Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

ASCBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Address-Space-Control Block
 FUNCTION   : Contain information about an address space.
              The ASCBK is essentially CP's software extension
              to the ASN-second-table entry (ASTE) describing
              the address space.
 LOCATED BY : ASTASCBK field of the ASTE defining the address space
 SERIALIZED : Many fields in the ASCBK are static for the life of
              the address space.  Most of the rest of them are
              serialized by the ASCBK lock, the lockword for which
              is at ASCLOCK.
              Various fields are serialized by:
              - ASCBK lock (ASCLOCK)
              - MP Defer
              - Console-function mode
              - XSTSTATL
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : The address spaces associated with a relocating
              guest are constructed on the destination system by
              calling HCPASMCR on the destination.  The attributes
              of the spaces are sent over during Storage
              Eligibility Checking in the Address Space Data
              Array (ADABK) and the VDISK Data Block (VDIBK).
              In addition, the cumulative historical counts
              kept in the ASCBK are also sent to the destination
              system. These values are transmitted during
              relocation in order to maintain relatively consistent
              information in the responses to the INDICATE USER
              and INDICATE SPACES commands.
              - for VDISKs, the counters are sent during relocation
              of the I/O configuration via the LGRVDEV block
              - for the base address space, the counters are sent
              at the end of the Memory Move in the Address Space
              Data Area (RLMAS).
 COMMENTS   : The ASCBK must reside on a doubleword boundary.
              The ASCBK is not a hardware architected block.


ASCBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      ASCBK          Address-Space-Control Block
      Address space management area.
      This area contains fields used to manage and locate the
      address space itself.  All fields in this area are
      serialized by the ASCBK lock (the lockword at ASCLOCK)
      unless specifically noted otherwise.
0000    0 Address      4 ASCOFPNT       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to next ASCBK in chain of
                                        ASCBKs anchored from VMDASCBK of
                                        the owner's base VMDBK. This
                                        chain defines what address spaces
                                        are owned by the VMDBK.
                                        SYSTEM-owned spaces are anchored
                                        from the SYSTEM VMDBK. This field
                                        is serialized by the owner's
                                        ASCBK-queue lock (VMDASCLK). The
                                        chain is ended by a forward
                                        pointer of zero.
0004    4 Address      4 ASCSFPNT       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to next ASCBK in the
                                        chain of ASCBKs anchored from
                                        RSASHRSP in HCPRSM. This is the
                                        chain of shareable address
                                        spaces, and is serialized by the
                                        lock at RSASHRLK. The chain is
                                        ended by a forward pointer of
0008    8 Address      4 ASCSBPNT       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to previous ASCBK in the
                                        chain of ASCBKs anchored from
                                        RSASHRSP in HCPRSM. The ASCSBPNT
                                        field of the first ASCBK in the
                                        chain is zeros.
000C   12 Signed       4 ASCSEQNO       r-access sequence number,
                                        incremented on address space
                                        reset to match the ASTE sequence
                                        number (ASTSN). r-access i-ASITs
                                        (which use this sequence number)
                                        are sensitive to address space
                                        reset operations.
0010   16 Character   32 ASCSPCID (0)   Space identification:
0010   16 Character    8 ASCUSRID       Owning userid, padded on right
                                        with blanks.
0018   24 Character   24 ASCNAME        Address space name, padded on
                                        right with blanks.
0030   48 Address      4 ASCSNTBK       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        owning SNTBK (ASCTSNT=1)
0034   52 Address      4 ASCASTEr       Host Real Address Pointer to
                                        ASN-Second-Table Entry (ASTE) for
                                        the address space. Serialized by
                                        task ownership at creation,
                                        thereafter unchanged until space
                                        is destroyed.
0038   56 Dbl-Word     8 ASCEASIT (0)   ASCBK e-ASIT.
0038   56 Address      4 ASCASTEl       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        ASN-Second-Table Entry ASCASTEr
                                        <- LoadRealAddress(ASCASTEl)
003C   60 Signed       4 ASCSCRSN       Address space creation sequence
0040   64 Address      4 ASCSPIBK       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        chain of SPIBKs designating which
                                        users are permitted to attach
                                        this space to their guest-use
                                        access list. This field is
                                        serialized by the
                                        space-permission- manager lock
                                        (RSASPMLK in HCPRSMCM).
0044   68 Address      4 ASCOWNER       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        (base) VMDBK of owning virtual
                                        configuration, or SYSTEM VMDBK if
                                        CP owned.
0048   72 Dbl-Word     8 ASCLOCK (3)    Lockword for shared/exclusive
                                        defer lock, protecting fields in
                                        the ASCBK and ASTE. For System
                                        Utility address spaces managed by
                                        HCPHAMAP and HCPHAMDP and
                                        HCPHSURO, ASCLOCK exclusive is
                                        sufficient to invalidate a STE
                                        without SEGTRANS. A share of
                                        ASCLOCK must be obtained *before*
                                        trying to obtain SEGTRANS when
                                        validating the STE.
0060   96 Dbl-Word     8 ASCHIBYT       The highest addressable byte of
                                        storage in this address space.
                                        The "address limit" of the
                                        address space in bytes is one
                                        greater than this value. Since
                                        X'FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF' is a valid
                                        address in z/Arch, code must
                                        check for wrap-to-zero when
                                        adding one to ASCHIBYT to
                                        calculate the "address limit" of
                                        the address space in bytes. For
                                        the guest base address space,
                                        this value should be copied to
                                        SIEGMSLM in each VMDBK in the
                                        virtual configuration. See
0068  104 Dbl-Word     8 ASCDEFSZ       Defined storage size in
                                        addressable bytes, minus one. If
                                        DEF STOR CONFIG was used to
                                        define multiple discontiguous
                                        extents of addressable defined
                                        storage, this field contains the
                                        sum of the sizes in bytes of all
                                        of the individual extents (minus
                                        one). Minus one notation used so
                                        that a total size of 16 Exabytes
                                        may be represented without
                                        ambiguity (as
0070  112 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0074  116 Bitstring    1 ASCSTATE       Flags indicating current state
                                        Serialized by holding ASCLOCK
                                        exclusive, the owning VMDBK's
                                        PTIL exclusive, AND by Console
                                        Function mode on the owning user.
          1... ....      ASCSHARE       X'80' ASCSHARE At least one
                                        configuration other than the
                                        owner has permission to access
                                        this address space.
          .1.. ....      ASCPUBLC       X'40' ASCPUBLC Any user may
                                        attach this address space to
                                        their guest-use access list for
                                        read/only access.
          ..1. ....      ASCE1ATT       X'20' ASCE1ATT Storage element 1
                                        is Attached SCLP ATTACH ELEMENT
          ...1 ....      ASCE1SBY       X'10' ASCE1SBY Storage element 1
                                        is Standby SCLP ATTACH ELEMENT
                                        not performed ASCEL1st non-zero
          .... 1...      ASCE1RSV       X'08' ASCE1RSV Storage element 1
                                        is Reserved SCLP ATTACH ELEMENT
                                        not performed ASCEL1st zero
                                        ASCEL1rv non-zero
          ..11 1...      ASCE1DEF       ASCE1ATT+ASCE1SBY+ASCE1RSV
                                        ASCE1DEF Storage element 1 is
                                        defined (may be Reserved,
                                        Standby, or Attached)
          .... ..1.      ASCRUSYS       X'02' ASCRUSYS DPPCA rollup is to
                                        be performed using the system
                                        VMDBK rather than the guest's
                                        VMDBK. This generally corresponds
                                        to ASCSHARE, except during
                                        address space isolate processing.
          .... ...1      ASCMDEXT       X'01' ASCMDEXT DEFINE STORAGE
                                        CONFIG has been used to define
                                        multiple discontiguous
                                        addressable extents for this
                                        address space. The ASCSTCFG area
                                        contains the storage
                                        configuration definition.
0075  117 Bitstring    1 ASCTYPE        Code indicating type of address
                                        space These are assigned as bits,
                                        but only one bit will ever be
                                        set. This is done to allow code
                                        to test for combinations with one
          1... ....      ASCTUSER       X'80' ASCTUSER A user's base
                                        address space
          .1.. ....      ASCTDATA       X'40' ASCTDATA A data space
                                        created by user request through
                                        diagnose x'23C'
          ..1. ....      ASCTSYSX       X'20' ASCTSYSX The
                                        system-execution address space
          ...1 ....      ASCTSYSU       X'10' ASCTSYSU A system utility
                                        address space
          .... .1..      ASCTSNT        X'04' ASCTSNT An SNTBK "address
0076  118 Bitstring    1 ASCFRMCD       Frame use code for this address
0077  119 Bitstring    1 ASCKEY         Bits 0-7 are the key with which
                                        to initialize pages in the
                                        address space.
0078  120 Signed       4 ASCIACCT       Count of i-access pages in the
                                        address space which are locked or
                                        under (possible loss of control)
                                        translation through this ASCBK.
007C  124 Signed       4 ASCITRCT       Count of in-process i-access
                                        manual translations in the
                                        address space.
0080  128 Signed       4 ASCRTRCT       Count of in-process r-access
                                        manual translations in the
                                        address space.
0084  132 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0088  136 Address      4 ASCTYPTR       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        address space type specific
                                        control block (PTRMB for PTRM
                                        address spaces). The address
                                        space type specific control block
                                        must itself contain a CP use
                                        Address space Allocation block
                                        (CAABK) at offset zero.
008C  140 Bitstring    1 ASCFOLST       Flags indicating what Frame Owned
                                        list (Owning VMDBK UFO, or
                                        Shared) frames are to be put on.
          1... ....      ASCOUFO        X'80' ASCOUFO Frames for this
                                        address space are to be placed on
                                        the owning VMDBK's UFO list.
          .1.. ....      ASCSFO         X'40' ASCSFO Frames for this
                                        address space are to be placed on
                                        the Shared Frame Owned (SFO)
      WARNING: There is code in various places that checks the
      address space sub-type flag value without first checking
      address space type flag, so be very careful to avoid
      duplication when defining new sub-types.
008D  141 Bitstring    1 ASCSUTYP       Flags indicating address space
          1... ....      ASCUPTRM       X'80' A PTRM address space
                                        (sub-type of type ASCTSYSU).
          .1.. ....      ASCUPREF       X'40' A preferred address space
                                        (sub-type of type ASCTUSER).
          ..1. ....      ASCUVDSK       X'20' A VDISK address space
                                        (sub-type of type ASCTSYSU).
          ...1 ....      ASCUFTC        X'10' A full track cache address
                                        space (sub-type of ASCTSYSU)
          .... 1...      ASCUCONN       X'08' The Connectivity (aka ISFC)
                                        address space (sub-type of type
          .... .1..      ASCUIDNT       X'04' The System-Identity address
                                        space, which identity maps all
                                        storage below 2G with DAT tables
                                        (sub-type of ASCTSYSU).
          .... ..1.      ASCUREAL       X'02' The System-Real address
                                        space, which identity maps all of
                                        real storage (including real
                                        storage above 2G) using an RSD
                                        (sub-type of ASCTSYSU).
008E  142 Bitstring    1 ASCMISC        Miscellaneous flag bits.
                                        Modification of these bits is
                                        serialized by holding the ASCLOCK
          1... ....      ASCDSTRY       X'80' When a release is part of
                                        an address space destroy, this
                                        bit is set. This bit indicates
                                        that the address space destroy
                                        thread holds the ASCLOCK
                                        exclusive. When this bit is ON
                                        subsequent code that is part of
                                        the thread can assume the lock is
                                        held exclusive. This bit is set
                                        after the ASCLOCK is acquired
                                        exclusive and prior to the lock
                                        being destroyed.
          .1.. ....      ASCRELOC       X'40' This address space is being
                                        relocated via the VMRELOCATE
          ..1. ....      ASCRELSRC      X'20' When ASCRELOC is one, this
                                        bit is valid and indicates the
                                        direction of the move. When one,
                                        this is the source/outbound
                                        ASCBK. When zero, this is a
                                        destination/inbound ASCBK.
008F  143 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
0090  144 Signed       4 ASCMSO         Main Storage Origin for preferred
                                        guest base address space. Only
                                        valid when ASCTYPE = ASCTUSER and
                                        ASCSUTYP = ASCUPREF.
0094  148 Signed       4 ASCCTSPI       Count of users permitted to this
                                        address space. Equal to the
                                        number of SPIBKs on the ASCSPIBK
                                        queue. Serialized by the Space
                                        Permission Manager lock (RSASPMLK
                                        in HCPRSAMP).
      End of Address Space management area
      Address space statistics area.
      Current usage information for this address space
         Delta-Pinned-Page-Count Array (DPPCA) for page class 0
         Used by both hardware and software to maintain pinned
         page counts for page class 0 pages.  Page class 0 is
         used for base address space pages owned by the user. It's
         pointed to by the class 0 Delta-Pinned-Page-Count-Array
         Origin in the SIEBX, SIEDPPCAO. The page class 1
         array is used for NSS/DCSS imbedded shared pages and
         resides in the RSMBK.
0098  152 Dbl-Word     8 ASCDPPCA (0)
0098  152 Signed       4 ASCDPPB        Delta-pinned-page-count for all
                                        class 0 pages pinned below 2G
009C  156 Signed       4 ASCDPPA        Delta-pinned-page-count for all
                                        class 0 pages pinned above 2G
00A0  160 Signed       4 ASCCTPRS       Count of resident pages < 2G
                                        The following fields,
                                        ASCCTPLK/ASCCTPLKA, which contain
                                        counts of frames locked in
                                        absolute, cannot be relied upon
                                        to be instantaneously correct.
                                        These counts are modified by the
                                        roll-up routine which harvests
                                        the DPPCA counts and rolls them
                                        into these counts at specific
                                        times. In between calls, these
                                        counts may not reflect pins that
                                        have occurred or may not reflect
                                        unpins that have occurred. Care
                                        must be taken to ensure code that
                                        references these fields has no
                                        dependency on instantaneous
                                        correctness. When referencing a
                                        private address space, the counts
                                        can be made accurate by calling
                                        the HCPLALRU DPPCA rollup routine
                                        since the counts are private per
                                        space. However, for shared
                                        address spaces, calling HCPLALRU
                                        still does not guarantee the
                                        counts are completely accurate
                                        because HCPLALRU rolls up DPPCA
                                        counts for only the R11 user.
                                        Other users may also have
                                        outstanding pins/unpins that are
                                        not included.
00A4  164 Signed       4 ASCCTPLK       Count of locked pages <2G
00A8  168 Signed       8 ASCCTPLKA      Count of locked pages >2G
00B0  176 Signed       4 ASCCTPGS       Count of paging slots.
00B4  180 Signed       4 ASCCTXBK       Count of xstore blocks in this
                                        address space. XSTSTATL must be
                                        held to update this field.
00B8  184 Signed       4 *              Reserved for ASCCTPRG expansion
00BC  188 Signed       4 ASCCTPRG       Count of resident pages >= 2G
00C0  192 Signed       4 ASCHLLC        Count of pages locked in host
                                        logical storage
00C4  196 Signed       4 ASCHLRC        Host logical resident count
                                        Updates to this field are
                                        serialized by the SXSPM Queue
                                        Lock - RSASXQLK
      Cumulative historical counts, when address space is private
00C8  200 Signed       4 ASCCPPST       Count of private address space
                                        pages stolen
00CC  204 Signed       4 ASCCPPGR       Count of private address space
                                        pages read from DASD.
00D0  208 Signed       4 ASCCPPGW       Count of private address space
                                        pages written to DASD.
00D4  212 Signed       4 ASCCPXRD       Count of private address space
                                        pages read from XSTORE.
00D8  216 Signed       4 ASCCPXWT       Count of private address space
                                        pages written to XSTORE.
00DC  220 Signed       4 ASCCPMIG       Count of private address space
                                        pages migrated by CP from XSTORE
                                        to DASD.
      Cumulative historical counts, when address space is shared
00E0  224 Signed       4 ASCPTRSH       Cumulative count of page
                                        translations for shared pages.
00E4  228 Signed       4 ASCCSPST       Count of shared address space
                                        pages stolen
00E8  232 Signed       4 ASCCSPGR       Count of shared address space
                                        pages read from DASD.
00EC  236 Signed       4 ASCCSPGW       Count of shared address space
                                        pages written to DASD.
00F0  240 Signed       4 ASCCSXRD       Count of shared address space
                                        pages read from XSTORE.
00F4  244 Signed       4 ASCCSXWT       Count of shared address space
                                        pages written to XSTORE.
00F8  248 Signed       4 ASCCSMIG       Count of shared address space
                                        pages migrated by CP from XSTORE
                                        to DASD.
00FC  252 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
      End of address space statistics area.
      The following fields are serialized by the available list
      replenishment demand scan lock.  They are used to sort the
      queue of stolen FRMTEs by address space (for user address
      space frames, VDISK address space frames, and NSS/DCSS
      shared segment frames) and by virtual address megabyte
      (for NSS/DCSS shared segment frames only).
0100  256 Address      4 ASCSTLNX       Host Logical Address Address of
                                        the next ASCBK for an address
                                        space from which pages were
                                        stolen in this iteration of the
                                        steal task. Each iteration will
                                        initialize this field to
                                        x'FFFFFFFF'. When the entire
                                        queue of FRMTEs is sorted (by
                                        address space), the last ASCBK in
                                        this chain will have x'FFFFFFFF'
                                        in this field.
0104  260 Address      4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0108  264 Address      8 ASC1STFRG      Host Logical Address Address of
                                        the first FRMTE that was stolen
                                        from this address space in this
                                        iteration of the steal task, and
                                        anchor of the queue of all FRMTEs
                                        stolen from this address space by
                                        this iteration of the steal task
                                        (queued by FRMTE field FRMFPNTG).
                                        Each iteration will initialize
                                        this field to -1, and a FRMTE
                                        FRMFPNTG value of -1 indicates
                                        that it is the last FRMTE on the
0110  272 Address      8 ASCLSTFRG      Host Logical Address Address of
                                        the last (processed) FRMTE that
                                        was stolen from this address
                                        space in this iteration of the
                                        steal task. Each iteration will
                                        initialize this field to -1 and a
                                        FRMTE FRMFPNTG value of -1
                                        indicates that it is the last
                                        FRMTE on the queue. Only used
                                        when sorting FRMTEs for normal
                                        user pages, which do not need to
                                        be sorted by segment (virtual
                                        address megabyte). For NSS/DCSS
                                        shared segment page FRMTEs, use
                                        ASC1STPG instead.
0118  280 Address      8 ASC1STPG       Host Real Address Address of the
                                        first PGMBK for this address
                                        space from which pages were
                                        stolen in this iteration of the
                                        steal task, and anchor of the
                                        queue of all PGMBKs for this
                                        address space from which pages
                                        were stolen in this iteration of
                                        the steal task (queued by PGMBK
                                        field PGMGNPGM). Each iteration
                                        will initialize this field to all
                                        FFs, and all FFs in a PGMBK
                                        PGMGNPGM field indicates that it
                                        is the last PGMBK on the list.
                                        Only used when sorting FRMTEs for
                                        NSS/DCSS shared segment pages,
                                        which must be sorted by segment
                                        (virtual address megabyte). For
                                        normal user page FRMTEs, use
                                        ASCLSTFRG instead.
0120  288 Address      8 ASCLSTPG       Host Real Address Address of the
                                        last PGMBK for this address space
                                        from which pages were stolen in
                                        this iteration of the steal task.
                                        Each iteration will initialize
                                        this field to all FFs, and all
                                        FFs in a PGMBK PGMGNPGM field
                                        indicates that it is the last
                                        PGMBK on the list. Only used when
                                        sorting FRMTEs for NSS/DCSS
                                        shared segment pages, which must
                                        be sorted by segment (virtual
                                        address megabyte).
      Region Translation Cache
         ASCR0STD, ASCR0RFT, ASCR0RST, and ASCR0RTT, are in
         ASCE format, that is, the bits which define the table
         level are DT bits (level of the designated table), not
         R*TE format TT bits (which indicate the level of the
         table containing the R*TE).  Any ASCR0R*T fields
         corresponding to table levels higher than that
         designated by the current ASCE are set to zero.
         Serialization of these fields is as follows: For the
         entry designating the current highest level table for
         the address space (that is, the entry which matches the
         current ASCE), PTIL must be held exclusive.  For all
         lower level table entries, either PTIL must be held
         exclusive, or a share of PTIL must be held along with
         RTETRANS in the next higher level R*TE which designates
         the same table.
0128  296 Dbl-Word     8 ASCR0STD       Host Real Address + other bits
                                        Rx=0 segment table designation
0130  304 Dbl-Word     8 ASCR0RFT       Host Real Address + other bits
                                        Rx=0 region first table
0138  312 Dbl-Word     8 ASCR0RST       Host Real Address + other bits
                                        Rx=0 region second table
0140  320 Dbl-Word     8 ASCR0RTT       Host Real Address + other bits
                                        Rx=0 region third table
0148  328 Dbl-Word     8 * (3)          Reserved for IBM use
0160  352 Signed       4 ASCMVABV       Number of times a page in this
                                        address space with a frame
                                        address < 2G was moved to a
                                        frame with address >= 2G.
0164  356 Signed       4 ASCMVB2G       Number of times a page in this
                                        address space was moved from a
                                        frame with address >= 2G to
                                        one < 2G.
      HDPBK queues - HDPBKs are the programming areas
      associated with host region and segment tables.  To make
      traversal of sparsely populated tables easier, we keep
      several doubly linked queues of HDPBKs.  The first HDPBK
      queue is the "addressable storage" HDPBK queue, containing
      queue is the "addressable" queue, and contains HDPBKs
      (potentially representing different table levels) for
      each addressable extent of storage, in ascending virtual
      address range order.  The remaining HDPBK queues contain
      all of the HDPBKs for a given table level, again, in
      ascending virtual address range order.
      The region table(s) (if any) and segment table for region
      0 are pre-allocated when the space is created.  Therefore,
      an HDPBK representing region 0 will be the first HDPBK on
      each queue.
      Each queue header can also be mapped using the HDPQPTRA
      HDPBK Queue Pointer Area DSECT define in HCPHDPBK.
0168  360 Signed       8 * (0)
0168  360 Bitstring   40 ASCHDPQS (0)   HDPBK queue header area - space
                                        for 5 queues
0168  360 Signed       8 ASCADHDQ (0)   Addressable storage HDPBK queue
                                        header - doubly linked queue of
0168  360 Signed       4 ASCADHDN       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to first HDPBK on
                                        addressable storage HDPBK queue.
                                        Always points to lowest level
                                        HDPBK for region 0 (RX=0).
016C  364 Signed       4 ASCADHDP       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to last HDPBK on
                                        addressable storage HDPBK queue.
0170  368 Signed       8 ASCSGHDQ (0)   Segment table HDPBK queue header
0170  368 Signed       4 ASCSGHDN       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to first HDPBK on segment
                                        table HDPBK queue. Always points
                                        to segment table HDPBK for region
                                        0 (RX=0).
0174  372 Signed       4 ASCSGHDP       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to last HDPBK on segment
                                        table HDPBK queue.
0178  376 Signed       8 ASCRTHDQ (0)   Region third table HDPBK queue
0178  376 Signed       4 ASCRTHDN       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to first HDPBK on region
                                        third table HDPBK queue. If
                                        ASCHIBYT > 2G, points to
                                        region third HDPBK for region 0
017C  380 Signed       4 ASCRTHDP       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to last HDPBK on region
                                        3rd table HDPBK queue.
0180  384 Signed       8 ASCRSHDQ (0)   Region second table HDPBK queue
0180  384 Signed       4 ASCRSHDN       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to first HDPBK on region
                                        2nd table HDPBK queue. If high
                                        address > 4T, points to region
                                        second HDPBK for region 0 (R2X=0,
0184  388 Signed       4 ASCRSHDP       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to last HDPBK on region
                                        3rd table HDPBK queue.
0188  392 Signed       8 ASCRFHDQ (0)   Region 1st table HDPBK queue hdr
0188  392 Signed       4 ASCRFHDN       Host Logical Address Forward
                                        pointer to first HDPBK on region
                                        first table HDPBK queue. If
                                        ASCHIBYT > 8P, points to
                                        region first HDPBK for region 0
                                        (R1X=0, R2X=0, R3X=0).
018C  396 Signed       4 ASCRFHDP       Host Logical Address Backward
                                        pointer to last HDPBK on region
                                        first table HDPBK queue.
      Address Space Storage Configuration area
      This array contains address extent information for each
      defined address extent.  For most address spaces, there
      will only be one extent defined, from 0 to ASCHIBYT.  If
      the DEFine STORage CONFIGuration command was used to
      define multiple discontiguous address extents, this array
      contains one additional entry for each additional address
      extent defined.  Up to eight extents are allowed, the
      first extent must begin at address zero.
      Individual array elements are mapped by STCONFIG DSECT.
      Array elements must be sorted in ascending virtual address
      order.  Address ranges must not overlap, and must not be
          00000008       ASCSTELS       8 Number of elements in storage
                                        configuration array
0190  400 Signed       4 ASCSTCAE       Number of additional storage
                                        configuration array elements used
                                        to represent the current storage
                                        config. Is also index of last
                                        used element. Element 0 is always
                                        used. Must be between 0 and
                                        ASCSTELS-1, inclusive.
0194  404 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
0198  408 Signed       8 * (0)
0198  408 Bitstring  128 ASCSTCFG (0)   ASCSTCFG area contains ASCSTELS
                                        elements, two doublewords each
0198  408 Signed       8 ASCSTCE0 (2)   ASCSTCFG element 0
          00000010       ASCSTLEN       *-ASCSTCE0 Length of one element
          0000000E       ASCWK          (ASCSTELS-1)*2
01A8  424 Signed       8 * (14)         Remaining elements
0218  536 Address      4 ASCSTCMD       Host Logical Address Pointer to
                                        the GSDBK containing saved image
                                        of the storage configuration
                                        definition string as issued on
                                        the actual DEFine STORage
                                        CONFIGuration command
      Address Space Storage Element Data Area
      While a typical configuration would have at most 512
      address increments per element (if using a sufficiently
      large increment size), we must also allow for the
      artificial increment size of 1M regardless of total
      storage size.  For "DEF STOR 16E", this means that we
      would have 16E/M, or 16T increments.  This requires that
      we define ASCRNMAX as FD.  This also requires ASCEL0cf to
      be defined FD since all storage would be defined to be in
      element 0, and there would be no element 1.
      Changes to the "nbr increments" fields should be done
      under exclusive control of the ASCLOCK lock.
021C  540 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use The bit maps
                                        of assigned/unassigned address
                                        increments are valid ONLY if
                                        element 1 is defined.
      Element 0 can have 512 increments.
      Element 1 can have 512 increments.
      So we need 1024 bits.
      But we don't map 512 bits to each element.
        If element 0 has 'n' increments,
        then increment 'n+1' is the first of element 1.
0220  544 Bitstring  128 ASCELbmp       Assigned address increments
02A0  672 Signed       8 ASCEL0cf       EL 0 nbr increments configured
02A8  680 Signed       2 ASCEL0st       EL 0 nbr increments standby
02AA  682 Signed       2 ASCEL0rs       EL 0 nbr increments reserved
02AC  684 Signed       2 ASCEL1cf       EL 1 nbr increments configured
02AE  686 Signed       2 ASCEL1st       EL 1 nbr increments standby
02B0  688 Signed       2 ASCEL1rs       EL 1 nbr increments reserved
02B2  690 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
02B4  692 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
02B8  696 Signed       8 ASCRNMAX       Maximum storage increment number
                                        Should be equal to the sum of
                                        ASCEL0cf + ASCEL0st + ASCEL0rs +
                                        ASCEL1cf + ASCEL1st + ASCEL1rs
02C0  704 Signed       8 ASCSTINC       Storage increment size:M
02C8  712 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use
      End of ASCBK
02D0  720 Dbl-Word     8 ASC$END (0)    End of control block
          000002D0       ASCLEN         *-ASCBK Length of ASCBK in bytes
          0000005A       ASCSIZE        (ASCLEN+7)/8 Size of ASCBK in
      DSECT to map individual ASCSTCFG storage configuration


ASCBK Storage Layout

*** ASCBK - Address-Space-Control Block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         ASCOFPNT          |         ASCSFPNT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         ASCSBPNT          |         ASCSEQNO          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |                       ASCUSRID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       ASCNAME                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         ASCSNTBK          |         ASCASTER          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         ASCASTEL          |         ASCSCRSN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         ASCSPIBK          |         ASCOWNER          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |                                                       |
*     =                       ASCLOCK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       ASCHIBYT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       ASCDEFSZ                        |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  70 |///////////////////////////|:STATE|:TYPE |:FRMCD|ASCKEY|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  78 |         ASCIACCT          |         ASCITRCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         ASCRTRCT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  88 |         ASCTYPTR          |:FOLST|:SUTYP|:MISC |//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  90 |          ASCMSO           |         ASCCTSPI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         ASCDPPB           |         ASCDPPA           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         ASCCTPRS          |         ASCCTPLK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |                      ASCCTPLKA                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         ASCCTPGS          |         ASCCTXBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |///////////////////////////|         ASCCTPRG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         ASCHLLC           |         ASCHLRC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         ASCCPPST          |         ASCCPPGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         ASCCPPGW          |         ASCCPXRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         ASCCPXWT          |         ASCCPMIG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E0 |         ASCPTRSH          |         ASCCSPST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E8 |         ASCCSPGR          |         ASCCSPGW          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F0 |         ASCCSXRD          |         ASCCSXWT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  F8 |         ASCCSMIG          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 100 |         ASCSTLNX          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 108 |                      ASC1STFRG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 110 |                      ASCLSTFRG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 118 |                       ASC1STPG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 120 |                       ASCLSTPG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 128 |                       ASCR0STD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 130 |                       ASCR0RFT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 138 |                       ASCR0RST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 140 |                       ASCR0RTT                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 148 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 160 |         ASCMVABV          |         ASCMVB2G          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 168 |         ASCADHDN          |         ASCADHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 170 |         ASCSGHDN          |         ASCSGHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 178 |         ASCRTHDN          |         ASCRTHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 180 |         ASCRSHDN          |         ASCRSHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 188 |         ASCRFHDN          |         ASCRFHDP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 190 |         ASCSTCAE          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 198 |                       ASCSTCE0                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 1A8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 218 |         ASCSTCMD          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 220 |                                                       |
*     =                       ASCELBMP                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2A0 |                       ASCEL0CF                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2A8 |  ASCEL0ST   |  ASCEL0RS   |  ASCEL1CF   |  ASCEL1ST   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2B0 |  ASCEL1RS   |/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 2B8 |                       ASCRNMAX                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C0 |                       ASCSTINC                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 2C8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** ASCBK - Address-Space-Control Block


ASCBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
ASC$END        02D0
ASCADHDN       0168
ASCADHDP       016C
ASCADHDQ       0168
ASCASTEl       0038
ASCASTEr       0034
ASCCPPGW       00D0
ASCCPPST       00C8
ASCCPXRD       00D4
ASCCPXWT       00D8
ASCCSMIG       00F8
ASCCSPGR       00E8
ASCCSPST       00E4
ASCCSXRD       00F0
ASCCSXWT       00F4
ASCCTPGS       00B0
ASCCTPLK       00A4
ASCCTPRS       00A0
ASCCTSPI       0094
ASCCTXBK       00B4
ASCDEFSZ       0068
ASCDPPA        009C
ASCDPPB        0098
ASCDPPCA       0098
ASCDSTRY       008E 80
ASCEASIT       0038
ASCELbmp       0220
ASCEL0cf       02A0
ASCEL0rs       02AA
ASCEL0st       02A8
ASCEL1cf       02AC
ASCEL1rs       02B0
ASCEL1st       02AE
ASCE1ATT       0074 20
ASCE1DEF       0074 38
ASCE1RSV       0074 08
ASCE1SBY       0074 10
ASCFOLST       008C
ASCFRMCD       0076
ASCHDPQS       0168
ASCHIBYT       0060
ASCHLLC        00C0
ASCHLRC        00C4
ASCIACCT       0078
ASCITRCT       007C
ASCKEY         0077
ASCLEN         02D0 000002D0
ASCLOCK        0048
ASCLSTFRG      0110
ASCLSTPG       0120
ASCMDEXT       0074 01
ASCMISC        008E
ASCMSO         0090
ASCMVABV       0160
ASCMVB2G       0164
ASCNAME        0018
ASCOFPNT       0000
ASCOUFO        008C 80
ASCOWNER       0044
ASCPTRSH       00E0
ASCPUBLC       0074 40
ASCRELOC       008E 40
ASCRELSRC      008E 20
ASCRFHDN       0188
ASCRFHDP       018C
ASCRFHDQ       0188
ASCRNMAX       02B8
ASCRSHDN       0180
ASCRSHDP       0184
ASCRSHDQ       0180
ASCRTHDN       0178
ASCRTHDP       017C
ASCRTHDQ       0178
ASCRTRCT       0080
ASCRUSYS       0074 02
ASCR0RFT       0130
ASCR0RST       0138
ASCR0RTT       0140
ASCR0STD       0128
ASCSBPNT       0008
ASCSCRSN       003C
ASCSEQNO       000C
ASCSFO         008C 40
ASCSFPNT       0004
ASCSGHDN       0170
ASCSGHDP       0174
ASCSGHDQ       0170
ASCSHARE       0074 80
ASCSIZE        02D0 0000005A
ASCSNTBK       0030
ASCSPCID       0010
ASCSPIBK       0040
ASCSTATE       0074
ASCSTCAE       0190
ASCSTCE0       0198
ASCSTCFG       0198
ASCSTCMD       0218
ASCSTELS       018C 00000008
ASCSTINC       02C0
ASCSTLEN       0198 00000010
ASCSTLNX       0100
ASCSUTYP       008D
ASCTDATA       0075 40
ASCTSNT        0075 04
ASCTSYSU       0075 10
ASCTSYSX       0075 20
ASCTUSER       0075 80
ASCTYPE        0075
ASCTYPTR       0088
ASCUCONN       008D 08
ASCUFTC        008D 10
ASCUIDNT       008D 04
ASCUPREF       008D 40
ASCUPTRM       008D 80
ASCUREAL       008D 02
ASCUSRID       0010
ASCUVDSK       008D 20
ASCWK          0198 0000000E
ASC1STFRG      0108
ASC1STPG       0118

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 10:52:36 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011