Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INFBK Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Signed 8 INFRESP Minimum response buffer size for
all function codes.
Return Codes
00000000 INFRCOK 0 Success
00000004 INFRFC 4 Unsupported function code
00000008 INFRCAUT 8 Unauthorized function code
0000000C INFRCMIS 12 Missing or invalid name
00000010 INFRCNAM 16 Specified name is unknown
00000014 INFRCBUF 20 Response buffer is too small
00000018 INFRCNXT 24 Next, unused return code
Function code Values
00000000 INFCAPAC 0 FC=0 - Obtain CPU Capacity Info
00000001 INFHYPER 1 FC=1 - Hypervisor Environment
00000002 INFGSTL 2 FC=2 - Guest List
00000003 INFGSTI 3 FC=3 - Designated Guest Info
00000004 INFPOOLL 4 FC=4 - Resource Pool List
00000005 INFPOOLI 5 FC=5 - Designated Resource Pool
00000006 INFPOOLM 6 FC=6 - Resource Pool Member
Function code x'0000': Return CPU Capacity Information
The response buffer for function code x'0000' consists
of five or more sections of data:
Header Section
Machine Section
Partition Section
Hypervisor Section 1
Guest Section 1
Hypervisor Section 2 (may not be present)
Guest Section 2 (may not be present)
Hypervisor Section 3 (may not be present)
Guest Section 3 (may not be present)
One to three levels of Hypervisors and Guests may be
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Header Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0HDR Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFHFLG1 Header Flag Byte 1 These flag
settings indicate the environment
that the instruction was executed
in and may influence the value of
validity bits. The validity bits,
not these flags, should be used
to determine if a field is valid.
1... .... INFGPDU X'80' INFGPDU Global Performance
Data unavailable
.1.. .... INFSTHYI X'40' INFSTHYI One or more
hypervisor levels below this
level does not support the STHYI
instruction. When this flag is
set the value of INFGPDU is not
meaningful because the state of
the Global Performance Data
setting cannot be determined.
..1. .... INFVSI X'20' INFVSI Virtualization stack
is incomplete. This bit indicates
one of 2 cases: 1. One or more
hypervisor levels do not support
STHYI. For this case INFSTHYI
will also be set. 2. There were
more than 3 levels of
guest/hypervisor information to
...1 .... INFBASIC X'10' INFBASIC Execution
environment is not within a
logical partition.
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFHFLG2 Header Flag Byte 2 reserved for
IBM use
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFHVAL1 Header Validity Byte 1 Reserved
for IBM use
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFHVAL2 Header Validity Byte 2 Reserved
for IBM use
0004 4 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use
0007 7 Signed 1 INFHYGCT Count of reported hypervisors/
guests. This indicates how many
hypervisor/guest sections are in
the response buffer up to a
maximum of 3.
00000003 INF0YGMX 3 Maximum Hypervisor/Guest
0008 8 Signed 2 INFHTOTL Total length of the response
buffer in bytes, including the
Header, Machine, Partition, and
Hypervisor and Guest sections.
000A 10 Signed 2 INFHDLN Length of Header Section in bytes
000C 12 Signed 2 INFMOFF Offset to Machine Section mapped
000E 14 Signed 2 INFMLEN Length of Machine Section in
0010 16 Signed 2 INFPOFF Offset to Partition Section
mapped by INF0PAR
0012 18 Signed 2 INFPLEN Length of Partition Section in
0014 20 Signed 8 INFHYGS1 Hypervisor/Guest Header 1
0014 20 Signed 2 INFHOFF1 Offset to Hypervisor Section 1,
mapped by INF0HYP
0016 22 Signed 2 INFHLEN1 Length of Hypervisor Section 1 in
0018 24 Signed 2 INFGOFF1 Offset to Guest Section 1 mapped
001A 26 Signed 2 INFGLEN1 Length of Guest Section 1 in
001C 28 Signed 8 INFHYGS2 Hypervisor/Guest Header 2
001C 28 Signed 2 INFHOFF2 Offset to Hypervisor Section 2
mapped by INF0HYP
001E 30 Signed 2 INFHLEN2 Length of Hypervisor Section 2 in
0020 32 Signed 2 INFGOFF2 Offset to Guest Section 2 mapped
0022 34 Signed 2 INFGLEN2 Length of Guest Section 2 in
0024 36 Signed 8 INFHYGS3 Hypervisor/Guest Header 3
0024 36 Signed 2 INFHOFF3 Offset to Hypervisor Section 3
mapped by INF0HYP
0026 38 Signed 2 INFHLEN3 Length of Hypervisor Section 3 in
0028 40 Signed 2 INFGOFF3 Offset to Guest Section 3 mapped
002A 42 Signed 2 INFGLEN3 Length of Guest Section 3 in
002C 44 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for IBM use
00000030 INF0HDSZ *-INF0HDR Size of header in bytes
00000006 INF0HDSD (*-INF0HDR+7)/8 Size of Header in
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Hypervisor/Guest section description
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0HDYG Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Signed 2 INFYOFF Offset to Hypervisor Section
mapped by INF0HYP
0002 2 Signed 2 INFYLEN Length of Hypervisor Section in
0004 4 Signed 2 INFGOFF Offset to Guest Section mapped by
0006 6 Signed 2 INFGLEN Length of Guest Section in bytes
00000008 INF0HYSZ *-INF0HDYG Size of section
description in bytes
00000001 INF0HYSD (*-INF0HDYG+7)/8 Size of section
description in doublewords.
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Machine Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0MAC Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFMFLG1 Machine Flag Byte 1
1... .... INFMPOOL X'80' INFMPOOL Reserved for IBM
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFMFLG2 Machine Flag Byte 2 reserved for
IBM use
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFMVAL1 Machine Validity Byte 1
1... .... INFMPROC X'80' INFMPROC Processor Count
Validity When this bit is on, it
indicates that INFMSCPS,
contain valid counts. The
validity bit may be off when: -
STHYI support is not available on
a lower level hypervisor, or -
Global Performance Data is not
.1.. .... INFMMID X'40' INFMMID Machine ID Validity
This bit being on indicates that
a SYSIB 1.1.1 was obtained from
STSI and information reported in
the following fields is valid:
..1. .... INFMMNAM X'20' INFMMNAM Machine Name
Validity This bit being on
indicates that the INFMNAME field
is valid.
...1 .... INFMPLNV X'10' INFMPLNV Reserved for IBM
.... 1... INFMZIIPV X'08' INFMZIIPV Machine zIIP
reporting validity. When on, the
are valid.
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFMVAL2 Machine Validity Byte 2 Reserved
for IBM use
0004 4 Signed 2 INFMSCPS Count of shared CPs configured in
the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
0006 6 Signed 2 INFMDCPS Count of dedicated CPs configured
in the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
0008 8 Signed 2 INFMSIFL Count of shared IFLs configured
in the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
000A 10 Signed 2 INFMDIFL Count of dedicated IFLs
configured in the machine or in
the physical partition if the
system is physically partitioned.
(Valid if (INFMPROC)
000C 12 Character 8 INFMNAME Machine Name, in EBCDIC format.
This is the CPC name associated
with the processor. (Valid if
0014 20 Character 4 INFMTYPE Machine Type, in EBCDIC format.
This is the machine type reported
by STSI 1.1.1 (Basic Machine
Configuration). (Valid if
0018 24 Character 16 INFMMANU Machine Manufacturer, in EBCDIC
format. This is the name of the
manufacturer of the configuration
reported by STSI 1.1.1. (Valid if
0028 40 Character 16 INFMSEQ Sequence Code, in EBCDIC format.
This is the sequence code of the
configuration reported by STSI
1.1.1. (Valid if (INFMMID)
0038 56 Character 4 INFMPMAN Plant of Manufacture, in EBCDIC
format. This is the 4-byte code
reported by STSI 1.1.1. (Valid if
003C 60 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for IBM use
0040 64 Character 8 INFMPLNM Reserved for IBM use.
0048 72 Signed 2 INFMSZIIP Count of shared zIIPs configured
in the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
004A 74 Signed 2 INFMDZIIP Count of dedicated zIIPs
configured in the machine or in
the physical partition if the
system is physically partitioned.
(Valid if INFMZIIPV)
004C 76 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for IBM use
00000050 INF0MSIZ *-INF0MAC Size of Machine Section
in bytes
0000000A INF0MSZD (*-INF0MAC+7)/8 Size of Machine
Section in doublewords
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Partition Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0PAR Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFPFLG1 Partition Flag Byte 1
1... .... INFPMTEN X'80' INFPMTEN Multithreading
(MT) is enabled.
.1.. .... INFPPOOL X'40' INFPPOOL Reserved for IBM
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFPFLG2 Partition Flag Byte 2 reserved
for IBM use.
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFPVAL1 Partition Validity Byte 1
1... .... INFPPROC X'80' INFPPROC Processor Count
Validity This bit being on
indicates that INFPSCPS,
contain valid counts. When
INFPDZIIP contain valid cnts.
.1.. .... INFPWBCC X'40' INFPWBCC Partition
weight-based capped capacity
validity. This bit being on
indicates that INFPWBCP and
INFPWBIF are valid. When
is valid.
..1. .... INFPACC X'20' INFPACC Partition absolute
capped capacity validity. This
bit being on indicates that
INFPABCP and INFPABIF are valid.
When INFPZIIPV is also on,
INFPABZIIP is valid.
...1 .... INFPPID X'10' INFPPID Partition ID
Validity. This bit being on
indicates that a SYSIB 2.2.2 was
obtained from STSI and
information reported in the
following fields is valid:
.... 1... INFPLGVL X'08' INFPLGVL LPAR Group
Absolute Capacity Capping
information validity This bit
being on indicates that INFPLGNM,
INFPLGCP and INFPLGIF are valid.
When INFPZIIPV is also on,
INFPLGZIIP is valid.
.... .1.. INFPPLNV X'04' INFPPLNV Reserved for IBM
.... ..1. INFPZIIPV X'02' INFPZIIPV Partition zIIP
reporting validity. When on,
and INFPLGZIIP may be valid
depending on additional validity
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFPVAL2 Partition Validity Byte 2
reserved for IBM use.
0004 4 Signed 2 INFPPNUM Logical Partition Number. This is
the Logical-Partition Number
reported by STSI 2.2.2. (Valid if
0006 6 Signed 2 INFPSCPS Count of shared logical CP cores
configured for this partition.
(Valid if INFPPROC)
0008 8 Signed 2 INFPDCPS Count of dedicated logical CP
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INFPPROC)
000A 10 Signed 2 INFPSIFL Count of shared logical IFL cores
configured for this partition.
(Valid if INFPPROC)
000C 12 Signed 2 INFPDIFL Count of dedicated logical IFL
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INFPPROC)
000E 14 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for IBM use
0010 16 Character 8 INFPPNAM Logical Partition Name, in EBCDIC
format. This is the Logical-
Partition Name reported by STSI
2.2.2. (Valid if INFPPID)
0018 24 Signed 4 INFPWBCP Partition weight-based capped
capacity for CPs, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
core. Cap is applicable only to
shared processors. Zero if not
capped. (Valid if INFPWBCC)
001C 28 Signed 4 INFPABCP Partition absolute capped
capacity for CPs, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
core. Cap is applicable only to
shared processors. Zero if not
capped. (Valid if INFPACC)
0020 32 Signed 4 INFPWBIF Partition weight-based capped
capacity for IFLs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. Zero if not capped.
(Valid if INFPWBCC)
0024 36 Signed 4 INFPABIF Partition absolute capped
capacity for IFLs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. Zero if not capped.
(Valid if INFPACC)
0028 40 Character 8 INFPLGNM LPAR Group Name (Valid if
INFPLGVL) EBCDIC, padded on right
with blanks when in an LPAR group
and valid. Binary zeros
otherwise. Only reported when
there is a group cap on CP, IFL
or zIIP CPU types and the
partition has the capped CPU
0030 48 Signed 4 INFPLGCP LPAR Group Absolute Capacity
Value for the CP CPU type when
nonzero. Nonzero only when
INFPLGNM is nonzero and a cap is
defined for this LPAR Group for
the CP CPU type. When nonzero,
contains a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
(Valid if INFPLGVL)
0034 52 Signed 4 INFPLGIF LPAR Group Absolute Capacity
Value for the IFL CPU type when
nonzero. Nonzero only when
INFPLGNM is nonzero and a cap is
defined for this LPAR Group for
the IFL CPU type. When nonzero,
contains a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
(Valid if INFPLGVL)
0038 56 Character 8 INFPPLNM Reserved for IBM use.
0040 64 Signed 2 INFPSZIIP Count of shared logical zIIP
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INFPZIIPV)
0042 66 Signed 2 INFPDZIIP Count of dedicated logical zIIP
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INFPZIIPV)
0044 68 Signed 4 INFPWBZIIP Partition weight-based capped
capacity for zIIPs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. Zero if not capped.
0048 72 Signed 4 INFPABZIIP Partition absolute capped
capacity for zIIPs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. Zero if not capped.
004C 76 Signed 4 INFPLGZIIP LPAR Group Absolute Capacity
Value for the zIIP CPU type when
nonzero. Nonzero only when
INFPLGNM is nonzero and a cap is
defined for this LPAR Group for
the zIIP CPU type. When nonzero,
contains a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
00000050 INF0PSIZ *-INF0PAR Size of Partition
Section in bytes
0000000A INF0PSZD (*-INF0PAR+7)/8 Size of Partition
Section in doublewords
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Hypervisor Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0HYP Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFYFLG1 Hypervisor Flag Byte 1
1... .... INFYLMCN X'80' INFYLMCN Consumption method
is used to enforce Limithard
.1.. .... INFYLMPR X'40' INFYLMPR If on, Limithard
caps use prorated core time for
capping. If off, raw CPU time is
..1. .... INFYMTEN X'20' INFYMTEN Hypervisor is
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFYFLG2 Hypervisor Flag Byte 2 Reserved
for IBM use
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFYVAL1 Hypervisor Validity Byte 1
1... .... INFYZIIPV X'80' INFYZIIPV Hypervisor zIIP
reporting validity. When on,
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFYVAL2 Hypervisor Validity Byte 2
Reserved for IBM use
0004 4 Signed 1 INFYTYPE Hypervisor type
00000001 INFYTVM X'01' INFYTVM z/VM is the
00000002 INFYTKVM X'02' INFYTKVM KVM is the
00000003 INFYTZCX X'03' INFYTZCX zCX is the
0005 5 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use
0006 6 Bitstring 1 INFYCPT Threads in use per CP core. This
value is reported for the current
configuration settings even when
the guest CPUs are not dispatched
on CPs. The value is set only
when SMT enabled as indicated by
0007 7 Bitstring 1 INFYIFLT Threads in use per IFL core. This
value is reported for the current
configuration settings even when
the guest CPUs are not dispatched
on IFLs. The value is set only
when SMT enabled as indicated by
0008 8 Character 8 INFYSYID System Identifier, in EBCDIC
format, left justified and padded
with blanks. This is the value
generally specified on the
SYSTEM_IDentifier statement in
the system configuration file.
Blank if non-existent.
0010 16 Character 8 INFYCLNM Cluster Name, in EBCDIC format,
left justified and padded with
blanks. This is the name on the
SSI statement in the system
configuration file. Blank if
0018 24 Signed 2 INFYSCPS Number of CP cores shared by
non-dedicated CP-dispatched
virtual CPUs of this hypervisor.
001A 26 Signed 2 INFYDCPS Number of CP cores dedicated to
CP-dispatched virtual CPUs of
this hypervisor.
001C 28 Signed 2 INFYSIFL Number of IFL cores shared by
non-dedicated IFL-dispatched
virtual CPUs of this hypervisor.
001E 30 Signed 2 INFYDIFL Number of IFL cores dedicated to
IFL-dispatched virtual CPUs of
this hypervisor.
0020 32 Bitstring 8 INFYINSF (0) Mask of installed function codes.
Bit position corresponding to the
function code number is on if the
function code is supported by
this hypervisor. Bits may be on
even if the guest is not
0020 32 Bitstring 1 INFYINS0 Function codes 0-7.
1... .... INFYFCCP X'80' INFYFCCP FC=0 - Obtain CPU
Capacity Info.
.1.. .... INFYFHYP X'40' INFYFHYP FC=1 - Hypervisor
Environment Info
..1. .... INFYFGLS X'20' INFYFGLS FC=2 - Guest List
...1 .... INFYFGST X'10' INFYFGST FC=3 - Designated
Guest Info
.... 1... INFYFPLS X'08' INFYFPLS FC=4 - Resource
Pool List
.... .1.. INFYFPDS X'04' INFYFPDS FC=5 - Designated
Resource Pool Information
.... ..1. INFYFPML X'02' INFYFPML FC=6 - Resource
Pool Member List
0021 33 Bitstring 1 INFYINS1 Function codes 8-15.
0022 34 Bitstring 1 INFYINS2 Function codes 16-23.
0023 35 Bitstring 1 INFYINS3 Function codes 24-31.
0024 36 Bitstring 1 INFYINS4 Function codes 32-39.
0025 37 Bitstring 1 INFYINS5 Function codes 40-47.
0026 38 Bitstring 1 INFYINS6 Function codes 48-55.
0027 39 Bitstring 1 INFYINS7 Function codes 56-63.
0028 40 Bitstring 8 INFYAUTF (0) Mask of authorized function
codes. Bit position corresponding
to the function code number is on
if the function code is supported
by this hypervisor and the guest
has been authorized in the
0028 40 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT0 Function codes 0-7.
1... .... INFYFCCP X'80' INFYFCCP FC=0 - Obtain CPU
Capacity Info.
.1.. .... INFYFHYP X'40' INFYFHYP FC=1 - Hypervisor
Environment Info
..1. .... INFYFGLS X'20' INFYFGLS FC=2 - Guest List
...1 .... INFYFGST X'10' INFYFGST FC=3 - Designated
Guest Info
.... 1... INFYFPLS X'08' INFYFPLS FC=4 - Resource
Pool List
.... .1.. INFYFPDS X'04' INFYFPDS FC=5 - Designated
Resource Pool Information
.... ..1. INFYFPML X'02' INFYFPML FC=6 - Resource
Pool Member List
0029 41 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT1 Function codes 8-15.
002A 42 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT2 Function codes 16-23.
002B 43 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT3 Function codes 24-31.
002C 44 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT4 Function codes 32-39.
002D 45 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT5 Function codes 40-47.
002E 46 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT6 Function codes 48-55.
002F 47 Bitstring 1 INFYAUT7 Function codes 56-63.
0030 48 Bitstring 1 INFYZIIPT Threads in use per zIIP core.
This value is reported for the
current configuration settings
even when the guest CPUs are not
dispatched on zIIPs. The value is
set only when SMT enabled as
indicated by INFYFLG1.INFYMTEN.
(Valid if INFYZIIPV)
0031 49 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use.
0032 50 Signed 2 INFYSZIIP Number of zIIP cores shared by
non-dedicated zIIP-dispatched
virtual CPUs of this hypervisor.
(Valid if INFYZIIPV). Note: zIIP
virtual CPUs are never dedicated.
0034 52 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000038 INF0YSIZ *-INF0HYP Size of Hypervisor
Section in bytes
00000007 INF0YSZD (*-INF0HYP+7)/8 Size of
Hypervisor Section in doublewords
Function code X'0000' Response Buffer
Guest Section
All counts of CPs, IFLs, and zIIPs and capacity values
are based on quantities of cores when multithreading is
enabled. While virtual CPUs are thread dispatched
they have the potential of consuming an entire core.
Therefore virtual CP, IFL and zIIP counts are counts of
virtual CPUs but treated as counts of cores.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF0GST Mappings for STHYI
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INFGFLG1 Guest Flag Byte 1
1... .... INFGMOB X'80' INFGMOB Guest mobility is
.1.. .... INFGMCPT X'40' INFGMCPT Guest has multiple
CPU types
..1. .... INFGCPLH X'20' INFGCPLH Guest CP dispatch
type has LIMITHARD cap.
...1 .... INFGIFLH X'10' INFGIFLH Guest IFL dispatch
type has LIMITHARD cap.
.... 1... INFGVCPT X'08' INFGVCPT Virtual CPs are
thread dispatched.
.... .1.. INFGVIFT X'04' INFGVIFT Virtual IFLs are
thread dispatched
.... ..1. INFGZIIPH X'02' INFGZIIPH Guest zIIP
dispatch type has LIMITHARD cap
(Valid if INFGZIIPV).
.... ...1 INFGVZIIPT X'01' INFGVZIIPT Virtual zIIPs
are thread dispatched (Valid if
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INFGFLG2 Guest Flag Byte 2 Reserved for
IBM use
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INFGVAL1 Guest Validity Byte 1
1... .... INFGZIIPV X'80' INFGZIIPV Guest zIIP
reporting validity. When on,
and INFGPZPC flags are valid.
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INFGVAL2 Guest Validity Byte 2 Reserved
for IBM use
0004 4 Character 8 INFGUSID Guest's userid, in EBCDIC format
000C 12 Signed 2 INFGSCPS Number of guest shared CPs
000E 14 Signed 2 INFGDCPS Number of guest dedicated CPs
0010 16 Signed 1 INFGCPDT Dispatch type for guest CPs This
field is valid if INFGSCPS or
INFGDCPS is greater than zero.
00000000 INFGPUCCP X'00' INFGPUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INFGPUCIFL X'03' INFGPUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
00000005 INFGPUCZIP X'05' INFGPUCZIP zSeries
Integrated Information Processor
dispatched on zIIP and CP
Processors due to spillover.
0011 17 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use
0014 20 Signed 4 INFGCPCC Guest current capped capacity for
CP-dispatched, shared vCPUs, a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Zero if not
0018 24 Signed 2 INFGSIFL Number of guest shared IFLs
001A 26 Signed 2 INFGDIFL Number of guest dedicated IFLs
001C 28 Signed 1 INFGIFDT Dispatch type for guest IFLs.
This field is valid if INFGSIFL
or INFGDIFL is greater than zero.
00000000 INFGPUCCP X'00' INFGPUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INFGPUCIFL X'03' INFGPUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
00000005 INFGPUCZIP X'05' INFGPUCZIP zSeries
Integrated Information Processor
dispatched on zIIP and CP
Processors due to spillover.
001D 29 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use
0020 32 Signed 4 INFGIFCC Guest current capped capacity for
IFL-dispatched, shared vCPUs, a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Zero if not
0024 36 Bitstring 1 INFGPFLG Resource Pool Capping Flags
1... .... INFGPCLH X'80' INFGPCLH Resource Pool's CP
virtual type has LIMITHARD cap.
.1.. .... INFGPCPC X'40' INFGPCPC Resource Pool's CP
virtual type has CAPACITY cap.
..1. .... INFGPILH X'20' INFGPILH Resource Pool's
IFL virtual type has LIMITHARD
...1 .... INFGPIFC X'10' INFGPIFC Resource Pool's
IFL virtual type has CAPACITY
.... 1... INFPRCTM X'08' INFPRCTM Resource Pool uses
prorated core time.
.... .1.. INFGPZLH X'04' INFGPZLH Resource Pool's
zIIP virtual type has LIMITHARD
cap. (Valid if INFGZIIPV)
.... ..1. INFGPZPC X'02' INFGPZPC Resource Pool's
zIIP virtual type has CAPACITY
cap. (Valid if INFGZIIPV)
0025 37 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use
0028 40 Character 8 INFGPNAM Resource pool name. Blanks if not
Resource Pool.
0030 48 Signed 4 INFGPCCC Resource pool capped capacity for
shared virtual CPs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core if capped.
Zero if not capped.
0034 52 Signed 4 INFGPICC Resource pool capped capacity for
shared virtual IFLs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core if capped.
Zero if not capped.
0038 56 Signed 2 INFGSZIIP Number of guest shared zIIPs.
(Valid if INFYZIIPV). Note: zIIP
virtual CPUs are never dedicated.
003A 58 Signed 1 INFGZIIPDT Dispatch type for guest zIIPs.
This field is set when INFGSZIIP
> 0. May be INFGPUCZIIP,
00000000 INFGPUCCP X'00' INFGPUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INFGPUCIFL X'03' INFGPUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
00000005 INFGPUCZIP X'05' INFGPUCZIP zSeries
Integrated Information Processor
dispatched on zIIP and CP
Processors due to spillover.
003B 59 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use.
003C 60 Signed 4 INFGZIIPCC Guest current capped capacity for
zIIP-dispatched, shared vCPUs, a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Zero if not
capped. (Valid if INFGZIIPV)
0040 64 Signed 4 INFGPZCC Resource pool capped capacity for
shared virtual zIIPs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core if capped.
Zero if not capped. (Valid if
0044 68 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000048 INF0GSIZ *-INF0GST Size of Guest Section
in bytes
00000009 INF0GSZD (*-INF0GST+7)/8 Size of Guest
Section in doublewords
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INFCHDR Mappings for STHYI
INFCHDR - INFBK Common Header of Response Buffer
- This common header section defines the beginning
of the response buffer for function codes that
insert it at the start of the function-code-specific
response buffer definition.
- The INFxBK of each function-code-specific response
buffer imbedding this common header describes the
changes introduced for all version codes as a set
of equates defined for the redefinition of INFCVRSN.
The service level that introduced the change is also
noted in the comment on the equates.
- Function codes that don't return a list will have
- Function codes that return a list but have no list
data to return will return zero values in INFCLSOF
and INFCCTEN, but returns the entry length in INFCENLN.
- If the definition of this common header changes then
the version number for all function codes that use
it will be increased to indicate the change in the
response buffer format for that function code.
- The length of the common header section (INFCHDR) will
never change to prevent shifting offsets of fields
in the function-code-specific block following the
common header.
0000 0 Signed 2 INFCVRSN Version number indicating the
format of the response buffer for
the requested function code. See
response buffer for each function
code for associated versions.
0002 2 Signed 2 INFCHDLN Length of the full header that
imbedded this common section.
0004 4 Signed 4 INFCTOTL Total length of the actual data
returned in all sections of the
response buffer.
0008 8 Signed 2 INFCRQSZ Required buffer size as a number
of 4K pages needed to hold the
complete response.
000A 10 Signed 2 INFCLSOF Offset to start of list from the
beginning of the INFxBK imbedding
this common header DSECT. Entries
are mapped by function-
code-specific entry definitions.
000C 12 Signed 2 INFCENLN Length of list entry.
000E 14 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use
0010 16 Signed 4 INFCCTEN Count of list entries.
0014 20 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use
0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 * (3) Reserved for IBM use
0030 48 Dbl-Word 8 INFCFCUS (2) Function code-specific section.
Used only if redefined within an
It can be redefined to add
section offsets and lengths.
00000040 INFCSB1 *-INFCHDR Version 1 length in
bytes of the Common Header.
00000008 INFCSD1 (*-INFCHDR+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Common
00000040 INFCSZB *-INFCHDR Maximum supported
version length in bytes of the
Common Header.
00000008 INFCSZD (*-INFCHDR+7)/8 Maximum supported
version length in doublewords of
the Common Header.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0001': Hypervisor Environment Information
This function code reports on the environment of the
invoker of STHYI.
The response buffer for function code x'0001' consists
of five or more sections of data:
Header Section (INF1BK DSECT, imbeds INF1CHDR)
Machine Section (INF1MAC DSECT)
Partition Section (INF1PAR DSECT)
Hypervisor Section 1 (INF1HYP DSECT)
Guest Section 1 (INF1GST DSECT)
Hypervisor Section 2 (may not be present)
Guest Section 2 (may not be present)
Hypervisor Section 3 (may not be present)
Guest Section 3 (may not be present)
One to three levels of hypervisors and guests may be
reported. When the guest is running second level or
higher, hypervisor/guest section 1 is filled in by the
hypervisor running closest to the hardware, with its
guest filling in the next section, etc. for a maximum
of 3 levels.
The format of this response buffer is determined by the
hypervisor closest to the LPAR. When running directly
in a partition, there is only one level of hypervisor
involved in constructing the response so the version is
the same for all sections. However when running second
level the version of this block is generally determined
by the first level hypervisor.
The formats of the pairs of hypervisor and guest
sections may differ. The specified version number
describes the format of that section.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
Update Log - see equates under INF1VRSN.
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF1CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF1VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF1V00001 X'0001' INF1V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
0040 64 Bitstring 1 INF1HFL1 Header Flag Byte 1 These flag
settings indicate the environment
that the instruction was executed
in and may influence the value of
validity bits. The validity bits,
not these flags, should be used
to determine if a field contains
valid data.
1... .... INF1GPDU X'80' INF1GPDU Global Performance
Data unavailable.
.1.. .... INF1STHY X'40' INF1STHY One or more
hypervisor levels below this
level does not support the STHYI
instruction. When this flag is
set the value of INF1GPDU is not
meaningful because the state of
the Global Performance Data
setting cannot be determined.
..1. .... INF1VSI X'20' INF1VSI Virtualization
stack is incomplete. This bit
indicates one of 2 cases: 1. One
or more hypervisor levels do not
support STHYI or the FC as
indicated by INF1STHY, INF1FCFC
or INF1FCAU. 2. There were more
than 3 levels of guest/hypervisor
information to report.
...1 .... INF1BASC X'10' INF1BASC Execution
environment is not within a
logical partition.
.... 1... INF1FCFC X'08' INF1FCFC A lower level
hypervisor supports STHYI but not
this function code. When this
flag is set the value of INF1GPDU
is not meaningful because the
state of the Global Performance
Data setting cannot be
.... .1.. INF1FCAU X'04' INF1FCAU A lower level
hypervisor supports STHYI FC=1
but the guest is not authorized.
When this flag is set the value
of INF1GPDU is not meaningful
because the state of the Global
Performance Data setting cannot
be determined.
0041 65 Bitstring 1 INF1HFL2 Reserved for IBM use
0042 66 Bitstring 1 INF1HVL1 Reserved for IBM use
0043 67 Bitstring 1 INF1HVL2 Reserved for IBM use
0044 68 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use
0047 71 Signed 1 INF1HYGC Count of reported hypervisors/
guests. This indicates how many
hypervisor/guest sections are in
the response buffer up to a
maximum of 3.
00000003 INF1YGMX 3,1,C'X' Maximum Hypervisor/Guest
0048 72 Signed 2 INF1MOFF Offset from start of INF1BK to
Machine Section mapped by INF1MAC
004A 74 Signed 2 INF1MLEN Length of Machine Section in
004C 76 Signed 2 INF1POFF Offset from start of INF1BK to
Partition Section mapped by
004E 78 Signed 2 INF1PLEN Len of Partition Section in bytes
0050 80 Bitstring 16 INF1HYG1 (0) Hypervisor/Guest Header 1
0050 80 Signed 2 INF1YOF1 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Hypervisor Section 1, mapped by
0052 82 Signed 2 INF1YLN1 Length of Hypervisor Section 1 in
0054 84 Signed 2 INF1YVR1 Version number of this hypervisor
section. Corresponds to the FC=1
version for this hypervisor.
0056 86 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0058 88 Signed 2 INF1GOF1 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Guest Section 1 mapped by
005A 90 Signed 2 INF1GLN1 Length of Guest Section 1 in
005C 92 Signed 2 INF1GVR1 Version number of this guest
section. Corresponds to the FC=3
version for this hypervisor.
005E 94 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0060 96 Bitstring 16 INF1HYG2 (0) Hypervisor/Guest Header 2
0060 96 Signed 2 INF1YOF2 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Hypervisor Section 2 mapped by
0062 98 Signed 2 INF1YLN2 Length of Hypervisor Section 2 in
0064 100 Signed 2 INF1YVR2 Version number of this hypervisor
section. Corresponds to the FC=1
version for this hypervisor.
0066 102 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0068 104 Signed 2 INF1GOF2 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Guest Section 2 mapped by
006A 106 Signed 2 INF1GLN2 Length of Guest Section 2 in
006C 108 Signed 2 INF1GVR2 Version number of this guest
section. Corresponds to the FC=3
version for this hypervisor.
006E 110 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0070 112 Bitstring 16 INF1HYG3 (0) Hypervisor/Guest Header 3
0070 112 Signed 2 INF1YOF3 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Hypervisor Section 3 mapped by
0072 114 Signed 2 INF1YLN3 Length of Hypervisor Section 3 in
0074 116 Signed 2 INF1YVR3 Version number of this hypervisor
section. Corresponds to the FC=1
version for this hypervisor.
0076 118 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0078 120 Signed 2 INF1GOF3 Offset from start of INF1BK to
Guest Section 3 mapped by
007A 122 Signed 2 INF1GLN3 Length of Guest Section 3 in
007C 124 Signed 2 INF1GVR3 Version number of this guest
section. Corresponds to the FC=3
version for this hypervisor.
007E 126 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000080 INF1BSB1 *-INF1BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Hypervisor
Environment Information header.
00000010 INF1BSD1 (*-INF1BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Hypervisor
Environment Information header.
00000080 INF1BSZB *-INF1BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Hypervisor
Environment Information header.
00000010 INF1BSZD (*-INF1BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Hypervisor Environment
Information header.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1YGHD Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0001' Response Buffer
Hypervisor/Guest section description
0000 0 Signed 2 INF1YOFF Offset from start of INF1BK to
Hypervisor Section mapped by
0002 2 Signed 2 INF1YLEN Length of Hypervisor Section in
0004 4 Signed 2 INF1YVRS Version number of this hypervisor
section. Corresponds to the FC=1
version for this hypervisor.
0006 6 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0008 8 Signed 2 INF1GOFF Offset from start of INF1BK to
Guest Section mapped by INF3GST.
000A 10 Signed 2 INF1GLEN Length of Guest Section in bytes
000C 12 Signed 2 INF1GVRS Version number of this guest
section. Corresponds to the FC=3
version for this hypervisor.
000E 14 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000010 INF1YGB1 *-INF1YGHD Version 1 length in
bytes of the Hypervisor/Guest
00000002 INF1YGD1 (*-INF1YGHD+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the
Hypervisor/Guest entry.
00000010 INF1YGSB *-INF1YGHD Length in bytes for
newest version of the
Hypervisor/Guest entry.
00000002 INF1YGSD (*-INF1YGHD+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Hypervisor/Guest entry.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1MAC Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0001' Response Buffer
Machine Section
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INF1MFL1 Machine Flag Byte 1
1... .... INF1MPOOL X'80' INF1MPOOL Reserved for IBM
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INF1MFL2 Machine Flag Byte 2 Reserved for
IBM use.
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INF1MVL1 Machine Field Validity Byte 1
1... .... INF1MPROC X'80' INF1MPROC Processor Count
Validity When on, INF1MSCP,
contain valid counts. Off when
virtualization stack is
incomplete (INF1HFL1.INF1VSI on).
.1.. .... INF1MIDV X'40' INF1MIDV Machine ID
Validity This bit being on
indicates that a SYSIB 1.1.1 was
obtained from STSI and
information reported in the
following fields is valid:
..1. .... INF1MNMV X'20' INF1MNMV Machine Name
Validity This bit being on
indicates that the INF1MNAM field
is valid.
...1 .... INF1MPLNV X'10' INF1MPLNV Reserved for IBM
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INF1MVL2 Reserved for IBM use
0004 4 Signed 2 INF1MSCP Count of shared CPs configured in
the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
0006 6 Signed 2 INF1MDCP Count of dedicated CPs configured
in the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
0008 8 Signed 2 INF1MSIF Count of shared IFLs configured
in the machine or in the physical
partition if the system is
physically partitioned. (Valid if
000A 10 Signed 2 INF1MDIF Count of dedicated IFLs
configured in the machine or in
the physical partition if the
system is physically partitioned.
(Valid if INF1MPROC)
000C 12 Character 4 INF1MTYP Machine Type, in EBCDIC format.
This is the machine type reported
by STSI 1.1.1 (Basic Machine
Configuration). (Valid if
0010 16 Character 8 INF1MNAM Machine Name, in EBCDIC format.
This is the CPC name associated
with the processor. (Valid if
0018 24 Character 16 INF1MMAN Machine Manufacturer, in EBCDIC
format. This is the name of the
manufacturer of the configuration
reported by STSI 1.1.1. (Valid if
0028 40 Character 16 INF1MSEQ Sequence Code, in EBCDIC format.
This is the sequence code of the
configuration reported by STSI
1.1.1. (Valid if INF1MIDV)
0038 56 Character 4 INF1MPMA Plant of Manufacture, in EBCDIC
format. This is the 4-byte code
reported by STSI 1.1.1. (Valid if
003C 60 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use
0040 64 Character 8 INF1MPLNM Reserved for IBM use.
00000048 INF1MSB1 *-INF1MAC Version 1 length in
bytes of the Machine Section.
00000009 INF1MSD1 (*-INF1MAC+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Machine
00000048 INF1MSZB *-INF1MAC Length in bytes for
newest version of the Machine
00000009 INF1MSZD (*-INF1MAC+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Machine Section.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1PAR Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0001' Response Buffer
Partition Section
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INF1PFL1 Partition Flag Byte 1
1... .... INF1PMTE X'80' INF1PMTE Multithreading
(MT) is enabled
.1.. .... INF1PPOOL X'40' INF1PPOOL Reserved for IBM
..1. .... INF1PWTFL X'20' INF1PWTFL Wait Completion
flag is set. This flag is not
reliable when INF1PVL1.INF1PUTV
is not set.
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INF1PFL2 Partition Flag Byte 2 reserved
for IBM use.
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INF1PVL1 Partition Field Validity Byte 1
1... .... INF1PPRC X'80' INF1PPRC Processor
Configuration Validity. This bit
being on indicates that INF1PSCP,
contain valid counts and
.1.. .... INF1PWCV X'40' INF1PWCV Partition
weight-based capped capacity
validity. This bit being on
indicates that INF1PWBC and
INF1PWBI are valid.
..1. .... INF1PACC X'20' INF1PACC Partition absolute
capped capacity validity. This
bit being on indicates that
INF1PABC and INF1PABI are valid.
...1 .... INF1PIDV X'10' INF1PIDV Partition ID
Validity. This bit being on
indicates that a SYSIB 2.2.2 was
obtained from STSI and
information reported in the
following fields is valid:
.... 1... INF1PLGV X'08' INF1PLGV LPAR Group
Absolute Capacity Capping
information validity This bit
being on indicates that INF1PLGN,
INF1PGUIC are valid.
.... .1.. INF1PPLNV X'04' INF1PPLNV Reserved for IBM
.... ..1. INF1PENV X'02' INF1PENV Partition
Entitlement and related
information validity. This bit
being on indicates that INF1PENC,
are valid.
.... ...1 INF1PUTV X'01' INF1PUTV Partition Core
Utilization and related
information validity. This bit
being on indicates that
and INF1PMTII are valid.
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INF1PVL2 Reserved for IBM use
0004 4 Signed 2 INF1PSCP Count of shared logical CP cores
configured for this partition.
(Valid if INF1PPRC)
0006 6 Signed 2 INF1PDCP Count of dedicated logical CP
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INF1PPRC)
0008 8 Signed 2 INF1PSIF Count of shared logical IFL cores
configured for this partition.
(Valid if INF1PPRC)
000A 10 Signed 2 INF1PDIF Count of dedicated logical IFL
cores configured for this
partition. (Valid if INF1PPRC)
000C 12 Signed 2 INF1PPNU Logical Partition Number. This is
the Logical-Partition Number
reported by STSI 2.2.2. (Valid if
000E 14 Signed 1 INF1PCMOD Logical Partition Config Mode.
00000080 INF1PCMGN X'80' INF1PCMGN General (ESA390)
logical configuration mode
00000040 INF1PCMLI X'40' INF1PCMLI Linux logical
configuration mode
00000020 INF1PCMVM X'20' INF1PCMVM VM logical
configuration mode
00000010 INF1PCMCF X'10' INF1PCMCF CF logical
configuration mode
000F 15 Signed 1 INF1PRCPU Partition primary CPU type. Valid
if INF1PVL1.INF1PPRC is on.
00000000 INF1PUCCP X'00' INF1PUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INF1PUCIFL X'03' INF1PUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
0010 16 Character 8 INF1PPNA Logical Partition Name, in EBCDIC
format. This is the Logical-
Partition Name reported by STSI
2.2.2. (Valid if INF1PIDV)
Partition Capacity Caps
0018 24 Signed 4 INF1PWBC Partition weight-based capped
capacity for CPs, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
CPU. Zero if not capped. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. (Valid if INF1PWCV)
001C 28 Signed 4 INF1PABC Partition absolute capped
capacity for CPs, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
core. Zero if not capped. Cap is
applicable only to shared
processors. (Valid if INF1PACC)
0020 32 Signed 4 INF1PWBI Partition weight-based capped
capacity for IFLs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Zero if not
capped. Cap is applicable only to
shared processors. (Valid if
0024 36 Signed 4 INF1PABI Partition absolute capped
capacity for IFLs, a scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Zero if not
capped. Cap is applicable only to
shared processors. (Valid if
0028 40 Character 8 INF1PLGN LPAR Group Name (Valid if
INF1PLGV) EBCDIC, padded on right
with blanks when in an LPAR group
and valid. Binary zeros
otherwise. Only reported when
there is a group cap on CP or IFL
CPU types and the par- tition has
the capped CPU type.
0030 48 Signed 4 INF1PLGC LPAR Group Absolute Capacity
Value for the CP CPU type when
nonzero. Nonzero only when
INF1PLGN is nonzero and a cap is
defined for this LPAR Group for
the CP CPU type. When nonzero,
contains a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
(Valid if INF1PLGV)
0034 52 Signed 4 INF1PLGI LPAR Group Absolute Capacity
Value for the IFL CPU type when
nonzero. Nonzero only when
INF1PLGN is nonzero and a cap is
defined for this LPAR Group for
the IFL CPU type. When nonzero,
contains a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
(Valid if INF1PLGV)
0038 56 Character 8 INF1PPLNM Reserved for IBM use. Processor
Entitlement and Available
Capacity Entitlement values are
current values for the partition.
Share of extra capacity varies
over time. The sum of the
calculated values at each
hiperdispatch interval and the
count of those intervals are
provided so an average between
two STHYI invocations can be
calculated. INF1PENC, INF1PENI,
monotonically increasing for the
life of the system.
0040 64 Signed 4 INF1PENC Partition Entitled Capacity Value
for the CP CPU type when nonzero.
It is a scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one core.
The value will have been reduced
to the count of CP processors if
the entitlement was larger.
(Valid if INF1PENV)
0044 68 Signed 4 INF1PENI Partition Entitled Capacity Value
for the IFL CPU type when
nonzero. It is a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
core. The value will have been
reduced to the count of IFL
processors if the entitlement was
larger. (Valid if INF1PENV)
0048 72 Signed 8 INF1PSXCA Partition calculated Share of
Extra capacity in the interval:
number of physical CP CPUs/cores
which this partition could have
used. A scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one
CPU/core. Aggregated for
INF1PSXCC intervals. (Valid if
0050 80 Signed 8 INF1PSXIA Partition calculated Share of
Extra capacity in the interval:
number of physical IFL CPUs/cores
which this partition could have
used. A scaled number where
X'00010000' represents one
CPU/core. Aggregated for
INF1PSXIC intervals. (Valid if
0058 88 Signed 4 INF1PSXCC Count of intervals aggregated in
005C 92 Signed 4 INF1PSXIC Count of intervals aggregated in
Partition Utilization
Partition utilization varies over time. The sum of the
calculated values at each hiperdispatch interval and the
count of those intervals are provided so an average
between two STHYI invocations can be calculated.
monotonically increasing for the life of the system.
0060 96 Signed 8 INF1PUCPA Partition Calculated Utilization
in the interval; number of
physical CP CPUs/cores of this
type which were consumed, a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one CPU/core.
Aggregated for INF1PUCPC
intervals. (Valid if INF1PENV)
0068 104 Signed 8 INF1PUIFA Partition Calculated Utilization
in the interval; number of
physical IFL CPUs/cores of this
type which were consumed, a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one CPU/core.
Aggregated for INF1PUIFC
intervals. (Valid if INF1PENV)
0070 112 Signed 4 INF1PUCPC Count of intervals aggregated in
0074 116 Signed 4 INF1PUIFC Count of intervals aggregated in
LPAR Groups Utilization
LPAR group utilization varies over time. The sum of the
calculated values at each hiperdispatch interval and the
count of those intervals are provided so an average
between two STHYI invocations can be calculated.
LPAR Groups can be defined for a single CPU type and a
partition can belong to only 1 group.
monotonically increasing for the life of the system.
0078 120 Signed 8 INF1PGUCA LPAR Group Utilization Value for
the CP CPU type when nonzero.
Nonzero only when INF1PLGN is
nonzero and a cap is defined for
this LPAR Group for the CP CPU
type. When nonzero, contains a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Aggregated
over INF1PGUCC intervals. (Valid
0080 128 Signed 8 INF1PGUIA LPAR Group Utilization Value for
the IFL CPU type when nonzero.
Nonzero only when INF1PLGN is
nonzero and a cap is defined for
this LPAR Group for the IFL CPU
type. When nonzero, contains a
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one core. Aggregated
over INF1PGUIC intervals. (Valid
0088 136 Signed 4 INF1PGUCC Count of intervals aggregated in
008C 140 Signed 4 INF1PGUIC Count of intervals aggregated in
Core utilization
The utilization counts are monotonically increasing values.
The delta between values from 2 STHYI invocations can be
used to determine the change in the values during the
interval. The length of the interval is determined from
the INF1PUTOD value delta. These fields are valid when
INF1PVL1.INF1PUTV is set. The values of the fields in this
section are based on data available at the time specified
in the INF1PUTOD field.
0090 144 Signed 8 INF1PUTOD Host TOD value at the time when
the partition's core utilization
information was last determined.
(Valid if INF1PUTV)
0098 152 Signed 8 INF1PACTC Aggregate number of microseconds
physical CP cores were assigned
to this partition's logical
cores. (Valid if INF1PUTV)
00A0 160 Signed 8 INF1PLPTC Aggregate number of microseconds
excluding LPAR management time
while physical CP cores were
assigned to this partition's
logical cores. (Valid if
00A8 168 Signed 8 INF1POLTC Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical CP cores of this
partition were online. (Valid if
00B0 176 Signed 8 INF1PWTTC Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical CP cores of this
partition were in wait state. If
MT enabled, accumulates when no
processors of core are running.
Not updated if INF1PWTFL=1.
(Valid if INF1PUTV)
00B8 184 Signed 8 INF1PMTIC Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical CP cores of this
partition were active but some of
the logical processors of the
core are in any of these states:
enabled wait, disabled wait,
stopped state, check-stop state,
or program interrupt loop. Zero
when MT disabled. (Valid if
00C0 192 Signed 8 INF1PACTI Aggregate number of microseconds
physical IFL cores were assigned
to this partition's logical
cores. (Valid if INF1PUTV)
00C8 200 Signed 8 INF1PLPTI Aggregate number of microseconds
excluding LPAR management time
while physical IFL cores were
assigned to this partition's
logical cores. (Valid if
00D0 208 Signed 8 INF1POLTI Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical IFL cores of this
partition were online. (Valid if
00D8 216 Signed 8 INF1PWTTI Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical IFL cores of this
partition were in wait state. If
MT enabled, accumulates when no
processors of core are running.
Not updated if INF1PWTFL=1.
(Valid if INF1PUTV)
00E0 224 Signed 8 INF1PMTII Aggregate number of microseconds
while logical IFL cores of this
partition were active but some of
the logical processors of the
core are in any of these states:
enabled wait, disabled wait,
stopped state, check-stop state,
or program interrupt loop. Zero
when MT disabled. (Valid if
000000E8 INF1PSB1 *-INF1PAR Version 1 length in
bytes of the Partition Section.
0000001D INF1PSD1 (*-INF1PAR+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Partition
000000E8 INF1PSZB *-INF1PAR Length in bytes for
newest version of the Partition
0000001D INF1PSZD (*-INF1PAR+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Partition Section.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1HYP Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0001' Response Buffer
Hypervisor Section
0000 0 Bitstring 1 INF1YFL1 Hypervisor Flag Byte 1
1... .... INF1YLMC X'80' INF1YLMC Consumption method
is used to enforce Limithard
.1.. .... INF1YLMP X'40' INF1YLMP If on, Limithard
caps use prorated core time for
capping. If off, raw CPU time is
..1. .... INF1YMTE X'20' INF1YMTE Hypervisor is
...1 .... INF1YVRT X'10' INF1YVRT Vertical
polarization is in use. If off,
horizontal topology is in use,
INF1YPADI are not meaningful.
0001 1 Bitstring 1 INF1YFL2 Hypervisor Flag Byte 2 Reserved
for IBM use
0002 2 Bitstring 1 INF1YVL1 Reserved for IBM use
0003 3 Bitstring 1 INF1YVL2 Reserved for IBM use
0004 4 Signed 1 INF1YTYP Hypervisor type
00000001 INF1YTVM X'01' INF1YTVM z/VM is the
0005 5 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use
0006 6 Bitstring 1 INF1YCPT Threads in use per CP core. This
value is reported for the current
configuration settings even when
the guest CPUs are not dispatched
on CPs. The value is set only
when SMT enabled as indicated by
0007 7 Bitstring 1 INF1YIFT Threads in use per IFL core. This
value is reported for the current
configuration settings even when
the guest CPUs are not dispatched
on IFLs. The value is set only
when SMT enabled as indicated by
0008 8 Character 8 INF1YSID System Identifier, in EBCDIC
format, left justified and padded
with blanks. This is the value
generally specified on the
SYSTEM_IDentifier statement in
the system configuration file.
Blank if non-existent.
0010 16 Character 8 INF1YCLN Cluster Name, in EBCDIC format,
left justified and padded with
blanks. This is the name on the
SSI statement in the system
configuration file. Blank if the
member isn't in an SSI cluster.
Core counts
0018 24 Signed 2 INF1YSCP Number of CP cores shared by
non-dedicated CPUs of the guests
of this hypervisor.
001A 26 Signed 2 INF1YDCP Number of CP cores dedicated to
guest CPUs of this hypervisor.
001C 28 Signed 2 INF1YSIF Number of IFL cores shared by
non-dedicated CPUs of the guests
of this hypervisor.
001E 30 Signed 2 INF1YDIF Number of IFL cores dedicated to
guest CPUs of this hypervisor.
Total shares
0020 32 Signed 4 INF1YASC Sum of absolute shares for all
logged on CP-dispatched VMDBKs
(excluding dedicated VMDBKs). A
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one CPU.
0024 36 Signed 4 INF1YASI Sum of absolute shares for all
logged on IFL-dispatched VMDBKs
(excluding dedicated VMDBKs). A
scaled number where X'00010000'
represents one CPU.
0028 40 Signed 4 INF1YRSC Sum of relative shares for all
logged on CP-dispatched VMDBKs
(excluding dedicated VMDBKs).
002C 44 Signed 4 INF1YRSI Sum of relative shares for all
logged on IFL-dispatched VMDBKs
(excluding dedicated VMDBKs).
Total adds to the limit list
0030 48 Signed 4 INF1YLCC Approximate count of adds to the
limit-list of CP dispatched
VMDBKs. Monotonically increasing.
0034 52 Signed 4 INF1YLCI Approximate count of adds to the
limit-list of IFL dispatched
VMDBKs. Monotonically increasing.
High-frequency sampling period.
0038 56 Signed 4 INF1YMONH Current Monitor high-frequency
(HF) sampling interval in
hundredths of seconds. Value is 0
when high frequency sampling is
not active.
Hiperdispatch Settings
003C 60 Signed 1 INF1YPKF HiperDispatch Unparking setting.
Not used if INF1YFL1.INF1YVRT=0.
LARGE (default)
003D 61 Signed 1 INF1YXUSC SRM EXCESSUSE for General (CP)
processor type. Not used if
00000010 INF1YXHI 16 INF1YXHI -Indicates the system
should be aggressive in using
unentitled CPU/core capacity.
00000008 INF1YXMD 8 INF1YXMD -Indicates the system
should be moderately aggressive
in using unentitled CPU/core
00000001 INF1YXLO 1 INF1YXLO -Indicates the system
should not be aggressive in using
unentitled CPU/core capacity.
00000002 INF1YXNO 2 INF1YXNO -Indicates the system
should not use unentitled
CPU/core capacity.
003E 62 Signed 1 INF1YXUSI SRM EXCESSUSE for IFL processor
type. Not used if
00000010 INF1YXHI 16 INF1YXHI -Indicates the system
should be aggressive in using
unentitled CPU/core capacity.
00000008 INF1YXMD 8 INF1YXMD -Indicates the system
should be moderately aggressive
in using unentitled CPU/core
00000001 INF1YXLO 1 INF1YXLO -Indicates the system
should not be aggressive in using
unentitled CPU/core capacity.
00000002 INF1YXNO 2 INF1YXNO -Indicates the system
should not use unentitled
CPU/core capacity.
003F 63 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use
0040 64 Signed 4 INF1YPADC SRM CPUPAD value, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
General (CP) CPU/core. Not used
0044 68 Signed 4 INF1YPADI SRM CPUPAD value, a scaled number
where X'00010000' represents one
IFL CPU/core. Not used if
Logical Processor (not core) Utilization
The values in these fields are the aggregate of individual
online processors. When a processor is varied online, the
value is reset. The length of the interval is determined
from the INF1YUTOD value delta. INF1YUTOD is set from the
TOD clock at the start of the calculation of these values.
0048 72 Signed 8 INF1YUTOD TOD value at the start of the
hypervisor logical processor
utilization calculations.
0050 80 Signed 8 INF1YUTC Total CPU time in microseconds
spent on online CP processors
charged to guests. Monotonically
0058 88 Signed 8 INF1YUTI Total CPU time in microseconds
spent on online IFL processors
charged to guests. Monotonically
0060 96 Signed 8 INF1YSTC Total CPU time in microseconds
spent on online CP processors
charged to SYSTEM. Monotonically
0068 104 Signed 8 INF1YSTI Total CPU time in microseconds
spent on online IFL processors
charged to SYSTEM. Monotonically
0070 112 Signed 8 INF1YWTC Total elapsed time in
microseconds spent on online CP
processors while in system wait
state. Does not include parked
wait time. Monotonically
0078 120 Signed 8 INF1YWTI Total elapsed time in
microseconds spent on online IFL
processors while in system wait
state. Does not include parked
wait time. Monotonically
0080 128 Signed 8 INF1YPTC Total elapsed time in
microseconds spent on online CP
processors while in the parked
state. Monotonically increasing.
0088 136 Signed 8 INF1YPTI Total elapsed time in
microseconds spent on online IFL
processors while in the parked
state. Monotonically increasing.
00000090 INF1YSB1 *-INF1HYP Version 1 length in
bytes of the Hypervisor Section.
00000012 INF1YSD1 (*-INF1HYP+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Hypervisor
00000090 INF1YSZB *-INF1HYP Length in bytes for
newest version of the Hypervisor
00000012 INF1YSZD (*-INF1HYP+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Hypervisor Section.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF1GST Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0001' Response Buffer
Guest Section - description of STHYI issuer.
This matches the guest section of function code 3 as
defined by the INF3GST DSECT.
0000 0 Bitstring 320 INF1GSTI Mapped by INF3GST which lacks the
FC=3 header.
00000140 INF1GSB1 INF3GSB1 Version 1 length in
bytes of the Guest Description.
00000028 INF1GSD1 INF3GSD1 Version 1 length in
doublewords of the Guest
00000140 INF1GSZB INF3GSZB Length in bytes for
newest version of the Guest
00000028 INF1GSZD INF3GSZD Length in doublewords
for newest version of the Guest
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF2BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0002': Guest List
This function code returns a list of all guests logged
on to the system. Guests in the process of logging on,
logging off, being forced, or relocating to this system
are excluded.
This function code requires the length of the buffer as
a number of 4K pages to be specified. See the STHYI
documentation for details of how this is specified.
The response buffer for function code x'0002' consists
of 2 sections of data:
- Header Section (INF2BK DSECT, imbeds INFCHDR DSECT)
- use offset to Guest list, length of entry, and
count of entries to process the list.
- The offset in INFCLSOF is from the beginning
of the INF2BK.
- Guest list. The list is returned as an array with
the count of entries, offset to the first entry and
the entry length defined by the common header.
- The array entries are defined by INF2GST DSECT.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=20 - Response buffer is too small.
- INFCRQSZ specifies required buffer size.
- Values are also provided in INFCVRSN,
INFCHDLN and INFCTOTL. Other response
buffer contents are unpredictable.
Update Log - see equates under INF2VRSN.
Function code X'0002' Response Buffer
Header Section
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF2CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF2VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF2V00001 X'0001' INF2V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
00000040 INF2BSB1 *-INF2BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Guest List header.
00000008 INF2BSD1 (*-INF2BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Guest List
00000040 INF2BSZB *-INF2BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Guest List
00000008 INF2BSZD (*-INF2BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Guest List header.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF2GST Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0002' Response Buffer
Guest List Entry Description
0000 0 Character 8 INF2GUID Guest's userid, in EBCDIC format.
0008 8 Character 8 INF2GACN User accounting number in EBCDIC
0010 16 Signed 4 INF2GTOD Bits 0-31 of host TOD at guest
0014 20 Bitstring 1 INF2GFLG Guest list entry flag byte 1.
.... 1... INF2GLINI X'08' INF2GLINI Guest identified
itself as running Linux using a
control program identification
.... .1.. INF2GLINH X'04' INF2GLINH Guest may be
running Linux based on
heuristics. Set only if INF2GLINI
is not set.
0015 21 Signed 1 INF2GCMOD Virtual Configuration Mode
00000080 INF2GCMGN X'80' INF2GCMGN General (ESA390)
virtual configuration mode
00000040 INF2GCMLI X'40' INF2GCMLI Linux virtual
configuration mode
00000020 INF2GCMVM X'20' INF2GCMVM VM virtual
configuration mode
00000010 INF2GCMCF X'10' INF2GCMCF CF virtual
configuration mode
0016 22 Bitstring 1 INF2GAFFN Guest CPUAFFINITY settings.
ON, but may be suppressed. If
off, then INF2GAFSUP will not be
0017 23 Bitstring 1 INF2GPRTP Guest primary virtual CPU type.
00000000 INF2PUCCP X'00' INF2PUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INF2PUCIFL X'03' INF2PUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
0018 24 Bitstring 1 INF2GPRDT Guest primary vCPU dispatch type.
00000000 INF2PUCCP X'00' INF2PUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INF2PUCIFL X'03' INF2PUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
0019 25 Bitstring 7 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000020 INF2GSB1 *-INF2GST Version 1 length in
bytes of the Guest List entry.
00000004 INF2GSD1 (*-INF2GST+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Guest List
00000020 INF2GSZB *-INF2GST Length in bytes for
newest version of the Guest List
00000004 INF2GSZD (*-INF2GST+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Guest List entry.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF3BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0003': Designated Guest Information
This function code returns the description of the
specified guest.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=12 - Missing or invalid guest name.
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=16 - Named guest is not logged on.
- The response buffer is not modified.
Update Log - see equates under INF3VRSN.
Function code X'0003' Response Buffer
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF3CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF3VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF3V00001 X'0001' INF3V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
0040 64 Bitstring 320 INF3GSTI Guest Information section mapped
00000180 INF3BSB1 *-INF3BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Guest Information
00000030 INF3BSD1 (*-INF3BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Guest
Information response.
00000180 INF3BSZB *-INF3BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Guest
Information response.
00000030 INF3BSZD (*-INF3BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Guest Information response.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF3GST Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0003' Response Buffer
Guest Description section
This DSECT is also used for the guest section of the
function code 1 response buffer.
0000 0 Character 8 INF3GUID Guest's userid, in EBCDIC format.
0008 8 Character 8 INF3GACN User accounting number in EBCDIC
0010 16 Bitstring 1 INF3GFLG Guest Flag Byte
1... .... INF3GMOB X'80' INF3GMOB Guest mobility is
.... 1... INF3GLINI X'08' INF3GLINI Guest identified
itself as running Linux using a
control program identification
.... .1.. INF3GLINH X'04' INF3GLINH Guest may be
running Linux based on
heuristics. Set only if INF3GLINI
is not set.
0011 17 Bitstring 1 INF3GVAL Reserved for IBM use
0012 18 Signed 1 INF3GCMOD Virtual Configuration Mode
00000080 INF3GCMGN X'80' INF3GCMGN General (ESA390)
virtual configuration mode
00000040 INF3GCMLI X'40' INF3GCMLI Linux virtual
configuration mode
00000020 INF3GCMVM X'20' INF3GCMVM VM virtual
configuration mode
00000010 INF3GCMCF X'10' INF3GCMCF CF virtual
configuration mode
0013 19 Bitstring 1 INF3GPRTP Guest primary virtual CPU type.
00000000 INF3PUCCP X'00' INF3PUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INF3PUCIFL X'03' INF3PUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
0014 20 Signed 4 INF3GTOD Bits 0-31 of host TOD at guest
0018 24 Character 8 INF3GPNA Resource pool name. Blanks if not
in a Resource Pool. High
frequency sampler counts These
counts are the number of times
that CP and IFL CPUs of the guest
are observed in each state. These
counts are reset to zero when
Monitor commands are issued that
disable high-frequency sampling.
Otherwise they are monotonically
increasing values. INF1YMONH
provides the high-frequency
sampling interval for the state
testing. For each virtual CPU
type, the order of the count
fields is the order that the
states are tested so that if a
vCPU is in multiple states, it is
counted with the first state that
matches so that it is counted in
one and only one state. The one
exception is that when a guest is
on the dormant list and SVM wait
they are counted in both
virtual CPs and for IFLs, both
values are aggregate values for
all guest virtual CPUs of that
type. See Monitor record MRUSEINT
D4 R4 for additional information.
0020 32 Signed 4 INF3GIWSC I/O Wait Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found in I/O wait for
asynchronous I/O.
0024 36 Signed 4 INF3GCFSC Console Function Wait samples for
CPs. Times vCPU found in console
function wait.
0028 40 Signed 4 INF3GSMSC Simulation Wait samples for CPs.
Times vCPU found using CPU.
002C 44 Signed 4 INF3GPWSC Page Wait Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found in page wait.
0030 48 Signed 4 INF3GLSC Limit list Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found on limit list.
0034 52 Signed 4 INF3GDSC CPU Delay Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found waiting for CPU.
0038 56 Signed 4 INF3GCSC CPU Using Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found using CPU.
003C 60 Signed 4 INF3GESSC E-list SVM Wait Samples for CPs.
Times vCPU found on the eligible
list and in SVM wait.
0040 64 Signed 4 INF3GLDSC Loading User Samples for CPs.
Times vCPU considered to be a
loading user and not on the
dormant list.
0044 68 Signed 4 INF3GDLSC Dormant User Samples for CPs.
Times vCPU was found to be on the
dormant list.
0048 72 Signed 4 INF3GDSSC SVM Wait Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found in the dormant list
and in SVM wait. Also counted in
004C 76 Signed 4 INF3GIASC I/O Active Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found with asynchronous I/O
outstanding, causing it to be
left in the Dispatch List.
0050 80 Signed 4 INF3GTISC Test Idle Samples for CPs. Times
vCPU found in test idle and not
in SVM wait.
0054 84 Signed 4 INF3GTSSC Test Idle & SVM Wait Samples for
CPs. Times vCPU found in test
idle and SVM wait.
0058 88 Signed 4 INF3GPASC Page Fault Active Samples for
CPs. Times vCPU had active page
fault requests active but was not
in page wait.
005C 92 Signed 4 INF3GOSC Other Samples for CPs. Times vCPU
found in other state.
0060 96 Signed 4 INF3GTSC Total Samples for CPs. Times vCPU
state sampled.
0064 100 Signed 4 INF3GIWSI I/O Wait Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found in I/O wait for
asynchronous I/O.
0068 104 Signed 4 INF3GCFSI Console Function Wait samples for
IFLs. Times vCPU found in console
function wait.
006C 108 Signed 4 INF3GSMSI Simulation Wait samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU found using CPU.
0070 112 Signed 4 INF3GPWSI Page Wait Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found in page wait.
0074 116 Signed 4 INF3GLSI Limit list Samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU found on limit list.
0078 120 Signed 4 INF3GDSI CPU Delay Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found waiting for CPU.
007C 124 Signed 4 INF3GCSI CPU Using Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found using CPU.
0080 128 Signed 4 INF3GESSI E-list SVM Wait Samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU found on the eligible
list and in SVM wait.
0084 132 Signed 4 INF3GLDSI Loading User Samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU considered to be a
loading user and not on the
dormant list.
0088 136 Signed 4 INF3GDLSI Dormant User Samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU was found to be on the
dormant list.
008C 140 Signed 4 INF3GDSSI SVM Wait Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found in the dormant list
and in SVM wait. Also counted in
0090 144 Signed 4 INF3GIASI I/O Active Samples for IFLs.
Times vCPU found with
asynchronous I/O outstanding,
causing it to be left in the
Dispatch List.
0094 148 Signed 4 INF3GTISI Test Idle Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found in test idle and not
in SVM wait.
0098 152 Signed 4 INF3GTSSI Test Idle & SVM Wait Samples for
IFLs. Times vCPU found in test
idle and SVM wait.
009C 156 Signed 4 INF3GPASI Page Fault Active Samples for
IFLs. Times vCPU had active page
fault requests active but was not
in page wait.
00A0 160 Signed 4 INF3GOSI Other Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU found in other state.
00A4 164 Signed 4 INF3GTSI Total Samples for IFLs. Times
vCPU state sampled. CPU resources
00A8 168 Bitstring 1 INF3CFLG Guest CPU Flag Byte
.1.. .... INF3CMCT X'40' INF3CMCT Guest has multiple
CPU types
..1. .... INF3CVCT X'20' INF3CVCT Virtual CPs are
thread dispatched
...1 .... INF3CVIT X'10' INF3CVIT Virtual IFLs are
thread dispatched
00A9 169 Bitstring 1 INF3CAFFN Guest CPUAFFINITY settings.
ON, but may be suppressed. If
off, then INF3CAFSUP will not be
00AA 170 Signed 2 INF3CMCPU Maximum number of guest CPUs
based on user directory setting.
00AC 172 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00B0 176 Signed 8 INF3CTCPP Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual CP on a
primary CPU, in prorated core
time microseconds. Only provided
when SMT is enabled
Monotonically increasing.
00B8 184 Signed 8 INF3CTCPS Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual CP on a
2ndary CPU, in prorated core time
microseconds. Only provided when
SMT is enabled
Monotonically increasing.
00C0 192 Signed 8 INF3CTCRP Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual CP on a
primary CPU, in raw core time
microseconds. Monotonically
00C8 200 Signed 8 INF3CTCRS Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual CP on a
secondary CPU, in raw core time
microseconds. Monotonically
00D0 208 Signed 2 INF3CSCP Number of guest shared CPs.
00D2 210 Signed 2 INF3CDCP Number of guest dedicated CPs.
00D4 212 Signed 2 INF3CRCP Number of non-stopped guest CPs.
00D6 214 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
00D8 216 Signed 1 INF3CCDT Dispatch type for guest CPs This
field is valid if INF3CSCP,
INF3CDCP or INF3CRCP is greater
than zero. Always INF3PUCCP.
00D9 217 Bitstring 1 INF3CCSCF Current share flags for CPs.
.1.. .... INF3CCLHC X'40' INF3CCLHC Current max share
for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
LIMITHARD if on. Max share for
type CP is LIMITSOFT if off.
..1. .... INF3CCNAC X'20' INF3CCNAC Current normal
share for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Normal share for
type CP is RELATIVE if off.
...1 .... INF3CCMAC X'10' INF3CCMAC Current max share
for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
type CP is RELATIVE if off.
00DA 218 Bitstring 1 INF3CISCF Initial share flags for CPs.
.1.. .... INF3CILHC X'40' INF3CILHC Initial max share
for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
LIMITHARD if on. Max share for
type CP is LIMITSOFT if off. This
is the setting at logon.
..1. .... INF3CINAC X'20' INF3CINAC Initial normal
share for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Normal share for
type CP is RELATIVE if off. This
is the setting at logon.
...1 .... INF3CIMAC X'10' INF3CIMAC Initial max share
for CP-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
type CP is RELATIVE if off. This
is the setting at logon.
00DB 219 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use
00DC 220 Signed 4 INF3CCNSC Current normal relative share for
CP-dispatched vCPUs. The value is
zero when the user has an
ABSOLUTE share value for CPs, or
has a dedicated virtual CPU or is
in the process of being logged
00E0 224 Signed 4 INF3CCASC Current ABSOLUTE share for
CP-dispatched vCPUs. Unit of
value is a hexadecimal factor
scaled 16 bits. For example,
X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc. Set
to zero when the user has a
RELATIVE share value for CPs.
00E4 228 Signed 4 INF3CCMSC Current Max share for
CP-dispatched vCPUs. This value
is set to zero if no Max share
exists for CPs. If the Max share
is Absolute, then the units of
the value are the same as for
INF3CCASC. Otherwise as for
00E8 232 Signed 4 INF3CINSC Initial (logon) normal relative
share for CP-dispatched vCPUs.
This value will be zero when the
initial (logon) share is ABSOLUTE
for CPs, or the user has a
dedicated virtual CPU or is in
the process of being logged off.
00EC 236 Signed 4 INF3CIASC Initial (logon) ABSOLUTE share
for CP-dispatched vCPUs. Unit of
value is a hexadecimal factor
scaled 16 bits. For example,
X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
This value will be zero when the
initial (logon) share for CPs is
00F0 240 Signed 4 INF3CIMSC Initial (logon) Max share for
CP-dispatched vCPUs. This value
will be zero if no initial
(logon) Max share exists for CPs.
If the Max share is Absolute,
then the units of the value are
the same as for INF3CIASC.
Otherwise as for INF3CINSC.
00F4 244 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00F8 248 Signed 8 INF3CTIPP Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual IFL on a
primary CPU, in prorated core
time microseconds. Only provided
when SMT is enabled
Monotonically increasing.
0100 256 Signed 8 INF3CTIPS Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual IFL on a
2ndary CPU, in prorated core time
microseconds. Only provided when
SMT is enabled
Monotonically increasing.
0108 264 Signed 8 INF3CTIRP Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual IFL on a
primary CPU, in raw core time
microseconds. Monotonically
0110 272 Signed 8 INF3CTIRS Total virtual and simulation time
while running a virtual IFL on a
secondary CPU, in raw core time
microseconds. Monotonically
0118 280 Signed 2 INF3CSIF Number of guest shared IFLs.
011A 282 Signed 2 INF3CDIF Number of guest dedicated IFLs.
011C 284 Signed 2 INF3CRIF Number of non-stopped guest IFLs.
011E 286 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use.
0120 288 Signed 1 INF3CIDT Dispatch type for guest IFLs.
This field is valid if INF3SCPS,
INF3CDCP or INF3CRCP is greater
than zero.
00000000 INF3PUCCP X'00' INF3PUCCP General Purpose
00000003 INF3PUCIFL X'03' INF3PUCIFL Integrated Fac
for Linux (IFL).
0121 289 Bitstring 1 INF3CCSIF Current share flags for IFLs.
.1.. .... INF3CCLHI X'40' INF3CCLHI Current max share
for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
LIMITHARD if on. Max share for
type IFL is LIMITSOFT if off.
..1. .... INF3CCNAI X'20' INF3CCNAI Current normal
share for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Normal share for
type IFL is RELATIVE if off.
...1 .... INF3CCMAI X'10' INF3CCMAI Current max share
for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
type IFL is RELATIVE if off.
0122 290 Bitstring 1 INF3CISIF Initial share flags for IFLs.
.1.. .... INF3CILHI X'40' INF3CILHI Initial max share
for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
LIMITHARD if on. Max share for
type IFL is LIMITSOFT if off.
This is the setting at logon.
..1. .... INF3CINAI X'20' INF3CINAI Initial normal
share for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Normal share for
type IFL is RELATIVE if off. This
is the setting at logon.
...1 .... INF3CIMAI X'10' INF3CIMAI Initial max share
for IFL-dispatched vCPUs is
ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
type IFL is RELATIVE if off. This
is the setting at logon.
0123 291 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM use
0124 292 Signed 4 INF3CCNSI Current normal relative share for
IFL-dispatched vCPUs. The value
is zero when the user has an
ABSOLUTE share value for IFLs, or
has a dedicated virtual CPU or is
in the process of being logged
0128 296 Signed 4 INF3CCASI Current ABSOLUTE share for
IFL-dispatched vCPUs. Unit of
value is a hexadecimal factor
scaled 16 bits. For example,
X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc. The
value is zero when the user has a
RELATIVE share value for IFLs.
012C 300 Signed 4 INF3CCMSI Current Max share for
IFL-dispatched vCPUs. This value
will be zero if no Max share
exists for IFLs. If the Max share
is Absolute, then the units of
the value are the same as for
INF3CCASI. Otherwise as for
0130 304 Signed 4 INF3CINSI Initial (logon) normal relative
share for IFL-dispatched vCPUs.
This value will be zero when the
initial (logon) share is ABSOLUTE
for IFLs, or the user has a
dedicated virtual CPU or is in
the process of being logged off.
0134 308 Signed 4 INF3CIASI Initial (logon) ABSOLUTE share
for IFL-dispatched vCPUs. Unit of
value is a hexadecimal factor
scaled 16 bits. For example,
X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
This value will be zero when the
initial (logon) share is relative
for IFLs.
0138 312 Signed 4 INF3CIMSI Initial (logon) Max share for
IFL-dispatched vCPUs. This value
will be zero if no initial
(logon) Max share exists for
IFLs. If the Max share is
Absolute, then the units of the
value are the same as for
INF3CIASI. Otherwise as for
013C 316 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000140 INF3GSB1 *-INF3GST Version 1 length in
bytes of the Guest Description.
00000028 INF3GSD1 (*-INF3GST+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Guest
00000140 INF3GSZB *-INF3GST Length in bytes for
newest version of the Guest
00000028 INF3GSZD (*-INF3GST+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Guest Description.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF4BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0004': Resource Pool List
This function code returns a list of all Resource
Pools defined on the system.
This function code requires the length of the buffer as
a number of 4K pages to be specified. See the STHYI
documentation for details of how this is specified.
The response buffer for function code x'0004' consists
of 2 sections of data:
- Header Section (INF2BK DSECT, imbeds INFCHDR DSECT)
- use offset to Resource Pool list, length of entry,
and count of entries to process the list.
- The offset in INFCLSOF is from the beginning
of the INF4BK.
- if the count is zero there is no list so the offset
and length will be zero.
- Resource Pool list. The list is returned as an array
with the count of entries, offset to the first entry
and the entry length defined by the common header.
- The array entry structure is defined by INF4POOL DSECT.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=20 - Response buffer is too small.
- INFCRQSZ specifies required buffer size.
- Values are also provided in INFCVRSN,
INFCHDLN and INFCTOTL. Other response
buffer contents are unpredictable.
Update Log - see equates under INF4VRSN.
Function code X'0004' Response Buffer
Header Section
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF4CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF4VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF4V00001 X'0001' INF4V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
00000040 INF4BSB1 *-INF4BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Resource Pool List
00000008 INF4BSD1 (*-INF4BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Resource
Pool List header.
00000040 INF4BSZB *-INF4BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Resource
Pool List header.
00000008 INF4BSZD (*-INF4BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Resource Pool List header.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF4POOL Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0004' Response Buffer
Resource Pool List Entry Description
0000 0 Character 8 INF4PNAM Resource Pool name.
0008 8 Character 8 INF4PCRE Resource Pool creator userid.
00000010 INF4PSB1 *-INF4POOL Version 1 length in
bytes of the Resource Pool List
00000002 INF4PSD1 (*-INF4POOL+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Resource
Pool List entry.
00000010 INF4PSZB *-INF4POOL Length in bytes for
newest version of the Resource
Pool List entry.
00000002 INF4PSZD (*-INF4POOL+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Resource Pool List entry.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF5BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0005': Designated Resource Pool Info
This function code returns the description of the
specified Resource Pool.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=12 - Missing or invalid Resource Pool Name.
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=16 - Named Resource Pool does not exist.
- The response buffer is not modified.
Update Log - see equates under INF5VRSN.
Function code X'0005' Response Buffer
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF5CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF5VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF5V00001 X'0001' INF5V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
0040 64 Character 8 INF5PLNA Resource pool name.
0048 72 Character 8 INF5PCRE Resource Pool creator's user ID.
0050 80 Signed 8 INF5STMP Host TOD value at the time of the
last change to the Resource Pool
Resource Pool CPU Limits and usage information.
A CPU can have a capacity limit for either CP or IFL
virtual CPU type. That limit can be specified as either
a CAPACITY or LIMITHARD limit. Therefore never more than
one of INF5CCCL,INF5CCCC,INF5CICL or INF5CICC will be on.
0058 88 Bitstring 1 INF5CFLG Resource Pool CPU Capping Flags
1... .... INF5CCLC X'80' INF5CCLC Resource Pool's CP
virtual type has LIMITHARD cap.
.1.. .... INF5CCCC X'40' INF5CCCC Resource Pool's CP
virtual type has CAPACITY cap.
..1. .... INF5CILC X'20' INF5CILC Resource Pool's
IFL virtual type has LIMITHARD
...1 .... INF5CICC X'10' INF5CICC Resource Pool's
IFL virtual type has CAPACITY
.... 1... INF5CPCT X'08' INF5CPCT Resource Pool uses
prorated core time.
suppressed. Not set for CP
resource pools.
0059 89 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for IBM use.
005C 92 Signed 4 INF5CLIM Resource pool maximum share for
shared virtual CPUs. Scaled
number where X'00010000'
represents 1 core if the cap is a
CAPACITY cap, or 100% of the real
processors if the cap is a
LIMITHARD cap. Zero if not
capped. INF5CFLG specifies the
capped CPU type.
0060 96 Signed 8 INF5CTIM Total Time consumed by guests
vCPUs in the Resource Pool since
it was created. Monotonically
increasing in microseconds. If MT
is enabled, this field contains
prorated core time; Otherwise,
this field contains raw CPU time.
0068 104 Signed 4 INF5CLMN Total number of times the
Resource Pool was limited since
it was created. Monotonically
increasing. Incremented at end of
group limit.
006C 108 Signed 4 INF5CCTL Total number of times vCPUs of
members of the Resource Pool were
limited since it was created.
Monotonically increasing. Updated
at the start of the vCPU limit.
0070 112 Signed 8 INF5CTML Total time limited for vCPUs of
all members of the Resource Pool
since it was created.
Monotonically increasing in
microseconds. Updated at the
start of the vCPU limit.
0078 120 Signed 4 INF5CIFLA IFL CPUAFFINITY toggle sequence
number. It is incremented when
IFL CPUAFFINITY suppression is
turned on or off for pools with
007C 124 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use.
00000080 INF5BSB1 *-INF5BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Resource Pool
Information response.
00000010 INF5BSD1 (*-INF5BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Resource
Pool Information response.
00000080 INF5BSZB *-INF5BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Resource
Pool Information response.
00000010 INF5BSZD (*-INF5BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Resource Pool Information
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF6BK Mappings for STHYI
Function code x'0006': Resource Pool Member List
This function code returns the list of members of the
specified Resource Pool.
This function code requires the length of the buffer as
a number of 4K pages to be specified. See the STHYI
documentation for details of how this is specified.
The response buffer for function code x'0006' consists
of 2 sections of data:
- Header Section (INF2BK DSECT, imbeds INFCHDR DSECT)
- use offset to Resource Pool member list, length of
entry, and count of entries to process the list.
- The offset in INFCLSOF is from the beginning
of the INF6BK.
- if the count is zero there is no list so the offset
and length will be zero.
- Resource Pool Member list is returned as an array
with the count of entries, offset to the first entry
and the entry length defined by the common header.
- The array entry structure is defined by INF6MEM DSECT.
Use of this function code is authorized in the User
Error responses:
- CC=3 RC=4 - Unsupported function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=8 - Not authorized for function code
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=12 - Missing or invalid Resource Pool Name.
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=16 - Named Resource Pool does not exist.
- The response buffer is not modified.
- CC=3 RC=20 - Response buffer is too small.
- INFCRQSZ specifies required buffer size.
- Values are also provided in INFCVRSN,
INFCHDLN and INFCTOTL. Other response
buffer contents are unpredictable.
Update Log - see equates under INF6VRSN.
Function code X'0006' Response Buffer
Header Section
0000 0 Bitstring 64 INF6CHDR Common section of header mapped
0000 0 Signed 2 INF6VRSN Response buffer version.
00000001 INF6V00001 X'0001' INF6V00001 Initial
version. APAR VM66105.
0040 64 Character 8 INF6PLNA Resource pool name.
00000048 INF6BSB1 *-INF6BK Version 1 length in
bytes of the Resource Pool Member
List header.
00000009 INF6BSD1 (*-INF6BK+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Resource
Pool Member List header.
00000048 INF6BSZB *-INF6BK Length in bytes for
newest version of the Resource
Pool Member List header.
00000009 INF6BSZD (*-INF6BK+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Resource Pool Member List
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure INF6MEM Mappings for STHYI
Function code X'0006' Response Buffer
Resource Pool Member List Entry Description
0000 0 Character 8 INF6MNAM Resource Pool member name.
00000008 INF6MSB1 *-INF6MEM Version 1 length in
bytes of the Resource Pool Member
List entry.
00000001 INF6MSD1 (*-INF6MEM+7)/8 Version 1 length
in doublewords of the Resource
Pool Member List entry.
00000008 INF6MSZB *-INF6MEM Length in bytes for
newest version of the Resource
Pool Member List entry.
00000001 INF6MSZD (*-INF6MEM+7)/8 Length in
doublewords for newest version of
the Resource Pool Member List
| |