Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure CSEBUFBK CSEBUFBK buffer layout
0000 0 Signed 4 ISFR0 (16) Save Area
0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 ISFSK (0) To seek CSE cyl/track
0040 64 Bitstring 1 ISFSKMM (2) MM
0042 66 Bitstring 1 ISFSKCC (2) CC
0044 68 Bitstring 1 ISFSKHH (2) HH
0046 70 Bitstring 1 ISFSKR R
0047 71 Bitstring 1 * unused
0048 72 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary
Space to buffer some control fields for HCPXLF.
0048 72 Bitstring 1 ISFSECT0 I*1 Sector zero
0049 73 Bitstring 1 ISFBSKEH I*2 SKE or SKEH opcode
004A 74 Bitstring 1 ISFSYS# I*3 List position this sys.
004B 75 Bitstring 1 ISFBHKEY I*4 Key of CSE hdr record
004C 76 Bitstring 1 ISFBRFLG I*5 READ flag from hdr
004D 77 Bitstring 1 ISFBNFLG I*6 NOLINK flag from hdr
004E 78 Bitstring 1 ISFBWFLG I*7 WRITE flag from hdr
004F 79 Bitstring 1 * Reserved
0050 80 Bitstring 1 ISFBSRFL Stable read flag
0051 81 Bitstring 1 ISFBSWFL Stable write flag
0052 82 Bitstring 1 ISFBXRFL Exclusive read flag
0053 83 Bitstring 1 ISFBXWFL Exclusive write flag
Variables relating to links found on other systems.
0054 84 Signed 2 ISFRCNT Number of read links
0056 86 Signed 2 ISFWCNT Number of write links
0058 88 Signed 2 ISFSRCNT Number of SR links
005A 90 Signed 2 ISFXR Index to sys w/ read
005C 92 Signed 2 ISFXW Index to sys w/ write
005E 94 Signed 2 ISFXSR Index to sys w/ SR link
0060 96 Signed 2 ISFXSW Index to sys w/ SW link
0062 98 Signed 2 ISFXE Index to sys w/ Excl
0064 100 Bitstring 1 ISFLINK Value of link flag
0065 101 Bitstring 1 ISFFLAGS Flag byte
0066 102 Bitstring 1 * (2) Reserved
0068 104 Address 4 ISFSSKEH First special SKE(H)
006C 108 Address 4 ISFESKEH End of special SKE(H)s
Space for buffer pointers for map records and for
CSE map record information like length, # of maps.
0070 112 Address 4 ISFBRECA (58) Pointers to CSE buffers
0158 344 Signed 2 ISFBRECL Length of map record
015A 346 Signed 2 ISFBRECS Number of map records
015C 348 Signed 2 ISFBRSIZ Size of 1 map in DWs
0160 352 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary
Space for the CSE header record, read in by HCPXLF CCWs.
0160 352 Character 1 ISFBHDR (240) CSE header record
0250 592 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary
Space for MSS channel program prefix for 3330V devices.
0250 592 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS1 Seek
0258 600 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS2 TIC *+16
0260 608 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS3 NOP
Space for CSE header CCWs, to get to the CSE cylinder and
track and to search and read the CSE header record.
0268 616 Dbl-Word 8 ISFHCCWS (5) Always Seek/Set Sector
Space for CSE CCW strings. This must accomodate the
largest string, which is the "FORMAT" CCW string.
0290 656 Dbl-Word 8 ISFCCWS (0) CSE CCW strings
0290 656 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) WCKD map records
0450 1104 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) WCKD CSE LNK CTL keys
0610 1552 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) RCKD map records
07D0 2000 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) RCKD CSE LNK CTL keys
0990 2448 Dbl-Word 8 * (22) For other CCWs
00000148 ISFBSIZE (((*-CSEBUFBK)+7)/8) Size CSEBUF
in DWs
00000A40 ISFBUFLN *-CSEBUFBK Size CSEBUF in bytes
1... .... FNDEW X'80' EW link found
.1.. .... FNDER X'40' ER link found
..1. .... FNDSW X'20' SW link found
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