Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000 0 Structure $IPRML Relocation mapping for IPARML
00000001 $PRM_VER 1 Mapping version number
0000 0 Signed 2 $PRM_HDRL Header length (in bytes)
0002 2 Signed 2 $PRM_BITL Length of mapped bits (in bytes)
0004 4 Signed 4 * Reserved for future use
00000008 $PRM_HDLN *-$IPRML Length of header (bytes)
Bit map: Contains the IPRML flags that are subject to
relocation. These bits are defined sequentially,
regardless of how they are defined in IPARML.
This yields a consistent mapping that ensures
compatibility when a guest is relocated between
systems at differing service levels.
Names in the comments column indicate the control
block byte which contains the flag. This name is
subject to change if the flag definition changes.
====> NEVER change bits which already exist here.
====> NEVER change the order of bits in this section.
====> ALWAYS add new bits at the end of this section,
together with new flag bytes as required.
0008 8 Signed 2 $PRM_BITS (0) Bit map area
00000000 $PRM_BLEN *-$PRM_BITS Length of bit map
Data: Contains all IPARML data that is subject to
relocation, except for flag bits, which are
handled separately.
All fields are defined as XLnn to avoid alignment
warnings and to pack the data efficiently.
====> NEVER change fields which already exist here.
====> NEVER change the order of fields in this section.
====> ALWAYS add new fields at the end of this section.
together with new flag bytes as required.
0008 8 Bitstring 1 $PRM_DATA (0) Start of data map
0008 8 Bitstring 2 $IPPATHID Path ID
000A 10 Bitstring 1 $IPFLAGS1 Flags
000B 11 Bitstring 1 $IPCPSYS CP system service identifier
000C 12 Bitstring 2 $IPMSGLIM Message limit
000E 14 Bitstring 4 $IPNEXT -> RDO offset to next $IPRML
00000012 $PRM_LEN *-$IPRML Total length, in bytes
00000003 $PRM_SZ ($PRM_LEN+7)/8 Size in
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