Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

NICBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Virtual Network Interface Card block
              Define a structure to represent a Network Interface
              Card.  One NICBK exists for each Virtual Adapter.
              Each NICBK is associated with a set of Virtual
              Network Interface Devices (VDEV/NIDBK).
   VDEVNIC  = Pointer to owning adapter NICBK
   NIDNICBK = Pointer to owning adapter NICBK
   LNKNICHD = Pointer to chain of coupled adapter NICBK
              CP DEFINE command processing (module HCPVDB)
              CP DETACH command processing (module HCPVDB)
              HCPDVTYP COPY - Specific device types
              HCPEQUAT COPY - General CP equates
              - Exist in the system execution space.
              - Not known by Hardware.
              - See Serialization comments in the Assembler section.


NICBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      NICBK          Virtual Network Interface Card block
      Static Area -
        The fields in this area are relatively constant.
        They are initialized when the adapter (NIC) is
        created, and may be referenced with minimal
        serialization (just enough to be sure your pointer
        to the NICBK is valid).
0000    0 Character    8 NICDESC        NIC Description (e.g. HIPER)
0008    8 Bitstring   10 NICOWNBS (0)   NIC Owner fields
0008    8 Character    8 NICOWNER       NIC Owner VM Userid
0010   16 Signed       2 NICBASE        NIC Base Virtual Device Address
0012   18 Signed       2 NICLAST        NIC Last Virtual Device Address
0014   20 Signed       2 NICDEVS        NIC Device Count
0016   22 Bitstring    1 NICTYPE        Network Device Type
          00000001       NICHIPR        1 NICHIPR HiperSockets adapter
          00000002       NICQDIO        2 NICQDIO QDIO adapter type
          00000003       NICVSW         3 NICVSW QDIO adapter for
                                        physical UPLINK
          00000004       NICINMN        4 NICINMN INMN adapter type
          00000005       NICIEDN        5 NICIEDN IEDN adapter type
0017   23 Bitstring    1 NICTRANP       Transport type
          00000001       NICIP          1 NICIP Layer 3 IP datagrams
          00000002       NICETHER       2 NICETHER Layer 2 Ethernet
          00000003       NICUNKWN       3 NICUNKWN Unknown NIC type -
                                        never coupled
0018   24 Bitstring    2 NICCUTYP       Simulated Control Unit Type
001A   26 Bitstring    1 NICCUMDL       Simulated Control Unit Model
001B   27 Bitstring    2 NICDVTYP       Simulated Device Type
001D   29 Bitstring    1 NICDVMDL       Simulated Device Model
001E   30 Bitstring    1 NICCHPTP       CHPID type for this adapter
001F   31 Bitstring    1 NICCHPID       CHPID for this adapter
0020   32 Address      4 NICVDEV        Host logical Addr of Base VDEV
0024   36 Signed       4 NICMFS         MFS (bytes) for current LAN
0028   40 Bitstring    6 NICMAC         MAC Address for this adapter
002E   46 Bitstring    2 NICTKUID       Latest unique token id
0030   48 Address      4 NICTKLST       List of Unique Tokens HL @ of
                                        chain of TKNBKs (See HCPIPY)
      NICVLANS represents the Authorized VID set.
        When NICVLANS==NULL it means the switch simulation
          does not restrict the virtual NIC to any specific
          VID set.
        When NICVLANS==nonzero it points to the DVLHEAD
          structure representing the Authorized VID set for
          this virtual NIC on this virtual switch.
0034   52 Address      4 NICVLANS       Pointer to list of VLAN groups
0038   56 Signed       2 NICVLCTR       Size of Authorized VID set
003A   58 Signed       2 NIC_VIDINST    Authorized VLAN instance
003C   60 Address      4 NICVLCPT       Pointer to cached VLCBK
      NIC Adapter Lock -
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
0040   64 Dbl-Word     8 NICLKWRD (3)   Adapter Lockword
      Adapter Management Area -
        The fields in this area are used in the normal
        operation of the adapter (NIC).  In general,
        these fields are serialized by the NIC Adapter Lock:
        - Hold NICLKWRD EXCLUSIVE to update
        - Hold NICLKWRD SHARED to reference
      NICRFCTR is used to protect the NICBK over a stacked call.
      - NICRFCTR is updated using Compare and Swap (CS) logic.
      - NICLKWRD (Shared or Exclusive) must be held, or
        LANLKWRD (Shared or Exclusive) must be held to update
      - The code that intends to initiate a deferred (stacked)
        call must increment NICRFCTR (using CS logic).
      - The code that is dispatched asynchronously should
        perform the following steps:
        (1) Obtain NICLKWRD (Shared or Exclusive)
        (2) Decrement NICRFCTR (using CS logic).
        (3) If NICDLPRG=1 (Delete in Progress),
               If NICRFCTR = 0,
                  Obtain NICLKWRD Exclusive (see HCPLCKSX).
                  Call HCPNICDX to Destroy this NICBK.
                  Exit without attempting to release NICLKWRD.
               If NICRFCTR > 0,
                  Release NICLKWRD and exit.
0058   88 Signed       4 NICRFCTR       Outstanding Reference count
005C   92 Bitstring    1 NICCFLG        Adapter Configuration flags
          1... ....      NICINPRG       X'80' NICINPRG Initialization in
          .1.. ....      NICDLPRG       X'40' NICDLPRG Delete in Progress
          ..1. ....      NICCNLAN       X'20' NICCNLAN Connected to a
                                        SYSTEM LAN
          ...1 ....      NICPVLAN       X'10' NICPVLAN Connected to a
                                        PRIVATE LAN
          .... 1...      NICREADY       X'08' NICREADY LAN READY
          .... .1..      NICROUTR       X'04' NICROUTR NETROUTER is set
                                        (USER DIRECT)
          .... ..1.      NICPAUT        X'02' NICPAUT Promiscuous Mode
005D   93 Bitstring    1 NICVLFLG       VLAN attribute flags
          1... ....      NICVLGBL       X'80' NICVLGBL Global VLAN
                                        (NICPVID) is set
          .1.. ....      NICVLUSR       X'40' NICVLUSR User selects from
                                        NICVLANS list
          ..1. ....      NICVLFLT       X'20' NICVLFLT Filter by VID set
          ...1 ....      NICVLNON       X'10' NICVLNON No VLAN capability
005E   94 Signed       2 NICPVID        Port VLAN ID
0060   96 Address      4 NICNIDHD       Host logical address of the first
                                        NIDBK, chained by NIDFPNT/NIDBPNT
0064  100 Address      4 NICNIDTL       HL @ of the last NIDBK
0068  104 Signed       4 NICMGPOR (0)   Port number and ifIndex
0068  104 Signed       4 NICMGIFI       Alternate label
006C  108 Signed       4 NICRPORT       Requested port for couple
0070  112 Address      4 NICMSVBK       Pointer to NICBASE MSVBK Once set
                                        this is not cleared
      Device Specific Area -
0074  116 Bitstring    1 NICQDFMT       QDIO Queue Format
0075  117 Bitstring    1 NICVPORT       Virtual Port attributes
          00000000       NICVPORT_NONE  0 NICVPORT_NONE = Disabled
          00000001       NICVPORT_ACCESS
                                        1 NICVPORT_ACCESS = Access Port
          00000002       NICVPORT_TRUNK 2 NICVPORT_TRUNK = Trunk Port
                                        (tagged or mix
0076  118 Bitstring    1 NICAFLG        Authorization flags
          1... ....      NICAUTHX       X'80' NICAUTHX Authorized by the
0077  119 Bitstring    9 NICADPTK (0)   Adapter Name : Length||Token
0077  119 Bitstring    1 NICADPNL       Length of NICADPNM Token
0078  120 Character    8 NICADPNM       Adapter Name Token
0080  128 Signed       4 NICMPCCT       Count of established MPC groups
0084  132 Address      4 NICMPCHD       Host logical address of the first
                                        MPCBK, chained by MPCNEXT/MPCPREV
0088  136 Address      4 NICMPCTL       HL @ of the last MPCBK
008C  140 Signed       2 NICMAXIQ       Maximum INPUT Queues per MPC
008E  142 Signed       2 NICMAXOQ       Maximum OUTPUT Queues per MPC
0090  144 Signed       2 NICIPMAX       IP Table Limit for this adapter
0092  146 Signed       2 NICIPCTR       IP Table Count for this adapter
0094  148 Bitstring   16 NICDEFIP       Default IP Address (accounting)
00A4  164 Signed       2 NICLLMAX       IP Table Limit for this adapter
00A6  166 Signed       2 NICLLCTR       IP Table Count for this adapter
00A8  168 Address      4 NICPROM        Pointer to the NIDBK in PROMISC
00AC  172 Bitstring    1 NICPPCNT       Maximum number of ports
00AD  173 Bitstring    1 NICPPORT       Configured port number
00AE  174 Bitstring    1 NICLFLG        SSI LGR Relocation flags
          1... ....      NICLGRGA       X'80' NICLGRGA - Grat ARP needed
                                        after SETVMAC
00AF  175 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for future IBM use
      LGR level/version (NICLGRLV)
       Contains the level of the source LGRVDEV data when this
       NIC is the subject of a relocation.  See also LGRVDEV COPY
       which describes which fields are relevant at each version.
       Valid when VMDRLFLG bits VMDRLINP+VMDRLOIB are on.
       NICLGRLV was first stored with PITS 2U05379 after PITS
       2U04209 defined Version 2.
         $VDEV_VER = 2 indicates the following fields are passed
         to the target:
00B2  178 Signed       2 NICLGRLV       Source (NIC)VDEV LGR data version
      LAN Management Area -
        The fields in this area are used to connect the
        adapter (NIC) to a Virtual LAN.
        To connect or disconnect this adapter (NIC) to/from
        a Virtual LAN, the following locks must be obtained
        (in this sequence):
        - The NIC Adapter Lock (NICLKWRD) EXCLUSIVE
        To reference these fields (e.g. while following
        the chain) you only need to hold LANLKWRD SHARED.
        - Access to the field NICNCABK and the contents of
          the NCABK are serialized by the NICCTRLK.
00B4  180 Address      4 NICFPNT        Host logical address of the next
00B8  184 Address      4 NICBPNT        Host logical address of the
                                        previous NICBK.
00BC  188 Address      4 NICLANBK       Host logical address of the
                                        associated LANBK. If NICCNLAN=1
                                        this is a System LAN. Otherwise
                                        this is the PRIVATE LAN that
                                        represents a disconnected
00C0  192 Address      4 NICSIGA        SIGA Simulation routine Linkage:
                                        HCPCALL R15 Input/Output: Like
                                        HCPIQQWR TMODEAR or TMODESTD
00C4  196 Address      4 NICNCABK       Host logical address of the NCABK
00C8  200 Address      4 NICESMVL       ESM VLAN List Pointer
      Adapter Router entries.
00CC  204 Address      4 NICRXTBL       Pointer to IPNBK(Router) list
00D0  208 Signed       2 NICRXCTR       Count of Router entries
00D2  210 Bitstring    6 *              Reserved for future IBM use
00D8  216 Address      4 NICVRTBK       VSWITCH Routing Table
      Adapter Counter LKWRD.
         The adapter counter lock word serializes the field
         NICNCABK, the contents of the NCABK, and the adapter
         counters (starting with NICTXBYT.)
      Notes      : LKWRDSIZ == 3 doublewords.
00E0  224 Dbl-Word     8 NICCTRLK (3)   Adapter Counter Lockword
      Adapter Counters.
00F8  248 Dbl-Word     8 NICCTRS (0)    Start of NICBK counters
00F8  248 Dbl-Word     8 NICTXBYT       Total Bytes Sent
0100  256 Dbl-Word     8 NICRXBYT       Total Bytes Received
0108  264 Dbl-Word     8 NICTXPKT (0)   TX Packets extracted
0108  264 Signed       4 NICTXPKTHI     - High half
010C  268 Signed       4 NICTXPKTLO     - Low half
0110  272 Dbl-Word     8 NICTXDSC (0)   TX Packets discarded
0110  272 Signed       4 NICTXDSCHI     - High half
0114  276 Signed       4 NICTXDSCLO     - Low half
0118  280 Dbl-Word     8 NICTXERR (0)   TX Bad Packets discarded
0118  280 Signed       4 NICTXERRHI     - High half
011C  284 Signed       4 NICTXERRLO     - Low half
0120  288 Dbl-Word     8 NICRXPKT (0)   RX Packets received
0120  288 Signed       4 NICRXPKTHI     - High half
0124  292 Signed       4 NICRXPKTLO     - Low half
0128  296 Dbl-Word     8 NICRXDSC (0)   RX Packets discarded/overflow
0128  296 Signed       4 NICRXDSCHI     - High half
012C  300 Signed       4 NICRXDSCLO     - Low half
0130  304 Dbl-Word     8 NICRXERR (0)   RX Bad Packets discarded
0130  304 Signed       4 NICRXERRHI     - High half
0134  308 Signed       4 NICRXERRLO     - Low half
      Adapter Counters (Continue)
      The following set of counters are used to keep track of a
      specific port's attempt to acquire key locks or queue work
      in the main line data transfer path.  In addition to
      keeping track of the lock requests, a corresponding
      counter will indicate the number of times the port had to
      wait to perform the function.
      The following information is kept on a per port basis,
      including both real and virtual guest LAN ports:
        LANBK (LANLKWR) lock requests sending or receiving data.
        NICBK (NICLKWD) lock requests when sending data to
                        another port.
        NICBK (NICLKWD) lock requests when receiving data from
                        another port.
        Queueing and removing work (NDMBKs) on a target's port
0138  312 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_LOCKREQS   LANBK lock request
0140  320 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_LANDEFER   LANBK lock deferrals
0148  328 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_TXREQS     NICBK lock requests sending data
0150  336 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_TXDEFERS   NICBK lock deferrals sending data
0158  344 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_RXREQS     NICBK lock requests receiving
0160  352 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_RXDEFERS   NICBK lock deferrals receiving
0168  360 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_STKREQS    Number of times we queued work on
                                        a target port
0170  368 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_STKDEFERS  Times it took multiple attempts
                                        to queue work on a target port
0178  376 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_SESRXPCI   Count of PCI (or AIF) events
                                        reflected for input queues.
0180  384 Dbl-Word     8 NIC_SESTXPCI   Count of PCI (or AIF) events
                                        reflected for output queues.
          00000090       NICCTRLN       *-NICCTRS Length of NICBK
      Pointer to structure of vlan counters (VLCBK)
      Will contain:
      Pointer back to owning NICBK (A or AD)
      and 3 double word counters:
      # of Frames IN   (VLCIN)
      # of Frames OUT  (VLCOUT)
      # of Frames IN Discarded (VLCINDSC)
      # of Frames OUT Discarded (VLCOUTDC)
      For each VLAN (1-4094)
0188  392 Dbl-Word     8 NICCTRVL (4)   Reserve a MLTBK here
01A8  424 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved for IBM use
      DEDICATE_ADAPTER simulation.
01AC  428 Bitstring    1 NICHWDED       DEDICATE_ADAPTER status
          1... ....      NICHWDED_ON    X'80' NICHWDED_ON - Adapter is
                                        dedicated now
01AD  429 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
01AE  430 Signed       2 NICDEDUA       Unit Address (offset) of owner
01B0  432 Bitstring    6 NICDEDMA       ExclusiveUsageMAC
01B6  438 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved for IBM use
01B8  440 Bitstring    8 NICDEDID       ExclusiveUsageID
      End of the NICBK.
01C0  448 Dbl-Word     8 NIC$END (0)    End of the NICBK structure
          000001C0       NICBKLN        *-NICBK Length of NICBK in bytes
          00000038       NICBKSZ        (*-NICBK+7)/8 Size of NICBK in
      Related constants.
          00000100       NICMAXDV       256 Max Network Devices per NIC
          00000010       NICMAXNT       16 Max Network Ports per NIC -
      Define MLTBK for this compile.
       PREFIX_LEN = 3
      Start of Assembler Control Block


NICBK Storage Layout

*** NICBK - Virtual Network Interface Card block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       NICDESC                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       NICOWNER                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  10 |  NICBASE    |  NICLAST    |  NICDEVS    |:TYPE |:TRANP|
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |         NICVDEV           |          NICMFS           |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |                 NICMAC                  |  NICTKUID   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  30 |         NICTKLST          |         NICVLANS          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |  NICVLCTR   |NIC_VIDINST  |         NICVLCPT          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |                                                       |
*     =                       NICLKWRD                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  58 |         NICRFCTR          |:CFLG |:VLFLG|  NICPVID    |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  60 |         NICNIDHD          |         NICNIDTL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         NICMGIFI          |         NICRPORT          |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  70 |         NICMSVBK          |:QDFMT|:VPORT|:AFLG |:ADPNL|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  78 |                       NICADPNM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         NICMPCCT          |         NICMPCHD          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |         NICMPCTL          |  NICMAXIQ   |  NICMAXOQ   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  90 |  NICIPMAX   |  NICIPCTR   |                           |
*     +-------------+-------------+                           |
*     |                       NICDEFIP                        |
*     |                           +-------------+-------------+
*  A0 |                           |  NICLLMAX   |  NICLLCTR   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  A8 |         NICPROM           |:PPCNT|:PPORT|:LFLG |//////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  B0 |/////////////|  NICLGRLV   |         NICFPNT           |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         NICBPNT           |         NICLANBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         NICSIGA           |         NICNCABK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         NICESMVL          |         NICRXTBL          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |  NICRXCTR   |/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         NICVRTBK          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E0 |                                                       |
*     =                       NICCTRLK                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8 |                       NICTXBYT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 100 |                       NICRXBYT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 108 |        NICTXPKTHI         |        NICTXPKTLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 110 |        NICTXDSCHI         |        NICTXDSCLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 118 |        NICTXERRHI         |        NICTXERRLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 120 |        NICRXPKTHI         |        NICRXPKTLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 128 |        NICRXDSCHI         |        NICRXDSCLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 130 |        NICRXERRHI         |        NICRXERRLO         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 138 |                     NIC_LOCKREQS                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 140 |                     NIC_LANDEFER                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 148 |                      NIC_TXREQS                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 150 |                     NIC_TXDEFERS                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 158 |                      NIC_RXREQS                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 160 |                     NIC_RXDEFERS                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 168 |                     NIC_STKREQS                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 170 |                    NIC_STKDEFERS                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 178 |                     NIC_SESRXPCI                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 180 |                     NIC_SESTXPCI                      |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 188 |                                                       |
*     =                       NICCTRVL                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 1A8 |///////////////////////////|:HWDED|//////|  NICDEDUA   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 1B0 |                NICDEDMA                 |/////////////|
*     +-----------------------------------------+-------------+
* 1B8 |                       NICDEDID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** NICBK - Virtual Network Interface Card block


NICBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
NIC$END        01C0
NIC_RXREQS     0158
NIC_TXREQS     0148
NICADPNL       0077
NICADPNM       0078
NICADPTK       0077
NICAFLG        0076
NICAUTHX       0076 80
NICBASE        0010
NICBKLN        01C0 000001C0
NICBKSZ        01C0 00000038
NICBPNT        00B8
NICCFLG        005C
NICCHPID       001F
NICCHPTP       001E
NICCNLAN       005C 20
NICCTRLK       00E0
NICCTRLN       0180 00000090
NICCTRS        00F8
NICCTRVL       0188
NICCUMDL       001A
NICCUTYP       0018
NICDEDID       01B8
NICDEDMA       01B0
NICDEFIP       0094
NICDESC        0000
NICDEVS        0014
NICDLPRG       005C 40
NICDVMDL       001D
NICDVTYP       001B
NICESMVL       00C8
NICETHER       0017 00000002
NICFPNT        00B4
NICHIPR        0016 00000001
NICIEDN        0016 00000005
NICINMN        0016 00000004
NICINPRG       005C 80
NICIP          0017 00000001
NICIPCTR       0092
NICIPMAX       0090
NICLAST        0012
NICLFLG        00AE
NICLGRGA       00AE 80
NICLGRLV       00B2
NICLKWRD       0040
NICLLCTR       00A6
NICLLMAX       00A4
NICMAC         0028
NICMAXDV       01C0 00000100
NICMAXIQ       008C
NICMAXNT       01C0 00000010
NICMAXOQ       008E
NICMFS         0024
NICMGIFI       0068
NICMGPOR       0068
NICMPCCT       0080
NICMPCHD       0084
NICMPCTL       0088
NICMSVBK       0070
NICNCABK       00C4
NICNIDHD       0060
NICNIDTL       0064
NICOWNBS       0008
NICOWNER       0008
NICPAUT        005C 02
NICPROM        00A8
NICPVID        005E
NICPVLAN       005C 10
NICQDFMT       0074
NICQDIO        0016 00000002
NICREADY       005C 08
NICRFCTR       0058
NICROUTR       005C 04
NICRPORT       006C
NICRXBYT       0100
NICRXCTR       00D0
NICRXDSC       0128
NICRXERR       0130
NICRXPKT       0120
NICSIGA        00C0
NICTKLST       0030
NICTKUID       002E
NICTRANP       0017
NICTXBYT       00F8
NICTXDSC       0110
NICTXERR       0118
NICTXPKT       0108
NICTYPE        0016
NICUNKWN       0017 00000003
NICVDEV        0020
NICVLANS       0034
NICVLCPT       003C
NICVLCTR       0038
NICVLFLG       005D
NICVLFLT       005D 20
NICVLGBL       005D 80
NICVLNON       005D 10
NICVLUSR       005D 40
NICVPORT       0075
               0075 00000001
NICVPORT_NONE  0075 00000000
               0075 00000002
NICVRTBK       00D8
NICVSW         0016 00000003

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:11:53 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011