Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

STFLE Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: STFLE response mapping
 FUNCTION   : Map STFLE response in HCPRCCFL
 CREATED BY : not a control block, just a DSECT, so not created
 DELETED BY : see above
 NOTES      : This DSECT is used to map the data from the
              STFLE instruction that is issued during system
              Note that the first four bytes of output from
              both the STFL and STFLE instructions are the
              same and are stored at location PFXSTFL.  The
              bytes defined at PFXSTFL are used to address
              these four bytes from both instructions.
              This DSECT is the method to address STFLE
              bytes 4 and up, and may also be used to address
              STFLE bytes 0 through 3.  The bit definitions
              in HCPEQUAT are used with both this DSECT and
              PFXSTFL to address individual bits.


STFLE Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      STFLE          STFLE response mapping
0000    0 Bitstring    1 STFLEB0        STFLE byte 0
          1... ....      STFL0N3A       X'80' STFL0N3A "N3" instructions
          .1.. ....      STFL0MEA       X'40' STFL0MEA zArch available
          ..1. ....      STFL0MEE       X'20' STFL0MEE zArch enabled
          ...1 ....      STFL0IDT       X'10' STFL0IDT IDTE is installed
          .... 1...      STFL0ICS       X'08' STFL0ICS IDTE performs the
                                        Invalidation-and- Clearing
                                        operation selectively when STE(s)
                                        are invalidated. IDTE also
                                        performs the Clearing-by-ASCE
                                        function selectively. In both
                                        cases, "selectively" means the
                                        TLB purging is limited to those
                                        specific entries required by
                                        architecture. If this bit is off,
                                        IDTE simply purges all TLBs. If
                                        this bit is on, STFL0IDT is also
          .... .1..      STFL0ICR       X'04' STFL0ICR IDTE performs the
                                        Invalidation-and- Clearing
                                        operation selectively when RTE(s)
                                        are invalidated. "Selectively"
                                        means the TLB purging is limited
                                        to those specific entries
                                        required by architecture. If this
                                        bit is off, IDTE
                                        Invalidation-and-Clearing of
                                        RTE(s) simply purges all TLBs. If
                                        this bit is on, STFL0IDT and
                                        STFL0ICS are also on.
          .... ..1.      STFL0ALR       X'02' STFL0ALR ASN-and-LX-reuse
                                        facility installed
          .... ...1      STFL0FLE       X'01' STFL0FLE STFLE facility
0001    1 Bitstring    1 STFLEB1        STFLE byte 1
          1... ....      STFLEDAT       X'80' STFLEDAT Enhanced-DAT
                                        facility (z/Arch)
          .1.. ....      STFLSRS        X'40' STFLSRS
                                        Sense-running-status facility
          ..1. ....      STFLSSKE       X'20' STFLSSKE Conditional-SSKE
          ...1 ....      STFLCTOP       X'10' STFLCTOP
                                        Configuration-Topology (z/Arch)
          .... 1...      STFLCINT       X'08' STFLCINT
                                        on Facility installed in zArch
          .... .1..      STFLIPTR       X'04' STFLIPTR IPTE-Range
          .... ..1.      STFLNQKS       X'02' STFLNQKS
          .... ...1      STFLIBM1       X'01' STFLIBM1 Assigned to IBM
                                        Internal Use.
0002    2 Bitstring    1 STFLEB2        STFLE byte 2
          1... ....      STFLETF2       X'80' STFLETF2 Extended
                                        Translation Facility 2
          .1.. ....      STFLCCA        X'40' STFLCCA CPU Crypto Assist
          ..1. ....      STFLLDF        X'20' STFLLDF Long Displacement
                                        Facility available
          ...1 ....      STFLHPO        X'10' STFLHPO LDF High
                                        Performance Option installed
          .... 1...      STFLHFPM       X'08' STFLHFPM
                                        HFP-Mult-Add/Subtract facility
          .... .1..      STFLEXTI       X'04' STFLEXTI Extended-Immediate
                                        facility installed
          .... ..1.      STFLETF3       X'02' STFLETF3 Extended-Trans
                                        Facility 3 installed
          .... ...1      STFLHFPU       X'01' STFLHFPU
0003    3 Bitstring    1 STFLEB3        STFLE byte 3
          1... ....      STFLE2EN       X'80' STFLE2EN ETF2-Enhancement
                                        Facility installed
          .1.. ....      STFLSTCF       X'40' STFLSTCF Store-Clock-Fast
          ..1. ....      STFLPARS       X'20' STFLPARS
                                        Parsing-enhancement Facility
          ...1 ....      STFLMVCS       X'10' STFLMVCS
          .... 1...      STFLPTFF       X'08' STFLPTFF TOD-clock steering
                                        facility installed
          .... ..1.      STFLE3EN       X'02' STFLE3EN ETF3-Enhancement
                                        Facility installed
          .... ...1      STFLECTG       X'01' STFLECTG Extract-CPU-Time
                                        Facility installed
0004    4 Bitstring    1 STFLEB4        STFLE byte 4
          1... ....      STFLCSST       X'80' STFLCSST
          .1.. ....      STFLCSS2       X'40' STFLCSS2
                                        Compare-and-Swap-and-Store Fac 2
          ..1. ....      STFL4GIE       X'20' STFL4GIE
                                        ility installed (GIEF)
          ...1 ....      STFLEXRL       X'10' STFLEXRL Execute-Extensions
          .... 1...      STFLEMON       X'08' STFLEMON Enhanced-Monitor
                                        Facility is installed in zArch
          .... .1..      STFLBFPD       X'04' STFLBFPD BFP and DFP
                                        extension 1 Facility is installed
                                        in zArch mode.
          .... ...1      STFLIBM2       X'01' STFLIBM2 Assigned to IBM
                                        Internal Use.
0005    5 Bitstring    1 STFLEB5        STFLE byte 5
          1... ....      STFLLPP        X'80' STFLLPP Load Program
                                        Parameter Facility is installed
                                        in zArch mode.
          .1.. ....      STFLFPSE       X'40' STFLFPSE
                                        enhancement facility installed in
                                        zArch mode.
          ..1. ....      STFLDFP        X'20' STFLDFP DFP facility
                                        installed in zArch mode
          ...1 ....      STFLDFPH       X'10' STFLDFPH DFP facility has
                                        high performance
          .... 1...      STFLPFPO       X'08' STFLPFPO PFPO instr
                                        installed in zArch mode
          .... .1..      STFLGIE2       X'04' STFLGIE2
                                        ility installed (GIEF2)
          .... ..1.      STFLIBM3       X'02' STFLIBM3 Assigned to IBM
                                        Internal Use.
          .... ...1      STFLCMPS       X'01' STFLCMPS CMPSC-enhancement
                                        facility is installed in zArch
0006    6 Bitstring    1 STFLEB6        STFLE byte 6
0007    7 Bitstring    1 STFLEB7        STFLE byte 7
0008    8 Bitstring    1 STFLEB8        STFLE byte 8
          ..1. ....      STFLRRBF       X'20' STFLRRBF
                                        Reset-Reference-Bit Fast Facility
                                        is installed in zArch mode.
          ...1 ....      STFLCMCF       X'10' STFLCMCF CPU-Measurement
                                        Counter Fac. (z/Arch)
          .... 1...      STFLCMSF       X'08' STFLCMSF CPU-Measurement
                                        Sampling Fac. (z/Arch)
0009    9 Bitstring    1 STFLEB9        STFLE byte 9
          ...1 ....      STFLAEFS       X'10' STFLAEFS Access-Exception
                                        Fetch/Store Indication Facility
                                        installed in zArch mode.
          .... 1...      STFLMSA3       X'08' STFLMSA3 MSA-3 facility is
          .... .1..      STFLMSA4       X'04' STFLMSA4 MSA-4 facility is
000A   10 Bitstring    1 STFLEB10       STFLE byte 10
000B   11 Bitstring    1 STFLEB11       STFLE byte 11
          00000002       STFSIZE        (*-STFLE+7)/8 size in double
          00000010       STFBSIZE       STFSIZE*8 size in bytes


STFLE Storage Layout

*** STFLE - STFLE response mapping
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   0 |:LEB0 |:LEB1 |:LEB2 |:LEB3 |:LEB4 |:LEB5 |:LEB6 |:LEB7 |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |:LEB8 |:LEB9 |:LEB10|:LEB11| C
*     +------+------+------+------+
*** STFLE - STFLE response mapping


STFLE Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
STFBSIZE       000B 00000010
STFLAEFS       0009 10
STFLBFPD       0004 04
STFLCCA        0002 40
STFLCINT       0001 08
STFLCMCF       0008 10
STFLCMPS       0005 01
STFLCMSF       0008 08
STFLCSST       0004 80
STFLCSS2       0004 40
STFLCTOP       0001 10
STFLDFP        0005 20
STFLDFPH       0005 10
STFLEB0        0000
STFLEB1        0001
STFLEB10       000A
STFLEB11       000B
STFLEB2        0002
STFLEB3        0003
STFLEB4        0004
STFLEB5        0005
STFLEB6        0006
STFLEB7        0007
STFLEB8        0008
STFLEB9        0009
STFLECTG       0003 01
STFLEDAT       0001 80
STFLEMON       0004 08
STFLETF2       0002 80
STFLETF3       0002 02
STFLEXRL       0004 10
STFLEXTI       0002 04
STFLE2EN       0003 80
STFLE3EN       0003 02
STFLFPSE       0005 40
STFLGIE2       0005 04
STFLHFPM       0002 08
STFLHFPU       0002 01
STFLHPO        0002 10
STFLIBM1       0001 01
STFLIBM2       0004 01
STFLIBM3       0005 02
STFLIPTR       0001 04
STFLLDF        0002 20
STFLLPP        0005 80
STFLMSA3       0009 08
STFLMSA4       0009 04
STFLMVCS       0003 10
STFLNQKS       0001 02
STFLPARS       0003 20
STFLPFPO       0005 08
STFLPTFF       0003 08
STFLRRBF       0008 20
STFLSRS        0001 40
STFLSSKE       0001 20
STFLSTCF       0003 40
STFL0ALR       0000 02
STFL0FLE       0000 01
STFL0ICR       0000 04
STFL0ICS       0000 08
STFL0IDT       0000 10
STFL0MEA       0000 40
STFL0MEE       0000 20
STFL0N3A       0000 80
STFL4GIE       0004 20
STFSIZE        000B 00000002

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:23:48 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011