Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

XITBK Prolog

 FUNCTION   : This control block contains information used to
              authorize user exit routines to find their entry
 LOCATED BY : Radix tTree structure anchored by XCTBK.XCTRADIX.
 DELETED BY : HCPZXUDL    (The deletion is only allowed if the XITBK
              is for a Dynamic Exit that is NOT enabled
              and is NOT associated at delete time)


XITBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      XITBK          CP Exit Block
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 XITUSRD1       Reserved for non-IBM use
0008    8 Dbl-Word     8 XITUSRD2       Reserved for non-IBM use
0010   16 Signed       4 XITUSRF1       Reserved for non-IBM use
0014   20 Signed       4 XITUSRF2       Reserved for non-IBM use
0018   24 Signed       2 XITUSRH1       Reserved for non-IBM use
001A   26 Signed       2 XITUSRH2       Reserved for non-IBM use
001C   28 Bitstring    1 XITUSRX1       Reserved for non-IBM use
001D   29 Bitstring    1 XITUSRX2       Reserved for non-IBM use
001E   30 Bitstring    1 XITUSRX3       Reserved for non-IBM use
001F   31 Bitstring    1 XITUSRX4       Reserved for non-IBM use
0020   32 Dbl-Word     8 XITXCRLK (3)   Lock word to serialize
                                        manipulations of the XCRBK chain
0038   56 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved
003A   58 Bitstring    2 XITCODE        Exit number
003C   60 Signed       4 XITSWAP1       A label for Compare-and-Swap
0040   64 Address      4 XITPUSHD       Address of PUSHed XITBK
0044   68 Signed       4 *              Reserved
0048   72 Signed       4 XITCALLS       Count of calls to this exit
004C   76 Signed       4 XITRETNS       Count of returns
0050   80 Address      4 XITXCRBK       Address of list of XCRBKs
0054   84 Address      4 XITDEDBK       Address of DEDBK
0058   88 Signed       8 XITMSACT       Time (in micro-seconds) that the
                                        routines that comprise this exit
                                        were active.
0060   96 Dbl-Word     8 XIT$END (0)    End on a dword
003C   60 Bitstring    1 XITFLAG1       A byte of bits
          ...1 ....      XITENABL       X'10' XITENABL This exit has been
          .... 1...      XITRESOL       X'08' XITRESOL Resolve exit when
003D   61 Bitstring    1 XITFLAG2       A byte of bits
003E   62 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved


XITBK Storage Layout

*** XITBK - CP Exit Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       XITUSRD1                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       XITUSRD2                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         XITUSRF1          |         XITUSRF2          |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |  XITUSRH1   |  XITUSRH2   |:USRX1|:USRX2|:USRX3|:USRX4|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |                                                       |
*     =                       XITXCRLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |/////////////|  XITCODE    |         XITSWAP1          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         XITPUSHD          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         XITCALLS          |         XITRETNS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         XITXCRBK          |         XITDEDBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |                       XITMSACT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** XITBK - CP Exit Block
*** Overlay for XITSWAP1 in XITBK
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
*  38 ...                      3C |:FLAG1|:FLAG2|/////////////|
*                                 +------+------+-------------+
*  40
*** Overlay for XITSWAP1 in XITBK


XITBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
XIT$END        0060
XITCALLS       0048
XITCODE        003A
XITDEDBK       0054
XITENABL       003C 10
XITFLAG1       003C
XITFLAG2       003D
XITMSACT       0058
XITPUSHD       0040
XITRESOL       003C 08
XITRETNS       004C
XITSWAP1       003C
XITUSRD1       0000
XITUSRD2       0008
XITUSRF1       0010
XITUSRF2       0014
XITUSRH1       0018
XITUSRH2       001A
XITUSRX1       001C
XITUSRX2       001D
XITUSRX3       001E
XITUSRX4       001F
XITXCRBK       0050
XITXCRLK       0020

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:33:46 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011