Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

$IOCM Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Relocation mapping for HCPIOCM
 DSECT      : $IOCM
 FUNCTION   : LGRIOCM describes those fields of the IOCM block
              that will be relocated to the destination system
              during guest relocation.
 LOCATED BY : This is a mapping of the RDODATA area within the
              RDOBK during guest relocation.
 DELETED BY : HCPRLDRL - Release storage associated with an RDP
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This control block is used during live guest
              relocation.  It is used to relocate a control block
              defined in a corresponding HCP COPY file.  Any
              fields or bits defined in HCPIOCM which are
              required on the destination system must be defined
              here, and code must be added to migrate the field
              or bit during a relocation.


$IOCM Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      $IOCM          Relocation mapping for HCPIOCM
          00000001       $IOCM_VER      1 Mapping version number for this
                                        DSECT. Version is independent of
                                        the CP level and need only be
                                        changed when this DSECT is
                                        changed. The convention is to
                                        increment by 1.
0000    0 Signed       2 $IOCM_HDRL     Header length (in bytes)
0002    2 Signed       2 $IOCM_BITL     Length of mapped bits (in bytes)
0004    4 Signed       4 *              Reserved for future use
          00000008       $IOCM_HDLN     *-$IOCM Length of header (bytes)
      Bit map: Contains the IOCM flags that are subject to
               relocation. These bits are defined sequentially,
               regardless of how they are defined in HCPIOCM.
               This yields a consistent mapping that ensures
               compatibility when a guest is relocated between
               systems at differing service levels.
               Names in the comments column indicate the control
               block byte which contains the flag. This name is
               subject to change if the flag definition changes.
         ====> NEVER change bits which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of bits in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new bits at the end of this section,
               together with new flag bytes as required.
0008    8 Signed       2 $IOCM_BITS (0) Bit map area
0008    8 Bitstring    1 $IOCM0
          1... ....      $IOCMNBST      X'80' $IOCMNBST IOCMFLAG
          00000001       $IOCM_BLEN     *-$IOCM_BITS Length of bit map
      Data:    Contains all HCPIOCM data that is subject to
               relocation, except for flag bits, which are
               handled separately.
               All fields are defined as XLnn to avoid alignment
               warnings and to pack the data efficiently.
         ====> NEVER change fields which already exist here.
         ====> NEVER change the order of fields in this section.
         ====> ALWAYS add new fields at the end of this section.
               together with new flag bytes as required.
0009    9 Bitstring    1 $IOCM_DATA (0) Start of data map
0009    9 Bitstring    4 $IOCMNEXT      Pointer to next IOCM block
000D   13 Bitstring    4 $IOCMBKID      IDs storage area as an IOCM block
0011   17 Bitstring    2 $IOCMSCNT      Sense data count
0013   19 Bitstring   32 $IOCMSNS       Sense Data
0033   51 Bitstring   64 $IOCMIRB       IRB data
          00000073       $IOCM_LEN      *-$IOCM Total length, in bytes
          0000000F       $IOCM_SZ       ($IOCM_LEN+7)/8 Size in


$IOCM Storage Layout

*** $IOCM - Relocation mapping for HCPIOCM
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   0 | $IOCM_HDRL  | $IOCM_BITL  |///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*   8 |$IOCM0|        $IOCMNEXT          |    $IOCMBKID-      |
*     +------+-------------+-------------+--------------------+
*  10 |-(00D)| $IOCMSCNT   |                                  |
*     +------+-------------+                                  |
*  18 |                                                       |
*     =                       $IOCMSNS                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    |                                  |
*     +--------------------+                                  |
*  38 |                                                       |
*     =                       $IOCMIRB                        =
*     |                    +----------------------------------+
*     |                    | 73
*     +--------------------+
*** $IOCM - Relocation mapping for HCPIOCM


$IOCM Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
$IOCM_BITL     0002
$IOCM_BITS     0008
$IOCM_BLEN     0008 00000001
$IOCM_DATA     0009
$IOCM_HDLN     0004 00000008
$IOCM_HDRL     0000
$IOCM_LEN      0033 00000073
$IOCM_SZ       0033 0000000F
$IOCM_VER      0000 00000001
$IOCMBKID      000D
$IOCMIRB       0033
$IOCMNBST      0008 80
$IOCMNEXT      0009
$IOCMSCNT      0011
$IOCMSNS       0013
$IOCM0         0008

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0. Last updated on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:35:00 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011