DEARG Back to Index page
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Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
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  DEARG Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Define Extent CCW argument mapping
 FUNCTION   : Map the argument of a Define Extent CCW
 NOTES      : This is only for CKD/ECKD.
              For FBA define extent mapping see HCPDFDA
  DEARG Control Block Content Top of page

 DEARG DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure DEARG Define Extent CCW argument mapping 0000 0 Bitstring 32 DEDATA (0) 0000 0 Bitstring 1 DEMSKBTE Mask byte 11.. .... DEALLWRT X'C0' DEALLWRT Permit all write commands .1.. .... DEINHWRT X'40' DEINHWRT Inhibit all write operations 1... .... DEUPDWRT X'80' DEUPDWRT Permit update write operations only .... .... DESOMWRT X'00' DESOMWRT Permit all write operations exept write H and write RO MASK BYTE BIT 2 is reserved, must be 0 MASK BYTE BITS 3-4 .... .... DEALLSK X'00' DEALLSK Permit all seek and recalibrate commands .... 1... DESKCHD X'08' DESKCHD Permit Seek Cylinder and Seek Head only ...1 .... DESKHED X'10' DESKHED Permit Seek Head only ...1 1... DEINHSK X'18' DEINHSK Inhibit all seek commands & multitrack operations MASK BYTE BITS 5-6 If non-zero, control unit cache is bypassed. .... .... DEAUTHNR X'00' DEAUTHNR Normal authorization .... ..1. DEAUTHDS X'02' DEAUTHDS Can access all tracks, perform all Locate Records (device support authorization) .... .1.. DEAUTHDG X'04' DEAUTHDG Diagnostic authorization .... .... DEAUTHID X'00' DEAUTHID Inhibit Data-Check Correction and retry and device support authorization MASK BYTE BIT 7 .... ...1 DEPCIFTC X'01' DEPCIFTC PCI Fetch mode MASK BYTE BITS 0-1 0001 1 Bitstring 1 DEGLATTR Global attributes 11.. .... DEGLECKD X'C0' DEGLECKD ECKD Global attribute byte bit 2 ..1. .... DEGLCONV X'20' DEGLCONV CKD conversion mode Global attribute byte bits 3-5 .... .... DEGLCACH X'00' DEGLCACH Use normal cache replacement .... .1.. DEGLNOCA X'04' DEGLNOCA Bypass cache .... 1... DEGLNCAL X'08' DEGLNCAL Inhibit cache loading .... 11.. DEGLSEQA X'0C' DEGLSEQA Sequential access Global attribute byte bit 6 .... ..1. DEGLCFWR X'02' DEGLCFWR Use cache fast write Global attribute byte bit 7 reserved Global attribute byte bits 0-1 0002 2 Bitstring 2 DEBLKSZE Block size 0004 4 Bitstring 3 * Reserved Bytes 4-6 0007 7 Bitstring 1 DE7BYTE Byte 7 0008 8 Bitstring 2 DEBEGCYL Beginning of cylinder extent 000A 10 Bitstring 2 DEBEGHD Beginning of head extent 000C 12 Bitstring 2 DEENDCYL End of cylinder extent 000E 14 Bitstring 2 DEENDHD End of head extent 00000010 DENXRCL *-DEARG XRC not supported data length Extension of data area for XRC time stamping support Bytes 16 through 23 (I/O time stamp) 0010 16 Bitstring 8 DETSTAMP Time stamp 00000018 DEXRCL *-DEARG XRC supported data length Bytes 24 through 31 (reserved) 0018 24 Bitstring 8 DERSRVD Reserved for hardware use 00000020 DEARGLEN *-DEARG DEFINE EXTENT data area length 00000040 DEPFXLEN 64 PREFIX LENGTH
  DEARG Storage Layout Top of page
*** DEARG - Define Extent CCW argument mapping
*     +------+------+-------------+--------------------+------+
*   0 |:SKBTE|:LATTR|  DEBLKSZE   |////////////////////|:BYTE |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |  DEBEGCYL   |  DEBEGHD    |  DEENDCYL   |  DEENDHD    |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |                       DETSTAMP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       DERSRVD                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20
*** DEARG - Define Extent CCW argument mapping
  DEARG Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DEALLSK        0000 00
DEALLWRT       0000 C0
DEARGLEN       0018 00000020
DEAUTHDG       0000 04
DEAUTHDS       0000 02
DEAUTHID       0000 00
DEAUTHNR       0000 00
DEBEGCYL       0008
DEBEGHD        000A
DEBLKSZE       0002
DEDATA         0000
DEENDCYL       000C
DEENDHD        000E
DEGLATTR       0001
DEGLCACH       0001 00
DEGLCFWR       0001 02
DEGLCONV       0001 20
DEGLECKD       0001 C0
DEGLNCAL       0001 08
DEGLNOCA       0001 04
DEGLSEQA       0001 0C
DEINHSK        0000 18
DEINHWRT       0000 40
DEMSKBTE       0000
DENXRCL        000E 00000010
DEPCIFTC       0000 01
DEPFXLEN       0018 00000040
DERSRVD        0018
DESKCHD        0000 08
DESKHED        0000 10
DESOMWRT       0000 00
DETSTAMP       0010
DEUPDWRT       0000 80
DEXRCL         0010 00000018
DE7BYTE        0007
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:48:56 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022