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  DDEV Prolog Top of page
 DSECT      : DDEV
  DDEV Control Block Content Top of page

 DDEV DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure DDEV DIRECTORY DEVICE DEFINITION BLOCK DDEV Device Definition (Generic). 0000 0 Signed 2 DDEVDEV VIRTUAL DEVICE ADDRESS 0002 2 Bitstring 1 DDEVFLGA DIRECTORY DEVICE INFORMATION 1... .... DDEVTMDK X'80' DDEVTMDK MDISK DIRECTORY ENTRY .1.. .... DDEVTLNK X'40' DDEVTLNK LINK DIRECTORY ENTRY ..1. .... DDEVTSPC X'20' DDEVTSPC SPECIAL / NICDEF DIRECTORY ENTRY ...1 .... DDEVTDED X'10' DDEVTDED DEDICATE DIRECTORY ENTRY .... 1... DDEVTSPL X'08' DDEVTSPL SPOOL / CONSOLE DIRECTORY ENTRY .... .1.. DDEVTDSK X'04' DDEVTDSK T-DISK TO BE ALLOCATED .... ..1. DDEVRO X'02' DDEVRO DEVICE IS READ ONLY .... ...1 DDEVRELR X'01' DDEVRELR VIRTUAL RESERVE RELEASE REQUESTED 0003 3 Bitstring 1 DDEVMODL DIRECTORY DEVICE MODEL INFORMATION 0004 4 Bitstring 2 DDEVCODE (0) VIRTUAL DEVICE CLASS AND TYPE 0004 4 Bitstring 1 DDEVCLAS VIRTUAL DEVICE CLASS 0005 5 Bitstring 1 DDEVTYPE VIRTUAL DEVICE TYPE 00000006 DDEVHDLN *-DDEV DDEV common header length (bytes) 0006 6 Character 50 DDEVSPEC Device-Specific overlays DDEVSPEC for Base MDISK device. All releases of CP prior to ESA 2.0 use DDEVSCYL and DDEVECYL for minidisk extents. In ESA 2.0, DDEVSEXT and DDEVEEXT were defined for minidisk extents. These new fields were added for FBA because FBA minidisk extents are in blocks instead of cylinders and a block number could be larger than a halfword. But the time will come when CKD dasd is so large that cylinder extents may grow larger than a halfword. Starting with ESA 2.0, DDEVSEXT and DDEVEEXT should always be used for both CKD and FBA minidisk extents. ESA 2.0 must still be able to process directories created with previous supported releases of DIRECTXA. Because of this, directory processing modules must consider the possibility that the new fullword fields may not contain the minidisk extents. If the DDEVFWEX flag in DDEVFLGC is not on, then the old halfword fields will contain the minidisk extents. In this case, when HCPUDR gets a copy of the DDEV it will copy the contents of DDEVSCYL/DDEVECYL into DDEVSEXT/DDEVEEXT. So, starting with ESA 2.0, the rest of CP only needs to use the newly defined fullword fields. Directories created with ESA 2.0 (and later releases of CP) must be in a format that is compatible with all previous supported releases of CP. For this reason, CKD minidisk extents are still stored in the old halfword fields as well as the new fullword fields. When ESA 2.0 becomes the oldest supported release, DDEVSCYL and DDEVECYL will no longer need to be maintained. 0006 6 Bitstring 4 DDEVEXTN (0) CKD virtual dasd cylinder extents 0006 6 Signed 2 DDEVSCYL CKD virtual dasd start cylinder 0008 8 Signed 2 DDEVECYL CKD virtual dasd end cylinder 000A 10 Character 6 DDEVVSER VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER 0010 16 Bitstring 1 DDEVALNK TYPES OF LINKS ALLOW TO THIS DEV 1... .... DDEVLR X'80' DDEVLR READ LINKS ALLOWED .1.. .... DDEVLW X'40' DDEVLW WRITE LINKS ALLOWED ..1. .... DDEVLM X'20' DDEVLM MULT-WRITE LINKS ALLOWED 0011 17 Bitstring 1 DDEVMODE ACCESS MODE Decimal byte values 0-11 are read modes; 12-63 are write. For more understanding of how link access modes are used, see how DDEVMODE and LKX*MOD* are used in module HCPLNS. 1... .... DDEVE X'80' DDEVE Exclusive link bit .1.. .... DDEVS X'40' DDEVS Stable link bit .... ...1 DDEVD X'01' DDEVD Deferred link 00000000 DDEVR 00 DDEVR 'R' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 00000004 DDEVRR 04 DDEVRR 'RR' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 0000000C DDEVW 12 DDEVW 'W' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 00000010 DDEVWR 16 DDEVWR 'WR' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 0000001C DDEVM 28 DDEVM 'M' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 00000020 DDEVMR 32 DDEVMR 'MR' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 00000024 DDEVMW 36 DDEVMW 'MW' LINK-MODE FOR OWNER 00000040 DDEVSR 64 DDEVSR DDEVS+DDEVR ('R' with stable) 0000004C DDEVSW 76 DDEVSW DDEVS+DDEVW ('W' with stable) 0000005C DDEVSM 92 DDEVSM DDEVS+DDEVM ('M' with stable) 00000080 DDEVER 128 DDEVER DDEVE+DDEVR ('R' with exclusive) 0000008C DDEVEW 140 DDEVEW DDEVE+DDEVW ('W' with exclusive) For object directories created from VM/ESA 2.0 and later... If the minidisk is defined on CKD DASD, DDEVSEXT will contain the starting cylinder number. If the minidisk is defined on FBA DASD, DDEVSEXT will contain the starting block number. The DDEVFWEX flag in DDEVFLGC will be on if DDEVSEXT contains valid information. See the comment for DDEVSCYL/DDEVECYL for more details. 0012 18 Bitstring 4 DDEVSEXT (0) Minidisk start extent 0012 18 Bitstring 2 DDEVSE1H First half of starting extent 0014 20 Bitstring 2 DDEVSE2H Second half of starting extent 0016 22 Bitstring 1 DDEVFLGB ACCESS CONTROL FOR CACHE DASD 1... .... DDEVWKAL X'80' DDEVWKAL Working allegiance on minidisk .1.. .... DDEVCNA X'40' DDEVCNA CACHING NOT AVAILABLE ..1. .... DDEVSCTL X'20' DDEVSCTL SUBSYSTEM CONTROL ...1 .... DDEVDCTL X'10' DDEVDCTL DEVICE CONTROL .... 1... DDEVNCTL X'08' DDEVNCTL NO CONTROL .... .1.. DDEVNMDC X'04' DDEVNMDC MINIOPT NOMDC specified .... ..1. DDEVQDSK X'02' DDEVQDSK V-disk will be allocated .... ...1 DDEVYMDC X'01' DDEVYMDC MINIOPT MDC specified NOTES : DDEVFLGC is NOT exclusive to MDISK devices. 0017 23 Bitstring 1 DDEVFLGC EXTENSION OF DIRECTORY DEVICE INFO 1... .... DDEVNOSG X'80' DDEVNOSG "NOASSIGN" OPTION .1.. .... DDEVEND X'40' DDEVEND "END" SPECIFIED ON MDISK STATEMENT ..1. .... DDEVINV X'20' DDEVINV DDEV IS NOT VALID, IT WAS ONLY PARTIALLY FILLED IN AND SHOULD BE IGNORED ...1 .... DDEVFWEX X'10' DDEVFWEX The fullword extent fields are valid. DDEVSEXT and DDEVEEXT contain valid extent information. .... 1... DDEVDEVN X'08' DDEVDEVN "DEVNO" SPECIFIED ON MDISK STMT .... .1.. DDEVPROF X'04' DDEVPROF DDEV was written as part of a PROFILE .... ..1. DDEVIOPS X'02' DDEVIOPS User set I/O Assist off for device .... ...1 DDEVFBA X'01' DDEVFBA MDISK is on FBA dasd 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVPASR PASSWORD FOR READ ACCESS 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVPASW PASSWORD FOR WRITE ACCESS 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVPASM PASSWORD FOR MULTIPLE ACCESS 0030 48 Signed 2 DDEVRDEV REAL DEVICE NUMBER NOTES : DDEVFLGD is NOT exclusive to MDISK devices. 0032 50 Bitstring 1 DDEVFLGD Extension of cache and dev info 1... .... DDEVRECC X'80' DDEVRECC RECORDMDC specified on MINIOPT .1.. .... DDEVMSGP X'40' DDEVMSGP SPECIAL MSGP Statement ..1. .... DDEVNQAS X'20' DDEVNQAS NOQIOAssist Option Specified .... 1... DDEVPVBA X'08' DDEVPVBA This is a Base .... .1.. DDEVPVAL X'04' DDEVPVAL This is a PAV Alias .... ..1. DDEVHPBA X'02' DDEVHPBA This is a HyperPAV Base .... ...1 DDEVHPAL X'01' DDEVHPAL This is a HyperPAV Alias .... 1... DDEVPVPB DDEVPVBA DDEVPVPB deprecated name .... .1.. DDEVPVPA DDEVPVAL DDEVPVPA deprecated name 0033 51 Bitstring 1 * IBM Reserved For object directories created from VM/ESA 2.0 and later... If the minidisk is defined on CKD DASD, DDEVEEXT will contain the ending cylinder number. If the minidisk is defined on FBA DASD, DDEVEEXT will contain the ending block number. The DDEVFWEX flag in DDEVFLGC will be on if DDEVEEXT contains valid information. See the comment for DDEVSCYL/DDEVECYL for more details. 0034 52 Signed 4 DDEVEEXT (0) Minidisk end extent 0034 52 Signed 2 DDEVEE1H First half of the ending extent 0036 54 Signed 2 DDEVEE2H Second half of the ending extent DDEVSPEC for LINK or DEDICATED device. 0006 6 Bitstring 4 * Reserved 000A 10 Signed 2 * (DDEVBASE) PAV Base Virtual Device Address Set by DASDOPT PAV statement 000C 12 Bitstring 10 * Reserved 0016 22 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGB) Flags 0017 23 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGC) Flags 0018 24 Bitstring 2 * Reserved 001A 26 Signed 2 DDEVLINK LINK: Subject disk to be linked DEDICATE: Real device to attach 001C 28 Bitstring 4 * Reserved 0020 32 Character 8 DDEVLKID LINK-TO userid. This will always be a USERid or IDENTid, but never a SUBCONFIGid. If the device is defined in a subconfig, this field will contain the IDENTid. 0028 40 Character 8 DDEVURAC DEDICATE: USERACCess id option 0030 48 Bitstring 2 * Reserved 0032 50 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGD) Flags 0033 51 Bitstring 5 * Reserved DDEVSPEC for SPOOL or CONSOLE device. 0006 6 Bitstring 12 * Reserved 0012 18 Bitstring 1 DDEVWIDH 3800: Paper Width Code 0013 19 Bitstring 1 DDEVLENH 3800: Paper Length (HALF-INCHES) NOTES : DDEVPRFG is NOT exclusive to SPOOL devices. 0014 20 Bitstring 1 DDEVPRFG Virtual printer flags 1... .... DDEVBTS X'80' DDEVBTS BURSTER TRIMMER STACKER (BTS) .1.. .... DDEVFULL X'40' DDEVFULL REFLECT ALL DATA CHECKS (DATCK) .... .1.. DDEVSNGL X'04' DDEVSNGL "SINGLEuser" Attach cmd option .... ..1. DDEVSHRD X'02' DDEVSHRD "MULTIuser" Attach cmd option .... ...1 DDEVNOMS X'01' DDEVNOMS "NOCPMS" Attach command option 0015 21 Bitstring 1 DDEVFTRC DEVICE FEATURE CODES 1... .... DDEV4WCG X'80' DDEV4WCG 3800 HAS 4 WCGM'S (OFF = 2WCGM) 0016 22 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGB) Flags 0017 23 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGC) Flags 0018 24 Character 1 DDEVSPCL SPOOL DEVICE OUTPUT CLASS 0019 25 Bitstring 1 DDEVGROP CONSOLE DEFINITION FLAGS 1... .... DDEVGRCN X'80' DDEVGRCN GRAPHICS CONSOLE 001A 26 Bitstring 24 * Reserved 0032 50 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGD) Flags 0033 51 Bitstring 5 * Reserved DDEVSPEC for SPECIAL device. A SPECIAL device (DDEVFLGA.DDEVTSPC) may be defined by a SPECIAL statement or a NICDEF statement. DDEVSPEC for CTCA and MSGP definitions. 0006 6 Bitstring 1 DDEVSPCF SPECIAL device flags 1... .... DDEVNICD X'80' DDEVNICD SPECIAL via NICDEF statement 0007 7 Bitstring 15 * Reserved 0016 22 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGB) Flags 0017 23 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGC) Flags 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVCTUS ALLOWED USERID TO COUPLE TO CTCA (OR BLANKS IF NO USERID SUPPLIED, INDICATING ANY USERID ALLOWED TO TO COUPLE TO THIS CTCA) 0020 32 Character 4 DDEVCTCD CTCA Descriptor (see VDEVCTCD) 0024 36 Bitstring 2 DDEVMPBS MSGP buffer sets 0026 38 Bitstring 12 * Reserved 0032 50 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGD) Flags 0033 51 Bitstring 5 * Reserved DDEVSPEC for NIC definitions. 0006 6 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVSPCF) Common flags for DDEVTSPC devices 0007 7 Bitstring 1 DDEVNIC_ATTR NIC Attributes 1... .... DDEVNIC_CHPID_SET X'80' DDEVNIC_CHPID_SET - DDEVNIC_CHPID is set .1.. .... DDEVNIC_MAC_SET X'40' DDEVNIC_MAC_SET - DDEVNIC_MACID is set ..1. .... DDEVNIC_LAN_SET X'20' DDEVNIC_LAN_SET - DDEVNCLO||DDEVNCLN is set ...1 .... DDEVNIC_NETCFG X'10' DDEVNIC_NETCFG - Network-specific configura .... 1... DDEVNIC_PROMISC X'08' DDEVNIC_PROMISC - Promiscuous mode authoriz .... .1.. DDEVNIC_NOPROM X'04' DDEVNIC_NOPROM - Promiscuous mode prohibite 0008 8 Bitstring 1 DDEVNIC_CHPID Preferred CHPID Number 0009 9 Bitstring 1 DDEVNIC_PORTTYPE PORTTYPE (ACCESS/TRUNK) Codes in DDEVNIC_PORTTYPE defined by NICVPORT. NICDEF VLAN vidset configuration. DDEV_VIDCTR=0 means there is no NICDEF VLAN configured and no VLDBK associated with this DDEV, so: DDEVNIC_VIDDAS = 0 DDEVNIC_VIDDSP = 0 Note that DDEVNIC_VIDCTR > 0 means NICDEF VLAN is configured, but the vidset (VLAN ID set) may be represented in the following ways: Object DDEV with DDEVNIC_VIDCTR = 1 : DDEVNIC_VIDDAS = Fullword VLAN ID. DDEVNIC_VIDDSP = 0 Object DDEV with DDEVNIC_VIDCTR > 1 : DDEVNIC_VIDDAS = ASA of VLDPG containing VLDBK. DDEVNIC_VIDDSP = Displacement to VLDBK in VLDPG. Expanded DDEV in storage (see UDREXPND) : DDEVNIC_VIDDAS = Pointer to VLDBK in memory. DDEVNIC_VIDDSP = 0 000A 10 Signed 2 DDEVNIC_VIDCTR VLAN count 000C 12 Signed 4 DDEVNIC_VIDDAS DASD address of vidset (VLDBK) page or link to VLDBK in memory 0010 16 Signed 2 DDEVNIC_VIDDSP Displacement of VLDBK in page (or 0 if VLDBK is in memory) 0012 18 Bitstring 1 DDEVNIC_ATTR2 NIC Attributes 2 .... 1... DDEVNIC_UPLOW X'08' DDEVNIC_UPLOW - Uplink Priority - Low .... .1.. DDEVNIC_UPNOR X'04' DDEVNIC_UPNOR - Uplink Priority - Normal .... ..1. DDEVNIC_UPHIG X'02' DDEVNIC_UPHIG - Uplink Priority - High 0013 19 Bitstring 3 DDEVNIC_MACID Preferred MAC Sequence Number 0016 22 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGB) Flags 0017 23 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGC) Flags 0018 24 Character 8 DDEVNCLO LAN Owner for default connection (or blanks if no LAN is specified in the directory). 0020 32 Character 8 DDEVNCLN LAN Name for default connection (or blanks if no LAN is specified in the directory). 0028 40 Character 4 DDEVNCID Network Card ID (HIPE/QDIO) 002C 44 Signed 2 DDEVNCNN Number of devices for this NIC 002E 46 Signed 2 DDEVNIC_PORTNUM PORTNUMBER (or 0) 0030 48 Bitstring 2 * Reserved 0032 50 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGD) Flags 0033 51 Bitstring 5 * Reserved DDEVSPEC for PAV definitions. Valid with CLASDASD, TYP3390/TYP3380 and (DDEVPVHA) 0006 6 Bitstring 4 * Reserved 000A 10 Signed 2 DDEVBASE PAV Base Virtual Device Address Set by MINIOPT PAV statement 000C 12 Bitstring 38 * Reserved 0032 50 Bitstring 1 * (DDEVFLGD) Flags 0033 51 Bitstring 1 * Reserved 0034 52 Bitstring 4 * Reserved DDEVSPEC (END). DDEVBLOK EXTENSION FOR DIRECTORY RECORD ON DASD NOTES : This DDEV extension is NOT utilized during LINK processing. As a result, all LINK related fields must be defined above (in the DDEVSPEC region). 0038 56 Signed 4 DDEVDASD (0) SLOT ADDR OF NEXT USER RECORD CCPV for CKD DASD addresses PPPV for FBA DASD addresses 0038 56 Bitstring 3 DDEVPAGE Page portion of DDEVDASD field CCP for CKD DASD addresses PPP for FBA DASD addresses 003B 59 Bitstring 1 DDEVSYSV Volume portion of DDEVDASD field V (Volume number in SYSVOL) for CKD or FBA DASD addresses 003C 60 Signed 2 DDEVDISP DISP OF NEXT RECORD INTO PAGE 003E 62 Signed 2 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0040 64 Signed 4 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0044 68 Character 4 DDEVLABL LABEL TO VALIDATE THIS BLOCK 0048 72 Character 8 DDEVUSER USER id to validate this block; will contain owning USER unless DDEVPROF is true, in which case it will contain SYSTEM. The owning user will be a USERid, IDENTid, or SUBCONFIGid where the device is defined. 0000000A DDEVESIZ (*-DDEV+7)/8 Extended DDEV size in doublewords 00000050 DDEVESZB *-DDEV Extended DDEV size in bytes End of DDEVBK extension for directory record on DASD. Continuation of general DDEVBK follows. 0050 80 Bitstring 1 DDEVIFG Identity Virtual Machine flags 1... .... DDEVSC X'80' DDEVSC DDEV is defined in a SUBCONFIG definition in the directory, which is SSI-enabled. When this flag is set, DDEVUSER will contain the SUBCONFIG id. The IDENTITY id that the SUBCONFIG is associated with is in DDEVIDID. .1.. .... DDEVPRMD X'40' DDEVPRMD DDEV is for a private minidisk. It will not be treated as a shared device in an SSI configuration. Only MDISKs contained within SUBCONFIG definitions are treated as private minidisks. ..1. .... DDEVS1 X'20' DDEVS1 DDEV is defined in a SUBCONFIG definition in the directory, which is SSI-ready. When this flag is set, DDEVSUBC will contain the SUBCONFIG id. 0051 81 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for future use 0054 84 Signed 4 * Reserved for future use 0058 88 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVIDID IDENT id with a BUILD statement for the SUBCONFIG containing the device statement for this DDEV. This field is only valid when DDEVSC is set. 0060 96 Dbl-Word 8 DDEVSUBC SUBCONFIG id. This field is only valid when DDEVS1 is set. 0000000D DDEVSIZE (*-DDEV+7)/8 DDEV size in doublewords 00000068 DDEVSIZB *-DDEV DDEV size in bytes
  DDEV Storage Layout Top of page
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
*   0 |  DDEVDEV    |:VFLGA|:VMODL|:VCLAS|:VTYPE|             |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+             |
*   8 |                                                       |
*     =                       DDEVSPEC                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  38 |     DDEVPAGE       |:VSYSV|  DDEVDISP   |/////////////|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  40 |///////////////////////////|         DDEVLABL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |                       DDEVUSER                        |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |:VIFG |////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |                       DDEVIDID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       DDEVSUBC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +-------------+
*   0 ...                                     6 |  DDEVSCYL   |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
*   8 |  DDEVECYL   |                DDEVVSER                 |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  18 |                       DDEVPASR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       DDEVPASW                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       DDEVPASM                        |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |  DDEVRDEV   |:VFLGD|//////|  DDEVEE1H   |  DDEVEE2H   |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +-------------+
*     ...                                     6 |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |/////////////|/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+/////////////+------+------+
*  10 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|//////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  18 |/////////////|  DDEVLINK   |///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |                       DDEVLKID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       DDEVURAC                        |
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  30 |/////////////|//////|//////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +-------------+
*   0 ...                                     6 |/////////////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+/////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |/////////////+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  10 |/////////////|:VWIDH|:VLENH|:VPRFG|:VFTRC|//////|//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |:VSPCL|:VGROP|/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+/////////////////////////////////////////|
*  20 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |/////////////+------+----------------------------------+
*  30 |/////////////|//////|//////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +------+------+
*   0 ...                                     6 |:VSPCF|//////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+//////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |/////////////////////////////////////////+------+------+
*  10 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|//////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*  18 |                       DDEVCTUS                        |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |         DDEVCTCD          |  DDEVMPBS   |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+/////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |/////////////+------+----------------------------------+
*  30 |/////////////|//////|//////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +------+------+
*   0 ...                                     6 |//////|(007) |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |(008) |(009) |:VNIC_VIDCTR |      DDEVNIC_VIDDAS       |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  10 |:VNIC_VIDDSP |(012) |   DDEVNIC_MACID    |//////|//////|
*     +-------------+------+--------------------+------+------+
*  18 |                       DDEVNCLO                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       DDEVNCLN                        |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |         DDEVNCID          |  DDEVNCNN   |:VNIC_PORTNUM|
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |/////////////|//////|//////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+----------------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
*                                               +-------------+
*     ...                                     6 |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*   8 |/////////////|  DDEVBASE   |///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+///////////////////////////|
*  10 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |/////////////+------+------+---------------------------+
*  30 |/////////////|//////|//////|///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for DDEVSPEC in DDEV
  DDEV Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DDEVALNK       0010
DDEVBASE       000A
DDEVBTS        0014 80
DDEVCLAS       0004
DDEVCNA        0016 40
DDEVCODE       0004
DDEVCTCD       0020
DDEVCTUS       0018
DDEVD          0011 01
DDEVDASD       0038
DDEVDCTL       0016 10
DDEVDEV        0000
DDEVDEVN       0017 08
DDEVDISP       003C
DDEVE          0011 80
DDEVECYL       0008
DDEVEEXT       0034
DDEVEE1H       0034
DDEVEE2H       0036
DDEVEND        0017 40
DDEVER         0011 00000080
DDEVESIZ       0048 0000000A
DDEVESZB       0048 00000050
DDEVEW         0011 0000008C
DDEVEXTN       0006
DDEVFBA        0017 01
DDEVFLGA       0002
DDEVFLGB       0016
DDEVFLGC       0017
DDEVFLGD       0032
DDEVFTRC       0015
DDEVFULL       0014 40
DDEVFWEX       0017 10
DDEVGRCN       0019 80
DDEVGROP       0019
DDEVHDLN       0005 00000006
DDEVHPAL       0032 01
DDEVHPBA       0032 02
DDEVIDID       0058
DDEVIFG        0050
DDEVINV        0017 20
DDEVIOPS       0017 02
DDEVLABL       0044
DDEVLENH       0013
DDEVLINK       001A
DDEVLKID       0020
DDEVLM         0010 20
DDEVLR         0010 80
DDEVLW         0010 40
DDEVM          0011 0000001C
DDEVMODE       0011
DDEVMODL       0003
DDEVMPBS       0024
DDEVMR         0011 00000020
DDEVMSGP       0032 40
DDEVMW         0011 00000024
DDEVNCID       0028
DDEVNCLN       0020
DDEVNCLO       0018
DDEVNCNN       002C
DDEVNCTL       0016 08
               0007 80
               0007 20
               0007 40
               0007 10
               0007 04
               0007 08
DDEVNICD       0006 80
DDEVNMDC       0016 04
DDEVNOMS       0014 01
DDEVNOSG       0017 80
DDEVNQAS       0032 20
DDEVPAGE       0038
DDEVPASM       0028
DDEVPASR       0018
DDEVPASW       0020
DDEVPRFG       0014
DDEVPRMD       0050 40
DDEVPROF       0017 04
DDEVPVAL       0032 04
DDEVPVBA       0032 08
DDEVPVPA       0032 04
DDEVPVPB       0032 08
DDEVQDSK       0016 02
DDEVR          0011 00000000
DDEVRDEV       0030
DDEVRECC       0032 80
DDEVRELR       0002 01
DDEVRO         0002 02
DDEVRR         0011 00000004
DDEVS          0011 40
DDEVSC         0050 80
DDEVSCTL       0016 20
DDEVSCYL       0006
DDEVSEXT       0012
DDEVSE1H       0012
DDEVSE2H       0014
DDEVSHRD       0014 02
DDEVSIZB       0060 00000068
DDEVSIZE       0060 0000000D
DDEVSM         0011 0000005C
DDEVSNGL       0014 04
DDEVSPCF       0006
DDEVSPCL       0018
DDEVSPEC       0006
DDEVSR         0011 00000040
DDEVSUBC       0060
DDEVSW         0011 0000004C
DDEVSYSV       003B
DDEVS1         0050 20
DDEVTDED       0002 10
DDEVTDSK       0002 04
DDEVTLNK       0002 40
DDEVTMDK       0002 80
DDEVTSPC       0002 20
DDEVTSPL       0002 08
DDEVTYPE       0005
DDEVURAC       0028
DDEVUSER       0048
DDEVVSER       000A
DDEVW          0011 0000000C
DDEVWIDH       0012
DDEVWKAL       0016 80
DDEVWR         0011 00000010
DDEVYMDC       0016 01
DDEV4WCG       0015 80
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:49:05 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022