HSABK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  HSABK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Hardware System Storage Control Block
 FUNCTION   : An internal CP control block used to map discontigious
              free storage used to simulate the Hardware System Area
              Storage (HSA) within CP.
 CREATED BY : Dynamically created by HCPGETST when a
              cache or list vector is defined via the
              simulation of a DEFINE VECTOR (DV B268
              OPCODE) Instruction.
 DELETED BY : Deleted by HCPRELST during the simulation
              of a "Release Vector Function" of a DEFINE
              VECTOR (DV B268) Instruction or a virtual
              system reset.
  HSABK Control Block Content Top of page

 HSABK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure HSABK Hardware System Storage Control Block 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 HSALOCK (3) Vector Bit Lock 0018 24 Address 4 HSAVMDBK VMDBK of the vector owner 001C 28 Signed 4 HSABITS Number of HSA bits mapped by this this block 0020 32 Signed 4 HSATOKEN Word 2 of the token assigned to this vector 0024 36 Signed 4 HSANUMPG Number of page frames allocated and pointed to via the page array anchored off HSAVECA 0028 40 Bitstring 1 HSAFLAG HSABK Processing Flag 1... .... HSAIDAL X'80' HSAIDAL HSAVECA points to an array of pages (indirect list of page frames) .1.. .... HSALSUMM X'40' HSALSUMM Local Summary Bit for a list notification vector ..1. .... HSALIMIT X'20' HSALIMIT CP limited the vector size 0029 41 Bitstring 1 HSATYPE Type of Token 00000000 HSAUNKN X'00' HSAUNKN Unknown token type 00000001 HSALCT X'01' HSALCT Local Cache Token (LCT) 00000002 HSALNT X'02' HSALNT List Notification Token (LNT) 002A 42 Bitstring 1 * (2) Reserved for future IBM use 002C 44 Address 4 HSAVECA Address of a single vector or an array of vector addresses. HSAFLAG.HSAIDAL determines what this field contains 0030 48 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for future IBM use 0038 56 Bitstring 1 HSA$END (0) The end Notes : The following assembler equates are defined and can be used but do not appear in the control block expansion because they are in the PLX section and PRINT OFF, NOGEN are in effect. 00000010 HSAPAGES 16 Maximum number of pages CP will allow to allocated for a single vector 00000040 HSAPAGE2 64 Maximum number of pages CP will allow to be allocated for a larger single vector 00008000 HSABP 32768 Maximum number of bits per page 0000000F HSAPGSHF 15 Number of bits to shift right to determine the page number of a vector bit 00007F00 HSASMALL (HSABP-256) Maximum number of bits in a small vector 00080000 HSAMBITS (HSAPAGES*HSABP) Maximum number of bits that can be mapped by this control block 00200000 HSAMBIT2 (HSAPAGE2*HSABP) Maximum number of bits mapped by this control block for larger vector (2,097,152)
  HSABK Storage Layout Top of page
*** HSABK - Hardware System Storage Control Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       HSALOCK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         HSAVMDBK          |         HSABITS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         HSATOKEN          |         HSANUMPG          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |:FLAG |:TYPE |/////////////|         HSAVECA           |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** HSABK - Hardware System Storage Control Block
  HSABK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
HSA$END        0038
HSABITS        001C
HSABP          0038 00008000
HSAFLAG        0028
HSAIDAL        0028 80
HSALCT         0029 00000001
HSALIMIT       0028 20
HSALNT         0029 00000002
HSALOCK        0000
HSALSUMM       0028 40
HSAMBITS       0038 00080000
HSAMBIT2       0038 00200000
HSANUMPG       0024
HSAPAGES       0038 00000010
HSAPAGE2       0038 00000040
HSAPGSHF       0038 0000000F
HSASMALL       0038 00007F00
HSATOKEN       0020
HSATYPE        0029
HSAUNKN        0029 00000000
HSAVECA        002C
HSAVMDBK       0018
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:51:13 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022