Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

QALBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Query Alloc Block
 FUNCTION   : Reponse buffer and work area for query alloc
 LOCATED BY : Registers in HCPCQA and HCPCQB
 CREATED BY : HCPCQA for query alloc command
 SERIALIZED : None required


QALBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      QALBK          Query Alloc Block
0000    0 Signed       4 QALORGIN (0)   Start of QALBK
      Fields that start with QALR map the response
      for the regular Q Alloc reponse.
0000    0 Character    1 QALRHDR (0)    Header on regular response
0000    0 Character    4 QALRDASD       'DASD'
0004    4 Character    1 *
0005    5 Character    4 QALRRDEV       Real device number
0009    9 Character    1 *
000A   10 Character    6 QALRVOL        Volid
0010   16 Character    1 *
0011   17 Character    4 QALRTYPE       Device type
0015   21 Character    1 *
0016   22 Character    8 QALRFMT        Device format
001E   30 Character    1 *
001F   31 Character   10 *              '(UNITS IN '
0029   41 Character   10 QALRUNIT       'CYLINDERS)' or 'PAGES )'
          00000033       QALRHLN        *-QALRHDR Regular response header
0033   51 Character    1 QALRD (0)      Data line on regular response
0033   51 Character    5 *
0038   56 Character    5 QALRALLO       Type of space allocated (TDISK,
                                        page , spool or DRCT)
003D   61 Character    1 *
003E   62 Character    6 *              'Total='
0044   68 Character   11 QALRTOTL       Total number allocated
004F   79 Character    1 *
0050   80 Character    6 *              'Inuse='
0056   86 Character   11 QALRUSED       Number in use
0061   97 Character    1 *
0062   98 Character    6 *              'Avail='
0068  104 Character   11 QALRAVL        Number available
0073  115 Character    8 QALRDRN        For DR on TDSK, page, spol lines
          00000048       QALRLINL       *-QALRD Length of a data line
                                        THIS IS 69 CHARS FOR NOW.
                                        Hardcoding the following so
                                        BLOCKDEF will work.
007B  123 Character   72 QALRPAGE       SPACE FOR PAGE LINE
00C3  195 Character   72 QALRSPOL       SPACE FOR SPOL LINE
010B  267 Character   72 QALRDRCT       SPACE FOR DRCT LINE
      Work areas
0158  344 Dbl-Word     8 * (0)          ALIGNMENT
0158  344 Character    6 QALACNUC       Save the active nucleus volid
015E  350 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
0160  352 Signed       4 QALVOLCT       Save the count of CP volumes
0164  356 Signed       4 QAL1STVL       Save the first CPVOL address
0168  360 Signed       4 QALACDIR       Save active directory CPVOL for
                                        active directory compare
016C  364 Signed       4 QALCURVL       Save current CPVOL address for
                                        active directory compare
0170  368 Character    6 QALVOLID (0)   Save input volid
0170  368 Character    1 *              1st character of saved volid
0171  369 Character    5 QALVOLI2       Rest of saved volid - For padding
                                        with blanks
0176  374 Bitstring    1 QALVOLFF       Fence at the end of volid
0177  375 Bitstring    1 QALFRSP        Flags used to determine response
                                        to be sent
          1... ....      QALIPLVL       X'80' Write the IPL nucleus
                                        active on last line of response
          ..1. ....      QALHDDNE       X'20' Header display done
          ...1 ....      QAL1STEX       X'10' First extent being
          .... 1...      QALSHARE       X'08' Volume is shared
          .... .1..      QALDUMP        X'04' Volume is dump only
          .... ..1.      QALDIRAC       X'02' Active directory on volume
          .... ...1      QALPRCVL       X'01' Volid has been processed
0178  376 Bitstring    1 QALFWILD       Wildcard processing flags
          1... ....      QALWILDV       X'80' QALWILDV Wildcard volid
                                        specification was given
          .1.. ....      QALALL         X'40' QALALL Processing all
          ..1. ....      QAL1FND        X'20' QAL1FND At least one volid
                                        was found which matched the
                                        wildcard spec
          ...1 ....      QALSPFND       X'10' QALSPFND Requested type of
                                        space was found on at least one
                                        volid which matched the wildcard
0179  377 Bitstring    1 QALFXTD        Extended processing flags
          1... ....      QALXMP         X'80' QALXMP Extended map
          .1.. ....      QALXDR         X'40' QALXDR Extended DRCT
          ..1. ....      QALXTD         X'20' QALXTD Extended TDSK
          .... ..1.      QALXSP         X'02' QALXSP Extended spool
          .... ...1      QALXPG         X'01' QALXPG Extended page
017A  378 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
      The following fields are used as a work area for the
      regular and extended responses.
017C  380 Signed       4 QALWTOTL       Total number of slots/cyls in
                                        extent (extended) or on volume
0180  384 Signed       4 QALWUSED       Number of slots/cyls in use in
                                        extent (extended) or on volume
0188  392 Dbl-Word     8 QALSUMTC       Summary of total cylinders
0190  400 Dbl-Word     8 QALSUMUC       Summary of in use cylinders
0198  408 Dbl-Word     8 QALSUMTS       Summary of total slots
01A0  416 Dbl-Word     8 QALSUMUS       Summary of in use slots
01A8  424 Dbl-Word     8 QALUSMTC       Summary of total cylinders
01B0  432 Dbl-Word     8 QALUSMUC       Summary of in use cylinders
01B8  440 Dbl-Word     8 QALUSMTS       Summary of total slots (usable)
01C0  448 Dbl-Word     8 QALUSMUS       Summary of in use slots (usable)
01C8  456 Dbl-Word     8 QALDRATC       Summary of total cylinders
01D0  464 Dbl-Word     8 QALDRAUC       Summary of in use cylinders
01D8  472 Dbl-Word     8 QALDRATS       Summary of total slots (DRAINing)
01E0  480 Dbl-Word     8 QALDRAUS       Summary of in use slots
01E8  488 Signed       4 QALSVR15       Save R15 for CALLCVT
01EC  492 Character    1 QALWALLO       Extent allocation type
01ED  493 Character    6 QALWVOL        Save volid
01F3  499 Character    4 QALWRDEV       Save RDEV
01F8  504 Bitstring   16 QALQUAD        CONVERT WORK AREA
0208  520 Decimal      8 QALMASK        CONVERT MASK WORK AREA
0210  528 Character   11 QALCVT
          00QALCVT       QALCVT10       0000A QALCVT+1,10
          00QALCVT       QALCVT8        00008 QALCVT+3,8 NNNNNNNN,
                                        NNNNNNK, NNNNNN
          00QALCVT       QALCVT6        00006 QALCVT+5,6 NNNNNN, NNNNK,
          00QALCVT       QALCVT3        00003 QALCVT+8,3 NNN, NNK, NN
          00000044       QALSIZE        (*-QALBK+7)/8 Size, in
                                        doublewords, of QALBK
      Start of remaps.
0033   51 Character   72 QALRTDSK       RENAME TDSK LINE
0033   51 Character   72 QALRDATA       RENAME DATA LINE
      The following field is filled in only on the DRCT
      line of the response.
0073  115 Character    8 QALRACT        For active
      The response buffer is also used to display the active
      nucleus response line in case the active IPL nucleus is on
      one of the volumes displayed.
0000    0 Character   29 *              Active nucleus MSG text area
001D   29 Character    6 QALRACNV       Active nucleus volid
          00000023       QALRACNL       *-QALBK Length of active nucleus
      Extended option response buffer and work area
      Used for query alloc extended options page, spool, TDISK,
      DRCT, and map.
0000    0 Character    1 QALXB (0)
0000    0 Character    6 QALXVOL        Volid
0006    6 Character    1 *
0007    7 Character    4 QALXRDEV       Real device number
000B   11 Character    1 *
          0000000C       QALXHDRL       *-QALXB Length of volid info
0000    0 Character   12 QALXHDR        Length of extended header area.
                                        Hardcoded for blockdef.
      The above fields are only filled in for the first response
      line for a volume, and are left blank on subsequent
      reponse lines for the same volume, unless the query alloc
      command was issued using diagnose X'08', and the response
      is being placed in the user's buffer. In that case, the
      above fields are filled in on every line.
000C   12 Character    1 QALXD (0)      Data area of buffer
000C   12 Character   10 QALXSTR        Extent start cylinder or page
0016   22 Character    1 *
0017   23 Character   10 QALXEND        Extent end cylinder or page
0021   33 Character    1 *
0022   34 Character    6 QALXTOTL       Total number of cylinders/pages
                                        in extent
0028   40 Character    1 *
0029   41 Character    6 QALXUSED       Number of cylinders/pages in use
002F   47 Character    1 *
0030   48 Character    6 QALXHIGH       Highest cylinder/page number in
          00000006       QALXCNT        *-QALXHIGH Map a count field for
0036   54 Character    1 *
0037   55 Character    3 QALXPCTI       Percent of cylinders/pages in use
003A   58 Character    1 QALXPCT        Percent sign
003B   59 Character    1 *
          00000030       QALXDATL       *-QALXD Length of data area
000C   12 Character   48 QALXDATA       Extended response header area.
                                        Hardcoded for blockdef
003C   60 Character   13 QALXTEXT       Extended response text area
          00000049       QALXLINL       *-QALXB Length of extended
                                        response line
0000    0 Character   73 QALXLINE       Extended response HDR + data.
                                        Hardcoded for blockdef
      Extended response header mapping
0000    0 Character    1 QALX1 (0)
0000    0 Character    6 *              VOLSER
0006    6 Character    1 *
0007    7 Character    4 *              RDEVC
000B   11 Character    1 *
000C   12 Character   10 QALX1ST        "Extent"
0016   22 Character    1 *
0017   23 Character   10 QALX1END       "Extent"
0021   33 Character    1 *
0022   34 Character    6 QALX1TOT       " Total"
0028   40 Character    1 *
0029   41 Character    6 QALX1USE       " Pages"
002F   47 Character    1 *
0030   48 Character    6 QALX1HGH       " High"
0036   54 Character    1 *
0037   55 Character    4 QALX1PCT       " %"
003B   59 Character    1 *
003C   60 Character   13 QALX1TYP       "Allocation"
          00000049       QALX1HDL       *-QALX1 Length of first header
0000    0 Character   73 QALX1HD        Extended response HDR + data
0000    0 Character    1 QALX2 (0)
0000    0 Character    6 QALX2VOL       "Volid "
0006    6 Character    1 *
0007    7 Character    4 QALX2RDV       "RDEV"
000B   11 Character    1 *
000C   12 Character   10 QALX2ST        " Start"
0016   22 Character    1 *
0017   23 Character   10 QALX2END       " End"
0021   33 Character    1 *
0022   34 Character    6 QALX2TOT       " Pages" or " total"
0028   40 Character    1 *
0029   41 Character    6 QALX2USE       "In use"
002F   47 Character    1 *
0030   48 Character    6 QALX2HGH       " Page" or " high"
0036   54 Character    1 *
0037   55 Character    4 QALX2PCT       "Used"
003B   59 Character    1 *
003C   60 Character   13 QALX2TYP       "Type "
          00000049       QALX2HDL       *-QALX2 Length of 2nd header line
0000    0 Character   73 QALX2HD        Extended response HDR + data
0000    0 Character    1 QALX3 (0)
0000    0 Character    6 *              Column 1 dashes - Volid
0006    6 Character    1 *
0007    7 Character    4 *              Column 2 dashes - RDEV
000B   11 Character    1 *
000C   12 Character   10 *              Column 3 dashes - Start
0016   22 Character    1 *
0017   23 Character   10 *              Column 4 dashes - End
0021   33 Character    1 *
0022   34 Character    6 *              Column 5 dashes - Total
0028   40 Character    1 *
0029   41 Character    6 *              Column 6 dashes - In use
002F   47 Character    1 *
0030   48 Character    6 *              Column 7 dashes - High
0036   54 Character    1 *
0037   55 Character    4 QALX3PCT       Column 8 dashes - Percent
003B   59 Character    1 *
003C   60 Character   13 QALX3DSH       And more dashes for map
          00000049       QALX3HDL       *-QALX3 Length of 2nd header line
0000    0 Character   73 QALX3HD        Extended response HDR + data


QALBK Storage Layout

*** QALBK - Query Alloc Block
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
*   0 |         QALRDASD          |//////|     QALRRDEV-      |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*   8 |-(005)|//////|                QALRVOL                  |
*     +------+------+--------------------+------+-------------+
*  10 |//////|         QALRTYPE          |//////|   (016)-    |
*     +------+---------------------------+------+------+------+
*  18 |                -QALRFMT                 |//////|//////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+//////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |//////+------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |//////|                   QALRUNIT                     |
*     +------+             +----------------------------------+
*  30 |                    |//////////////////////////////////|
*     +--------------------+-------------+------+-------------+
*  38 |            QALRALLO              |//////|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  40 |///////////////////////////|         QALRTOTL          |
*     +---------------------------+                    +------+
*  48 |                                                |//////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*  50 |/////////////////////////////////////////|             |
*     +-----------------------------------------+             |
*     |                       QALRUSED                        |
*     |      +------+-----------------------------------------+
*  60 |      |//////|/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       QALRAVL                         |
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    |            QALRDRN-              |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  78 |      -(073)        |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
*  80 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALRPAGE                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
*  C8 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALRSPOL                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
* 110 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALRDRCT                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
* 150 |                    |//////////////////////////////////|
*     +--------------------+--------------------+-------------+
* 158 |                QALACNUC                 |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 160 |         QALVOLCT          |         QAL1STVL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |         QALACDIR          |         QALCURVL          |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+------+------+
* 170 |//////|            QALVOLI2              |:VOLFF|:FRSP |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
* 178 |:FWILD|:FXTD |/////////////|         QALWTOTL          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |         QALWUSED          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 188 |                       QALSUMTC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 190 |                       QALSUMUC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 198 |                       QALSUMTS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1A0 |                       QALSUMUS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1A8 |                       QALUSMTC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B0 |                       QALUSMUC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1B8 |                       QALUSMTS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1C0 |                       QALUSMUS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1C8 |                       QALDRATC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1D0 |                       QALDRAUC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1D8 |                       QALDRATS                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1E0 |                       QALDRAUS                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+--------------------+
* 1E8 |         QALSVR15          |:WALLO|     QALWVOL-       |
*     +--------------------+------+------+-------------+------+
* 1F0 |      -(1ED)        |         QALWRDEV          |//////|
*     +--------------------+---------------------------+------+
* 1F8 |                       QALQUAD                         |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 208 |                       QALMASK                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 210 |                        QALCVT                         |
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    | 21B
*     +--------------------+
*** QALBK - Query Alloc Block
*** Overlay for QALRD in QALBK
*                          +----------------------------------+
*     ...               33 |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
*  38 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALRTDSK                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    | 7B
*     +--------------------+
*** Overlay for QALRD in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALRD in QALBK
*                          +----------------------------------+
*     ...               33 |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
*  38 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALRDATA                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    | 7B
*     +--------------------+
*** Overlay for QALRD in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALRDRN in QALBK
*                          +----------------------------------+
*     ...               73 |            QALRACT-              |
*     +--------------------+----------------------------------+
*  78 |      -(073)        | 7B
*     +--------------------+
*** Overlay for QALRDRN in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALORGIN in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |//////////////////////////////////+--------------------+
*     |//////////////////////////////////|     QALRACNV-      |
*     +--------------------+-------------+--------------------+
*  20 |      -(01D)        | 23
*     +--------------------+
*** Overlay for QALORGIN in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALORGIN in QALBK
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*   0 |                QALXVOL                  |//////|(007)-|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |     -QALXRDEV      |//////| C
*     +--------------------+------+
*** Overlay for QALORGIN in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       QALXHDR                         |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*   8 |                           |         QALXSTR           |
*     +---------------------------+             +------+------+
*  10 |                                         |//////|      |
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+      |
*     |                       QALXEND                         |
*     |      +------+-----------------------------------------+
*  20 |      |//////|                QALXTOTL                 |
*     +------+------+----------------------------------+------+
*  28 |//////|                QALXUSED                 |//////|
*     +------+----------------------------------+------+------+
*  30 |                QALXHIGH                 |//////|(037)-|
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  38 | -QALXPCTI   |:XPCT |//////| 3C
*     +-------------+------+------+
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXD in QALBK
*                                 +---------------------------+
*     ...                       C |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  10 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALXDATA                        =
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*  38 |                           |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       QALXTEXT                        |
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALXD in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALXLINE                        =
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*   0 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|//////|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |////////////////////|//////|         QALX1ST           |
*     +--------------------+------+             +------+------+
*  10 |                                         |//////|      |
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+      |
*     |                       QALX1END                        |
*     |      +------+-----------------------------------------+
*  20 |      |//////|                QALX1TOT                 |
*     +------+------+----------------------------------+------+
*  28 |//////|                QALX1USE                 |//////|
*     +------+----------------------------------+------+------+
*  30 |                QALX1HGH                 |//////|(037)-|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  38 |     -QALX1PCT      |//////|                           |
*     +--------------------+------+                           |
*     |                       QALX1TYP                        |
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALX1 in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALX1HD                         =
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALX1 in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*   0 |                QALX2VOL                 |//////|(007)-|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |     -QALX2RDV      |//////|         QALX2ST           |
*     +--------------------+------+             +------+------+
*  10 |                                         |//////|      |
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+      |
*     |                       QALX2END                        |
*     |      +------+-----------------------------------------+
*  20 |      |//////|                QALX2TOT                 |
*     +------+------+----------------------------------+------+
*  28 |//////|                QALX2USE                 |//////|
*     +------+----------------------------------+------+------+
*  30 |                QALX2HGH                 |//////|(037)-|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  38 |     -QALX2PCT      |//////|                           |
*     +--------------------+------+                           |
*     |                       QALX2TYP                        |
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALX2 in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALX2HD                         =
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALX2 in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*   0 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|//////|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |////////////////////|//////|///////////////////////////|
*     +--------------------+------+/////////////+------+------+
*  10 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|//////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+//////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |//////+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  20 |//////|//////|/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+----------------------------------+------+
*  28 |//////|/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|
*     +------+----------------------------------+------+------+
*  30 |/////////////////////////////////////////|//////|(037)-|
*     +--------------------+------+-------------+------+------+
*  38 |     -QALX3PCT      |//////|                           |
*     +--------------------+------+                           |
*     |                       QALX3DSH                        |
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALXB in QALBK
*** Overlay for QALX3 in QALBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                                                       |
*     =                       QALX3HD                         =
*     |      +------------------------------------------------+
*     |      | 49
*     +------+
*** Overlay for QALX3 in QALBK


QALBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
QALACDIR       0168
QALACNUC       0158
QALALL         0178 40
QALCURVL       016C
QALCVT         0210
QALCVT10       0210 00QALCVT
QALCVT3        0210 00QALCVT
QALCVT6        0210 00QALCVT
QALCVT8        0210 00QALCVT
QALDIRAC       0177 02
QALDRATC       01C8
QALDRATS       01D8
QALDRAUC       01D0
QALDRAUS       01E0
QALDUMP        0177 04
QALFRSP        0177
QALFWILD       0178
QALFXTD        0179
QALHDDNE       0177 20
QALIPLVL       0177 80
QALMASK        0208
QALORGIN       0000
QALPRCVL       0177 01
QALQUAD        01F8
QALRACNL       001D 00000023
QALRACNV       001D
QALRACT        0073
QALRALLO       0038
QALRAVL        0068
QALRD          0033
QALRDASD       0000
QALRDATA       0033
QALRDRCT       010B
QALRDRN        0073
QALRFMT        0016
QALRHDR        0000
QALRHLN        0029 00000033
QALRLINL       0073 00000048
QALRPAGE       007B
QALRRDEV       0005
QALRSPOL       00C3
QALRTDSK       0033
QALRTOTL       0044
QALRTYPE       0011
QALRUNIT       0029
QALRUSED       0056
QALRVOL        000A
QALSHARE       0177 08
QALSIZE        0210 00000044
QALSPFND       0178 10
QALSUMTC       0188
QALSUMTS       0198
QALSUMUC       0190
QALSUMUS       01A0
QALSVR15       01E8
QALUSMTC       01A8
QALUSMTS       01B8
QALUSMUC       01B0
QALUSMUS       01C0
QALVOLCT       0160
QALVOLFF       0176
QALVOLID       0170
QALVOLI2       0171
QALWILDV       0178 80
QALWRDEV       01F3
QALWTOTL       017C
QALWUSED       0180
QALWVOL        01ED
QALXB          0000
QALXCNT        0030 00000006
QALXD          000C
QALXDATA       000C
QALXDATL       003B 00000030
QALXDR         0179 40
QALXEND        0017
QALXHDR        0000
QALXHDRL       000B 0000000C
QALXHIGH       0030
QALXLINE       0000
QALXLINL       003C 00000049
QALXMP         0179 80
QALXPCT        003A
QALXPCTI       0037
QALXPG         0179 01
QALXRDEV       0007
QALXSP         0179 02
QALXSTR        000C
QALXTD         0179 20
QALXTEXT       003C
QALXTOTL       0022
QALXUSED       0029
QALXVOL        0000
QALX1          0000
QALX1END       0017
QALX1HD        0000
QALX1HDL       003C 00000049
QALX1HGH       0030
QALX1PCT       0037
QALX1ST        000C
QALX1TOT       0022
QALX1TYP       003C
QALX1USE       0029
QALX2          0000
QALX2END       0017
QALX2HD        0000
QALX2HDL       003C 00000049
QALX2HGH       0030
QALX2PCT       0037
QALX2RDV       0007
QALX2ST        000C
QALX2TOT       0022
QALX2TYP       003C
QALX2USE       0029
QALX2VOL       0000
QALX3          0000
QALX3DSH       003C
QALX3HD        0000
QALX3HDL       003C 00000049
QALX3PCT       0037
QAL1FND        0178 20
QAL1STEX       0177 10
QAL1STVL       0164

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:16:28 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011