Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

LCPDU Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: LinkAG LACP Protocol-Data-Unit (PDU) c/b
 FUNCTION   : This control block maps the IEEE 802.3ad-2000
              version 1 LACP PDU structure.
              The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
              provides a standardized means for exchanging
              information between Partner Systems on a link
              to allow their Link Aggregation Control
              instances to reach agreement on the identity
              of the Link Aggregation Group to which the
              link belongs, move the link to that Link
              Aggregation Group, and enable its transmission
              and reception functions in an orderly manner.
  Destination Address (DA):
    The DA in all LACP PDUs is the
    Slow_Protocols_Multicast address (01-80-C2-00-00-02).
  Source Address (SA):
    The SA in LACP PDU is the individual MAC address
    associated with the port from which the PDU is
    LACP PDUs are always type encoded, and carry the Slow
    Protocol type field.  The encoding of this type field
    is 0x8809.
    The Subtype field identifies the specific Slow
    Protocol being encapsulated.  LACP PDUs carry the
    carry the subtype value 0x01.
  Version number:
    This identifies the LACP protocol version;
    implementations conformant to IEEE 802.3ad of the
    standard carry the value 0x01.
  TLV_type = Actor Information:
    This field indicates the nature of the information
    carried in this TLVtuple.  Actor information is
    identified by the value 0x01.
    This field indicates the length (in bytes) of this
    TLV-tuple, Actor information uses a length value of 20
    The priority assigned to this System (by management or
    administration policy), encoded as an unsigned
    The Actor's System ID, encoded as a MAC address.
    The operational Key value assigned to the port by the
    Actor, encoded as an unsigned integer.
    The priority assigned to this port by the Actor (the
    System sending the PDU; assigned by management or
    administration policy), encoded as an unsigned
    The port number assigned to the port by the Actor (the
    System sending the PDU), encoded as an unsigned
    The Actor's state variables for the port, encoded as
    individual bits within a single byte, as follows:
       1) LACP_Activity is encoded in bit 0. This flag
       indicates the Activity control value with regard to
       this link.  Active LACP is encoded as a 1; Passive
       LACP is encoded as a 0
       2) LACP_Timeout is encoded in bit 1. This flag
       indicates the Timeout control value with regard to
       this link.  Short Timeout is encoded as a 1; Long
       Timeout is encoded as a
       3) Aggregation is encoded in bit 2. If TRUE
       (encoded as a 1), this flag indicates that the
       System considers this link to be Aggregatable;
       i.e., a potential candidate for aggregation.  If
       FALSE (encoded as a 0), the link is considered to
       be Individual; i.e., this link can be operated only
       as an individual link.
       4) Synchronization is encoded in bit 3. If TRUE
       (encoded as a 1), the System considers this link to
       be IN_SYNC; i.e., it has been allocated to the
       correct Link Aggregation Group, the group has been
       associated with a compatible Aggregator, and the
       identity of the Link Aggregation Group is
       consistent with the System ID and operational Key
       information transmitted.  If FALSE (encoded as a
       0), then this link is currently OUT_OF_SYNC; i.e.,
       it is not in the right Aggregation.
       5) Collecting is encoded in bit 4. TRUE (encoded as
       a 1) means collection of incoming frames on this
       link is definitely enabled; i.e., collection is
       currently enabled and is not expected to be
       disabled in the absence of administrative changes
       or changes in received protocol information.  Its
       value is otherwise FALSE (encoded as a 0);
       6) Distributing is encoded in bit 5. FALSE (encoded
       as a 0) means distribution of outgoing frames on
       this link is definitely disabled; i.e.,
       distribution is currently disabled and is not
       expected to be enabled in the absence of
       administrative changes or changes in received
       protocol information.  Its value is otherwise TRUE
       (encoded as a 1);
       7) Defaulted is encoded in bit 6. If TRUE (encoded
       as a 1), this flag indicates that the Actor's
       Receive machine is using Defaulted operational
       Partner information, administratively configured
       for the Partner.  If FALSE (encoded as a 0), the
       operational Partner information in use has been
       received in a LACPDU;
       8) Expired is encoded in bit 7. If TRUE (encoded as
       a 1), this flag indicates that the Actor's Receive
       machine is in the EXPIRED state; if FALSE (encoded
       as a 0), this flag indicates that the Actor's
       Receive machine is not in the EXPIRED state.
       NOTE-The received values of Defaulted and Expired
       state are not used by LACP; however, knowing their
       values can be useful when diagnosing protocol
    These 3 bytes are reserved for use in future
    extensions to the protocol.  They shall be ignored on
    receipt and shall be transmitted as zeroes to claim
    compliance with Version 1 of this protocol.
  TLV_type = Partner Information:
    This field indicates the nature of the information
    carried in this TLV-tuple.  Partner information is
    identified by the integer value 0x02.
    This field indicates the length (in bytes) of this
    TLV-tuple, Partner information uses a length value of
    20 (0x14).
    The priority assigned to the Partner System (by
    management or administration policy), encoded as an
    unsigned integer.
    The Partner's System ID, encoded as a MAC address.
    The operational Key value assigned to the port
    associated with this link by the Partner, encoded as
    an unsigned integer.
    The priority assigned to this port by the Partner (by
    management or administration policy), encoded as an
    unsigned integer.
    The port number associated with this link assigned to
    the port by the Partner, encoded as an unsigned
    The Actor's view of the Partner's state variables,
    depicted in Figure 43-8 and encoded as individual bits
    within a single byte, as defined for Actor_State.
    These 3 bytes are reserved for use in future
    extensions to the protocol.  They shall be ignored on
    receipt and shall be transmitted as zeroes to claim
    compliance with Version 1 of this protocol.
  TLV_type = Collector Information:
    This field indicates the nature of the information
    carried in this TLV-tuple.  Collector information is
    identified by the integer value 0x03
    This field indicates the length (in bytes) of this
    TLV-tuple.  Collector information uses a length value
    of 16 (0x10).
    This field contains the value of Collector Maximum
    Delay of the station transmitting the LACPDU, encoded
    as an unsigned integer number of tens of microseconds.
    The range of values for this parameter is 0 to 65 535
    tens of microseconds (0.65535 seconds).
    These 12 bytes are reserved for use in future
    extensions to the protocol.  They shall be ignored on
    receipt and shall be transmitted as zeroes to claim
    compliance with Version 1 of this protocol.
  TLV_type = Terminator:
    This field indicates the nature of the information
    carried in this TLV-tuple.  Terminator (end of
    message) information is identified by the integer
    value 0x00.
    This field indicates the length (in bytes) of this
    TLV-tuple.  Terminator information uses a length value
    of 0 (0x00).
    These 50 bytes are reserved for use in future
    extensions to the protocol.  They are ignored on
    receipt and are transmitted as zeroes to claim
    compliance with Version 1 of this protocol.
    This field is the Frame Check Sequence, typically
    generated by the underlying MAC.
    VM will create the packet without the FCS, as it
    will be added/removed by OSA.


LCPDU Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      LCPDU          LinkAG LACP Protocol-Data-Unit (PDU) c/b
      Destination Address
0000    0 Bitstring    6 LCPDEST        Destination Address
          0LCPDEST       LCPSPLAH       X'0180C200' LCPSPLAH
                                        Slow-Protocol-Multicast MSB
          .... ..1.      LCPSPLAL       X'0002' LCPSPLAL LSB Bytes
0006    6 Bitstring    6 LCPSOURC       Source Address
000C   12 Bitstring    4 LCPVID (0)     LACP PDU Verification Fields
000C   12 Bitstring    2 LCPLEN         Length/Type Field
          00LCPLEN       LCPSPTF        X'8809' LCPSPTF
                                        Slow-Protocol-Type Field
000E   14 Bitstring    1 LCPSTYPE       Slow Protocol Type
          .... ...1      LCPLACP        X'01' LCPLACP LinkAG Control
000F   15 Bitstring    1 LCPVER         LACP Protocol Version
          .... ...1      LCPVER1        X'01' LCPVER1 IEEE 802.3ab
                                        Version 1
     *****             Actor Information
0010   16 Bitstring    1 LCPTLV         TLV_type Actor Information
          .... ...1      LCPACTOR       X'01' LCPACTOR Actor Information
0011   17 Bitstring    1 LCPAILEN       Actor Information Length
          ...1 .1..      LCPAISIZ       X'14' LCPAISIZ Actor Information
0012   18 Bitstring   15 LCPAINFO (0)   Entire LACP Actor Information
0012   18 Signed       2 LCPASYSP       Actor System Priority
0014   20 Bitstring    6 LCPASYS        Actor System ID
001A   26 Signed       2 LCPAKEY        Actor Key
001C   28 Signed       2 LCPAPPRI       Actor Port Priority
001E   30 Signed       2 LCPAPORT       Actor Port
 Expired           : Indicates the Actor's Receive machine
                        0 = Expired  (not valid)
                        1 = Valid
      Defaulted         : Flag indicates that the Actor's Receive
                          Machine is using defaulted operational
                          partner information.
      Distributing      : Datagram Distribution State
                             0 = Distribution disabled
                             1 = Distribution enabled
      Collecting        : Datagram Collecting State
                             0 = No incomming datagrams accepted
                             1 = Collecting incomming datagrams
      Synchronization   : Current link status
                             0 = Out of SYNC (not in group)
                             1 = In SYNC  (Allocated to the
                                 correct LinkAG group)
      Aggregation       : Indicates that the system considers
                          this link to be aggregatable.
                             0 = Individual Link
                             1 = Aggregatable
      LACP_Timeout      : Indicates the time-out control value
                          with regard to this link.
                             0 = Long time-out
                             1 = Short time-out
      LACP_Activity     : Indicates the Activity control value
                          with regard to this link.
                             0 = Passive LACP
                             1 = Active  LACP
0020   32 Bitstring    1 LCPASTAT       Actor State
          1... ....      LCPEXP         X'80' LCPEXP Expired
          .1.. ....      LCPDEF         X'40' LCPDEF Defaulted
          ..1. ....      LCPDIST        X'20' LCPDIST Distributing
          ...1 ....      LCPCOL         X'10' LCPCOL Collecting
          .... 1...      LCPSYNC        X'08' LCPSYNC Synchronization
          .... .1..      LCPAGG         X'04' LCPAGG Aggregation
          .... ..1.      LCPTIMEO       X'02' LCPTIMEO LACP_Timeout
          .... ...1      LCPCCTVY       X'01' LCPCCTVY LACP_Activity
          ...1 11..      LCPENABL       LCPCOL+LCPAGG+LCPSYNC LCPENABL
                                        Port enabled in group
0021   33 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for Future Use
     *****             Partner Information
0024   36 Bitstring    1 LCPPTYP        TLV_type Partner Information
          .... ..1.      LCPTYPE        X'02' LCPTYPE Partner Information
0025   37 Bitstring    1 LCPPILEN       Partner Information Length
          ...1 .1..      LCPPISIZ       X'14' LCPPISIZ Partner
                                        Information Length
0026   38 Bitstring   15 LCPART (0)     Entire LACP Partner Information
0026   38 Bitstring    8 LCPSYSID (0)   Partner System INFO
0026   38 Signed       2 LCPSYSP        Partner System Priority
0028   40 Bitstring    6 LCPSYS         Partner System ID
002E   46 Signed       2 LCPKEY         Partner Key
0030   48 Bitstring    4 LCPPRTID (0)   Partner Port Information
0030   48 Signed       2 LCPPORTP       Partner Port Priority
0032   50 Signed       2 LCPORT         Partner Port
0034   52 Bitstring    1 LCPSTATE       Partner State
0035   53 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for Future Use
     *****           Collector Information
0038   56 Bitstring    1 LCPCTVL        TLV_type Collector Information
          .... ..11      LCPCINFO       X'03' LCPCINFO Collector
0039   57 Bitstring    1 LCPCILEN       Collector Information Length
          ...1 ....      LCPCISIZ       X'10' LCPCISIZ Collector
                                        Information Length
003A   58 Signed       2 LCPDELAY       Collector Maximum Delay
003C   60 Signed       4 * (3)          Reserved for Future Use
0048   72 Bitstring    1 LCPTTVL        TLV_type Terminator
          .... ....      LCPTINFO       X'00' LCPTINFO Terminator Length
0049   73 Bitstring    1 LCPCTLEN       Terminator Length
          .... ....      LCPTLVEN       X'00' LCPTLVEN Terminator Size
004A   74 Bitstring   50 *              Reserved for Future Use
          0000007C       LCPMSIZE       *-LCPDU Minimum size of a LACP
                                        PDU Frame Check Sequence will be
                                        added/removed by OSA LCPFCS DS F
                                        Frame Check Sequence
007C  124 Bitstring    1 LCP$END (0)    The end
      Notes      : The following assembler equates are defined and can be
            used but do not appear in the control block expansion
            because they are in the PLX section and PRINT OFF,
            NOGEN are in effect.


LCPDU Storage Layout

*** LCPDU - LinkAG LACP Protocol-Data-Unit (PDU) c/b
*     +-----------------------------------------+-------------+
*   0 |                LCPDEST                  |   (006)-    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |        -LCPSOURC          |   LCPLEN    |:STYPE|LCPVER|
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+
*  10 |LCPTLV|:AILEN|  LCPASYSP   |         LCPASYS-          |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |   -(014)    |  LCPAKEY    |  LCPAPPRI   |  LCPAPORT   |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  20 |:ASTAT|////////////////////|:PTYP |:PILEN|  LCPSYSP    |
*     +------+--------------------+------+------+-------------+
*  28 |                 LCPSYS                  |   LCPKEY    |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  30 |  LCPPORTP   |   LCPORT    |:STATE|////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*  38 |:CTVL |:CILEN|  LCPDELAY   |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+///////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-----------------------------------------+
*  48 |:TTVL |:CTLEN|/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+/////////////////////////////////////////|
*  50 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////+---------------------------+
*     |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+
*** LCPDU - LinkAG LACP Protocol-Data-Unit (PDU) c/b


LCPDU Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
LCP$END        007C
LCPACTOR       0010 01
LCPAGG         0020 04
LCPAILEN       0011
LCPAINFO       0012
LCPAISIZ       0011 14
LCPAKEY        001A
LCPAPORT       001E
LCPAPPRI       001C
LCPART         0026
LCPASTAT       0020
LCPASYS        0014
LCPASYSP       0012
LCPCCTVY       0020 01
LCPCILEN       0039
LCPCINFO       0038 03
LCPCISIZ       0039 10
LCPCOL         0020 10
LCPCTLEN       0049
LCPCTVL        0038
LCPDEF         0020 40
LCPDELAY       003A
LCPDEST        0000
LCPDIST        0020 20
LCPENABL       0020 1C
LCPEXP         0020 80
LCPKEY         002E
LCPLACP        000E 01
LCPLEN         000C
LCPMSIZE       004A 0000007C
LCPORT         0032
LCPPILEN       0025
LCPPISIZ       0025 14
LCPPORTP       0030
LCPPRTID       0030
LCPPTYP        0024
LCPSOURC       0006
LCPSPLAL       0000 02
LCPSPTF        000C 00LCPLEN
LCPSTATE       0034
LCPSTYPE       000E
LCPSYNC        0020 08
LCPSYS         0028
LCPSYSID       0026
LCPSYSP        0026
LCPTIMEO       0020 02
LCPTINFO       0048 00
LCPTLV         0010
LCPTLVEN       0049 00
LCPTTVL        0048
LCPTYPE        0024 02
LCPVER         000F
LCPVER1        000F 01
LCPVID         000C

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:07:08 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011