IDNDS Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  IDNDS Control Block Content Top of page

 IDNDS DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure IDNDS NVMe Identify Namespace Data Structure 0000 0 Signed 8 IDNSZE Namespace Size 0008 8 Signed 8 IDNCAP Namespace Capacity 0010 16 Signed 8 IDNUSE Namespace Utilization 0018 24 Bitstring 1 IDNSFEAT Namespace Features B'rrrr----' Reserved 00000008 IDNSFINR B'00001000' NGUID/EUI64 not reused 00000004 IDNSFDUE B'00000100' Deallocated/Unwritten Block Error 00000002 IDNSFAWD B'00000010' Atomic Write fields defined 00000001 IDNSFTHP B'00000001' This Provisioning 0019 25 Address 1 IDNNLBAF Number of LBA Formats 001A 26 Address 1 IDNFLBAS Formatted LBA Size B'rrr-----' Reserved 00000010 IDNFLBAM B'00010000' Metadata at end of data 0000000F IDNFLBAN B'00001111' LBA format number 001B 27 Bitstring 1 IDNMC Metadata Capabilities B'rrrrrr--' Reserved 00000002 IDNMCSB B'00000010' Metadata transfer via Metsdata ptr 00000001 IDNMCXL B'00000001' Metadata transfer via extended LBA 001C 28 Bitstring 1 IDNDPC End-to-end Data Protection Capabilities B'rrr-----' Reserved 00000010 IDNDPCPL B'00010000' Prot info last eight metadata bytes 00000008 IDNDPCPF B'00001000' Prot info first eight metadata bytes 00000004 IDNDPCP3 B'00000100' Protection Information Type 3 00000002 IDNDPCP2 B'00000010' Protection Information Type 2 00000001 IDNDPCP1 B'00000001' Protection Information Type 1 001D 29 Bitstring 1 IDNDPS End-to-end Data Protection Settings B'rrrr----' Reserved 00000008 IDNDPSFL B'00001000' Prot info transferred first/last 00000007 IDNDPSTY B'00000111' Protection information type 00000000 IDNDPSNE B'00000000' Protection information not enabled 00000001 IDNDPST1 B'00000001' Protection information Type 1 00000002 IDNDPST2 B'00000010' Protection information Type 2 00000003 IDNDPST3 B'00000011' Protection information Type 3 001E 30 Bitstring 1 IDNMIC Namespace Multi-path I/O and Sharing Caps B'rrrrrrr-' Reserved 00000001 IDNMICSH B'00000001' Namespace shareable 001F 31 Bitstring 1 IDNRESC Namespace Reservation Capabilities 1... .... IDNRESIE B'10000000' IDNRESIE Ignore Existing Key 1.3 .1.. .... IDNRESXA B'01000000' IDNRESXA Exclusive Access - All Registrants .1.. .... IDNRESWA B'01000000' IDNRESWA Write Exclusive - All Registrants .1.. .... IDNRESXO B'01000000' IDNRESXO Exclusive Access - Registrants Only .1.. .... IDNRESWO B'01000000' IDNRESWO Write Exclusive - Registrants Only .1.. .... IDNRESXR B'01000000' IDNRESXR Exclusive Access Registration .1.. .... IDNRESWR B'01000000' IDNRESWR Write Exclusive Reservation .1.. .... IDNRESPP B'01000000' IDNRESPP Persist Through Power Loss 0020 32 Bitstring 1 IDNFPI Format Progress Indicator 1... .... IDNFPIEN B'10000000' IDNFPIEN Format Progress Indicator supported .111 1111 IDNFPCTG B'01111111' IDNFPCTG Format Percentage remaining 0021 33 Address 1 IDNDLFTR Deallocate Logical Block Feature B'rrr-----' Reserved 00000010 IDNDLFGD B'00010000' Guard field set to CRC 00000008 IDNDLFWZ B'00001000' Write Zero Deallocate bit supported 00000007 IDNDLFVL B'00000111' Values read from deallocated block 00000000 IDNDLFVN B'00000000' Not reported 00000001 IDNDLFV0 B'00000001' All bytes set to X'00' 00000002 IDNDLFVF B'00000010' All Bytes set to x'FF' 0022 34 Address 2 IDNAWUN Atomic Write Unit Normal 0024 36 Address 2 IDNAWUPF Atomic Write Unit Power Fail 0026 38 Address 2 IDNACWU Atomic Write Compare and Write Unit 0028 40 Address 2 IDNABSN Atomic Boundary Size Normal 002A 42 Address 2 IDNABO Atomic Boundary Offset 002C 44 Address 2 IDNABSPF Atomic Write Boundary Size Power Fail 002E 46 Address 2 IDNOIOB Optimal I/O Boundary 0030 48 Bitstring 16 IDNVMCAP NVM Capacity 0040 64 Bitstring 40 * Reserved 0068 104 Bitstring 16 IDNGUID Globally Unique Identifier 0078 120 Bitstring 8 IDNEUI64 IEEE Extended Unique Identifier 0080 128 Bitstring 4 IDNLBAF0 (0) LBA Format 0 Support 0080 128 Address 2 IDNLBAMS Metadata Size 0082 130 Address 1 IDNLBADS Data Size (power of 2) 0083 131 Bitstring 1 IDNLBAB0 Byte 0 B'rrrrrr--' Reserved 00000003 IDNLBARP B'00000011' Relative Performance 00000000 IDNLBAP3 B'00000000' Best 00000001 IDNLBAP2 B'00000001' Better 00000002 IDNLBAP1 B'00000010' Good 00000003 IDNLBAPD B'00000011' Degraded 0084 132 Bitstring 4 * (15) LBA Format 1-15 Support 00C0 192 Bitstring 192 * Reserved 0180 384 Bitstring 3712 * Vendor Specific
  IDNDS Storage Layout Top of page
*** IDNDS - NVMe Identify Namespace Data Structure
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                        IDNSZE                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                        IDNCAP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                        IDNUSE                         |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |  IDNABSN    |   IDNABO    |  IDNABSPF   |  IDNOIOB    |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |                       IDNVMCAP                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       IDNGUID                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                       IDNEUI64                        |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  80 |  IDNLBAMS   |:LBADS|:LBAB0|///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+------+///////////////////////////|
*  88 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 180 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** IDNDS - NVMe Identify Namespace Data Structure
  IDNDS Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
IDNABO         002A
IDNABSN        0028
IDNABSPF       002C
IDNACWU        0026
IDNAWUN        0022
IDNAWUPF       0024
IDNCAP         0008
IDNDLFGD       0021 00000010
IDNDLFTR       0021
IDNDLFVF       0021 00000002
IDNDLFVL       0021 00000007
IDNDLFVN       0021 00000000
IDNDLFV0       0021 00000001
IDNDLFWZ       0021 00000008
IDNDPC         001C
IDNDPCPF       001C 00000008
IDNDPCPL       001C 00000010
IDNDPCP1       001C 00000001
IDNDPCP2       001C 00000002
IDNDPCP3       001C 00000004
IDNDPS         001D
IDNDPSFL       001D 00000008
IDNDPSNE       001D 00000000
IDNDPSTY       001D 00000007
IDNDPST1       001D 00000001
IDNDPST2       001D 00000002
IDNDPST3       001D 00000003
IDNEUI64       0078
IDNFLBAM       001A 00000010
IDNFLBAN       001A 0000000F
IDNFLBAS       001A
IDNFPCTG       0020 7F
IDNFPI         0020
IDNFPIEN       0020 80
IDNGUID        0068
IDNLBAB0       0083
IDNLBADS       0082
IDNLBAF0       0080
IDNLBAMS       0080
IDNLBAPD       0083 00000003
IDNLBAP1       0083 00000002
IDNLBAP2       0083 00000001
IDNLBAP3       0083 00000000
IDNLBARP       0083 00000003
IDNMC          001B
IDNMCSB        001B 00000002
IDNMCXL        001B 00000001
IDNMIC         001E
IDNMICSH       001E 00000001
IDNNLBAF       0019
IDNOIOB        002E
IDNRESC        001F
IDNRESIE       001F 80
IDNRESPP       001F 40
IDNRESWA       001F 40
IDNRESWO       001F 40
IDNRESWR       001F 40
IDNRESXA       001F 40
IDNRESXO       001F 40
IDNRESXR       001F 40
IDNSFAWD       0018 00000002
IDNSFDUE       0018 00000004
IDNSFEAT       0018
IDNSFINR       0018 00000008
IDNSFTHP       0018 00000001
IDNSZE         0000
IDNUSE         0010
IDNVMCAP       0030
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:53:12 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022