Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

MONEQ Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Monitor Equate Symbols
 FUNCTION   : Provide standardized equate symbols for
              domain and record numbers for monitor records.
              These equates should also be used to code the
              Monitor call instruction (MC) for event processing
 CREATED BY : None : This file contains only constants
              and definitions to be used elsewhere
              therefore, it takes up no space
              and requires no storage.
 NOTES      :
  Each domain is represented by a constant. The name
  of the constant for each domain is derived as follows:
  MON           - Three character control block id
  xxx           - Three character domain id, where xxx is
                  determined as follows:
                  Domain      3 char id
                  SYSTEM      SYT
                  MONITOR     MTR
                  SCHEDULER   SCL
                  STORAGE     STO
                  USER        USE
                  PROCESSOR   PRC
                  I/O         IOD
                  SEEK        SEK
                  NETWORK     VND
                  ISFC        ISF
                  APPLMON     APL
                  SSI         SSI
 CL             - Two character id indicating that this is a
                  monitor class (used in coding the Monitor
                  Call (MC) instruction.
  Each monitor record within a domain is represented by
  a constant.  This constant defines the record number for
  the record.  The name of the constant is derived as follows:
  MON           - Three character control block id
  y             - One character domain id, where y is
                  determined as follows:
                  Domain      1 char id
                  SYSTEM      Y
                  MONITOR     M
                  SCHEDULER   C
                  STORAGE     T
                  USER        U
                  PROCESSOR   P
                  I/O         O
                  SEEK        K
                  NETWORK     N
                  ISFC        S
                  APPLDATA    A
                  SSI         X
  zzz           - Three character record identifier.  These
                  three characters should be the same as the
                  last three characters of the Monitor record
                  that this constant represents.
 C              - One character id indicating that this is a
                  monitor code (used in coding the Monitor
                  Call (MC) instruction.
 NOTE: The seek domain has violated this convention because
       there are three different interfaces to generate the
       same monitor record.  This is and should remain as the
       only violation to this convention.
 Example of coding a monitor call:
        MC    MONyzzzC,MONxxxCL
        MC    code,class
        MC    record,domain


MONEQ Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      MONEQ          Monitor Equate Symbols
       Monitor Domain and record number definitions.
      Class 0 Monitor Call       System Domain Records
          .... ....      MONSYTCL       X'00' Domain number for SYSTEM
          .... ...1      MONYSYPC       X'001' Sample Record - System
                                        data per processor
          .... ..1.      MONYPRPC       X'002' Sample Record - Processor
                                        data per processor
          .... ..11      MONYRSGC       X'003' Sample Record - Real
                                        storage data, global
          .... .1..      MONYRSPC       X'004' Sample Record - Real
                                        storage data, per processor
          .... .1.1      MONYXSPC       X'005' Sample Record - Expanded
                                        storage data, per processor
          .... .11.      MONYASGC       X'006' Sample Record - Auxiliary
                                        storage data, global
          .... .111      MONYSHSC       X'007' Sample Record - Shared
                                        storage data
          .... 1...      MONYUSRC       X'008' Sample Record - User data
          .... 1..1      MONYCPCC       X'009' Sample Record - Channel
                                        path contention
          .... 1.1.      MONYSCGC       X'00A' Sample Record - Scheduler
          .... 1.11      MONYCOMC       X'00B' Sample Record -
                                        Communications Activity
          .... 11..      MONYUWTC       X'00C' Sample Record - User wait
          .... 11.1      MONYSCPC       X'00D' Sample Record - Scheduler
                                        Activity data, per processor
          .... 111.      MONYXSGC       X'00E' Sample Record - Expanded
                                        Storage data (global)
          .... 1111      MONYCUGC       X'00F' Sample Record - PR/SM
                                        Logical CPU Utilization (global)
          ...1 ....      MONYCUPC       X'010' Sample Record - CPU
                                        Utilization Dta in a Logical
          ...1 ...1      MONYCUMC       X'011' Sample Record - Physical
                                        CPU Utilization for LPAR
          ...1 ..1.      MONYCPMC       X'012' Sample Record - Channel
                                        path measurement data
          ...1 ..11      MONYSYGC       X'013' Sample Record - System
                                        data (global)
          ...1 .1..      MONYEPMC       X'014' Sample Record - Extended
                                        Channel measurement data
          ...1 .1.1      MONYSXGC       X'015' Sample Record - System
                                        Execution Space (Global)
          ...1 .11.      MONYSXPC       X'016' Sample Record - System
                                        Execution Space(Per Processor)
          ...1 .111      MONYSLCK       X'017' Sample Record - System
                                        Spin Lock Data
          ...1 1...      MONYSPTC       X'018' Sample record - Scheduler
                                        activity by Processor type
      Class 1 Monitor Call       Monitor Domain Records
          .... ...1      MONMTRCL       X'01' Domain number for Monitor
          .... ...1      MONMEPRC       X'001' Event Record - event
                                        profile data
          .... ..1.      MONMECMC       X'002' Event Record - event
                                        alteration command
          .... ..11      MONMSUSC       X'003' Event Record - suspension
          .... .1..      MONMSYSC       X'004' Sample Record - System
                                        configuration data
          .... .1.1      MONMPRPC       X'005' Sample Record - Processor
                                        configuration data
          .... .11.      MONMDEVC       X'006' Sample Record - Device
                                        configuration data
          .... .111      MONMMEMC       X'007' Sample Record - Memory
                                        configuration data
          .... 1...      MONMPAGC       X'008' Sample Record - Paging
                                        configuration data
          .... 1..1      MONMSPRC       X'009' Sample Record - Sample
                                        profile data
          .... 1.1.      MONMSCMC       X'00A' Sample Record - Sample
                                        alteration command
          .... 1.11      MONMENDC       X'00B' Sample Record - Interval
          .... 11..      MONMSOSC       X'00C' Event Record - Start of
                                        event suspend
          .... 11.1      MONMEOFC       X'00D' Event and Sample Record -
                                        End of Frame
          .... 111.      MONMDDRC       X'00E' Event and Sample Record -
                                        Domain Detail
          .... 1111      MONMUSRC       X'00F' Sample Record - Logged on
          ...1 ....      MONMSCHC       X'010' Sample Record - Scheduler
          ...1 ...1      MONMXSGC       X'011' SAMPLE RECORD - EXPANDED
                                        STORAGE data
          ...1 ..1.      MONMECCC       X'012' Event Record - CPU
                                        Capability Change
          ...1 ..11      MONMQDCC       X'013' QDIO DEVICE CONFIGURATION
          ...1 .1..      MONMHPPC       X'014' HyperPAV Pool definition
          ...1 .1.1      MONMMCCC       X'015' Memory Configuration
          ...1 .11.      MONMSTPC       X'016' STP Timing Event
          ...1 .111      MONMISCC       X'017' ISFC End Point
          ...1 1...      MONMILCC       X'018' ISFC Logical Link
          ...1 1..1      MONMSSIC       X'019' SSI Configuration
          ...1 1.1.      MONMTOPC       X'01A' Sample Record - System
                                        Topology data
      Class 2 Monitor Call       Scheduler Domain Records
          .... ..1.      MONSCLCL       X'02' Domain number for Scheduler
          .... ...1      MONCRDBC       X'001' Event Record - Begin read
          .... ..1.      MONCRDCC       X'002' Event Record - Read
          .... ..11      MONCWRRC       X'003' Event Record - Write
          .... .1..      MONCADLC       X'004' Event Record - Add user to
                                        dispatch list dispatch list
          .... .1.1      MONCDDLC       X'005' Event Record - Drop user
                                        from dispatch list
          .... .11.      MONCAELC       X'006' Event Record - Add user to
                                        eligible list
          .... .111      MONCSRMC       X'007' Event Record - SET SRM
          .... 1...      MONCSTPC       X'008' Event Record - System
                                        timer pop
          .... 1..1      MONCSHRC       X'009' Event Record - SET SHARE
          .... 1.1.      MONCSQDC       X'00A' Event Record - SET
                                        QUICKDISP changes
          .... 1.11      MONCIOPC       X'00B' Event Record - I/O
                                        Priority changes
          .... 11..      MONCSCAC       X'00C' Event Record - SET
                                        CPUAFFINITY changes
          .... 11.1      MONCALLC       X'00D' Event Record - Add VMDBK
                                        to the limit list
          .... 111.      MONCDLLC       X'00E' Event Record - Drop VMDBK
                                        from the limit list
      Class 3 Monitor Call       Storage Domain Records
          .... ..11      MONSTOCL       X'03' Domain number for Storage
          .... ...1      MONTRSGC       X'001' Sample Record - Real
                                        storage management, global data
          .... ..1.      MONTRSPC       X'002' Sample Record - Real
                                        storage activity, per processor
          .... ..11      MONTSHRC       X'003' Sample Record - Shared
                                        storage management
          .... .1..      MONTASPC       X'004' Sample Record - Auxiliary
                                        storage management
          .... .1.1      MONTSHSC       X'005' Event Record - NSS/DCSS
          .... .11.      MONTSHPC       X'006' Event Record - NSS/DCSS
                                        successfully purged
          .... .111      MONTATCC       X'007' Event Record - Attach CP
          .... 1...      MONTBPGC       X'008' Sample Record - Block
                                        Paging data
          .... 1..1      MONTXSGC       X'009' Sample Record - Expanded
                                        storage data (global)
          .... 1.1.      MONTXSUC       X'00A' SAMPLE RECORD - EXPANDED
                                        STORAGE data (per user)
          .... 1.11      MONTASSC       X'00B' Sample Record - Auxiliary
                                        storage/Shared Device Management
          .... 11..      MONTASCC       X'00C' Event Record - Address
                                        space created
          .... 11.1      MONTASDC       X'00D' Event Record - Address
                                        space deleted
          .... 111.      MONTASIC       X'00E' Sample Record - Address
                                        space information
          .... 1111      MONTSHLC       X'00F' Event Record - A saved
                                        System/Segment has been loaded
                                        into storage (ie. accessed by the
                                        1st user).
          ...1 ....      MONTSHDC       X'010' Event Record - A saved
                                        System/Segment has been deleted
                                        from storage (ie. released by the
                                        last user).
          ...1 ...1      MONTVDKC       X'011' Sample Record - Vdisk
          ...1 ..1.      MONTSCSC       X'012' Sample Record - SCSI
          ...1 ..11      MONTSXGC       X'013' Sample Record - System
                                        Execution Space (Global)
          ...1 .1..      MONTSXPC       X'014' Sample Record - System
                                        Execution Space(Per Processor)
          ...1 .1.1      MONTADDC       X'015' Event Record - Added
                                        Central Storage
      Class 4 Monitor Call       User Domain Records
          .... .1..      MONUSECL       X'04' Domain number for User
          .... ...1      MONULONC       X'001' Event Record - User log on
          .... ..1.      MONULOFC       X'002' Event Record - User log
          .... ..11      MONUACTC       X'003' Sample Record - User
          .... .1..      MONUINTC       X'004' Sample Record - User
          .... .1.1      MONUDFCC       X'005' Event Record - DEFINE CPU
          .... .11.      MONUDTCC       X'006' Event Record - DETACH CPU
          .... .111      MONURDCC       X'007' Event Record - DEFINE CPU
                                        n AS m
          .... 1...      MONUTREC       X'008' Event Record - Transaction
          .... 1..1      MONUATEC       X'009' Event Record - Actitity at
                                        transaction end
          .... 1.1.      MONUITEC       X'00A' Event Record - Interaction
                                        at transaction end
          .... 1.11      MONURLSC       X'00B' Event Record - Guest
                                        relocatn start
          .... 11..      MONURLEC       X'00C' Event Record - Guest
                                        relocation end
      Class 5 Monitor Call       Processor Domain Records
          .... .1.1      MONPRCCL       X'05' Domain number for Processor
          .... ...1      MONPVONC       X'001' Event Record - Vary on
          .... ..1.      MONPVOFC       X'002' Event Record - Vary off
          .... ..11      MONPPRPC       X'003' Sample Record - Processor
                                        activity, per processor
          .... 1...      MONPIOPC       X'008' Sample Record - I/O
                                        Processor Utilization Data
          .... 1..1      MONPAPCC       X'009' Sample Record - AP Crypto
          .... 1.1.      MONPAPMC       X'00A' Sample Record - AP Crypto
          .... 1.11      MONPINSC       X'00B' Sample Record -
                                        Instruction counts
          .... 11..      MONPDIAC       X'00C' Sample Record - Diagnose
          .... 11.1      MONPMFCC       X'00D' Sample Record - CPU
                                        Measurement Facility counters
          .... 111.      MONPTOPC       X'00E' Event Record - System
                                        Topology data
      Class 6 Monitor Call       I/O Domain Records
          .... .11.      MONIODCL       X'06' Domain number for IO domain
          .... ...1      MONOVONC       X'001' Event Record - Vary on
          .... ..1.      MONOVOFC       X'002' Event Record - Vary off
          .... ..11      MONODEVC       X'003' Sample Record - Device
                                        activity data
          .... .1..      MONOCADC       X'004' Sample Record - Cache
                                        activity data
          .... .1.1      MONOATDC       X'005' Event Record - Attach
          .... .11.      MONODTDC       X'006' Event Record - Detach
          .... .111      MONOENBC       X'007' Event Record - Enable
          .... 1...      MONODSBC       X'008' Event Record - Disable
          .... 1..1      MONOATSC       X'009' Event Record - Attach
                                        shared device
          .... 1.1.      MONOALSC       X'00A' Event Record - Automated
                                        library statistics
          .... 1.11      MONOSONC       X'00B' Event Record - Vary on
          .... 11..      MONOSOFC       X'00C' Event Record - Vary off
          .... 11.1      MONOMONC       X'00D' Event Record - Set Chanmon
          .... 111.      MONOMOFC       X'00E' Event Record - Set Chanmon
          .... 1111      MONODDVC       X'00F' Event Record - Device
          ...1 ....      MONOMDVC       X'010' Event Record - Device
          ...1 ...1      MONODCHC       X'011' Event Record - CHPID
          ...1 ..1.      MONOTONC       X'012' Event Record - Throttle
                                        rate set
          ...1 ..11      MONOTOFC       X'013' Event Record - Throttle
                                        turned off
          ...1 .1..      MONOSTCC       X'014' Event Record - State
          ...1 .1.1      MONOVSWC       X'015' Sample Record - Virtual
                                        Switch activity
          ...1 .11.      MONOVSWF       X'016' Event Record - VSWITCH
          ...1 .111      MONOVSWR       X'017' Event Record - VSWITCH
                                        initalization or recovery
          ...1 1...      MONOSCSI       X'018' Sample Record - SCSI
          ...1 1..1      MONOQDAC       X'019' QDIO device activation
          ...1 1.1.      MONOQDSC       X'01A' QDIO device sample
          ...1 1.11      MONOQDDC       X'01B' QDIO device deactivation
          ...1 11..      MONOHPPC       X'01C' HyperPAV Pool Activity
          ...1 11.1      MONOHPCC       X'01D' HyperPAV Pool Creation
          ...1 111.      MONOLPTC       X'01E' LSS PAV Transition
          ...1 1111      MONOMDEC       X'01F' Event Record - Minidisk
      Class 7 Monitor Call       Seek Domain Records
          .... .111      MONSEKCL       X'07' Domain number for Seek
          .... ...1      MONKSEKC       X'001' Event Record - Seek event
      Class 8 Monitor Call       Virtual Network Records
          .... 1...      MONVNDCL       X'08' Domain number for Virtual
                                        Network records
          .... ...1      MONNSESC       X'001' Sample Record - Session
                                        data for virtual data devices
          .... ..1.      MONNLSCU       X'002' Event Record - Guest Link
                                        State change - LinkUp.
          .... ..11      MONNLSCD       X'003' Event Record - Guest Link
                                        State change - LinkDown.
      Class 9 Monitor Call       ISFC Records
          .... 1..1      MONISFCL       X'09' Domain number for ISFC
          .... ...1      MONSISCC       X'001' Event Record - ISFC End
                                        Point Status Change
          .... ..1.      MONSISAC       X'002' Sample Record - ISFC End
                                        Point Activity
          .... ..11      MONSILCC       X'003' Event Record - ISFC
                                        Logical Link Definition change
          .... .1..      MONSNODC       X'004' Sample Record - ISFC
                                        Logical Link Activity
      Class 10 Monitor Call         Appldata Domain records
          .... 1.1.      MONAPLCL       X'00A' Domain number of Appldata
          .... ...1      MONAEDTC       X'001' Event record - appldata:
                                        created only on diag DC stop,
                                        virtual machine reset or purge
          .... ..1.      MONASDTC       X'002' Sample record - appldata:
                                        interval application buffer data
      Class 11 Monitor Call      SSI Domain Records
          .... 1.11      MONSSICL       X'00B' Domain number for SSI
          .... ...1      MONXSCSC       X'001' Sample Record - State
                                        Change Synchronization
          .... ..1.      MONXSMIC       X'002' Sample Record - State/Mode
          .... ..11      MONXSCHC       X'003' Event Record - State
          .... .1..      MONXSLTC       X'004' Event Record - Slot
          .... .1.1      MONXLVLC       X'005' Reserved for possible
                                        future IBM use
          .... .11.      MONXXLKC       X'006' Sample Record - XDISK
          .... .111      MONXXDIC       X'007' Sample Record - XDISK
      The following two constants define the minimum and maximum
      values allowed for a domain number (monitor class)
      used in a Monitor Call (MC) instruction.
      These are used by HCPMNEVN to declare an array of
      addresses of subroutines that process the records.
          .... ....      MONMINDM       X'00' Minimum domain number
          .... 1111      MONMAXDM       X'0F' Maximum domain number
      The following two constants provide dummy domain and record
      numbers.  They must not be used in a MC instruction.
          1111 1111      MONDUMCL       X'FF' Dummy domain number
          0000FFFF       MONDDUMC       X'FFFF' Dummy record number


MONEQ Storage Layout

*** MONEQ - Monitor Equate Symbols
*** MONEQ - Monitor Equate Symbols


MONEQ Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
MONAEDTC       0000 01
MONAPLCL       0000 0A
MONASDTC       0000 02
MONCADLC       0000 04
MONCAELC       0000 06
MONCALLC       0000 0D
MONCDDLC       0000 05
MONCDLLC       0000 0E
MONCIOPC       0000 0B
MONCRDBC       0000 01
MONCRDCC       0000 02
MONCSCAC       0000 0C
MONCSHRC       0000 09
MONCSQDC       0000 0A
MONCSRMC       0000 07
MONCSTPC       0000 08
MONCWRRC       0000 03
MONDDUMC       0000 0000FFFF
MONDUMCL       0000 FF
MONIODCL       0000 06
MONISFCL       0000 09
MONKSEKC       0000 01
MONMAXDM       0000 0F
MONMDDRC       0000 0E
MONMDEVC       0000 06
MONMECCC       0000 12
MONMECMC       0000 02
MONMENDC       0000 0B
MONMEOFC       0000 0D
MONMEPRC       0000 01
MONMHPPC       0000 14
MONMILCC       0000 18
MONMINDM       0000 00
MONMISCC       0000 17
MONMMCCC       0000 15
MONMMEMC       0000 07
MONMPAGC       0000 08
MONMPRPC       0000 05
MONMQDCC       0000 13
MONMSCHC       0000 10
MONMSCMC       0000 0A
MONMSOSC       0000 0C
MONMSPRC       0000 09
MONMSSIC       0000 19
MONMSTPC       0000 16
MONMSUSC       0000 03
MONMSYSC       0000 04
MONMTOPC       0000 1A
MONMTRCL       0000 01
MONMUSRC       0000 0F
MONMXSGC       0000 11
MONNLSCD       0000 03
MONNLSCU       0000 02
MONNSESC       0000 01
MONOALSC       0000 0A
MONOATDC       0000 05
MONOATSC       0000 09
MONOCADC       0000 04
MONODCHC       0000 11
MONODDVC       0000 0F
MONODEVC       0000 03
MONODSBC       0000 08
MONODTDC       0000 06
MONOENBC       0000 07
MONOHPCC       0000 1D
MONOHPPC       0000 1C
MONOLPTC       0000 1E
MONOMDEC       0000 1F
MONOMDVC       0000 10
MONOMOFC       0000 0E
MONOMONC       0000 0D
MONOQDAC       0000 19
MONOQDDC       0000 1B
MONOQDSC       0000 1A
MONOSCSI       0000 18
MONOSOFC       0000 0C
MONOSONC       0000 0B
MONOSTCC       0000 14
MONOTOFC       0000 13
MONOTONC       0000 12
MONOVOFC       0000 02
MONOVONC       0000 01
MONOVSWC       0000 15
MONOVSWF       0000 16
MONOVSWR       0000 17
MONPAPCC       0000 09
MONPAPMC       0000 0A
MONPDIAC       0000 0C
MONPINSC       0000 0B
MONPIOPC       0000 08
MONPMFCC       0000 0D
MONPPRPC       0000 03
MONPRCCL       0000 05
MONPTOPC       0000 0E
MONPVOFC       0000 02
MONPVONC       0000 01
MONSCLCL       0000 02
MONSEKCL       0000 07
MONSILCC       0000 03
MONSISAC       0000 02
MONSISCC       0000 01
MONSNODC       0000 04
MONSSICL       0000 0B
MONSTOCL       0000 03
MONSYTCL       0000 00
MONTADDC       0000 15
MONTASCC       0000 0C
MONTASDC       0000 0D
MONTASIC       0000 0E
MONTASPC       0000 04
MONTASSC       0000 0B
MONTATCC       0000 07
MONTBPGC       0000 08
MONTRSGC       0000 01
MONTRSPC       0000 02
MONTSCSC       0000 12
MONTSHDC       0000 10
MONTSHLC       0000 0F
MONTSHPC       0000 06
MONTSHRC       0000 03
MONTSHSC       0000 05
MONTSXGC       0000 13
MONTSXPC       0000 14
MONTVDKC       0000 11
MONTXSGC       0000 09
MONTXSUC       0000 0A
MONUACTC       0000 03
MONUATEC       0000 09
MONUDFCC       0000 05
MONUDTCC       0000 06
MONUINTC       0000 04
MONUITEC       0000 0A
MONULOFC       0000 02
MONULONC       0000 01
MONURDCC       0000 07
MONURLEC       0000 0C
MONURLSC       0000 0B
MONUSECL       0000 04
MONUTREC       0000 08
MONVNDCL       0000 08
MONXLVLC       0000 05
MONXSCHC       0000 03
MONXSCSC       0000 01
MONXSLTC       0000 04
MONXSMIC       0000 02
MONXXDIC       0000 07
MONXXLKC       0000 06
MONYASGC       0000 06
MONYCOMC       0000 0B
MONYCPCC       0000 09
MONYCPMC       0000 12
MONYCUGC       0000 0F
MONYCUMC       0000 11
MONYCUPC       0000 10
MONYEPMC       0000 14
MONYPRPC       0000 02
MONYRSGC       0000 03
MONYRSPC       0000 04
MONYSCGC       0000 0A
MONYSCPC       0000 0D
MONYSHSC       0000 07
MONYSLCK       0000 17
MONYSPTC       0000 18
MONYSXGC       0000 15
MONYSXPC       0000 16
MONYSYGC       0000 13
MONYSYPC       0000 01
MONYUSRC       0000 08
MONYUWTC       0000 0C
MONYXSGC       0000 0E
MONYXSPC       0000 05

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:10:31 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011