CUIBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  CUIBK Prolog Top of page
              WITH RDEV
 DELETED BY : CUIBK's are deleted by HCPZDRDV during RDEV delete
              processing and by HCPZRPPP during post-processing
              for the RDEVICE statement or SET RDEVICE command.
 SERIALIZED : Addition and Deletion of a CUIBK from the CUIBK chain
              that hangs off SYSCUIPT in the System Common Area is
              serialized by obtaining the SYSCUILK in exclusive
              mode.  Code that runs the SYSCUIPT CUIBK chain in an
              attempt to locate a specific CUIBK should obtain the
              SYSCUILK in shared mode to ensure the integrity of
              the chain.  Serialization of fields in the CUIBK not
              related to the SYSCUIPT chain is handled either by
              running on the Master Processor or as described in
              the line comments below.
  CUIBK Control Block Content Top of page

 CUIBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure CUIBK CONTROL UNIT INFORMATION BLOCK 0000 0 Address 4 CUINXTCU NEXT CUIBK IN CHAIN 0004 4 Address 4 CUIRDEVS POINTER TO LIST OF RDEVS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONTROL UNIT 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0008 8 Bitstring 48 CUIAQLCK Spin Lock for AEBK queue(CUIAEBK) 0038 56 Address 4 CUIAEBK POINTER TO LIST OF AEBKS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONTROL UNIT 003C 60 Signed 4 CUIDEDCT NUMBER OF DEVICES ATTACHED TO THIS CONTROL UNIT WHICH ARE DEDICATED TO THE GUEST (OR WHICH HE HAS LINKED AS A FULL-PACK MINI) NOTES : THIS FIELD IS SERIALIZED BY MEANS COMPARE AND SWAP LOGIC. ALL REFERENCES TO FIELD MUST BE MADE USING COMPARE AND SWAP 0040 64 Bitstring 1 CUIPOLL FLAG FOR POLLING 1... .... CUIPOLL1 X'80' CUIPOLL1 USED TO INDICATE WHETHER ALL AEBKS ON THI CUIBK HAVE BEEN POLLED THIS TIME (USED AS A TOGGLE IN CONJUNCTION WITH CUIPOLL2) .1.. .... CUIPOLL2 X'40' CUIPOLL2 USED TO INDICATE WHETHER ALL AEBKS ON THI CUIBK HAVE BEEN POLLED THIS TIME (USED AS A TOGGLE IN CONJUNCTION WITH CUIPOLL1) 0041 65 Bitstring 1 CUISFLG SPECIAL CONDITIONS FLAG 1... .... CUISWPAV X'80' CUISWPAV Hyperswap PAV radix tree swap is done .1.. .... CUIQSMUC X'40' CUIQSMUC Indicates that devices on this CU are quiesced for Summary UC recovery processing. ..1. .... CUINPPSN X'20' CUINPPSN Indicates that devices on this CU should enable PPRC Suspend Summary Notifications .... ...1 CUIEDEV X'01' CUIEDEV CUIBK is associated with EDEVICE 0042 66 Bitstring 14 CUISSID Subsystem ID for this control unit 0050 80 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0050 80 Bitstring 48 CUIDTLCK Spin lock for subsys status data fields (CUISSID,CUICFWID,CUISFLGS,CUIFCX PE,CUIFCPTR, CUISYSAL,CUIMDSHR,CUIMDENT,CUIPGS HR,CUIPGENT) 0080 128 Signed 2 CUICFWID CURRENT CACHE FASTWRITE ID FOR THIS SUBSYSTEM 0082 130 Signed 2 CUIDVSC DEVICE NUMBER OF THE DEVICE WHICH MOST RECENTLY CAUSED THE INVOCATION OF STATE-CHANGE-TYPE PROCESSING 0084 132 Bitstring 1 CUISCAS SUBSYSTEM CACHING STATUS FLAG 1... .... CUISSCA X'80' CUISSCA CACHING IS ACTIVE .1.. .... CUISCTM X'40' CUISCTM CACHING TERMINATED ..1. .... CUISSCD X'20' CUISSCD CACHING IS DEACTIVATED ...1 .... CUISCPOF X'10' CUISCPOF PENDING OFF FAILED 0085 133 Bitstring 1 CUISDCCO STORAGE DIRECTOR CACHING CONDITIONS FLAG 1... .... CUISSDM X'80' CUISSDM SUBSYSTEM STORAGE DISABLED FOR MAINTENANCE .1.. .... CUIIMLNA X'40' CUIIMLNA IML DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE ..1. .... CUICFWDA X'20' CUICFWDA CACHE FAST WRITE DATA ACTIVATED ...1 .... CUICFWDD X'10' CUICFWDD CACHE FAST WRITE DATA DEACTIVATED 0086 134 Bitstring 1 CUINVCAS NON-VOLATILE CACHE STATUS FLAG 1... .... CUINVCA X'80' CUINVCA NON-VOLATILE CACHE IS ACTIVATED .1.. .... CUINVTM X'40' CUINVTM NON-VOLATILE CACHE AVAILABILITY TERMINATED ..1. .... CUINVCD X'20' CUINVCD NON-VOLATILE CACHE DEACTIVATED ...1 .... CUINVPOF X'10' CUINVPOF NON-VOLATILE CACHE PENDING OFF 0087 135 Bitstring 1 CUINVSCO NON-VOLATILE STORAGE CONDITIONS FLAG 1... .... CUINVDM X'80' CUINVDM NON-VOLATILE STORAGE DISABLED FOR MAINTENA .1.. .... CUINVPE X'40' CUINVPE NON-VOLATILE STORAGE PENDING BECAUSE OF ER ..1. .... CUINVOP X'20' CUINVOP NON-VOLATILE STORAGE OPERATIONAL *** CONTROL UNIT ID & MODEL NUMBER 0088 136 Bitstring 2 CUICUID CONTROL UNIT ID IN PACKED DECIMAL 008A 138 Bitstring 1 CUICUMN CONTROL UNIT MODEL NUMBER THIS BYTE IS USED AS A PLACE HOLDER. WHEN A DEVICE GOES FRO BEING A SECONDARY TO SIMPLEX, THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED IN THE SETTING OF RDEVDP AND RDEVFEAT INFORMATION. 008B 139 Bitstring 1 CUIFEAT FEATURE INFORMATION FOR DUPLEX PAIRS 1... .... CUIGRPD X'80' CUIGRPD PATHS ARE CURRENTLY GROUPED .... .1.. CUIRSRL X'04' CUIRSRL RESERVE/RELEASE IS SUPPORTED .... ..1. CUIMPM X'02' CUIMPM MULTIPATH MODE DP WAS ESTABLISHED .... ...1 CUISPM X'01' CUISPM MULITPATH MODE DP AS ESTABLISHED 008C 140 Signed 4 CUILSBK Pointer to library statistics block 0090 144 Signed 4 CUILSLN Length of library statistics block 0094 148 Signed 2 CUILIMGR (0) Status Bits 0094 148 Bitstring 2 CUIOPRS Referenced by HCPTAM 00008000 CUIAUTO X'8000' CUIAUTO Referenced by HCPTAM 00004000 CUIPAUS X'4000' CUIPAUS Referenced by HCPTAM 00002000 CUIMANM X'2000' CUIMANM Referenced by HCPTAM 00001000 CUIDGOP X'1000' CUIDGOP Referenced by HCPTAM 00000800 CUISFTY X'0800' CUISFTY Referenced by HCPTAM 00000400 CUIVSNO X'0400' CUIVSNO Vision System Non-Operational 00000200 CUIOFFL X'0200' CUIOFFL Referenced by HCPTAM 00000100 CUIINTR X'0100' CUIINTR Intervention Required 00000080 CUILMC1 X'0080' CUILMC1 Library Manager Check 1 Condition 00000040 CUIASCF X'0040' CUIASCF All Storage Cells Full 00000020 CUIOOCV X'0020' CUIOOCV Out of Cleaner Volumes 00000010 CUIDWDS X'0010' CUIDWDS Dual Write Disabled 00000008 CUIENVA X'0008' CUIENVA Environmental Alert 00000004 CUIIRFM X'0004' CUIIRFM Insufficient Resources for Mounts 00000002 CUILMSW X'0002' CUILMSW Library Manager Switchover In Progress 00000001 CUIVOES X'0001' CUIVOES VTS Out of Empty Stacked Volumes 0096 150 Signed 2 CUIPMIH Primary MIH time-out value 0098 152 Address 4 CUISUCIO Summary UC recovery IORBK address 009C 156 Bitstring 1 CUILEVEL FORMAT OF SENSE SUBSYSTEM STATUS 1... .... CUISCNVS X'80' CUISCNVS FORMAT 0 OF SENSE SUBSYSTEM STATUS .1.. .... CUIDCNVS X'40' CUIDCNVS FORMAT 1 OF SENSE SUBSYSTEM STATUS ..1. .... CUIMTSNS X'20' CUIMTSNS Format 2 of sense subsystem status 009D 157 Bitstring 1 CUISSFG Subsystem Flag 1... .... CUISNSS X'80' CUISNSS Control unit supports Sense Subsystem Status CCW 009E 158 Bitstring 1 CUIGLBST SUBSYSTEM STATUS(CACHE&DASD) fastwrite 1... .... CUISFWRE X'80' CUISFWRE FAST WRITE (CACHE AND DASD) RESUMED .1.. .... CUISFWSU X'40' CUISFWSU FAST WRITE (CACHE AND DASD) SUSPENDED 009F 159 Bitstring 1 CUILSACP LSA Capacity operating level 00000000 CUILSAHA X'00' CUILSAHA Home Area subsystem 00000001 CUILSANM X'01' CUILSANM Normal: LSA subsystem is not capacity strained 00000003 CUILSAST X'03' CUILSAST Stressed: LSA subsystem is running beyond recommended capacity 00000005 CUILSACR X'05' CUILSACR Critical: LSA subsystem is almost out of space 00000007 CUILSAEM X'07' CUILSAEM Emergency: LSA subsystem is totally full 00A0 160 Signed 2 CUISMIH Secondary MIH time-out value 00A2 162 Bitstring 2 CUIEOPR Library Extended Operational State 00008000 CUICODS X'8000' CUICODS Copy Operations Disabled 00004000 CUIVOPD X'4000' CUIVOPD VTS Operations Degraded 00002000 CUIIMCC X'2000' CUIIMCC Immed Mode Copy Completion's Deferred 00001000 CUISERP X'1000' CUISERP Service Preparation 00A4 164 Address 4 CUITOKND Pointer to CDT structure (Token NED) 00A8 168 Address 4 CUIGRSBK Pointer to list of guest response summaries 00AC 172 Signed 4 CUISUCNT Summary UC recovery counter 00B0 176 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword aligned 00B0 176 Bitstring 24 CUICDTLK Deferlock for CDT structure pointed to by CUITOKND 00C8 200 Address 4 CUICUIRQ Pointer to first CUIR message task 00CC 204 Address 4 CUICUILT Pointer to last CUIR message task 00D0 208 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword aligned 00D0 208 Bitstring 48 CUIGQLCK Spin lock for guest response... summaries 0100 256 Bitstring 4 CUICUIFG Flaf for CUIR message task 0104 260 Bitstring 14 CUITTID Tape token NED id 0112 274 Bitstring 14 CUITLID Tape library NED id 0120 288 Address 4 CUIARSV Pointer to Diagnose X'254' pseudo VDEV if it exists. Serialized by ARSLOCKW in the HCPIOD25 data area. 0124 292 Bitstring 1 CUIFLAGS Miscellaneous CUI flags 1... .... CUISHARK X'80' CUISHARK CU is a SHARK CU .1.. .... CUIFICON X'40' CUIFICON CU CHPIDs are all FICON ..1. .... CUINUMVL X'20' CUINUMVL CU Number in CUINUM is valid ...1 .... CUICPALW X'10' CUICPALW CP determined the allowed PAV setting .... 1... CUIHPALS X'08' CUIHPALS HyperPAV Aliases are on this CU .... .1.. CUISYSCF X'04' CUISYSCF This CUIBK was built during system config file processing and still needs to be initialized .... ..1. CUIIPLDV X'02' CUIIPLDV This CUIBK was built during system init when the IPL or PARM dev being init'ed .... ...1 CUISETCH X'01' CUISETCH IDT has already done Set Sys Char CCW 0125 293 Bitstring 1 CUIMCLIC Supported by microcode and LIC feature code installed 1... .... CUISKFV2 X'80' CUISKFV2 Shark FlashCopy Version 2 .1.. .... CUISKFVL X'40' CUISKFVL Shark Full Volume ..1. .... CUISKTAR X'20' CUISKTAR Shark PPRC Target ...1 .... CUISKFSE X'10' CUISKFSE Shark Track Space Efficient FlashCopy The CUISUMUC byte serializes summary uc recovery such that the recovery action for all of the devices on the control unit only occurs once for each unique failover condition. Multiple summary unit checks could occur for one failover condition if recovery does not finish within the CU's MIH window. We do not want to do recovery multiple times. 0126 294 Bitstring 1 CUISUMUC Summary UC recovery in progress flag The CUIPVOPR byte indicates the PAV mode that this control unit is currently operating in (No PAV, Basic PAV, or HyperPAV). NOTES : The PAV operating mode might be undeterminable for a CU that does not have HyperPAV capabilities. For example, a 2105 CU with Basic PAV capabilities with no PAV Alias devices defined cannot be distinguished from a 2105 CU with NO PAV capabilities. 0127 295 Bitstring 1 CUIPVOPR CU PAV Operating Status Flag 00000001 CUINPVOP X'01' CUINPVOP CU is operating in No PAV mode 00000002 CUIPAVOP X'02' CUIPAVOP CU is operating in Basic PAV mode 00000003 CUIHYPOP X'03' CUIHYPOP CU is operating in HyperPAV mode 000000FF CUIUNDET X'FF' CUIUNDET CU is either running in Basic PAV mode with no aliases currently defined or it is running in No PAV mode (this setting is only for CU's that don't have HyperPAV capabilities) The CUIPVALW byte indicates the highest level of PAV devices allowed for this control unit (No PAV, Basic PAV, or HyperPAV) by CP irregardless of the hardware capabilities of the control unit. CP will always allow the CU to operate in the highest level of PAV mode (HyperPAV) UNLESS the user has indicated what is allowed for this control unit via the CU config file statement or the SET CU command. 0128 296 Bitstring 1 CUIPVALW CU PAV Allowed Indicator 00000001 CUINPVAL X'01' CUINPVAL CU allowed to operate in NOPAV mode 00000002 CUIPAVAL X'02' CUIPAVAL CU allowed to operate in PAV mode 00000003 CUIHYPAL X'03' CUIHYPAL CU allowed to operate in HyperPAV mode The CUIHPVHW byte indicates the PAV capability that is currently installed in the hardware for a control unit that has the potential to use HyperPAV devices when all the required microcode and LICs are installed. 0129 297 Bitstring 1 CUIHPVHW HyperPAV CU Current HW Capabilities 00000000 CUINOTHW X'00' CUINOTHW CU not a HyperPAV capable controller 00000001 CUINPVHW X'01' CUINPVHW HyperPAV CU with NO PAV capabilites 00000002 CUIPAVHW X'02' CUIPAVHW HyperPAV CU with Basic PAV capabilities 00000003 CUIHYPHW X'03' CUIHYPHW HyperPAV CU with HyperPAV capabilities 012A 298 Bitstring 2 CUINUM CU Number 012C 300 Bitstring 1 CUILSS Logical Subsystem ID 012D 301 Bitstring 1 CUICSFLG Flags (serialized by CS) 1... .... CUIXRC X'80' CUIXRC CU is XRC-capable 012E 302 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for future IBM use 0130 304 Signed 4 CUIHPVQU Count of Hyperswap-quiesced HyperPAV bases on this LSS 0134 308 Signed 4 CUIHPVQT Count of Hyperswap HPAV Alias-purge tasks currently outstanding 0138 312 Signed 4 CUIGALI Count of guest dedicated and guest defined aliases (serialized by CS) 013C 316 Signed 2 CUIHPVSC LSS-wide count of alias devs to be brought online post-hyperswap 013E 318 Bitstring 1 CUIHPVSL Spin lock to protect CUIHPVSC 013F 319 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 0140 320 Address 4 CUIFCPTR Feature codes pointer 0144 324 Address 4 CUISUCPY Summary UC copy IORBK address Serialized by CUISUMUC 0148 328 Bitstring 8 CUIFCXPE HPF features (bytes 40-47 of Read Features Codes) 0150 336 Address 4 CUILBSDV RDEV address of the HyperPAV Base device that was last chosen in the "back end process" (HCPHPVFB) when a HyperPAV Alias device became idle and the HyperPAV Alias Free queue was empty. 0154 340 Bitstring 1 CUIPPRC1 Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy Functions support 0155 341 Bitstring 3 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0158 344 Bitstring 8 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0160 352 Bitstring 8 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0168 360 Signed 2 CUIMDSHR Minimum relative share of system- attached HyperPAV aliases to be used for minidisk I/O when all system- attached HyperPAV aliases are currently in use by CP (set with SET CU). 016A 362 Signed 2 CUIMDENT Minimum entitlement of system- attached HyperPAV aliases to be used for minidisk I/O when all system- attached HyperPAV aliases are currently in use by CP. 016C 364 Signed 2 CUIPGSHR Minimum relative share of system- attached HyperPAV aliases to be used for paging I/O when all system- attached HyperPAV aliases are currently in use by CP (set with SET CU). 016E 366 Signed 2 CUIPGENT Minimum entitlement of system- attached HyperPAV aliases to be used for paging I/O when all system- attached HyperPAV aliases are currently in use by CP. 0170 368 Signed 4 CUISYSAL Current amount of system attached HyperPAV aliases associated with this control unit. 0174 372 Signed 4 CUIMDAL Current amount of system attached HyperPAV aliases that are in use for minidisk I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV Base device. (Used in accumulating CUIMDALC) 0178 376 Signed 4 CUIPGAL Current amount of system attached HyperPAV aliases that are in use for paging I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV Base device. (Used in accumulating CUIPGALC) 017C 380 Signed 4 CUIMDQB Current count of minidisk I/Os queued on system attached HyperPAV Base devices. (Used in accumulating CUIMDQBC) 0180 384 Signed 4 CUIPGQB Current count of paging I/Os queued on system attached HyperPAV Base devices. (Used in accumulating CUIPGQBC) 0184 388 Signed 4 CUIMDCT Cumulative count of times the system attached HyperPAV alias pool was empty and the alias selection algorithm tried to find a minidisk I/O to execute on the next available alias. It may or may not have succeeded in finding a minidisk I/O to execute. 0188 392 Signed 4 CUIMDYES Cumulative count of times the system attached HyperPAV alias pool was empty and the alias selection algorithm succeeded in finding minidisk I/O to execute on the next available alias. 018C 396 Signed 4 CUIPAGCT Cumulative count of times the system attached HyperPAV alias pool was empty and the alias selection algorithm tried to find a paging I/O to execute on the next available alias. It may or may not have succeeded in finding a paging I/O to execute. 0190 400 Signed 4 CUIPAGYS Cumulative count of times the system attached HyperPAV alias pool was empty and the alias selection algorithm succeeded in finding paging I/O to execute on the next available alias. 0194 404 Signed 4 CUIMDALL Cumulative count of times a system- attached HyperPAV alias executed minidisk I/O on behalf of a HyperPAV base device. 0198 408 Signed 4 CUIPGALL Cumulative count of times a system- attached HyperPAV alias executed paging I/O on behalf of a HyperPAV base device. 019C 412 Signed 4 CUIMDSVD Cumulative count of times minidisk I/O was being executed on a fewer number of system-attached HyperPAV Aliases than was entitled and there was at least one minidisk I/O queued on any of the HyperPAV Base devices associated with this control unit. 01A0 416 Signed 4 CUIPGSVD Cumulative count of times paging I/O was being executed on a fewer number of system-attached HyperPAV Aliases than was entitled and there was at least one paging I/O queued on any of the HyperPAV Base devices associated with this control unit. 01A4 420 Signed 4 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 01A8 424 Dbl-Word 8 CUIMDALC Cumulative count of system attached HyperPAV aliases that are in use for MDISK I/O at the time when a system attached HyperPAV Alias device is chosen to execute I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV base dev 01B0 432 Dbl-Word 8 CUIPGALC Cumulative count of system attached HyperPAV aliases that are in use for paging I/O at the time when a system attached HyperPAV Alias device is chosen to execute I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV base dev 01B8 440 Dbl-Word 8 CUIMDQBC Cumulative count of minidisk I/Os queued on system-attached HyperPAV base devices when a system-attached HyperPAV Alias device is chosen to execute I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV base device. 01C0 448 Dbl-Word 8 CUIPGQBC Cumulative count of paging I/Os queued on system-attached HyperPAV base devices when a system-attached HyperPAV Alias device is chosen to execute I/O on behalf of a system attached HyperPAV base device. 01C8 456 Dbl-Word 8 CUIMDAL2 CUIMDALC but sum of squares 01D0 464 Dbl-Word 8 CUIPGAL2 CUIPGALC but sum of squares 01D8 472 Dbl-Word 8 CUIMDQB2 CUIMDQBC but sum of squares 01E0 480 Dbl-Word 8 CUIPGQB2 CUIPGQB2 but sum of squares 01E8 488 Bitstring 8 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 01F0 496 Bitstring 8 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 01F8 504 Bitstring 8 * RESERVED FOR FUTURE IBM USE 0200 512 Dbl-Word 8 CUIBKEND (0) END OF CUIBK 00000040 CUISIZE (*-CUIBK+7)/8 SIZE OF CUIBK 0042 66 Bitstring 14 CUITSSID Tape Subsystem ID 0042 66 Bitstring 2 CUIDSSID DASD Subsystem ID
  CUIBK Storage Layout Top of page
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         CUINXTCU          |         CUIRDEVS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |                                                       |
*     =                       CUIAQLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         CUIAEBK           |         CUIDEDCT          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |:POLL |:SFLG |                CUISSID                  |
*     +------+------+                                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                                                       |
*     =                       CUIDTLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  88 |  CUICUID    |:CUMN |:FEAT |         CUILSBK           |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  90 |         CUILSLN           |  CUIOPRS    |  CUIPMIH    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  98 |         CUISUCIO          |:LEVEL|:SSFG |:GLBST|:LSACP|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  A0 |  CUISMIH    |  CUIEOPR    |         CUITOKND          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         CUIGRSBK          |         CUISUCNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |                                                       |
*     =                       CUICDTLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         CUICUIRQ          |         CUICUILT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |                                                       |
*     =                       CUIGQLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 100 |         CUICUIFG          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       CUITTID                         |
*     |             +-----------------------------------------+
* 110 |             |                CUITLID                  |
*     +-------------+                                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* 120 |         CUIARSV           |:FLAGS|:MCLIC|:SUMUC|:PVOPR|
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
* 128 |:PVALW|:HPVHW|   CUINUM    |CUILSS|:CSFLG|/////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
* 130 |         CUIHPVQU          |         CUIHPVQT          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 138 |         CUIGALI           |  CUIHPVSC   |:HPVSL|//////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 140 |         CUIFCPTR          |         CUISUCPY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 148 |                       CUIFCXPE                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 150 |         CUILBSDV          |:PPRC1|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 158 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 160 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 170 |         CUISYSAL          |         CUIMDAL           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 178 |         CUIPGAL           |         CUIMDQB           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |         CUIPGQB           |         CUIMDCT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 188 |         CUIMDYES          |         CUIPAGCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 190 |         CUIPAGYS          |         CUIMDALL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 198 |         CUIPGALL          |         CUIMDSVD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1A0 |         CUIPGSVD          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1A8 |                       CUIMDALC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B0 |                       CUIPGALC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B8 |                       CUIMDQBC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1C0 |                       CUIPGQBC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1C8 |                       CUIMDAL2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1D0 |                       CUIPGAL2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1D8 |                       CUIMDQB2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1E0 |                       CUIPGQB2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1E8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1F8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for CUISSID in CUIBK
*                   +-----------------------------------------+
*  40 ...        42 |                CUITSSID                 |
*     +-------------+                                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50
*** Overlay for CUISSID in CUIBK
*** Overlay for CUISSID in CUIBK
*                   +-------------+
*  40 ...        42 |  CUIDSSID   | 44
*                   +-------------+
*** Overlay for CUISSID in CUIBK
  CUIBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
CUIAEBK        0038
CUIAQLCK       0008
CUIARSV        0120
CUIASCF        0094 00000040
CUIAUTO        0094 00008000
CUIBKEND       0200
CUICDTLK       00B0
CUICFWDA       0085 20
CUICFWDD       0085 10
CUICFWID       0080
CUICODS        00A2 00008000
CUICPALW       0124 10
CUICSFLG       012D
CUICUID        0088
CUICUIFG       0100
CUICUIRQ       00C8
CUICUMN        008A
CUIDCNVS       009C 40
CUIDEDCT       003C
CUIDGOP        0094 00001000
CUIDSSID       0042
CUIDTLCK       0050
CUIDVSC        0082
CUIDWDS        0094 00000010
CUIEDEV        0041 01
CUIENVA        0094 00000008
CUIEOPR        00A2
CUIFCPTR       0140
CUIFCXPE       0148
CUIFEAT        008B
CUIFICON       0124 40
CUIFLAGS       0124
CUIGALI        0138
CUIGLBST       009E
CUIGQLCK       00D0
CUIGRPD        008B 80
CUIGRSBK       00A8
CUIHPALS       0124 08
CUIHPVHW       0129
CUIHPVQT       0134
CUIHPVQU       0130
CUIHPVSC       013C
CUIHPVSL       013E
CUIHYPAL       0128 00000003
CUIHYPHW       0129 00000003
CUIHYPOP       0127 00000003
CUIIMCC        00A2 00002000
CUIIMLNA       0085 40
CUIINTR        0094 00000100
CUIIPLDV       0124 02
CUIIRFM        0094 00000004
CUILBSDV       0150
CUILEVEL       009C
CUILIMGR       0094
CUILMC1        0094 00000080
CUILMSW        0094 00000002
CUILSACP       009F
CUILSACR       009F 00000005
CUILSAEM       009F 00000007
CUILSAHA       009F 00000000
CUILSANM       009F 00000001
CUILSAST       009F 00000003
CUILSBK        008C
CUILSLN        0090
CUILSS         012C
CUIMANM        0094 00002000
CUIMCLIC       0125
CUIMDAL        0174
CUIMDALC       01A8
CUIMDALL       0194
CUIMDAL2       01C8
CUIMDCT        0184
CUIMDENT       016A
CUIMDQB        017C
CUIMDQBC       01B8
CUIMDQB2       01D8
CUIMDSHR       0168
CUIMDSVD       019C
CUIMDYES       0188
CUIMPM         008B 02
CUIMTSNS       009C 20
CUINOTHW       0129 00000000
CUINPPSN       0041 20
CUINPVAL       0128 00000001
CUINPVHW       0129 00000001
CUINPVOP       0127 00000001
CUINUM         012A
CUINUMVL       0124 20
CUINVCA        0086 80
CUINVCAS       0086
CUINVCD        0086 20
CUINVDM        0087 80
CUINVOP        0087 20
CUINVPE        0087 40
CUINVPOF       0086 10
CUINVSCO       0087
CUINVTM        0086 40
CUINXTCU       0000
CUIOFFL        0094 00000200
CUIOOCV        0094 00000020
CUIOPRS        0094
CUIPAGCT       018C
CUIPAGYS       0190
CUIPAUS        0094 00004000
CUIPAVAL       0128 00000002
CUIPAVHW       0129 00000002
CUIPAVOP       0127 00000002
CUIPGAL        0178
CUIPGALC       01B0
CUIPGALL       0198
CUIPGAL2       01D0
CUIPGENT       016E
CUIPGQB        0180
CUIPGQBC       01C0
CUIPGQB2       01E0
CUIPGSHR       016C
CUIPGSVD       01A0
CUIPMIH        0096
CUIPOLL        0040
CUIPOLL1       0040 80
CUIPOLL2       0040 40
CUIPPRC1       0154
CUIPVALW       0128
CUIPVOPR       0127
CUIQSMUC       0041 40
CUIRDEVS       0004
CUIRSRL        008B 04
CUISCAS        0084
CUISCNVS       009C 80
CUISCPOF       0084 10
CUISCTM        0084 40
CUISDCCO       0085
CUISERP        00A2 00001000
CUISETCH       0124 01
CUISFLG        0041
CUISFTY        0094 00000800
CUISFWRE       009E 80
CUISFWSU       009E 40
CUISHARK       0124 80
CUISIZE        0200 00000040
CUISKFSE       0125 10
CUISKFVL       0125 40
CUISKFV2       0125 80
CUISKTAR       0125 20
CUISMIH        00A0
CUISNSS        009D 80
CUISPM         008B 01
CUISSCA        0084 80
CUISSCD        0084 20
CUISSDM        0085 80
CUISSFG        009D
CUISSID        0042
CUISUCIO       0098
CUISUCPY       0144
CUISUMUC       0126
CUISWPAV       0041 80
CUISYSAL       0170
CUISYSCF       0124 04
CUITLID        0112
CUITOKND       00A4
CUITSSID       0042
CUITTID        0104
CUIUNDET       0127 000000FF
CUIVOES        0094 00000001
CUIVOPD        00A2 00004000
CUIVSNO        0094 00000400
CUIXRC         012D 80
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:48:42 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022