TTABK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
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used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  TTABK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Table of Trace Entry Codes
              This control block maps the structure of the
              table of trace entry codes as they exist either
              in HCPTTATB data area, or in free storage created
              by the SET CPTRACE command processor.
              PFXTTATB points to the non-explicit (default)
              copy of the TTABK
              VMDTTABK in every VMDBK
              HCPCFASC - SET CPTRACE command processor
              The HCPTTATB data area, also mapped by this block,
              is part of the CP resident nucleus
              HCPCFAFR - Fret TTABK's which SET CPTRACE acquired
              HCPCFALG - Fret (if necessary) a VMDBK's TTABK
              during LOGOFF processing
              The HCPTTATB data area is never deleted
              TTALOCK - prevents concurrent changes via multiple
              SET CPTRACE commands
              MP Defer - TTABK's in free storage are only fretted
              via the MP defer mechanism (HCPMPDFR).
 NOTES      :
        The trace entry codes below are ordered according
        to their frequency of occurrence in the system
        trace tables. As CP tracing evolves and changes,
        so should the order, in order to provide the best
        possible cache utilization.
        The number of fullwords reserved for TTACODES and
        TTACODEN must be equal or greater than the number
        of codes defined in HCPTTABK. The CKMAINT macro is
        used to ensure this by causing an assembly error
        when too many codes are added and there is no room.
        The size of HCPTTABK must not go over 1 page
        since a base register is used to address it.
 General Information -
        Trace Codes x'C0xx' are reserved for VICOM.
        Trace Codes x'7F00' to x'7FFF' are reserved for
        installation use.  See comments below.
        Codes that are added in here, must also be added to
        HCPTTA ASSEMBLE, at entry HCPTTATR.  The only
        exception would be if the trace code you add will
        NOT be controlled by the SET CPTRACE command (which
        should not be the norm).  Note that the way you
        specify the trace entry in HCPTTA must be reflected
        in the CP Command and Utility Reference, under the
        SET CPTRACE command.  That is, with SET CPTRACE, a
        system programmer can activate or deactivate the
        trace function for a specific code, a category of
        codes, or for all codes.  Let's look at an example
        from HCPTTA ASSEMBLE:
          TCTGEN   2,EXT
          TCTGEN     3,0100        External interruption
          TCTGEN     3,PCDIAG
          TCTGEN       4,3C00      Proc controller diagnose
          TCTGEN       4,3C55      Proc controller diagnose
          TCTGEN     3,PCSERVC
        A system programmer could issue:
  SET CPTRACE OFF ALLCODES    * All tracing is off
  SET CPTRACE OFF EXT         * Turn off 0100, plus category
                                PCDIAG & PCSERVC, which
                                include 3C00 & 3C55, etc.
  SET CPTRACE OFF 3C00        * Turn off 3C00 only
 Deleting a Trace Entry Code
   Starting in V5.4.0, deleted trace entry codes can be
   reused.  Trace entry codes are not permanently assigned.
   Do *not* simply remove the label from a trace entry
   code. Every trace entry code must have a label.
  TTABK Control Block Content Top of page

 TTABK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure TTABK Table of Trace Entry Codes 0000 0 Bitstring 256 TTAPFX Reserve 1 cache line 0100 256 Address 4 TTACODES (600) Trace codes modifiable by SET CPTRACE 00000960 TTACODSS (*-TTACODES) Size of TTACODES 0A60 2656 Address 4 TTACODEN (2) Trace codes not modifiable by SET CPTRACE 00000008 TTACODNS (*-TTACODEN) Size of TTACODEN 0A68 2664 Signed 4 TTAEND (0) End of TTABK 0000015D TTASIZE (*-TTAPFX+127+7)/8 Size of TTABK for dynamic allocation. Extra space for cache alignment included. 00000005 TTATCTLV 5 number of levels in trace category tree TTABK prefix Put on a separate cache line because of TTALOCK. 0000 0 Address 4 TTACHN TTABK chain pointer 0004 4 Address 4 TTAALLOC address of allocated storage 0008 8 Character 8 TTANAME explicit trace name 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 TTALOCK (3) lock 0028 40 Signed 4 TTACODE (0) trace code (to use w/ indexing) Trace codes, starting with the most frequent so they are on the same cache line. Minidisk cache trace entries I/O passthrough entries: Container entries cmt $tta C0xx Reserved for VICOM TRACE CODES FOR CFCC TRACG codes for FTC (Full Track Cache) aka MDC. See trace codes X'8000' less than these. TRACE CODES FOR QDIO TRACE CODES FOR SPIN LOCK ACQUISITION/RELEASE These trace entries are only cut for formal spin locks if the HCPSYNC and HCPUSYNC macros invoked to obtain or release them have TRACE=YES or TRACE=DEBUGUT specified. If TRACE=DEBUGUT, these trace entries are only cut in the debug unit test (&HCPDBGUT) builds. Once the code is shipped these traces are not cut because of the adverse performance impact they might create. TRACE CODES FOR SSI TRACE CODES FOR VIRTUAL ARCHITECTURE TRACE CODES FOR LGR MEMORY MOVE Trace codes for select XLC compiler entry/exit points Trace codes for distributed shared-exclusive spin lock acquisition/release. These trace entries are only cut for formal spin locks if the HCPSXLLK and HCPSXLUL macros invoked to obtain or release them have TRACE=YES or TRACE=DEBUGUT specified. If TRACE=DEBUGUT, these trace entries are only cut in the debug unit test (&HCPDBGUT) builds. Once the code is shipped these traces are not cut because of the adverse performance impact they might create. Trace codes for CRYPTO AP instructions Trace Codes for CPU Measurement Facility Sampling Line reserved for IBM trace codes 1. Line reserved for IBM trace code 2. Line reserved for IBM trace code 3. Line reserved for IBM trace code 4. Line reserved for IBM trace code 5. Line reserved for IBM trace code 6. Line reserved for IBM trace code 7. Line reserved for IBM trace code 8. Line reserved for IBM trace code 9. Line reserved for IBM trace code 9. Trace Codes 7F00 to 7FFF are reserved for installation use. Programs that use these must be recompiled every time after IBM service is installed because the offset from the start of the TTABK may change. Line reserved for customer/vendor A trace codes. Line reserved for customer/vendor B trace codes. Line reserved for customer/vendor C trace codes. Line reserved for customer/vendor D trace codes. Line reserved for customer/vendor E trace codes. ENDTTA Codes not modifiable by SET CPTRACE 0A60 2656 Address 4 TTAMWP Trace page full during (MCH) machine check handling 0A64 2660 Address 4 TTANOGPG Inserted every hour to avoid(TTI) large gaps in the trace table
  TTABK Storage Layout Top of page
*** TTABK - Table of Trace Entry Codes
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                        TTAPFX                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 100 |                                                       |
*     =                       TTACODES                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A60 |                       TTACODEN                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** TTABK - Table of Trace Entry Codes
*** Overlay for TTAPFX in TTABK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |          TTACHN           |         TTAALLOC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |                       TTANAME                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                                                       |
*     =                       TTALOCK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for TTAPFX in TTABK
*** Overlay for TTACODEN in TTABK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A60 |          TTAMWP           |         TTANOGPG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A68
*** Overlay for TTACODEN in TTABK
  TTABK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
TTAALLOC       0004
TTACHN         0000
TTACODE        0028
TTACODEN       0A60
TTACODES       0100
TTACODNS       0A60 00000008
TTACODSS       0100 00000960
TTAEND         0A68
TTALOCK        0010
TTAMWP         0A60
TTANAME        0008
TTANOGPG       0A64
TTAPFX         0000
TTASIZE        0A68 0000015D
TTATCTLV       0A68 00000005
This information is based on z/VM 7.2.0 Last updated on 24 Jun 2020 at 09:31:25 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2020