DESCRIPTION: Asynchronous Event Message
FUNCTION : Preserve a Delayed Response Message until retrieved by
LOCATED BY : Pointer (VDEVAEVT) in the Virtual Device Block
Pointer (VDEVREVT) in the Virtual Device Block
Pointer (SCTMFPT/SCTMLPT) in CFLF Subsystem
Connect Table (See NOTES below).
CREATED BY : HCPSVIAP - Delayed Response Message Routing.
HCPLFPSF - CFLF Perform Subsystem Function CCW
Simulation (See NOTES below).
DELETED BY : HCPAEPPD - Purge all outstanding AEBK, AMSG and IOCM blocks
for the Virtual Device.
HCPAEPRD - Retrieve Delayed Response Message (CCW SIMULATION)
HCPLFSIM - CFLF Read Subsystem Data CCW simulation
(See NOTES below).
RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This control block is relocated as part of a live
guest relocation (LGR). The bits and fields that
need to be relocated are defined in the
corresponding LGRAMSG COPY file. Whenever changes
are made to this control block, consideration must
be given to any effects these changes will have on
a relocation. If any new fields or bits are
defined, they may need to be relocated. If
existing bits or fields are changed, corresponding
modifications may be required in the LGR version of
this control block. Consider also the effects of
these changes on a relocation involving a back-level
release of CP.
NOTES : This block is also used by the CFLF simulation
support. In thi case the Asynchronous Message block
is allocated and returned either Synchronously or
Asynchronously to a CFLF user during Read Subsystem
Data CCW simulation.
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