Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

RSMBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: RSM common area mapping
 DSECT      : RSMBK : Maps Real Storage Manangement Block.
              Other DSECTs defined in this control block file:
              - RSAAVNKR  : Available list anchor mapping.
              - RSADefFRQ : Deferred Frame Request Queue mapping.
              - RSMANCHR  : Free frames anchor mapping.
 FUNCTION   : Map the Real Storage Management Data Area located
              in the data module HCPRSM that contains anchors,
              locks and counts for Real Storage Management data.
              HCPRSMFR  Free storage VMDBK backed above 2G
              chain anchor and count
              HCPRSMFB  Free storage VMDBK backed below 2G
              chain anchor and count
              HCPRSMSV  Free storage SYSTEM backed above 2G
              chain anchor and count
              HCPRSMSB  Free storage SYSTEM backed below 2G
              chain anchor and count
 DELETED BY : Never deleted.  Reinitialized with next system IPL.
 Comments about counters -
        A general assumption for main storage size is that
        it will always be a power of 2.  The fact that is
        not actually true is no concern.  We don't use
        this hypothetical value for anything at all except
        to demonstrate in these comments that we can count
        "things" before our 32-bit counters overflow.
        This "power of 2" concept is all only comments.
        If, for example, storage units came in the size
        4GB and 3 units were installed, that would be
        12GB.  But for our calculations for how much we
        can count in 32-bit fields, we'll just pretend the
        next power of 2, namely 16GB.
        A general assumption for main storage size is that
        it won't all be allocated to a single category.
        That is, not every frame is going to be "available
        above 2GB", or "offline", or whatever.  Even if
        every frame/page above 2GB were included in a
        single counter, that counter could only rise to
            (total number of frames) - (frames below 2GB)
        Based on these assumptions, any 32-bit unsigned
        counter of frames is sufficient for main storage
        up to 16T, x'1000_00000000'
            (16T-below2GB)/4KB < x'FFFFFFFF'
        Counters that measure the "number of doublewords"
        must respect the maximum possible value in their
        definitions.  32-bit unsigned counters (in dwords)
        can hold up to a maximum of only 2GB since 2GB/8B
        = x'10000000'.  For example, various dword
        counters of free storage backed below 2GB require
        only a 32-bit field.  The corresponding dword
        counters of free storage backed above 2GB are
        64-bit fields.
        Counters that measure "number of things" like
        tasks, or events, either will
        - be small enough that a 32-bit field will suffice
        - overflow eventually, but we don't care


RSMBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSMBK          RSM common area mapping
         Now define the RSMBK.
0000    0 Signed       4 RSASAVFR       Non-negative count of frames in
                                        use by the save area manager.
                                        Serialized by save page queue
                                        lock (RCCSFQL)
      System-real space information
0004    4 Address      4 RSARSAST       Host Logical Address ASTE @ for
                                        the system-real space, which
                                        identity maps all of real storage
                                        (including real storage above 2G)
                                        via an RSD (meaning no DAT tables
                                        are required)
0008    8 Signed       4 RSAMSARC       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) below the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE)
000C   12 Signed       4 RSAMSASC       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) below the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE) or addressable
                                        frame (SYSTORS) whichever is
0010   16 Signed       4 RSAMSARH       Count of machine storage areas
                                        (MSA) above the highest sysgen
                                        frame (RSASTORE)
0014   20 Signed       4 RSADPACP       Count of DPA frames containing CP
                                        data (includes all frames which
                                        have the FRMCP bit on in FRMCSB0
                                        of their FRMTEs, except for VDISK
                                        frames, which are CP owned, but
                                        contain user data). This is the
                                        count of frames that will be
                                        included in a CP dump, and is
                                        used to allocate additional space
                                        for a CP dump as CP grows.
                                        Compare and Swap logic must be
                                        used to update this field. If
                                        this 32-bit field is treated as
                                        SIGNED, it will overflow when CP
                                        DPA reaches 2G frames, or 8T
                                        bytes. If this 32-bit field is
                                        treated as UNSIGNED, it will
                                        overflow when CP DPA reaches 4G
                                        frames, or 16T bytes.
0018   24 Signed       4 RSATRSAV       Count of DPA frames in use for
                                        DEFERIO traces. This count is
                                        used to ensure that the number of
                                        DPA frames allocated for DEFERIO
                                        traces does not exceed 75% of the
                                        pageable pages in the DPA. This
                                        count is serialized by TXCDFRIO,
                                        the DEFERIO frames lock.
001C   28 Signed       4 RSASTORE       Real machine actual storage size
                                        below 2G. Calculated during
                                        system init. RSASTORE can be
                                        updated repeatedly by SET STORAGE
                                        processing. No serialization over
                                        RSASTORE is in effect.
      Storage for 64 alternate processor PFXPGs are allocated
      during initialization from storage following the CP nucleus
      and is identity-mapped into the System Execution Space.
      The CPU address of the processor is used to index into this
      storage when allocating/deallocating prefix pages.
      Prefix pages are allocated below 2G in storage. Since they
      are allocated from identity-mapped storage the addresses
      can be used as host real or host logical (SXS) addresses.
0020   32 Address      4 RSAPFXAF       First alternate proc PFXPG addr.
                                        Host real = host logical address.
0024   36 Address      4 RSAPFXND       Address of the end of alternate
                                        processor PFXPG table. Points to
                                        the byte just after the last
                                        PFXPG in the table. Host real =
                                        host logical address.
      This area contains information generally regarding the
      "lazy initialization" of host storage, although there
      are other uses here.
0028   40 Signed       4 RSATASKB (0)   Task active bits. C/S to update.
0028   40 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB0       RSATASKB task bits 0- 7
0029   41 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB1       RSATASKB task bits 8-15
002A   42 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB2       RSATASKB task bits 16-23
002B   43 Bitstring    1 RSATSKB3       RSATASKB task bits 24-31
          .... ...1      RSAneTSK       X'01' RSAneTSK Phonetically: RSA
                                        "ini" TSK. Indicates low priority
                                        frame initialization task is
          .... ..1.      RSAneCNT       X'02' RSAneCNT Phonetically: RSA
                                        "ini" CNT. Indicates RSAFNOTI
                                        must be re-calculated.
          .... 1...      RSAPCQUA       X'08' RSAPCQUA HCPPCQUA is
                                        unassigning storage
002C   44 Signed       4 RSADPAAD       Number of frames that are CP
                                        frames in the storage being added
                                        by SET STORAGE
0030   48 Signed       8 RSAFNOTI       Count of 'not-init' FRMTEs. This
                                        is the number of FRMTEs which
                                        have not yet been checked to see
                                        if they are usable.
0038   56 Signed       8 RSALGFRM       Count of usable frames >= 2G.
                                        Only pageable or available frames
                                        are considered "usable" since
                                        they can be used to satisfy new
                                        requests. Non-pageable frames
                                        can't be stolen so they aren't
                                        considered usable. Pageable type
                                        frames that are pinned are
                                        considered non-pageable while
0040   64 Signed       8 RSAGOFFL       Count of offline frames >= 2G.
0048   72 Address      8 RSAGSTOR       Host Real Address Last
                                        addressable byte, including
                                        storage > 2G. Calculated
                                        during system init. RSAGSTOR can
                                        be updated repeatedly by SET
                                        STORAGE processing. No
                                        serialization over RSAGSTOR is in
0050   80 Address      8 RSASTORL       Host Real Address Highest real
                                        host storage addr, including
                                        STANDY and RESERVED. This is
                                        uncapped. Calculated from SCLP
                                        storage data or Diagnose.
0058   88 Address      8 RSALG1ST       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        first FRMTE for frames being
                                        examined for FRMNOTI
0060   96 Address      8 RSALGLST       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        last FRMTE for frames being
                                        examined for FRMNOTI
0068  104 Address      8 RSANOTIB       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        FRMTE for the highest frame
                                        marked 'not-init'.
     |  >=2G Uncleared Global Available Lists Data:             |
     |                                                          |
     |  Refer to HCPPTE for a description of the organization   |
     |  of these lists.                                         |
      >2G SINGLE FRAMES available list
0070  112 Dbl-Word     8 RSA2GAHD (0)   >= 2G available list data area
                                        with forward and backward
                                        pointers to the standard list of
                                        >= 2G available 4k frames, and
                                        the three doubleword area for the
                                        available list spin lock.
0070  112 Address      8 RSA2GAFP       >=2G available list forward
0078  120 Address      8 RSA2GABP       >=2G available list backward
0080  128 Signed       8 RSA2GAVL       Count of frames on the >= 2G
                                        available list.
0088  136 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use.
0090  144 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use.
0098  152 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
009C  156 Signed       4 RSAAVLHG       >= 2G avbl list high threshold
00A0  160 Signed       8 RSA2GLCK (6)   >= 2G available list lock.
                                        This lock is obtained & released
                                        via macros HCPLK2GA and HCPUL2GA.
      >2G CONTIGUOUS FRAMES available list
00D0  208 Dbl-Word     8 RSA2GCHD (0)   >= 2G contig avail list data
                                        area with forward and backward
                                        pointers to the standard list of
                                        >= 2G available 4k frames, and
                                        the three doubleword area for the
                                        available list spin lock.
00D0  208 Address      8 RSA2GCFP       >=2G available list forward
00D8  216 Address      8 RSA2GCBP       >=2G available list backward
00E0  224 Signed       8 RSA2GCVL       Count of frames on the >= 2G
                                        available list.
00E8  232 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use.
00F0  240 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use.
00F8  248 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
00FC  252 Signed       4 RSAAVCHG       >= 2G contig avbl list high
0100  256 Signed       8 RSA2GCLK (6)   >= 2G contig available list lk
                                        This lock is obtained & released
                                        via macros HCPLK2GC and HCPUL2GC.
                    >2G deferred frame request queue
      Deferred frame request queue for tasks waiting
      for a frame located >2G only.
      See RSADefFRQ for mapping and important comments.
      This queue is for tasks waiting for a >2G frame
      when the >2G singles available list is empty.
0130  304 Dbl-Word     8 RSADefA2G (0)  A2G Deferred Frame Request Queue
0130  304 Signed       8 * (6)          Spin lock.
0160  352 Address      4 *              Pointer to First CPEBK.
0164  356 Address      4 *              Pointer to Last CPEBK.
0168  360 Signed       4 RSAdefCTA2G    Count. (Maintain
      End of RSADefA2G definition.
016C  364 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
      End of the >2G Section.
0170  368 Dbl-Word     8 RSAPRLK (3)    PTRM address space resolution
                                        lock. This is a formal exclusive
                                        lock, managed by HCPLCK. This
                                        lock serializes RSAASITB during
                                        PTRM address space creation. This
                                        lock must be held to resolve an
                                        "address space fault" when
                                        working with PTRM address spaces.
0188  392 Dbl-Word     8 RSAASITB (16)  Table of i-ASITs for the PTRM
                                        address spaces. RSAPRLK must be
                                        held to validate an entry in this
                                        table. Each table entry is mapped
                                        by the HCPAMTE control block.
0208  520 Address      8 RSADPPFW (0)   Host Real Address
0208  520 Address      4 *              Deferred PGMBK paging list ...
020C  524 Address      4 *              (DPPL) forward pointer
0210  528 Address      8 RSADPPBW (0)   Host Real Address
0210  528 Address      4 *              Deferred PGMBK paging list ...
0214  532 Address      4 *              (DPPL) backward pointer
0218  536 Address      8 RSAPPAFW (0)   Host Real Address
0218  536 Address      4 *              Paged PGMBK aging list (PPAL) ...
021C  540 Address      4 *              forward ptr. PPAL is actually a
                                        list of PGMBKs and DAT frames.
0220  544 Address      8 RSAPPABW (0)   Host Real Address
0220  544 Address      4 *              Paged PGMBK aging list ...
0224  548 Address      4 *              (PPAL) backward pointer.
0228  552 Signed       4 RSAPPAQD       If non-zero, a task has been
                                        queued for deferred processing of
                                        the PPAL (contains the R13
                                        savearea address of the queueing
                                        task). Set with CS, reset with
                                        store of 0s.
022C  556 Signed       4 RSAPPTLK       Pageable Page Table Lock This is
                                        an informal spin lock. The lock
                                        must be held when adding FRMTEs
                                        to or removing FRMTEs from the
                                        DPPL or the PPAL. RSAPPTLK is set
                                        to the address obtaining the
                                        lock. When free, its value is
                                        zero. Use Compare-and-Swap to
                                        update. (This lock must also be
                                        held when decrementing a PGMFRMCT
                                        or PGMMIGCT field to zero, and
                                        then seeing if we can put that
                                        PGMBK on the DPPL.) It must be
                                        held while processing the DPPL,
                                        but can be held only while the
                                        PPAL is 'harvested' See HCPHRUPA
                                        prolog for details This lock also
                                        serializes the bit FRMONQUE in a
                                        FRMTE being put on the DPPL or
                                        PPAL. For FRMTEs on the PPAL, the
                                        ONLY procession for them is to an
                                        available list, and FRMONQUE is
                                        then reset.
0230  560 Signed       4 RSARESAC       Count of resident PTRM pages
                                        >=2G i.e. count of resident
                                        PGMBK frames >= 2G
0234  564 Signed       4 *              reserved for IBM use
0238  568 Dbl-Word     8 RSARFRSG       Count of frames allocated for
                                        real free storage requests
                                        >2G. This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
0240  576 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAFRDW       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        real free storage above 2G. This
                                        count includes the number of
                                        doublewords of active as well as
                                        inactive aligned free storage.
                                        This count will always be a
                                        multiple of 512. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0248  584 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAFRIU       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        aligned real free storage above
                                        2G. This count includes only the
                                        active aligned free storage
                                        blocks This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
0250  592 Signed       4 RSAAFSDW       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        host logical free storage backed
                                        above 2G. This count includes the
                                        number of doublewords of active
                                        as well as inactive aligned free
                                        storage. This count will always
                                        be a multiple of 512. This count
                                        is updated using Compare-and-Swap
0254  596 Signed       4 RSAAFSDB       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        host logical free storage backed
                                        below 2G. This count includes
                                        active as well as inactive
                                        aligned free storage. This count
                                        will always be a multiple of 512.
                                        This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0258  600 Signed       4 RSARFRST       Count of frames allocated for
                                        real free storage requests
                                        <2G. This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
025C  604 Signed       4 RSAAFRDB       Count of doublewords of aligned
                                        real free storage below 2G. This
                                        count includes active as well as
                                        inactive aligned free storage.
                                        This count will always be a
                                        multiple of 512. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0260  608 Signed       4 RSAAFSIU       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        aligned host logical free storage
                                        backed above 2G. This count
                                        includes only the active aligned
                                        free storage blocks. This count
                                        is updated using Compare-and-Swap
0264  612 Signed       4 RSAAFSIB       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        aligned host logical free storage
                                        backed below 2G. This count
                                        includes only the active aligned
                                        free storage blocks. This count
                                        is updated using Compare-and-Swap
0268  616 Signed       4 RSAAFRIB       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        aligned real free storage below
                                        2G. This count includes only the
                                        active aligned free storage
                                        blocks This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
026C  620 Signed       4 RSAVCBDW       Count of doublewords of
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage backed above 2G. This
                                        control block free storage. count
                                        includes the number of
                                        doublewords of active as well as
                                        inactive verifiable control block
                                        free storage and will always be a
                                        multiple of 512. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0270  624 Signed       4 RSAVCBDB       Count of doublewords of
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage backed below 2G. This
                                        control block free storage. count
                                        includes the number of
                                        doublewords of active as well as
                                        inactive verifiable control block
                                        free storage and will always be a
                                        multiple of 512. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0274  628 Signed       4 RSAVCBIU       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage backed above 2G. This
                                        count includes only the active
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage blocks. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
0278  632 Signed       4 RSAVCBIB       Count of doublewords of in use
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage backed below 2G. This
                                        count includes only the active
                                        verifiable control block free
                                        storage blocks. This count is
                                        updated using Compare-and-Swap
027C  636 Signed       4 RSAVFSDW       Count of doublewords of virtual
                                        free storage. This count includes
                                        active as well as inactive
                                        virtual free storage blocks (Note
                                        that inactive means currently
                                        resident on the virtual SUBBK
                                        FRMTE list).
                                 Note that this count represents
                                 virtual storage, not real.  The
                                 count is the number of doublewords
                                 within the virtual free storage
                                 CP utility address space currently
                                 in use or residing on the virtual
                                 SUBBK FRMTE lists.  This count
                                 will always be a multiple of 2048.
                                 This count is updated using
                                 Compare-and-Swap logic.
0280  640 Signed       4 RSAVFSIU       Count of doublewords of virtual
                                        free storage in use. This count
                                        includes only active free storage
                                        blocks. Note this count
                                        represents virtual storage, not
                                        real. The count is the number of
                                        doublewords within the virtual
                                        free storage CP utility address
                                        space. This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
0284  644 Signed       4 RSANALD        Host Real Address ALD for "null"
                                        access list
0288  648 Dbl-Word     8 RSANASIT (0)   i-ASIT for "null" address space.
                                        The ASTE for the null address
                                        space is guaranteed to designate
                                        both a null access list (RSANALD)
                                        and a null authority table, and
                                        the ASTE ASCE is guaranteed to
                                        designate a segment table with
                                        STL of 1, indicating that the
                                        segment table is two segment
                                        table units in length (2 pages =
                                        8K in z/Arch).
0288  648 Address      4 *              Null ASTE with IASRACC and
                                        IASFPRIV set. The value is
                                        updated during initialization to
                                        address the null ASTE.
028C  652 Signed       4 *              ASTE sequence number=1.
0290  656 Address      4 RSANDUCT       Host Real Address Address of
                                        "null" dispatchable- unit control
                                        table (DUCT).
0294  660 Address      4 RSASHRSP       Host Logical Address Anchor for
                                        chain of shareable address
                                        spaces. Chain is serialized by
0298  664 Dbl-Word     8 RSAPPTN        STE invalidation timestamp of
                                        most recently decoupled frame
                                        (pair) on the PPAL.
02A0  672 Signed       4 RSAPPTPS       ALB/TLB purges started prior to
                                        entering wait
02A4  676 Signed       4 RSAPPTPF       ALB/TLB purges finished prior to
                                        entering wait
02A8  680 Signed       4 RSAPPTCS       ALB/TLB purges via CSP during
                                        emergency PPAL processing
02AC  684 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
02B0  688 Dbl-Word     8 RSASHRLK (3)   A shared/exclusive defer lock
                                        serializing the RSASHRSP chain.
02C8  712 Dbl-Word     8 RSASPMLK (3)   A shared/exclusive defer lock
                                        serializing all SPIBK chains
02E0  736 Dbl-Word     8 RSAALCIN (3)   An exclusive-only defer lock to
                                        serialize tasks changing an ALD
                                        from the "null" ALD to a non-null
02F8  760 Signed       4 RSACTSHR       Global count of shared address
                                        space resident frames
02FC  764 Signed       4 RSABLKGC       Count of tasks representing frame
                                        requests requesting or deferred
                                        on RSABLKGF lock
0300  768 Dbl-Word     8 RSABLKGF (3)   An exclusive-only defer lock to
                                        serialize tasks obtaining frames
                                        to resolve page faults in a group
                                        of blocked pages. Used when there
                                        are no frames on the available
     |        RSM allocation counts:                            |
0318  792 Signed       4 RSACPLOK       Integer non-negative exact count
                                        of frames that are locked by the
                                        CP LOCK command (PGSCPLOK) below
                                        2G. This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
031C  796 Signed       4 RSAOFFLN       Non-negative count of the number
                                        of offline frames. The count of
                                        offline frames may never be
                                        decremented since once a frame is
                                        marked offline, it is never
                                        brought back online. This field
                                        is initialized during system
                                        initialization and should always
                                        be updated with the available
                                        list spin lock held. However,
                                        because this field may be updated
                                        by the extend free storage
                                        replenishment scan which does not
                                        normally function with the
                                        available list lock held, there
                                        is a minute chance that the count
                                        may be off slightly.
0320  800 Signed       4 RSASHARE       Non-negative count of frames that
                                        currently are translated as a
                                        shared frame (DCSS/NSS frames
                                        only, shared address space frames
                                        are not included (see RSACTSHR)).
                                        This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0324  804 Signed       4 RSANONPG       Count of DPA frames which are
                                        currently non-pageable, including
                                        locked pageable frames, CP owned
                                        or free storage frames, etc. This
                                        field is only updated during
                                        system initialization or using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0328  808 Signed       4 RSAPGABL       Count of usable frames in the DPA
                                        including both pageable and
                                        non-pageable (locked, CP owned,
                                        free storage, etc.) frames. It
                                        does not include offline frames.
                                        This field is only updated during
                                        system initialization or using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
032C  812 Signed       4 RSACPLKG       Integer non-negative exact count
                                        of frames that are locked by the
                                        CP LOCK command (PGSCPLOK) above
                                        2G. This count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
     |  <2G Uncleared Global Available lists data:              |
     |                                                          |
     |  Refer to HCPPTE for a description of the organization   |
     |  of these lists.                                         |
      <2G SINGLE FRAMES available list
0330  816 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAVLAN (0)   Available list data area with
                                        forward and backward pointers to
                                        the standard list of available 4K
                                        frames, a backward pointer for
                                        the list of available 16K blocks
                                        (for IFSNT allocation requests)
                                        and the three doubleword area for
                                        the available list spin lock.
                                        This area is initialized during
                                        system initialization and updated
                                        only when the available list lock
                                        is held.
0330  816 Address      8 RSAAVLFP       Host Logical Address FRMTE
                                        available list forward ptr
0338  824 Address      8 RSAAVLBP       Host Logical Address FRMTE
                                        available list backward ptr
0340  832 Signed       4 *              Not used, but needed to be
                                        compatible with RSA2GAVL
0344  836 Signed       4 RSAAVAIL       Non-negative count of frames that
                                        are currently on the < 2G
                                        frames available list. This field
                                        is initialized during system
                                        initialization and updated only
                                        when the available list lock is
0348  840 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
034C  844 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
0350  848 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
0354  852 Signed       4 RSAAVLHT       < 2G avbl list high threshold
0358  856 Signed       8 RSAAVLLK (6)   Avbl list spin lock
0388  904 Bitstring    8 RSA16KBP       Host Logical Address Backward ptr
                                        to FRMTE for the list of
                                        available 16K blocks. They are
                                        chained via the backward pointer
                                        in the FRMTE for the last frame
                                        in each 16K block
      <2G CONTIGUOUS FRAMES available list
0390  912 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAVCAN (0)   Contig avail list data area with
                                        forward and backward pointers to
                                        the standard list of available 4K
                                        frames, and the six doubleword
                                        area for the available list spin
                                        lock. This area is initialized
                                        during system initialization and
                                        updated only when the available
                                        list lock is held.
0390  912 Address      8 RSAAVCFP       Host Logical Address FRMTE
                                        available list forward ptr
0398  920 Address      8 RSAAVCBP       Host Logical Address FRMTE
                                        available list backward ptr
03A0  928 Signed       4 *              Not used, but needed to be
                                        compatible with RSA2GCVL
03A4  932 Signed       4 RSAAVCIL       Non-negative count of frames that
                                        are currently on the < 2G
                                        frames available list. This field
                                        is initialized during system
                                        initialization and updated only
                                        when the available list lock is
03A8  936 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
03AC  940 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
03B0  944 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
03B4  948 Signed       4 RSAAVCHT       <2G contig avbl list high
03B8  952 Signed       8 RSAAVCLK (6)   Contig available list spin lock
                    <2G deferred frame request queue
      Deferred frame request queue for tasks waiting
      for a frame located <2G only.
      See RSADefFRQ for mapping and important comments.
      This queue is for tasks waiting for a <2G frame
      when the <2G singles available list is empty.
03E8 1000 Dbl-Word     8 RSADefB2G (0)  B2G Deferred Frame Request Queue
03E8 1000 Signed       8 * (6)          Spin lock.
0418 1048 Address      4 *              Pointer to First CPEBK.
041C 1052 Address      4 *              Pointer to Last CPEBK.
0420 1056 Signed       4 RSAdefCTB2G    Count (Formerly RSAFRQWT)
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG,MRSYTRSG)
      End of RSADefB2G definition.
0424 1060 Signed       4 RSAFRQMW       Count of tasks deferring or
                                        delaying attempting to obtain
                                        multiple frames (for PGMBKs only
                                        at this point). Incremented once
                                        after initial attempt fails,
                                        decremented only after request is
                                        satisfied, or given up on.
0428 1064 Signed       4 RSAFRQDF       Count of deferred multiple frame
                                        requests for PGMBKs Incremented
                                        during actual deferment.
042C 1068 Signed       4 RSAFRQDL       Count of delayed multiple frame
                                        requests for PGMBKs Incremented
                                        during actual delay.
0430 1072 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFRQDT       Total multiple frame request
                                        delay interval for PGMBKs since
                                        last system timer pop
0438 1080 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFRQDA       Average multiple frame request
                                        delay interval for PGMBKs between
                                        system timer pop instances
      Redrive counters for tasks waiting for frames.
0440 1088 Signed       4 RSARDaANY      Count of times HCPPTGRD attempted
                                        to redrive tasks waiting for any
                                        available frame (>= 2G or
                                        <2G) Updated with CS.
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG)
0444 1092 Signed       4 RSARDtANY      Count of individual task redrives
                                        performed by HCPPTGRD for any
                                        available frame (>= 2G or
                                        <2G) Updated with CS.
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG)
0448 1096 Signed       4 RSARDaA2G      Count of times HCPPTGRD attempted
                                        to redrive tasks waiting for an
                                        available frame >2G. Updated
                                        with CS. (Maintain MRSTORSG)
044C 1100 Signed       4 RSARDtA2G      Count of individual task redrives
                                        performed by HCPPTGRD for an
                                        available frame >2G. Updated
                                        with CS. (Maintain MRSTORSG)
0450 1104 Signed       4 RSARDaB2G      Count of HCPPTGRD attempts to
                                        redrive tasks waiting for frames
                                        below 2G. Updated with CS.
                                        (Formerly RSAFRRDA) (Maintain
0454 1108 Signed       4 RSARDtB2G      Count of individual task redrives
                                        performed by HCPPTGRD for frames
                                        below 2G. Updated with CS.
                                        (Formerly RSAFRRDC) (Maintain
0458 1112 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
045C 1116 Signed       4 RSARESBC       Count of resident PTRM pages
                                        <2G i.e. count of resident
                                        PGMBK frames <2G
                    <>2G deferred frame request queue
      Deferred frame request queue for tasks waiting
      for a frame located <>2G.  (Also known as type=ANY.)
      See RSADefFRQ for mapping and important comments.
      This queue is for tasks waiting for a <>2G frame
      when both of the singles available lists are empty.
0460 1120 Dbl-Word     8 RSADefANY (0)  ANY Deferred Frame Request Queue
0460 1120 Signed       8 * (6)          Spin lock.
0490 1168 Address      4 *              Pointer to First CPEBK.
0494 1172 Address      4 *              Pointer to Last CPEBK.
0498 1176 Signed       4 RSAdefCTANY    Count (Formerly RSA2GDCT)
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG,MRSYTRSG)
      End of RSADefANY definition.
049C 1180 Bitstring    1 * (4)          Reserved for IBM use.
     |        Available list replenishment (steal) data:        |
04A0 1184 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
04A0 1184 Signed       4 RSADSLOK (0)   Demand Scan (Steal) lock. When
                                        held, this lock indicates the
                                        Demand Scan is replenishing the
                                        available list of frames. This
                                        lock is normally obtained via TS.
                                        However CS may be used if
                                        RSARFLOK is set to X'FF' as TS
                                        would and RSADSCPU is set at the
                                        same time.
04A0 1184 Bitstring    1 RSARFLOK       TS lock to prevent triggering of
                                        multiple concurrent steal tasks
04A1 1185 Bitstring    3 RSADSCPU       When non-zero, indicates a CPU is
                                        running the Steal task
04A4 1188 Bitstring    1 RSATRQLK       Delayed Demand Scan TRQBK lock.
                                        This TS lock is used to prevent
                                        stacking multiple TRQBK's when
                                        Demand Scan determines it may
                                        need to reinvoke itself.
04A5 1189 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
04A8 1192 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
04A8 1192 Dbl-Word     8 RSADSTSA       Timestamp of when entered
                                        emergency pass in demand scan for
                                        >=2G frames
04B0 1200 Dbl-Word     8 RSADSTSB       Timestamp of when entered
                                        emergency pass in demand scan for
                                        <2G frames
04B8 1208 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Available list high thresholds
                                        which indicates how many frames
                                        should be taken by the available
                                        list replenishment functions to
                                        satisfy the current user and
                                        system needs for frames. These
                                        fields are updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
04B8 1208 Signed       4 RSASWPWT       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for < 2G PGMBKs in
                                        frames This count is updated
                                        using Compare-and-Swap logic.
04BC 1212 Signed       4 RSASWP2G       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for >= 2G PGMBKs in
04C0 1216 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Available list low thresholds
                                        (which indicates when the demand
                                        scan should be invoked providing
                                        a buffer for the system until
                                        more frames become available),
                                        the decrement count (which says
                                        how many times the demand scan
                                        has run since the low threshold
                                        was last checked for
                                        decrementing; it wasn't
                                        decremented if it was recently
                                        incremented), and the decrement
                                        flag (which is on when the
                                        threshold was not incremented
                                        recently and may be decremented).
                                        These fields are updated with
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic except at
                                        initialization time. The count
                                        and flag fields are used to
                                        determine whether or not to
                                        decrement the low threshold in
                                        this run of the demand scan.
04C0 1216 Signed       4 RSAAVLLT       Available list low threshold for
                                        frames < 2G
04C4 1220 Signed       4 RSADECCT       Decrement low threshold count for
                                        frames < 2G
04C8 1224 Signed       4 RSAAVCLT       Cont avail list low threshold for
                                        frames < 2G
04CC 1228 Signed       4 RSADECCC       Decrement low threshold count for
                                        cont frames < 2G
04D0 1232 Signed       4 RSADECCS (0)   DECREMENT FLAG COMP. & SWAP WORD
04D0 1232 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
04D2 1234 Bitstring    1 RSADECFG       Decrement low threshold flag for
                                        frames >= 2G
          .... ...1      RSADECRG       X'01' RSADECRG The >=2G low
                                        threshold may be decremented when
                                        on (if off, the low threshold was
                                        recently incremented and should
                                        not be decremented)
          .... ..1.      RSAINCRG       X'02' RSAINCRG The >=2G low
                                        threshold has been incremented
                                        already this cycle (controls the
                                        increment amount)
          .... .1..      RSADCCGC       X'04' RSADCCGC The >=2G contig
                                        low threshold may be decremented
                                        when on (if off, the low
                                        threshold was recently
                                        incremented and should not be
          .... 1...      RSAINCGC       X'08' RSAINCGC The >=2G contig
                                        low threshold has been
                                        incremented already this cycle
                                        (controls the increment amount)
04D3 1235 Bitstring    1 RSADECFL       Decrement low threshold flag for
                                        frames < 2G
          .... ...1      RSADECRB       X'01' RSADECRB The <2G low
                                        threshold may be decremented when
                                        on (if off, the low threshold was
                                        recently incremented and should
                                        not be decremented)
          .... ..1.      RSAINCRB       X'02' RSAINCRB The <2G low
                                        threshold has been incremented
                                        already this cycle (controls the
                                        increment amount)
          .... .1..      RSADECRC       X'04' RSADECRC The <2G contig
                                        low threshold may be decremented
                                        when on (if off, the low
                                        threshold was recently
                                        incremented and should not be
          .... 1...      RSAINCRC       X'08' RSAINCRC The <2G contig
                                        low threshold has been
                                        incremented already this cycle
                                        (controls the increment amount)
04D4 1236 Signed       4 RSAAVLLG       >=2G available list low
04D8 1240 Signed       4 RSADECCG       Decrement >=2G low threshold
04DC 1244 Signed       4 RSAAVCLG       >=2G cont avail list low
04E0 1248 Signed       4 RSADECGC       Decrement contig >=2G low
                                        threshold count
04E4 1252 Signed       4 RSACFPCT       Count of contiguous frames for
                                        PGMBKs since last demand scan
04E8 1256 Signed       4 RSACFPAV       Average count of contiguous frame
                                        requests for PGMBKs between
                                        demand scan instances
04EC 1260 Signed       4 RSAALFMF       Total count of contiguous frames
                                        being scanned for by active
                                        HCPALFMF FREXSCAN tasks
04F0 1264 Signed       4 RSAAVLEP       Low threshold adjustment to
                                        account for dynamic free storage
                                        requests made for emulated paging
                                        devices during demand scan
04F4 1268 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
04F8 1272 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
04F8 1272 Signed       4 RSASTLWT       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for < 2G frames. This
                                        count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
04FC 1276 Signed       4 RSASWG2G       Count of available list
                                        replenishment page writes (steal
                                        writes) for >= 2G frames
0500 1280 Signed       8 *              Reserved for IBM use
0508 1288 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Frame table scan extent block
0508 1288 Address      4 RSAFTXFL       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        first FTXBK for frames < 2G
050C 1292 Address      4 RSAFTXFG       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        first FTXBK for frames >= 2G
0510 1296 Address      4 RSAFTXGC       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        first FTXBK on the global chain.
                                        This chain of FTXBKs is
                                        unordered, and ends at the FTXBK
                                        whose FTXNEXTG pointer value is
0514 1300 Address      4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0518 1304 Signed       4 * (4)          Reserved for IBM use
     |        Reset interval data area:                         |
0528 1320 Dbl-Word     8 RSARINTA (8)   Reset interval data and work area
     |        Free storage data:                                |
0568 1384 Signed       4 RSAFSA2G       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of system free storage backed
                                        above 2G. Count includes the
                                        number of doublewords of free
                                        storage available. This count is
                                        updated only by HCPFRFDX (free
                                        storage garbage collection) which
                                        runs on the master processor
056C 1388 Signed       4 RSAFSB2G       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of system free storage backed
                                        below 2G. Count includes the
                                        number of doublewords of free
                                        storage available. This count is
                                        updated only by HCPFRFDX (free
                                        storage garbage collection) which
                                        runs on the master processor
0570 1392 Signed       4 RSAFSYUA       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of in use system free storage
                                        backed above 2G. This count is
                                        updated only by HCPFRFDX (free
                                        storage garbage collection) which
                                        runs on the master processor
0574 1396 Signed       4 RSAFSYUB       Non-negative count of doublewords
                                        of in use system free storage
                                        backed below 2G. This count is
                                        updated only by HCPFRFDX (free
                                        storage garbage collection) which
                                        runs on the master processor
0578 1400 Signed       4 RSAFVMUD       Count of doublewords of VMDBK
                                        free storage in use above 2G.
                                        Allocated from VMDBKs, VMDBK free
                                        storage pages, and system free
                                        storage pages. This count does
                                        not include the storage allocated
                                        from the free storage subpools.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        holding FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
057C 1404 Signed       4 RSAFVMUB       Count of doublewords of VMDBK
                                        free storage in use below 2G.
                                        Allocated from VMDBKs, VMDBK free
                                        storage pages, and system free
                                        storage pages. This count does
                                        not include the storage allocated
                                        from the free storage subpools.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        holding FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
0580 1408 Signed       4 RSAVMXFR       Count of pages in use for VMDBK
                                        free storage above 2G, i.e., user
                                        free pages allocated. This count
                                        does not include the VMDBKs
                                        themselves. This count is updated
                                        only when holding FSDVMLK formal
                                        spin lock.
0584 1412 Signed       4 RSAVMXFB       Count of pages in use for VMDBK
                                        free storage above 2G, i.e., user
                                        free pages allocated. This count
                                        does not include the VMDBKs
                                        themselves. This count is updated
                                        only when holding FSDVMLK formal
                                        spin lock.
0588 1416 Signed       4 RSAVMXUD       Count of in use user free storage
                                        doublewords (allocated from VMDBK
                                        free storage pages) backed above
                                        2G. This count does not include
                                        storage in the VMDBKs themselves.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        holding FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
058C 1420 Signed       4 RSAVMXUB       Count of in use user free storage
                                        doublewords (allocated from VMDBK
                                        free storage pages) backed below
                                        2G. This count does not include
                                        storage in the VMDBKs themselves.
                                        This count is updated only when
                                        holding FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
0590 1424 Signed       4 RSASYSFR       Count of pages in use for system
                                        free storage above 2G. This count
                                        is updated only when holding
                                        FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
0594 1428 Signed       4 RSASYSFB       Count of pages in use for system
                                        free storage below 2G. This count
                                        is updated only when holding
                                        FSDVMLK formal spin lock.
0598 1432 Signed       4 RSASYSUD       Count of system free storage
                                        doublewords above 2G in use
                                        allocated from system free
                                        storage chain. This count is
                                        updated when holding FSDVMLK
                                        formal spin lock.
059C 1436 Signed       4 RSASYSUB       Count of system free storage
                                        doublewords below 2G in use
                                        allocated from system free
                                        storage chain. This count is
                                        updated when holding FSDVMLK
                                        formal spin lock.
05A0 1440 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
05A4 1444 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     | Data for free storage limit detection. The 3 thresholds  |
     | will determine when to issue a warning message, put a    |
     | user into a stopped state and when to logoff a user who  |
     | is abusing free storage. These fields are updated with   |
     | Compare-and-Swap logic.                                  |
     | The flag field is used to determine whether free storage |
     | limit detection is on or off for the system.             |
05A8 1448 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          5 word long area on dword bdy
05A8 1448 Signed       4 RSALIM1        Free storage threshold 1 (WRNG)
05AC 1452 Signed       4 RSALIM2        Free storage threshold 2 (STOP)
05B0 1456 Signed       4 RSALIM3        Free storage threshold 3 (FORCE)
      RSALMFUZ is calculated to be .5% DPA and will be used as the
      fuzz around the thresholds to prevent multiple messages from
      being issued if the limit oscillates about the threshold.
05B4 1460 Signed       4 RSALMFUZ       Free storage threshold fuzz
05B8 1464 Signed       4 RSALIMCS (0)   Free storage limits Compare-and-
                                        Swap word
05B8 1464 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
05BB 1467 Bitstring    1 RSALIMCK       Free storage limit detection flag
          00000000       RSALIMOF       X'00' RSALIMOF Free storage limit
                                        detection off
          00000001       RSALIMON       X'01' RSALIMON Free storage limit
                                        detection on
     |       Free storage emergency mode counts/timestamps.     |
     |       The RSAFSELK lock must be held to inspect/change   |
     |       these fields.  RSAFSELK is obtained via CS logic.  |
05BC 1468 Signed       4 RSAFSELK       Free storage emergency mode data
                                        area lock word
05C0 1472 Signed       4 RSAPLPCT       Count of processors looping in
                                        HCPFRFGP/GB trying to get an SXS
                                        page backed any for free storage
05C4 1476 Signed       4 RSAPLPCB       Count of processors looping in
                                        HCPFRFGP/GB trying to get an SXS
                                        page backed below 2G for free stg
05C8 1480 Signed       4 RSANPGCT       Count of consecutive failure
                                        returns from SXPFS where no pages
                                        were available for free storage
05CC 1484 Signed       4 *              Reserved to maintain alignment
05D0 1488 Dbl-Word     8 RSAEMTSA       Timestamp of when entered
                                        emergency mode looking for a free
                                        storage page backed any
05D8 1496 Dbl-Word     8 RSAEMTSB       Timestamp of when entered
                                        emergency mode looking for a free
                                        storage page backed below
05E0 1504 Signed       4 RSANPGMX       Maximum cap on number of times we
                                        will allow a consecutive failure
                                        from HCPSXPFS when trying to get
                                        a page for free storage
05E4 1508 Signed       4 RSANPGHI       High water mark for number of
                                        consecutive failures from
                                        HCPSXPFS when trying to get a
                                        page for free storage (all
     |       Free storage reserved pages data area:             |
05E8 1512 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          This is the free storage reserved
                                        pages data area consisting of a
                                        count of unique extend requests
                                        that have not been satisfied yet,
                                        the free storage reserved pages
                                        anchor, the free storage reserved
                                        pages data area lock word, the
                                        count of free storage reserved
                                        pages required by the system, and
                                        the number of free storage
                                        reserved pages per processor.
                                        Note: The number of free storage
                                        reserved pages per processor must
                                        be positive. Update while holding
                                        the free storage reserved pages
                                        data area Compare-and-Swap lock
                                        word or during system
05E8 1512 Signed       4 RSAXTEND       Count of pages missing from the
                                        free storage reserved pages list
                                        i.e., count of unique extend
                                        conditions not yet satisfied.
05EC 1516 Address      4 RSARESAN       Reserved pages queue anchor
                                        forward pointer
05F0 1520 Address      4 RSARSVLK       Free storage reserved pages data
                                        area Compare-and-Swap lock word
05F4 1524 Signed       4 RSARSVSY       Total number of free storage
                                        reserved pages required to be on
                                        the reserved pages list Includes
                                        RSAMAXPP frames per online
                                        processor, plus additional frames
                                        per emulated CP owned device
                                        containing page or spool space
                                        (the number of frames is based on
                                        emulated device specific
                                        information provided in the
05F8 1528 Signed       4 RSAMAXPP       Number of free storage reserved
                                        pages required per processor.
                                        Note: Field must be positive.
05FC 1532 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     |        Segment translation data:                         |
0600 1536 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          This is the deferred segment
                                        translation queue data area. It
                                        consists of the queue anchor and
                                        the Compare-and-Swap lock.
0600 1536 Address      4 RSADEFAN       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        first CPEBK of the deferred
                                        segment translation queue
0604 1540 Address      4 RSADEFLK       Compare-and-Swap lock. Zero means
                                        the lock is not held.
0608 1544 Signed       4 RSAPRQWT       Non-negative count of tasks
                                        waiting for a page translation
                                        request. This count also includes
                                        tasks waiting for a segment
                                        translation. This count is
                                        updated with Compare-and-Swap
060C 1548 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     |        Fixed storage management data:                    |
       This area contains the fixed storage management block.
       It contains information regarding the allocation of
       contiguous host real storage from the V=F area.
       Additionally, information for the dedicated region
       facility is kept here to keep track of zone numbers
       available for assigning to MHPG users or to CP.
       The allocation of storage from the V=F area is
       maintained in the fixed storage assignment block
       anchored in HCPWRK.
       All changes to fields in the fixed storage management
       block and in the fixed storage assignment table are
       either made during system initialization or are under
       the control of the fixed storage management lock.
0610 1552 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFSTBK (0)   Fixed storage management block
0610 1552 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFSLCK (3)   Fixed storage mgmt lock (defer)
0628 1576 Bitstring    2 RSASA1ST       Offset of entry in the fixed
                                        storage assignment table
                                        containing the lowest main
                                        storage origin
062A 1578 Bitstring    2 RSASALST       Offset of entry in the fixed
                                        storage assignment table
                                        containing the highest main
                                        storage origin
062C 1580 Signed       4 RSASTRNG (0)   The entire storage range for the
                                        V=F area. (Never changes)
062C 1580 Signed       2 RSAMSO         Bits 5-15 specify a 1 meg main
                                        storage origin of the V=F area.
                                        Main storage origin is the
                                        address of the first byte, on a
                                        megabyte boundary, of the V=F
                                        area, shifted right 20 bits.
062E 1582 Signed       2 RSAMSL         Bits 5-15 specify a 1 meg main
                                        storage limit of the V=F area.
                                        Main storage limit is the address
                                        of the last byte of the V=F area,
                                        shifted right 20 bits.
0630 1584 Bitstring    1 RSAAZNCT       Count of zones available for
                                        guest use, including zones in use
                                        (never changes)
0631 1585 Bitstring    1 RSAZPOOL       Pool of available zones, not
                                        including those in use
0632 1586 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
0634 1588 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
          00000028       RSAFSTLN       *-RSAFSTBK Length of FSTBK
          00000005       RSAFSTSZ       (*-RSAFSTBK+7)/8 Size of FSTBK
     |        Virtual storage management data:                  |
0638 1592 Dbl-Word     8 RSAVVBLK (0)   Virtual Storage Management Block.
                                        This area contains information
                                        needed to manage the System
                                        Virtual Address Space.
0638 1592 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved for IBM use
063C 1596 Address      4 RSAVSLOW       Lowest available virtual page.
                                        Initialized by HCPIST at IPL.
                                        Serialized by Compare-and-Swap
       Allocation of System Virtual Addresses above RSAVHSAD
         is serialized by the High Storage Lock (RSAVHSLK).
0640 1600 Dbl-Word     8 RSAVHSLK (3)   High storage lock
0658 1624 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
065C 1628 Address      4 RSAVHSAD       High storage starting addr.
                                        Initialized with constant 1G (the
                                        upper half of the addr space).
                                        Must be on a segment boundary
                                        (right most 20 bits must be
     |  No-owned resources data area                            |
     |                                                          |
     |  No-owned resources are pageable address space structures|
     |  that no longer belong to any pageable address space but |
     |  cannot be reclaimed by CP because someone else has      |
     |  rights to the structure, or the structure is locked or  |
     |  last translated.                                        |
0660 1632 Signed       8 RSANOQLK (6)   No-owned resources queue lock.
                                        Lock serializes the no-owned
                                        queues, RSANOQSX, RSANOQFR, and
                                        RSANOQPG. Lock is obtained and
                                        released via macros HCPLKNOR and
                                 Reclaimable no-owned SXSTE queue
0690 1680 Address      8 RSANOXFP (0)   SXSTE forward pointer
0690 1680 Address      4 *              is initialized to
0694 1684 Address      4 *              queue origin
0698 1688 Address      8 RSANOXBP (0)   SXSTE backward pointer
0698 1688 Address      4 *              is initialized to
069C 1692 Address      4 *              queue origin
06A0 1696 Bitstring    8 RSANOQFR       Reclaimable no-owned FRMTE queue
06A8 1704 Dbl-Word     8 RSANOQPG       No-owned PGMBK queue header
06B0 1712 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
06B4 1716 Signed       4 RSANOLKL       Count of no-owned locked pages in
                                        host logical storage
06B8 1720 Dbl-Word     8 RSANOLKA       Count of no-owned locked pages in
                                        absolute storage
06C0 1728 Signed       4 RSANOLOK       Word used to ensure the no own
                                        resource reclaim routine is only
                                        invoked by the dispatcher on one
                                        processor at a time. This ensures
                                        only one of the background or
                                        foreground replenishment tasks
                                        are running at a time. This word
                                        can be in any of the following
                                        states as defined in HCPEQUAT:
                                        DSPNOBFW - no work to do DSPFSCHD
                                        - foreground scheduled DSPFACTV -
                                        foreground active DSPBSCHD -
                                        background scheduled DSPBACTV -
                                        background active Serialized by
06C4 1732 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
     |  Delta-Pinned-Page-Count Array (DPPCA) for page class 1  |
     |                                                          |
     | Used by both hardware and software to maintain pinned    |
     | page counts for page class 1 pages.  Page class 1 is     |
     | used for NSS/DCSS imbedded shared pages.  This array is  |
     | pointed to by the class 1 Delta-Pinned-Page-Count-Array  |
     | Origin in the prefix area, PFXDPPCAO. The page class     |
     | 0 array is used for base address space pages owned by    |
     | the user and resides in the virtual configuration's base |
     | ASCBK.                                                   |
06C8 1736 Dbl-Word     8 RSADPPCA (0)   Delta-pinned-page count array
06C8 1736 Signed       4 RSADPPB        Delta-pinned-page count for all
                                        class 1 pages pinned below 2G
06CC 1740 Signed       4 RSADPPA        Delta-pinned-page count for all
                                        class 1 pages pinned at or above
     |  System Execution Space Page Manager (SXSPM) data area   |
     |                                                          |
     | These fields are serialized by SXSPM queue lock unless   |
     | otherwise noted for the individual fields.               |
     | Use HCPLKSXQ/HCPULSXQ to obtain/release the lock.        |
06D0 1744 Signed       8 RSASXQLK (6)   SXSPM queue lock. This lock is
                                        obtained & released via macros
                                        HCPLKSXQ and HCPULSXQ.
      SXS pages may or may not be on one of the queues that the
      SXS page manager maintains.
                        |     SXSTE state indicators:         |
       where queued:    | SXSAVAIL  |  SXSBACKD  |  an alias  |
      Avail, backed <2G |     1     |     1      |     no     |
      Avail, backed >2G |     1     |     1      |     no     |
      Avail, unbacked   |     1     |     0      |     no     |
      Potentially Steal.|     0     |     1      |    yes     |
      not in SXS queue  |     0     |     1      |    yes     |
      not in SXS queue  |     0     |     1      |     no     |
      (invalid state)   |     0     |     0      |    N/A     |
      (invalid state)   |    N/A    |     0      |    yes     |
      (invalid state)   |     1     |    N/A     |    yes     |
      An alias is an SXS page associated with a "pageable FRMTE".
      All available SXS pages must be on one of the queues. If
      the page is not backed it is on the Available, Unbacked SXS
      Page Queue. If it is backed it is on one of the Available,
      Backed SXS Page Queues (backed >2G or backed <2G). The one
      exception to this rule is for SXSTEs in the Transitory
      which are in transition between states. See HCPSXSTE COPY
      for details regarding SXSTE states and serialization rules.
      All in use SXS pages not associated with a "pageable FRMTE"
      will be dequeued; i.e. not on any SXS page mgr queue.
      All SXS pages which are associated with "pageable FRMTEs"
      but are not locked will be kept on the SXS Potentially
      Stealable Page Queue.
      All SXS pages which are associated with "pageable FRMTEs"
      and are locked may or may not be on the SXS Potentially
      Stealable Page Queue. They are initially left on the queue
      but are dequeued if the SXS page manager comes across them
      when looking for an available page on the Potentially
      Stealable Page Queue.
      If SXSBACKD is not on, then SXSAVAIL must be on. If an
      SXS page is in use as an alias, SXSBACKD must be set.
                 SXS Available, Unbacked Page Queue
                        a.k.a SXS Page Queue
0700 1792 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXQAN (0)   SXS Available, Unbacked Page
                                        Queue Anchor. It consists of
                                        forward and backward pointers to
                                        the list of SXSTEs for SXS pages
                                        that are available and not
                                        backed. This area is initialized
                                        during system initialization and
                                        updated only when the SXSPM queue
                                        lock is held.
0700 1792 Address      8 RSASXQFP       SXS page queue forward pointer.
                                        Points to a SXSTE. This is a host
                                        logical address > 2G unless
                                        the queue is empty.
0708 1800 Address      8 RSASXQBP       SXS page queue backward pointer.
                                        Points to a SXSTE. This is a host
                                        logical address > 2G unless
                                        the queue is empty.
0710 1808 Signed       4 RSASXQCT       Count of SXS pages on the SXS
                                        page queue. This represents the
                                        total number of SXS pages that
                                        are available and not backed.
0714 1812 Signed       4 RSASXQMN       Minimum number of pages on the
                                        available, unbacked page queue
                                        before triggering replenishment.
                 SXS Potentially Stealable Page Queue
0718 1816 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXPAN (0)   SXS Potentially Stealable Page
                                        Queue Anchor. It consists of
                                        forward and backward pointers to
                                        the list of SXSTEs for SXS pages
                                        that are in use as aliases and
                                        are potentially stealable. This
                                        queue is initially empty and
                                        SXSTEs are added to it during
                                        Create Alias processing. This
                                        queue is only updated when the
                                        SXSPM queue lock is held.
0718 1816 Address      8 RSASXPFP       SXS Potentially Stealable Page
                                        Queue forward pointer which
                                        points to a SXSTE. This is a host
                                        logical address > 2G unless
                                        the queue is empty.
0720 1824 Address      8 RSASXPBP       SXS Potentially Stealable Page
                                        Queue backward pointer which
                                        points to a SXSTE. This is a host
                                        logical address > 2G unless
                                        the queue is empty.
0728 1832 Signed       4 RSASXPCT       Count of SXS pages on the SXS
                                        Potentially Stealable Page Queue.
072C 1836 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
          Queues of Available SXS Pages With Backing Frames
      Only SXSTEs with SXSAVAIL=1, SXSBACKD=1 which are not in
      use are on these queues and all available, backed SXSTEs
      must be on one of the queues unless it is in transition
      to or from another state. If they are in the Transitory
      state then SXSONQUE will be off.
      Which of the queues the SXSTE is on depends on whether the
      backing frame resides above or below 2G in real storage.
0730 1840 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXAAN (0)   Anchor for queue of available SXS
                                        pages backed Above 2G.
0730 1840 Address      8 RSASXAFP       Forward pointer for available SXS
                                        pages backed Above 2G. This is a
                                        host logical address >2G
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0738 1848 Address      8 RSASXABP       Backward pointer for available
                                        SXS pages backed Above 2G. This
                                        is a host logical address >2G
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0740 1856 Signed       4 RSASXACT       Count of SXS pages on the queue
                                        of SXS pages backed Above 2G.
0744 1860 Signed       4 RSASXAMX       Maximum number of pages on the
                                        backed Above 2G queue. Note:
                                        Field must be positive.
0748 1864 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXBAN (0)   Anchor for queue of available SXS
                                        pages backed Below 2G.
0748 1864 Address      8 RSASXBFP       Forward pointer for available SXS
                                        pages backed Below 2G. This is a
                                        host logical address >2G
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0750 1872 Address      8 RSASXBBP       Backward pointer for available
                                        SXS pages backed Below 2G. This
                                        is a host logical address >2G
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0758 1880 Signed       4 RSASXBCT       Count of SXS pages on the queue
                                        of SXS pages backed Below 2G.
075C 1884 Signed       4 RSASXBMX       Maximum number of pages on the
                                        backed Below 2G queue. Note:
                                        Field must be positive.
                SXS Page Request Defer Queue data
0760 1888 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXDAN (0)   SXS page request defer anchor.
0760 1888 Address      4 RSASXDFP       Defer queue forward pointer. It
                                        is a host logical CPEBK address
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0764 1892 Address      4 RSASXDBP       Defer queue backward pointer. It
                                        is a host logical CPEBK address
                                        unless the queue is empty.
0768 1896 Signed       4 RSASXDCT       Count deferred SXS page requests
                                        that are waiting for an available
                                        SXS page. This is the sum
076C 1900 Signed       4 RSASXDCA       Count deferred SXS page requests
                                        that are waiting for an available
                                        SXS page for an alias. This is a
                                        subset of RSASXDCT.
0770 1904 Signed       4 RSASXDPB       Count deferred SXS page requests
                                        that are waiting for an SXS page
                                        to satisfy a request for a page
                                        backed <2G. This is a subset
                                        of RSASXDCT.
0774 1908 Signed       4 RSASXDPA       Count deferred SXS page requests
                                        that are waiting for an SXS page
                                        to satisfy a request for a page
                                        with backing=ANY. This is a
                                        subset of RSASXDCT.
0778 1912 Signed       4 RSASXRDA       Count of times an attempt was
                                        made to redrive tasks waiting for
                                        an available SXS page.
077C 1916 Signed       4 RSASXRDC       Count of individual task redrives
                                        for tasks waiting for a page.
                         SXS Page Counts
      These counts only include SXS pages managed by the page
      manager using the SXS page management table (SXSTEs). This
      does not include the SXS pages used for the frame table or
      the SXS page management table itself. The total managed
      SXS pages is SYSSXSSZ/x'1000' and set at initialization or
      by the dynamic storage reconfiguration function.
      All managed SXS pages are:
      - backed or not backed
      - available or in use, unless in the Transitory state.
      All backed SXS pages are:
      - backed below 2G or backed above 2G. Backed pages may be
        in use or available. Available backed pages will be on
        one of the available SXS page queues. In use SXS pages
        may or may not be on the SXS Potentially Stealable Queue.
        Backed pages may be in the Transitory state temporarily
        while being converted between the in-use and available
      All available SXS pages are:
      - not backed, backed <2G, or backed >2G. Each of these
        types of available pages are on different queues.
      All in use SXS pages:
      - must be backed
      - are aliases or CP type SXS pages (eg. HCPGETST PAGES=)
      All in use CP type SXS pages are:
      - permanently allocated at initialization, by the dynamic
        storage reconfiguration function, or allocated
        later using HCPGETST PAGES= or for free storage using
      Some pages considered in use may be made available by
      stealing. This applies to SXS alias pages for translated
      pageable frames if the page is not last translated or
      locked. All pages in the stealable state will be on the
      Potentially Stealable Queue, but not all pages on the
      Potentially Stealable Queue will be stealable. See HCPSXSTE
      COPY for a discussion of rules for stealing Aliases.
0780 1920 Signed       4 RSASXAVL       Count of available SXS pages
                                        including those with backing
                                        frames. The number of available
                                        SXS pages without backing frames
                                        is RSASXAVL-(RSASXACT+RSASXBCT)
                                        which is also RSASXQCT. Does not
                                        include Transitory state SXSTEs.
0784 1924 Signed       4 RSASXUSD       Count of SXS pages in use as CP
                                        pages or aliases including
                                        no-owned aliases and SXS pages
                                        assigned to tasks deferred on
                                        frames in the real frame manager.
                                        This value should match
0788 1928 Signed       4 RSASXUCP       Count of SXS pages in use as CP
                                        pages. This includes free
                                        storage, HCPGETST PAGES=, and
                                        permanently allocated at
078C 1932 Signed       4 RSASXUID       Count of all ID-mapped SXS pages
                                        (host logical = host real addr)
                                        primarily CP nucleus and PFXPGS.
0790 1936 Signed       4 RSASXUFS       Count of SXS pages in use as free
                                        storage pages with backing frames
                                        below 2G. These are SXSTEs with
0794 1940 Signed       4 RSASXUFG       Count of SXS pages in use as free
                                        storage pages with backing frames
                                        above 2G. These are SXSTEs with
0798 1944 Signed       4 RSASXUOT       Count of pages of other CP types:
079C 1948 Signed       4 RSASXBKA       Count of SXS pages backed above
                                        2G. This includes RSASXACT as
                                        well as in use SXS pages and
                                        Transitory SXSTEs backed>2G.
07A0 1952 Signed       4 RSASXBKB       Count of SXS pages backed below
                                        2G. This includes RSASXBCT as
                                        well as in use SXS pages and
                                        Transitory SXSTEs backed<2G.
07A4 1956 Signed       4 RSASXALI       Count of SXS alias pages
                                        associated with "pageable FRMTEs"
                                        and may be stealable if not last
                                        translated or locked. Also
                                        includes count of no-owned
07A8 1960 Signed       4 RSASXNOP       Count of no-owned SXS aliases.
07AC 1964 Signed       4 RSASXCTG       Count of SXS pages in use as part
                                        of a contiguous page request from
                                        HCPGETST with PAGES>1. This
                                        count does not include the pages
                                        that were pre-allocated as part
                                        of storage initialization.
      The following fields are not serialized by RSASXQLK.
07B0 1968 Signed       4 RSASXDFA       Count of SXS page requests
                                        deferred in the real frame
                                        manager for ANY backing frame.
                                        Since only requests for single
                                        pages can defer, this is also the
                                        count of pages associated with
                                        those deferred tasks. It is also
                                        the count of frames needed. A
                                        Transitory SXSTE exists for each
                                        deferred frame request. This
                                        count is serialized by CS.
07B4 1972 Signed       4 RSASXDFB       Count of SXS pages requests
                                        deferred in the real frame
                                        manager for a frame below 2G.
                                        Since only requests for single
                                        pages can defer, this is also the
                                        count of pages associated with
                                        those deferred tasks. It is also
                                        the count of frames needed. A
                                        Transitory SXSTE exists for each
                                        deferred frame request. This
                                        count is serialized by CS.
07B8 1976 Signed       4 RSASXCLA       Count of locked SXS alias pages
                                        locked by HCPTRANS or command.
                                        Updated in HCPTRANS processor,
                                        not updated by SXS page mgr.
                                        Serialized by Compare-and-Swap.
07BC 1980 Signed       4 RSASXCPL       Count of SXS alias pages locked
                                        by the CP LOCK command. Updated
                                        in the LOCK command processor,
                                        not updated by SXS page mgr. This
                                        is a subset of RSASXCLA.
                                        Serialized by Compare-and-Swap.
07C0 1984 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
           Miscellaneous SXS Page Manager Fields.
07C4 1988 Signed       4 RSASXLOK       SXSPM redrive process lockword.
                                        Word used to ensure the SXSPM
                                        request redrive routine is only
                                        invoked by the dispatcher on one
                                        processor at a time. This word
                                        can be in any of the following
                                        states as defined in HCPEQUAT:
                                        DSPNOBFW - no work to do DSPFSCHD
                                        - foreground scheduled DSPFACTV -
                                        foreground active DSPBSCHD -
                                        background scheduled DSPBACTV -
                                        background active Serialized by
07C8 1992 Dbl-Word     8 RSASXFLGS      SXS status flag bits
07D0 2000 Address      8 RSASXSTO       SXS Segment Table Origin for the
                                        segment table that maps the SXS
                                        storage from 0 to SYSSXSSZ. This
                                        is the only section of the SXS
                                        that has PTEs that are updated
                                        after initialization. Because the
                                        entire address range from 0 to
                                        SYSSXSSZ can currently be mapped
                                        by a single segment table, this
                                        STO is used in HCPSXA and HCPSXP
                                        instead of starting at the ASCE
                                        to walk the DAT tables. Starting
                                        at the segment table also depends
                                        on the fact that the segment
                                        table is permanently allocated
                                        during initialization. This field
                                        is set at initialization and
                                        never changes.
07D8 2008 Signed       4 RSASXQRA       Replenishment Amount - number of
                                        SXS pages to add to available,
                                        unbacked SXS page queue each time
                                        it is replenished. Must be a
                                        multiple of RSASXQBS.
07DC 2012 Signed       4 RSASXRPM       The minimum number of pages on
                                        the available, unbacked SXS page
                                        queue at the completion of the
                                        replenishment routine since the
                                        system was IPLed.
07E0 2016 Signed       4 RSASXRFC       Redrive Failure Count. The number
                                        of consecutive times HCPSXARR ran
                                        and the reserved page list was
                                        depleted or there were deferred
                                        requests but HCPSXARR could not
                                        satisfy any of them. This count
                                        is used by HCPSXARR to determine
                                        when to give up (SXA004 abend).
07E4 2020 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use.
              End of SXS page manager data area
07E8 2024 Signed       4 *              RESERVED FOR IBM USE
07EC 2028 Signed       4 *              RESERVED FOR IBM USE
     |        Cleared Global Available List Data:               |
07F0 2032 Dbl-Word     8 RSACALAN (0)
07F0 2032 Signed       8 RSACALFP       Forward Pointer: Host Logical
                                        Address of the first FRMTE on the
                                        Cleared Global Available List.
07F8 2040 Signed       8 RSACALBP       Backward Pointer: Host Logical
                                        Address of the last FRMTE on the
                                        Cleared Global Available List.
0800 2048 Signed       8 RSACALCT       Non-negative count of the total
                                        number of FRMTEs on the Cleared
                                        Global Available List.
0808 2056 Address      8 RSACALUT       Upper Threshold: Non-negative
                                        target number of FRMTEs for the
                                        background replenishment task to
                                        have on the Cleared Global
                                        Available List. Note: As
                                        currently implemented, this field
                                        can really only be a value that
                                        can be represented with 31 bits.
          00000020       RSAINITU       32 Initial, increment, and
                                        decrement value for RSACALUT.
0810 2064 Address      8 RSACALMT       Middle Threshold: Non-negative
                                        target number of FRMTEs for the
                                        foreground replenishment task to
                                        have on the Cleared Global
                                        Available List. Note that we do
                                        not want to fill to the Upper
                                        Threshold in the foreground
                                        because this might take too long
                                        and we'd rather have the
                                        replenishment done in the
                                        background if possible. Note: As
                                        currently implemented, this field
                                        can really only be a value that
                                        can be represented with 31 bits.
          00000008       RSAINITM       8 Initial, increment, and
                                        decrement value for RSACALMT.
0818 2072 Address      8 RSACALLT       Lower Threshold: Non-negative
                                        number of FRMTEs on the Cleared
                                        Global Available List below which
                                        the Dispatcher must call a
                                        foreground replenishment task
                                        since the background task is not
                                        being called frequently enough to
                                        keep the list at a sufficient
                                        level. Note: As currently
                                        implemented, this field can
                                        really only be a value that can
                                        be represented with 31 bits.
          00000004       RSAINITL       4 Initial, increment, and
                                        decrement value for RSACALLT.
0820 2080 Signed       8 RSACALLK (6)   Spin-lock word to control access
                                        to the Cleared Global Available
0850 2128 Signed       4 RSARCLOK       Word used to ensure the list
                                        replenishment routine is only
                                        invoked by the dispatcher on one
                                        processor at a time. This ensures
                                        only one of the background or
                                        foreground replenishment tasks
                                        are running at a time. This word
                                        can be in any of the following
                                        states as defined in HCPEQUAT:
                                        DSPNOBFW - no work to do DSPFSCHD
                                        - foreground scheduled DSPFACTV -
                                        foreground active DSPBSCHD -
                                        background scheduled DSPBACTV -
                                        background active Serialized by
0854 2132 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
       End of Cleared Global Available List Data Area
     |  Anti-Aliasing data area                                 |
      NOTES      : When HCPISGTP decides that the storage configuration
            supports anti-aliasing it will turn on RSAAAON,
            initialize RSAAAPFX to be the top half megabyte of
            lowest online range of storage, and set RSAAASXS to
            the value to use for SYSSXSSZ. When RSAAAON is set
            frame table and SXSTB initialization will use the
            alternate origins specified in RSAAAFTO and RSAAASTO,
0858 2136 Signed       4 RSAAAFLG (0)   Anti-aliasing status flags
0858 2136 Bitstring    3 *              RESERVED
085B 2139 Bitstring    1 RSAAASTA       Anti-Aliasing status
          1... ....      RSAAAON        X'80' RSAAAON ON = Anti-aliasing
                                        is active
085C 2140 Signed       4 RSAAAPFX       Alternate processor PFXPG table
                                        origin when using anti-aliasing.
0860 2144 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAASXS (0)   Anti-aliasing SYSSXSSZ value.
0860 2144 Bitstring    8 *              DEFAULT VALUE TO USE WHEN
                                        ANTI-ALIASING IS ON, AND
                                        SYSGTORS=8G-1 OR SYSGTORS=2G-1,
                                        AND SYSSXSSZ WAS NOT REDUCED BY
                                        USE OF A REGULATOR RANGE.
0868 2152 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAAFTO (0)   Frame Table Origin when using
0868 2152 Bitstring    8 *              ANTI-ALIASING. (5G-112M)
0870 2160 Dbl-Word     8 RSAAASTO (0)   SXSTB Origin when using
0870 2160 Bitstring    8 *              ANTI-ALIASING. (2T+1G-32M)
     |  Emergency PGMBK allocation section                      |
      NOTES      :
            If HCPPPIGF attempts to obtain a PGMBK but fails
            too many times, an emergency PGMBK will be allocated
            from this queue.
0878 2168 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          Alignment
0878 2168 Bitstring    1 RSAemTS        Test-and-Set controls access to
                                        these next fields
0879 2169 Bitstring    1 RSAemFL        Emergency PGMBK pool flags
          .... 1...      RSAemRP        X'08' RSAemRP Replenishment
087A 2170 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
087C 2172 Signed       4 RSAemERG       Count of all attempts to get an
                                        emergency PGMBK, including when
                                        the pool was empty. May wrap.
0880 2176 Address      8 RSAemFMT       A(FRMTE that starts the queue)
0888 2184 Signed       4 RSAemCPc       Count of emergency PGMBKs. Number
                                        of frames is equal to RSAemCPc *
088C 2188 Signed       4 RSAemDFR       Count of deferrals of guests. May
0890 2192 Signed       4 RSAemBLO       Count of times when the pool
                                        dipped below RSAemLO. May wrap.
0894 2196 Signed       4 RSAemPTY       Count of times the pool was
                                        empty. May wrap.
0898 2200 Address      4 RSAemCPq       A(deferred CPEBK queue)
089C 2204 Address      4 RSAemRPT       A(replenishment task CPEBK)
      End of fields controlled by RSAemTS.
08A0 2208 Signed       4 RSAemLO        Lo threshold. Updated only under
                                        the VARY PROCESSOR lock. Computed
                                        value is PGMBKperPROC * #online
08A4 2212 Signed       4 RSAemHI        Hi threshold. Updated only under
                                        the VARY PROCESSOR lock.
     |        Demand Scan Steal Counts:                         |
      NOTES      : These fields are arranged in blocks of four related
            fields corresponding to the PLSBK fields.
            For example, given the PLSBK field PLSLTDP1 there
            are four fields here that contain the counts of
            singles <2G, singles >2G, contigs <2G, and contigs
            >2G. The order of the fields in each set of four
            is important because the code that updates them
            assumes they are in sequential words in storage.
      Updates to these fields are serialized by RSADSLOK.
08A8 2216 Signed       4 RSALTDB1       Stolen B2G LT Dorm P1
08AC 2220 Signed       4 RSALTDA1       Stolen A2G LT Dorm P1
08B0 2224 Signed       4 RSALTDD1       Stolen contig B2G LT Dorm P1
08B4 2228 Signed       4 RSALTDC1       Stolen contig A2G LT Dorm P1
08B8 2232 Signed       4 RSALTDB2       Stolen B2G LT Dorm P2
08BC 2236 Signed       4 RSALTDA2       Stolen A2G LT Dorm P2
08C0 2240 Signed       4 RSALTDD2       Stolen contig B2G LT Dorm P2
08C4 2244 Signed       4 RSALTDC2       Stolen contig A2G LT Dorm P2
08C8 2248 Signed       4 RSALTDBE       Stolen B2G LT Dorm EP
08CC 2252 Signed       4 RSALTDAE       Stolen A2G LT Dorm EP
08D0 2256 Signed       4 RSALTDDE       Stolen contig B2G LT Dorm EP
08D4 2260 Signed       4 RSALTDCE       Stolen contig A2G LT Dorm EP
08D8 2264 Signed       4 RSADRMB1       Stolen B2G Dorm P1
08DC 2268 Signed       4 RSADRMA1       Stolen A2G Dorm P1
08E0 2272 Signed       4 RSADRMD1       Stolen contig B2G Dorm P1
08E4 2276 Signed       4 RSADRMC1       Stolen contig A2G Dorm P1
08E8 2280 Signed       4 RSADRMB2       Stolen B2G Dorm P2
08EC 2284 Signed       4 RSADRMA2       Stolen A2G Dorm P2
08F0 2288 Signed       4 RSADRMD2       Stolen contig B2G Dorm P2
08F4 2292 Signed       4 RSADRMC2       Stolen contig A2G Dorm P2
08F8 2296 Signed       4 RSADRMBE       Stolen B2G Dorm EP
08FC 2300 Signed       4 RSADRMAE       Stolen A2G Dorm EP
0900 2304 Signed       4 RSADRMDE       Stolen contig B2G Dorm EP
0904 2308 Signed       4 RSADRMCE       Stolen contig A2G Dorm EP
0908 2312 Signed       4 RSAELGB1       Stolen B2G Elig P1
090C 2316 Signed       4 RSAELGA1       Stolen A2G Elig P1
0910 2320 Signed       4 RSAELGD1       Stolen contig B2G Elig P1
0914 2324 Signed       4 RSAELGC1       Stolen contig A2G Elig P1
0918 2328 Signed       4 RSAELGB2       Stolen B2G Elig P2
091C 2332 Signed       4 RSAELGA2       Stolen A2G Elig P2
0920 2336 Signed       4 RSAELGD2       Stolen contig B2G Elig P2
0924 2340 Signed       4 RSAELGC2       Stolen contig A2G Elig P2
0928 2344 Signed       4 RSAELGBE       Stolen B2G Elig EP
092C 2348 Signed       4 RSAELGAE       Stolen A2G Elig EP
0930 2352 Signed       4 RSAELGDE       Stolen contig B2G Elig EP
0934 2356 Signed       4 RSAELGCE       Stolen contig A2G Elig EP
0938 2360 Signed       4 RSADSPB1       Stolen B2G Disp P1
093C 2364 Signed       4 RSADSPA1       Stolen A2G Disp P1
0940 2368 Signed       4 RSADSPD1       Stolen contig B2G Disp P1
0944 2372 Signed       4 RSADSPC1       Stolen contig A2G Disp P1
0948 2376 Signed       4 RSADSPB2       Stolen B2G Disp P2
094C 2380 Signed       4 RSADSPA2       Stolen A2G Disp P2
0950 2384 Signed       4 RSADSPD2       Stolen contig B2G Disp P2
0954 2388 Signed       4 RSADSPC2       Stolen contig A2G Disp P2
0958 2392 Signed       4 RSADSPBE       Stolen B2G Disp EP
095C 2396 Signed       4 RSADSPAE       Stolen A2G Disp EP
0960 2400 Signed       4 RSADSPDE       Stolen contig B2G Disp EP
0964 2404 Signed       4 RSADSPCE       Stolen contig A2G Disp EP
0968 2408 Signed       4 RSASHRB1       Stolen B2G Shared P1
096C 2412 Signed       4 RSASHRA1       Stolen A2G Shared P1
0970 2416 Signed       4 RSASHRD1       Stolen contig B2G Shared P1
0974 2420 Signed       4 RSASHRC1       Stolen contig A2G Shared P1
0978 2424 Signed       4 RSASHRB2       Stolen B2G Shared P2
097C 2428 Signed       4 RSASHRA2       Stolen A2G Shared P2
0980 2432 Signed       4 RSASHRD2       Stolen contig B2G Shared P2
0984 2436 Signed       4 RSASHRC2       Stolen contig A2G Shared P2
0988 2440 Signed       4 RSASHRBE       Stolen B2G Shared EP
098C 2444 Signed       4 RSASHRAE       Stolen A2G Shared EP
0990 2448 Signed       4 RSASHRDE       Stolen contig B2G Shared EP
0994 2452 Signed       4 RSASHRCE       Stolen contig A2G Shared EP
     |        Available List Floor Constants                    |
0998 2456 Signed       4 RSAAVLFT       <2G Singles list Floor
099C 2460 Signed       4 RSAAVCFT       <2G Contigs list Floor
09A0 2464 Signed       4 RSAAVLFG       >2G Singles list Floor
09A4 2468 Signed       4 RSAAVCFG       >2G Contigs list Floor
     |        Demand Scan 'unsatisfied' counts                  |
09A8 2472 Signed       4 RSADSCD0       <2G Singles unsatisfied count
09AC 2476 Signed       4 RSADSCDG       >2G Singles unsatisfied count
09B0 2480 Signed       4 RSADSCC0       <2G Contigs unsatisfied count
09B4 2484 Signed       4 RSADSCCG       >2G Contigs unsatisfied count
09B8 2488 Signed       4 RSAPGMQ1       Count of times Demand Scan PGBMK
                                        steal had to quit early because
                                        paging capacity overrun during
                                        Pass 1
09BC 2492 Signed       4 RSAPGMQ2       Count of times Demand Scan PGBMK
                                        steal had to quit early because
                                        paging capacity overrun during
                                        Pass 2
09C0 2496 Signed       4 RSAPGMQE       Count of times Demand Scan PGBMK
                                        steal had to quit early because
                                        paging capacity overrun during
                                        Emergency Pass
09C4 2500 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM
     |        Turnover Rate Balancing Multipliers               |
     |                                                          |
     | Notes      :                                                   |
     |  - RSATURN0 = ROUND(RSATURBS*uB2G/(uB2G+uA2G))           |
     |    where uB2G is the count of usable frames <2G and      |
     |    and uA2B is the count of usable frames >2G.           |
     |  - RSATURNG is calculated as 4096-RSATURN0.              |
     |  - A 10G system might have values of RSATURN0=820 and    |
     |    RSATURNG=3276 while a 512G system might have values   |
     |    of RSATURN0=16 and RSATURNG=4080.                     |
     |  - The memory size is very significant in calculating    |
     |    the multipliers, but the actual values will differ    |
     |    depending on the relative proportion of memory in     |
     |    each pool which is usable.                            |
     |  - the equates below are added to simplify experiments.  |
     |    For example:                                          |
     |    - to test with the Turnover Rate Balancing Algorithm  |
     |      disabled, set RSATURBS=4096 and RSATURMN=2048.      |
     |    - to test with the Turnover Rate Balancing Algorithm  |
     |      cap removed instead of being softened as was done   |
     |      by VM64349, set RSATURBS=100 and RSATURMN=0.        |
     |                                                          |
     | RSATURN0 and RSATURNG should be considered a unit.       |
     | They should be changed by a single block concurrent      |
     | instruction, and should be fetched similarly.            |
09C8 2504 Bitstring    1 RSAADSLK       This (TS) lock serializes the
                                        modifications of the following
09C9 2505 Address      1 RSAADSFL       Allocation and Demand Scan flag
                                        byte. (Maintain MRSTORSG)
          1... ....      RSAPPA2G       X'80' Pageable Pages >2G. When
                                        1, pageable pages may be placed
                                        >2G. When 0, pageable pages
                                        may not be placed >2G.
                                        Depending on storage conditions
                                        this bit may go on and off.
          .1.. ....      RSAPPB2G       X'40' Pageable Pages <2G. When
                                        1, pageable pages may be placed
                                        <2G. When 0, pageable pages
                                        may not be placed <2G.
                                        Depending on storage conditions
                                        this bit may go on and off.
          ..1. ....      RSADSA2G       X'20' Demands Scans may be done
                                        >2G. When 1, demand scans may
                                        be done for pageable pages
                                        >2G. When 0, demand scans will
                                        not be done for pageable pages
                                        >2G. Does not affect frame
                                        table scans. Currently: Once this
                                        bit goes on, it is not turned
          ...1 ....      RSADSB2G       X'10' Demands Scans may be done
                                        <2G. When 1, demand scans may
                                        be done for pageable pages
                                        <2G. When 0, demand scans will
                                        not be done for pageable pages
                                        <2G. Does not affect frame
                                        table scans. This bit gets turned
                                        off in the following situations:
                                        - If there is, or becomes, tons
                                        of storage >2G.
          .... ...1      RSAFreeze      X'01' When this bit is 1, the
                                        decision on how to allocate
                                        pageable pages, as well as the
                                        RSATURNx values, will no longer
09CA 2506 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use.
09CC 2508 Signed       4 RSATURNRB      Raw <2G Turnover ratio (RAS)
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG)
09D0 2512 Signed       4 RSATURN0       <2G Turnover Rate Multiplier
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG)
09D4 2516 Signed       4 RSATURNG       >2G Turnover Rate Multiplier
                                        (Maintain MRSTORSG)
      End of area serialized by RSAADSLK.
          00001000       RSATURBS       4096 Basis for proportion used
                                        for the Turnover Rate Balancing
                                        Multiplier calculations.
                                        Basically, instead of 100 percent
                                        this basis is used. The values of
                                        RSATURN0 and RSATURNG will range
                                        from 0 to RSATURBS and will equal
                                        RSATURBS when added together. Set
                                        RSATURMN depending on HCPDBGUT
                                        For production use:
          00000100       RSATURMN       256 Minimum RSATURNx value. 1/16
                                        Once the calculated RSATURNx
                                        value drops below this, RSATURNx
                                        will be set to 0 and no new
                                        pageable type ANY allocations
                                        will occur on that side of the 2G
          00000F00       RSATURMX       RSATURBS-RSATURMN Maximum
                                        RSATURNx value Once the
                                        calculated RSATURNx value exceeds
                                        this, RSATURNx will be set to
                                        RSATURBS and all new pageable
                                        type ANY allocations will occur
                                        on that side of the 2G line.
          00000003       RSATURHD       3 Minimum HT-LT distance used
                                        when applying turnover rate
     |        PGMBK Steal Performance Indicators                |
      Updates to these fields are serialized by RSADSLOK.
09D8 2520 Dbl-Word     8 RSAVGPST       Average time spent (in TOD units)
                                        in PGMBK Steal per PGMBK
     |        Reset interval data area:                         |
0528 1320 Address      4 RSARESLK       Reset interval data area lock
                                        This field is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
052C 1324 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0530 1328 Signed       4 RSAALLTA       Total number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions since System IPL. This
                                        count is updated using
                                        Compare-and-Swap logic.
0534 1332 Signed       4 RSAAVGDU       Average number of users in the
                                        dispatch list (samples taken by
                                        HCPALURS). This count is updated
                                        only when the reset interval data
                                        area lock (RSARESLK) is held.
0538 1336 Signed       4 RSAAVGRT       Average number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions per second. This count
                                        is updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
053C 1340 Signed       4 RSAOLDTA       Total number of frames taken by
                                        the available list replenishment
                                        functions at the time of the last
                                        reset interval calculation. This
                                        count is updated only when the
                                        reset interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
0540 1344 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
0540 1344 Signed       8 RSAOLDTD       TOD at the time of the last reset
                                        interval calculation. This count
                                        is updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held.
0548 1352 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)
0548 1352 Signed       8 RSARESSA       Reset interval for shared address
                                        spaces in TOD units This count is
                                        updated only when the reset
                                        interval data area lock
                                        (RSARESLK) is held or at
                                        initialization time.
     |                   SXS status flag bits                   |
07C8 1992 Bitstring    5 *              Reserved
07CD 1997 Bitstring    1 RSASXINI       SXSPM initialization flags.
          1... ....      RSASXIMX       X'80' RSASXIMX When set indicates
                                        the maximum available, backed
                                        page queue size values are set to
                                        values used during
                                        initialization. The values get
                                        reset after seeing SYSSINIT is
07CE 1998 Bitstring    1 RSASXREP       SXSPM queue replenishment flags
          1... ....      RSASXRPF       X'80' RSASXRPF Replenishment
                                        failed to steal any aliases the
                                        last time it ran.
          .1.. ....      RSASXRPL       X'40' RSASXRPL Replenishment
                                        stole less aliases than
                                        replenishment amt (RSASXQRA)
07CF 1999 Bitstring    1 RSASXPQS       Potentially stealable queue
                                        status bits
          1... ....      RSASXNST       X'80' ON = SX Page Mgr is
                                        prohibited from using the
                                        stealable queue (RSASXPAN) for
                                        anything other than free storage.
                                        Turned on by HCPSXPFS only
     |        Frame Table Extent Block data:                    |
      We wish to verify that
      1) the FTXBKs that we allocate here inside the RSMBK
         are of the correct size, and
      2) the COPY and the PLXCOPY versions of the RSMBK match.
      Since most modules do not include HCPFTXBK, the equate
      FTXSIZE generally will not be defined.  If it is not
      defined yet, we will define it here so that search
      engines can find it here.
      - If it is defined already, that means HCPFTXBK has been
        included, so the CKMAINT will perform a true test.
      - If HCPFTXBK is included later, then the compile will
        get a "duplicate definition" error and the order of
        includes will need to be fixed.
      - If the FTXBK control block is changed, this CKMAINT
        check will fail, so this COPY file will need to be
        fixed, which should lead one to fix the PLXCOPY file
        as well.
          00000006       FTXSIZE        6 FTXBK is 6 dwords
      The following two pre-allocated FTXBKs are mapped by the
      FTXBK DSECT in HCPFTXBK COPY and must be kept consistent if
      changes are made to either HCPRSMBK or HCPFTXBK.
      All fields are serialized by the FTXBK spin lock (RSAFTXLK)
      <2G Frame Table Extent Block
09E0 2528 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFTXBL (0)
09E0 2528 Dbl-Word     8 * (6)
09E0 2528 Address      4 *              Next FTXBK address
09E4 2532 Address      4 *              Previous FTXBK address
09E8 2536 Address      4 *              Global "next" chain
      >2G Frame Table Extent Block
0A10 2576 Dbl-Word     8 RSAFTXBG (0)
0A10 2576 Dbl-Word     8 * (6)
0A10 2576 Address      4 *              Next FTXBK address
0A14 2580 Address      4 *              Previous FTXBK address
0A18 2584 Address      4 *              Global "next" chain
0A40 2624 Signed       8 RSAFTXLK (6)   FTXBK chain spin lock
              End of Frame Table Extent Block data
     |        QDIO fields                                       |
0A70 2672 Address      8 *              Reserved for IBM use
0A78 2680 Address      8 *              Reserved for IBM use
0A80 2688 Address      8 RSAFOBSL       FOB Supply List anchor
0A88 2696 Address      8 RSAFOBRL       FOB Release List anchor
0A90 2704 Address      4 RSATGTSK       A(TG task CPEBK)
0A94 2708 Signed       4 RSAFOBCT       Count of FCP Operation Blocks
                                        (FOBs) that are currently in the
                                        system. This includes all FOBs
                                        that are on processor local
                                        available lists as well as those
                                        that are currently in use.
0A98 2712 Signed       4 RSAFOBGC       Count of FOBs on Global Lists
0A9C 2716 Signed       4 RSAFOBGH       High threshold for FOBs on Global
0AA0 2720 Signed       4 RSAFOBGZ       Count of Global Pool gone empty
0AA4 2724 Bitstring    1 RSAFOBLK       Lock for FOB Supply List
0AA5 2725 Bitstring    1 RSAFOBTK       HCPFOB tasks started? X'FF' means
0AA6 2726 Bitstring    1 *              RESERVED FOR IBM USE
0AA7 2727 Bitstring    1 *              RESERVED FOR IBM USE
     |        Fields for reserved frame counts                  |
     |                                                          |
     | Notes      :                                                   |
     |  - Updates to RSARSVPG and VMDMXRVP are serialized by    |
     |    RSARPGLK.                                             |
     |  - RSARPGLK should be obtained exclusively if RSARSVPG   |
     |    or VMDMXRVP in any VMDBK is modified, and obtained    |
     |    shared if a field is being referenced by code that    |
     |    depends upon the field's value                        |
     |  - If a field is just being "glanced" at (ie: QUERY      |
     |    output) and the value itself isn't critical to the    |
     |    code, then the lock need not be obtained, however     |
     |    a block-concurrent instruction should be used.        |
0AA8 2728 Dbl-Word     8 RSARPGLK (3)   A shared/exclusive defer lock
0AC0 2752 Signed       4 RSARSVPG       Count of reserved frames
0AC4 2756 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
     |        Managed Buffer Set Circular Linked List           |
     |  This anchor (RSAFMBBK) is serialized by the spin lock   |
     |  RSAMBSLK. This lock also serializes the fields MBBNEXT  |
     |  and MBBPREV in each HCPMBBK that is part of this        |
     |  circular linked list, since these fields are the next   |
     |  and back pointers for this list's elements.             |
     |  This circular linked list is managed by the module      |
     |  HCPMBS.                                                 |
0AC8 2760 Address      4 RSAFMBBK       Anchor to the Managed Buffer Set
                                        circular linked list.
0ACC 2764 Bitstring    1 RSAMBSLK       Managed Buffer Set spin lock. It
                                        serializes RSAFMBBK; it also
                                        serializes the MBBNEXT and
                                        MBBPREV fields of the HCPMBBKs
                                        that are part of this list.
0ACD 2765 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM
     |        Managed Frame Request Circular Linked List.       |
     |  This anchor (RSAFRQCR) is serialized by the spin lock   |
     |  RSAFRQLK. This lock also serializes the fields FRQNEXT  |
     |  and FRQPREV in each HCPFRQBK that is part of this       |
     |  circular linked list, since these fields are the next   |
     |  and back pointers for this list's elements.             |
     |  This circular linked list is managed by the module      |
     |  HCPFRQ.                                                 |
0AD0 2768 Address      4 RSAFRQCR       Pointer to current frame request
                                        being serviced by HCPFRQ.
0AD4 2772 Bitstring    1 RSAFRQLK       HCPFRQBK queue mgmt spin lock. It
                                        serializes RSAFRQCR; it also
                                        serializes the FRQNEXT and
                                        FRQPREV fields of the HCPFRQBKs
                                        that are part of this list.
0AD5 2773 Bitstring    1 RSAFRQAA       HCPFRQAA task active indicator
                                        X'FF' means 'active'
0AD6 2774 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM
0AD8 2776 Address      8 RSAFRQFF       Address of 1st frame on list
0AE0 2784 Address      8 RSAFRQLF       Address of last frame on list
0AE8 2792 Signed       4 RSAFRQCT       Count of frames on list for
                                        current FRQBK
0AEC 2796 Signed       4 RSAFRQND       Count of frames still needed for
                                        current FRQBK
0AF0 2800 Signed       4 RSAFRQAC       Count of frames needed for ALL
                                        FRQBKs (for RAS)
0AF4 2804 Signed       4 RSAFRQDS       Cumulative count of frames that
                                        FRQDS released during demand scan
0AF8 2808 Signed       4 RSAFRQFS       Cumulative count of times
                                        HCPFRQFS was called
0AFC 2812 Signed       4 RSAFRQSV       SVGBK address used when taking
                                        desperate measures to avoid
     |          Live Guest Relocation Global Values             |
0B00 2816 Signed       8 RSACPTRG       Initial value of changed pages
                                        threshold used to determine when
                                        to discontinue the pre-quiesce
                                        memory passes. This value is
                                        stored in RLOCPTRG prior to
                                        memory move. RLOCPTRG is
                                        re-evaluated and updated by
                                        HCPRLSCM after several memory
                                        move passes have been made.
0B08 2824 Signed       4 RSAMXPAS       Maximum number of pre-quiesce
                                        memory passes. This value is
                                        stored in RLOMXPAS prior to
                                        memory move. The number of
                                        pre-quiesce memory passes may
                                        actually be much less that this
                                        value due to the algorithms in
                                        HCPRLSCM for limiting passes if
                                        substantial progress in reaching
                                        the changed page threshold
                                        (RLOCPTRG) is not being made or
                                        if the the threshold is reached.
0B0C 2828 Signed       4 RSASNDMX       Maximum number of outstanding
                                        sends allowed before the memory
                                        move send task delays. This value
                                        is stored in RLOSNDMX prior to
                                        memory move. The delay prevents
                                        the memory move task from getting
                                        too far ahead of the ISFC
                                        communication link.
0B10 2832 Signed       4 RSARMMAX       The maximum number of memory move
                                        messages awaiting recovery before
                                        the send task delays. This value
                                        is stored in RLORMMAX prior to
                                        memory move. The delay allows the
                                        outstanding Recover_Message tasks
                                        to run.
0B14 2836 Signed       4 RSATSLMF       Value used in computation to
                                        determine whether to open a
                                        window to allow other CP tasks to
                                        run. It is used by the LGR PGMBK
                                        walker and the destination side
                                        receive loop. This value is
                                        multiplied with the dispatch
                                        minor time slice and then
                                        compared against time elapsed
                                        since a window was last opened.
     |        Set/Query Reorder command data                    |
0B18 2840 Signed       4 * (0)
0B18 2840 Bitstring    1 RSAREOFL       Set/Query Reorder command flags.
                                        Modifications to this byte must
                                        be serialized by obtaining the
                                        RSAREOLK lock.
          1... ....      RSAREOSY       X'80' Indicates the current
                                        ON/OFF setting for SET REORDER
                                        with the SYSTEM keyword.
                                 The setting controls whether
                                 reorder processing runs for all
                                 user frame owned (UFO) lists
                                 except those whose setting has
                                 been overridden with a subsequent
                                 SET REORDER with the USER keyword
                                 The setting of this flag also
                                 determines whether reorder
                                 processing runs for the shared
                                 frame owned (SUFO) list
0B19 2841 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM
0B1C 2844 Signed       4 RSAREOLK       Informal spin lock to serialize
                                        the SET REORDER command when the
                                        SYSTEM keyword is specified. This
                                        is needed to prevent race
                                        conditions when running the
                                        global cyclic list with HCPALL to
                                        set all logged on users base
                                        VMDBK's VMDREOFL flag to the same
                                        setting as the system setting.
0B20 2848 Signed       4 RSATRQAD       Address of the TRQBK stacked to
                                        drive reorder processing of the
                                        SUFO list. Modifications to this
                                        field are serialized by holding
                                        the RSAREOLK lock.
                                 HCPALPSA will release this TRQBK
                                 and set this field to zero if
                                 SYSTEM REORDER is OFF.
                                 HCPREOSR will stack a TRQBK and
                                 store the address here if SYSTEM
                                 REORDER is set ON and there is
                                 no TRQBK.
0B24 2852 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
              End of RSM common area
            Start of RSM Dynamic Memory Upgrade work area
       This area will be used to accumulate the changes to be
       applied once all the new frames, lists, counts, and
       whatever else is affected by the SET STORAGE command
       have been prepared.
       Since this is not part of the RSM Common Area, it is
       not defined in the HCPRSMBK PLXCOPY file.
      Definitions for fields that are not part of the
      real RSMBK common area
0B28 2856 Signed       8 rsaPFXFTLEN    Length of frame table
0B30 2864 Signed       8 rsaPFXSTLEN    SXSTB size
0B38 2872 Bitstring    1 rsaPFXGPFLG    General purpose flag PFX2GU -
                                        usable storage exists >2G
0B39 2873 Bitstring    1 rsaVMDLOWW0    work bit VMDINI2G - >2G frame
                                        initialization required
0B3A 2874 Bitstring    6 *              Reserved for IBM
0B40 2880 Signed       8 rsaSYSGTORS    - new SYSGTORS
0B48 2888 Signed       8 rsaSYSSXSSZ    - new SYSSXSSZ
0B50 2896 Signed       8 *              - Reserved for IBM use.
0B58 2904 Signed       4 rsaSYSTORS     - new SYSTORS
              End of RSM Dynamic Memory Upgrade work area
              Size of work RSM for Dynamic Memory Upgrade
          0000016C       RSASZD         (*-RSMBK+7)/8 Size in D-words
     | Define a local DSECT that maps the first 3 fields of     |
     | the available list anchors RSA2GAHD, RSAAVLAN, RSA2GCHD, |
     | and RSAAVCAN.                                            |
     | A header with a 4-byte counter (RSASXQAN, for example)   |
     | can still be manipulated with this DSECT, as long as     |
     | RSAAVCT4 is used as the counter field.                   |
     | This facilitates logic when manipulating the lists.      |


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSAAVNKR       RSM common area mapping
0000    0 Address      8 RSAAVFP        Forward pointer
0008    8 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0008    8 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0008    8 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0008    8 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0008    8 Address      8 RSAAVBP        Backward pointer
0010   16 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0010   16 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0010   16 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0010   16 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0010   16 Signed       4 RSAAVCT4 (0)   Count (4-byte)
0010   16 Signed       8 RSAAVCT        Count
0018   24 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0018   24 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0018   24 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
0018   24 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
     | Define a local DSECT that maps each of the               |
     | deferred frame request queues.                           |
     |                                                          |
     | For a description of the deferred frame request queues,  |
     | see the module prolog of HCPPTE.                         |
     |                                                          |
     | Notes      :  The lock and pointers for each of the three       |
     | deferred frame request queues are only addressable       |
     | via this DSECT (RSADefSP, RSADefPF and RSADefPL).        |
     | The counts are named individually so that they may       |
     | be "peeked at" without the corresponding lock            |
     | held, and collected by monitor without the lock          |
     | held.  The lock for the approprate deferred frame        |
     | request queue must be held to update the counts.         |


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSADefFRQ      RSM common area mapping
0000    0 Signed       8 RSADefSP (6)   Spin lock.
0030   48 Address      4 RSADefPF       Pointer to First CPEBK. Only
                                        valid if RSADefCT not 0. (Last
                                        task to dequeue does not modify.)
0034   52 Address      4 RSADefPL       Pointer to Last CPEBK. Only valid
                                        if RSADefCT not 0. (Last task to
                                        dequeue does not modify.)
0038   56 Signed       4 RSADefCT       Non-negative count of frame
                                        requests deferred on this frame
                                        request defer queue. Individually
                                        defined as:
003C   60 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
003C   60 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
003C   60 Address      4 * (0)          Force a cross reference
     | This section maps the three free frames anchors.         |
     | Use EXTRNs HCPRSMFR/HCPRSMSV/HCPRSMPR to locate them.    |


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RSMANCHR       RSM common area mapping
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          HCPRSMFR and HCPRSMSV are list
                                        anchors that contain the address
                                        of the first SXSTE which
                                        represents a free storage page
                                        with available space of the
                                        appropriate type to be examine
                                        when allocating or deallocating
                                        VMDBK (Guestperm), or System
                                        (Sysperm) free storage
                                        respectively. The count of SXSTEs
                                        on the list follows the anchor.
0000    0 Address      8 RSMFRCHN       Host Logical Address Anchor for
                                        SXSTE chain of free storage
                                        frames with avbl space
0008    8 Signed       8 RSMFRCNT       Count of FRMTEs on chain


RSMBK Storage Layout

*** RSMBK - RSM common area mapping
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         RSASAVFR          |         RSARSAST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         RSAMSARC          |         RSAMSASC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         RSAMSARH          |         RSADPACP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         RSATRSAV          |         RSASTORE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         RSAPFXAF          |         RSAPFXND          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  28 |:TSKB0|:TSKB1|:TSKB2|:TSKB3|         RSADPAAD          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  30 |                       RSAFNOTI                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       RSALGFRM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40 |                       RSAGOFFL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       RSAGSTOR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       RSASTORL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  58 |                       RSALG1ST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       RSALGLST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       RSANOTIB                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                       RSA2GAFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                       RSA2GABP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  80 |                       RSA2GAVL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  88 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  90 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVLHG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSA2GLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  D0 |                       RSA2GCFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  D8 |                       RSA2GCBP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E0 |                       RSA2GCVL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  E8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F8 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVCHG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 100 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSA2GCLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 130 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |       RSADEFCTA2G         |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 170 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAPRLK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 188 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAASITB                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 208 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 210 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 218 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 220 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 228 |         RSAPPAQD          |         RSAPPTLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 230 |         RSARESAC          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 238 |                       RSARFRSG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 240 |                       RSAAFRDW                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 248 |                       RSAAFRIU                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 250 |         RSAAFSDW          |         RSAAFSDB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 258 |         RSARFRST          |         RSAAFRDB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 260 |         RSAAFSIU          |         RSAAFSIB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 268 |         RSAAFRIB          |         RSAVCBDW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |         RSAVCBDB          |         RSAVCBIU          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 278 |         RSAVCBIB          |         RSAVFSDW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 280 |         RSAVFSIU          |         RSANALD           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 288 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 290 |         RSANDUCT          |         RSASHRSP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 298 |                       RSAPPTN                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A0 |         RSAPPTPS          |         RSAPPTPF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A8 |         RSAPPTCS          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2B0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSASHRLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSASPMLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2E0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAALCIN                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 2F8 |         RSACTSHR          |         RSABLKGC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 300 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSABLKGF                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 318 |         RSACPLOK          |         RSAOFFLN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 320 |         RSASHARE          |         RSANONPG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 328 |         RSAPGABL          |         RSACPLKG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 330 |                       RSAAVLFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 338 |                       RSAAVLBP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 340 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVAIL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVLHT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAAVLLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 388 |                       RSA16KBP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 390 |                       RSAAVCFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 398 |                       RSAAVCBP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A0 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVCIL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A8 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B0 |///////////////////////////|         RSAAVCHT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAAVCLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 3E8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 418 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 420 |       RSADEFCTB2G         |         RSAFRQMW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 428 |         RSAFRQDF          |         RSAFRQDL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 430 |                       RSAFRQDT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 438 |                       RSAFRQDA                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 440 |        RSARDAANY          |        RSARDTANY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 448 |        RSARDAA2G          |        RSARDTA2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 450 |        RSARDAB2G          |        RSARDTB2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 458 |///////////////////////////|         RSARESBC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 460 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 490 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 498 |       RSADEFCTANY         |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+
* 4A0 |:RFLOK|     RSADSCPU       |:TRQLK|////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+
* 4A8 |                       RSADSTSA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 4B0 |                       RSADSTSB                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4B8 |         RSASWPWT          |         RSASWP2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4C0 |         RSAAVLLT          |         RSADECCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4C8 |         RSAAVCLT          |         RSADECCC          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 4D0 |/////////////|:DECFG|:DECFL|         RSAAVLLG          |
*     +-------------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 4D8 |         RSADECCG          |         RSAAVCLG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4E0 |         RSADECGC          |         RSACFPCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4E8 |         RSACFPAV          |         RSAALFMF          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4F0 |         RSAAVLEP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 4F8 |         RSASTLWT          |         RSASWG2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 500 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 508 |         RSAFTXFL          |         RSAFTXFG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 510 |         RSAFTXGC          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 518 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 528 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSARINTA                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 568 |         RSAFSA2G          |         RSAFSB2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 570 |         RSAFSYUA          |         RSAFSYUB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 578 |         RSAFVMUD          |         RSAFVMUB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 580 |         RSAVMXFR          |         RSAVMXFB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 588 |         RSAVMXUD          |         RSAVMXUB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 590 |         RSASYSFR          |         RSASYSFB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 598 |         RSASYSUD          |         RSASYSUB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5A0 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5A8 |         RSALIM1           |         RSALIM2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5B0 |         RSALIM3           |         RSALMFUZ          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 5B8 |////////////////////|:LIMCK|         RSAFSELK          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 5C0 |         RSAPLPCT          |         RSAPLPCB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5C8 |         RSANPGCT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5D0 |                       RSAEMTSA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 5D8 |                       RSAEMTSB                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5E0 |         RSANPGMX          |         RSANPGHI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5E8 |         RSAXTEND          |         RSARESAN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5F0 |         RSARSVLK          |         RSARSVSY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 5F8 |         RSAMAXPP          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 600 |         RSADEFAN          |         RSADEFLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 608 |         RSAPRQWT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 610 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAFSLCK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 628 |  RSASA1ST   |  RSASALST   |   RSAMSO    |   RSAMSL    |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 630 |:AZNCT|:ZPOOL|/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 638 |///////////////////////////|         RSAVSLOW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 640 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAVHSLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 658 |///////////////////////////|         RSAVHSAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 660 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSANOQLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 690 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 698 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6A0 |                       RSANOQFR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 6A8 |                       RSANOQPG                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6B0 |///////////////////////////|         RSANOLKL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6B8 |                       RSANOLKA                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6C0 |         RSANOLOK          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6C8 |         RSADPPB           |         RSADPPA           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 6D0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSASXQLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 700 |                       RSASXQFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 708 |                       RSASXQBP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 710 |         RSASXQCT          |         RSASXQMN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 718 |                       RSASXPFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 720 |                       RSASXPBP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 728 |         RSASXPCT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 730 |                       RSASXAFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 738 |                       RSASXABP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 740 |         RSASXACT          |         RSASXAMX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 748 |                       RSASXBFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 750 |                       RSASXBBP                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 758 |         RSASXBCT          |         RSASXBMX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 760 |         RSASXDFP          |         RSASXDBP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 768 |         RSASXDCT          |         RSASXDCA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 770 |         RSASXDPB          |         RSASXDPA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 778 |         RSASXRDA          |         RSASXRDC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 780 |         RSASXAVL          |         RSASXUSD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 788 |         RSASXUCP          |         RSASXUID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 790 |         RSASXUFS          |         RSASXUFG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 798 |         RSASXUOT          |         RSASXBKA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7A0 |         RSASXBKB          |         RSASXALI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7A8 |         RSASXNOP          |         RSASXCTG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7B0 |         RSASXDFA          |         RSASXDFB          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7B8 |         RSASXCLA          |         RSASXCPL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7C0 |///////////////////////////|         RSASXLOK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7C8 |                      RSASXFLGS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 7D0 |                       RSASXSTO                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7D8 |         RSASXQRA          |         RSASXRPM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7E0 |         RSASXRFC          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7E8 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 7F0 |                       RSACALFP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 7F8 |                       RSACALBP                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 800 |                       RSACALCT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 808 |                       RSACALUT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 810 |                       RSACALMT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 818 |                       RSACALLT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 820 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSACALLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 850 |         RSARCLOK          |///////////////////////////|
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 858 |////////////////////|:AASTA|         RSAAAPFX          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
* 860 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 868 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 870 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 878 |:EMTS |:EMFL |/////////////|         RSAEMERG          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 880 |                       RSAEMFMT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 888 |         RSAEMCPC          |         RSAEMDFR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 890 |         RSAEMBLO          |         RSAEMPTY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 898 |         RSAEMCPQ          |         RSAEMRPT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8A0 |         RSAEMLO           |         RSAEMHI           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8A8 |         RSALTDB1          |         RSALTDA1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8B0 |         RSALTDD1          |         RSALTDC1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8B8 |         RSALTDB2          |         RSALTDA2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8C0 |         RSALTDD2          |         RSALTDC2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8C8 |         RSALTDBE          |         RSALTDAE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8D0 |         RSALTDDE          |         RSALTDCE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8D8 |         RSADRMB1          |         RSADRMA1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8E0 |         RSADRMD1          |         RSADRMC1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8E8 |         RSADRMB2          |         RSADRMA2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8F0 |         RSADRMD2          |         RSADRMC2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 8F8 |         RSADRMBE          |         RSADRMAE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 900 |         RSADRMDE          |         RSADRMCE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 908 |         RSAELGB1          |         RSAELGA1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 910 |         RSAELGD1          |         RSAELGC1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 918 |         RSAELGB2          |         RSAELGA2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 920 |         RSAELGD2          |         RSAELGC2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 928 |         RSAELGBE          |         RSAELGAE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 930 |         RSAELGDE          |         RSAELGCE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 938 |         RSADSPB1          |         RSADSPA1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 940 |         RSADSPD1          |         RSADSPC1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 948 |         RSADSPB2          |         RSADSPA2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 950 |         RSADSPD2          |         RSADSPC2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 958 |         RSADSPBE          |         RSADSPAE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 960 |         RSADSPDE          |         RSADSPCE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 968 |         RSASHRB1          |         RSASHRA1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 970 |         RSASHRD1          |         RSASHRC1          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 978 |         RSASHRB2          |         RSASHRA2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 980 |         RSASHRD2          |         RSASHRC2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 988 |         RSASHRBE          |         RSASHRAE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 990 |         RSASHRDE          |         RSASHRCE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 998 |         RSAAVLFT          |         RSAAVCFT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9A0 |         RSAAVLFG          |         RSAAVCFG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9A8 |         RSADSCD0          |         RSADSCDG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9B0 |         RSADSCC0          |         RSADSCCG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9B8 |         RSAPGMQ1          |         RSAPGMQ2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9C0 |         RSAPGMQE          |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 9C8 |:ADSLK|:ADSFL|/////////////|        RSATURNRB          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 9D0 |         RSATURN0          |         RSATURNG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9D8 |                       RSAVGPST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 9E0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A10 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A40 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSAFTXLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A70 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A78 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A80 |                       RSAFOBSL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* A88 |                       RSAFOBRL                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A90 |         RSATGTSK          |         RSAFOBCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A98 |         RSAFOBGC          |         RSAFOBGH          |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* AA0 |         RSAFOBGZ          |:FOBLK|:FOBTK|//////|//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
* AA8 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSARPGLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* AC0 |         RSARSVPG          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* AC8 |         RSAFMBBK          |:MBSLK|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* AD0 |         RSAFRQCR          |:FRQLK|:FRQAA|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* AD8 |                       RSAFRQFF                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* AE0 |                       RSAFRQLF                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* AE8 |         RSAFRQCT          |         RSAFRQND          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* AF0 |         RSAFRQAC          |         RSAFRQDS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* AF8 |         RSAFRQFS          |         RSAFRQSV          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* B00 |                       RSACPTRG                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* B08 |         RSAMXPAS          |         RSASNDMX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* B10 |         RSARMMAX          |         RSATSLMF          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* B18 |:REOFL|////////////////////|         RSAREOLK          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* B20 |         RSATRQAD          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* B28 |                     RSAPFXFTLEN                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* B30 |                     RSAPFXSTLEN                       |
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
* B38 |(B38) |(B39) |/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
* B40 |                     RSASYSGTORS                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* B48 |                     RSASYSSXSSZ                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* B50 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* B58 |        RSASYSTORS         | B5C
*     +---------------------------+
*** RSMBK - RSM common area mapping
*** Overlay for RSARINTA in RSMBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 528 |         RSARESLK          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 530 |         RSAALLTA          |         RSAAVGDU          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 538 |         RSAAVGRT          |         RSAOLDTA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 540 |                       RSAOLDTD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 548 |                       RSARESSA                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 550
*** Overlay for RSARINTA in RSMBK
*** Overlay for RSASXFLGS in RSMBK
*     +----------------------------------+------+------+------+
* 7C8 |//////////////////////////////////|:SXINI|:SXREP|:SXPQS|
*     +----------------------------------+------+------+------+
* 7D0
*** Overlay for RSASXFLGS in RSMBK
*** Overlay for RSAFTXBL in RSMBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9E0 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 9E8 |///////////////////////////| 9EC
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for RSAFTXBL in RSMBK
*** Overlay for RSAFTXBG in RSMBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A10 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* A18 |///////////////////////////| A1C
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for RSAFTXBG in RSMBK
*** RSAAVNKR - RSM common area mapping
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RSAAVFP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       RSAAVBP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       RSAAVCT                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18
*** RSAAVNKR - RSM common area mapping
*** RSADefFRQ - RSM common area mapping
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       RSADEFSP                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         RSADEFPF          |         RSADEFPL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         RSADEFCT          | 3C
*     +---------------------------+
*** RSADefFRQ - RSM common area mapping
*** RSMANCHR - RSM common area mapping
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RSMFRCHN                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       RSMFRCNT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10
*** RSMANCHR - RSM common area mapping


RSMBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
rsaPFXFTLEN    0B28
rsaPFXGPFLG    0B38
rsaPFXSTLEN    0B30
rsaSYSGTORS    0B40
rsaSYSSXSSZ    0B48
rsaSYSTORS     0B58
rsaVMDLOWW0    0B39
FTXSIZE        07CF 00000006
RSAdefCTANY    0498
RSAdefCTA2G    0168
RSAdefCTB2G    0420
RSAemBLO       0890
RSAemCPc       0888
RSAemCPq       0898
RSAemDFR       088C
RSAemERG       087C
RSAemFL        0879
RSAemFMT       0880
RSAemHI        08A4
RSAemLO        08A0
RSAemPTY       0894
RSAemRP        0879 08
RSAemRPT       089C
RSAemTS        0878
RSAneCNT       002B 02
RSAneTSK       002B 01
RSAAAFLG       0858
RSAAAFTO       0868
RSAAAON        085B 80
RSAAAPFX       085C
RSAAASTA       085B
RSAAASTO       0870
RSAAASXS       0860
RSAADSFL       09C9
RSAADSLK       09C8
RSAAFRDB       025C
RSAAFRDW       0240
RSAAFRIB       0268
RSAAFRIU       0248
RSAAFSDB       0254
RSAAFSDW       0250
RSAAFSIB       0264
RSAAFSIU       0260
RSAALCIN       02E0
RSAALLTA       0530
RSAASITB       0188
RSAAVAIL       0344
RSAAVBP        0008
RSAAVCAN       0390
RSAAVCBP       0398
RSAAVCFG       09A4
RSAAVCFP       0390
RSAAVCFT       099C
RSAAVCHT       03B4
RSAAVCIL       03A4
RSAAVCLK       03B8
RSAAVCLT       04C8
RSAAVCT        0010
RSAAVCT4       0010
RSAAVFP        0000
RSAAVGDU       0534
RSAAVGRT       0538
RSAAVLAN       0330
RSAAVLBP       0338
RSAAVLEP       04F0
RSAAVLFG       09A0
RSAAVLFP       0330
RSAAVLFT       0998
RSAAVLHG       009C
RSAAVLHT       0354
RSAAVLLG       04D4
RSAAVLLK       0358
RSAAVLLT       04C0
RSAAZNCT       0630
RSABLKGF       0300
RSACALAN       07F0
RSACALBP       07F8
RSACALCT       0800
RSACALFP       07F0
RSACALLK       0820
RSACALLT       0818
RSACALMT       0810
RSACALUT       0808
RSACFPAV       04E8
RSACFPCT       04E4
RSACPLKG       032C
RSACPLOK       0318
RSACPTRG       0B00
RSACTSHR       02F8
RSADefANY      0460
RSADefA2G      0130
RSADefB2G      03E8
RSADefCT       0038
RSADefPF       0030
RSADefPL       0034
RSADefSP       0000
RSADCCGC       04D2 04
RSADECCG       04D8
RSADECCS       04D0
RSADECCT       04C4
RSADECFG       04D2
RSADECFL       04D3
RSADECGC       04E0
RSADECRB       04D3 01
RSADECRC       04D3 04
RSADECRG       04D2 01
RSADEFAN       0600
RSADEFLK       0604
RSADPAAD       002C
RSADPACP       0014
RSADPPA        06CC
RSADPPB        06C8
RSADPPBW       0210
RSADPPCA       06C8
RSADPPFW       0208
RSADRMA1       08DC
RSADRMA2       08EC
RSADRMBE       08F8
RSADRMB1       08D8
RSADRMB2       08E8
RSADRMCE       0904
RSADRMC1       08E4
RSADRMC2       08F4
RSADRMDE       0900
RSADRMD1       08E0
RSADRMD2       08F0
RSADSA2G       09C9 20
RSADSB2G       09C9 10
RSADSCCG       09B4
RSADSCC0       09B0
RSADSCD0       09A8
RSADSCPU       04A1
RSADSLOK       04A0
RSADSPAE       095C
RSADSPA1       093C
RSADSPA2       094C
RSADSPBE       0958
RSADSPB1       0938
RSADSPB2       0948
RSADSPCE       0964
RSADSPC1       0944
RSADSPC2       0954
RSADSPDE       0960
RSADSPD1       0940
RSADSPD2       0950
RSADSTSA       04A8
RSADSTSB       04B0
RSAELGAE       092C
RSAELGA1       090C
RSAELGA2       091C
RSAELGBE       0928
RSAELGB1       0908
RSAELGB2       0918
RSAELGCE       0934
RSAELGC1       0914
RSAELGC2       0924
RSAELGDE       0930
RSAELGD1       0910
RSAELGD2       0920
RSAEMTSA       05D0
RSAEMTSB       05D8
RSAFreeze      09C9 01
RSAFNOTI       0030
RSAFOBCT       0A94
RSAFOBGC       0A98
RSAFOBRL       0A88
RSAFOBSL       0A80
RSAFRQDA       0438
RSAFRQDF       0428
RSAFRQDL       042C
RSAFRQDT       0430
RSAFRQMW       0424
RSAFSA2G       0568
RSAFSB2G       056C
RSAFSLCK       0610
RSAFSTBK       0610
RSAFSTLN       0634 00000028
RSAFSTSZ       0634 00000005
RSAFSYUA       0570
RSAFSYUB       0574
RSAFTXBG       0A10
RSAFTXBL       09E0
RSAFTXFG       050C
RSAFTXFL       0508
RSAFTXGC       0510
RSAFTXLK       0A40
RSAFVMUB       057C
RSAFVMUD       0578
RSAGOFFL       0040
RSAGSTOR       0048
RSAINCGC       04D2 08
RSAINCRB       04D3 02
RSAINCRC       04D3 08
RSAINCRG       04D2 02
RSAINITL       0818 00000004
RSAINITM       0810 00000008
RSAINITU       0808 00000020
RSALGFRM       0038
RSALGLST       0060
RSALG1ST       0058
RSALIMCS       05B8
RSALIMOF       05BB 00000000
RSALIMON       05BB 00000001
RSALIM1        05A8
RSALIM2        05AC
RSALIM3        05B0
RSALMFUZ       05B4
RSALTDA1       08AC
RSALTDA2       08BC
RSALTDBE       08C8
RSALTDB1       08A8
RSALTDB2       08B8
RSALTDCE       08D4
RSALTDC1       08B4
RSALTDC2       08C4
RSALTDDE       08D0
RSALTDD1       08B0
RSALTDD2       08C0
RSAMAXPP       05F8
RSAMSARC       0008
RSAMSARH       0010
RSAMSASC       000C
RSAMSL         062E
RSAMSO         062C
RSAMXPAS       0B08
RSANALD        0284
RSANASIT       0288
RSANDUCT       0290
RSANOLKA       06B8
RSANOLKL       06B4
RSANOLOK       06C0
RSANONPG       0324
RSANOQFR       06A0
RSANOQLK       0660
RSANOQPG       06A8
RSANOTIB       0068
RSANOXBP       0698
RSANOXFP       0690
RSANPGCT       05C8
RSANPGHI       05E4
RSANPGMX       05E0
RSAOFFLN       031C
RSAOLDTA       053C
RSAOLDTD       0540
RSAPCQUA       002B 08
RSAPFXAF       0020
RSAPFXND       0024
RSAPGABL       0328
RSAPGMQE       09C0
RSAPGMQ1       09B8
RSAPGMQ2       09BC
RSAPLPCB       05C4
RSAPLPCT       05C0
RSAPPABW       0220
RSAPPAFW       0218
RSAPPAQD       0228
RSAPPA2G       09C9 80
RSAPPB2G       09C9 40
RSAPPTCS       02A8
RSAPPTLK       022C
RSAPPTN        0298
RSAPPTPF       02A4
RSAPPTPS       02A0
RSAPRLK        0170
RSAPRQWT       0608
RSARCLOK       0850
RSARDaANY      0440
RSARDaA2G      0448
RSARDaB2G      0450
RSARDtANY      0444
RSARDtA2G      044C
RSARDtB2G      0454
RSAREOFL       0B18
RSAREOSY       0B18 80
RSARESAC       0230
RSARESBC       045C
RSARESLK       0528
RSARESSA       0548
RSARFLOK       04A0
RSARFRSG       0238
RSARFRST       0258
RSARINTA       0528
RSARMMAX       0B10
RSARSAST       0004
RSARSVLK       05F0
RSARSVSY       05F4
RSASALST       062A
RSASAVFR       0000
RSASA1ST       0628
RSASHARE       0320
RSASHRAE       098C
RSASHRA1       096C
RSASHRA2       097C
RSASHRBE       0988
RSASHRB1       0968
RSASHRB2       0978
RSASHRCE       0994
RSASHRC1       0974
RSASHRC2       0984
RSASHRDE       0990
RSASHRD1       0970
RSASHRD2       0980
RSASHRLK       02B0
RSASHRSP       0294
RSASPMLK       02C8
RSASTLWT       04F8
RSASTORE       001C
RSASTORL       0050
RSASTRNG       062C
RSASWG2G       04FC
RSASWPWT       04B8
RSASWP2G       04BC
RSASXAAN       0730
RSASXABP       0738
RSASXACT       0740
RSASXAFP       0730
RSASXALI       07A4
RSASXAMX       0744
RSASXAVL       0780
RSASXBAN       0748
RSASXBBP       0750
RSASXBCT       0758
RSASXBFP       0748
RSASXBKA       079C
RSASXBKB       07A0
RSASXBMX       075C
RSASXCLA       07B8
RSASXDAN       0760
RSASXDBP       0764
RSASXDCA       076C
RSASXDCT       0768
RSASXDFA       07B0
RSASXDFB       07B4
RSASXDFP       0760
RSASXDPA       0774
RSASXDPB       0770
RSASXIMX       07CD 80
RSASXLOK       07C4
RSASXNOP       07A8
RSASXNST       07CF 80
RSASXPAN       0718
RSASXPBP       0720
RSASXPCT       0728
RSASXPFP       0718
RSASXQAN       0700
RSASXQBP       0708
RSASXQCT       0710
RSASXQFP       0700
RSASXQLK       06D0
RSASXQMN       0714
RSASXQRA       07D8
RSASXRDA       0778
RSASXRDC       077C
RSASXRFC       07E0
RSASXRPF       07CE 80
RSASXRPL       07CE 40
RSASXSTO       07D0
RSASXUCP       0788
RSASXUFG       0794
RSASXUFS       0790
RSASXUID       078C
RSASXUOT       0798
RSASXUSD       0784
RSASYSFB       0594
RSASYSFR       0590
RSASYSUB       059C
RSASYSUD       0598
RSASZD         0B58 0000016C
RSATASKB       0028
RSATGTSK       0A90
RSATRQAD       0B20
RSATRQLK       04A4
RSATRSAV       0018
RSATSKB0       0028
RSATSKB1       0029
RSATSKB2       002A
RSATSKB3       002B
RSATSLMF       0B14
RSATURBS       09D4 00001000
RSATURHD       09D4 00000003
RSATURMN       09D4 00000100
RSATURMX       09D4 00000F00
RSATURNG       09D4
RSATURN0       09D0
RSAVCBDB       0270
RSAVCBDW       026C
RSAVCBIB       0278
RSAVCBIU       0274
RSAVFSDW       027C
RSAVFSIU       0280
RSAVGPST       09D8
RSAVHSAD       065C
RSAVHSLK       0640
RSAVMXFB       0584
RSAVMXFR       0580
RSAVMXUB       058C
RSAVMXUD       0588
RSAVSLOW       063C
RSAVVBLK       0638
RSAXTEND       05E8
RSAZPOOL       0631
RSA16KBP       0388
RSA2GABP       0078
RSA2GAFP       0070
RSA2GAHD       0070
RSA2GAVL       0080
RSA2GCBP       00D8
RSA2GCFP       00D0
RSA2GCHD       00D0
RSA2GCLK       0100
RSA2GCVL       00E0
RSA2GLCK       00A0
RSMFRCHN       0000
RSMFRCNT       0008

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:18:43 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011