Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM. |
Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
SI2BK Prolog
NAME : HCPSI2GB DESCRIPTION: SIE STATE DESCRIPTION (Format 2) DSECT : SI2BK FUNCTION : This control block describes a guest (virtual machine) to the interpretive-execution facility of the machine (embodied in the SIE instruction). It defines a SIE format-2 state description, which is the operand of a host SIE instruction when CP is running as a z/Arch mode host. The SIE state description used by the host control program to run a guest is imbedded in the VMDBK, which is described by HCPVMDBK COPY. The SIE state description is also used by a guest control program operating in zArch mode to run a virtual guest. In that context, it is the operand of a guest SIE instruction. This control block is defined by processor architecture. LOCATED BY : VMDSDSC in the VMDBK VMDSDSC in the V/SIE VMDBK (which is identified by VMDTYPE = VMDTYPSI) CREATED BY : HCPBVM, HCPWVS DELETED BY : HCPUSO, HCPWSIFR COMMENTS : As noted above, VM uses the state description in two contexts: 1) It is imbedded within the VMDBK which we use to represent first-level guests (RGuests) when we issue the SIE instruction to run those guests. In this case, we refer to it as a SIEBK. Some of the comments on fields below apply only to the SIEBKs which are imbedded in RGuest VMDBKs. Those comments are surrounded by the annotation: [VMDBK only: ]. 2) It is an argument of an RGuest's SIE instruction. In this context, it is not associated with a VMDBK -- at least, our usage can not depend on such an association, as we are limited to the interface specified by the interpretive-execution architecture. When referring to such a state description, we call it an SI1BK (if the RGuest is in ESA/370 or ESA/390 mode) or an SI2BK (if the RGuest is in zArch mode). Note that in processing such a state description, we will translate it into a "shadow" state description imbedded in a vSIE VMDBK; we may thereafter refer to it as a SIEBK. In general, "[VMDBK only:]" comments do not apply to the SIEBKs in vSIE VMDBKs.
SI2BK Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SI2BK SIE STATE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (format 2) 0000 0 Bitstring 512 SI2SDSC (0) Guest machine state description (format 2) 0000 0 Signed 4 SI2INTWD (0) Symbol on word boundary for Compare-and-Swap operations 0000 0 Bitstring 1 SI2NTVCT Emulation intervention control ...1 .... SI2IPWAI X'10' SI2IPWAI Wait/Run bit. When this bit is set, the state description is "waiting", and host intervention is needed to make it runnable. .... 1... SI2IPXTC X'08' SI2IPXTC EXTERNAL CALL INTERRUPTION PENDING .... .1.. SI2IPSTP X'04' SI2IPSTP SIE stopping control .... ..1. SI2IPVIO X'02' SI2IPVIO I/O INTERRUPTION PENDING .... ...1 SI2IPEXT X'01' SI2IPEXT EXTERNAL INTERRUPTION PENDING SIESTATC is serialized in the following way: - Testing or modifying SIERUNNING requires Dispatch Lock. - Modifying any other bit requires Dispatch Lock AND either Guest Instruction-stream or Console Function Mode. Testing any of these other bits only requires that 1 of the 3 previously mentioned serializations is held. 0001 1 Bitstring 1 SI2STATC SIE state control fields 1... .... SI2RUNNING X'80' SI2RUNNING Indicates guest CPU is running .1.. .... SI2RSCB X'40' SI2RSCB SIE-state-retention retained- status control bit. When 1, an internal version of the contents of certain fields of the state description retained from a previous SIE instruction invocation may be used .... ..1. SI2EXTMR X'02' SI2EXTMR Expedite-Timer processing enabled .... ...1 SI2EXRUN X'01' SI2EXRUN Expedite-Run processing enabled SIxMODE and SIxMODEX contain bits that can be used to determine the machine mode type. [VMDBK only: In the state descriptions which VM imbeds in (RGuest) VMDBKs, these bits should NOT be used for this purpose anymore; instead, the HCPVMODE macro should be used to test for machine modes: System-370, ESA/370, ESA/XC. 370-XA machines are considered to be ESA/370.] 0002 2 Bitstring 1 SI2MODEX Machine mode control byte MX 1... .... SI2RRF X'80' SI2RRF Region Relocate installed .1.. .... SI22NDVV X'40' SI22NDVV Indicates Rguest runs V=V guests via uVSIE (microcode VSIE). [VMDBK only: This bit is set at the first SIE instruction intercept if TRACE is not being used and SIERRF is set. Valid in all VMDBKs.] ..1. .... SI22NDVR X'20' SI22NDVR Indicates Rguest runs V=R guests via uVSIE (microcode VSIE). [VMDBK only: See SIE2NDVV comments for when set.] .... 1... SI2ESAME X'08' SI2ESAME Guest is in zArch mode .... ...1 SI2MCDS X'01' SI2MCDS If MCDS facility is installed and ESA/370 mode is enabled, then the guest is in MCDS mode. 0003 3 Bitstring 1 SI2MODE Guest machine mode controls .... 1... SI2VR X'08' SI2VR V=R GUEST (PREFERRED STORAGE) STORAGE FOR THE V=R GUEST IS MAPPED SO THAT GUEST ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES ARE EQUAL TO HOST ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES. .... ...1 SI2GPE X'01' SI2GPE This bit signifies that the guest per enhancement feature should be used. When set, guest per enhancement makes it so that guest PER is always enabled. This bit overrides bit 1 in the guest PSW. 0004 4 Signed 4 SI2PREFX Guest prefix register value in bits 1-18 or 1-19. The other bits are not part of the prefix value and must be masked off if SIEPREFX is used as a full word value. Either VMDPRFMK or MSKPFX in HCPEQUAT may be used to isolate the prefix value. MSKPFX can be used to mask off the non-prefix values. VMDPFXMK should be used to also ensure the correct value of bit 19 depending on whether the guest is ESA/390 or z/Architecture mode. 0008 8 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM hardware 000C 12 Signed 4 * Reserved for programmingg 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM hardware 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM hardware 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM hardware (former HIRES/LORES for 370 interval timer) 0028 40 Bitstring 1 SI2CPUT0 (0) HIGH-ORDER BYTE OF CPU TIMER 1... .... SI2CPUTN X'80' SI2CPUTN TIMER VALUE IS NEGATIVE 0028 40 Signed 8 SI2CPUTM Guest CPU timer value [VMDBK only: This is usually managed by the interpretive-execution facility. See also the description of VMDVTZPT in the VMDBK.] 0030 48 Signed 8 SI2CKC Guest clock comparator value 0038 56 Signed 8 SI2EPOCH Guest time-of-day clock epoch To define delta between host TOD clock and guest TOD clock - epoch is added to host TOD clock value to obtain guest TOD clock value 0040 64 Bitstring 1 SI2SVCTL SVC interception controls 1... .... SI2SVCNN X'80' SI2SVCNN INTERCEPT ALL SVC INSTRUCTIONS .1.. .... SI2SVC1C X'40' SI2SVC1C INTERCEPT ON SVC NUMBER IN SVC1N ..1. .... SI2SVC2C X'20' SI2SVC2C INTERCEPT ON SVC NUMBER IN SVC2N ...1 .... SI2SVC3C X'10' SI2SVC3C INTERCEPT ON SVC NUMBER IN SVC3N 0041 65 Bitstring 1 SI2SVC1N Intercept SVC number first id 0042 66 Bitstring 1 SI2SVC2N Intercept SVC number second id 0043 67 Bitstring 1 SI2SVC3N Intercept SVC number third id 0044 68 Bitstring 2 SI2LCTLS (0) LCTL/LCTLG interception controls 0044 68 Bitstring 1 SI2LCTB0 LCTL interception, CR0-CR7 1... .... SI2LCTL0 X'80' SI2LCTL0 INTERCEPT LCTL CR0 .1.. .... SI2LCTL1 X'40' SI2LCTL1 INTERCEPT LCTL CR1 ..1. .... SI2LCTL2 X'20' SI2LCTL2 INTERCEPT LCTL CR2 ...1 .... SI2LCTL3 X'10' SI2LCTL3 INTERCEPT LCTL CR3 .... 1... SI2LCTL4 X'08' SI2LCTL4 INTERCEPT LCTL CR4 .... .1.. SI2LCTL5 X'04' SI2LCTL5 INTERCEPT LCTL CR5 .... ..1. SI2LCTL6 X'02' SI2LCTL6 INTERCEPT LCTL CR6 .... ...1 SI2LCTL7 X'01' SI2LCTL7 INTERCEPT LCTL CR7 0045 69 Bitstring 1 SI2LCTB1 LCTL interception, CR8-CR15 1... .... SI2LCTL8 X'80' SI2LCTL8 INTERCEPT LCTL CR8 .1.. .... SI2LCTL9 X'40' SI2LCTL9 INTERCEPT LCTL CR9 ..1. .... SI2LCTLA X'20' SI2LCTLA INTERCEPT LCTL CR10 ...1 .... SI2LCTLB X'10' SI2LCTLB INTERCEPT LCTL CR11 .... 1... SI2LCTLC X'08' SI2LCTLC INTERCEPT LCTL CR12 .... .1.. SI2LCTLD X'04' SI2LCTLD INTERCEPT LCTL CR13 .... ..1. SI2LCTLE X'02' SI2LCTLE INTERCEPT LCTL CR14 .... ...1 SI2LCTLF X'01' SI2LCTLF INTERCEPT LCTL CR15 0046 70 Signed 2 SI2ICPUA Virtual CPU address for interpretive execution (bits 10-15 are used, bits 0-9 are reserved for IBM hardware) 0048 72 Bitstring 4 SI2ICTLS (0) Interception controls 0048 72 Bitstring 1 SI2ICPT0 Interception controls, byte 0 1... .... SI2ICPOP X'80' SI2ICPOP Intercept operation exception program interruptions .1.. .... SI2ICPRO X'40' SI2ICPRO Intercept privileged operation program interruptions ..1. .... SI2ICPRG X'20' SI2ICPRG Intercept program interruptions ...1 .... SI2ICFII X'10' SI2ICFII IC.3 Intercept Facility-indicating- instructions .... ...1 SI2ICIPT X'01' SI2ICIPT Intercept Invalidate Page Table Entry instructions (IPTE) or CSP or IDTE or CSPG 0049 73 Bitstring 1 SI2ICPT1 Interception controls, byte 1 .1.. .... SI2ICLPS X'40' SI2ICLPS Intercept Load PSW (LPSW), Load PSW Extended (LPSWE), and Extract PSW (EPSW) instructions ..1. .... SI2ICPTL X'20' SI2ICPTL Intercept Purge TLB (PTLB) and Purge ALB (PALB) instructions ...1 .... SI2ICSSM X'10' SI2ICSSM Intercept Set System Mask (SSM) instructions .... 1... SI2ICBSA X'08' SI2ICBSA Intercept Branch and Set Authority (BSA) instructions .... .1.. SI2ICSTC X'04' SI2ICSTC Intercept Store Control (STCTL, STCTG) instructions .... ..1. SI2ICSTN X'02' SI2ICSTN Intercept Store Then And System Mask (STNSM) instructions .... ...1 SI2ICSTO X'01' SI2ICSTO Intercept Store Then Or System Mask (STOSM) instructions X'80' Reserved for future IBM use 004A 74 Bitstring 1 SI2ICPT2 Interception controls, byte 2 1... .... SI2ICSTK X'80' SI2ICSTK Intercept Store Clock (STCK) and Store Clock Fast (STCKF) instructions .1.. .... SI2ICISK X'40' SI2ICISK Intercept Insert Storage Key Extended (ISKE) instructions ..1. .... SI2ICSSK X'20' SI2ICSSK Intercept Set Storage Key Extended (SSKE) instructions ...1 .... SI2ICRRB X'10' SI2ICRRB Intercept Reset Reference Bit Extended (RRBE) instructions .... 1... SI2ICPC X'08' SI2ICPC Intercept Program Call (PC) instructions .... .1.. SI2ICPT X'04' SI2ICPT Intercept Program Transfer (PT) and Program Transfer with Instance (PTI) instructions .... ..1. SI2ICTPT X'02' SI2ICTPT Intercept Test Protection (TPROT) instructions .... ...1 SI2ICLSP X'01' SI2ICLSP Intercept Load Address Space Parameters (LASP) instructions 004B 75 Bitstring 1 SI2ICPT3 Interception controls, byte 3 .1.. .... SI2ICSPT X'40' SI2ICSPT Intercept Set CPU Timer (SPT) and Store CPU Timer (STPT) instructions ..1. .... SI2ICSCK X'20' SI2ICSCK Intercept Set Clock Comparator (SCKC) and Store Clock Comparator (STCKC) instructions instruction .... 1... SI2ICPR X'08' SI2ICPR Intercept Program Return (PR) instruction .... .1.. SI2ICBAK X'04' SI2ICBAK Intercept Branch and Stack (BAKR) instruction .... ..1. SI2ICPG X'02' SI2ICPG Intercept Page In (PGIN) and Page Out (PGOUT) instructions. 004C 76 Bitstring 4 SI2ECA (0) Execution controls 004C 76 Bitstring 1 SI2ECA0 Execution controls, byte 0 1... .... SI2ECEXT X'80' SI2ECEXT External Interruption Interpretation Assist .1.. .... SI2ECINT X'40' SI2ECINT Intervention Bypass Assist ..1. .... SI2ECWAI X'20' SI2ECWAI Guest Wait-State Assist ...1 .... SI2ECSGP X'10' SI2ECSGP SIGP Interpretation Assist .... 1... SI2ECALT X'08' SI2ECALT Alert monitoring bit .... .1.. SI2ECIO2 X'04' SI2ECIO2 I/O-Interpretation-level-2 activation bit .... ...1 SI2ECMVP X'01' SI2ECMVP MVPG Facility enablement. When this bit is one, SIE will inter- pret the MVPG and IESBE opcodes. 004D 77 Bitstring 1 SI2ECA1 Execution controls, byte 1 004E 78 Bitstring 1 SI2ECA2 Execution controls, byte 2 004F 79 Bitstring 1 SI2ECA3 Execution controls, byte 3 .... .1.. SI2SIGA X'04' SI2SIGA Signal Adapter (SIGA) Assist 0050 80 Bitstring 1 SI2ICODE Interception Event Code This field describes a guest condition detected by the interpretive-execution facility (usually), which requires software intervention or simulation. [VMDBK only: It is also used by software to indicate that there exists a description of guest conditions by software, in VMDNTMOD, that requires sortware intervention for tracing.] 00000000 SI2ENDOP 0 SI2ENDOP RESERVED FOR IBM SOFTWARE USE SIxENDOP is used to indicate that the guest machine is between instuctions, or currently executing in emulation mode 00000004 SI2ICNTC 4 SI2ICNTC INSTRUCTION INTERCEPTION. A GUEST INSTRUCTION WAS FOUND BY EMULATION HARDWARE WHICH IS NOT EMULATED, OR WHICH WAS REQUESTED FOR INTERCEPTION IN THE INTERCEPTION CONTROLS. 00000008 SI2ICPNT 8 SI2ICPNT PROGRAM INTERRUPT INTERCEPTION 0000000C SI2ICBOT 12 SI2ICBOT BOTH INSTRUCTION AND PROGRAM INTERRUPT INTERCEPTIONS 00000010 SI2ICPEX 16 SI2ICPEX PENDING EXTERNAL INTERRUPT 00000014 SI2ICXNT 20 SI2ICXNT EXTERNAL INTERRUPT INTERCEPTION 00000018 SI2ICPIO 24 SI2ICPIO PENDING I/O INTERRUPT INTERCEPT 0000001C SI2ICWT 28 SI2ICWT WAIT STATE INTERCEPTION 00000020 SI2ICVAL 32 SI2ICVAL VALIDITY INTERCEPTION 00000024 SI2IMISC 36 SI2IMISC SOFTWARE USE ONLY Used to indicate that a software event has occurred which is not one of the other codes. [VMDBK only: the condition is further described in the VMDNTMOD field.] 00000028 SI2ICSTP 40 SI2ICSTP STOP INTERCEPTION 0000002C SI2ICOUO 44 SI2ICOUO OPERATION EXCEPTION INTERCEPTION 00000030 SI2ICALT 48 SI2ICALT Alert interception 00000038 SI2ICPIX 56 SI2ICPIX PARTIAL INSTRUCTION-EXECUTION INTERCEPTION 0000003C SI2ICIOR 60 SI2ICIOR I/O INTERRUPTION INTERCEPTION 00000040 SI2ICION 64 SI2ICION I/O INSTRUCTION INTERCEPTION 00000044 SI2ICRUN 68 SI2ICRUN Expedite-Run processing Interception 00000048 SI2ICTMR 72 SI2ICTMR Expedite-Timer processing Interception 00000003 SI2IMLT4 X'03' SI2IMLT4 To ensure field is multiple of 4 0051 81 Bitstring 1 SI2ICFLG Instruction interception status .11. .... SI2ICEXL X'60' SI2ICEXL In SIE the interception status is one byte, x'51'. The XILC is bits 1 and 2 of that byte. A value in those bits of 2 indicates the interception was for an EX type instruction. A value of 3 in those bits indicates the interception was for an EXRL type instruction. ICEXL and ICEXS describe this scenario. .1.. .... SI2ICEXS X'40' SI2ICEXS The intercepted Execute-type instruction has an instruction length of 6 if bits 1 and 2 are on (a value of 3) and ICEX is on. The Execute-type instruction has an instruction length of 4 if bit 1 is on and bit 2 is off (a value of 2) and if ICEX is on. These two bits are only set if the Execute-Extensions Facility is installed. .... ..1. SI2ICIF X'02' SI2ICIF INSTRUCTION FETCH EVENT (P.E.R) .... ...1 SI2ICEX X'01' SI2ICEX The intercepted instruction was the subject of an execute-type instruction 0052 82 Signed 2 SI2IHCPU Host CPU address that last entered emulation mode for this state description 0054 84 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM use 0056 86 Bitstring 6 SI2IPARM (0) Interception parameter (A & B) 0056 86 Signed 2 SI2IPA (0) Interception parameter A Bits 0-15 0056 86 Signed 2 SI2INST (0) Interception parameter bit 0-15 0056 86 Bitstring 1 SI2INSTO Interception parameter bits 0-7 First byte of the OPCODE 00000056 SI2IPA0 SI2INSTO 0057 87 Bitstring 1 SI2INSTE Interception parameter bit 8-15 .1.1 .111 SI2IPA1 SI2INSTE SI2IPA1 Second byte of the OPCODE for extended opcode instruction or R1R2 field or immediate data field or length field 0058 88 Signed 4 SI2IPB (0) Interception parameter B Bits 16-47 For instruction interception, this field contains bytes 2 and beyond of the instruction text, if the instruction is that long 0058 88 Signed 2 SI2IPBH0 (0) Halfword 0 of IPB 0058 88 Bitstring 1 SI2IPB0 Byte 0 of IPB 0059 89 Bitstring 1 SI2IPB1 Byte 1 of IPB 005A 90 Signed 2 SI2IPBH1 (0) Halfword 1 of IPB 005A 90 Bitstring 1 SI2IPB2 Byte 2 of IPB 005B 91 Bitstring 1 SI2IPB3 Byte 3 of IPB 005C 92 Signed 4 SI2IBM3 Reserved for IBM hardware use 0060 96 Signed 4 SI2RCP (0) Controls for storage-key ops and reference and change preserv'n 0060 96 Bitstring 1 SI2RCPB0 BYTE ZERO, FLAGS FOR STORAGE KEY ASSIST .1.. .... SI2SKAIP X'40' SI2SKAIP Storage key assist in progress 0061 97 Bitstring 3 SI2ECB (0) Execution Controls B 0061 97 Bitstring 1 SI2ECBB0 Execution Controls B (ECB byte 0) 1... .... SI2QEBSM X'80' SI2QEBSM (00) QEBSM Interpretation Active .1.. .... SI2DMRI X'40' SI2DMRI (01) DMR Interpretation 0062 98 Bitstring 1 SI2ECBB1 (0) Execution Controls B (ECB byte 1) 0062 98 Bitstring 1 SI2RCPB2 Byte two, flags for assists ...1 .... SI2RCPBY X'10' SI2RCPBY (11) RCP Bypass (B) for guest 0063 99 Bitstring 1 SI2ECBB2 Execution Controls B (ECB byte 2) .... 1... SI2ECB20 X'08' SI2ECB20 (20) Reserved for IBM Use .... .1.. SI2ECB21 X'04' SI2ECB21 (21) Reserved for IBM Use 0064 100 Address 4 SI2ISCAA System control area address 0068 104 Signed 4 SI2RSVD2 Reserved for IBM hardware 006C 108 Signed 4 SI2TODPR (0) TOD Programmable Register 006C 108 Signed 2 * TODPR high half 006E 110 Signed 2 SI2TODPF TOD Programmable Field 0070 112 Address 4 SI2GISA GISA Absolute Address 0074 116 Bitstring 4 SI2IOPCT (0) I/O Interpretation Control 2 0074 116 Bitstring 1 SI2AZN Active zone number 0075 117 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM hardware use 0076 118 Signed 2 SI2DVSCS (0) IRB DS mask 0076 118 Bitstring 1 SI2DVST Device status byte of the IRB DS mask - the contents of this field are ANDed with the device status byte of the IRB by TSCH to see if type B information is present 1... .... CSWATTN X'80' CSWATTN ATTENTION .1.. .... CSWSM X'40' CSWSM STATUS MODIFIER ..1. .... CSWCUE X'20' CSWCUE CONTROL UNIT END ...1 .... CSWBUSY X'10' CSWBUSY BUSY .... 1... CSWCE X'08' CSWCE CHANNEL END .... .1.. CSWDE X'04' CSWDE DEVICE END .... ..1. CSWUC X'02' CSWUC UNIT CHECK .... ...1 CSWUE X'01' CSWUE UNIT EXCEPTION .... 11.. CSWCEDE X'0C' CSWCEDE CHANNEL END AND DEVICE END ..1. 11.. CSWCEDC X'2C' CSWCEDC CHANNEL END,DEVICE END,AND CUE .1.1 .... CSWSMBSY X'50' CSWSMBSY CONTROL UNIT BUSY .111 .... CSWCBS X'70' CSWCBS CONTROL UNIT BUSY AND END 1... .1.. CSWDEA X'84' CSWDEA DEVICE END AND ATTENTION 0077 119 Bitstring 1 SI2SCST Subchannel status byte of the IRB DS mask - the contents of this field are ANDed with the subchannel status byte of the IRB by TSCH to see if type B information is present 1... .... CSWPCI X'80' CSWPCI PROGRAM CONTROLLED INTERRUPTION Command Mode only .1.. .... CSWIL X'40' CSWIL INCORRECT LENGTH INDICATION Command Mode only ..1. .... CSWPRG X'20' CSWPRG CHANNEL PROGRAM CHECK ...1 .... CSWPROT X'10' CSWPROT STORAGE PROTECTION CHECK .... 1... CSWCDC X'08' CSWCDC CHANNEL DATA CHECK .... .1.. CSWCCC X'04' CSWCCC CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK .... ..1. CSWIFCC X'02' CSWIFCC INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK .... ...1 CSWCHC X'01' CSWCHC CHANNEL CHAINING CHECK Command Mode only .... 111. CSWHCE X'0E' CSWHCE CDC+CCC+IFCC HARDWARE ERRORS ..11 ...1 CSWPCE X'31' CSWPCE PRG+CHC+PROT PROGRAM ERRORS 0078 120 Signed 4 SI2RSVD3 (0) Reserved for IBM hardware 0078 120 Bitstring 1 SI2AZM Alert generating zone mask 0079 121 Bitstring 2 SI2IBM2 Reserved for IBM hardware 007B 123 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM hardware 007C 124 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM hardware 0080 128 Signed 8 SI2GMSOR Guest real main-storage origin in host address space 0088 136 Signed 8 SI2GMSLM Guest real main-storage limit in host address space Bits 0-43 of this field, padded on the right with 20 *ones*, is the highest host virtual address to which the guest has access. Thus, the actual guest storage size is (GMSLM+1M-GMSOR). 00FFFFFF SI2GMSMKH X'FFFFFFFF' Mask for significant bits of GMSOR/GMSLM -- high half 00F00000 SI2GMSMKL X'FFF00000' Ditto -- low half 0090 144 Bitstring 16 SI2GPSW (0) Guest PSW (zArch guests) 0090 144 Bitstring 8 SI2PSW (0) Guest PSW (ESA/390 guests) 0090 144 Signed 4 SI2PSW0F (0) Bytes 0:3 of guest PSW 0090 144 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW0B (0) Byte 0 of guest PSW 1111 11.. PSWIOMSK X'FC' PSWIOMSK CHANNEL MASK, CHANNELS 0-5 .... ..1. PSWIOSMB X'02' PSWIOSMB I/O SUMMARY MASK, CHANNEL 6-15 .... ...1 PSWEXSMB X'01' PSWEXSMB EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SUMMARY MASK 0090 144 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW0 Byte 0 of guest PSW .1.. .... PSWPERA X'40' PSWPERA PROGRAM EVENT RECORDING ACTIVE .... .1.. PSWTRAN X'04' PSWTRAN ADDRESS TRANSLATE MODE ACTIVE .... ..1. PSWIOSM X'02' PSWIOSM I/O INTERRUPTION SUMMARY MASK .... ...1 PSWEXSM X'01' PSWEXSM EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SUMMARY MASK 0091 145 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW1 Byte 1 of guest PSW 1111 .... PSWKEY X'F0' PSWKEY PSW ACCESS KEY EXTRACTION MASK .... 1... PSWECMD X'08' PSWECMD EXTENDED CONTROL MODE ACTIVE .... .1.. PSWMCHK X'04' PSWMCHK MACHINE CHECK SUMMARY MASK .... ..1. PSWWAIT X'02' PSWWAIT PROGRAM WAIT STATE .... ...1 PSWPROB X'01' PSWPROB PROGRAM PROBLEM STATE .... ...1 PSWMAPPD X'01' PSWMAPPD For BC-mode PSWs created by the 370 Accommodation facility, this bit being set indicates that the PSW is really a "mapped" PSW. See HCPPSW. 0092 146 Signed 2 SI2PSW2H (0) Bytes 2:3 of guest PSW 0092 146 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW2 Byte 2 of guest PSW 11.. .... PSWASMSK X'C0' PSWASMSK ADDRESS SPACE CONTROL MASK 11.. .... PSWHMODE X'C0' PSWHMODE HOME-SPACE MODE 1... .... PSWSMODE X'80' PSWSMODE SECONDARY MODE .1.. .... PSWAMODE X'40' PSWAMODE ACCESS-REGISTER MODE ..11 .... PSWCOND X'30' PSWCOND PSW CONDITION CODE ..1. .... PSWCOND2 X'20' PSWCOND2 PSW CONDITION CODE BIT FOR CC=2,3 ...1 .... PSWCOND1 X'10' PSWCOND1 PSW CONDITION CODE BIT FOR CC=1,3 .... 1111 PSWPMSK X'0F' PSWPMSK FIXO+DECO+EXUN+SIGN PROGRAM MASK .... 1... PSWFIXO X'08' PSWFIXO FIXED-PT OVERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... .1.. PSWDECO X'04' PSWDECO DECIMAL OVERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... ..1. PSWEXUN X'02' PSWEXUN EXPONENT UNDERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... ...1 PSWSIGN X'01' PSWSIGN SIGNIFICANCE INTERRUPT MASK .... .... PSWPMODE X'00' PSWPMODE PRIMARY-SPACE MODE 0093 147 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW3 Reserved for IBM hardware .... ...1 PSWEA X'01' PSWEA Extended Addressing Mode 0094 148 Signed 4 SI2PSW4F (0) Bytes 4:7 of guest PSW 0094 148 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW4B (0) Byte 4 of guest PSW 11.. .... PSWILCBC X'C0' PSWILCBC INSTRUCTION LENGTH CODE (ILC) 1... .... PSWILCB4 X'80' PSWILCB4 BC MODE ILC, 4 BYTE LENGTH .1.. .... PSWILCB2 X'40' PSWILCB2 BC MODE ILC, 2 BYTE LENGTH ..11 .... PSWCONDB X'30' PSWCONDB PSW CONDITION CODE ..1. .... PSWCONB2 X'20' PSWCONB2 PSW CONDITION CODE BIT FOR CC=2,3 ...1 .... PSWCONB1 X'10' PSWCONB1 PSW CONDITION CODE BIT FOR CC=1,3 .... 1111 PSWPMSKB X'0F' PSWPMSKB FIXOB+DECOB+EXUNB+SIGNB PROGRAM MASK .... 1... PSWFIXOB X'08' PSWFIXOB FIXED-PT OVERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... .1.. PSWDECOB X'04' PSWDECOB DECIMAL OVERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... ..1. PSWEXUNB X'02' PSWEXUNB EXPONENT UNDERFLOW INTRPT MASK .... ...1 PSWSIGNB X'01' PSWSIGNB SIGNIFICANCE INTERRUPT MASK Equate to define the open storage key associated with the Storage-Protection Override facility .... 1..1 KEYOPEN 9 KEYOPEN Access-control bits for the open storage key. Equates for storage key processing. May be used to process storage key information in ISKE/SSKE operand format. 1111 .... KEYACC X'F0' KEYACC Storage key access control .... 1... KEYFETCH X'08' KEYFETCH Storage key fetch-protection control 1111 1... KEYACCF KEYACC+KEYFETCH KEYACCF Storage key access and fetch .... .1.. KEYREF X'04' KEYREF Storage key reference bit .... ..1. KEYCHG X'02' KEYCHG Storage key change bit .... .11. KEYRC KEYREF+KEYCHG KEYRC Storage key reference and change 1111 111. KEYISOL KEYACCF+KEYRC KEYISOL Isolate entire 7 bit storage key Equates for SSKE M3 mask field option bits .... 1... SSKENQ 8 SSKENQ SSKE Non-Quiescing .... .1.. SSKEMR 4 SSKEMR SSKE Reference bit update bypass .... ..1. SSKEMC 2 SSKEMC SSKE Change bit update bypass .... ...1 SSKEMB 1 SSKEMB SSKE Multiple 4K blocks !IC Codes used as operand to SAC instruction .... .... SACPRIM X'000' SACPRIM Primary-space mode SI2PSW4B SACSECO X'100' SACSECO Secondary-space mode SI2PSW4B SACAR X'200' SACAR Access-register mode SI2PSW4B SACHOME X'300' SACHOME Home-space mode Codes used to locate instances of SAM* (Set Address Mode) instructions SAM31 and SAM64 (used for cross reference as HCPXREF operands) ...1 1111 SAM31 31 SAM31 Cross reference Set Addressing Mode entry into 31-bit addressing mode .1.. .... SAM64 64 SAM64 Cross reference Set Addressing Mode entry into 64-bit addressing mode Equates to help deal with virtual addresses. SI2PSW4B DATSXM X'7FF00000' DATSXM Isolate segment-index field of a virtual address. SI2PSW4B DATPXM X'000FF000' DATPXM Isolate page-index field of a virtual address. SI2PSW4B DATBXM X'00000FFF' DATBXM Isolate byte-index field of a virtual address. Equates to use in NILL instructions to convert one 64-bit address to another. SI2PSW4B PTE2PTO X'F800' PTE2PTO Convert PTE addr to PTO addr SI2PSW4B PTE2PGM X'F000' PTE2PGM Convert PTE addr to PGMBK addr SI2PSW4B PTO2PGM X'F000' PTO2PGM Convert PTO addr to PGMBK addr SI2PSW4B STD2STO X'F000' STD2STO Convert STD addr to STO addr SI2PSW4B STE2STO X'F000' STE2STO Convert STE addr to STO addr SI2PSW4B STE2PTO X'F800' STE2PTO Convert STE contents to PTO addr SI2PSW4B STE2PGM X'F000' STE2PGM Convert STE contents to PGMBK Equates related to access-list designations. SI2PSW4B ALD0ALOM X'7FFFFF80' ALD0ALOM Isolate access-list origin .111 1111 ALD0ALLM X'0000007F' ALD0ALLM Isolate access-list length .... ..11 ALD0ALNS 3 ALD0ALNS Bits to shift right an ALEN to get the associated ALL value. 1... .... ALD0ALUN 128 ALD0ALUN Number of bytes in an "access-list unit", the number of bytes in the smallest variation of the size of an access list. .... .111 ALD0ALUS 7 ALD0ALUS Number of bits to shift left in order to multiply by ALD0ALUN. 1... .... ALDMIN ALD0ALUN ALDMIN Length of smallest access list, in bytes. SI2PSW4B ALDMAX 4096*4 ALDMAX Length of maximum access list, in bytes. Equates related to ASTEO-words: SI2PSW4B ASWASTEOM X'7FFFFFC0' ASWASTEOM Isolate ASTE origin Equates related to DUCTO-words: SI2PSW4B DUWDUCTOM X'7FFFFFC0' DUWDUCTOM Isolate DUCT origin SIGP CODES DEFINITIONS SIGNAL PROCESSOR CODES .... ...1 SIGPSENS 001 SIGPSENS SIGP SENSE .... ..1. SIGPEXTC 002 SIGPEXTC SIGP EXTERNAL CALL .... ..11 SIGPEMER 003 SIGPEMER SIGP EMERGENCY SIGNAL .... .1.. SIGPSTRT 004 SIGPSTRT SIGP START .... .1.1 SIGPSTOP 005 SIGPSTOP SIGP STOP .... .11. SIGPRSTR 006 SIGPRSTR SIGP RESTART .... .111 SIGPIPR 007 SIGPIPR SIGP INITIAL PROGRAM RESET .... 1... SIGPPR 008 SIGPPR SIGP PROGRAM RESET .... 1..1 SIGPSSTT 009 SIGPSSTT SIGP STOP AND STORE STATUS .... 1.11 SIGPICPU 011 SIGPICPU SIGP INITIAL CPU RESET .... 11.. SIGPCPU 012 SIGPCPU SIGP CPU RESET .... 11.1 SIGPSPFX 013 SIGPSPFX SIGP SET PREFIX .... 111. SIGPSSTS 014 SIGPSSTS SIGP STORE STATUS AT ADDRESS ...1 ...1 SIGPSXST 017 SIGPSXST SIGP Store Extended Status At Address ...1 ..1. SIGPSARC 018 SIGPSARC SIGP Set Architecture ...1 .1.1 SIGPSRST 021 SIGPSRST SIGP Sense Running STatus 0094 148 Bitstring 1 SI2PSW4 Byte 4 of guest PSW 1... .... PSW31BT X'80' PSW31BT 31-BIT LOGICAL ADDRESSING MODE 1... .... PSWBA PSW31BT PSWBA Basic Addressing Mode .111 1111 PSWHIADR X'7F' PSWHIADR INSTRUCTION COUNTER BITS 1-7 - MUST BE ZERO IN 24-BIT MODE. .... .... PSW31AMF X'80000000' PSW31AMF ADDRESS MODE FULLWORD MASK - CORRESPONDS TO PSW31BT 0095 149 Bitstring 3 SI2PSW57 Bytes 5:7 of guest PSW 0098 152 Address 8 SI2PSWIA Bytes 8:15 of guest PSW (zArch instruction address) 00A0 160 Bitstring 16 SI2GG145 (0) Guest GPR 14 and GPR 15 00A0 160 Signed 8 SI2GG14 Guest GPR 14 for SIE use only 00A8 168 Signed 8 SI2GG15 Guest GPR 15 for SIE use only 00B0 176 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for IBM hardware 00B8 184 Signed 2 * Reserved for IBM hardware 00BA 186 Bitstring 6 SI2ESB (0) Expanded-storage boundaries (for non-RRF guest) 00BA 186 Bitstring 3 SI2XSO Expanded-storage origin 00BD 189 Bitstring 3 SI2XSL Expanded-storage limit 00C0 192 Bitstring 52 SI2UZP0 Interruption parameters Guest Prefix Storage Area bytes 128-175 (x80-xAF) or, Guest Prefix Storage Area bytes 184-195 (xB8-xC3) or, parameters for partial- execution interception depending on the event 00F4 244 Bitstring 6 SI2IBM1 Reserved for IBM hardware 00FA 250 Bitstring 2 SI2IEF Migration Emulation Controls 00FC 252 Signed 4 SI2IBM4 Reserved for IBM hardware 0100 256 Bitstring 128 SI2GCRS (0) Guest Control registers 0-15 If SIxMODEX.SIxESAME is NOT on then the 16 32-bit control registers are in the rightmost word of each doubleword register area 0100 256 Signed 8 SI2GCR0 (0) zArch Guest Control register 0 0100 256 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR00 Guest CR0 byte 0 0101 257 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR01 Guest CR0 byte 1 0102 258 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR02 Guest CR0 byte 2 0103 259 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR03 Guest CR0 byte 3 0104 260 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR04 Guest CR0 byte 4 0105 261 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR05 Guest CR0 byte 5 0106 262 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR06 Guest CR0 byte 6 0107 263 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR07 Guest CR0 byte 7 0108 264 Signed 8 SI2GCR1 (0) zArch Guest Control register 1 0108 264 Bitstring 7 * 010F 271 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR17 Guest CR1 byte 7 0110 272 Signed 8 SI2GCR2 zArch Guest Control register 2 0118 280 Signed 8 SI2GCR3 zArch Guest Control register 3 0120 288 Signed 8 SI2GCR4 zArch Guest Control register 4 0128 296 Signed 8 SI2GCR5 (0) zArch Guest Control register 5 0128 296 Bitstring 4 * 012C 300 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR54 Guest CR5 byte 4 012D 301 Bitstring 3 * 0130 304 Signed 8 SI2GCR6 (0) zArch Guest Control register 6 0130 304 Bitstring 4 * 0134 308 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR64 Guest CR6 byte 4 0135 309 Bitstring 3 * 0138 312 Signed 8 SI2GCR7 zArch Guest Control register 7 0140 320 Signed 8 SI2GCR8 (0) zArch Guest Control register 8 0140 320 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR80 z/Arch guest CR8 Byte 0 0141 321 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR81 z/Arch guest CR8 Byte 1 0142 322 Signed 2 SI2GCR8E (0) Enhanced-Monitor Mask 0142 322 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR82 z/Arch guest CR8 Byte 2 0143 323 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR83 z/Arch guest CR8 Byte 3 ..1. .... SI2EMC10 X'20' SI2EMC10 Enhanced-Mon Class 10 0144 324 Bitstring 2 SI2GCR8A Guest CR8 bytes 4+5, EAX 0146 326 Bitstring 2 SI2GCR8M Guest CR8 bytes 6+7, Monitor Mask 0148 328 Signed 8 SI2GCR9 (0) zArch Guest Control register 9 0148 328 Bitstring 4 * 014C 332 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR94 Guest CR9 byte 4 014D 333 Bitstring 1 SI2GCR95 Guest CR9 byte 5 014E 334 Bitstring 2 * 0150 336 Signed 8 SI2GCR10 zArch Guest Control register 10 0158 344 Signed 8 SI2GCR11 zArch Guest Control register 11 0160 352 Signed 8 SI2GCR12 (0) zArch Guest Control register 12 0160 352 Bitstring 7 * 0167 359 Bitstring 1 SI2GCRC7 Guest CR12 byte 7 0168 360 Signed 8 SI2GCR13 (0) zArch Guest Control register 13 0168 360 Bitstring 7 * 016F 367 Bitstring 1 SI2GCRD7 Guest CR13 byte 7 0170 368 Signed 8 SI2GCR14 (0) zArch Guest Control register 14 0170 368 Bitstring 4 * 0174 372 Bitstring 1 SI2GCRE4 Guest CR14 byte 4 0175 373 Bitstring 1 SI2GCRE5 Guest CR14 byte 5 0176 374 Bitstring 2 * 0178 376 Signed 8 SI2GCR15 zArch Guest Control register 15 0180 384 Bitstring 128 SI2HWRSV (0) Reserved for IBM hardware 0180 384 Signed 8 SI2BEAR Breaking-Event-Address Register 0188 392 Bitstring 24 * Reserved for IBM hardware 01A0 416 Signed 4 SI2FLD Facility List Designation for STFLE 01A4 420 Bitstring 92 * Reserved for IBM hardware 00000200 SI2BLEN *-SI2BK Block size in bytes 00000040 SI2DWLEN ((*-SI2BK)+7)/8 Block size in doublewords Redefine interception parameters for validity interception. 0056 86 Bitstring 4 SI2VIRSN (0) Validity interception reason code 0056 86 Bitstring 1 SI2VIWHO "Who" recognized the validity interception? How many levels deep in interpretive execution, and what component? 0057 87 Bitstring 1 SI2VIWHN "When" was the condition encountered (SIE entry, exit, instruction interpretation, etc.)? 0058 88 Signed 2 SI2VIWHY "Why" did the validity inter- ception occur? What was the specific defect in the guest definition or host state? 005A 90 Bitstring 2 SI2VIRSV Reserved; zeroes stored on validity interception Redefine Guest Prefix Area 128-239 (x80-xAF) 00C0 192 Signed 4 SI2EXMSF MSF Data Block Addr-Class 21 EXT 00C4 196 Signed 4 SI2IEXCF (0) External Interrupt CPU and Code 00C4 196 Signed 2 SI2IEXCA External Interrupt CPU address 00C6 198 Signed 2 SI2IEXCD (0) External Interrupt Code 00C6 198 Bitstring 1 SI2IEXCL EXTERNAL INTERRUPTION CLASS CODE 00000000 EXTICL00 00 EXTICL00 CLASS 00 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (INTERRUPT KEY, INTERVAL TIMER) 00000010 EXTICL10 16 EXTICL10 CLASS 10 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (TIMER, COMPARATOR, TOD SYNCH) 00000012 EXTICL12 18 EXTICL12 CLASS 12 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (MULTI-CPU SIGNALS) 00000014 EXTICL14 20 EXTICL14 CLASS 14 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (ETR INTERRUPTS) 00000020 EXTICL20 32 EXTICL20 Class 20 external interrupts (Time zone transition) 00000024 EXTICL24 36 EXTICL24 CLASS 24 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (SERVICE SIGNALS) 00000026 EXTICL26 38 EXTICL26 CLASS 26 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (ESA/XC INTERRUPTS) 00000040 EXTICL40 64 EXTICL40 CLASS 40 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS (VMCF AND IUCV COMMUNICATION) 00C7 199 Bitstring 1 SI2IEXCT EXTERNAL INTERRUPTION TYPE CODE 00000040 EXTIKEY 64 EXTIKEY CODE X'0040' INTERRUPT KEY 00000080 EXTITMR 128 EXTITMR CODE X'0080' 370 INTERVAL TIMER 00000003 EXTITSYN 03 EXTITSYN CODE X'1003' TOD SYNCH CHECK 00000004 EXTICKC 04 EXTICKC CODE X'1004' CLOCK COMPARATOR 00000005 EXTICPU 05 EXTICPU CODE X'1005' CPU TIMER 00000000 EXTIMALF 00 EXTIMALF CODE X'1200' MALFUNCTION ALERT 00000001 EXTIEMGS 01 EXTIEMGS CODE X'1201' EMERGENCY SIGNAL 00000002 EXTICALL 02 EXTICALL CODE X'1202' EXTERNAL CALL 00000006 EXTIETR 06 EXTIETR CODE X'1406' ETR INTERRUPT 00000007 EXTIMEAS 07 EXTIMEAS Code X'1407' Measurement Alert 00000004 EXTITZCH 04 EXTITZCH CODE X'2004' Time Zone Change 00000001 EXTISVSG 01 EXTISVSG CODE X'2401' SERVICE SIGNAL 00000002 EXTIPVM 02 EXTIPVM CODE X'2402' PVM LOGICAL DEVICE 00000003 EXTIXC 03 EXTIXC CODE X'2603' ESA/XC and other VM external interrupts 00000000 EXTIIUCV 00 EXTIIUCV CODE X'4000' IUCV INTERRUPTION 00000001 EXTIVMCF 01 EXTIVMCF CODE X'4001' VMCF INTERRUPTION 00C8 200 Signed 2 SI2SVCIL SVC Instruction Length Code 00CA 202 Signed 2 SI2SVCNT SVC Interrupt Code 00CC 204 Signed 4 SI2IPRCD (0) Program ILC and Interrupt Code 00CC 204 Signed 2 SI2IPRCL Program Instruction Length Code 00CE 206 Signed 2 SI2IPRCC (0) Program Interrupt Code 00000136 PRGIADCP X'0136' PRGIADCP Addressing capability 00008000 PRGIARPC X'8000' PRGIARPC ARITHMETIC PARTIAL COMPLETION BIT OF THE EXCEPTION EXTENSION CODE (BIT 0 OF THE PROGRAM CHECK INTERRUPT CODE) 00CE 206 Bitstring 1 SI2IPRC0 Program interrupt code byte 0 00CF 207 Bitstring 1 SI2IPRC1 Program interrupt code byte 1 00000000 PRGICCLR X'00' PRGICCLR USED TO CLEAR PRGICODE 00000001 PRGIOPER X'01' PRGIOPER OPERATION 00000002 PRGIPRIV X'02' PRGIPRIV PRIVILEGED OPERATION 00000003 PRGIEXEC X'03' PRGIEXEC EXECUTE 00000004 PRGIPROT X'04' PRGIPROT PROTECTION 00000005 PRGIADDR X'05' PRGIADDR ADDRESSING 00000006 PRGISPEC X'06' PRGISPEC SPECIFICATION 00000007 PRGIDATA X'07' PRGIDATA DATA 00000008 PRGIFXDV X'08' PRGIFXDV FIXED POINT OVERFLOW 00000009 PRGIFDIV X'09' PRGIFDIV FIXED POINT DIVIDE 0000000A PRGIDECO X'0A' PRGIDECO DECIMAL OVERFLOW 0000000B PRGIDDIV X'0B' PRGIDDIV DECIMAL DIVIDE 0000000C PRGIEXPO X'0C' PRGIEXPO EXPONENT OVERFLOW 0000000D PRGIEXPU X'0D' PRGIEXPU EXPONENT UNDERFLOW 0000000E PRGISGNF X'0E' PRGISGNF SIGNIFICANCE 0000000F PRGIFPDV X'0F' PRGIFPDV FLOATING POINT DIVIDE 00000010 PRGISEG X'10' PRGISEG SEGMENT TRANSLATION 00000011 PRGIPAGE X'11' PRGIPAGE PAGE TRANSLATION 00000012 PRGITSPC X'12' PRGITSPC TRANSLATION SPECIFICATION 00000013 PRGISPOP X'13' PRGISPOP SPECIAL OPERATION 00000014 PRGIPPF X'14' PRGIPPF PSEUDO-PAGE-FAULT (SOFTWARE ONLY) 00000015 PRGIOPND X'15' PRGIOPND OPERAND (370/XA ONLY) 00000016 PRGITRAC X'16' PRGITRAC TRACE TABLE FULL (370/XA ONLY) 00000017 PRGIASNT X'17' PRGIASNT ASN TRANSLATION SPECIFICATION EXCEPTION 0000001A PRGIBVOL x'1A' PRGIBVOL Block-Volatility exception 0000001C PRGISPSW X'1C' PRGISPSW SPACE SWITCH EVENT 0000001E PRGIUNOP X'1E' PRGIUNOP UNNORMALIZED OPERAND EXCEPTION 0000001F PRGIPCTR X'1F' PRGIPCTR PC-TRANSLATION SPECIFICATION 00000020 PRGIAFXT X'20' PRGIAFXT AFX TRANSLATION 00000021 PRGIASXT X'21' PRGIASXT ASX TRANSLATION 00000022 PRGILXTR X'22' PRGILXTR LX TRANSLATION 00000023 PRGIEXTR X'23' PRGIEXTR EX TRANSLATION 00000024 PRGIPRIA X'24' PRGIPRIA PRIMARY AUTHORITY 00000025 PRGISECA X'25' PRGISECA SECONDARY AUTHORITY 00000026 PRGILFXTS X'26' PRGILFXTS LFX translation specification 00000027 PRGILSXTS X'27' PRGILSXTS LSX translation specification 00000028 PRGIALTS X'28' PRGIALTS ALET SPECIFICATION 00000029 PRGIALNT X'29' PRGIALNT ALEN TRANSLATION 0000002A PRGIALES X'2A' PRGIALES ALE SEQUENCE 0000002B PRGIASTV X'2B' PRGIASTV ASTE VALIDITY 0000002C PRGIASTS X'2C' PRGIASTS ASTE SEQUENCE 0000002D PRGIEXTA X'2D' PRGIEXTA EXTENDED AUTHORITY 0000002E PRGILSTES X'2E' PRGILSTES LSTE Sequence 0000002F PRGIASTI X'2F' PRGIASTI ASTE Instance number 00000030 PRGISTKF X'30' PRGISTKF STACK FULL 00000031 PRGISTKE X'31' PRGISTKE STACK EMPTY 00000032 PRGISTKS X'32' PRGISTKS STACK SPECIFICATION 00000033 PRGISTKT X'33' PRGISTKT STACK TYPE 00000034 PRGISTKO X'34' PRGISTKO STACK OPERATION 00000035 PRGIHIX1 X'35' PRGIHIX1 Host-indicated exception, #1 00000036 PRGIHIX2 X'36' PRGIHIX2 Host-indicated exception, #2 00000038 PRGIASCT X'38' PRGIASCT ASCE type 00000039 PRGIRFT X'39' PRGIRFT Region first translation 0000003A PRGIRST X'3A' PRGIRST Region second translation 0000003B PRGIRTT X'3B' PRGIRTT Region third translation 00000040 PRGIMC X'40' PRGIMC MONITOR CALL 0000007F PRGICMSK X'7F' PRGICMSK MASK TO ISOLATE PROGRAM CHECK 00000080 PRGIPER X'80' PRGIPER PROGRAM EVENT RECORDING, POSSIBLY WITH ANOTHER EXCEPTION CODE . 00D0 208 Signed 4 SI2ITRAD (0) 390: Translation Exception ID 390 & zArch: Data exception code 00D0 208 Bitstring 1 SI2SSCTL 390: Space-switch event control 1... .... SI2SSON X'80' SI2SSON 390: Space-sw-ctrl bit was on 00D1 209 Bitstring 1 SI2SSCT2 390: When a space-switch event occurs, the space-switch event control bit is saved in the high-order bit of SIxSSCTL, and the remaining bits of SIxSSCTL and SIxSSCT2 are set to zero 00D2 210 Signed 2 SI2OPASN (0) 390: Old PASN - set for space- switch event program interrupt 00D2 210 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM hardware use 00D3 211 Bitstring 1 SI2ADDSP (0) Address space flag indicates where STD/ASCE value come from 00000000 SI2PRSTD 00 SI2PRSTD STD/ASCE is obtained from CR1 00000001 SI2ARSTD 01 SI2ARSTD STD/ASCE is obtained from ART 00000002 SI2SESTD 02 SI2SESTD STD/ASCE is obtained from CR7 00000003 SI2HOSTD 03 SI2HOSTD STD/ASCE is obtained from CR13 00D3 211 Bitstring 1 SI2ITRA3 390: Low byte of TEID (contains suppression-on-protection bits, STD ID) 00D0 208 Signed 4 SI2FPARM (0) Interruption parameter 00D0 208 Bitstring 3 * 00D3 211 Bitstring 1 SI2DXCOD Data-exception code 00D4 212 Signed 2 SI2IMNCL Monitor Class 00D6 214 Signed 2 SI2PERCL (0) PER class code 00D6 214 Bitstring 1 SI2PERCD PER event code identifier 00D7 215 Bitstring 1 SI2PERZF PER interrupt code 1... .... SI2ATM31 X'80' SI2ATM31 ATMID PSW bit 31 .1.. .... SI2ATMID X'40' SI2ATMID Addressing and translation mode identification (ATMID) validity bit ..1. .... SI2ATM32 X'20' SI2ATM32 ATMID PSW bit 32 ...1 .... SI2ATM05 X'10' SI2ATM05 ATMID PSW bit 05 .... 1... SI2ATM16 X'08' SI2ATM16 ATMID PSW bit 16 .... .1.. SI2ATM17 X'04' SI2ATM17 ATMID PSW bit 17 .... ..1. SI2PSTD1 X'02' SI2PSTD1 STD ID bit 1 .... ...1 SI2PSTD2 X'01' SI2PSTD2 STD ID bit 2 1111 1111 SI2ATM SI2ATM31+SI2ATMID+SI2ATM32+SI2ATM 05+SI2ATM16+SI2ATM17+SI 2PSTD1+SI2PSTD2 Mask to reset ATM bits .... .... SI2PRSEG X'00' SI2PRSEG STD ID bits both off. This is Primary Segment Table Designation obtained from CR-1 .... ...1 SI2ARSEG X'01' SI2ARSEG STD ID bits = '01'x. This is AR specified .... ..1. SI2SESEG X'02' SI2SESEG STD ID bits = '10'x. This is Secondary Segment Table Designation obtained from CR-7 .... ..11 SI2HOSEG X'03' SI2HOSEG STD ID bits both on. This is Home Segment Table Designation obtained from CR-13 00D8 216 Dbl-Word 8 SI2GPERA (0) zArch: PER Address 00D8 216 Signed 4 SI2GPERL (0) zArch: Left half PER address 00D8 216 Signed 4 SI2PERAD 390: PER Address 00DC 220 Signed 4 SI2GPERR (0) zArch: Right half PER address 00DC 220 Signed 4 SI2IMNCD 390: Monitor code (guest prefix 156-159 (x9C-x9F)) 00E0 224 Bitstring 1 SI2XCPAR Exception Access Identification ..1. .... PRGXCPRI X'20' PRGXCPRI Primary-tran problem (not Access Register related) ...1 .... PRGXCSEC X'10' PRGXCSEC Secondary-tran problem (not Access Register related) .... 1111 PRGXCREG X'0F' PRGXCREG Access-register number Maximum number of real processors .1.. .... MAXRPROC 64 MAXRPROC Maximum number of real processors supported by certain internal data structures ..11 1111 MAXCPUAD 63 MAXCPUAD Maximum CPU address supported 00E1 225 Bitstring 1 SI2PERAR PER Access Identification 00E2 226 Bitstring 1 SI2OPRID Operand access identification 00E3 227 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for IBM hardware 00E4 228 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM hardware 00E8 232 Signed 4 SI2XCPAL (0) Exception ALET (corresponds to prefix offset 168-171; used only by VM/ESA during simulation for ESA/XC guests) 000000E8 SI2IOPRM * I/O interruption parameters (redefined below) 00E8 232 Signed 8 SI2GTRAD (0) zArch: Translation exception ID 00E8 232 Signed 4 SI2GTRAH zArch: High word of TEID 00EC 236 Signed 4 SI2GTRAL (0) zArch: Low word of TEID 00EC 236 Bitstring 1 SI2GSSCT zArch: Space-switch event ctrl 1... .... SI2GSSON X'80' SI2GSSON zArch: Space-sw-ctrl bit was on 00ED 237 Bitstring 1 SI2GSSC2 zArch: When a space-sw event occurs, the space-switch event control bit is saved in the high-order bit of SIxGSSCT, and the remaining bits of SIxGSSCT and SIxGSSC2 are set to zero 00EE 238 Signed 2 SI2GOPAS (0) zArch: Old PASN - set for space- switch event program interrupt 00EE 238 Bitstring 1 * 00EF 239 Bitstring 1 SI2GTRA7 zArch: Low byte of TEID (contains suppression-on- protection bits, ASCE ID) Redefine Interruption Parameters area for intercepted I/O interrpution 00E8 232 Signed 4 SI2IOSID (0) I/O interruption subchannel number 00E8 232 Signed 2 SI2IOINT I/O interruption constant 0001 00EA 234 Signed 2 SI2IORNM I/O interruption subchannel number 00EC 236 Signed 4 SI2INPRM I/O interruption parm 00F0 240 Signed 4 SI2HIIDW (0) Host Interruption Identification Word 00F0 240 Bitstring 1 SI2IVISC 00VISC000 00F1 241 Bitstring 1 SI2IZONE ZONE 00F2 242 Bitstring 1 SI2ISCHI I0000000 INTERRUPT INTERLOCK CNTL 1... .... SI2SCHI1 X'80' SI2SCHI1 INTERRUPT INTERLOCK IS ON 00F3 243 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED Redefine Interruption Parameters area for intercepted monitor-event interruption 00E8 232 Signed 8 SI2GMNCD zArch: Monitor code (guest prefix 176-187 (xB0-xB7)) Redefine Interruption Parameters area for Move Page partial-execution interception 00C0 192 Address 8 SI2GDPTE (0) Destination operand host PTE addr 00C0 192 Signed 4 * 00C4 196 Address 4 SI2DPTE Dest host PTE addr, low half 00C8 200 Address 8 SI2GSPTE (0) Source operand host PTE address 00C8 200 Signed 4 * 00CC 204 Address 4 SI2SPTE Source host PTE addr, low half Redefine Interruption Parameters area for QDIO Enhanced Buffer State Management (QEBSM) 00C0 192 Bitstring 3 SI2QPEI (0) Entire EQBSM PEI Code 00C0 192 Bitstring 1 SI2QCODE PEI Reason Code 00C1 193 Bitstring 1 SI2QSBIX Storage Block Index (SBIX) 00C2 194 Bitstring 1 SI2QLCK Lock Indicators 1... .... SI2QSD1 X'80' SI2QSD1 QIOBK/QSD is Locked .1.. .... SI2QSD2 X'40' SI2QSD2 QIOBK/QSD for Format 1 output queue is locked Redefinition of SIxGCRS for ESA/390 Guest 0100 256 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0104 260 Signed 4 SI2CR0 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR0 0104 260 Bitstring 1 SI2CR0B0 ESA/390 guest CR0 Byte 0 0105 261 Bitstring 1 SI2CR0B1 ESA/390 guest CR0 Byte 1 0106 262 Bitstring 1 SI2CR0B2 ESA/390 guest CR0 Byte 2 0107 263 Bitstring 1 SI2CR0B3 ESA/390 guest CR0 Byte 2 0108 264 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 010C 268 Signed 4 SI2CR1 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR1 010C 268 Bitstring 1 SI2CR1B0 ESA/390 guest CR1 Byte 0 370 Guest Segment Table Length 1... .... CR1SSXA X'80' CR1SSXA 370/XA SPACE SWITCH EVENT MASK 010D 269 Bitstring 3 SI2CR1SO (0) 370 Guest STO Value 010D 269 Bitstring 1 SI2CR1B1 ESA/390 guest CR1 Byte 1 010E 270 Bitstring 1 SI2CR1B2 ESA/390 guest CR1 Byte 2 010F 271 Bitstring 1 SI2CR1B3 ESA/390 guest CR1 Byte 2 .... ...1 CR1SS370 X'01' CR1SS370 370 SPACE SWITCH EVENT MASK 0110 272 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0114 276 Signed 4 SI2CR2 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR2 0114 276 Signed 2 SI2CR2IM (0) 370 GUEST CHANNEL MASK 0114 276 Bitstring 1 SI2CR2B0 ESA/390 guest CR2 Byte 0 0115 277 Bitstring 1 SI2CR2B1 ESA/390 guest CR2 Byte 0 0116 278 Bitstring 1 SI2CR2B2 ESA/390 guest CR2 Byte 0 0117 279 Bitstring 1 SI2CR2B3 ESA/390 guest CR2 Byte 0 0118 280 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 011C 284 Signed 4 SI2CR3 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR3 011C 284 Signed 2 SI2CR3KM (0) PSW-KEY mask 011C 284 Bitstring 1 SI2CR3B0 ESA/390 guest CR3 Byte 0 011D 285 Bitstring 1 SI2CR3B1 ESA/390 guest CR3 Byte 1 011E 286 Signed 2 SI2CR3SA (0) Secondary ASN 011E 286 Bitstring 1 SI2CR3B2 ESA/390 guest CR3 Byte 2 011F 287 Bitstring 1 SI2CR3B3 ESA/390 guest CR3 Byte 3 0120 288 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0124 292 Signed 4 SI2CR4 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR4 0124 292 Signed 2 SI2CR4AX (0) Guest control register 4 - HWORD 0 extended authorization index (AX) 0124 292 Bitstring 1 SI2CR4B0 ESA/390 guest CR4 Byte 0 0125 293 Bitstring 1 SI2CR4B1 ESA/390 guest CR4 Byte 1 0126 294 Signed 2 SI2CR4PA (0) Guest control register 4 - HWORD 1 Primary address space number (PASN) 0126 294 Bitstring 1 SI2CR4B2 ESA/390 guest CR4 Byte 2 0127 295 Bitstring 1 SI2CR4B3 ESA/390 guest CR4 Byte 3 0128 296 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 012C 300 Signed 4 SI2CR5 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR5 012C 300 Bitstring 1 SI2CR5B0 ESA/390 guest CR5 Byte 0 012D 301 Bitstring 1 SI2CR5B1 ESA/390 guest CR5 Byte 1 012E 302 Bitstring 1 SI2CR5B2 ESA/390 guest CR5 Byte 2 012F 303 Bitstring 1 SI2CR5B3 ESA/390 guest CR5 Byte 3 0130 304 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0134 308 Signed 4 SI2CR6 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR6 0134 308 Bitstring 1 SI2CR6B0 ESA/390 guest CR6 Byte 0 0135 309 Bitstring 1 SI2CR6B1 ESA/390 guest CR6 Byte 1 0136 310 Bitstring 1 SI2CR6B2 ESA/390 guest CR6 Byte 2 0137 311 Bitstring 1 SI2CR6B3 ESA/390 guest CR6 Byte 3 0138 312 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 013C 316 Signed 4 SI2CR7 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR7 013C 316 Bitstring 1 SI2CR7B0 ESA/390 guest CR7 Byte 0 013D 317 Bitstring 1 SI2CR7B1 ESA/390 guest CR7 Byte 1 013E 318 Bitstring 1 SI2CR7B2 ESA/390 guest CR7 Byte 2 013F 319 Bitstring 1 SI2CR7B3 ESA/390 guest CR7 Byte 3 0140 320 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0144 324 Signed 4 SI2CR8 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR8 0144 324 Signed 2 SI2CR8AX (0) Extended authorization index 0144 324 Bitstring 1 SI2CR8B0 ESA/390 guest CR8 Byte 0 0145 325 Bitstring 1 SI2CR8B1 ESA/390 guest CR8 Byte 1 0146 326 Signed 2 SI2CR8MM (0) MONITOR CALL EVENT MASK 0146 326 Bitstring 1 SI2CR8B2 ESA/390 guest CR8 Byte 2 0147 327 Bitstring 1 SI2CR8B3 ESA/390 guest CR8 Byte 3 ..1. .... SI2MCL10 X'20' SI2MCL10 Monitor call class for data from guest to CP 0148 328 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 014C 332 Signed 4 SI2CR9 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR9 014C 332 Bitstring 1 SI2CR9B0 ESA/390 guest CR9 Byte 0 014D 333 Bitstring 1 SI2CR9B1 ESA/390 guest CR9 Byte 1 014E 334 Bitstring 2 SI2CR9GM PER General-register alteration mask 0150 336 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0154 340 Signed 4 SI2CR10 ESA/390 guest's CR10 0158 344 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 015C 348 Signed 4 SI2CR11 ESA/390 guest's CR11 0160 352 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0164 356 Signed 4 SI2CR12 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR12 0164 356 Bitstring 1 SI2CRCB0 ESA/390 guest CR12 Byte 0 1... .... CRCBRCTL X'80' CRCBRCTL BRANCH TRACE CONTROL BIT. WHEN ON, BALR, BASR, BASSM, BAKR AND BSG INST MAY BE TRACED BY THE HARDWARE. Note that for zArch, this bit is moved to GCRC0.0 of a 64-bit CRC with a label of CRCBTCTL. 0165 357 Bitstring 1 SI2CRCB1 ESA/390 guest CR12 Byte 1 0166 358 Bitstring 1 SI2CRCB2 ESA/390 guest CR12 Byte 2 0167 359 Bitstring 1 SI2CRCB3 ESA/390 guest CR12 Byte 3 0168 360 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 016C 364 Signed 4 SI2CR13 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR13 016C 364 Bitstring 1 SI2CRDB0 ESA/390 guest CR13 Byte 0 016D 365 Bitstring 1 SI2CRDB1 ESA/390 guest CR13 Byte 1 016E 366 Bitstring 1 SI2CRDB2 ESA/390 guest CR13 Byte 2 016F 367 Bitstring 1 SI2CRDB3 ESA/390 guest CR13 Byte 3 0170 368 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 0174 372 Signed 4 SI2CR14 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR14 0174 372 Bitstring 1 SI2CREB0 ESA/390 guest CR14 Byte 0 0175 373 Bitstring 1 SI2CREB1 ESA/390 guest CR14 Byte 1 0176 374 Bitstring 1 SI2CREB2 ESA/390 guest CR14 Byte 2 0177 375 Bitstring 1 SI2CREB3 ESA/390 guest CR14 Byte 3 0178 376 Signed 4 * Unused for ESA/390 guest 017C 380 Signed 4 SI2CR15 (0) ESA/390 guest's CR15 MACHINE CHECK EXTENDED LOG ADDR 017C 380 Bitstring 1 SI2CRFB0 ESA/390 guest CR15 Byte 0 017D 381 Bitstring 1 SI2CRFB1 ESA/390 guest CR15 Byte 1 017E 382 Bitstring 1 SI2CRFB2 ESA/390 guest CR15 Byte 2 017F 383 Bitstring 1 SI2CRFB3 ESA/390 guest CR15 Byte 3 End of Control Register redefinitions End of the SIxBK
SI2BK Storage Layout
*** SI2BK - SIE STATE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (format 2) * * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * 0 |:NTVCT|:STATC|:MODEX|:MODE | SI2PREFX | * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * 8 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 18 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 20 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 28 | SI2CPUTM | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 30 | SI2CKC | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 38 | SI2EPOCH | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+ * 40 |:SVCTL|:SVC1N|:SVC2N|:SVC3N|:LCTB0|:LCTB1| SI2ICPUA | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 48 |:ICPT0|:ICPT1|:ICPT2|:ICPT3|:ECA0 |:ECA1 |:ECA2 |:ECA3 | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 50 |:ICODE|:ICFLG| SI2IHCPU |/////////////|:INSTO|:INSTE| * +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+ * 58 |:IPB0 |:IPB1 |:IPB2 |:IPB3 | SI2IBM3 | * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * 60 |:RCPB0|:ECBB0|:RCPB2|:ECBB2| SI2ISCAA | * +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+ * 68 | SI2RSVD2 |/////////////| SI2TODPF | * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 70 | SI2GISA |SI2AZN|//////|:DVST |:SCST | * +------+-------------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 78 |SI2AZM| SI2IBM2 |//////|///////////////////////////| * +------+-------------+------+---------------------------+ * 80 | SI2GMSOR | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 88 | SI2GMSLM | * +------+------+------+------+------+--------------------+ * 90 |:PSW0 |:PSW1 |:PSW2 |:PSW3 |:PSW4 | SI2PSW57 | * +------+------+------+------+------+--------------------+ * 98 | SI2PSWIA | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * A0 | SI2GG14 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * A8 | SI2GG15 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * B0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+--------------------+--------------------+ * B8 |/////////////| SI2XSO | SI2XSL | * +-------------+--------------------+--------------------+ * C0 | | * = SI2UZP0 = * | +---------------------------+ * | | SI2IBM1- | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * F8 | -(0F4) | SI2IEF | SI2IBM4 | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 100 |:GCR00|:GCR01|:GCR02|:GCR03|:GCR04|:GCR05|:GCR06|:GCR07| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 108 |////////////////////////////////////////////////|:GCR17| * +------------------------------------------------+------+ * 110 | SI2GCR2 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 118 | SI2GCR3 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 120 | SI2GCR4 | * +---------------------------+------+--------------------+ * 128 |///////////////////////////|:GCR54|////////////////////| * +---------------------------+------+--------------------+ * 130 |///////////////////////////|:GCR64|////////////////////| * +---------------------------+------+--------------------+ * 138 | SI2GCR7 | * +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+ * 140 |:GCR80|:GCR81|:GCR82|:GCR83| SI2GCR8A | SI2GCR8M | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+ * 148 |///////////////////////////|:GCR94|:GCR95|/////////////| * +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+ * 150 | SI2GCR10 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 158 | SI2GCR11 | * +------------------------------------------------+------+ * 160 |////////////////////////////////////////////////|:GCRC7| * +------------------------------------------------+------+ * 168 |////////////////////////////////////////////////|:GCRD7| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 170 |///////////////////////////|:GCRE4|:GCRE5|/////////////| * +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+ * 178 | SI2GCR15 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 180 | SI2BEAR | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 188 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 1A0 | SI2FLD |///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+///////////////////////////| * 1A8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 200 * *** SI2BK - SIE STATE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (format 2) *** Overlay for SI2IPARM in SI2BK * * +------+------+ * 50 ... 56 |:VIWHO|:VIWHN| * +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+ * 58 | SI2VIWHY | SI2VIRSV | 5C * +-------------+-------------+ * *** Overlay for SI2IPARM in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK * * +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+ * C0 | SI2EXMSF | SI2IEXCA |:IEXCL|:IEXCT| * +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+ * C8 | SI2SVCIL | SI2SVCNT | SI2IPRCL |:IPRC0|:IPRC1| * +------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+ * D0 |:SSCTL|:SSCT2|//////|:ITRA3| D4 * +------+------+------+------+ * *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2ITRAD in SI2BK * * +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+ * D0 |////////////////////|:DXCOD| SI2IMNCL |:PERCD|:PERZF| * +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+ * D8 | SI2PERAD | SI2IMNCD | * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * E0 |:XCPAR|:PERAR|:OPRID|//////|///////////////////////////| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * E8 | SI2GTRAH |:GSSCT|:GSSC2|//////|:GTRA7| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * F0 * *** Overlay for SI2ITRAD in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2IOPRM in SI2BK * * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * E8 | SI2IOINT | SI2IORNM | SI2INPRM | * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * F0 |:IVISC|:IZONE|:ISCHI|//////| F4 * +------+------+------+------+ * *** Overlay for SI2IOPRM in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2IOPRM in SI2BK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * E8 | SI2GMNCD | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * F0 * *** Overlay for SI2IOPRM in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * C0 |///////////////////////////| SI2DPTE | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * C8 |///////////////////////////| SI2SPTE | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * D0 * *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK * * +------+------+------+ * C0 |:QCODE|:QSBIX|:QLCK | C3 * +------+------+------+ * *** Overlay for SI2UZP0 in SI2BK *** Overlay for SI2GCRS in SI2BK * * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 100 |///////////////////////////|:CR0B0|:CR0B1|:CR0B2|:CR0B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 108 |///////////////////////////|:CR1B0|:CR1B1|:CR1B2|:CR1B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 110 |///////////////////////////|:CR2B0|:CR2B1|:CR2B2|:CR2B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 118 |///////////////////////////|:CR3B0|:CR3B1|:CR3B2|:CR3B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 120 |///////////////////////////|:CR4B0|:CR4B1|:CR4B2|:CR4B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 128 |///////////////////////////|:CR5B0|:CR5B1|:CR5B2|:CR5B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 130 |///////////////////////////|:CR6B0|:CR6B1|:CR6B2|:CR6B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 138 |///////////////////////////|:CR7B0|:CR7B1|:CR7B2|:CR7B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 140 |///////////////////////////|:CR8B0|:CR8B1|:CR8B2|:CR8B3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 148 |///////////////////////////|:CR9B0|:CR9B1| SI2CR9GM | * +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+ * 150 |///////////////////////////| SI2CR10 | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 158 |///////////////////////////| SI2CR11 | * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 160 |///////////////////////////|:CRCB0|:CRCB1|:CRCB2|:CRCB3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 168 |///////////////////////////|:CRDB0|:CRDB1|:CRDB2|:CRDB3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 170 |///////////////////////////|:CREB0|:CREB1|:CREB2|:CREB3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 178 |///////////////////////////|:CRFB0|:CRFB1|:CRFB2|:CRFB3| * +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+ * 180 * *** Overlay for SI2GCRS in SI2BK
SI2BK Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- ALDMAX 0094 SI2PSW4B ALDMIN 0094 80 ALD0ALLM 0094 7F ALD0ALNS 0094 03 ALD0ALOM 0094 SI2PSW4B ALD0ALUN 0094 80 ALD0ALUS 0094 07 ASWASTEOM 0094 SI2PSW4B CRCBRCTL 0164 80 CR1SSXA 010C 80 CR1SS370 010F 01 CSWATTN 0076 80 CSWBUSY 0076 10 CSWCBS 0076 70 CSWCCC 0077 04 CSWCDC 0077 08 CSWCE 0076 08 CSWCEDC 0076 2C CSWCEDE 0076 0C CSWCHC 0077 01 CSWCUE 0076 20 CSWDE 0076 04 CSWDEA 0076 84 CSWHCE 0077 0E CSWIFCC 0077 02 CSWIL 0077 40 CSWPCE 0077 31 CSWPCI 0077 80 CSWPRG 0077 20 CSWPROT 0077 10 CSWSM 0076 40 CSWSMBSY 0076 50 CSWUC 0076 02 CSWUE 0076 01 DATBXM 0094 SI2PSW4B DATPXM 0094 SI2PSW4B DATSXM 0094 SI2PSW4B DUWDUCTOM 0094 SI2PSW4B EXTICALL 00C7 00000002 EXTICKC 00C7 00000004 EXTICL00 00C6 00000000 EXTICL10 00C6 00000010 EXTICL12 00C6 00000012 EXTICL14 00C6 00000014 EXTICL20 00C6 00000020 EXTICL24 00C6 00000024 EXTICL26 00C6 00000026 EXTICL40 00C6 00000040 EXTICPU 00C7 00000005 EXTIEMGS 00C7 00000001 EXTIETR 00C7 00000006 EXTIIUCV 00C7 00000000 EXTIKEY 00C7 00000040 EXTIMALF 00C7 00000000 EXTIMEAS 00C7 00000007 EXTIPVM 00C7 00000002 EXTISVSG 00C7 00000001 EXTITMR 00C7 00000080 EXTITSYN 00C7 00000003 EXTITZCH 00C7 00000004 EXTIVMCF 00C7 00000001 EXTIXC 00C7 00000003 KEYACC 0094 F0 KEYACCF 0094 F8 KEYCHG 0094 02 KEYFETCH 0094 08 KEYISOL 0094 FE KEYOPEN 0094 09 KEYRC 0094 06 KEYREF 0094 04 MAXCPUAD 00E0 3F MAXRPROC 00E0 40 PRGIADCP 00CE 00000136 PRGIADDR 00CF 00000005 PRGIAFXT 00CF 00000020 PRGIALES 00CF 0000002A PRGIALNT 00CF 00000029 PRGIALTS 00CF 00000028 PRGIARPC 00CE 00008000 PRGIASCT 00CF 00000038 PRGIASNT 00CF 00000017 PRGIASTI 00CF 0000002F PRGIASTS 00CF 0000002C PRGIASTV 00CF 0000002B PRGIASXT 00CF 00000021 PRGIBVOL 00CF 0000001A PRGICCLR 00CF 00000000 PRGICMSK 00CF 0000007F PRGIDATA 00CF 00000007 PRGIDDIV 00CF 0000000B PRGIDECO 00CF 0000000A PRGIEXEC 00CF 00000003 PRGIEXPO 00CF 0000000C PRGIEXPU 00CF 0000000D PRGIEXTA 00CF 0000002D PRGIEXTR 00CF 00000023 PRGIFDIV 00CF 00000009 PRGIFPDV 00CF 0000000F PRGIFXDV 00CF 00000008 PRGIHIX1 00CF 00000035 PRGIHIX2 00CF 00000036 PRGILFXTS 00CF 00000026 PRGILSTES 00CF 0000002E PRGILSXTS 00CF 00000027 PRGILXTR 00CF 00000022 PRGIMC 00CF 00000040 PRGIOPER 00CF 00000001 PRGIOPND 00CF 00000015 PRGIPAGE 00CF 00000011 PRGIPCTR 00CF 0000001F PRGIPER 00CF 00000080 PRGIPPF 00CF 00000014 PRGIPRIA 00CF 00000024 PRGIPRIV 00CF 00000002 PRGIPROT 00CF 00000004 PRGIRFT 00CF 00000039 PRGIRST 00CF 0000003A PRGIRTT 00CF 0000003B PRGISECA 00CF 00000025 PRGISEG 00CF 00000010 PRGISGNF 00CF 0000000E PRGISPEC 00CF 00000006 PRGISPOP 00CF 00000013 PRGISPSW 00CF 0000001C PRGISTKE 00CF 00000031 PRGISTKF 00CF 00000030 PRGISTKO 00CF 00000034 PRGISTKS 00CF 00000032 PRGISTKT 00CF 00000033 PRGITRAC 00CF 00000016 PRGITSPC 00CF 00000012 PRGIUNOP 00CF 0000001E PRGXCPRI 00E0 20 PRGXCREG 00E0 0F PRGXCSEC 00E0 10 PSWAMODE 0092 40 PSWASMSK 0092 C0 PSWBA 0094 80 PSWCONB1 0094 10 PSWCONB2 0094 20 PSWCOND 0092 30 PSWCONDB 0094 30 PSWCOND1 0092 10 PSWCOND2 0092 20 PSWDECO 0092 04 PSWDECOB 0094 04 PSWEA 0093 01 PSWECMD 0091 08 PSWEXSM 0090 01 PSWEXSMB 0090 01 PSWEXUN 0092 02 PSWEXUNB 0094 02 PSWFIXO 0092 08 PSWFIXOB 0094 08 PSWHIADR 0094 7F PSWHMODE 0092 C0 PSWILCBC 0094 C0 PSWILCB2 0094 40 PSWILCB4 0094 80 PSWIOMSK 0090 FC PSWIOSM 0090 02 PSWIOSMB 0090 02 PSWKEY 0091 F0 PSWMAPPD 0091 01 PSWMCHK 0091 04 PSWPERA 0090 40 PSWPMODE 0092 00 PSWPMSK 0092 0F PSWPMSKB 0094 0F PSWPROB 0091 01 PSWSIGN 0092 01 PSWSIGNB 0094 01 PSWSMODE 0092 80 PSWTRAN 0090 04 PSWWAIT 0091 02 PSW31AMF 0094 00 PSW31BT 0094 80 PTE2PGM 0094 SI2PSW4B PTE2PTO 0094 SI2PSW4B PTO2PGM 0094 SI2PSW4B SACAR 0094 SI2PSW4B SACHOME 0094 SI2PSW4B SACPRIM 0094 00 SACSECO 0094 SI2PSW4B SAM31 0094 1F SAM64 0094 40 SIGPCPU 0094 0C SIGPEMER 0094 03 SIGPEXTC 0094 02 SIGPICPU 0094 0B SIGPIPR 0094 07 SIGPPR 0094 08 SIGPRSTR 0094 06 SIGPSARC 0094 12 SIGPSENS 0094 01 SIGPSPFX 0094 0D SIGPSRST 0094 15 SIGPSSTS 0094 0E SIGPSSTT 0094 09 SIGPSTOP 0094 05 SIGPSTRT 0094 04 SIGPSXST 0094 11 SI2ADDSP 00D3 SI2ARSEG 00D7 01 SI2ARSTD 00D3 00000001 SI2ATM 00D7 FF SI2ATMID 00D7 40 SI2ATM05 00D7 10 SI2ATM16 00D7 08 SI2ATM17 00D7 04 SI2ATM31 00D7 80 SI2ATM32 00D7 20 SI2AZM 0078 SI2AZN 0074 SI2BEAR 0180 SI2BLEN 01A4 00000200 SI2CKC 0030 SI2CPUTM 0028 SI2CPUTN 0028 80 SI2CPUT0 0028 SI2CRCB0 0164 SI2CRCB1 0165 SI2CRCB2 0166 SI2CRCB3 0167 SI2CRDB0 016C SI2CRDB1 016D SI2CRDB2 016E SI2CRDB3 016F SI2CREB0 0174 SI2CREB1 0175 SI2CREB2 0176 SI2CREB3 0177 SI2CRFB0 017C SI2CRFB1 017D SI2CRFB2 017E SI2CRFB3 017F SI2CR0 0104 SI2CR0B0 0104 SI2CR0B1 0105 SI2CR0B2 0106 SI2CR0B3 0107 SI2CR1 010C SI2CR1B0 010C SI2CR1B1 010D SI2CR1B2 010E SI2CR1B3 010F SI2CR1SO 010D SI2CR10 0154 SI2CR11 015C SI2CR12 0164 SI2CR13 016C SI2CR14 0174 SI2CR15 017C SI2CR2 0114 SI2CR2B0 0114 SI2CR2B1 0115 SI2CR2B2 0116 SI2CR2B3 0117 SI2CR2IM 0114 SI2CR3 011C SI2CR3B0 011C SI2CR3B1 011D SI2CR3B2 011E SI2CR3B3 011F SI2CR3KM 011C SI2CR3SA 011E SI2CR4 0124 SI2CR4AX 0124 SI2CR4B0 0124 SI2CR4B1 0125 SI2CR4B2 0126 SI2CR4B3 0127 SI2CR4PA 0126 SI2CR5 012C SI2CR5B0 012C SI2CR5B1 012D SI2CR5B2 012E SI2CR5B3 012F SI2CR6 0134 SI2CR6B0 0134 SI2CR6B1 0135 SI2CR6B2 0136 SI2CR6B3 0137 SI2CR7 013C SI2CR7B0 013C SI2CR7B1 013D SI2CR7B2 013E SI2CR7B3 013F SI2CR8 0144 SI2CR8AX 0144 SI2CR8B0 0144 SI2CR8B1 0145 SI2CR8B2 0146 SI2CR8B3 0147 SI2CR8MM 0146 SI2CR9 014C SI2CR9B0 014C SI2CR9B1 014D SI2CR9GM 014E SI2DMRI 0061 40 SI2DPTE 00C4 SI2DVSCS 0076 SI2DVST 0076 SI2DWLEN 01A4 00000040 SI2DXCOD 00D3 SI2ECA 004C SI2ECALT 004C 08 SI2ECA0 004C SI2ECA1 004D SI2ECA2 004E SI2ECA3 004F SI2ECB 0061 SI2ECBB0 0061 SI2ECBB1 0062 SI2ECBB2 0063 SI2ECB20 0063 08 SI2ECB21 0063 04 SI2ECEXT 004C 80 SI2ECINT 004C 40 SI2ECIO2 004C 04 SI2ECMVP 004C 01 SI2ECSGP 004C 10 SI2ECWAI 004C 20 SI2EMC10 0143 20 SI2ENDOP 0050 00000000 SI2EPOCH 0038 SI2ESAME 0002 08 SI2ESB 00BA SI2EXMSF 00C0 SI2EXRUN 0001 01 SI2EXTMR 0001 02 SI2FLD 01A0 SI2FPARM 00D0 SI2GCRC7 0167 SI2GCRD7 016F SI2GCRE4 0174 SI2GCRE5 0175 SI2GCRS 0100 SI2GCR0 0100 SI2GCR00 0100 SI2GCR01 0101 SI2GCR02 0102 SI2GCR03 0103 SI2GCR04 0104 SI2GCR05 0105 SI2GCR06 0106 SI2GCR07 0107 SI2GCR1 0108 SI2GCR10 0150 SI2GCR11 0158 SI2GCR12 0160 SI2GCR13 0168 SI2GCR14 0170 SI2GCR15 0178 SI2GCR17 010F SI2GCR2 0110 SI2GCR3 0118 SI2GCR4 0120 SI2GCR5 0128 SI2GCR54 012C SI2GCR6 0130 SI2GCR64 0134 SI2GCR7 0138 SI2GCR8 0140 SI2GCR8A 0144 SI2GCR8E 0142 SI2GCR8M 0146 SI2GCR80 0140 SI2GCR81 0141 SI2GCR82 0142 SI2GCR83 0143 SI2GCR9 0148 SI2GCR94 014C SI2GCR95 014D SI2GDPTE 00C0 SI2GG14 00A0 SI2GG145 00A0 SI2GG15 00A8 SI2GISA 0070 SI2GMNCD 00E8 SI2GMSLM 0088 SI2GMSMKH 0088 00FFFFFF SI2GMSMKL 0088 00F00000 SI2GMSOR 0080 SI2GOPAS 00EE SI2GPE 0003 01 SI2GPERA 00D8 SI2GPERL 00D8 SI2GPERR 00DC SI2GPSW 0090 SI2GSPTE 00C8 SI2GSSCT 00EC SI2GSSC2 00ED SI2GSSON 00EC 80 SI2GTRAD 00E8 SI2GTRAH 00E8 SI2GTRAL 00EC SI2GTRA7 00EF SI2HIIDW 00F0 SI2HOSEG 00D7 03 SI2HOSTD 00D3 00000003 SI2HWRSV 0180 SI2IBM1 00F4 SI2IBM2 0079 SI2IBM3 005C SI2IBM4 00FC SI2ICALT 0050 00000030 SI2ICBAK 004B 04 SI2ICBOT 0050 0000000C SI2ICBSA 0049 08 SI2ICEX 0051 01 SI2ICEXL 0051 60 SI2ICEXS 0051 40 SI2ICFII 0048 10 SI2ICFLG 0051 SI2ICIF 0051 02 SI2ICION 0050 00000040 SI2ICIOR 0050 0000003C SI2ICIPT 0048 01 SI2ICISK 004A 40 SI2ICLPS 0049 40 SI2ICLSP 004A 01 SI2ICNTC 0050 00000004 SI2ICODE 0050 SI2ICOUO 0050 0000002C SI2ICPC 004A 08 SI2ICPEX 0050 00000010 SI2ICPG 004B 02 SI2ICPIO 0050 00000018 SI2ICPIX 0050 00000038 SI2ICPNT 0050 00000008 SI2ICPOP 0048 80 SI2ICPR 004B 08 SI2ICPRG 0048 20 SI2ICPRO 0048 40 SI2ICPT 004A 04 SI2ICPTL 0049 20 SI2ICPT0 0048 SI2ICPT1 0049 SI2ICPT2 004A SI2ICPT3 004B SI2ICPUA 0046 SI2ICRRB 004A 10 SI2ICRUN 0050 00000044 SI2ICSCK 004B 20 SI2ICSPT 004B 40 SI2ICSSK 004A 20 SI2ICSSM 0049 10 SI2ICSTC 0049 04 SI2ICSTK 004A 80 SI2ICSTN 0049 02 SI2ICSTO 0049 01 SI2ICSTP 0050 00000028 SI2ICTLS 0048 SI2ICTMR 0050 00000048 SI2ICTPT 004A 02 SI2ICVAL 0050 00000020 SI2ICWT 0050 0000001C SI2ICXNT 0050 00000014 SI2IEF 00FA SI2IEXCA 00C4 SI2IEXCD 00C6 SI2IEXCF 00C4 SI2IEXCL 00C6 SI2IEXCT 00C7 SI2IHCPU 0052 SI2IMISC 0050 00000024 SI2IMLT4 0050 00000003 SI2IMNCD 00DC SI2IMNCL 00D4 SI2INPRM 00EC SI2INST 0056 SI2INSTE 0057 SI2INSTO 0056 SI2INTWD 0000 SI2IOINT 00E8 SI2IOPCT 0074 SI2IOPRM 00E8 000000E8 SI2IORNM 00EA SI2IOSID 00E8 SI2IPA 0056 SI2IPARM 0056 SI2IPA0 0056 00000056 SI2IPA1 0057 57 SI2IPB 0058 SI2IPBH0 0058 SI2IPBH1 005A SI2IPB0 0058 SI2IPB1 0059 SI2IPB2 005A SI2IPB3 005B SI2IPEXT 0000 01 SI2IPRCC 00CE SI2IPRCD 00CC SI2IPRCL 00CC SI2IPRC0 00CE SI2IPRC1 00CF SI2IPSTP 0000 04 SI2IPVIO 0000 02 SI2IPWAI 0000 10 SI2IPXTC 0000 08 SI2ISCAA 0064 SI2ISCHI 00F2 SI2ITRAD 00D0 SI2ITRA3 00D3 SI2IVISC 00F0 SI2IZONE 00F1 SI2LCTB0 0044 SI2LCTB1 0045 SI2LCTLA 0045 20 SI2LCTLB 0045 10 SI2LCTLC 0045 08 SI2LCTLD 0045 04 SI2LCTLE 0045 02 SI2LCTLF 0045 01 SI2LCTLS 0044 SI2LCTL0 0044 80 SI2LCTL1 0044 40 SI2LCTL2 0044 20 SI2LCTL3 0044 10 SI2LCTL4 0044 08 SI2LCTL5 0044 04 SI2LCTL6 0044 02 SI2LCTL7 0044 01 SI2LCTL8 0045 80 SI2LCTL9 0045 40 SI2MCDS 0002 01 SI2MCL10 0147 20 SI2MODE 0003 SI2MODEX 0002 SI2NTVCT 0000 SI2OPASN 00D2 SI2OPRID 00E2 SI2PERAD 00D8 SI2PERAR 00E1 SI2PERCD 00D6 SI2PERCL 00D6 SI2PERZF 00D7 SI2PREFX 0004 SI2PRSEG 00D7 00 SI2PRSTD 00D3 00000000 SI2PSTD1 00D7 02 SI2PSTD2 00D7 01 SI2PSW 0090 SI2PSWIA 0098 SI2PSW0 0090 SI2PSW0B 0090 SI2PSW0F 0090 SI2PSW1 0091 SI2PSW2 0092 SI2PSW2H 0092 SI2PSW3 0093 SI2PSW4 0094 SI2PSW4B 0094 SI2PSW4F 0094 SI2PSW57 0095 SI2QCODE 00C0 SI2QEBSM 0061 80 SI2QLCK 00C2 SI2QPEI 00C0 SI2QSBIX 00C1 SI2QSD1 00C2 80 SI2QSD2 00C2 40 SI2RCP 0060 SI2RCPBY 0062 10 SI2RCPB0 0060 SI2RCPB2 0062 SI2RRF 0002 80 SI2RSCB 0001 40 SI2RSVD2 0068 SI2RSVD3 0078 SI2RUNNING 0001 80 SI2SCHI1 00F2 80 SI2SCST 0077 SI2SDSC 0000 SI2SESEG 00D7 02 SI2SESTD 00D3 00000002 SI2SIGA 004F 04 SI2SKAIP 0060 40 SI2SPTE 00CC SI2SSCTL 00D0 SI2SSCT2 00D1 SI2SSON 00D0 80 SI2STATC 0001 SI2SVCIL 00C8 SI2SVCNN 0040 80 SI2SVCNT 00CA SI2SVCTL 0040 SI2SVC1C 0040 40 SI2SVC1N 0041 SI2SVC2C 0040 20 SI2SVC2N 0042 SI2SVC3C 0040 10 SI2SVC3N 0043 SI2TODPF 006E SI2TODPR 006C SI2UZP0 00C0 SI2VIRSN 0056 SI2VIRSV 005A SI2VIWHN 0057 SI2VIWHO 0056 SI2VIWHY 0058 SI2VR 0003 08 SI2XCPAL 00E8 SI2XCPAR 00E0 SI2XSL 00BD SI2XSO 00BA SI22NDVR 0002 20 SI22NDVV 0002 40 SSKEMB 0094 01 SSKEMC 0094 02 SSKEMR 0094 04 SSKENQ 0094 08 STD2STO 0094 SI2PSW4B STE2PGM 0094 SI2PSW4B STE2PTO 0094 SI2PSW4B STE2STO 0094 SI2PSW4B
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011