Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

XLKBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: XDISK Cross-System Lock Structure


XLKBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      XLKBK          XDISK Cross-System Lock Structure
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 XLKLKWRD (3)   Distributed Lock Word
0018   24 Dbl-Word     8 XLKQLKWD (3)   Queue Lock Word
0030   48 Dbl-Word     8 XLKTIME        TOD of last cross-SSI acquire
0038   56 Signed       4 XLKTIMEO       Count of XLK locks cleared by
                                        HCPXLKAR watchdog timeout
003C   60 Signed       4 XLKTHRDS       Mask of systems that have an
                                        outstanding lock grant
0040   64 Signed       4 XLKCOMSK       Communication mask
0044   68 Signed       4 XLKABORT       ABORT Communication mask
0048   72 Signed       4 XLKASSOC       Address of associated data
004C   76 Signed       4 XLKASSLT       List of 2ndary associates
0050   80 Signed       4 XLKWTCHD       Watchdog task
0054   84 Signed       2 XLKQTAIL       Highest priority on queue ds
0056   86 Bitstring    1 XLKTYPE        Lock Type
          00000000       XLKTMDCH       0 XLKTMDCH Lock Type: RDEV MDISK
          00000004       XLKTSYSV       4 XLKTSYSV Lock Type: SYSVOL
          00000008       XLKTVAA        8 XLKTVAA Lock Type: HCPARDVA
0057   87 Bitstring    1 XLKFLAG0       Flag byte 0
          1... ....      XLKLOCAL       X'80' XLKLOCAL Lock held
          .1.. ....      XLKMYSYS       X'40' XLKMYSYS Lock held by local
          ..1. ....      XLKREMOT       X'20' XLKREMOT Lock held by
                                        remote system
          ...1 ....      XLKSAFE        X'10' XLKSAFE Lock has not yet
                                        been updated after SAFE mode
0058   88 Bitstring    1 XLKFLAG1       Flag byte 1 *** Only applicable
                                        to XLKTYPE of XLKTVAA
          00000001       XLKNWT         1 XLKNWT No Work Task received
          00000002       XLKYWT         2 XLKYWT Yes Work Task received
                                        *** Operation Codes arguments to
          00000004       XLKDelt1       04 XLKDelt1 Change XLKFLAG1 state
                                        from XLKNWT to XLKYWT.
0059   89 Bitstring    1 * (3)          Reserved for IBM use
005C   92 Signed       2 XLKRARCN       Count of XLKRAs that were
                                        re-driven due to a lost reply
005E   94 Signed       2 XLKRRRCN       Count of XLKRRs that were
                                        re-driven due to a lost reply
0060   96 Signed       4 XLKUNQL        The last XLKUNQ value. Serialized
                                        by XLKQLKWD
0064  100 Signed       4 XLKUNQ         Current uniqueifier value, Zero
                                        if unlocked. Serialized by
      The replication factor for XLKSEQN field for BLOCKMAP is 32
0068  104 Signed       1 XLKSEQN (32)   1 byte Sequence Numbers 1 byte
                                        per system
0088  136 Signed       4 XLKXLGET       Count of exclusive acquires that
                                        did not require comm.
008C  140 Signed       4 XLKXXGET       Count of exclusive acquires that
                                        required cross-SSI comm.
0090  144 Signed       4 XLKXDFRS       Count of acquires that deferred
                                        before starting SSI negotiation
0094  148 Signed       4 XLKXAMSG       Count of messages sent in order
                                        to achieve exclusive acquires
0098  152 Signed       4 XLKXARPL       Count of messages received in
                                        response to exclusive acquires
009C  156 Signed       4 XLKCLENS       Count of cleanups performed on
                                        this lock
00A0  160 Dbl-Word     8 XLKXAWTM       TOD time spent deferred waiting
                                        to communicate for excl. acq.
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 XLKXARTM       TOD time spent deferred waiting
                                        for responses to excl. acq.
00B0  176 Dbl-Word     8 XLKXRWTM       TOD time spent deferred waiting
                                        to communicate for excl. rel.
00B8  184 Dbl-Word     8 XLKXRRTM       TOD time spent deferred waiting
                                        for responses to excl. rel.
00C0  192 Dbl-Word     8 XLKXHELD       TOD time spent holding the lock
                                        exclusively across the SSI on
                                        behalf of this system
00C8  200 Signed       4 XLKGOTAT       Address caller that presently
                                        holds the lock on this system (0
                                        if not held or held for another
00CC  204 Signed       4 XLKCOUNT       # of instances of this lock
00D0  208 Signed       4 XLKACTIV       Count of reply threads that are
                                        presently active
00D4  212 Signed       4 XLKSENT        Mask of systems that received the
                                        last lock request
00D8  216 Signed       4 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
          0000001C       XLKDSIZE       (*-XLKBK+7)/8 size in double
          000000E0       XLKBSIZE       (*-XLKBK) size in bytes


XLKBK Storage Layout

*** XLKBK - XDISK Cross-System Lock Structure
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       XLKLKWRD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       XLKQLKWD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       XLKTIME                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         XLKTIMEO          |         XLKTHRDS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         XLKCOMSK          |         XLKABORT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         XLKASSOC          |         XLKASSLT          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  50 |         XLKWTCHD          |  XLKQTAIL   |:TYPE |:FLAG0|
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  58 |:FLAG1|////////////////////|  XLKRARCN   |  XLKRRRCN   |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  60 |         XLKUNQL           |          XLKUNQ           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |                                                       |
*     =                       XLKSEQN                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         XLKXLGET          |         XLKXXGET          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         XLKXDFRS          |         XLKXAMSG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         XLKXARPL          |         XLKCLENS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |                       XLKXAWTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                       XLKXARTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B0 |                       XLKXRWTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B8 |                       XLKXRRTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0 |                       XLKXHELD                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         XLKGOTAT          |         XLKCOUNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         XLKACTIV          |         XLKSENT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E0
*** XLKBK - XDISK Cross-System Lock Structure


XLKBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
XLKABORT       0044
XLKACTIV       00D0
XLKASSLT       004C
XLKASSOC       0048
XLKBSIZE       00D8 000000E0
XLKCLENS       009C
XLKCOMSK       0040
XLKDelt1       0058 00000004
XLKDSIZE       00D8 0000001C
XLKFLAG0       0057
XLKFLAG1       0058
XLKGOTAT       00C8
XLKLKWRD       0000
XLKLOCAL       0057 80
XLKMYSYS       0057 40
XLKNWT         0058 00000001
XLKQLKWD       0018
XLKQTAIL       0054
XLKRARCN       005C
XLKREMOT       0057 20
XLKRRRCN       005E
XLKSAFE        0057 10
XLKSENT        00D4
XLKSEQN        0068
XLKTHRDS       003C
XLKTIME        0030
XLKTIMEO       0038
XLKTMDCH       0056 00000000
XLKTSYSV       0056 00000004
XLKTVAA        0056 00000008
XLKTYPE        0056
XLKUNQ         0064
XLKUNQL        0060
XLKWTCHD       0050
XLKXAMSG       0094
XLKXARPL       0098
XLKXARTM       00A8
XLKXAWTM       00A0
XLKXDFRS       0090
XLKXHELD       00C0
XLKXLGET       0088
XLKXRRTM       00B8
XLKXRWTM       00B0
XLKXXGET       008C
XLKYWT         0058 00000002

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:33:54 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011