Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM. |
Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
ARDHDR Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDHDR ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Signed 4 ARDHL Header Length On disk this reflects the shortened header. In memory, after expansion this includes the expansion area length 0004 4 Signed 4 ARDHXL Expanded section length as created by CP on the singleton member. Used when the ARD is expanded on other members who might be running an older version of CP. On the originating system ARDHXL will equal ARDHXLEN. 0008 8 Signed 4 ARDHVER Version of ARD Encoding Structure BEGIN NEW SECTION CAUTION ARDHVER reflects the version of CP that built the PDR ARD. It is checked for compatibility with the executing CP by comparing it with ARDHCPV. Members whose singleton ARDs have differing versions cannot co-exist in the same domain. Check for compatibility must be done before calling HCPARDUA, HCPARDIA, HCPARDXP and HCPARDDP The version is changed only when an extension to the ARD structure mandates a concomitant compatibility APAR for routines that manipulate ARDs. Some extensions to the ARD can be tolerated by a version of CP that was built using older ARD DSECTS. In general extensions that don't mandate a version change are: Extensions to the host STFLE String Extensions to the SIE STFLE Strings Extensions to the CP Architecture Section - Masks and additional architectures Extensions to the FII sections Extension to other sections will need careful consideration. Extensions to the vector table will mandate a change in ARD version. Equates for absolute version numbers of the ARD used to identify specific versions of the ARD. 00000001 ARDHV1 1 Version one of the ARD 00000002 ARDHV2 2 Version two of the ARD 00000003 ARDHV3 3 Version three of the ARD 00000004 ARDHV4 4 Version four of the ARD 00000005 ARDHV5 5 Version five of the ARD 00000006 ARDHV6 6 Version six of the ARD 00000007 ARDHV7 7 Version seven of the ARD 00000008 ARDHV8 8 Version eight of the ARD 00000009 ARDHV9 9 Version nine of the ARD 00000001 ARDHCPV ARDHV1 ARD version supported by the executing CP to test for ARD compatibility. END NEW SECTION CAUTION 000C 12 Signed 4 ARDHTL Total Length of ARD Encoding 0010 16 Address 4 ARDHVTP Pointer to ARDVT 0014 20 Signed 4 ARDHVTL Vector Table Length 0018 24 Signed 4 ARDHNSDW Host STFLE String Length in DWords 001C 28 Bitstring 1 ARDHFLGS Flags byte 1... .... ARDHFXPD X'80' ARDHFXPD ARD had been expanded. Pointers contain logical addresses and section is expanded. .1.. .... ARDHFCDA X'40' ARDHFCDA Canonical domain ARD. ..1. .... ARDHFDMY X'20' ARDHFDMY Dummy ARD built as a placeholder pending creation of the PDR on first ever IPL .111 1111 ARDHFNXP X'FF'-ARDHFXPD ARDHFNXP PDR unexpanded disk version o 1.11 1111 ARDHFVDA X'FF'-ARDHFCDA ARDHFVDA This is a varient ARD 11.1 1111 ARDHFNDM X'FF'-ARDHFDMY ARDHFNDM This ARD is not a dummy ARD 001D 29 Bitstring 3 * Reserved for alignment Fields below this point are used only in the expanded in-storage version of the ARD. If the ARD Header is altered then new fields that are not part of the PDR must be appended to the section below. New fields to be included in the unexpanded PDR ARD must be inserted above. 0020 32 Signed 4 ARDHEXP (0) Start of Header Expansion Area 0020 32 Address 4 ARDHNXT Next in chain, zero if end of chain 0020 32 Address 4 ARDHASP ARD Source Address used when transmitting a copy of this are to a target member. ARDHASP will enable the vector table pointers to be recalculated for use on the target system by applying the difference between this value and the address of this ARD on the target member 0024 36 Address 4 ARDHRDM Pointer to RDMBK 0028 40 Address 4 ARDHVMDP Ptr to chain of VMDBKs using this ARD 002C 44 Signed 4 ARDHSEQ ARD Sequence number for this ARD 0030 48 Bitstring 4 ARDHMASK Member override mask - see RDMBK 0034 52 Bitstring 4 * Reserved for alignment 0038 56 Dbl-Word 8 ARDHVMRH Handle of the previous ARD a guest was assigned to prior to relocation or domain assignment. Used by VMRELOCATE and SET VMRELOCATE to avoid ARD proliferation when multiple users are moved or reassigned. 0038 56 Address 4 ARDHVMRD Address of prior ARD's domain 003C 60 Bitstring 4 ARDHVMSQ Prior ARD's Sequence number 003C 60 Bitstring 1 ARDHVMIX Prior ARD's Member Index number which overlays top byte of the sequence no 003D 61 Bitstring 3 ARDHVMQ3 3 low-order bytes of the ARD Seq No 00000040 ARDHEND * HCPARDXP relies on the following equates to be invariant across the entire membership of the SSI. 00000020 ARDHPDL ARDHEXP-ARDHDR Length of PDR ARD header 00000020 ARDHXLEN ARDHEND-ARDHEXP Length of header expansion section 00000040 ARDHDLEN ARDHEND-ARDHDR Length of full header section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDVT ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Address 4 ARDVCPCP Pointer to CP Characteristics Section 0004 4 Signed 4 ARDVCPCL CP Characteristics Encoding Length CP Architecture Section described by ARDCASEC dsect 0008 8 Address 4 ARDVCPAP Pointer to CP Architecture Section 000C 12 Signed 4 ARDVCPAL CP Architecture Encoding Length Host STFLE Section described by ARDSTSEC dsect 0010 16 Address 4 ARDVSTFP Pointer to host STFLE Section 0014 20 Signed 4 ARDVSTFL Length of host STFLE Section (in bytes) CPU Model Section described by ARDMDSEC dsect 0018 24 Address 4 ARDVMODP Pointer to model information (STSI and STIDP) 001C 28 Signed 4 ARDVMODL Length of model section CPU Read_SCP_Info Section described by ARDRSSEC dsect (ARDBX) 0020 32 Address 4 ARDVSCPP Pointer to READ_SCP_INFO section 0024 36 Signed 4 ARDVSCPL Length of RSCPI section CHSC Section described by ARDCHSEC dsect (ARDBX) 0028 40 Address 4 ARDVCHIP Pointer to Channel System Information section 002C 44 Signed 4 ARDVCHIL Length of CHSC section FII Function Query Section described by ARDFISEC dsect 0030 48 Address 4 ARDVFIIP Pointer to FII Function Query section 0034 52 Signed 4 ARDVFIIL Length of FII section Extended FII Function Query Sect -- ARDFXSEC dsect (ARDBX) 0038 56 Address 4 ARDVXFIP Pointer to Extended FII Function Query section 003C 60 Signed 4 ARDVXFIL Length of Extended FII section NEW SECTION CAUTION New PDR sections added above with a pointer/Length pair NEW SECTION CAUTION New XPD sections of fixed length added above with pointer/length Section that contains exact images of STFLE output for each architectural mode of guest: z/Arch, ESA, XC. Described by the ARDSISEC dsect. 0040 64 Address 4 ARDVSISP Pointer to SIE STFLE section 0044 68 Signed 4 ARDVSISL Length of SIE STLE section NEW SECTION CAUTION New XPD sections of dynamically-determined length added below 00000048 ARDVTEND * 00000048 ARDVTLEN ARDVTEND-ARDVT Length of ARD VT Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDCPSEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Character 8 ARDCPLPB Licensed Program Bit-map from DIAG 0 DS XL2 Reserved for future IBM use 0008 8 Bitstring 6 ARDCPLVL CP Level (ver, rel, mod and SLU) 0008 8 Bitstring 2 ARDCPVER Binary Version Number 000A 10 Bitstring 4 ARDCPREL Binary Release Information 000A 10 Bitstring 2 ARDCPRM CP Release and Modification Number 000A 10 Bitstring 1 ARDCPRN CP Release Number 000B 11 Bitstring 1 ARDCPMD CP Modification Number 000C 12 Bitstring 2 ARDCPSL CP Service Level 000E 14 Bitstring 2 ARDCPMCP Maximum number of CPUs supported 0010 16 Bitstring 1 ARDCPMVM Maximum configurable storage 0011 17 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for future IBM use 0014 20 Signed 4 * Reserved for future IBM use 0018 24 Bitstring 2 ARDCPMXD Maximum Data Count for FCX I/O 001A 26 Bitstring 6 * Reserved for IBM use 00000020 ARDCPEND * End of CP section for this CP 00000020 ARDCPLEN ARDCPEND-ARDCPSEC Length of CP capabilities section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDCASEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK CP Supported Architectures Section. This comprises a self-describing table of STFLE Masks which are ANDed against the native STFLE string to determine the feature set of each supported architecture (currently: zArchitecture, ESA/390, XC/390) The table table is preceded by a byte number of entries Each entry comprises a byte indicating architecture, a byte count of number of mask half words that follow. Each mask halfword is used against bits 0-15 of each doubleword of the STFLE strings. In otherwords, each halfword prepends X'FFFFFFFFFFFF' to form the corresponding doubleword mask. See AR note relating the bit assignments in the STFLE response. Bits 0-15 of each DW require CP support Bits 16-63 of each DW are transparent to CP and therefore passed through to the guest. The masks for each architecture are coded as equates to be used when building the ARDBK. However STFLSRS must be determined dynamically according to whether SIGP SRS interpretation is available to the guest. The number of mask bytes stored per architecture is a multiple of halfwords, not necessarily equal to the number of STFLE doublewords but sufficient for masking purposes. Any additional STFLE doublewords requiring masking will be subject to the default mask: X'0000FFFFFFFFFFFF' Important considerations when updating this section: HCPARD assumes that future updates to this section are cumulative. The overall length of this section is used to determine whether one ARD is a superset of another. Updates, which may include adding support for a new architecture and extensions to the STFLE masks must be well ordered. 0000 0 Bitstring 1 ARDCANAR Number of architectures supported 0001 1 Bitstring 1 * Reserved for alignment 0002 2 Bitstring 2 ARDCAARC (0) Beginning of an architecture entry allocation of the expanded ARD 0002 2 Bitstring 1 ARDCAATP Architecture applying to this entry 00000000 ARDCAZ X'00' ARDCAZ Z Architecture 00000001 ARDCAESA X'01' ARDCAESA ESA/390 Architecture 00000002 ARDCAXC X'02' ARDCAXC XC/390 Architecture 0003 3 Bitstring 1 ARDCAANH Number of mask halfwords that follow 0004 4 Bitstring 2 ARDCAMSK (0) STFLE mask HWords The following equates represent the architecture supported by this version of CP. To increase the number of supported architectures and facilities Set ARDCAARS and define the STFLE masks accordingly. Code in HCPARD does have tolerance for more than three guest architectures being present in the ARD but does not support the removal of an obsolete architecture or the re-ordering of architectures in the ARDCAARC table. Notes : throughout the ARD, STFLE related arrays are always sto in corresponding ascending order of ARDCPATP (architecture type) 00000003 ARDCAARS 3 Z, ESA/390, XC/390 STLFE mask for z/Arch guest. ARDMZ0 and ARDMZ1 define the first halfword mask 000000FF ARDMZ0 STFL0N3A+STFL0MEA+STFL0MEE+STFL0I DT+STFL0ICS+STFL0ICR+ST FL0ALR+STFL0FLE ARDMZ1 definition can be found in HCPARDBX ARDMZ8 and ARDMZ9 define the second halfword mask 00000000 ARDMZ8 0 0000000C ARDMZ9 STFLMSA3+STFLMSA4 00000002 ARDMZH 2 Number of mask halfwords required 00000006 ARDMZEL (2*ARDMZH)+2 Z mask entry length STLFE mask for ESA/390 non-XC guest. ARDM390 and ARDM391 define the first halfword mask 000000DF ARDM390 STFL0N3A+STFL0MEA+STFL0IDT+STFL0I CS+STFL0ICR+STFL0ALR+ST FL0FLE ARDM391 definition can be found in HCPARDBX ARDMZ8 and ARDMZ9 define the second halfword mask 00000000 ARDM398 0 0000000C ARDM399 STFLMSA3+STFLMSA4 00000002 ARDM39H 2 Number of mask halfwords required 00000006 ARDM39EL (2*ARDM39H)+2 ESA/390 mask entry length STLFE mask for XC guest. The bits for IDTE and ASN & LX Reuse facilities are turned off for XC guests because an XC guest is DAT OFF and these facilities require DAT. ARDMXC0 and ARDMXC1 define the first halfword mask 00000081 ARDMXC0 STFL0N3A+STFL0FLE ARDMXC1 definition can be found in HCPARDBX ARDMXC8 and ARDMXC9 define the second halfword mask 00000000 ARDMXC8 0 0000000C ARDMXC9 STFLMSA3+STFLMSA4 00000002 ARDMXCH 2 Number of mask halfwords required 00000006 ARDMXCEL (2*ARDMXCH)+2 XC mask entry length 00000012 ARDCAMSL ARDMZEL+ARDM39EL+ARDMXCEL Total length of mask table 0002 2 Bitstring 1 * Reserve space for this CP's masks 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) Pad to the next DWORD boundary 00000018 ARDCAEND * End of CP section for this CP 00000018 ARDCALEN ARDCAEND-ARDCASEC Length of CP architecture section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDSTSEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK This section is initially populated by the host STFLE string of the singleton member ARD. Following the formation of domains of more than one member this represents the common subset of native features present for all members of the domain. Nevertheless it is still referred to as the native STFLE string in HCPARD. For the singleton ARD the space reserved will be precisely the length of the host STFLE string stored on that member. There is no overflow space reserved as was formerly done by HCPBIE because: the ARD is rebuilt following an architecture upgrade. the SIE Interpreted STFLE responses are in ARDSISEC. These do contain expansion room for the same reasons as was done in HCPBIE. Where there are multiple members comprising a domain the space reserved will be the maximum of all the singleton native STFLE strings. No matter what domain the ARD represents, the length of the native STFLE string may be obtained from ARDHNSLN or ARDVSTFL 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 ARDSTFLE (0) Machine STFLE response DS 1D Minimum STFLE space (comment line) 00000000 ARDSTEND * 00000000 ARDSTLEN ARDSTEND-ARDSTSEC minimum Length of ARD STFLE Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDRSSEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Bitstring 4 ARDRSFPC FPCR validity mask (SCP INFO bytes 44-47) ARDRSFPC ARDFPZ10 X'F8F8FF73' ARDFPZ10 Implicit Z10 default for FPCR 0004 4 Bitstring 4 ARDRSIBC VAL controls (SCP INFO bytes 76-79) 0008 8 Bitstring 16 ARDRSIF Installed-SCLP-Facilities bit mask 0008 8 Bitstring 8 ARDRSIF1 Installed-SCLP-Facilities bit mask (SCP INFO bytes 48-55) 0008 8 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF0 0009 9 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF1 000A 10 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF2 000B 11 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF3 000C 12 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF4 000D 13 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF5 000E 14 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF6 000F 15 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF7 0010 16 Bitstring 8 ARDRSIF2 Extensions to the Installed Facilities (SCP INFO bytes 56-63) 0010 16 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF8 0011 17 Bitstring 1 ARDINSF9 0012 18 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFA 0013 19 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFB 0014 20 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFC 0015 21 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFD 0016 22 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFE 0017 23 Bitstring 1 ARDINSFF 0018 24 Bitstring 6 ARDRSCF1 Configuration characteristics Bits (1) (SCP INFO bytes 80-85) 0018 24 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG0 0019 25 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG1 001A 26 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG2 001B 27 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG3 001C 28 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG4 001D 29 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFG5 Configuration bytes 6-10 are not required for architecture lying purposes. If CP needs to reference these they should be taken directly from PCCCNGF6-PCCCNFGA Configuration byte 11 (SCP INFO byte 91) 001E 30 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFGB Configuration bytes 12-15 should be taken directly from PCCCNFGCC-PCCCNFGF 001F 31 Bitstring 1 * reserved 0020 32 Bitstring 4 ARDRSCF2 Configuration characteristics Bits (2) (SCP INFO bytes 116-119) 0020 32 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFX0 0021 33 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFX1 0022 34 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFX2 0023 35 Bitstring 1 ARDCNFX3 0024 36 Bitstring 4 * reserved 0028 40 Bitstring 2 * reserved 002A 42 Bitstring 14 ARDRSCPU Primary CPU installed-facility bits from recognized-CPU-list entries (SCP INFO first CPU entry bytes 2-15) 002A 42 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF0 002B 43 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF1 002C 44 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF2 002D 45 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF3 002E 46 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF4 002F 47 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF5 0030 48 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF6 0031 49 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF7 0032 50 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF8 0033 51 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF9 0034 52 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF10 0035 53 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF11 0036 54 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF12 0037 55 Bitstring 1 ARDCPF13 00000038 ARDRSEND * 00000038 ARDRSLEN ARDRSEND-ARDRSSEC Length of ARD Read SCPI Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDMDSEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Character 4 ARDMDTE STSI 1.1.1 Type in EBCDIC 0004 4 Bitstring 2 ARDMDTB STIDP Type in binary 0006 6 Bitstring 2 ARDIBM1 Reserved for IBM use 00000008 ARDMDEND * 00000008 ARDMDLEN ARDMDEND-ARDMDSEC Length of ARD CPU Model Section
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDFISEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK 0000 0 Bitstring 32 ARDPLO PLO Function availability bit mask 0020 32 Bitstring 16 ARDPTFF PTFF Function availability bit mask 0030 48 Bitstring 16 ARDKIMD KIMD Function availability bit mask 0040 64 Bitstring 16 ARDKLMD KLMD Function availability bit mask 0050 80 Bitstring 16 ARDKM KM Function availability bit mask 0060 96 Bitstring 16 ARDKMC KMC Function availability bit mask 0070 112 Bitstring 16 ARDKMAC KMAC Function availability bit mask 0080 128 Bitstring 16 ARDPCKMO PCKMO Function availability bit mask 0090 144 Bitstring 16 ARDKMF KMF Function availability bit mask 00A0 160 Bitstring 16 ARDKMCTR KMCTR Function availability bit mask 00B0 176 Bitstring 16 ARDKMO KMO Function availability bit mask 00C0 192 Bitstring 16 ARDPCC PCC Function availability bit mask 000000D0 ARDFIEND * 000000D0 ARDFILEN ARDFIEND-ARDFISEC Length of ARD FII Section Notes : HCPARDCA assumes ARDFISEC will never exceed 16KB with fu extensions NEW SECTION CAUTION All PDR ARD sections appear before this point and are built by HCPARDBA on the member they represent. All sections following are built on expansion by HCPARDXP by all members of the SSI. Sections of fixed-length are inserted before those with dynamically-determined lengths
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure ARDSISEC ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK This section is modelled on the VSIM data that was used formerly to record STFLE data for all guests. ARDCANAR is used to determine the number of array entries (ARDCAARS is used only to build the ARD by the local member) Notes : throughout the ARD STFLE related arrays are always store in ascending order of ARDCPATP (architecture type). This simplifies search algorithms and must be adhered to. 0000 0 Signed 4 ARDNFLL (0) Array of host logical addresses of guest STFLE responses 0000 0 Signed 4 ARDNFLZL Host logical address of STFLE response for z/Arch guest (non-XC) 0004 4 Signed 4 ARDNFL3L Host logical address of STFLE response for 390 guest (non-XC) 0008 8 Signed 4 ARDNFLXL Host logical address of STFLE response for XC guest 000C 12 Signed 4 ARDNFLR (0) Array of host real addresses of guest STFLE responses 000C 12 Signed 4 ARDNFLZR Host real address of STFLE response for z/Arch guest (non-XC) 0010 16 Signed 4 ARDNFL3R Host real address of STFLE response for 390 guest (non-XC) 0014 20 Signed 4 ARDNFLXR Host real address of STFLE response for XC guest 00000018 ARDNFLLL *-ARDNFLL Length of STFLE address array The following array of STFLE strings are used by SIE They are necessarily equal length entries equal to the size of the native string plus one double-word for reasons of overflow caused by concurrent firmware update. 0018 24 Dbl-Word 8 ARDSTSIE (0) Arrary of STFLE strings for SIE use BEGIN NEW SECTION CAUTION Total length of all sections in the unexpanded PDR ARD not including the host STFLE section (ARDSTSEC) and any future XPD sections 00000158 ARDTSLEN ARDFILEN+ARDMDLEN+ARDCALEN+ARDCPL EN+ARDVTLEN Total length of all fixed-length sections build by HCPARDXP 00000000 ARDXSLEN 0 END NEW SECTION CAUTION
ARDHDR Storage Layout
*** ARDHDR - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | ARDHL | ARDHXL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | ARDHVER | ARDHTL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | ARDHVTP | ARDHVTL | * +---------------------------+------+--------------------+ * 18 | ARDHNSDW |:HFLGS|////////////////////| * +---------------------------+------+--------------------+ * 20 | ARDHNXT | 24 * +---------------------------+ * *** ARDHDR - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** Overlay for ARDHNXT in ARDHDR * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 20 | ARDHASP | ARDHRDM | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 28 | ARDHVMDP | ARDHSEQ | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 30 | ARDHMASK |///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 38 | ARDHVMRH | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 40 * *** Overlay for ARDHNXT in ARDHDR *** Overlay for ARDHVMRH in ARDHDR * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 38 | ARDHVMRD | ARDHVMSQ | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 40 * *** Overlay for ARDHVMRH in ARDHDR *** Overlay for ARDHVMSQ in ARDHDR * * +------+--------------------+ * 38 ... 3C |:HVMIX| ARDHVMQ3 | * +------+--------------------+ * 40 * *** Overlay for ARDHVMSQ in ARDHDR *** ARDVT - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | ARDVCPCP | ARDVCPCL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | ARDVCPAP | ARDVCPAL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | ARDVSTFP | ARDVSTFL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 18 | ARDVMODP | ARDVMODL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 20 | ARDVSCPP | ARDVSCPL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 28 | ARDVCHIP | ARDVCHIL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 30 | ARDVFIIP | ARDVFIIL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 38 | ARDVXFIP | ARDVXFIL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 40 | ARDVSISP | ARDVSISL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 48 * *** ARDVT - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** ARDCPSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | ARDCPLPB | * +-----------------------------------------+-------------+ * 8 | ARDCPLVL |/////////////| * +-----------------------------------------+/////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 18 | ARDCPMXD |/////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+-----------------------------------------+ * 20 * *** ARDCPSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** Overlay for ARDCPLVL in ARDCPSEC * * +-------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | ARDCPVER | ARDCPREL | E * +-------------+---------------------------+ * *** Overlay for ARDCPLVL in ARDCPSEC *** Overlay for ARDCPREL in ARDCPSEC * * +-------------+ * 8 ... A | ARDCPRM | C * +-------------+ * *** Overlay for ARDCPREL in ARDCPSEC *** Overlay for ARDCPRM in ARDCPSEC * * +------+------+-------------+-------------+ * 8 ... A |:CPRN |:CPMD | ARDCPSL | ARDCPMCP | * +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+ * 10 |:CPMVM|//////|/////////////|///////////////////////////| * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 18 * *** Overlay for ARDCPRM in ARDCPSEC *** ARDCASEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +------+------+------+------+ * 0 |:CANAR|//////|:CAATP|:CAANH| * +------+------+------+------+ * *** ARDCASEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** Overlay for ARDCAARC in ARDCASEC * * +------+----------------------------------+ * 0 ... 2 |//////|//////////////////////////////////| * +-------------+------+//////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 18 * *** Overlay for ARDCAARC in ARDCASEC *** ARDSTSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * *** ARDSTSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** ARDRSSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | ARDRSFPC | ARDRSIBC | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | ARDRSIF | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 18 * *** ARDRSSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** Overlay for ARDRSIF in ARDRSSEC * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 8 | ARDRSIF1 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 10 * *** Overlay for ARDRSIF in ARDRSSEC *** Overlay for ARDRSIF1 in ARDRSSEC * * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 8 |:INSF0|:INSF1|:INSF2|:INSF3|:INSF4|:INSF5|:INSF6|:INSF7| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 10 | ARDRSIF2 | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 18 * *** Overlay for ARDRSIF1 in ARDRSSEC *** Overlay for ARDRSIF2 in ARDRSSEC * * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 10 |:INSF8|:INSF9|:INSFA|:INSFB|:INSFC|:INSFD|:INSFE|:INSFF| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 18 | ARDRSCF1 | 1E * +-----------------------------------------+ * *** Overlay for ARDRSIF2 in ARDRSSEC *** Overlay for ARDRSCF1 in ARDRSSEC * * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 18 |:CNFG0|:CNFG1|:CNFG2|:CNFG3|:CNFG4|:CNFG5|:CNFGB|//////| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 20 | ARDRSCF2 | 24 * +---------------------------+ * *** Overlay for ARDRSCF1 in ARDRSSEC *** Overlay for ARDRSCF2 in ARDRSSEC * * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * 20 |:CNFX0|:CNFX1|:CNFX2|:CNFX3|///////////////////////////| * +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+ * 28 |/////////////| ARDRSCPU | * +-------------+ | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 38 * *** Overlay for ARDRSCF2 in ARDRSSEC *** Overlay for ARDRSCPU in ARDRSSEC * * +------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 28 ... 2A |:CPF0 |:CPF1 |:CPF2 |:CPF3 |:CPF4 |:CPF5 | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 30 |:CPF6 |:CPF7 |:CPF8 |:CPF9 |:CPF10|:CPF11|:CPF12|:CPF13| * +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * 38 * *** Overlay for ARDRSCPU in ARDRSSEC *** ARDMDSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ * 0 | ARDMDTE | ARDMDTB | ARDIBM1 | * +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ * 8 * *** ARDMDSEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** ARDFISEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | | * = ARDPLO = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 20 | ARDPTFF | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 30 | ARDKIMD | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 40 | ARDKLMD | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 50 | ARDKM | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 60 | ARDKMC | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 70 | ARDKMAC | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 80 | ARDPCKMO | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 90 | ARDKMF | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * A0 | ARDKMCTR | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * B0 | ARDKMO | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * C0 | ARDPCC | * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * D0 * *** ARDFISEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK *** ARDSISEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | ARDNFLZL | ARDNFL3L | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | ARDNFLXL | ARDNFLZR | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | ARDNFL3R | ARDNFLXR | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * *** ARDSISEC - ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION BLOCK
ARDHDR Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- ARDCAANH 0003 ARDCAARC 0002 ARDCAARS 0004 00000003 ARDCAATP 0002 ARDCAEND 0018 00000018 ARDCAESA 0002 00000001 ARDCALEN 0018 00000018 ARDCAMSK 0004 ARDCAMSL 0004 00000012 ARDCANAR 0000 ARDCAXC 0002 00000002 ARDCAZ 0002 00000000 ARDCNFGB 001E ARDCNFG0 0018 ARDCNFG1 0019 ARDCNFG2 001A ARDCNFG3 001B ARDCNFG4 001C ARDCNFG5 001D ARDCNFX0 0020 ARDCNFX1 0021 ARDCNFX2 0022 ARDCNFX3 0023 ARDCPEND 001A 00000020 ARDCPF0 002A ARDCPF1 002B ARDCPF10 0034 ARDCPF11 0035 ARDCPF12 0036 ARDCPF13 0037 ARDCPF2 002C ARDCPF3 002D ARDCPF4 002E ARDCPF5 002F ARDCPF6 0030 ARDCPF7 0031 ARDCPF8 0032 ARDCPF9 0033 ARDCPLEN 001A 00000020 ARDCPLPB 0000 ARDCPLVL 0008 ARDCPMCP 000E ARDCPMD 000B ARDCPMVM 0010 ARDCPMXD 0018 ARDCPREL 000A ARDCPRM 000A ARDCPRN 000A ARDCPSL 000C ARDCPVER 0008 ARDFIEND 00C0 000000D0 ARDFILEN 00C0 000000D0 ARDFPZ10 0000 ARDRSFPC ARDHASP 0020 ARDHCPV 0008 00000001 ARDHDLEN 003D 00000040 ARDHEND 003D 00000040 ARDHEXP 0020 ARDHFCDA 001C 40 ARDHFDMY 001C 20 ARDHFLGS 001C ARDHFNDM 001C DF ARDHFNXP 001C 7F ARDHFVDA 001C BF ARDHFXPD 001C 80 ARDHL 0000 ARDHMASK 0030 ARDHNSDW 0018 ARDHNXT 0020 ARDHPDL 003D 00000020 ARDHRDM 0024 ARDHSEQ 002C ARDHTL 000C ARDHVER 0008 ARDHVMDP 0028 ARDHVMIX 003C ARDHVMQ3 003D ARDHVMRD 0038 ARDHVMRH 0038 ARDHVMSQ 003C ARDHVTL 0014 ARDHVTP 0010 ARDHV1 0008 00000001 ARDHV2 0008 00000002 ARDHV3 0008 00000003 ARDHV4 0008 00000004 ARDHV5 0008 00000005 ARDHV6 0008 00000006 ARDHV7 0008 00000007 ARDHV8 0008 00000008 ARDHV9 0008 00000009 ARDHXL 0004 ARDHXLEN 003D 00000020 ARDIBM1 0006 ARDINSFA 0012 ARDINSFB 0013 ARDINSFC 0014 ARDINSFD 0015 ARDINSFE 0016 ARDINSFF 0017 ARDINSF0 0008 ARDINSF1 0009 ARDINSF2 000A ARDINSF3 000B ARDINSF4 000C ARDINSF5 000D ARDINSF6 000E ARDINSF7 000F ARDINSF8 0010 ARDINSF9 0011 ARDKIMD 0030 ARDKLMD 0040 ARDKM 0050 ARDKMAC 0070 ARDKMC 0060 ARDKMCTR 00A0 ARDKMF 0090 ARDKMO 00B0 ARDMDEND 0006 00000008 ARDMDLEN 0006 00000008 ARDMDTB 0004 ARDMDTE 0000 ARDMXCEL 0004 00000006 ARDMXCH 0004 00000002 ARDMXC0 0004 00000081 ARDMXC8 0004 00000000 ARDMXC9 0004 0000000C ARDMZEL 0004 00000006 ARDMZH 0004 00000002 ARDMZ0 0004 000000FF ARDMZ8 0004 00000000 ARDMZ9 0004 0000000C ARDM39EL 0004 00000006 ARDM39H 0004 00000002 ARDM390 0004 000000DF ARDM398 0004 00000000 ARDM399 0004 0000000C ARDNFLL 0000 ARDNFLLL 0014 00000018 ARDNFLR 000C ARDNFLXL 0008 ARDNFLXR 0014 ARDNFLZL 0000 ARDNFLZR 000C ARDNFL3L 0004 ARDNFL3R 0010 ARDPCC 00C0 ARDPCKMO 0080 ARDPLO 0000 ARDPTFF 0020 ARDRSCF1 0018 ARDRSCF2 0020 ARDRSCPU 002A ARDRSEND 0037 00000038 ARDRSFPC 0000 ARDRSIBC 0004 ARDRSIF 0008 ARDRSIF1 0008 ARDRSIF2 0010 ARDRSLEN 0037 00000038 ARDSTEND 0000 00000000 ARDSTFLE 0000 ARDSTLEN 0000 00000000 ARDSTSIE 0018 ARDTSLEN 0018 00000158 ARDVCHIL 002C ARDVCHIP 0028 ARDVCPAL 000C ARDVCPAP 0008 ARDVCPCL 0004 ARDVCPCP 0000 ARDVFIIL 0034 ARDVFIIP 0030 ARDVMODL 001C ARDVMODP 0018 ARDVSCPL 0024 ARDVSCPP 0020 ARDVSISL 0044 ARDVSISP 0040 ARDVSTFL 0014 ARDVSTFP 0010 ARDVTEND 0044 00000048 ARDVTLEN 0044 00000048 ARDVXFIL 003C ARDVXFIP 0038 ARDXSLEN 0018 00000000
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