Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

GSXBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Cross system communication block
 FUNCTION   : Maps the GSDDATA field in the HCPGSDBK for use
              by CSE in cross system communication.
              This DSECT is used to pass the user ID and
              other pertinent information about the user
              who issued a CP command sent to this system
              from another system in this CSE complex.
              The control block is created when a QITEM
              is received representing a CP command that
              is to be executed on this system.  The
              CP command processors, such as HCPCSC for
              the TRANSFER command, and HCPTHI for the
              INDICATE command, use the information in
              this control block in lieu of the VMDBK.
              HCPQCNWT uses this information to determine
              to which system responses should be sent.
 LOCATED BY : (Overlay of) GSDDATA field of HCPGSDBK


GSXBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      GSXBK          Cross system communication block
         Information common to all CSE protocols
0000    0 Character    8 GSXUSER        VMDUSER of command issuer
0008    8 Signed       4 GSXSYS         SHPBK of issuing CSE system
000C   12 Signed       4 GSXQTRN        QITEM transaction number
0010   16 Bitstring    1 GSXFC          CSE Function Code
0011   17 Bitstring    1 GSXCTYPE       VMDCTYPE of command issuer
         Information used for the CHANGE, ORDER, and
             TRANSFER commands.
0012   18 Bitstring    1 GSXMLVL        VMDMLVL of command issuer
0013   19 Bitstring    1 GSXSYSX        SHPINDEX of issuing system
0014   20 Bitstring    1 GSXCMDAU       VMDCMDAU of command issuer
0015   21 Bitstring    1 GSXCMDPR       VMDCMDPR of command issuer
0016   22 Bitstring    1 GSXSECU1       VMDSECU1 of command issuer
0017   23 Bitstring    1 GSXRSVD1       Reserved for IBM use
0018   24 Character    8 GSXDIST        VMDDIST of command issuer
0020   32 Character    8 GSXGRPN        VMDGRPN of command issuer
0028   40 Character    8 GSXALTID       VMDALTID, if specified
          00000030       GSXSSIZE       *-GSXUSER Size in bytes CSE Info
                                        spooling area
         Information used for QUERY and INDICATE commands
0012   18 Bitstring    1 GSXDEVTP       Device Type
0013   19 Bitstring    1 GSXTC          Type Code
0014   20 Character    6 GSXVOLID       DASD Volume id
001A   26 Signed       2 GSXSDISP       Starting minidisk cyl
001C   28 Signed       2 GSXEDISP       Ending minidisk cyl
001E   30 Signed       2 GSXRETCD       Return Code
          00000020       GSXQSIZE       *-GSXUSER Size in bytes of CSE
                                        Info Query/Indicate area
          1... ....      GSXQLST        X'80' QUERY LINKS stable option


GSXBK Storage Layout

*** GSXBK - Cross system communication block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       GSXUSER                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |          GSXSYS           |         GSXQTRN           |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |                       GSXDIST                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       GSXGRPN                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28 |                       GSXALTID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30
*** GSXBK - Cross system communication block
*** Overlay for GSXMLVL in GSXBK
*                   +------+------+---------------------------+
*  10 ...        12 |:DEVTP|GSXTC |        GSXVOLID-          |
*     +-------------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  18 |   -(014)    |  GSXSDISP   |  GSXEDISP   |  GSXRETCD   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20
*** Overlay for GSXMLVL in GSXBK


GSXBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
GSXALTID       0028
GSXCMDAU       0014
GSXCMDPR       0015
GSXCTYPE       0011
GSXDEVTP       0012
GSXDIST        0018
GSXEDISP       001C
GSXFC          0010
GSXGRPN        0020
GSXMLVL        0012
GSXQLST        001E 80
GSXQSIZE       001E 00000020
GSXQTRN        000C
GSXRETCD       001E
GSXRSVD1       0017
GSXSDISP       001A
GSXSECU1       0016
GSXSSIZE       0028 00000030
GSXSYS         0008
GSXSYSX        0013
GSXTC          0013
GSXUSER        0000
GSXVOLID       0014

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:04:28 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011