Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

RCCBK Prolog

              This control block maps the RCPU data area and
              defines constants used by the RCPU subsystem.
              HCPRCCCM - RPCU common data area
              System initialization
              System termination


RCCBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      RCCBK          RCPU DATA AREA MAPPING
             SAVBK management zappable constants and queues
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 RCCURCQ        SAVBK reclaim queue (unsorted)
0008    8 Address      4 RCCSRCQ        SAVBK reclaim queue (sorted)
000C   12 Address      4 RCCSFQ         SAVE frame queue
0010   16 Signed       4 RCCRCNUM       Number of SAVBKs being reclaimed
0014   20 Signed       4 RCCSVNUM       Number of SAVBKs allocated
0018   24 Dbl-Word     8 RCCSFQL (6)    SAVE frame queue lock
0048   72 Signed       8 RCCICFAB       Incomplete frame reclaim time
                                        limit in seconds
0050   80 Signed       8 RCCLNINT       HCPSAMFS sampling period, 10 sec.
0058   88 Signed       4 RCCNOINT       Number of intervals to average
          .... 1...      RCCMXAVS       8 RCCMXAVS Scaling factor for
                                        below &VX1NASG
005C   92 Signed       4 RCCMAXAV       Maximum percentage of buffers
0060   96 Signed       4 RCCMINSV       Minimum number of saveareas per
0064  100 Address      1 RCCSTFLG       Free storage availability flags
          1... ....      RCCSAVL        X'80' RCCSAVL Free storage
                                        available for SAVBKs
0065  101 Bitstring    1 * (3)          Reserved for future IBM use
             MP Defer Data Area
             Checkpoint determination intervals
0068  104 Signed       8 RCCMPDLY       1/10 second, until adjusted by
                                        HCPISR to be a function of the
                                        minor timeslice.
0070  112 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use
0078  120 Address      1 RCCMPDAC       MP Defer Active Test & Set flag
0079  121 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved
             "CP Loss of Control" deferred work queues
007C  124 Address      4 RCCMPCQ0       Work for which 0 or more MP
                                        checkpoints have occurred
0080  128 Address      4 RCCMPCQ1       Work for which 1 or more MP
                                        checkpoints have occurred
             "Loss of Control" deferred work queues
0084  132 Address      4 RCCMPSQ0       Work for which 0 or more MP
                                        checkpoints have occurred
0088  136 Address      4 RCCMPSQ1       Work for which 1 or more MP
                                        checkpoints have occurred
        RCCCPUAA:  Array of CPU addresses for online processors
        Function   :  Used to get the CPU address of a CPU with a
                   given PFXINDEX. The PFXINDEX divided by 2 is
                   the displacement of a CPU's entry in this
                   array.  VMDHPLDV can also be used to find a
                   CPU's  entry in this array due to the direct
                   relationship (VMDHDVSH) between VMDHPLDV and
                   PFXINDEX for a given CPU.  Finally, since
                   VMDHPLDV is just the displacement of the
                   PLDV in the array of PLDVs (HCPDSVST), the
                   address of a PLDV can be used to index into
                   this array as well.  The following are useful
                    1) VMDHPLDV = addr(PLDV) - addr(HCPDSVST)
                    2) PFXINDEX = VMDHPLDV / 2**VMDHDVSH
                    3) RCCCPUAA index = PFXINDEX / 2
        Serialized :
                   This array should be changed only when the
                   VARY lock is held or for the IPL processor
                   at initialization time.
                   No serialization needed to examine an entry.
                   When an entry in the array is being examined,
                   a value of x'FFFF' means the processor is no
                   longer available.  Any value other than
                   x'FFFF' means either that the processor is
                   available or that the processor has been
                   varied off but the 2 minute wait interval
                   before its storage is released has not
                   expired.  Do not assume that the processor
                   is available just because its entry in this
                   array is other than x'FFFF'.
008C  140 Signed       2 RCCCPUAA (64)  CPU address array
        STSI response data areas.
        Function   :  A managed, in memory copy of STSI output.
                   The following STSI responses are maintained:
                   1.1.1 and 1.2.2.
                   For STSI 1.1.1 and 1.2.2, an additional pair
                   of data areas is maintained that contains
                   the most recent responses with non-transient
                   states indicated. See SSI1TRNS and HCPSSICC.
                   These are needed for Diagnose x'2E0'.
                   References to these data areas during CP
                   initialization must test the pointers to
                   ensure they are initialized (nonzero pointer)
                   before using the response areas.
                   HCPSSIBK maps the STSI responses.
        Serialized :
                   These data areas are updated only during
                   system initialization while running on a
                   single processor, or later while running on
                   the SYSTEM VMDBK.
                   Each time the STSI responses are updated, a
                   new data area is allocated and the pointers
                   below are updated. The prior response area
                   is released by an MPDFR call to HCPSSIRL to
                   allow existing references to continue to use
                   the old response areas until their next loss
                   of control.
                   No serialization is provided to consumers of
                   these data areas that allows access over a
                   loss of control. The STSI response area may
                   have been released during the loss of control.
                   No form of serialization can provide a
                   self-consistency guarantee for the pair of
                   responses for STSI 1.1.1 and 1.2.2 since
                   changes may occur between the STSI instruction
                   invocations that affect values reported in
                   both STSI responses. For example, changes to
                   capability values reported by STSI 1.2.2 may
                   be explained by corresponding changes to CCR
                   and CAI values reported by STSI 1.1.1.
010C  268 Address      4 RCC111         Most recent STSI 1.1.1 response.
0110  272 Address      4 RCC122         Most recent STSI 1.2.2 response.
0114  276 Address      4 RCC111NT       Non-transient STSI 1.1.1 resp.
0118  280 Address      4 RCC122NT       Non-transient STSI 1.2.2 resp.
        RCCEMSxx:  EMSBK Cleanup Counts and Type flags
        Function   :  Track statistics for cleanup of EMSBKs found
                   on the PFXPG of a processor during VARY
                   processing. The individual counts are for
                   different points in the processing of VARY
                   OFF PROC and VARY ON PROC. If the EMSBKs are
                   cleaned up after the HCPMPCFL processing,
                   then the EMSBKs may have been waiting to be
                   processed for 2 minutes or more. This should
                   be avoided because the result will be that
                   the tasks waiting for completion of HCPSGP's
                   processing will appear to hang while the
                   EMSBK is on the PFXEMSAN queue. Currently,
                   this is only the case for HCPSGPNC's callers
                   indicated by RCCEMSNF.RCCEMSNC being on.
                   There should be a count field and flag byte
                   for each caller of HCPSGPDR.
        Serialized :
                   All RCCEMSxx fields are serialized by
                   HCPRCCVA - VARY Processor Lock.
011C  284 Signed       4 RCCEMSFL       EMSBK cleanups done by hcpmpcFL.
0120  288 Signed       4 RCCEMSOF       EMSBK cleanups done by hcpmpsOF.
0124  292 Signed       4 RCCEMSON       EMSBK cleanups done by hcpmpsON.
0128  296 Signed       4 RCCEMSFS (0)   EMSBK cleanup flags.
0128  296 Bitstring    1 RCCEMSLF       EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSFL.
          1... ....      RCCEMSAR       X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery
                                        type EMSBKs.
          .1.. ....      RCCEMSSM       X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type
          ..1. ....      RCCEMSLC       X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type
          ...1 ....      RCCEMSNC       X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type
0129  297 Bitstring    1 RCCEMSFF       EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSOF.
          1... ....      RCCEMSAR       X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery
                                        type EMSBKs.
          .1.. ....      RCCEMSSM       X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type
          ..1. ....      RCCEMSLC       X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type
          ...1 ....      RCCEMSNC       X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type
012A  298 Bitstring    1 RCCEMSNF       EMSBK type flags for RCCEMSON.
          1... ....      RCCEMSAR       X'80' RCCEMSAR Alt Proc Recovery
                                        type EMSBKs.
          .1.. ....      RCCEMSSM       X'40' RCCEMSSM Switch Master type
          ..1. ....      RCCEMSLC       X'20' RCCEMSLC Load Control type
          ...1 ....      RCCEMSNC       X'10' RCCEMSNC New CPU type
012B  299 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use.
        RCCLFTIM:  Array of CPU-Measurement Facility "counter
                   lifetime" values.
        Function   :  Used to identify separate "lifetimes" for
                   CPU-Measurement Facility counters.  This
                   array is indexed by CPU address shifted 2
                   bits left (multiplied by 4).  These are
                   monotonically incrementing values that
                   indicate when a new "lifetime" begins.
                   Cumulative counter values from two different
                   "lifetimes" should not be used to compute
                   delta values.  New "lifetimes" logically begin
                   any time the counters are reset to zero.
                   For our purposes, we will define a new
                   "lifetime" to begin when we activate CPU-
                   Measurement Facility counters for a given
                   CPU.  The consequence of this is that we will
                   start a new "lifetime" when monitor
                   collection of the counters is stopped and
                   restarted, even if the counters were not
                   reset to zeroes.
        Serialized :
                   This array is serialized by processor local
                   serialization.  Each CPU will only ever
                   update its own entry.
012C  300 Signed       4 RCCLFTIM (64)  Counter lifetime array
        CPU-Measurement Facility buffers
        Function   :  Per CPU pointers to buffers containing the
                   most recent output to Query Counter
                   Information (QCTRI) and Query Sampling
                   Information (QSI).  These pointers are
                   indexed by CPU address.  A value of zero
                   indicates that this CPU has never issued a
                   QCTRI or QSI instruction.  The first time
                   a CPU issues the instruction, it will
                   allocate the buffer and store it into this
                   array.  All subsequent executions of the
                   instruction will reuse the buffer.  These
                   buffers persist as debug information and are
                   never released, once allocated.
        Serialized :
                   This array is serialized by processor local
                   serialization.  Each CPU will only ever
                   update its own entry.  Initially, when a
                   CPU's entry is zero, it will allocate a
                   buffer and store the address in its entry. On
                   subsequent uses, it will find a non-zero
                   value and reuse its buffer.
022C  556 Address      4 RCCQCTRI (64)  QCTRI buffer array
032C  812 Address      4 RCCQSI (64)    QSI buffer array
042C 1068 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future IBM use.
        STSI 15.1.x response data area & system topology fields
        Function   :  To save System Topology (STSI 15.1.x) data
                   and counters related to how often the data
                   has been updated.  A lock is defined as these
                   fields can only be updated when the lock is
                   held exclusive and can only be read/copied
                   when the lock is held shared.
                   System Topology data is saved in storage for
                   1st level CP systems.  Periodically, CP polls
                   (via PTF FC 2) to determine if the system
                   topology has changed. If it has, STSI 15.1.x
                   is issued to update the System Topology data
                   in storage.
                   When monitor needs to cut a system topology
                   configuration record (D1R26) or an event
                   record (D5R14), the fields are copied while
                   the lock is held shared to ensure the values
                   are not being updated at the time.  The lock
                   is released before the copied data is passed
                   to the monitor routine because monitor might
                   lose control while processing the data.
                   HCPSSIBK maps the STSI responses including
                   the first part of the STSI 15.1.x response.
        Serialized :
                   The following data areas are serialized by
                   the RCCTOPLK lock.  This lock needs to be
                   held as follows to ensure these fields are
                   kept in sync and apply to the same instance
                   of system topology (STSI 15.1.x) response:
                    * Whenever any of the fields are changed.
                    * For STSI data updates, the lock must be
                      held from BEFORE the PTF FC 2 until after
                      the STSI 15.1.x is issued to ensure the
                      saved STSI data is the most current.
                    * Whenever 2 or more fields are read/copied
                      and need to be in sync with each other.
                   This lock is *NOT* to be held over a loss of
0430 1072 Dbl-Word     8 RCCTOPLK (3)   System Topology 15.1.x LoCKword
0448 1096 Bitstring    1 RCCTOPFG       Flags for STSI 15.1.x information
          1... ....      RCCTOPSP       X'80' RCCTOPSP Indicates whether
                                        system topology facility is
                                        supported. The rest of the system
                                        topology fields are only valid
                                        when this bit is ON.
0449 1097 Bitstring    1 RCCSTSIP       STSI Parameters: Bits 0-4 =
                                        Reserved, stored 0
          .... .111      RCCMNEST       X'07' Bits 5-7 = RCCMNEST (like
                                        PCCMNEST) Value of selector-2 (x)
                                        used in most recent STSI 15.1.x
                                        ins that CP issued. If
                                        PCCMNEST=0, RCCMNEST=2 and use
                                        STSI 15.1.2
044A 1098 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
044C 1100 Address      4 RCC151x        Most recent STSI 15.1.x response.
                                        This 31-bit address points to the
                                        4K page holding the STSI 15.1.x
0450 1104 Signed       4 RCCTOPPL       Count of times system topology
                                        was polled by CP via PTF FC 2.
0454 1108 Signed       4 RCCTOPCH       Count of times system topology
                                        was found changed and was updated
                                        in storage (aka number of times
                                        that PTF FC 2 returned CC=1)


RCCBK Storage Layout

*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       RCCURCQ                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         RCCSRCQ           |          RCCSFQ           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         RCCRCNUM          |         RCCSVNUM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCSFQL                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  48 |                       RCCICFAB                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  50 |                       RCCLNINT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         RCCNOINT          |         RCCMAXAV          |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  60 |         RCCMINSV          |:STFLG|////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*  68 |                       RCCMPDLY                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |:MPDAC|////////////////////|         RCCMPCQ0          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         RCCMPCQ1          |         RCCMPSQ0          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         RCCMPSQ1          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  90 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCCPUAA                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
* 108 |                           |          RCC111           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 110 |          RCC122           |         RCC111NT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 118 |         RCC122NT          |         RCCEMSFL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 120 |         RCCEMSOF          |         RCCEMSON          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
* 128 |:EMSLF|:EMSFF|:EMSNF|//////|                           |
*     +------+------+------+------+                           |
* 130 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCLFTIM                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*     |                           |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
* 230 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCQCTRI                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*     |                           |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
* 330 |                                                       |
*     =                        RCCQSI                         =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
* 428 |                           |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 430 |                                                       |
*     =                       RCCTOPLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 448 |:TOPFG|:STSIP|/////////////|         RCC151X           |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 450 |         RCCTOPPL          |         RCCTOPCH          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 458


RCCBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
RCCCPUAA       008C
RCCEMSAR       0128 80
RCCEMSAR       0129 80
RCCEMSAR       012A 80
RCCEMSFF       0129
RCCEMSFL       011C
RCCEMSFS       0128
RCCEMSLC       0128 20
RCCEMSLC       0129 20
RCCEMSLC       012A 20
RCCEMSLF       0128
RCCEMSNC       0128 10
RCCEMSNC       0129 10
RCCEMSNC       012A 10
RCCEMSNF       012A
RCCEMSOF       0120
RCCEMSON       0124
RCCEMSSM       0128 40
RCCEMSSM       0129 40
RCCEMSSM       012A 40
RCCICFAB       0048
RCCLFTIM       012C
RCCLNINT       0050
RCCMAXAV       005C
RCCMINSV       0060
RCCMNEST       0449 07
RCCMPCQ0       007C
RCCMPCQ1       0080
RCCMPDAC       0078
RCCMPDLY       0068
RCCMPSQ0       0084
RCCMPSQ1       0088
RCCMXAVS       0058 08
RCCNOINT       0058
RCCQCTRI       022C
RCCQSI         032C
RCCRCNUM       0010
RCCSAVL        0064 80
RCCSFQ         000C
RCCSFQL        0018
RCCSRCQ        0008
RCCSTFLG       0064
RCCSTSIP       0449
RCCSVNUM       0014
RCCTOPCH       0454
RCCTOPFG       0448
RCCTOPLK       0430
RCCTOPPL       0450
RCCTOPSP       0448 80
RCCURCQ        0000
RCC111         010C
RCC111NT       0114
RCC122         0110
RCC122NT       0118
RCC151x        044C

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:16:57 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011