5 Bitstring 1 IPLINCRL Incremental release number of operating system 0006 6 Bitstring 2 * Reserved. 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 IPLDT (0) System date and time when record was created. 0008 8 Signed 4 IPLDATE System date of failure. 000C 12 Signed 4 IPLTIME System time of failure 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 IPLCPUID (0) CPU identification 0010 16 Bitstring 1 IPLVER Machine version code .... ...1 IPLVERII X'01' IPLVERII Version II CPUs. If this bit is zero, version I CPUs. 0011 17 Bitstring 3 IPLSER CPU serial number 0014 20 Bitstring 2 IPLMOD CPU machine model number 0016 22 Bitstring 2 IPLCEL Maximum length of machine- (CPU-) dependent machine-check extended logout area. Restart- and IPL-specific information 0018 24 Bitstring 1 IPLSYSID Device type or program that caused restart. 00000091 IPLPP X'91' IPLPP IBM Programming Products 00000090 IPLSCP X'90' IPLSCP IBM System Control Program 00000080 IPLGRAF X'80' IPLGRAF Graphics/Display/Audio 00000070 IPLTP X'70' IPLTP Teleprocessing 00000060 IPLOCR X'60' IPLOCR MICR/OCR 00000050 IPLUR X'50' IPLUR Card/Print 00000040 IPLTAPE X'40' IPLTAPE Tape 00000030 IPLOTHER X'30' IPLOTHER Other (All devices other than those included under other subsystem IDs 00000020 IPLDASD X'20' IPLDASD Direct Access (DASD) 00000010 IPLCPU X'10' IPLCPU Processor (CPU, channels, storage units, operator consoles) 00000000 IPLNULL X'00' IPLNULL Subsystem is unknown or subsystem code is not required by reason code. 0019 25 Bitstring 3 * Not used for IPL record. 001C 28 Character 2 IPLREAS Alphameric code representing the reason for IPL. Reason codes 0000D5D4 IPLNORM C'NM' Normal system initialization 0000C9C5 IPLNOCE C'IE' IBM hardware/programming problem. CE/PSR not reqd. 0000C9D4 IPLCEREQ C'IM' IBM hardware/programming problem. CE/PSR required. 0000D4C5 IPLMEDIA C'ME' IBM hardware unit failed because of faulty media. 0000E4D5 IPLUNKWN C'UN' Undetermined hardware or software failure. 0000D6D7 IPLOPER C'OP' Operator error or procedural problem. 0000E4D7 IPLUSER C'UP' A program other than an IBM- supplied SCP or PP failed and caused a restart. 0000C5D5 IPLENV C'EN' Environmental problem (power failure, air conditioning, etc.) 0000C3C5 IPLCEPSR C'CE' System restarted at CE/PSR request. 0000C4C6 IPLDFLT C'DF' Default 001E 30 Bitstring 2 IPLCHNM Channel map. 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 IPLCHAN Channel type assignment at IPL. (Not used for 370-XA.) 0028 40 Signed 4 IPLHADDR Address of the last valid byte of storage found at IPL time (MVS only). 002C 44 Signed 4 IPLSDATE Time-stamp date (MVS only). 0030 48 Signed 4 IPLSTIME Time-stamp time (MVS only). Record size in bytes and doublewords. 00000034 IPLBLEN *-IPLREC IPLREC size in bytes 00000007 IPLSIZE (*-IPLREC+7)/8 IPLREC size in doublewords
  IPLREC Storage Layout Top of page
*** IPLREC - System Initialization (IPL) record
*     +------+------+------+-------------+------+-------------+
*   0 |:KEY1 |:KEY2 |IPLSMS|/////////////|:INCRL|/////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
*   8 |         IPLDATE           |         IPLTIME           |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |IPLVER|      IPLSER        |   IPLMOD    |   IPLCEL    |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |:SYSID|////////////////////|  IPLREAS    |  IPLCHNM    |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |                       IPLCHAN                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         IPLHADDR          |         IPLSDATE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         IPLSTIME          | 34
*     +---------------------------+
*** IPLREC - System Initialization (IPL) record
  IPLREC Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
IPLBLEN        0030 00000034
IPLCEL         0016
IPLCEPSR       001C 0000C3C5
IPLCEREQ       001C 0000C9D4
IPLCHAN        0020
IPLCHNM        001E
IPLCPU         0018 00000010
IPLCPUID       0010
IPLDASD        0018 00000020
IPLDATE        0008
IPLDFLT        001C 0000C4C6
IPLDOS         0001 00000020
IPLDT          0008
IPLENV         001C 0000C5D5
IPLGRAF        0018 00000080
IPLHADDR       0028
IPLINCRL       0005
IPLIND         0000 00000050
IPLKEY1        0000
IPLKEY2        0001
IPLMEDIA       001C 0000D4C5
IPLMOD         0014
IPLMORE        0002 80
IPLMVS         0001 00000080
IPLNOCE        001C 0000C9C5
IPLNORM        001C 0000D5D4
IPLNULL        0018 00000000
IPLOCR         0018 00000060
IPLOPER        001C 0000D6D7
IPLOSVS1       0001 00000040
IPLOS360       0001 00000000
IPLOTHER       0018 00000030
IPLPP          0018 00000091
IPLREAS        001C
IPLSCP         0018 00000090
IPLSDATE       002C
IPLSER         0011
IPLSIZE        0030 00000007
IPLSMS         0002
IPLSTIME       0030
IPLSYSID       0018
IPLTAPE        0018 00000040
IPLTIME        000C
IPLTMAC        0002 08
IPLTP          0018 00000070
IPLTRUNC       0002 20
IPLUNKWN       001C 0000E4D5
IPLUR          0018 00000050
IPLUSER        001C 0000E4D7
IPLVER         0010
IPLVERII       0010 01
IPLVM          0001 00000060
IPLWTOD        0002 40
IPLXA          0002 10
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:58:30 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022