Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

HDPBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Host DAT table Programming area block
 FUNCTION   : Contain programming use information specific to
              a particular host DAT table.  Only used for host
              region and segment tables.
 LOCATED BY : FRMPTEG field of the FRMTE(s) corresponding to the
              real storage frame containing the DAT table in
 COMMENTS   : The HDPBK must reside on a doubleword boundary.


HDPBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      HDPBK          Host DAT table Programming area block
0000    0 Signed       8 HDPTD          Table origin, table type, and
                                        table length of DAT table
                                        associated with this HDPBK, in
                                        ASCE format (DT bits, not R*TE
                                        format TT bits). Table offset
                                        (TF) bits are assumed to be
0008    8 Signed       8 HDPVSTRT       Starting virtual address of
                                        virtual address range represented
                                        by associated table. Must be zero
                                        in highest level table designated
                                        by the ASCE.
0010   16 Signed       8 HDPVEND        Ending virtual address of virtual
                                        address range represented by
                                        associated table. This is the
                                        highest virtual address ever made
                                        addressable in the associated
                                        table; addresses within this
                                        range may have since been
      Back pointers to higher level control blocks and tables.
      HDPASCBK and HDPASTEl are filled in for all associated
      table types.
      HDPHLRTE and HDPHLHDP are filled in if the associated
      table is not the highest level table in this address
      space's DAT structures; they point to the higher level
      R*TE which designates the table associated with this
      HDPBK, and the HDPBK which is associated with the table
      containing that higher level R*TE, respectively.
0018   24 Signed       4 HDPASCBK       ASCBK address
001C   28 Signed       4 HDPASTEl       Copy of ASCASTEl
          ...1 11..      HDPASTE        00004 HDPASTEl,L'HDPASTEl
0020   32 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0024   36 Signed       4 HDPHLHDP       HDPBK associated with the region
                                        table containing the HDPHLRTE
0028   40 Signed       8 HDPHLRTE       Higher level R*TE which
                                        designates this table (or 0 if
                                        this is the highest level table
                                        for the address space)
      Masks useful for processing virtual addresses represented
      by this table.
0030   48 Signed       8 HDPVMAXM       Mask for generating highest
                                        virtual address in area (region
                                        or segment) represented by the
                                        associated table. Also, for
                                        highest level table designated by
                                        ASCE, is the highest virtual
                                        address representable by an ASCE
                                        with matching DT bits.
              for R1T:  X'001FFFFFFFFFFFFF'
              for R2T:  X'000003FFFFFFFFFF'
              for R3T:  X'000000007FFFFFFF'
              for ST:   X'00000000000FFFFF'
0038   56 Signed       8 HDPISOXM       Mask for isolating index portion
                                        of virtual address in area
                                        represented by the associated
              for R1T:  x'FFE0000000000000' - isolate R1X
              for R2T:  x'001FFC0000000000' - isolate R2X
              for R3T:  x'000003FF80000000' - isolate R3X
              for ST:   x'000000007FF00000' - isolate SX
      Pointers to the HDPBKs associated with existing tables at
      this level which represent the next lower and next higher
      virtual address range.  (In sparse spaces, these HDPBKs
      likely represent virtual address ranges which are not
      contiguous with the address range represented by this
      HDPBK.)  Any code which validates or invalidates R*TEs
      at any level must maintain these pointers.  Allows quick
      traversal to the next existing table at the given level,
      regardless how big the virtual address gap between the
      tables may be.
0040   64 Signed       8 HDPADLQA (0)   Addressable HDPBK queue area -
                                        Doubly linked queue of HDPBKs
                                        anchored at ASCADHDQ.
0040   64 Signed       4 HDPADLNX       Pointer to a next HDPBK (of
                                        indeterminate level) representing
                                        the next addressable virtual
                                        storage byte address after the
                                        end of the virtual address range
                                        represented by the table
                                        associated with this HDPBK. The
                                        HDBK pointed to may or may not be
                                        the lowest level HDPBK
                                        representing the next addressable
                                        virtual storage byte.
0044   68 Signed       4 HDPADLPR       Pointer to a previous HDPBK (of
                                        indeterminate level) representing
                                        the last addressable virtual
                                        storage byte address previous to
                                        the start of the virtual address
                                        range represented by the table
                                        associated with this HDPBK. The
                                        HDBK pointed to may or may not be
                                        the lowest level HDPBK
                                        representing the previous highest
                                        addressable virtual storage byte.
0048   72 Signed       8 HDPLVLQA (0)   HDPBK level queue area
0048   72 Signed       4 HDPLVLNX       Pointer to next HDPBK at this
                                        level (if any). If non-zero,
                                        points to the HDPBK associated
                                        with the existing table at this
                                        level which represents the next
                                        higher virtual address range.
004C   76 Signed       4 HDPLVLPR       Pointer to previous HDPBK at this
                                        level (if any). If non-zero,
                                        points to the HDPBK associated
                                        with the existing table at this
                                        level which represents the next
                                        lower virtual address range.
0050   80 Signed       4 HDP$END (0)    End of control block
          00000050       HDPLEN         *-HDPBK Length of HDPBK in bytes
          0000000A       HDPSIZE        (HDPLEN+7)/8 Size of HDPBK in
      DSECT to map individual HDPxxxQA queue pointer areas,
      can also be used on individual ASCxxHDQ queue header


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      HDPQPTRA       Host DAT table Programming area block
0000    0 Signed       4 HDPQPNXT       First (next) HDPBK on queue
0004    4 Signed       4 HDPQPPRV       Last (previous) HDPBK on queue
          00000008       HDPQPLEN       *-HDPQPTRA Length of one HDPBK
                                        pointer area


HDPBK Storage Layout

*** HDPBK - Host DAT table Programming area block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                        HDPTD                          |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       HDPVSTRT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       HDPVEND                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         HDPASCBK          |         HDPASTEL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |///////////////////////////|         HDPHLHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |                       HDPHLRTE                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       HDPVMAXM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       HDPISOXM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         HDPADLNX          |         HDPADLPR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         HDPLVLNX          |         HDPLVLPR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*** HDPBK - Host DAT table Programming area block
*** HDPQPTRA - Host DAT table Programming area block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         HDPQPNXT          |         HDPQPPRV          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8
*** HDPQPTRA - Host DAT table Programming area block


HDPBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
HDP$END        0050
HDPADLNX       0040
HDPADLPR       0044
HDPADLQA       0040
HDPASCBK       0018
HDPASTE        001C 1C
HDPASTEl       001C
HDPHLHDP       0024
HDPHLRTE       0028
HDPISOXM       0038
HDPLEN         0050 00000050
HDPLVLNX       0048
HDPLVLPR       004C
HDPLVLQA       0048
HDPQPLEN       0004 00000008
HDPQPNXT       0000
HDPQPPRV       0004
HDPSIZE        0050 0000000A
HDPTD          0000
HDPVEND        0010
HDPVMAXM       0030
HDPVSTRT       0008

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:04:39 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011