CSEBUFBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  CSEBUFBK Prolog Top of page
 NAME       : Cross System Link Buffer
 DSECT      : CSEBUFBK (primary)
  CSEBUFBK Control Block Content Top of page

Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure CSEBUFBK CSEBUFBK buffer layout 0000 0 Signed 4 ISFR0 (16) Save Area 0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 ISFSK (0) To seek CSE cyl/track 0040 64 Bitstring 1 ISFSKMM (2) MM 0042 66 Bitstring 1 ISFSKCC (2) CC 0044 68 Bitstring 1 ISFSKHH (2) HH 0046 70 Bitstring 1 ISFSKR R 0047 71 Bitstring 1 * unused 0048 72 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary Space to buffer some control fields for HCPXLF. 0048 72 Bitstring 1 ISFSECT0 I*1 Sector zero 0049 73 Bitstring 1 ISFBSKEH I*2 SKE or SKEH opcode 004A 74 Bitstring 1 ISFSYS# I*3 List position this sys. 004B 75 Bitstring 1 ISFBHKEY I*4 Key of CSE hdr record 004C 76 Bitstring 1 ISFBRFLG I*5 READ flag from hdr 004D 77 Bitstring 1 ISFBNFLG I*6 NOLINK flag from hdr 004E 78 Bitstring 1 ISFBWFLG I*7 WRITE flag from hdr 004F 79 Bitstring 1 * Reserved 0050 80 Bitstring 1 ISFBSRFL Stable read flag 0051 81 Bitstring 1 ISFBSWFL Stable write flag 0052 82 Bitstring 1 ISFBXRFL Exclusive read flag 0053 83 Bitstring 1 ISFBXWFL Exclusive write flag Variables relating to links found on other systems. 0054 84 Signed 2 ISFRCNT Number of read links 0056 86 Signed 2 ISFWCNT Number of write links 0058 88 Signed 2 ISFSRCNT Number of SR links 005A 90 Signed 2 ISFXR Index to sys w/ read 005C 92 Signed 2 ISFXW Index to sys w/ write 005E 94 Signed 2 ISFXSR Index to sys w/ SR link 0060 96 Signed 2 ISFXSW Index to sys w/ SW link 0062 98 Signed 2 ISFXE Index to sys w/ Excl 0064 100 Bitstring 1 ISFLINK Value of link flag 0065 101 Bitstring 1 ISFFLAGS Flag byte 0066 102 Bitstring 1 * (2) Reserved 0068 104 Address 4 ISFSSKEH First special SKE(H) 006C 108 Address 4 ISFESKEH End of special SKE(H)s Space for buffer pointers for map records and for CSE map record information like length, # of maps. 0070 112 Address 4 ISFBRECA (58) Pointers to CSE buffers 0158 344 Signed 2 ISFBRECL Length of map record 015A 346 Signed 2 ISFBRECS Number of map records 015C 348 Signed 2 ISFBRSIZ Size of 1 map in DWs 0160 352 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary Space for the CSE header record, read in by HCPXLF CCWs. 0160 352 Character 1 ISFBHDR (240) CSE header record 0250 592 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Doubleword Boundary Space for MSS channel program prefix for 3330V devices. 0250 592 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS1 Seek 0258 600 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS2 TIC *+16 0260 608 Dbl-Word 8 ISFMSS3 NOP Space for CSE header CCWs, to get to the CSE cylinder and track and to search and read the CSE header record. 0268 616 Dbl-Word 8 ISFHCCWS (5) Always Seek/Set Sector Space for CSE CCW strings. This must accomodate the largest string, which is the "FORMAT" CCW string. 0290 656 Dbl-Word 8 ISFCCWS (0) CSE CCW strings 0290 656 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) WCKD map records 0450 1104 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) WCKD CSE LNK CTL keys 0610 1552 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) RCKD map records 07D0 2000 Dbl-Word 8 * (56) RCKD CSE LNK CTL keys 0990 2448 Dbl-Word 8 * (22) For other CCWs 00000148 ISFBSIZE (((*-CSEBUFBK)+7)/8) Size CSEBUF in DWs 00000A40 ISFBUFLN *-CSEBUFBK Size CSEBUF in bytes 1... .... FNDEW X'80' EW link found .1.. .... FNDER X'40' ER link found ..1. .... FNDSW X'20' SW link found
  CSEBUFBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** CSEBUFBK - CSEBUFBK buffer layout
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                        ISFR0                          =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  40 |  ISFSKMM    |  ISFSKCC    |  ISFSKHH    |ISFSKR|//////|
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  58 |  ISFSRCNT   |   ISFXR     |   ISFXW     |   ISFXSR    |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  60 |   ISFXSW    |   ISFXE     |:LINK |:FLAGS|/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  68 |         ISFSSKEH          |         ISFESKEH          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |                                                       |
*     =                       ISFBRECA                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 158 |  ISFBRECL   |  ISFBRECS   |  ISFBRSIZ   |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 160 |                                                       |
*     =                       ISFBHDR                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 250 |                       ISFMSS1                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 258 |                       ISFMSS2                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 260 |                       ISFMSS3                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 268 |                                                       |
*     =                       ISFHCCWS                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 290 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 450 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 610 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 7D0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 990 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A40
*** CSEBUFBK - CSEBUFBK buffer layout
  CSEBUFBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
FNDER          0990 40
FNDEW          0990 80
FNDSW          0990 20
ISFBHDR        0160
ISFBHKEY       004B
ISFBNFLG       004D
ISFBRECA       0070
ISFBRECL       0158
ISFBRECS       015A
ISFBRFLG       004C
ISFBRSIZ       015C
ISFBSIZE       0990 00000148
ISFBSKEH       0049
ISFBSRFL       0050
ISFBSWFL       0051
ISFBUFLN       0990 00000A40
ISFBWFLG       004E
ISFBXRFL       0052
ISFBXWFL       0053
ISFCCWS        0290
ISFESKEH       006C
ISFFLAGS       0065
ISFHCCWS       0268
ISFLINK        0064
ISFMSS1        0250
ISFMSS2        0258
ISFMSS3        0260
ISFRCNT        0054
ISFR0          0000
ISFSECT0       0048
ISFSK          0040
ISFSKCC        0042
ISFSKHH        0044
ISFSKMM        0040
ISFSKR         0046
ISFSRCNT       0058
ISFSSKEH       0068
ISFSYS#        004A
ISFWCNT        0056
ISFXE          0062
ISFXR          005A
ISFXSR         005E
ISFXSW         0060
ISFXW          005C
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:46:38 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022