Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

SRMBK Prolog



SRMBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      SRMBK          SYSTEM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BLOCK
0000    0 Signed       4 SRMELIST       ELIGIBLE LIST ANCHOR
0004    4 Signed       4 SRMMLIST       DORMANT LIST ANCHOR
             The dispatch list is anchored for scheduling
             purposes by the System VMDBK, which is the first
             member of the dispatch list.
0008    8 Address      4 SRMVMTID       Address of first Test-Idle VMDBK
                                        in the Dispatch List. Test-Idle
                                        users are located at the bottom
                                        of the Dispatch List, ordered by
                                        the length of time they have been
                                        Test-Idle (longest to shortest).
                                        When there are no Test-Idle users
                                        in the Dispatch List, this field
                                        points to the System VMDBK.
000C   12 Address      4 SRME1ADD       Last user added to E-list, by
0010   16 Address      4 SRME2ADD       class. These fields are not
0014   20 Address      4 SRME3ADD       valid when the E-list is empty,
                                        and SRME2ADD, for example, may
                                        not point to an E2 user. It did
                                        once, but that user dropped from
                                        the E-list so the pointer bumped
                                        to the next VMDBK.
             THAN MICROSECONDS).
0018   24 Signed       8 SRMTSLIC       TIME SLICE VALUE
0020   32 Signed       8 SRMTSHOT       SHORT TIME SLICE FOR HOT-SHOT
                                        DISPATCH FOR A TERMINAL USER
0028   40 Signed       8 SRMTIMIN       SYSTEM SAMPLING INTERVAL
          ..1. 1...      SRMTIMN        00004 SRMTIMIN,4 USE ONLY SECONDS
                                        PART OF SRMTIMIN
0030   48 Signed       8 SRMRVLTM       Time of last PLDV re-shuffle
          00000038       SRMUSERC       *
       The following tables must follow SRMUSERC.  SRMUSERC is
       treated as the head of a two-dimensional array:
                  (E-list class)
                 0   1   2   3
   SRMCDISP    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMCDLDG    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMCELIG    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMCELDG    |   |   |   |   |
       The elements of SRMUSERC must appear in the same order
       as the corresponding elements in the SRMSUSRC table.
       This is due to the usage of these tables by HCPSTPGS.
       See that entry point for details.
0038   56 Signed       2 SRMCDISP       Count of VMDBKs in dispatch list
                                        (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3)
003A   58 Signed       2 SRMC1DSP       Count of VMDBKs in Q1,Q2 and Q3
003C   60 Signed       2 SRMC2DSP       Count of VMDBKs in Q2 and Q3
003E   62 Signed       2 SRMC3DSP       Count of VMDBKs in Q3
0040   64 Signed       2 SRMCDLDG       Count of loading VMDBKs in
                                        dispatch list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3)
0042   66 Signed       2 SRMC1DLD       Count of loading VMDBKs in Q1, Q2
                                        and Q3
0044   68 Signed       2 SRMC2DLD       Count of loading VMDBKs in Q2 and
0046   70 Signed       2 SRMC3DLD       Count of loading VMDBKs in Q3
0048   72 Signed       2 SRMCELIG       Count of VMDBKs in eligible list
                                        (E0, E1, E2, E3)
004A   74 Signed       2 SRMC1ELG       Count of VMDBKs in E1, E2, E3
004C   76 Signed       2 SRMC2ELG       Count of VMDBKs in E2 and E3
004E   78 Signed       2 SRMC3ELG       Count of VMDBKs in E3
0050   80 Signed       2 SRMCELDG       Count of loading VMDBKs in
                                        eligible list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3)
0052   82 Signed       2 SRMC1ELD       Count of loading VMDBKs in E1, E2
                                        and E3
0054   84 Signed       2 SRMC2ELD       Count of loading VMDBKs in E2 and
0056   86 Signed       2 SRMC3ELD       Count of loading VMDBKs in E3
          00000058       SRMCUSRE       * End of table
          00000020       SRMCUSRL       SRMCUSRE-SRMUSERC Length of table
        End SRMUSERC
0058   88 Signed       4 SRMCDORM       COUNT OF VMDBKS IN DORMANT LIST
005C   92 Signed       4 SRMSPLIN       SAMPLING INTERVAL
          00000060       SRMSUSRC       *
       The following tables must follow SRMSUSRC.  SRMSUSRC is
       treated as the head of a two-dimensional array:
                 0   1   2   3   (E-list class)
   SRMEPNFC    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMSDSPL    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMSLDDL    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMSELGL    |   |   |   |   |
   SRMSLDEL    |   |   |   |   |
       The elements of SRMSUSRC must appear in the same order
       as the corresponding elements in the SRMUSERC table.
       This is due to the usage of these tables by HCPSTPGS.
       See that entry point for details.
          00000060       SRMEPNFC       * Expansion factors per class
0060   96 Signed       2 SRMEPNF0       Dummy entry for indexing
0062   98 Signed       2 SRMEPNF1       Expansion factor class 1
0064  100 Signed       2 SRMEPNF2       Expansion factor class 2
0066  102 Signed       2 SRMEPNF3       Expansion factor class 3
0068  104 Signed       2 SRMSDSPL       Smoothed number of users in the
                                        dispatch list (Q0)
006A  106 Signed       2 SRMSDSP1       Smoothed number of users in Q1
006C  108 Signed       2 SRMSDSP2       Smoothed number of users in Q2
006E  110 Signed       2 SRMSDSP3       Smoothed number of users in Q3
          00000070       SRMSDSPE       * End of table
0070  112 Signed       2 SRMSLDDL       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in the dispatch list (Q0)
0072  114 Signed       2 SRMSLDD1       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in Q1
0074  116 Signed       2 SRMSLDD2       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in Q2
0076  118 Signed       2 SRMSLDD3       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in Q3
          00000078       SRMSLDDE       * End of table
0078  120 Signed       2 SRMSELGL       Smoothed number of users in the
                                        eligible list (E0)
007A  122 Signed       2 SRMSELG1       Smoothed number of users in E1
007C  124 Signed       2 SRMSELG2       Smoothed number of users in E2
007E  126 Signed       2 SRMSELG3       Smoothed number of users in E3
          00000080       SRMSELGE       * End of table
0080  128 Signed       2 SRMSLDEL       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in the eligible list (E0)
0082  130 Signed       2 SRMSLDE1       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in E1
0084  132 Signed       2 SRMSLDE2       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in E2
0086  134 Signed       2 SRMSLDE3       Smoothed number of loading users
                                        in E3
          00000088       SRMSUSRE       * End of table
        End SRMSUSRC
0088  136 Signed       4 SRMSDORL       SMOOTHED NUMBER OF USERS IN THE
                                        DORMANT LIST
008C  140 Signed       4 SRMSTORP       Smoothed storage utilization
                                        percentage over eight intervals
                                        of time
0090  144 Signed       4 SRMADJL        Adjunct VMDBK Linked List Linked
                                        with VMDADJL, serialized by
0094  148 Signed       4 SRMDSVMW       Dormant list users in SVM wait
0098  152 Signed       4 SRMSTEAL       Instantaneous steal value used by
                                        INDICATE LOAD
009C  156 Signed       4 SRMSSTEL       Smoothed 'steal' percentages over
                                        eight intervals of time
                                  Expansion Factor Fields
          000000A0       SRMTDTM        *
00A0  160 Signed       8 SRMTDTM1       Total d-list time, class 1
00A8  168 Signed       8 SRMTDTM2       Total d-list time, class 2
00B0  176 Signed       8 SRMTDTM3       Total d-list time, class 3
          000000B8       SRMTATM        *
00B8  184 Signed       8 SRMTATM1       Total active (non-dormant) time,
                                        class 1
00C0  192 Signed       8 SRMTATM2       Total active (non-dormant) time,
                                        class 2
00C8  200 Signed       8 SRMTATM3       Total active (non-dormant) time,
                                        class 3
00D0  208 Signed       8 SRMTIDLE       The maximum amount of time
                                        granted to a user who goes idle
                                        in the Dispatch list before
                                        dropping it to the Dormant list
00D8  216 Signed       4 SRMXSIZE       Blocks of XSTORE available to CP
00DC  220 Signed       4 SRMSTORQ       Storage required from preemption
00E0  224 Signed       4 SRMLDGFW (0)   Fullword to hold number of page
                                        reads per minor time slice which
                                        constitute a 'loading user'
00E0  224 Signed       2 SRMLDGUS       Integer portion of loading user
00E2  226 Signed       2 SRMLDGFC       Fractional portion of loading
                                        user designation. this part is
                                        not used. it is here so that
                                        nothing is lost to rounding off
                                        as the fullword is adjusted.
00E4  228 Signed       4 SRMSPGRT       SYSTEM CPU-PAGE READ RATIO
00E8  232 Signed       4 SRMAPGDE       Average paging rate of a user in
                                        dispatch or eligible list
00EC  236 Signed       4 SRMAWSDE       Average working set size of a
                                        user in dispatch or eligible list
00F0  240 Signed       4 SRMXSRTE       Current system XSTORE page in and
                                        page out rate (smoothed by
00F4  244 Signed       4 SRMMNPGR       Minimum system paging rate used
                                        by the scheduler
00F8  248 Signed       4 SRMMXPAG       Total paging capacity, in pages
                                        per second which can be deliv-
                                        ered by the paging hardware
00FC  252 Signed       4 SRMPGSRW       System resource weight for
                                        paging. this is computed by
                                        HCPSTPGS whenever the system
                                        paging rate changes. It is used
                                        in eligible list priority
0100  256 Signed       8 SRMSTRD        Smoothed 'time it takes to read a
                                        page'. Computed by HCPSTP using
                                        the next two fields
0108  264 Signed       4 SRMPGRLD       Count of page reads by all E1
                                        loading users
010C  268 Signed       4 SRMMAJTD       High order word of TOD clock at
                                        the time of the last major PLDV
0110  272 Signed       8 SRMDLTLD       Total d-list time for all E1
                                        loading users
      The next three fields are used to calculate an 'average E1
      user' WSS and Paging Rate :
0118  280 Signed       4 SRMT1WSS       Total wss of all E1 users
011C  284 Signed       4 SRMT1PGR       Total page rate of all E1 users
0120  288 Signed       4 SRMT1USR       Count of E1 users included
0124  292 Signed       4 SRMSTSRW       System resource weight for
                                        storage. This is computed by
                                        HCPSTPGS whenever the smoothed
                                        storage demand (total wss)
                                        changes. It is used in the
                                        eligible list priority
0128  296 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future IBM use
012C  300 Signed       4 SRMLOTHR       Low throughput value to use when
                                        SRMRTBSZ or more users in
                                        dispatch list
          0000000A       SRMRTBSZ       10 Number of entries in SRMRTBL
          00000004       SRMRTBEL       4 Size of each entry in SRMRTBL
0130  304 Signed       4 SRMRTBL (10)   R prime table for 10 or less
                                        dispatch list users. This table
                                        contains our estimate of how much
                                        resource access (service) we can
                                        give to a user, given very few
                                        dispatch list users. It is used
                                        to calculate maximum allowable
                                        eligible list delay.
          00000158       SRMRTBEN       *
0158  344 Signed       4 SRMRSRVP       The "reserved percent". The
                                        percent, in units of CPUs to be
                                        held in reserve for the relative
                                        share users. This field is
                                        protected by the scheduler lock.
015C  348 Signed       4 SRMBIASI       The "intensity" that the IABIAS
                                        parameter of the SET SRM command
                                        is currently set to. The range is
                                        0.00-1.00. This field protected
                                        by the scheduler lock.
0160  352 Signed       2 SRMBIASD       The "duration" that the IABIAS
                                        parameter of the SET SRM command
                                        is currently set to. The range is
                                        1-100. This field is protected by
                                        the scheduler lock.
0162  354 Signed       2 *              Reserved for future IBM use
0164  356 Signed       4 *              RESERVED FOR IBM USE
                   Elapsed Time Slice Variables
0168  360 Signed       8 SRME1ETS       E1 elapsed time slice
0170  368 Signed       8 SRMETSMN       Minimum elapsed time slice (.05
                                        second or 50,000 microseconds)
0178  376 Signed       8 SRMETSMX       Maximum elapsed time slice (16
                                        seconds or 16,000,000
0180  384 Signed       4 SRMETSIN       Elapsed time slice increment.
                                        This is the amount the E1 time
                                        slice is incremented whenever a
                                        user does not complete after an
                                        E1 stay.
0184  388 Signed       4 SRMETSDC       Elapsed time slice decrement.
                                        This is the amount the E1 time
                                        slice is decremented when a user
                                        completes after an E1 stay.
0188  392 Bitstring    1 SRMDFB0 (0)    Byte 0 of SRMDFPTR
          1... ....      SRMSETDF       X'80' SRMSETDF Dormant scan can
                                        set SRMDFPTR
0188  392 Signed       4 SRMDFPTR       Dormant list frames pointer,
                                        Serialization of this field is
                                        accomplished using the scheduler
                                        lock. This field is used by both
                                        the scheduler and demand scan. To
                                        reduce scheduler lock contention,
                                        demand scan obtains only a share
                                        of the scheduler lock to use or
                                        change it. This is ok because
                                        only one instance of demand scan
                                        can be running at a time. The
                                        scheduler and any other users
                                        (including future users) of this
                                        field must hold the scheduler
                                        lock in exclusive mode to change
                                        this field.
018C  396 Signed       4 SRMDWPTR       Dormant list work pointer,
                                        Serialization of this field is
                                        accomplished using the scheduler
                                        lock. This field is used by both
                                        the scheduler and demand scan. To
                                        reduce scheduler lock contention,
                                        demand scan obtains only a share
                                        of the scheduler lock to use or
                                        change it. This is ok because
                                        only one instance of demand scan
                                        can be running at a time. The
                                        scheduler and any other users
                                        (including future users) of this
                                        field must hold the scheduler
                                        lock in exclusive mode to change
                                        this field.
          00000003       SRMLSTEL       3 Last e-list class
0190  400 Signed       2 SRMETSLC (0)   Elapsed time slice table Notes :
                                        E1 slice time * any SRMExETF
                                        should always be less than
0190  400 Signed       2 SRME0ETF       E0 elapsed time slice factor An
                                        E0 slice is an E1 slice times
                                        this number
0192  402 Signed       2 SRME1ETF       Dummy holder for indexing
0194  404 Signed       2 SRME2ETF       E2 elapsed time slice factor An
                                        E2 slice is an E1 slice times
                                        this number
0196  406 Signed       2 SRME3ETF       E3 elapsed time slice factor An
                                        E3 slice is an E1 slice times
                                        this number
                   Resource Limits
       Notes      : E-0 users are not subject to any of these quotas
          00000004       SRMCTBLN       4 Number of eligible list
                                        classes, thus number of entries
                                        in each eligible list table
          00000002       SRMCTBEL       2 Size of element in the eligible
                                        list tables - each are halfwords
          00000001       SRMCTSHF       1 Shift by one to index into
                                        half- word count entries
          00000000       SRMEZERO       0 E-0 list equate
          00000001       SRMEONE        1 E-1 list equate
          00000002       SRMETWO        2 E-2 list equate
          00000003       SRMETHRE       3 E-3 list equate
          00000000       SRMCLS0        0 Index to the e-0 class entries
          00000002       SRMCLS1        1*SRMCTBEL Index to the e-1 class
          00000004       SRMCLS2        2*SRMCTBEL Index to the e-2 class
          00000006       SRMCLS3        3*SRMCTBEL Index to the e-3 class
0198  408 Signed       2 SRMLMDSP       Start of dispatch user limit
                                        table. dummy entry for indxing.
019A  410 Signed       2 SRML1DSP       Limit on number of users allowed
                                        in dispatch list (Q1, Q2, Q3)
019C  412 Signed       2 SRML2DSP       Limit on number of users allowed
                                        in Q2 and Q3
019E  414 Signed       2 SRML3DSP       Limit on number of users allowed
                                        in Q3
          000001A0       SRMLEDSP       * End of dispatch user limit
          00000002       SRMDSPEL       2 Size of dispatch table entry
01A0  416 Signed       2 SRMLHRDU       Number of LIMITHARD users on the
                                        dispatch list
01A2  418 Signed       2 SRMD1DSP       Default number of users allowed
                                        in dispatch list (Q1, Q2, Q3)
01A4  420 Signed       2 SRMD2DSP       Default number of users allowed
                                        in Q2 and Q3
01A6  422 Signed       2 SRMD3DSP       Default number of users allowed
                                        in Q3
01A8  424 Signed       2 SRMLMLDG       Start of loading user limit
                                        table. dummy entry for indxing.
01AA  426 Signed       2 SRML1LDG       Limit on number of loading users
                                        allowed in (Q1, Q2, Q3)
01AC  428 Signed       2 SRML2LDG       Limit on number of loading users
                                        allowed in (Q2, Q3)
01AE  430 Signed       2 SRML3LDG       Limit on number of loading users
                                        allowed in (Q3) load percentages:
                                        these values are set by set srm
                                        ldubuf command and used to
                                        determine the loadlimits, above
          00000004       SRMLMTEL       4 Size of each limit field:
                                        SRMDFLDG table elements, SRMPCLDG
                                        table elements, SRMDFWSS table
                                        elements, SRMPCWSS table elements
01B0  432 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
01B4  436 Signed       4 SRMDFLDG (0)   Defaults to use for loading user
01B4  436 Signed       4 SRMD1LDG       Default for E1
01B8  440 Signed       4 SRMD2LDG       Default for E2
01BC  444 Signed       4 SRMD3LDG       Default for E3
01C0  448 Signed       4 SRMPCLDG       Start of ldg limit table. Dummy
                                        entry for indexing.
01C4  452 Signed       4 SRMP1LDG       Percentage of 'load capacity'
                                        which can be taken by Q1, Q2, Q3
01C8  456 Signed       4 SRMP2LDG       Percentage of load capacity for
                                        Q2 and Q3
01CC  460 Signed       4 SRMP3LDG       Percentage of load capactiy for
          000001D0       SRMPELDG       * WSS percentages: These values
                                        are set by SET SRM STORBUF
                                        command and used to determine the
                                        amount of memory which can be
                                        committed to each e-list class.
                                        The actual amount of memory each
                                        percentage repre- sents is
                                        recomputed at user add time in
                                        order to exclude locked pages
01D0  464 Signed       4 SRMWSSMN       Minimum user working set size
01D4  468 Signed       4 SRMWSSMP       Percentage of avialble memory
                                        which constitutes a maximum WSS
01D8  472 Signed       4 SRMXPCTG       Percentage of XSTORE to use in
                                        WSS and available memory calcu-
01DC  476 Signed       4 SRMDFWSS (0)   Defaults to use for WSS limits
01DC  476 Signed       4 SRMD1WSS       Default for E1
01E0  480 Signed       4 SRMD2WSS       Default for E2
01E4  484 Signed       4 SRMD3WSS       Default for E3
01E8  488 Signed       4 SRMPCWSS       Start of WSS limit table.
                                        Percentage of available memory
                                        which can be taken by Q0 This
                                        value is always 100% to Eliminate
                                        the test for Q0.
01EC  492 Signed       4 SRMP1WSS       Percentage of available memory
                                        which can be taken by Q1, Q2, Q3
01F0  496 Signed       4 SRMP2WSS       Percentage of available memory
                                        which can be taken by Q2 and Q3
01F4  500 Signed       4 SRMP3WSS       Percentage of available memory
                                        which can be taken by Q3
          000001F8       SRMPEWSS       *
      When the SRME1ETS feedback mechanism is being overridden
      (due to lack of q1 work) the increment and decrement are
      set to zero.  Their values are saved in the following two
      fields so that the increment and decrement can be restored
      when the feedback mechanism is turned back on again.
01F8  504 Signed       4 SRMETSVI       Saves the increment (SRMETSIN).
01FC  508 Signed       4 SRMETSVD       Saves the decrement (SRMETSDC).
0200  512 Signed       4 SRMMNLDC       Minimum loading capacity for the
0204  516 Signed       4 SRMLDGCP       Total 'load capacity'. This is
                                        the number of users, paging
                                        continuously, required to drive
                                        the paging hardware at its
                                        maximum rate. It is based on
                                        number of read exposures.
                   Resource Usage Measures
0208  520 Signed       4 SRM1AVPG       E1 users' average paging rate,
                                        -in pages per microsecond
          00000001       SRM1MNPG       1 Minimum rate to use for E1
                                        -users' average
020C  524 Signed       4 SRM1AVWS       E1 users' average working set
          00000001       SRM1MNWS       1 Minimum WSS to use for E1
                                        -users' average
0210  528 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0214  532 Signed       4 SRMWSSDE       Total of working set sizes for
                                        all users currently in the
                                        eligible and dispatch lists
0218  536 Signed       4 SRMPGRDE       Total last-recorded paging rates
                                        of all users currently in the
                                        eligible and dispatch lists (in
                                        pages / second)
021C  540 Signed       4 SRMPGRDL       Total last-recorded paging rates
                                        of all users currently in the
                                        dispatch list (in pages / second)
0220  544 Signed       4 SRMTOTST       Total storage to consider when
                                        selecting VMDBKs for the d-list
0224  548 Bitstring    1 SRMBLOCK       Blocked class - used when
                                        selecting VMDBKs for the d-list
0225  549 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
0226  550 Signed       2 SRMSTDSP       Smoothed Total Users in the
                                        Dispatch list (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3)
          00000005       SRMSSCAN       5 Number of VMDBKs to check in a
                                        "short scan" of the E-list.
          00000032       SRMLSCAN       50 Number of VMDBKs to check in a
                                        "long scan" of the E-list.
0228  552 Signed       4 SRMHOTIN       The "Hotshot Intensity". The
                                        intensity of the Hotshot boost
                                        for unsolicited terminal
                                        interrupts for a VMDBK.
022C  556 Address      4 SRMNEWVM       The VMDBK in the Dormant or
                                        Eligible list which last (or
                                        just) received new work. Input to
                                        E-list scan function when there
                                        are NO new resources available in
                                        the D-list.
      The following values are used in the E-list Priority calc:
0230  560 Signed       4 SRMEDFF (0)    Elig List Delay Factor Feedback
                                        The next 3 fullwords are feedback
                                        values for the E-list Priority
                                        calculation. They adjust the
                                        priority values by class accord-
                                        ing to systems ability to select
                                        E-list users ahead or behind
0230  560 Signed       4 SRMEDFF1       Class 1 E-list Delay Factor Fdbck
0234  564 Signed       4 SRMEDFF2       Class 2 E-list Delay Factor Fdbck
0238  568 Signed       4 SRMEDFF3       Class 3 E-list Delay Factor Fdbck
023C  572 Signed       4 SRMEDFFC       Constant used to adjust each EDFF
0248  584 Dbl-Word     8 SRMHFRST       Half a reset interval
0250  592 Signed       4 SRMPGWTF       Paging weighting factor
0254  596 Signed       4 SRMCKVAL       relative E1 ETS adjustment factor
                                        used by the E1 ETS adjustment
                                        logic in HCPSTP
                   HOST MULTI-CPU CONTROLS
0258  600 Signed       2 *              Reserved for future IBM use
025A  602 Signed       2 SRMCTSMP       Count of CPUs (non-ded) that can
                                        run SYSTEMMP work (CPs + IFLs)
025C  604 Signed       4 SRMCRCPU       COUNT OF CPU'S NOT IN WAIT STATE
0260  608 Signed       2 SRMMSCPU       CPU ADDRESS OF MASTER-SIDE CPU
0262  610 Bitstring    1 SRMFLAGS       Flag byte of system status
                                        important to the Scheduler/
          1... ....      SRMAWAIT       X'80' SRMAWAIT Set when "Active
                                        Wait" is being used. For a
                                        description of "Active Wait", see
                                        the prolog of the HCPWAI module.
          .1.. ....      SRMPRMPT       X'40' SRMPRMPT Pre-emption
          ..1. ....      SRMFRSTP       X'20' SRMFRSTP First pass through
                                        hcpschse for this search for
          ...1 ....      SRMCKELI       X'10' SRMCKELI Check the eligible
                                        list for users to add to the
          .... 1...      SRMNWRSC       X'08' SRMNWRSC Set when E-list is
                                        searched for users for promotion
                                        following new resources in the
          .... .1..      SRMMAJRV       X'04' SRMMAJRV A major reshuffle
                                        is due to recalibrate PLDV
                                        entries to a new value of
          .... ..1.      SRMLMCNS       X'02' SRMLMCNS The consumption
                                        method should be used to limit a
                                        LIMITHARD guest. If off, use the
                                        old deadline method.
          .... ....      SRMCLEAR       0 SRMCLEAR FLAG CLEARING EQUATE
0263  611 Signed       1 SRMTIDCT       Tolerance of Test-Idle lack of
                                        use before Test-Idle is no longer
                                        used for a VMDBK.
0264  612 Address      4 SRMMSPFX       Master's prefix page address
0268  616 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future IBM use
026C  620 Signed       4 SRMSTPTB       Pointer to STP's smoothing table
0270  624 Bitstring    8 SRMMVESL       Maximum Elapsed Timeslice.
                                        Required only for users whose ETS
                                        is calculated proportional to
                                        their Working Set Size.
0278  632 Signed       4 SRMWSSDL       Start of total Working Set Size
                                        table. Sum of WSS's for all users
                                        (Q0 Q3) currently in the dispatch
027C  636 Signed       4 SRMWSSD1       Sum of WSS's for all Q1, Q2, and
                                        Q3 users currently in the
                                        dispatch list.
0280  640 Signed       4 SRMWSSD2       Sum of WSS's for all Q2 and Q3
                                        users currently in the dispatch
0284  644 Signed       4 SRMWSSD3       Sum of WSS's for all Q3 users
                                        currently in the dispatch list.
0288  648 Signed       4 SRMWSSLG       Start of largest user that can
                                        fit into storage by class table.
                                        Equivalent to total unused
                                        storage available per class. Used
                                        to determine if a user should be
                                        allowed into the dispatch list.
                                        First entry is for indexing only
                                        since class 0 users are always
                                        allowed in the dispatch list.
028C  652 Signed       4 SRMWSSL1       Largest E1 user that can fit into
                                        storage = total unused Q1 storage
0290  656 Signed       4 SRMWSSL2       Largest E2 user that can fit into
                                        storage = total unused Q2 storage
0294  660 Signed       4 SRMWSSL3       Largest E3 user that can fit into
                                        storage = total unused Q3 storage
          00000004       SRMWSSEL       4 Size of an entry for the
                                        SRMWSSDL and SRMWSSLG (also
                                        SRMPCWSS) tables
0298  664 Signed       4 SRMCTGRW       Count drops for growth limit.
029C  668 Signed       4 SRMCTLCK       Count drops for LockShot end.
02A0  672 Signed       4 SRMCTPRM       Count drops for preemption.
02A4  676 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future IBM use
02A8  680 Signed       8 SRMPGLIF       Average page life (the time it
                                        takes to turn over all of main
                                        storage once at the current pag-
                                        ing rate). Units are TOD. Adjunct
                                        List Lock
02B0  688 Dbl-Word     8 SRMALOCK (6)   Adjunct List Lock *******WARNING:
                                        THIS AREA IS MAPPED BY THE SYNBK
                                        COPY FILE. *******THE AREA MUST
                                        BE 6 DOUBLE WORDS.
       Notes      : The field SRMTODSV (below) has been placed
       adjacent to the the scheduler lock (SRMSLOCK above) with
       the intent of having both fields occupy the same storage
       cache-block.  SRMTODSV is tested in the dispatcher (a
       high frequency path) after the scheduler lock has been
       obtained.  By placing both fields in the same cache
       block we will reduce the number of cache misses.
02E0  736 Signed       8 SRMTODSV       TOD clock time when last
                                        retrieved for scheduler.
02E8  744 Dbl-Word     8 * (4)          Reserved for future IBM use
0308  776 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future IBM use
030C  780 Address      4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0310  784 Signed       8 SRMMAJAT       Value of SRMATOD for the primary
                                        real CPU type at the time of the
                                        last major PLDV reshuffle
       The next several fields are part of a mechanism for
       tracking how far ahead or behind their eligible list
       deadlines users are when they get moved to the dispatch
       list.  This allows us to forecast more accurately how
       long they are remaining in the eligible list, and whether
       or not we should steal a user's pages when putting him
       in the eligible list.
0318  792 Signed       8 SRMDLYTM       Time of next update of the
                                        SRMDLYEL table.
0320  800 Dbl-Word     8 SRMDLYEL (0)   Start of table of delays (with
                                        respect to E-list deadline) that
                                        users are encountering when
                                        entering dispatch list. Positive
                                        values represent delays. Negative
                                        represents early entry.
0320  800 Signed       8 SRMDLYE0       E0 delay. (Probably always 0.)
0328  808 Signed       8 SRMDLYE1       E1 delay. Units are TOD.
0330  816 Signed       8 SRMDLYE2       E2 delay. Units are TOD.
0338  824 Signed       8 SRMDLYE3       E3 delay. Units are TOD.
          .... ..11      SRMDLYEX       3 SRMDLYEX Shift for indexing
          00000340       SRMDLYEZ       * End of the table.
0340  832 Signed       4 SRMCONLL       Total count of users on the limit
                                        lists of all SRXBK's. This is the
                                        sum of all SRXCONLL's Serialized
                                        by the sched lock.
      The following 3 fields contain the calculated ideal MDC
      size for main storage for the last 3 intervals (see STP)
0344  836 Signed       4 SRMSISZ1       MDC storage target size
                                        calculated last interval
0348  840 Signed       4 SRMSISZ2       MDC storage target size
                                        calculated interval before last
034C  844 Signed       4 SRMSISZ3       MDC storage target size
                                        calculated interval before that
      The following 3 fields contain the calculated ideal MDC
      size for XSTORE for the last 3 intervals (see STP)
0350  848 Signed       4 SRMXISZ1       MDC XSTORE target size calculated
                                        last interval
0354  852 Signed       4 SRMXISZ2       MDC XSTORE target size calculated
                                        interval before last
0358  856 Signed       4 SRMXISZ3       MDC XSTORE target size calculated
                                        interval before that
035C  860 Signed       4 SRMMSNDX       PFXINDEX value of master proc
      The following 3 fields are bit masks for which each
      real processor has a corresponding unique bit
0360  864 Dbl-Word     8 SRMDCPUM       Dedicated processor bit mask
0368  872 Dbl-Word     8 SRMCPUWT       Mask of CPUs in wait state This
                                        field was formerly known as
0370  880 Dbl-Word     8 SRMLCPUA       Mask containing the logical CPU
                                        ids (PFXLCPUA) of CPUs which are
                                        online and non-dedicated. This is
                                        the logical OR of SRXLCPUA for
                                        all processor types. Serialized
                                        by the sched lock.
0378  888 Dbl-Word     8 * (9)          Reserved for future IBM use
      The following fields are used together as a table that may
      be indexed by processor type (VMDDSPTY).  They must remain
03C0  960 Signed       4 SRMXTBL (0)    Table of SRXBK indices
03C0  960 Address      4 SRMXCP         Pointer to SRXBK for type CP
03C4  964 Address      4 *              Unused
03C8  968 Address      4 SRMXZAAP       Pointer to SRXBK for type zAAP
03CC  972 Address      4 SRMXIFL        Pointer to SRXBK for type IFL
03D0  976 Address      4 SRMXICF        Pointer to SRXBK for type ICF
03D4  980 Address      4 SRMXZIIP       Pointer to SRXBK for type zIIP
          .... .11.      SRMXCNT        6 SRMXCNT Count of entries in
                   SCHEDULER LOCK
03D8  984 Dbl-Word     8 SRMSLOCK (6)   SCHEDULER LOCK
0408 1032 Dbl-Word     8 * (12)         Spin lock extension area See
                                        SYNBX DSECT in HCPSYNBK COPY.
                                        *******WARNING: THIS AREA IS
                                        MAPPED BY THE SYNBK COPY FILE.
                                        *******THE AREA MUST BE 6 DOUBLE
                   ATOD LOCK
0468 1128 Dbl-Word     8 SRMATDLK (6)   ATOD lock. This lock serializes
                                        updates to SRMATOD, SRMATOD2, and
                                        SRMLODSP. This is an exclusive
                                        only lock that requires at least
                                        a share of the scheduler lock to
                                        already be held. *******WARNING:
                                        THIS AREA IS MAPPED BY THE SYNBK
                                        COPY FILE. *******THE AREA MUST
                                        BE 6 DOUBLE WORDS PLUS THE
                                        CONTINGUOUS *******EXTENSION AREA
                                        WHICH IS REQUIRED FOR ANY SPIN
                                        LOCK *******THAT CAN BE SHARED.
             Miscellaneous Equates
          00000008       SRMSCL8        8 For 8-bit scaling
          00000093       SRMSIZE        (*-SRMBK+7)/8 SRMBK SIZE IN
                                        DOUBLE WORDS


SRMBK Storage Layout

*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         SRMELIST          |         SRMMLIST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         SRMVMTID          |         SRME1ADD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         SRME2ADD          |         SRME3ADD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                       SRMTSLIC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       SRMTSHOT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       SRMTIMIN                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       SRMRVLTM                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  38 |  SRMCDISP   |  SRMC1DSP   |  SRMC2DSP   |  SRMC3DSP   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  40 |  SRMCDLDG   |  SRMC1DLD   |  SRMC2DLD   |  SRMC3DLD   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  48 |  SRMCELIG   |  SRMC1ELG   |  SRMC2ELG   |  SRMC3ELG   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  50 |  SRMCELDG   |  SRMC1ELD   |  SRMC2ELD   |  SRMC3ELD   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  58 |         SRMCDORM          |         SRMSPLIN          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  60 |  SRMEPNF0   |  SRMEPNF1   |  SRMEPNF2   |  SRMEPNF3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  68 |  SRMSDSPL   |  SRMSDSP1   |  SRMSDSP2   |  SRMSDSP3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  70 |  SRMSLDDL   |  SRMSLDD1   |  SRMSLDD2   |  SRMSLDD3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  78 |  SRMSELGL   |  SRMSELG1   |  SRMSELG2   |  SRMSELG3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  80 |  SRMSLDEL   |  SRMSLDE1   |  SRMSLDE2   |  SRMSLDE3   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |         SRMSDORL          |         SRMSTORP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         SRMADJL           |         SRMDSVMW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         SRMSTEAL          |         SRMSSTEL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |                       SRMTDTM1                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                       SRMTDTM2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B0 |                       SRMTDTM3                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B8 |                       SRMTATM1                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0 |                       SRMTATM2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C8 |                       SRMTATM3                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  D0 |                       SRMTIDLE                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         SRMXSIZE          |         SRMSTORQ          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  E0 |  SRMLDGUS   |  SRMLDGFC   |         SRMSPGRT          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  E8 |         SRMAPGDE          |         SRMAWSDE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F0 |         SRMXSRTE          |         SRMMNPGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F8 |         SRMMXPAG          |         SRMPGSRW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 100 |                       SRMSTRD                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 108 |         SRMPGRLD          |         SRMMAJTD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 110 |                       SRMDLTLD                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 118 |         SRMT1WSS          |         SRMT1PGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 120 |         SRMT1USR          |         SRMSTSRW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 128 |///////////////////////////|         SRMLOTHR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 130 |                                                       |
*     =                       SRMRTBL                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 158 |         SRMRSRVP          |         SRMBIASI          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |  SRMBIASD   |/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |                       SRME1ETS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 170 |                       SRMETSMN                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 178 |                       SRMETSMX                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |         SRMETSIN          |         SRMETSDC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 188 |         SRMDFPTR          |         SRMDWPTR          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 190 |  SRME0ETF   |  SRME1ETF   |  SRME2ETF   |  SRME3ETF   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 198 |  SRMLMDSP   |  SRML1DSP   |  SRML2DSP   |  SRML3DSP   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 1A0 |  SRMLHRDU   |  SRMD1DSP   |  SRMD2DSP   |  SRMD3DSP   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 1A8 |  SRMLMLDG   |  SRML1LDG   |  SRML2LDG   |  SRML3LDG   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 1B0 |///////////////////////////|         SRMD1LDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1B8 |         SRMD2LDG          |         SRMD3LDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1C0 |         SRMPCLDG          |         SRMP1LDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1C8 |         SRMP2LDG          |         SRMP3LDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1D0 |         SRMWSSMN          |         SRMWSSMP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1D8 |         SRMXPCTG          |         SRMD1WSS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1E0 |         SRMD2WSS          |         SRMD3WSS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1E8 |         SRMPCWSS          |         SRMP1WSS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1F0 |         SRMP2WSS          |         SRMP3WSS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 1F8 |         SRMETSVI          |         SRMETSVD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 200 |         SRMMNLDC          |         SRMLDGCP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 208 |         SRM1AVPG          |         SRM1AVWS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 210 |///////////////////////////|         SRMWSSDE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 218 |         SRMPGRDE          |         SRMPGRDL          |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 220 |         SRMTOTST          |:BLOCK|//////|  SRMSTDSP   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 228 |         SRMHOTIN          |         SRMNEWVM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 230 |         SRMEDFF1          |         SRMEDFF2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 238 |         SRMEDFF3          |         SRMEDFFC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 240 |                       SRMRSCTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 248 |                       SRMHFRST                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 250 |         SRMPGWTF          |         SRMCKVAL          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 258 |/////////////|  SRMCTSMP   |         SRMCRCPU          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 260 |  SRMMSCPU   |:FLAGS|:TIDCT|         SRMMSPFX          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 268 |///////////////////////////|         SRMSTPTB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |                       SRMMVESL                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 278 |         SRMWSSDL          |         SRMWSSD1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 280 |         SRMWSSD2          |         SRMWSSD3          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 288 |         SRMWSSLG          |         SRMWSSL1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 290 |         SRMWSSL2          |         SRMWSSL3          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 298 |         SRMCTGRW          |         SRMCTLCK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A0 |         SRMCTPRM          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A8 |                       SRMPGLIF                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2B0 |                                                       |
*     =                       SRMALOCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E0 |                       SRMTODSV                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 308 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 310 |                       SRMMAJAT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 318 |                       SRMDLYTM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 320 |                       SRMDLYE0                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 328 |                       SRMDLYE1                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 330 |                       SRMDLYE2                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 338 |                       SRMDLYE3                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 340 |         SRMCONLL          |         SRMSISZ1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |         SRMSISZ2          |         SRMSISZ3          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |         SRMXISZ1          |         SRMXISZ2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |         SRMXISZ3          |         SRMMSNDX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 360 |                       SRMDCPUM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 368 |                       SRMCPUWT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 370 |                       SRMLCPUA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 378 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C0 |          SRMXCP           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C8 |         SRMXZAAP          |         SRMXIFL           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3D0 |         SRMXICF           |         SRMXZIIP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3D8 |                                                       |
*     =                       SRMSLOCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 408 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 468 |                                                       |
*     =                       SRMATDLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 498


SRMBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
SRMADJL        0090
SRMALOCK       02B0
SRMAPGDE       00E8
SRMATDLK       0468
SRMAWAIT       0262 80
SRMBIASD       0160
SRMBIASI       015C
SRMBLOCK       0224
SRMCDISP       0038
SRMCDLDG       0040
SRMCDORM       0058
SRMCELDG       0050
SRMCELIG       0048
SRMCKELI       0262 10
SRMCKVAL       0254
SRMCLEAR       0262 00
SRMCLS0        0196 00000000
SRMCLS1        0196 00000002
SRMCLS2        0196 00000004
SRMCLS3        0196 00000006
SRMCONLL       0340
SRMCPUWT       0368
SRMCRCPU       025C
SRMCTBEL       0196 00000002
SRMCTBLN       0196 00000004
SRMCTGRW       0298
SRMCTLCK       029C
SRMCTPRM       02A0
SRMCTSHF       0196 00000001
SRMCTSMP       025A
SRMCUSRE       0056 00000058
SRMCUSRL       0056 00000020
SRMC1DLD       0042
SRMC1DSP       003A
SRMC1ELD       0052
SRMC1ELG       004A
SRMC2DLD       0044
SRMC2DSP       003C
SRMC2ELD       0054
SRMC2ELG       004C
SRMC3DLD       0046
SRMC3DSP       003E
SRMC3ELD       0056
SRMC3ELG       004E
SRMDCPUM       0360
SRMDFB0        0188
SRMDFLDG       01B4
SRMDFPTR       0188
SRMDLTLD       0110
SRMDLYEL       0320
SRMDLYEX       0338 03
SRMDLYEZ       0338 00000340
SRMDLYE0       0320
SRMDLYE1       0328
SRMDLYE2       0330
SRMDLYE3       0338
SRMDLYTM       0318
SRMDSPEL       019E 00000002
SRMDSVMW       0094
SRMDWPTR       018C
SRMD1DSP       01A2
SRMD1LDG       01B4
SRMD1WSS       01DC
SRMD2DSP       01A4
SRMD2LDG       01B8
SRMD2WSS       01E0
SRMD3DSP       01A6
SRMD3LDG       01BC
SRMD3WSS       01E4
SRMEDFF        0230
SRMEDFFC       023C
SRMEDFF1       0230
SRMEDFF2       0234
SRMEDFF3       0238
SRMELIST       0000
SRMEONE        0196 00000001
SRMEPNFC       005C 00000060
SRMEPNF0       0060
SRMEPNF1       0062
SRMEPNF2       0064
SRMEPNF3       0066
SRMETHRE       0196 00000003
SRMETSDC       0184
SRMETSIN       0180
SRMETSLC       0190
SRMETSMN       0170
SRMETSMX       0178
SRMETSVI       01F8
SRMETWO        0196 00000002
SRMEZERO       0196 00000000
SRME0ETF       0190
SRME1ADD       000C
SRME1ETF       0192
SRME1ETS       0168
SRME2ADD       0010
SRME2ETF       0194
SRME3ADD       0014
SRME3ETF       0196
SRMFLAGS       0262
SRMFRSTP       0262 20
SRMHFRST       0248
SRMHOTIN       0228
SRMLCPUA       0370
SRMLDGCP       0204
SRMLDGFC       00E2
SRMLDGFW       00E0
SRMLDGUS       00E0
SRMLEDSP       019E 000001A0
SRMLHRDU       01A0
SRMLMCNS       0262 02
SRMLMDSP       0198
SRMLMLDG       01A8
SRMLMTEL       01AE 00000004
SRMLOTHR       012C
SRMLSCAN       0226 00000032
SRMLSTEL       018C 00000003
SRML1DSP       019A
SRML1LDG       01AA
SRML2DSP       019C
SRML2LDG       01AC
SRML3DSP       019E
SRML3LDG       01AE
SRMMAJAT       0310
SRMMAJRV       0262 04
SRMMAJTD       010C
SRMMLIST       0004
SRMMNLDC       0200
SRMMNPGR       00F4
SRMMSCPU       0260
SRMMSNDX       035C
SRMMSPFX       0264
SRMMVESL       0270
SRMMXPAG       00F8
SRMNEWVM       022C
SRMNWRSC       0262 08
SRMPCLDG       01C0
SRMPCWSS       01E8
SRMPELDG       01CC 000001D0
SRMPEWSS       01F4 000001F8
SRMPGLIF       02A8
SRMPGRDE       0218
SRMPGRDL       021C
SRMPGRLD       0108
SRMPGWTF       0250
SRMPRMPT       0262 40
SRMP1LDG       01C4
SRMP1WSS       01EC
SRMP2LDG       01C8
SRMP2WSS       01F0
SRMP3LDG       01CC
SRMP3WSS       01F4
SRMRSCTM       0240
SRMRSRVP       0158
SRMRTBEL       012C 00000004
SRMRTBEN       0130 00000158
SRMRTBL        0130
SRMRTBSZ       012C 0000000A
SRMRVLTM       0030
SRMSCL8        0468 00000008
SRMSDORL       0088
SRMSDSPE       006E 00000070
SRMSDSPL       0068
SRMSDSP1       006A
SRMSDSP2       006C
SRMSDSP3       006E
SRMSELGE       007E 00000080
SRMSELGL       0078
SRMSELG1       007A
SRMSELG2       007C
SRMSELG3       007E
SRMSETDF       0188 80
SRMSISZ1       0344
SRMSISZ2       0348
SRMSISZ3       034C
SRMSIZE        0468 00000093
SRMSLDDE       0076 00000078
SRMSLDDL       0070
SRMSLDD1       0072
SRMSLDD2       0074
SRMSLDD3       0076
SRMSLDEL       0080
SRMSLDE1       0082
SRMSLDE2       0084
SRMSLDE3       0086
SRMSLOCK       03D8
SRMSPGRT       00E4
SRMSPLIN       005C
SRMSSCAN       0226 00000005
SRMSSTEL       009C
SRMSTDSP       0226
SRMSTEAL       0098
SRMSTORP       008C
SRMSTPTB       026C
SRMSTRD        0100
SRMSTSRW       0124
SRMSUSRC       005C 00000060
SRMSUSRE       0086 00000088
SRMTATM        00B0 000000B8
SRMTATM1       00B8
SRMTATM2       00C0
SRMTATM3       00C8
SRMTDTM        009C 000000A0
SRMTDTM1       00A0
SRMTDTM2       00A8
SRMTDTM3       00B0
SRMTIDCT       0263
SRMTIDLE       00D0
SRMTIMIN       0028
SRMTIMN        0028 28
SRMTODSV       02E0
SRMTOTST       0220
SRMTSHOT       0020
SRMTSLIC       0018
SRMT1PGR       011C
SRMT1USR       0120
SRMT1WSS       0118
SRMUSERC       0030 00000038
SRMVMTID       0008
SRMWSSDE       0214
SRMWSSDL       0278
SRMWSSD1       027C
SRMWSSD2       0280
SRMWSSD3       0284
SRMWSSEL       0294 00000004
SRMWSSLG       0288
SRMWSSL1       028C
SRMWSSL2       0290
SRMWSSL3       0294
SRMWSSMN       01D0
SRMWSSMP       01D4
SRMXCNT        03D4 06
SRMXCP         03C0
SRMXICF        03D0
SRMXIFL        03CC
SRMXISZ1       0350
SRMXISZ2       0354
SRMXISZ3       0358
SRMXPCTG       01D8
SRMXSIZE       00D8
SRMXSRTE       00F0
SRMXTBL        03C0
SRMXZAAP       03C8
SRMXZIIP       03D4
SRM1AVPG       0208
SRM1AVWS       020C
SRM1MNPG       0208 00000001
SRM1MNWS       020C 00000001

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:22:34 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011