Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM. |
Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
NETBK Prolog
NAME : HCPNETBK DESCRIPTION: *NETWORK Request Block DSECT : NETBK FUNCTION : Map the communication control blocks used by the *NETWORK Socket *NETWORK Request Block +----------------> +-------------------------+ | Fixed Common | Sender Common Info | | *NETWORK +-------------------------+ | Header | Reply Common Info | +----------------> +-------------------------+ | | | | Operation Code | SEND | | Specific Area | or | | | REPLY | | (variable size) | Area | | | | | Up to 128 Pages . . | . . | | | +----------------> +-------------------------+ The *NETWORK control block is divided into two sections. A fixed header portion which contains a sender and a reply section. The sender area contains common information related to the task sending the request. Whereas the reply area contains common information related to a task replying to a SEND_REQUEST with a synchronous reply it received from another system using HCPSOCK SEND_REPLY. The second section is a operation code specific area which is mapped differently per *NETWORK operation code. This area can be mapped differently depending on whether it is a HCPSOCK SEND_REQUEST or SEND_REPLY. Reference the DSECT for a specific operation code for the appropriate data mappings. REATED - By calling HCPNETGB ELETED - By calling HCPNETRB ODIFIED - By calling HCPNETAB to add additional 4K pages NCHORED - N/A RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : None COMMENTS : - The following tags are used to described the address type for pointers within this control block: A : Host absolute address R : Host real address L : Logical address in the system execution space G : Guest absolute address
NETBK Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NETBK *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Signed 4 NETEYEC Block Eye Catcher '*NET' 0004 4 Signed 2 NETRSIZ Fix Header Size 0006 6 Signed 2 NETOPER Operation Code 00000000 NETOP000 0 NETOP000 Verify MAC Prefix Request 00000001 NETOP001 1 NETOP001 MAC Address Request 00000002 NETOP002 2 NETOP002 MAC Table SYNC Request 00000003 NETOP003 3 NETOP003 Verify Ensemble Data 0008 8 Bitstring 1 NETFMT *NETWORK Operation Code Format 00000000 NETFMT0 0 NETFMT0 Format 0 *NETWORK Request 0009 9 Bitstring 1 * (3) Reserved for Future IBM Use Request or Transaction ID Every *NETWORK SEND request will have a one word unique ID to identify a specific instance of an operation code request. The first halfword of the ID indicates the SSI slot number of the issuing z/VM image and the remaining halfword contains a sequence number. The sequence number is incremented by one for each new **NETWORK request. 000C 12 Signed 4 NETREQID (0) Request ID Word 000C 12 Signed 2 NETSYS Issuing System's SSI Slot 000E 14 Signed 2 NETSEQ# Sequence Number for Request 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 * (2) Reserved for Future IBM Use Fixed Header REPLY Section REPLY Return Code Reply return codes 0 to x'FF' are common for all operation codes. Codes x'100' and up are operation code specific return codes. The codes from x'100' and up are mapped in the DSECT for the operation code. 0020 32 Signed 2 NETRC REPLY Return Code 00000000 NETRNONE 0 NETRNONE No response 00000001 NETR_YES 1 NETR_YES Affirmative Response 00000002 NETR_NO 2 NETR_NO Negative Response 0022 34 Signed 2 * Reserved for Future IBM Use SEND_REPLY ID When a *NETWORK task replies to a SEND_REQUEST from another z/VM image, the transaction ID from the initiating system's (NETREQID) transaction ID will be returned here. This allows the issuing system to correlate a REPLY to a specific SEND_REQUEST it issued. 0024 36 Signed 4 NETRPYID (0) Reply ID Word 0024 36 Signed 2 NETRSYS Originating systems SSI Slot 0026 38 Signed 2 NETRSEQ# Originating systems Sequence Number 0028 40 Dbl-Word 8 * (3) Reserved for Future IBM Use Start of Operation Code Specific Area 0040 64 Bitstring 1 NETOPBLK (0) Start of Operation Request BLK 0040 64 Bitstring 1 NET$END (0) The end *** *** Operation Control Blocks *** *** NE0BK Operation Code x'0000' Verify MAC Prefix Request Function : To insure each system member of a SSI can generate a unique MAC Address, the customer must setup the appropriate MAC Service's VMLAN definitions. This *NETWORK request will verify this system's MACPREFIX and USERPREFIX settings follow the rules before allowing it to become an active member of the SSI. The Verify MAC Prefix request will send this system's current MACPREFIX and USERPREFIX to all SSI members. The SSI members receiving this request will verify that the MACPREFIX in the request doesn't match their MACPREFIX and the USERPREFIX does match their setting. If both MAC prefix values are acceptable, then an affirmative reply will be returned to this system. Otherwise a negative reply is returned. Operation Code Specific Return Codes: None Format: 0
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NE0BK *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Bitstring 40 NE0AREA Define entire SEND/REPLY Area 0028 40 Bitstring 1 NE0$END (0) The end Source System's MACPREFIX Value 0000 0 Bitstring 3 NE0CPMAC System's MAC Prefix 0003 3 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use Source System's USERPREFIX Value 0004 4 Bitstring 3 NE0USMAC Prefix for User Defined MACs 0007 7 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 * (4) Reserved for Future IBM Use Target System's MACPREFIX Value 0000 0 Bitstring 3 NE0RCMAC REPLY System's MAC Prefix 0003 3 Bitstring 1 NE0RC_CP System MAC Return Code 00000000 NETRNONE 0 NETRNONE No response 00000001 NETR_YES 1 NETR_YES Affirmative Response 00000002 NETR_NO 2 NETR_NO Negative Response Target System's USERPREFIX Value 0004 4 Bitstring 3 NE0RUMAC REPLY Systems User MAC Prefix 0007 7 Bitstring 1 NE0RC_US User MAC Return Code 00000000 NETRNONE 0 NETRNONE No response 00000001 NETR_YES 1 NETR_YES Affirmative Response 00000002 NETR_NO 2 NETR_NO Negative Response Target System's ISFC Distribution Parameters 0008 8 Bitstring 1 NE0IDIST ISFC Distribution Properties 00000080 SYSIUYES X'80' SYSIUYES Distributed IUCV supported 00000040 SYSIUTOL X'40' SYSIUTOL Distributed IUCV tolerated 0009 9 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use Target System's Maximum Distributed IUCV Send Size (Megs) 000A 10 Signed 2 NE0IUCV Maximum IUCV Send Size 000C 12 Signed 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 * (3) Reserved for future IBM use 00000001 NE0BUFFS 1 Number of buffers for request NE1BK Operation Code x'0001' MAC Address Request Function : *NETWORK Request which will perform one of the following functions: 1) Verify MAC Address Request A "Verify MAC Address Request" multicast is sent to all other JOINED members of a SSI prior to assigning a MAC Address for a network device. The receiving SSI member{s} will check to see if the specified MAC Address in the SEND_REQUEST is in use on their system. If the MAC Address is not found, an affirmative respones via a SEND_REPLY is returned in the response area of common *NETWORK header indicating the address is not in use. An unanimous affirmative response from all the active members will allow the issuing system to network device to be defined, attached to a guest or the Diagnose x26C Subcode 30 MAC Service to complete successfully. Conversely a negative response from any system will prevent the network device from being added to the guest's virtual configuration. Optional Prefix Check (NE1FLAGS.NE1PFXCK = ON) ***************------ If NE1FLAGS.NE1PFXCK is ON, then an additional MAC PREFIX check will be performed by each SSI member. In addition to testing whether the specified 6 byte MAC Address is allocated, it will also verify that the MAC PREFIX (first 3 bytes of the MAC Address) doesn't match its currently set SYSTEM, USER or ENSEMBLE PREFIX settings. If the MAC PREFIX is the same as an SSI Member, that member will return a negative response. This test is necessary in order to verify a 6 byte explicit user MAC Address assignment by a customer or guest will never conflict with a system MAC assigned by any SSI member. 2) Release MAC Request A "Release MAC Request" multicast will be sent from an active SSI member to all other active members when it is done using a foreign assigned MAC on his system. This will allow the system image which created (owns) the MAC Address to mark it as available for reuse in his Assigned MAC MLT. When a system receives a "Release Foreign MAC Request", it will verify the user which owns the MAC Address is not locally owned prior to removing the MAC from his Assigned MAC MLT. This prevents the MAC Address from being removed when a release request occurs in the middle of a live guest migration. If the migration fails fails, the guest will not be relocated and it will remain running. Notes : The receiving system will NOT REPLY to this request with a SEND_REPLY. 3) Confirm MAC Address Allocation A "Confirm MAC Address Allocation" multicast is sent out by this system to all other active SSI members within the cluster to confirm the allocation of a MAC Address by his system. This allows the other SSI members to keep track of user defined or MAC Address which they own that are currently in use by network devices on this system. This request is broadcast whenever a user defined or a foreign MAC Address is allocated on this system image. Notes : The receiving systems will NOT REPLY to this request with a SEND_REPLY. Operation Code Specific Return Codes: Yes Format: 0
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NE1BK *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Bitstring 48 NE1AREA Define entire SEND/REPLY Area 0030 48 Bitstring 1 NE1$END (0) The end 0000 0 Signed 2 NE1OPER Operation to Perform 00000001 NE1OVER 1 NE1OVER Verify MAC Address 00000002 NE1OREL 2 NE1OREL Release MAC Address 00000003 NE1CONFM 3 NE1CONFM Confirm MAC Address 00000003 NE1LAST NE1CONFM NE1LAST Last Valid OPER Code 0002 2 Bitstring 1 NE1FLAGS Processing Flags 1... .... NE1PFXCK X'80' NE1PFXCK Perform MAC Prefix Check for a "Verify MAC Address" REQ 0003 3 Bitstring 5 * Reserved for future IBM use Entire MAC Address 0008 8 Bitstring 6 NE1MAC (0) Full MAC Address 0008 8 Bitstring 3 NE1MPRFX MAC Prefix 000B 11 Bitstring 3 NE1MSUFX MAC Suffix 000E 14 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for future IBM use "Confirm MAC Address Allocation" Only Fields 0010 16 Bitstring 8 NE1RUSER MAC ADR Owners User ID (Opt) 0018 24 Signed 2 NE1RDEV# Owning Device Number (Opt) 001A 26 Bitstring 6 * Reserved for future IBM use 0020 32 Dbl-Word 8 * (2) Reserved for Future IBM Use REPLY Area for "Verify MAC Address Request" The following information is returned in the REPLY for a "Verify MAC Address Request" when the MAC Address in the request is currently allocated. 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for Future IBM Use 0008 8 Bitstring 8 NE1USER MAC ADR Owners User ID 0010 16 Signed 2 NE1DEV# Owning Device Number 0012 18 Bitstring 6 * Reserved for future IBM use 0018 24 Bitstring 24 * Reserved for future IBM use Operation Code 1 Specific Return Codes 00000001 NE1FREE NETR_YES MAC Address NOT Assigned 00000064 NE1INUSE 100 MAC Address is currently being used on this system 00000068 NE1BADMA 104 MAC Address is NOT valid 0000006C NE1BADPX 108 The MAC PREFIX associated with the MAC Address is currently assigned to either a SYSTEM, USER or ENSEMBLE MAC PREFIX value. 00000001 NE1BUFFS 1 Number of buffers for request NE2BK Operation Code x'0002' Assign MAC TABLE SYNC Function : *NETWORK Request which will request all the MAC Addresses assigned on the target system for the specified MAC Prefixes. An "Assigned MAC Table Synchronization" request is sent to each active member of the SSI when a system joins a SSI. At SSI JOIN time, both the candidate and target systems will synchronize MAC Addresses matching the candidate and target system and user's MACPREFIXs. This will involve multiple send with reply requests from each active member of a SSI. The SEND_REQUEST sends the data below to the target system. The receiving system will return all "LOCALLY OWNED" MAC Addresses currently assigned for the MAC Prefixes specified in the MAC Prefix Array (MPA). Page 0 of Request +-------------------------------------------+ x'00' | *NETWORK Header | +-------------------------------------------+ x'40' | Request Header (Fixed Length of 16 bytes)| +-------------------------------------------+ x'50' | MAC Prefix Array (MPA) | | | | - Variable Size Array | | - 8 bytes per MAC Prefix Entry | | | | - MAC Prefix Entry (8 bytes) | | | | +-----+-----------------+ | | 0 | 00 | 3 byte MAC PFX | | | +-----+-----------------+ | | 4 | 00 | Starting MAC SFX| | | +-----+-----------------+ | | | +-------------------------------------------+ x'xx' The SEND_REPLY from the target system will reflect all the requested MAC Addresses starting with the MAC SFX value or the MAC Prefixes specified by the SEND_REQUEST in the MAC Suffix Array (MSA). The MSA will follow a copy of the MPA as shown below: Page 0 of Reply +-------------------------------------------+ x'00' | *NETWORK Header | +-------------------------------------------+ x'40' | Request Header (Fixed Length of 16 bytes)| +-------------------------------------------+ x'50' | MAC Prefix Array (MPA) | | | | - Variable Size Array | | - 8 bytes per MAC Prefix Entry | | | +-------------------------------------------+ x'xx' | MAC Suffix Array (MSA) | | | | - Variable Size Array | | - 16 bytes per MAC Suffix Entry | | | | - MAC Suffix Entry (16 bytes) | | | | +-------+-----------------------+ | | x00 | I | SFX | | | +-------+-------+---------------+ | | x04 | FLAG | 00 | VDEV# | | | +-------+-------+---------------+ | | x08 | USERID | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------------------+ | | X10 | | | | Where: | | | | I = Index into the MPA for the | | MAX Prefix value associated | | with the MAC suffix specified | | in SFX. | | | | SFX = The three byte MAC suffix | | | | FLAG = MAC Attributes | | | | VDEV# = Virtual Device Number the | | MAC assigned to this MAC ADR | | | | USERID = 8 byte EBCDIC User ID of | | MAC Address owner | | | +-------------------------------------------+ Page 1 to 127 A single *NETWORK Operation Code 2 reply buffer may be made up of 128 pages (524,288 bytes). Page 0 of the reply contains the above data structure, whereas pages 1 to 127 extends the size of the MSA Array. The total number of MSA entries in all 128 pages is specified in the fixed portion of the request header in page 0 (NE2MSAEY). The following specifications are for requesting MAC Addresses for a single MAC Prefix: Minimum Number of Pages Returned: 1 Maximum Number of Pages Returned: 128 Maximum MAC ADRs in page 0 : 250 Maximum MAC ADRs in pages > 0 : 256 Maximum MAC ADRs per Request : 32,762 Operation Code Specific Return Codes: Yes Format: 0
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NE2BK *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Bitstring 4032 NE2AREA Define entire SEND/REPLY Area 0FC0 4032 Bitstring 1 NE2$END (0) The end Request Header (Fixed Length of 16 bytes) 0000 0 Bitstring 16 NE2RQHDR (0) Request Header 0000 0 Signed 2 NE2MPASZ Size in bytes of MPA 0002 2 Signed 2 NE2MSAEY Total number of MSA entries returned in this REPLY 0004 4 Signed 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 * Reserved for future IBM use End of Request Header Start of MPA (Variable Length specified by NE2MPASZ) 0010 16 Bitstring 8 NE2MPA (0) Size of a single MPA Entry 0010 16 Bitstring 1 NE2MPAFG MPA Processing Code 00000000 NE2MPALL 00001 X'00',1 SYNC all MAC Prefixes 00000001 NE2MPPFX 00001 X'01',1 SYNC a Specific MAC Prefix 00000002 NE2MPSNG 00001 X'02',1 SYNC a single MAC Addr 0011 17 Bitstring 3 NE2MACP Requested MAC Prefix 0014 20 Bitstring 1 NE2MPAR2 Reserved for future IBM use 0015 21 Bitstring 3 NE2MSFX Starting or Explicit Suffix 00000008 NE2MSZB *-NE2MPA MPA Entry Size 00000020 NE2MPAME (256/NE2MSZB) Maximum MPA Entries in MPA End of a MPA Entry REPLY Area is Identical to SEND_REQUEST with MSA Array The REPLY includes the Fixed Header and the MPA specified on the SEND_REQUEST. The only difference is the MSA is returned for the assigned MAC Addresses immediately following the MPA. 0000 0 Bitstring 4016 * Reply Data MSA Array Entry (Variable Length following MPA)
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NE2MSA *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Bitstring 1 NE2MSAPI MPA Index for MAC Prefix 0001 1 Bitstring 3 NE2MSSFX MAC Suffix 0004 4 Bitstring 1 NE2MSFLG MAC Attribute Flag 1... .... NE2MSADP X'80' NE2MSADP ADAPTER MAC Address .1.. .... NE2MSPND X'40' NE2MSPND PENDING MAC Address ..1. .... NE2MSPRT X'20' NE2MSPRT MAC Protected 0005 5 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 0006 6 Signed 2 NE2MSDEV Virtual Device Number 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 NE2MSUID EBCDIC User ID 00000010 NE2MSASZ *-NE2MSA Size of a single MSA Entry End of a MSA Entry Operation Code 2 Specific Return Codes 00000001 NE2OKAY 1 Assigned MAC Addresses Returned 00000002 NE2NONE 2 Requested MAC Addresses not assigned on this system 00000003 NE2PART 3 Only a Partial List of MAC Addresses returned 00000001 NE2BUFFS 1 Number of buffers for request NE3BK Operation Code x'0003' Verify Ensemble Data Function : The 'Verify Ensemble Data' request is sent to all other JOINED members of an SSI. If the receiving SSI member is currently in the ensemble, it will check to see if the specified Ensemble Function Level matches it's own. If it does, it will make sure that the Ensemble ID matches. If the Ensemble Function Level and the Ensemble ID match what is in use or the receiving SSI member is not currently in an ensemble, an affirmative response is returned via the Send_Reply response area of the common *Network header indicating that the requesting SSI member may join the ensemble. If either the Ensemble ID or the Ensemble Function Level do not match what is in use, a negative response is returned via a Send_Reply along with the currently active Ensemble Function Level or Ensemble ID. A unanimous affirmative response from all active members will allow the requesting member to join the ensemble. Operation Code Specific Return Codes: No Format: 0
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure NE3BK *NETWORK Request Block 0000 0 Bitstring 40 NE3AREA Define entire SEND/REPLY Area 0028 40 Bitstring 1 NE3$END (0) The end Ensemble ID from SET VMLAN command. 0000 0 Bitstring 16 NE3RENSI Set VMLAN Ensemble ID Ensemble Function Level. 0010 16 Bitstring 2 NE3RENFL Ensemble Function Level 0012 18 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for future IBM use 0014 20 Bitstring 20 * Reserved for Future IBM Use Hold for Ensemble MAC Prefix Target System's Ensemble ID 0000 0 Bitstring 16 NE3TREID REPLY System's Ensemble ID Target System's Ensemble Function Level 0010 16 Bitstring 2 NE3TREFL REPLY System's Ens Func Lvl 0012 18 Bitstring 2 * Reserved for future IBM use 0014 20 Bitstring 20 * Reserved for future IBM use Hold for Ensemble MAC Prefix Operation Code 3 Specific Return Codes 00000001 NE3OKAY NETR_YES Matching Ensemble ID and Ensemble Function Level or not in Ensemble 00000002 NE3BAD NETR_NO Ensemble Function Level or Ensemble ID do not match 0000012C NE3BUSY 300 Set VMLAN in progress
NETBK Storage Layout
*** NETBK - *NETWORK Request Block * * +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ * 0 | NETEYEC | NETRSIZ | NETOPER | * +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+ * 8 |NETFMT|////////////////////| NETSYS | NETSEQ# | * +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+ * 10 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ * 20 | NETRC |/////////////| NETRSYS | NETRSEQ# | * +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ * 28 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** NETBK - *NETWORK Request Block *** NE0BK - *NETWORK Request Block * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | | * = NE0AREA = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** NE0BK - *NETWORK Request Block *** Overlay for NE0AREA in NE0BK * * +--------------------+------+--------------------+------+ * 0 | NE0CPMAC |//////| NE0USMAC |//////| * +--------------------+------+--------------------+------+ * 8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 28 * *** Overlay for NE0AREA in NE0BK *** Overlay for NE0AREA in NE0BK * * +--------------------+------+--------------------+------+ * 0 | NE0RCMAC |:RC_CP| NE0RUMAC |:RC_US| * +------+------+------+------+--------------------+------+ * 8 |:IDIST|//////| NE0IUCV |///////////////////////////| * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 10 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 28 * *** Overlay for NE0AREA in NE0BK *** NE1BK - *NETWORK Request Block * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | | * = NE1AREA = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** NE1BK - *NETWORK Request Block *** Overlay for NE1AREA in NE1BK * * +-------------+------+----------------------------------+ * 0 | NE1OPER |:FLAGS|//////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+------+--------------------+-------------+ * 8 | NE1MPRFX | NE1MSUFX |/////////////| * +--------------------+--------------------+-------------+ * 10 | NE1RUSER | * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 18 | NE1RDEV# |/////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 20 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 30 * *** Overlay for NE1AREA in NE1BK *** Overlay for NE1AREA in NE1BK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 8 | NE1USER | * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 10 | NE1DEV# |/////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 18 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 30 * *** Overlay for NE1AREA in NE1BK *** NE2BK - *NETWORK Request Block * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | | * = NE2AREA = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** NE2BK - *NETWORK Request Block *** Overlay for NE2AREA in NE2BK * * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | NE2MPASZ | NE2MSAEY |///////////////////////////| * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+ * 10 |:MPAFG| NE2MACP |:MPAR2| NE2MSFX | * +------+--------------------+------+--------------------+ * 18 * *** Overlay for NE2AREA in NE2BK *** Overlay for NE2AREA in NE2BK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * FB0 * *** Overlay for NE2AREA in NE2BK *** NE2MSA - *NETWORK Request Block * * +------+--------------------+------+------+-------------+ * 0 |:MSAPI| NE2MSSFX |:MSFLG|//////| NE2MSDEV | * +------+--------------------+------+------+-------------+ * 8 | NE2MSUID | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 10 * *** NE2MSA - *NETWORK Request Block *** NE3BK - *NETWORK Request Block * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | | * = NE3AREA = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** NE3BK - *NETWORK Request Block *** Overlay for NE3AREA in NE3BK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | NE3RENSI | * | | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | NE3RENFL |/////////////|///////////////////////////| * +-------------+-------------+///////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 28 * *** Overlay for NE3AREA in NE3BK *** Overlay for NE3AREA in NE3BK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | NE3TREID | * | | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | NE3TREFL |/////////////|///////////////////////////| * +-------------+-------------+///////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 28 * *** Overlay for NE3AREA in NE3BK
NETBK Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- NET$END 0040 NETEYEC 0000 NETFMT 0008 NETFMT0 0008 00000000 NETOPBLK 0040 NETOPER 0006 NETOP000 0006 00000000 NETOP001 0006 00000001 NETOP002 0006 00000002 NETOP003 0006 00000003 NETR_NO 0020 00000002 NETR_NO 0003 00000002 NETR_NO 0007 00000002 NETR_YES 0020 00000001 NETR_YES 0003 00000001 NETR_YES 0007 00000001 NETRC 0020 NETREQID 000C NETRNONE 0020 00000000 NETRNONE 0003 00000000 NETRNONE 0007 00000000 NETRPYID 0024 NETRSEQ# 0026 NETRSIZ 0004 NETRSYS 0024 NETSEQ# 000E NETSYS 000C NE0$END 0028 NE0AREA 0000 NE0BUFFS 0010 00000001 NE0CPMAC 0000 NE0IDIST 0008 NE0IUCV 000A NE0RC_CP 0003 NE0RC_US 0007 NE0RCMAC 0000 NE0RUMAC 0004 NE0USMAC 0004 NE1$END 0030 NE1AREA 0000 NE1BADMA 0018 00000068 NE1BADPX 0018 0000006C NE1BUFFS 0018 00000001 NE1CONFM 0000 00000003 NE1DEV# 0010 NE1FLAGS 0002 NE1FREE 0018 00000001 NE1INUSE 0018 00000064 NE1LAST 0000 00000003 NE1MAC 0008 NE1MPRFX 0008 NE1MSUFX 000B NE1OPER 0000 NE1OREL 0000 00000002 NE1OVER 0000 00000001 NE1PFXCK 0002 80 NE1RDEV# 0018 NE1RUSER 0010 NE1USER 0008 NE2$END 0FC0 NE2AREA 0000 NE2BUFFS 0008 00000001 NE2MACP 0011 NE2MPA 0010 NE2MPAFG 0010 NE2MPALL 0010 00000000 NE2MPAME 0015 00000020 NE2MPAR2 0014 NE2MPASZ 0000 NE2MPPFX 0010 00000001 NE2MPSNG 0010 00000002 NE2MSADP 0004 80 NE2MSAEY 0002 NE2MSAPI 0000 NE2MSASZ 0008 00000010 NE2MSDEV 0006 NE2MSFLG 0004 NE2MSFX 0015 NE2MSPND 0004 40 NE2MSPRT 0004 20 NE2MSSFX 0001 NE2MSUID 0008 NE2MSZB 0015 00000008 NE2NONE 0008 00000002 NE2OKAY 0008 00000001 NE2PART 0008 00000003 NE2RQHDR 0000 NE3$END 0028 NE3AREA 0000 NE3BAD 0014 00000002 NE3BUSY 0014 0000012C NE3OKAY 0014 00000001 NE3RENFL 0010 NE3RENSI 0000 NE3TREFL 0010 NE3TREID 0000 SYSIUTOL 0008 00000040 SYSIUYES 0008 00000080
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011