HLPBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  HLPBK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: High Low Prediction Control Block
 FUNCTION   : The HLPBK provides an interface definition for the
              HCPHLPPA entry point, which is used to predict the
              next value in a sequence of values.
 LOCATED BY : Pointer maintained by the routine that created it.
 CREATED BY : Routines that call HCPHLPPA to predict a floor or ceiling
              for the next sample.
 DELETED BY : The routine that created it.
 SERIALIZED : Serialization of fields is the responsibility of the
              creating routine.
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : Relocation considerations are the responsibility of
              the creating routine. If there are relocation
              considerations, they must be documented in a
              higher level control block containing this
              structure or a pointer to this structure.
 NOTES      : To obtain storage for an HLPBK structure with the default
              number of entries, use HCPGETST LEN=(size) where size is
              For a different number of entries use size =
              (HLPHSIZ)+(((number of entries)*(Length of HLPSampl)+7)/8)
              The HLPBK must start on a doubleword boundary, and
              cannot exceed a page in length.
  HLPBK Control Block Content Top of page

 HLPBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure HLPBK High Low Prediction Control Block 0000 0 Signed 4 HLPCapac Input for all methods. Counter indicating the largest number of samples that can fit into this HLPBK. 0000000A HLPCapacDef 10 The default size for HLPCapac. Capacity obtained when using HLPDefSZ on HCPGETST. 000003E8 HLPCapacMax 1000 The maximum number allowed for HLPCapac. This is the largest number of samples that can fit in an HLPBK contained in a single page. 0004 4 Signed 4 HLPEntCt Input for all methods. Number of samples currently available in the HLPBK. When the sample array is fully populated, HLPEntCt = HLPCapac. 0008 8 Signed 4 HLPCursr Input for all methods. 0-origin slot number for the most recent sample. 000C 12 Signed 4 HLPPred Input for HLPMthdStdRev. Output for HLPMthdStd, HLPMthdStdAdj. Signed binary integer expressing the predicted floor or ceiling for the next sample. Output for HLPMthdMean. Signed binary integer containing the arithmetic mean for the sample set. 0010 16 Bitstring 1 HLPBound Input for all methods. Flag indicating whether the caller wants a floor prediction or a ceiling prediction. 0011 17 Bitstring 1 HLPMthd Input for all methods. Flag to select the prediction method 0012 18 Bitstring 1 HLPConf Input for HLPMthdStd, HLPMthdStdAdj. Output for HLPMthdStdRev. Unsigned binary integer in the range 50-99 specifying the percentage confidence level to be used for the prediction. 00000032 HLPConfMin 50 The minimum number allowed for HLPConf on input. 00000063 HLPConfMax 99 The maximum number allowed for HLPConf. 0013 19 Bitstring 1 HLPFlag HCPHLP Processing flags 1... .... HLPTrust X'80' HLPTrust - Sums are maintained in HLPBK. HCPHLPAS must be used to add to the HLPSampl array when this flag is ON. 0014 20 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for IBM use 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 HLPSum Sum of samples when HLPTrust is ON 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 HLPSumSQ Sum of squares of samples when HLPTrust is ON 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv2 Reserved for IBM Use 0030 48 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv3 Reserved for IBM Use 0038 56 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv4 Reserved for IBM Use 0040 64 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv5 Reserved for IBM Use 0048 72 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv6 Reserved for IBM Use 0050 80 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv7 Reserved for IBM Use 0058 88 Dbl-Word 8 HLPResv8 Reserved for IBM Use 0000000C HLPHSIZ (*-HLPBK+7)/8 Header size in double words 00000060 HLPHBSIZ HLPHSIZ*8 Header size in bytes HLPSampl array. The sample array of HLPCapac items begins here. 0060 96 Signed 4 HLPSampl (10) First 10 elements of 1 to HLPCapacMax four-byte signed binary integers containing samples of the phenomenon of interest to the caller. 00000002 HLPSamplFctr 2 Used to shift by HLPSampl length 00000011 HLPDefSZ (*-HLPBK+7)/8 HLPCapacDef-entry size in double words 00000088 HLPDefBSZ HLPDefSZ*8 HLPCapacDef-entry size in bytes HCPHLPPA and HCPHLPAS Return Codes. 00000000 HLPRCGood 0 Success 00000004 HLPRCErrPred 4 Error - processing error calculating prediction 00000008 HLPRCErrSampl 8 Error - invalid sample or invalid sample set 0000000C HLPRCErrInput 12 Error - invalid input parameter HCPHLPPA and HCPHLPAS Reason Codes 00000000 HLPRSGood 0 Success 00000001 HLPRSErrOvFl 1 Fixed overflow error 00000002 HLPRSErrVar 2 Problem calculating variance 00000003 HLPRSErrSD0 3 Problem calculating standard deviation
  HLPBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** HLPBK - High Low Prediction Control Block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         HLPCAPAC          |         HLPENTCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         HLPCURSR          |         HLPPRED           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  10 |:BOUND|:MTHD |:CONF |:FLAG |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                        HLPSUM                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       HLPSUMSQ                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       HLPRESV2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       HLPRESV3                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       HLPRESV4                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       HLPRESV5                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       HLPRESV6                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       HLPRESV7                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  58 |                       HLPRESV8                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                                                       |
*     =                       HLPSAMPL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  88
*** HLPBK - High Low Prediction Control Block
  HLPBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
HLPBound       0010
HLPCapac       0000
HLPCapacDef    0000 0000000A
HLPCapacMax    0000 000003E8
HLPConf        0012
HLPConfMax     0012 00000063
HLPConfMin     0012 00000032
HLPCursr       0008
HLPDefBSZ      0060 00000088
HLPDefSZ       0060 00000011
HLPEntCt       0004
HLPFlag        0013
HLPHBSIZ       0058 00000060
HLPHSIZ        0058 0000000C
HLPMthd        0011
HLPPred        000C
HLPResv2       0028
HLPResv3       0030
HLPResv4       0038
HLPResv5       0040
HLPResv6       0048
HLPResv7       0050
HLPResv8       0058
HLPRCErrInput  0060 0000000C
HLPRCErrPred   0060 00000004
HLPRCErrSampl  0060 00000008
HLPRCGood      0060 00000000
HLPRSErrOvFl   0060 00000001
HLPRSErrSD0    0060 00000003
HLPRSErrVar    0060 00000002
HLPRSGood      0060 00000000
HLPSampl       0060
HLPSamplFctr   0060 00000002
HLPSum         0018
HLPSumSQ       0020
HLPTrust       0013 80
This information is based on z/VM 7.2.0 Last updated on 24 Jun 2020 at 09:28:29 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2020