Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure HisMTHdr HISMT Service Interval Area *02* ACRONYM: N/A
0000 0 Character 8 HisMT_Hdr_EyeCatcher
Will be 'HISMT ' after the first
HISMT call.
0000 0 Character 1 HisMT_Hdr_EyeCatcherFirstChar
On the first HISMT call for a new
interval area, this field must
contain binary zeroes.
0008 8 Signed 4 HisMT_Hdr_LengthRequired
Length of storage required for
the request to complete
000C 12 Bitstring 1 HisMTFlg Flags for config change reasons.
One or more of these flags will
be ON if reason code returned is
HisMT_kRsnWarn_ConfigChange. For
all other return and reason
codes, these flags will be turned
1... .... HisMT_Hdr_SpeedChanged_CPEngine
.1.. .... HisMT_Hdr_SpeedChanged_SpecialtyEngine
..1. .... HisMT_Hdr_MTModeChanged_CP
...1 .... HisMT_Hdr_MTModeChanged_zIIP
.... 1... HisMT_Hdr_MTModeChanged_zAAP
.... .1.. HisMT_Hdr_MTModeChanged_ICF
.... ..1. HisMT_Hdr_MTModeChanged_IFL
.... ...1 HisMT_Hdr_MTConfigChanged
000D 13 Character 3 HisMT_Hdr_Rsv00D
0010 16 Character 8 HisMT_Hdr_Timestamp
Timestamp, the time (in STCK
format) when the system captured
the data.
0018 24 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_ProdClass_Desc
Locates array of productivity
values for each processor class.
This storage is mapped by DSECT
0028 40 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_ProdCore_Desc
Locates array of productivity
values for each core. This
storage is mapped by DSECT
0038 56 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_CapClass_Desc
Locates array of capacity factor
values for each processor class.
This storage is mapped by DSECT
0048 72 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_MaxCapClass_Desc
Locates array of max capacity
factor values for each processor
class. This storage is mapped by
0058 88 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_CbfClass_Desc
Locates array of CBF values for
each processor class. This
storage is mapped by DSECT
HisMT_Desc. This field is for IBM
use only.
0068 104 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_CbfAN_Desc
Locates array of charge back
factor values for each AN. This
storage is mapped by DSECT
HisMT_Desc. This field is for IBM
use only.
0078 120 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_ClassBusyTime_Desc
Locates array of busy time values
per processor class. This storage
is mapped by DSECT HisMT_Desc.
0088 136 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_CoreBusyTime_Desc
Locates array of core busy time
values for each core. This
storage is mapped by DSECT
0098 152 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_AvgTDClass_Desc
Locates array of average thread
density values for each processor
class. This storage is mapped by
00A8 168 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_AvgTDCore_Desc
Locates array of average thread
density values per core. This
storage is mapped by DSECT
00B8 184 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_CoreCountClass_Desc
Locates array of counts of cores
per processor class. This storage
is mapped by DSECT HisMT_Desc.
00C8 200 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_IntervalClass_Desc
Locates array of interval times
per processor class. This storage
is mapped by DSECT HisMT_Desc.
00D8 216 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_IntervalCore_Desc
Locates array of interval times
per core. This storage is mapped
by DSECT HisMT_Desc.
00E8 232 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_ThreadsClass_Desc
Locates array of configured
threads per core for each
processor class. This storage is
mapped by DSECT HisMT_Desc.
00F8 248 Signed 4 HisMT_Hdr_PreservableAreaOffset
Offset to the preservable work
area relative to the start of
HisMT_Hdr. This field is for IBM
use only, only in HCPHIS.
00FC 252 Signed 4 HisMT_Hdr_PreservableAreaLength
The length of the preservable
work area. This field is for IBM
use only, only in HCPHIS.
0100 256 Signed 4 HisMT_Hdr_SystemAreaOffset
Offset to the system work area
relative to the start of
HisMT_Hdr. This field is for IBM
use only. Used only within
0104 260 Signed 4 HisMT_Hdr_SystemAreaLength
The length of the system work
area. This field is for IBM use
only. Used only within HCPHIS.
0108 264 Character 16 HisMT_Hdr_Rsv0A8
0118 280 Character 1 HisMT_Hdr_End (0)
00000118 HisMT_Hdr_Len *-HisMTHdr
***The HISMT descriptor locates data associated with each HISMT
***metric requested via the HISMT service.
***The descriptor has an offset to the array containing HISMT data.
***Add HisMT_Desc_EntryLength to the current entry to get to the
***next entry in the array when iterating through the array entries.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure HisMTDsc HISMT Service Interval Area *02* ACRONYM: N/A
0000 0 Signed 4 HisMT_Desc_Offset
Offset to the array relative to
the start of the interval area.
0004 4 Signed 4 HisMT_Desc_Count
The number of entries in the
0008 8 Signed 4 HisMT_Desc_EntryLength
The length of a single entry in
the array. Use this when
iterating through the entries
instead of compile time lengths.
The offset to the nth entry from
the start of the array is
((n-1)*HisMT_D esc_EntryLength).
000C 12 Character 4 HisMT_Desc_Rsv00C
0010 16 Character 1 HisMT_Desc_End (0)
00000010 HisMT_Desc_Len *-HisMTDsc
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure HisMTEnt HISMT Service Interval Area *02* ACRONYM: N/A
0000 0 Signed 4 HisMT_Entry_Metric
Metric value requested
0004 4 Character 1 HisMT_Entry_End (0)
***HISMT Constants
00C9E2D4 HisMT_Hdr_kEyeCatcher_0TO3
C'HISM' This is the first 4-byte
segment of an 8-byte constant.
00404040 HisMT_Hdr_kEyeCatcher_4TO7
C'T ' This is the second 4-byte
segment of an 8-byte constant.
00000118 HisMT_Hdr_kLength
280 Length of the header block
for the interval area.
***HISMT Return/Reason Codes
*** o It is guaranteed that no reason code will be reused (i.e.
*** the same reason code will not be used for more than one
*** return code).
*** o Note carefully that bits 0-15 of the reason code may contain
*** component-diagnostic data and must not be assumed to be
*** 0.
0000FFFF HisMT_kRsnCodeMask
65535 Use this mask to isolate
the non component-diagnostic
portion of the reason code.
HISMTReturn and Reason Code definitions
.... .... HisMT_kRetOk X'00000000' Meaning: HISMT
request completed successfully.
Action: None required.
.... .1.. HisMT_kRetWarn X'00000004' Meaning: Warning
Action: HISMT request completed
with a warning.
00000401 HisMT_kRsnWarn_IntvAreaSmall
X'00000401' Meaning: The interval
area provided was large enough to
hold the minimum amount of data
required for the request, but not
large enough to hold all of the
data requested. Action: Obtain a
larger interval area using the
HisMT_Hdr_LengthRequired field
returned in the request's
INTVAREA. Then call the service
with the newly allocated interval
area. (See Programming
Requirements for the protocol for
passing a new interval area that
is at least
HisMT_Hdr_LengthRequired bytes
00000402 HisMT_kRsnWarn_ConfigChanged
X'00000402' Meaning: The system
configuration was changed during
the interval between the last
HISMT call and the current HISMT
call. The metric values returned
in the interval area is
questionable since the config was
not consistent during the
interval. See field HisMTFlg in
the interval area header for what
has changed. Action: The metric
values returned from this call
can be ignored.
.... 1... HisMT_kRetUser X'00000008' Meaning: HISMT
request failed due to a user
error. Action: Refer to the
action provided with the specific
reason code.
00000801 HisMT_kRsnUser_InvVersion
X'00000801' Meaning: The version
for the parameter list specified
is not valid. Action: Check for
possible storage overlay.
00000802 HisMT_kRsnUser_InconsistentIntvArea
X'00000802' Meaning: The HISMT
call for this interval does not
match the previous HISMT call for
the provided interval area.
Action: If this is the first
invocation for this interval
area, follow the protocol
described in the HISMT service's
Programming Requirements section
to provide an interval area. If
this is a subsequent call to
HISMT for the interval area, make
sure all subsequent calls to
HISMT with that interval area
request the same data.
00000803 HisMT_kRsnUser_IntvLenTooSmall
X'00000803' Meaning: The interval
area is less than
HisMT_Hdr_kLength bytes. Action:
Ensure the interval area length
and the storage provided for the
interval area is at least
HisMT_Hdr_kLength bytes long.
(See Programming Requirements for
the protocol for obtaining big
enough storage to contain the
requested MT metrics)
00000804 HisMT_kRsnUser_UnknownDataInIntvArea
X'00000804' Meaning: The interval
area for this HISMT call contains
some unexpected data. A storage
overlay may have occured. Action:
Issue HISMT request with a new
interval area.
00000805 HisMT_kRsnUser_IntvAreaNotAligned
Meaning: The interval area
provided for this HISMT call
is not on a doubleword
boundary. Action: Make sure
that the interval area is on a
doubleword boundary.
00000806 HisMT_kRsnUser_IntvLenNot8ByteMultiple
X'00000806' Meaning: The interval
area length provided for this
HISMT call is not a multiple of
8-bytes. Action: Provide an
interval area whose length is an
8-byte multiple.
00000807 HisMT_kRsnUser_UnknownEyeCatcher
Meaning: The eye catcher in
the interval area for this
HISMT call is unexpected. A
storage overlay may have
occured. Action: Issue a HISMT
request with a new interval
area. The first byte must
contain binary zeroes.
...1 .... HisMT_kRetUnknown
X'00000010' Meaning: Unexpected
failure. Action: Refer to the
action provided with the specific
reason code.
00001001 HisMT_kRsnUnknown_Unknown
X'00001001' Meaning: Unexpected
failure. The state of the request
is unpredictable. Action: Contact
your system programmer.
00000004 HisMT_Entry_Len
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