CSLPL Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  CSLPL Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Console macro parameter list
 LOCATED BY : HCPCONSL passes the address in a register
 CREATED BY : The HCPCSLPL is created by the HCPCONSL macro
              whenever a read or write is to be done.
 DELETED BY : The HCPCSLPL is deleted by the HCPCONSL macro
 SERIALIZED : HCPCONSL gets free storage for each instance of this
              control block, so only one processor will be looking at
              any one instance of this control block at any one time.
              flag bytes CSLTYPE, CSLDFLG, CSLEFLG and CSLSFLG are
              shipped to a remote member of the plex.  Any changes
              to these flag bytes must be done in an upwardly
              compatible manner.  The transport is initiated in
  CSLPL Control Block Content Top of page

 CSLPL DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure CSLPL Console macro parameter list 0000 0 Character 2 CSLCOMMN (0) common part 0000 0 Bitstring 2 CSLNEST how many caller's register to go back 0002 2 Character 1 CSLFUNDE (0) start of variable length data 0002 2 Character 12 CSLWRITE (0) 0002 2 Signed 2 CSLDADDR bddd of data 0004 4 Bitstring 1 CSLDATA data information flags 1... .... CSLNUM X'80' CSLNUM repository entry number .1.. .... CSLNUMRG X'40' CSLNUMRG repository entry number ..1. .... CSLIST X'20' CSLIST list of repository numbers ...1 .... CSLDLNRG X'10' CSLDLNRG length of data is in a register .... 1... CSLSUBDT X'08' CSLSUBDT substitution data is passed .... .1.. CSLSUBRG X'04' CSLSUBRG substitution data is in a register .... ..1. CSLHLNRG X'02' CSLHLNRG header length is in a register .... ...1 CSLVMDRG X'01' CSLVMDRG VMDBK address is in a register 0005 5 Bitstring 1 CSLTYPE data type flags 1... .... CSLEMSG X'80' CSLEMSG error message .1.. .... CSLIMSG X'40' CSLIMSG informational message ..1. .... CSLFEMSG X'20' CSLFEMSG full error message ...1 .... CSLCRESP X'10' CSLCRESP command response .... 1... CSLRDISP X'08' CSLRDISP input redisplay .... .1.. CSLWNG X'04' CSLWNG warning message .... ..1. CSLMSG X'02' CSLMSG message to a user .... ...1 CSLMSGNH X'01' CSLMSGNH message no-header to a user 0006 6 Bitstring 1 CSLDFLG destination flags 1... .... CSLALTVM X'80' CSLALTVM alternate vmdbk is specified .1.. .... CSLOPER X'40' CSLOPER data to be sent to the operator ..1. .... CSLTERM X'20' CSLTERM send data to terminal(not over IUCV, Diag 8 to buff,etc ) ...1 .... CSLGSDBK X'10' CSLGSDBK return data in a GSDBK .... 1... CSLTRMA X'08' CSLTRMA force data to terminal also .... .1.. CSLTRMO X'04' CSLTRMO force data to terminal only .... ..1. CSLINITP X'02' CSLINITP initial logon prompt .... ...1 CSLISSUS X'01' CSLISSUS issuer's userid is specified 0007 7 Bitstring 1 CSLEFLG data edit flags .1.. .... CSLADTIM X'40' CSLADTIM add timestamp to data ..1. .... CSLSPTIM X'20' CSLSPTIM suppress time stamp and cpu id ...1 .... CSLBRITE X'10' CSLBRITE hilight this data .... 1... CSLCOLFM X'08' CSLCOLFM error message in column format .... .1.. CSLBLNKS X'04' CSLBLNKS do not delete trailing blanks .... ..1. CSLOBSRV X'02' CSLOBSRV message to observer .... ...1 CSLPRND X'01' CSLPRND prompt with no-display read 0008 8 Bitstring 1 CSLSFLG screen control flags 1... .... CSLALARM X'80' CSLALARM sound alarm .1.. .... CSLHIPRI X'40' CSLHIPRI this is high priority data, if user is in full screen, post an attention to the user ..1. .... CSLNDISP X'20' CSLNDISP do not display data (or spool for reads) ...1 .... CSLCLEAR X'10' CSLCLEAR clear screen prior to displaying data .... 1... CSLIOCMP X'08' CSLIOCMP return after users IO completed .... .1.. CSLSCRFL X'04' CSLSCRFL return if data can fit on current screen .... ..1. CSLDROP X'02' CSLDROP drops the connection .... ...1 CSLIMMED X'01' CSLIMMED if the user is in full screen, this message will break the user out of full screen. 0009 9 Bitstring 1 CSLPFLG Parameter address flag (address of address) 1... .... CSLDPTR X'80' CSLDPTR parameter list points to address of data .1.. .... CSLIPTR X'40' CSLIPTR parameter list points to address of issuers USERID ..1. .... CSLAPTR X'20' CSLAPTR parameter list points to address of alternate VMDBK ...1 .... CSLSPTR X'10' CSLSPTR parameter list points to address of substitution data/reg .... 1... CSLLPTR X'08' CSLLPTR parameter list points to address of data length .... .1.. CSLHPTR X'04' CSLHPTR parameter list points to address of header length 000A 10 Signed 2 CSLISSID bddd of the issuer's userid 000C 12 Signed 2 CSLVMDBK bddd of alternate VMDBK address 000E 14 Address 2 CSLCMPID bddd of 3-char component ID 0010 16 Address 2 CSLSRCID bddd of source id string 0012 18 Character 1 CSLWTYDE (0) start of variable length data Write Type dependent parts 0012 18 Character 2 CSLSUBDA (0) 0012 18 Signed 2 CSLSBDAT bddd of substitution data 00000014 CSLSSIZE *-CSLPL 0012 18 Character 2 CSLSUBR (0) 0012 18 Signed 2 CSLSBREG register containing substitution data 00000014 CSLESIZE *-CSLPL 0012 18 Character 4 CSLBDAT (0) 0012 18 Signed 2 CSLDLGTH bddd of length of data being passed 0014 20 Signed 2 CSLHDRSZ bddd of length of message header 0016 22 Character 1 CSLPRMDE (0) start of variable length data 00000016 CSLQSIZE *-CSLPL Read dependent parts Any changes to the read fields should also be made to the prompted read fields. 0002 2 Character 1 CSLREAD (0) 0002 2 Bitstring 1 CSLRPARM read data flags 1... .... CSLNODSP X'80' CSLNODSP do not display or spool this data .1.. .... CSLNOLED X'40' CSLNOLED do not perform line editing ..1. .... CSLUPPER X'20' CSLUPPER translate input line to upper case ...1 .... CSLCDRDR X'10' CSLCDRDR data from a card reader 00000003 CSLRSIZE *-CSLPL Prompted read dependent parts Any changes to the prompted read fields should also be made to the read fields. 0016 22 Character 1 CSLPREAD (0) 0016 22 Bitstring 1 CSLRFLAG read data flags 1... .... CSLNODIS X'80' CSLNODIS do not display or spool this data .1.. .... CSLPNLED X'40' CSLPNLED do not perform line editing ..1. .... CSLUPPR X'20' CSLUPPR translate input line to upper case ...1 .... CSLCARDR X'10' CSLCARDR data from a card reader 00000017 CSLPSIZE *-CSLPL Labels for XRef Purposes only .... .... CSLWRTEF X'00' WRITE to console specified .... .... CSLFRMTF X'00' WRITE(format) to GSDBK .... .... CSLREADF X'00' READ func specified .... .... CSLPRMPT X'00' PROMPT func specified .... .... CSLWAITF X'00' WAIT func specified .... .... CSLDATAK X'00' DATA keyword specified .... .... CSLCPDAT X'00' DATATYPE NONE .... .... CSLDSPCH X'00' DESTINATION dispatched .... .... CSLXNDSP X'00' DISPLAY NO .... .... CSLXNLED X'00' LINEEDIT NO .... .... CSLXUPPR X'00' CASE UPPER .... .... CSLXCRDR X'00' DEVICE CARDRDR
  CSLPL Storage Layout Top of page
*** CSLPL - Console macro parameter list
*     +-------------+
*   0 |  CSLNEST    |
*     +-------------+
*** CSLPL - Console macro parameter list
*** Overlay for CSLFUNDE in CSLPL
*                   +-------------+------+------+------+------+
*   0 ...         2 |  CSLDADDR   |:DATA |:TYPE |:DFLG |:EFLG |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  10 |  CSLSRCID   |
*     +-------------+
*** Overlay for CSLFUNDE in CSLPL
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*                   +-------------+
*  10 ...        12 |  CSLSBDAT   | 14
*                   +-------------+
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*                   +-------------+
*  10 ...        12 |  CSLSBREG   | 14
*                   +-------------+
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*                   +-------------+-------------+
*  10 ...        12 |  CSLDLGTH   |  CSLHDRSZ   |
*                   +-------------+-------------+
*** Overlay for CSLWTYDE in CSLPL
*** Overlay for CSLFUNDE in CSLPL
*                   +------+
*   0 ...         2 |:RPARM| 3
*                   +------+
*** Overlay for CSLFUNDE in CSLPL
*** Overlay for CSLPRMDE in CSLPL
*                                               +------+
*  10 ...                                    16 |:RFLAG| 17
*                                               +------+
*** Overlay for CSLPRMDE in CSLPL
  CSLPL Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
CSLADTIM       0007 40
CSLALARM       0008 80
CSLALTVM       0006 80
CSLAPTR        0009 20
CSLBDAT        0012
CSLBLNKS       0007 04
CSLBRITE       0007 10
CSLCARDR       0016 10
CSLCDRDR       0002 10
CSLCLEAR       0008 10
CSLCMPID       000E
CSLCOLFM       0007 08
CSLCOMMN       0000
CSLCPDAT       0016 00
CSLCRESP       0005 10
CSLDADDR       0002
CSLDATA        0004
CSLDATAK       0016 00
CSLDFLG        0006
CSLDLGTH       0012
CSLDLNRG       0004 10
CSLDPTR        0009 80
CSLDROP        0008 02
CSLDSPCH       0016 00
CSLEFLG        0007
CSLEMSG        0005 80
CSLESIZE       0012 00000014
CSLFEMSG       0005 20
CSLFRMTF       0016 00
CSLFUNDE       0002
CSLGSDBK       0006 10
CSLHDRSZ       0014
CSLHIPRI       0008 40
CSLHLNRG       0004 02
CSLHPTR        0009 04
CSLIMMED       0008 01
CSLIMSG        0005 40
CSLINITP       0006 02
CSLIOCMP       0008 08
CSLIPTR        0009 40
CSLISSID       000A
CSLISSUS       0006 01
CSLIST         0004 20
CSLLPTR        0009 08
CSLMSG         0005 02
CSLMSGNH       0005 01
CSLNDISP       0008 20
CSLNEST        0000
CSLNODIS       0016 80
CSLNODSP       0002 80
CSLNOLED       0002 40
CSLNUM         0004 80
CSLNUMRG       0004 40
CSLOBSRV       0007 02
CSLOPER        0006 40
CSLPFLG        0009
CSLPNLED       0016 40
CSLPREAD       0016
CSLPRMDE       0016
CSLPRMPT       0016 00
CSLPRND        0007 01
CSLPSIZE       0016 00000017
CSLQSIZE       0016 00000016
CSLRDISP       0005 08
CSLREAD        0002
CSLREADF       0016 00
CSLRFLAG       0016
CSLRPARM       0002
CSLRSIZE       0002 00000003
CSLSBDAT       0012
CSLSBREG       0012
CSLSCRFL       0008 04
CSLSFLG        0008
CSLSPTIM       0007 20
CSLSPTR        0009 10
CSLSRCID       0010
CSLSSIZE       0012 00000014
CSLSUBDA       0012
CSLSUBDT       0004 08
CSLSUBR        0012
CSLSUBRG       0004 04
CSLTERM        0006 20
CSLTRMA        0006 08
CSLTRMO        0006 04
CSLTYPE        0005
CSLUPPER       0002 20
CSLUPPR        0016 20
CSLVMDBK       000C
CSLVMDRG       0004 01
CSLWAITF       0016 00
CSLWNG         0005 04
CSLWRITE       0002
CSLWRTEF       0016 00
CSLWTYDE       0012
CSLXCRDR       0016 00
CSLXNDSP       0016 00
CSLXNLED       0016 00
CSLXUPPR       0016 00
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:58:18 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022