DS1LABEL Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
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  DS1LABEL Prolog Top of page
 NAME       : HCPDS1BK
 DSECT      : DS1LABEL - VTOC DSCB Format 1 and Format 8
              DS4LABEL - VTOC DSCB Format 4
              DS5LABEL - VTOC DSCB Format 5
 FUNCTION   : HCPDS1BK is a collection of structures that are used to
              map the DSCB's that are in the VTOC of an OS formatted
              DASD.  See manual " z/OS V1R11.0 DFSMSdfp Advanced
              Services z/OS V1R11.0 SC26-7400-10", section
              "VTOC Components" for more information.
 LOCATED BY : The first DSCB (a format 4 DSCB) is point to by the
              Volume Label (record 3).
 CREATED BY : Stand-alone dump installer.
 DELETED BY : Not applicable
 SERIALIZED : Single-threaded nature of stand-alone dump process
 NOTES      :
  DS1LABEL Control Block Content Top of page

 DS1LABEL DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure DS1LABEL Mapping for VTOC DSCB's 0000 0 Character 44 DS1DSNAM Data set name For Format 1 DSCB, DS1FMTID = c'1'. 002C 44 Character 1 DS1FMTID Format identifier 002D 45 Character 6 DS1DSSN Data set serial number 0033 51 Bitstring 2 DS1VOLSQ Volume sequence number 0035 53 Bitstring 3 DS1CREDT Creation date: ydd 0038 56 Bitstring 3 DS1EXPDT Expiration date: ydd 003B 59 Bitstring 1 DS1NOEPV Number of extents on volume 003C 60 Bitstring 1 DS1NOBDB No. of bytes used in last direction blk 003D 61 Bitstring 1 DS1FLAG1 Flag 1 003E 62 Character 13 DS1SYSCD System code 004B 75 Bitstring 3 DS1REFD Date last referenced 004E 78 Bitstring 1 DS1SMSFG System managed storage indicators 004F 79 Bitstring 1 DS1SCXTF Secondary space extension flag byte 0050 80 Bitstring 2 DS1SCXTV Secondary space extension value 0052 82 Bitstring 1 DS1DSOR1 Data set organization byte 1 0053 83 Bitstring 1 DS1DSOR2 Data set organization byte 2 0054 84 Bitstring 1 DS1RECFM Record format 0055 85 Bitstring 1 DS1OPTCD Option code 0056 86 Bitstring 2 DS1BLKL Block length 0058 88 Bitstring 2 DS1LRECL Record length 005A 90 Bitstring 1 DS1KEYL Key length 005B 91 Bitstring 2 DS1RKP Relative key position 005D 93 Bitstring 1 DS1DSIND Data set indicators 005E 94 Bitstring 1 DS1SCAL1 Secondary allocation flag byte 005F 95 Character 3 DS1SCAL3 Secondary allocation quantity 0062 98 Bitstring 3 DS1LSTAR Last used track and block on track 0065 101 Bitstring 2 DS1TRBAL Space remaining on last used track 0067 103 Bitstring 2 DS1RES1 Reserved Following extent descriptions consist of First byte - Extent type indicator Second byte - Extent sequence number Third - sixth bytes - Extent lower limit Seventh - tenth bytes - Extent upper limit 0069 105 Bitstring 10 DS1EXT1 First extent description .11. 1.11 DS1EXT1L DS1EXT1+2 DS1EXT1L Extent Lower limit .11. 1111 DS1EXT1U DS1EXT1+6 DS1EXT1U Extent Upper limit 0073 115 Bitstring 10 DS1EXT2 Second extent description 007D 125 Bitstring 10 DS1EXT3 Third extent description 0087 135 Bitstring 5 DS1PTRDS Possible pointer to F2 or F3 DSCB 0000008C DS1END * DSECT for VTOC DSCB Format 4 Records Bit mappings of unuseful flag bytes are not shown. Offsets for all DS4LABEL are based from start of key, not start of data.
  DS1LABEL Storage Layout Top of page
*** DS1LABEL - Mapping for VTOC DSCB's
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       DS1DSNAM                        =
*     |                           +------+--------------------+
*  28 |                           |:FMTID|     DS1DSSN-       |
*     +--------------------+------+------+--------------------+
*  30 |      -(02D)        |  DS1VOLSQ   |     DS1CREDT       |
*     +--------------------+------+------+------+-------------+
*  38 |     DS1EXPDT       |:NOEPV|:NOBDB|:FLAG1|             |
*     +--------------------+------+------+------+             |
*     |                       DS1SYSCD                        |
*     |                    +--------------------+------+------+
*  48 |                    |      DS1REFD       |:SMSFG|:SCXTF|
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  50 |  DS1SCXTV   |:DSOR1|:DSOR2|:RECFM|:OPTCD|  DS1BLKL    |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  58 |  DS1LRECL   |:KEYL |   DS1RKP    |:DSIND|:SCAL1|(05F)-|
*     +-------------+------+-------------+------+------+------+
*  60 | -DS1SCAL3   |     DS1LSTAR       |  DS1TRBAL   |:RES1-|
*     +------+------+--------------------+-------------+------+
*  68 |-(067)|                    DS1EXT1                     |
*     +------+             +----------------------------------+
*  70 |                    |             DS1EXT2              |
*     +--------------------+             +--------------------+
*  78 |                                  |      DS1EXT3       |
*     +----------------------------------+             +------+
*     |                                                |(087)-|
*     +---------------------------+--------------------+------+
*  88 |        -DS1PTRDS          | 8C
*     +---------------------------+
*** DS1LABEL - Mapping for VTOC DSCB's
  DS1LABEL Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DS1BLKL        0056
DS1CREDT       0035
DS1DSIND       005D
DS1DSNAM       0000
DS1DSOR1       0052
DS1DSOR2       0053
DS1DSSN        002D
DS1END         0087 0000008C
DS1EXPDT       0038
DS1EXT1        0069
DS1EXT1L       0069 6B
DS1EXT1U       0069 6F
DS1EXT2        0073
DS1EXT3        007D
DS1FLAG1       003D
DS1FMTID       002C
DS1KEYL        005A
DS1LRECL       0058
DS1LSTAR       0062
DS1NOBDB       003C
DS1NOEPV       003B
DS1OPTCD       0055
DS1PTRDS       0087
DS1RECFM       0054
DS1REFD        004B
DS1RES1        0067
DS1RKP         005B
DS1SCAL1       005E
DS1SCAL3       005F
DS1SCXTF       004F
DS1SCXTV       0050
DS1SMSFG       004E
DS1SYSCD       003E
DS1TRBAL       0065
DS1VOLSQ       0033
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:49:55 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022