Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

SLMBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: System LAN Management block
              The SLMBK holds the status of System LAN Management.
   HCPLANSL = Pointer to SLMBK
   HCPLANSD = Area reserved for the SLMBK
              Storage for the SLMBK is reserved in module HCPLAN
              when it is compiled.
              HCPLANBK COPY - LANBK represents a single Virtual LAN
              HCPMLTBK COPY - MLTBK represents a multi-level table


SLMBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      SLMBK          System LAN Management block
      LAN Management Lock -
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 SLMLKWRD (3)   Adapter Lockword
      System LAN Management -
        These fields are used to control and access the
        independent Virtual LAN structures in the system.
        The Set VMLAN command lock (SLMSVMLK) must be held
        EXCLUSIVE when processing a Set VMLAN ENSEMBLE command.
        This lock is used to serialize and indicate that a
        SET VMLAN ENSEMBLE command is active on this system.
        This lock MUST be obtained conditionally in order to
        detect that the command is currently being issued by
        someone else and also to allow it to be held across the
        HCPSOCK call.
        The LAN Management Lock (SLMLKWRD) must be held
        EXCLUSIVE to modify these fields.
        The LAN Management LOCK (SLMLKWRD) must be held
        SHARED to reference these fields.
      Lock Hierarchy -
        The following list is arranged to represent the sequence
        in which these locks must be OBTAINED (when multiple
        locks are required):
      These tiers show the order for obtaining virtual
      networking locks. Jump in at an level, but from that point
      on, you may obtain additional locks ONLY from a lower
      Tier 0:                  VDEVLOCK
      Tier 1:                  NICLKWRD
      Tier 2:                  SLMSVMLK
      Tier 3:                  SLMLKWRD
      Tier 4:                  LANLKWRD
      Tier 5:                  SLMACDLK
      Tier 6:                  MSVLKWRD
      Tier 8:       RDEVLOCK         LANCTLCK
      Tier 9:                  ILMLKWRD
0018   24 Address      4 SLMLANHD       Pointer to the First LANBK
001C   28 Signed       4 SLMTRACE       VNET Private Trace Token
0020   32 Signed       4 SLMPXCTR       Count of PERSISTENT VM LAN
0024   36 Signed       4 SLMTXCTR       Count of TRANSIENT VM LAN
0028   40 Signed       4 SLMPXMAX       Limit for PERSISTENT VM LAN
002C   44 Signed       4 SLMTXMAX       Limit for TRANSIENT VM LAN
0030   48 Bitstring    1 SLMCFLAG       Control Flag:
          1... ....      SLMPXLIM       X'80' SLMPXLIM - LIMIT PERSISTENT
          .1.. ....      SLMTXLIM       X'40' SLMTXLIM - LIMIT TRANSIENT
          ..1. ....      SLMMACRS       X'20' SLMMACRS - MACIDRANGE
                                        SYSTEM set
          ...1 ....      SLMMACRU       X'10' SLMMACRU - MACIDRANGE USER
          .... 1...      SLMPICMP       X'08' SLMPICMP - Post
                                        Initialization Complete
0031   49 Bitstring    1 SLMACNT        Accounting Flags:
          1... ....      SLMSYSAC       X'80' SLMSYSAC - SYSTEM ACNT
                                        default = ON
          .1.. ....      SLMUSRAC       X'40' SLMUSRAC - USER ACNT
                                        default = ON
0032   50 Bitstring    1 SLMMACPR       VMLAN MACprotect setting
          .... ....      SLMMACPR_UNSPEC
                                        0 SLMMACPR_UNSPEC = Unspecified
          .... ...1      SLMMACPR_ON    1 SLMMACPR_ON = On
          .... ..1.      SLMMACPR_OFF   2 SLMMACPR_OFF = Off
      MAC Services State                (Finite State Machine)
      Determines whether MAC Address assignments may be made by
      this system.  When state values are below x'80', this
      system may assign a MAC Address to a network device.
       State       Description
       -----       -----------
       Single      The system is not configured as a member of
                   a SSI cluster.  Cross system MAC Address is
                   not necessary.  This is the default state.
       Inactive    The system is configured to run in a SSI
                   cluster, but currently is not an active
                   member.  SSI JOIN processing did not start,
                   complete or wasn't successful.  This system
                   is prohibited from configuring network
                   devices or assigning MAC Addresses.
       Disable     The system is a member of a SSI cluster, but
                   the SSI is NOT in a STABLE mode.  This system
                   is prohibited from configuring network
                   devices or assigning MAC Addresses.
       Verify      The system is a member of a SSI cluster and
                   the SSI is in a STABLE mode.  The cross
                   system MAC Address MLT synchronization
                   initiated at SSI JOIN time has not completed.
                   Until the MAC Address table is synchronized
                   with all members of the SSI, all system
                   assigned MAC address must be validated with
                   all members of the SSI before assigning a MAC
       Enable      The system is a member of a SSI cluster and
                   the SSI is in a STABLE mode.  No cross system
                   MAC Address validation is required for local
                   system define MAC Addresses.
                                   IPL          Valid State
        +------------               V
        |                     +-----------+
                              |   SINGLE  |
          Not a SSI Cluster   |           |
          Enabled             |  SLMAC1SY |
          State               +-----------+
        |                           |
        +------------               V
        |                     +-----------+      +-----------+
                              |  INACTIVE |      |  DISABLE  |
          SSI          +----->|           |<---->|           |
          Disabled     |      |  SLMACINA |      |  SLMACUTB |
          Modes        |      +-----------+      +-----------+
                       |            A                  A
        |              |            |                  |
        +------------  |            |                  |
        |              |            |                  |
                       |            V                  V
          SSI          |      +-----------+      +-----------+
          Enabled      |      |  ENABLE   |      |   VERIFY  |
          Modes        |      |           |<---->|           |
                       |      |  SLMACPLX |      |  SLMACVER |
        |              |      +-----------+      +-----------+
        +------------  |                               A
                       |                               |
        NOTE: Bit 0 of the MAC Services state (SLMACSRV)
              indicates whether the service is ENABLED or
              DISABLE.  Therefore, SLMACDIS equate is both a
              state and bit mask value.
      Serialized :
        SLMACSRV is serialized by SLMMACLK Lock.
0033   51 Bitstring    1 SLMACSRV       MAC Services State
          00000000       SLMAC1SY       X'00' SLMAC1SY Not a SSI
                                        Configured System
          00000001       SLMACPLX       X'01' SLMACPLX Enabled for SSI
          00000002       SLMACVER       X'02' SLMACVER Enabled with
          00000080       SLMACDIS       X'80' SLMACDIS Start of Disabled
          00000081       SLMACINA       X'81' SLMACINA Not a SSI Member
          00000082       SLMACUTB       X'82' SLMACUTB SSI Mode is NOT
      SYSTEM MAC PREFIX           Serialized: SLMMACLK Lock
0034   52 Bitstring    3 SLMMACPF       VMLAN MACADDR Prefix
      Flag used to enable display of controller messages.
      This is used as the "expected" value by tools such as ZAPCP
0037   55 Bitstring    1 SLMMSGFL       VSWITCH controller message disply
          1... ....      SLMMSGON       X'80' SLMMSGON - Display
                                        controller message info
          .1.. ....      SLMMSGHX       X'40' SLMMSGHX - Display details
                                        as hex data
          .... 1...      SLMMSGIN       X'08' SLMMSGIN - Message is FROM
      MAC Address Table (serialized by SLMMACLK).
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
0038   56 Dbl-Word     8 SLMMACLK (3)   MACADDR Table Lockword Also
                                        protects the SLMMSVBK chain.
0050   80 Dbl-Word     8 SLMMACTB (4)   Reserve a MLTBK here
      Periodic Maintenance for VM LAN.
0070  112 Signed       4 SLMPMCTR       Periodic Maintenance counter
0074  116 Signed       4 SLMPMFRQ       Frequency of Maintenance (Number
                                        of SRMTIMIN intervals to count
                                        between calls)
0078  120 Bitstring    1 SLMFRMLK       Spin Lock for SLMFRMQH
0079  121 Bitstring    1 SLMPM_ACTIVE   Set (TS) during maintenance
007A  122 Bitstring    1 SLMDCINT       Deferred Controller Assignment
                                        Interval Time (# of 30 second
                                        intervals to wait)
          00000002       SLMDCA         2 Default Deferred Controller
                                        INTV (30 to 60 seconds wait time)
007B  123 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for Future IBM Use
007C  124 Signed       4 SLMFRMMX       Maximum recycled frame count
0080  128 Signed       4 SLMFRMCT       Recycled Frame counter
0084  132 Address      4 SLMFRMQP       Pointer to NDMBK recycle stack
         Notes      : SLMSWIPT/SLMSWICT access controlled by SLMSWLCK
0088  136 Address      4 SLMSWIPT       Switch Eligible Table Pointer
008C  140 Signed       4 SLMSWICT       Switch Eligible Table Counter
0090  144 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Align lockword on doubleword
0090  144 Bitstring   24 SLMSWLCK       Switch Eligible Table Lock
00A8  168 Address      4 SLMDIPHD       First Delete in Progress Pointer
00AC  172 Signed       4 SLMDIPCT       Delete in Progress Counter
00B0  176 Character    8 SLMPM_LANOWNER LANOWNER of most recent LANBK
00B8  184 Character    8 SLMPM_LANNAME  LANNAME of most recent LANBK
00C0  192 Signed       8 SLMPM_OLDTOD   Prior TOD clock
00C8  200 Signed       8 SLMPM_NEWTOD   Current TOD clock
      Timeout / Failover values for Guest Lan / VSWITCH
00D0  208 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Align on doubleword
00D0  208 Signed       4 SLMOSATO       VSWITCH OSA timeout (seconds)
00D4  212 Signed       4 SLMUSRTO       User interface timeout (seconds)
00D8  216 Dbl-Word     8 SLMCONTR       Controller hang time out value
00E0  224 Dbl-Word     8 SLMSETIP       SETIP Throttle time out value
00E8  232 Bitstring   12 SLMMACRG (0)   VMLAN MACIDRANGE values
00E8  232 Bitstring    6 SLMMACSY (0)   VMLAN MACIDRANGE SYSTEM begin-end
00E8  232 Bitstring    3 SLMMACSB       SYSTEM begin
00EB  235 Bitstring    3 SLMMACSE       SYSTEM end
00EE  238 Bitstring    6 SLMMACUS (0)   VMLAN MACIDRANGE USER begin-end
00EE  238 Bitstring    3 SLMMACUB       USER begin
00F1  241 Bitstring    3 SLMMACUE       USER end
00F4  244 Signed       4 SLM26CVR (0)   Diag x26C Buffer Version
00F4  244 Signed       2 SLM26CSV       - Service level version
00F6  246 Signed       2 SLM26CRV       - Release level version
00F8  248 Address      4 SLMSWPHD       Ptr to first SWPBK
00FC  252 Signed       2 SLMSWCTR       SWPBK counter
00FE  254 Bitstring    1 SLMFLAG        Reserved for IBM Internal Use
          1... ....      SLMALLOW       X'80' SLMALLOW - Allow flag
00FF  255 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved
0100  256 Dbl-Word     8 SLMRRTIM       Trunk retry time out value
0108  264 Signed       4 SLMWTMGRS      Managers waiting for VSWITCH
010C  268 Signed       4 SLMVDEVN       High water mark for VSWITCH
                                        pseudo-virtual device number
0110  272 Address      4 SLMMSVBK       HCPMSVBK VSWITCH chain anchor,
                                        holding virtual MAC assignment
                                        info. This chain, and the fields
                                        in its MSVBKs is protected by the
      USER MAC PREFIX             Serialized: SLMMACLK Lock
0114  276 Signed       4 * (0)          Enforce storage alignment
0114  276 Bitstring    3 SLMUSERP       VMLAN User MACADDR Prefix
0117  279 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for Future IBM Use
      Ensemble MAC Prefix         Serialized: SLMMACLK Lock
0118  280 Signed       4 * (0)          Enforce storage alignment
0118  280 Bitstring    3 SLMENSMP       SET VMLAN ENSEMBLE MACPrefix
      Ensemble Management VMLAN ENSEMBLE Setting
      The value in SLMENSBL contains the customer specified
      "Ensemble" setting configured in the SYSTEM CONFIG.  Bit 0
      (X'80') being on in the following codes indicate that this
      system will NOT be managed by the HMC/SE, even though the
      CEC is setup to be "Ensemble Managed".  The ENSEMBLE=NO
      option in the SYSTEM CONFIG gives the customer the option
      to selectively use "Ensemble Management" for only a subset
      of logical partitions.  Code values below X'80' indicate
      the system will be managed by the HMC/SE.
      Note that the phrase "Ensemble Managed" is not
      to be used externally.  The Unified Resource
      Manager is part of the HMC and provides the
      management of an ensemble.
      Serialized: SLMLKWRD Lock
011B  283 Bitstring    1 SLMENSBL       VMLAN Ensemble Flags:
          00000000       SLMENMUD       X'00' SLMENMUD - ENSEMBLE MEMBER
          00000004       SLMENMUN       X'04' SLMENMUN - ENSEMBLE MEMBER
          00000008       SLMENMYE       X'08' SLMENMYE - ENSEMBLE MEMBER
                                        YES Start of Negative Codes
          00000080       SLMENMNO       X'80' SLMENMNO - ENSEMBLE MEMBER
          00000080       SLMENEGA       X'80' SLMENEGA - ON/OFF Ensemble
                                        Managed Bit
      VSWITCH Defer Creation Queue
      Anchor for a link list of SL1BKs (define below).  Each
      SL1BK represents either a VSWITCH or MODIFY VSWITCH
      statement defined in z/VM's SYSTEM CONFIG file which can't
      be created until the system is enabled for HMC/SE Ensemble
      Management by the SMAPI Server.
      SLMDEFER ----> +---------+
         "A"         | SL1NEXT | SL1BK "A"
                     |   "B"   |
       (First)       +---------+
                          |   +---------+
                          +-->| SL1NEXT | SL1BK "B"
                              |   "C"   |
                                   |   +---------+
                                   +-->| SL1NEXT | SL1BK "C"
      SLMDNEXT ----------------------->|   "0"   |
         "C"                           +---------+
                           Serialized: SLMLKWRD Lock
011C  284 Bitstring    1 SLMDFLAG       Deferred VSWITCH Flags
          1... ....      SLMDPROC       X'80' SLMDPROC Processing in
                                        progress or has already been
011D  285 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use
011E  286 Signed       2 SLMDCNT        Count of DEFERRED VSWITCHes,
                                        MODIFY VSWITCHes excluded
0120  288 Dbl-Word     8 SLMDPTRS (0)   VSWITCH DEFERRED Queue Pointers
0120  288 Address      4 SLMDEFER       VSWITCH Defer Creation Queue
0124  292 Address      4 SLMDNEXT       Last entry on DEFERRED Queue End
                                        of VSWITCH Pointers -------
      Ensemble ID                 Serialized: SLMMACLK Lock
0128  296 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Enforce storage alignment
0128  296 Bitstring   16 SLMENSID       SET VMLAN ENSEMBLE ID
      Next Ensemble MAC MLT Key   Serialized: SLMMACLK Lock
0138  312 Bitstring    6 SLMENSNK (0)   Ensemble MAC next available key
0138  312 Bitstring    3 SLMENSKP       Ensemble MAC next key prefix
013B  315 Bitstring    3 SLMENSKS       Ensemble MAC next key suffix
             Levels for SLMNETSL (and SLMTRNSL)
013E  318 Bitstring    2 SLMENSFL       Ensemble Function Level
          .... ...1      SLMEFLV1       X'0001' SLMEFLV1 Initial Service
      Active ensemble values returned from HCPNETVE on error.
0140  320 Bitstring   16 SLMTRENS       Target Ensemble ID
0150  336 Bitstring    2 SLMTREFL       Target Ensemble Function Level
0152  338 Bitstring    1 SLMINTER       Internal Error Code
0153  339 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use
0154  340 Bitstring    8 SLMTRSYS       Target System
015C  348 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved for future IBM use
0160  352 Dbl-Word     8 SLMSVMLK (3)   Set VMLAN Command Lock
      MAC Address MLT Table Deletion Lock
      This lock is used to serialize the deletion of MAC
      Addresses (MSVBKs) from this system's MAC Address
      (SLMMACTB MLT) Table.
0178  376 Dbl-Word     8 SLMACDLK (3)   MAC Address Deletion Lock
0190  400 Dbl-Word     8 * (2)          Reserved for future IBM use
      End of the SLMBK.
01A0  416 Dbl-Word     8 SLM$END (0)    End of the SLMBK structure
          000001A0       SLMBKLN        *-SLMBK Length of SLMBK in bytes
          00000034       SLMBKSZ        (*-SLMBK+7)/8 Size of SLMBK in
       PREFIX_LEN = 3
      Start of Assembler Control Block


SLMBK Storage Layout

*** SLMBK - System LAN Management block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMLKWRD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         SLMLANHD          |         SLMTRACE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         SLMPXCTR          |         SLMTXCTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         SLMPXMAX          |         SLMTXMAX          |
*     +------+------+------+------+--------------------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+--------------------+------+
*  38 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMMACLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMMACTB                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         SLMPMCTR          |         SLMPMFRQ          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  78 |:FRMLK|(079) |:DCINT|//////|         SLMFRMMX          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         SLMFRMCT          |         SLMFRMQP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         SLMSWIPT          |         SLMSWICT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMSWLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         SLMDIPHD          |         SLMDIPCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |                    SLMPM_LANOWNER                     |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  B8 |                    SLMPM_LANNAME                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C0 |                     SLMPM_OLDTOD                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  C8 |                     SLMPM_NEWTOD                      |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         SLMOSATO          |         SLMUSRTO          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |                       SLMCONTR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E0 |                       SLMSETIP                        |
*     +--------------------+--------------------+-------------+
*  E8 |     SLMMACSB       |     SLMMACSE       | SLMMACUB-   |
*     +------+-------------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  F0 |-(0EE)|     SLMMACUE       |  SLM26CSV   |  SLM26CRV   |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+------+------+
*  F8 |         SLMSWPHD          |  SLMSWCTR   |:FLAG |//////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 100 |                       SLMRRTIM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 108 |        SLMWTMGRS          |         SLMVDEVN          |
*     +---------------------------+--------------------+------+
* 110 |         SLMMSVBK          |     SLMUSERP       |//////|
*     +--------------------+------+------+------+------+------+
* 118 |     SLMENSMP       |:ENSBL|:DFLAG|//////|  SLMDCNT    |
*     +--------------------+------+------+------+-------------+
* 120 |         SLMDEFER          |         SLMDNEXT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 128 |                       SLMENSID                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +--------------------+--------------------+-------------+
* 138 |     SLMENSKP       |     SLMENSKS       |  SLMENSFL   |
*     +--------------------+--------------------+-------------+
* 140 |                       SLMTRENS                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 150 |  SLMTREFL   |:INTER|//////|        SLMTRSYS-          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 158 |          -(154)           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMSVMLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 178 |                                                       |
*     =                       SLMACDLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 190 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** SLMBK - System LAN Management block


SLMBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
SLM$END        01A0
SLMACDIS       0033 00000080
SLMACDLK       0178
SLMACINA       0033 00000081
SLMACNT        0031
SLMACPLX       0033 00000001
SLMACSRV       0033
SLMACUTB       0033 00000082
SLMACVER       0033 00000002
SLMAC1SY       0033 00000000
SLMALLOW       00FE 80
SLMBKLN        01A0 000001A0
SLMBKSZ        01A0 00000034
SLMCFLAG       0030
SLMCONTR       00D8
SLMDCA         007A 00000002
SLMDCINT       007A
SLMDCNT        011E
SLMDEFER       0120
SLMDFLAG       011C
SLMDIPHD       00A8
SLMDNEXT       0124
SLMDPROC       011C 80
SLMDPTRS       0120
SLMEFLV1       013E 01
SLMENEGA       011B 00000080
SLMENMNO       011B 00000080
SLMENMUD       011B 00000000
SLMENMUN       011B 00000004
SLMENMYE       011B 00000008
SLMENSBL       011B
SLMENSFL       013E
SLMENSID       0128
SLMENSKP       0138
SLMENSKS       013B
SLMENSMP       0118
SLMENSNK       0138
SLMFLAG        00FE
SLMFRMCT       0080
SLMFRMLK       0078
SLMFRMMX       007C
SLMFRMQP       0084
SLMINTER       0152
SLMLANHD       0018
SLMLKWRD       0000
SLMMACLK       0038
SLMMACPF       0034
SLMMACPR       0032
SLMMACPR_OFF   0032 02
SLMMACPR_ON    0032 01
               0032 00
SLMMACRG       00E8
SLMMACRS       0030 20
SLMMACRU       0030 10
SLMMACSB       00E8
SLMMACSY       00E8
SLMMACTB       0050
SLMMACUE       00F1
SLMMSGFL       0037
SLMMSGHX       0037 40
SLMMSGIN       0037 08
SLMMSGON       0037 80
SLMMSVBK       0110
SLMOSATO       00D0
SLMPICMP       0030 08
SLMPMCTR       0070
SLMPMFRQ       0074
SLMPXCTR       0020
SLMPXLIM       0030 80
SLMPXMAX       0028
SLMRRTIM       0100
SLMSETIP       00E0
SLMSVMLK       0160
SLMSWICT       008C
SLMSWIPT       0088
SLMSWLCK       0090
SLMSWPHD       00F8
SLMSYSAC       0031 80
SLMTRACE       001C
SLMTREFL       0150
SLMTRENS       0140
SLMTRSYS       0154
SLMTXCTR       0024
SLMTXLIM       0030 40
SLMTXMAX       002C
SLMUSERP       0114
SLMUSRAC       0031 40
SLMUSRTO       00D4
SLMVDEVN       010C
SLMWTMGRS      0108
SLM26CRV       00F6
SLM26CSV       00F4
SLM26CVR       00F4

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:21:32 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011