NIDBK - 32-bit CP - V4R4.0
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

NIDBK Prolog

 Name       : HCPNIDBK
 Description: Network Interface Device Block.
 Function   :
              The NIDBK structure represents a Network Interface
              Device.  One NIDBK exists for each virtual device
              that is part of a simulated Network Interface Card
              (NIC).  The NIDBK is an extension of the VDEV for
              a fully-simulated OSA device (VDEVCLAS=CLASSPEC
              and VDEVTYPE=TYPOSA).
 Located by :
              VDEVNID  = VDEV pointer to the NIDBK for this device.
              NICNIDHD = NICBK pointer to base device NIDBK for this
              adapter (NIC).  Every device associated with
              this adapter is chained from the base NIDBK
              by NIDFPNT/NIDBPNT links.
              MPCRDCTL = MPCBK pointer to NIDBK for the READ-CTL
              MPCWRCTL = MPCBK pointer to NIDBK for the WRITE-CTL
              DDVNIDBK = DDVBK pointer to NIDBK for a DATA device.
              IPNLINK  = IPNBK pointer to NIDBK for the device which
              owns the IP Address.
              VQSNIDBK = VQSBK pointer to NIDBK associated with a
              VSWITCH (real) device.
              CP DEFINE command processing (module HCPVDB)
              CP DETACH command processing (module HCPVDB)
              HCPDVTYP COPY - Specific device types
              HCPEQUAT COPY - General CP equates
              NICBK Lock (NICLKWRD) must be held EXCLUSIVE to create
              or destroy the NIDBK.
              Most fields within the NIDBK are serialized by the
              VDEV Lock (VDEVLOCK) or by I/O protocol.  Exceptions
              NIDSTACK - Updated using CS logic.
 NOTES      : None.
 General Note :


NIDBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      NIDBK          Network Interface Device Block.
0000    0 Character    8 NIDDESC        NID Description (e.g. IQDC)
0008    8 Address      4 NIDVDEV        Pointer to VDEV
000C   12 Address      4 NIDNICBK       Pointer to NICBK
0010   16 Address      4 NIDFPNT        Pointer to NEXT NIDBK
0014   20 Address      4 NIDBPNT        Pointer to PREV NIDBK
0018   24 Bitstring    1 NIDTYPE        Network Device Type
0019   25 Bitstring    1 NIDGWFCN       NIC device function
          00000000       NIDNOFCN       0 Unassigned
          00000001       NIDCTLRD       1 CTL-0 / CTL-READ
          00000002       NIDCTLWR       2 CTL-1 / CTL-WRITE
          00000003       NIDDATA        3 DATA device
001A   26 Signed       2 NIDGWDEV (0)   NIC device index (0-xxxx)
001A   26 Bitstring    1 NIDUA0         Unit Address (byte 0)
001B   27 Bitstring    1 NIDUA          Unit Address
001C   28 Bitstring    4 NIDSTSWD (0)   Status Word (summary for trace)
001C   28 Bitstring    1 NIDLATCH       Device Latches
          1... ....      NIDBUSY        X'80' - Busy with a CCW
          .1.. ....      NIDNTRDY       X'40' - Device is NOTREADY
          ..1. ....      NIDCCW1        X'20' - This is First/Only CCW
          ...1 ....      NIDCCFLG       X'10' - Command Chaining in
          .... 1...      NIDNEWUC       X'08' - Last CCW caused UC
          .... .1..      NIDRSEVT       X'04' - Resetting-Event Latch
                                        Notes : NIDGWSTS is serialized by
001D   29 Bitstring    1 NIDGWSTS       Gateway Status
          1... ....      NIDMSPND       X'80' - Message pending from GW
          .1.. ....      NIDRDPND       X'40' - Read pending from VM
          ..1. ....      NIDRDACT       X'20' - Read active from VM
          ...1 ....      NIDWRACT       X'10' - Write active from VM
          .... 1...      NIDXDACT       X'08' - QDIO exchange is active
                                        Notes : NIDCNTRL is serialized by
001E   30 Bitstring    1 NIDCNTRL       Control options
          1... ....      NIDSUSPD       X'80' - Device is SUSPENDED
          .1.. ....      NIDSCHED       X'40' - RESUME is Scheduled
          ..1. ....      NIDUIPND       X'20' - Unsolicited Int Pending
          ...1 ....      NIDRESET       X'10' - Reset in Progress
          .... 1...      NIDDET         X'08' - DETACH in Progress
001F   31 Bitstring    1 NIDUISTS       Pending Unsolicited Status
0020   32 Bitstring    1 NIDCMD         Current CCW opcode
0021   33 Bitstring    1 NIDDVPST       Posted Unit Status
0022   34 Bitstring    1 NIDDVSTS       Latest Unit Status
0023   35 Bitstring    1 NIDTRFLG       Extended Trace Flags
          1... ....      NIDTRCCW       X'80' - Trace CCW Data Buffer
          .1.. ....      NIDTRXFR       X'40' - Trace Data Transfers
0024   36 Bitstring    2 NIDSNS (0)     Sense Data registers
0024   36 Bitstring    1 NIDSNS0        Sense Byte 0 latches
          1... ....      NIDCMREJ       X'80' - Command Reject
          .1.. ....      NIDINTRQ       X'40' - Intervention Reqd
          ..1. ....      NIDBUSCK       X'20' - Bus-Out Check
          ...1 ....      NIDEQCHK       X'10' - Equipment Check
          .... 1...      NIDCDC         X'08' - Channel Data Check
          .... .1..      NIDCCC         X'04' - Channel Control Check
          .... ..1.      NIDIFCC        X'02' - Interface Control Check
          .... ...1      NIDCANCL       X'01' - Cancel Function
0025   37 Bitstring    1 NIDSNS1        Sense Byte 1 latches
          1... ....      NIDRJRES       X'80' - Rejected by
0026   38 Bitstring    1 NIDPVCMD       Previous CCW opcode
0027   39 Bitstring    1 NIDPVSTS       Previous CCW status
0028   40 Signed       4 NIDRFCTR       Outstanding Reference Counter
002C   44 Bitstring    4 *              Reserved
0030   48 Address      4 NIDXFRPT       Pointer to current buffer
0034   52 Signed       4 NIDXFRLN       Bytes to/from VM buffer
0038   56 Address      4 NIDIPTBL       Pointer to Device IP Table
003C   60 Signed       2 NIDIPCTR       Count of IP Addresses installed
003E   62 Bitstring    2 *              Reserved
0040   64 Address      4 NIDBCIPN       Pointer to Broadcast IPNBK
0044   68 Address      4 NIDMCIPN       Pointer to Multicast IPNBK
0048   72 Address      4 NIDDXIPN       Pointer to LAN Connection IPNBK
004C   76 Address      4 NIDPXIPN       Pointer to PX IPNBK
      The NID Spin Lock (NIDSPNLK) serializes the
      following fields:
        NIDGWSTS - Gateway status flag
        NIDCNTRL - Device control flag
        NIDCPEBK - Pointer to the SUSPEND CPEBK
        NIDPNDFN - Function being suspended (see NIDGWFCN)
        NIDNDMHD - Pointer to the first message (NDMBK)
        NIDNDMTL - Pointer to the last message (NDMBK)
0050   80 Signed       4 NIDSPNLK       NID Spin Lock
0054   84 Address      4 NIDCPEBK       Pointer to SUSPEND CPEBK
0058   88 Address      4 NIDSTACK       Pointer to Stacked NDMBK work
005C   92 Bitstring    2 *              reserved
005E   94 Signed       2 NIDNDMCT       Count of pending messages
0060   96 Address      4 NIDNDMHD       Pointer to first NDMBK
0064  100 Address      4 NIDNDMTL       Pointer to last NDMBK
0068  104 Address      4 NIDMPCBK       Pointer to assigned MPC block
006C  108 Address      4 NIDVQSBK       Pointer to VSWITCH VQSBK
      VLAN support fields
0070  112 Bitstring    1 NIDFLAG1       VLAN support flag
          00000080       NIDVLAN_ENABLED
                                        X'80' VLAN support is enabled
          00000040       NIDVLAN_GBLPRT X'40' VLAN Global Priority in
          00000020       NIDVLAN_GBLID  X'20' VLAN Global ID in NIDGVID
          00000010       NIDVLAN_CONFLICT
                                        X'10' VLAN Conflict detected
          00000008       NIDPASS_ENABLED
                                        X'08' PASSTHRU support is enabled
          00000004       NIDVLAN_FORCED X'04' VLAN Forced by System
0071  113 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved
      If NIDGVTAG is nonzero, set VLAN TAG on all outbound data.
0072  114 Signed       2 NIDGVPRT       Global VLAN Priority
0074  116 Signed       2 NIDGVID        Global VLAN ID
0076  118 Signed       2 NIDGVTAG       Effective VLAN tag
          0000E000       NIDPRMSK       X'E000' VLAN Priority Mask
          00000FFF       NIDIDMSK       X'0FFF' VLAN ID Mask
      VLAN ID array authorized for this user.
        If NIDVLAN1 is x'0000' it indicates this interface is
        allowed to use ANY VLAN ID.  Otherwise x'0000' marks
        the end of a list of VLAN ID numbers allowed for this
        interface device.
0078  120 Bitstring    8 NIDVLANS (0)   Array of 4 x VLAN ID entries
0078  120 Signed       2 NIDVLAN1       VLAN ID 1
007A  122 Signed       2 NIDVLAN2       VLAN ID 2
007C  124 Signed       2 NIDVLAN3       VLAN ID 3
007E  126 Signed       2 NIDVLAN4       VLAN ID 4
0080  128 Bitstring   16 *              Reserved
      NIDTXCTS holds TX counters for the current Queue Writer.
0090  144 Dbl-Word     8 NIDTXCTS (0)   Transmitted data counters
0090  144 Signed       4 NIDTXUCN       TX Unicast NonRouter Bytes
0094  148 Signed       4 NIDTXUCR       TX Unicast Router Bytes
0098  152 Signed       4 NIDTXMC        TX Multicast Bytes
009C  156 Signed       4 NIDTXBC        TX Broadcast Bytes
00A0  160 Signed       4 NIDTXUPK       TX Unicast NonRouter Packets
00A4  164 Signed       4 NIDTXRPK       TX Unicast Router Packets
00A8  168 Signed       4 NIDTXMPK       TX Multicast Packets
00AC  172 Signed       4 NIDTXBPK       TX Broadcast Packets
00B0  176 Signed       4 NIDTXERR       TX Bad Packets
00B4  180 Signed       4 NIDTXDSC       TX Discarded Packets
          00000028       NIDTXCLN       (*-NIDTXCTS) Length of NIDTXCTS
                                        area to clear
      NIDRXCTS holds RX counters for the current Queue Reader.
00B8  184 Dbl-Word     8 NIDRXCTS (0)   Inbound data counters
00B8  184 Signed       4 NIDRXUCN       RX Unicast NonRouter Bytes
00BC  188 Signed       4 NIDRXUCR       RX Unicast Router Bytes
00C0  192 Signed       4 NIDRXMC        RX Multicast Bytes
00C4  196 Signed       4 NIDRXBC        RX Broadcast Bytes
00C8  200 Signed       4 NIDRXUPK       RX Unicast NonRouter Packets
00CC  204 Signed       4 NIDRXRPK       RX Unicast Router Packets
00D0  208 Signed       4 NIDRXMPK       RX Multicast Packets
00D4  212 Signed       4 NIDRXBPK       RX Broadcast Packets
00D8  216 Signed       4 NIDRXERR       RX Bad Packets
00DC  220 Signed       4 NIDRXDSC       RX Discarded Packets
          00000028       NIDRXCLN       (*-NIDRXCTS) Length of NIDRXCTS
                                        area to clear
      End of NIDBK structure.
          000000E0       NID$END        * End of NIDBK
          000000E0       NIDBKLN        *-NIDBK Length of NICBK in bytes
          0000001C       NIDBKSZ        (*-NIDBK+7)/8 Size of NICBK in


NIDBK Storage Layout

*** NIDBK - Network Interface Device Block.
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       NIDDESC                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         NIDVDEV           |         NIDNICBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         NIDFPNT           |         NIDBPNT           |
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  28 |         NIDRFCTR          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         NIDXFRPT          |         NIDXFRLN          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  38 |         NIDIPTBL          |  NIDIPCTR   |/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  40 |         NIDBCIPN          |         NIDMCIPN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         NIDDXIPN          |         NIDPXIPN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         NIDSPNLK          |         NIDCPEBK          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  58 |         NIDSTACK          |/////////////|  NIDNDMCT   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  60 |         NIDNDMHD          |         NIDNDMTL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         NIDMPCBK          |         NIDVQSBK          |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  70 |:FLAG1|//////|  NIDGVPRT   |  NIDGVID    |  NIDGVTAG   |
*     +------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  78 |  NIDVLAN1   |  NIDVLAN2   |  NIDVLAN3   |  NIDVLAN4   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  80 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         NIDTXUCN          |         NIDTXUCR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         NIDTXMC           |         NIDTXBC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         NIDTXUPK          |         NIDTXRPK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         NIDTXMPK          |         NIDTXBPK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         NIDTXERR          |         NIDTXDSC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         NIDRXUCN          |         NIDRXUCR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         NIDRXMC           |         NIDRXBC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         NIDRXUPK          |         NIDRXRPK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         NIDRXMPK          |         NIDRXBPK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         NIDRXERR          |         NIDRXDSC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E0
*** NIDBK - Network Interface Device Block.


NIDBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
NID$END        00DC 000000E0
NIDBCIPN       0040
NIDBKLN        00DC 000000E0
NIDBKSZ        00DC 0000001C
NIDBPNT        0014
NIDBUSCK       0024 20
NIDBUSY        001C 80
NIDCANCL       0024 01
NIDCCC         0024 04
NIDCCFLG       001C 10
NIDCCW1        001C 20
NIDCDC         0024 08
NIDCMD         0020
NIDCMREJ       0024 80
NIDCNTRL       001E
NIDCPEBK       0054
NIDCTLRD       0019 00000001
NIDCTLWR       0019 00000002
NIDDATA        0019 00000003
NIDDESC        0000
NIDDET         001E 08
NIDDVPST       0021
NIDDVSTS       0022
NIDDXIPN       0048
NIDEQCHK       0024 10
NIDFLAG1       0070
NIDFPNT        0010
NIDGVID        0074
NIDGVPRT       0072
NIDGVTAG       0076
NIDGWDEV       001A
NIDGWFCN       0019
NIDGWSTS       001D
NIDIDMSK       0076 00000FFF
NIDIFCC        0024 02
NIDINTRQ       0024 40
NIDIPCTR       003C
NIDIPTBL       0038
NIDLATCH       001C
NIDMCIPN       0044
NIDMPCBK       0068
NIDMSPND       001D 80
NIDNDMCT       005E
NIDNDMHD       0060
NIDNDMTL       0064
NIDNEWUC       001C 08
NIDNICBK       000C
NIDNOFCN       0019 00000000
NIDNTRDY       001C 40
               0070 00000008
NIDPRMSK       0076 0000E000
NIDPVCMD       0026
NIDPVSTS       0027
NIDPXIPN       004C
NIDRDACT       001D 20
NIDRDPND       001D 40
NIDRESET       001E 10
NIDRFCTR       0028
NIDRJRES       0025 80
NIDRSEVT       001C 04
NIDRXBC        00C4
NIDRXBPK       00D4
NIDRXCLN       00DC 00000028
NIDRXCTS       00B8
NIDRXERR       00D8
NIDRXMC        00C0
NIDRXMPK       00D0
NIDRXUCN       00B8
NIDRXUPK       00C8
NIDSCHED       001E 40
NIDSNS         0024
NIDSNS0        0024
NIDSNS1        0025
NIDSPNLK       0050
NIDSTACK       0058
NIDSTSWD       001C
NIDSUSPD       001E 80
NIDTRCCW       0023 80
NIDTRFLG       0023
NIDTRXFR       0023 40
NIDTXBC        009C
NIDTXCLN       00B4 00000028
NIDTXCTS       0090
NIDTXDSC       00B4
NIDTXERR       00B0
NIDTXMC        0098
NIDTXMPK       00A8
NIDTXRPK       00A4
NIDTXUCN       0090
NIDTXUCR       0094
NIDTXUPK       00A0
NIDTYPE        0018
NIDUA          001B
NIDUA0         001A
NIDUIPND       001E 20
NIDUISTS       001F
NIDVDEV        0008
               0070 00000010
               0070 00000080
               0070 00000004
NIDVLAN_GBLID  0070 00000020
               0070 00000040
NIDVLANS       0078
NIDVLAN1       0078
NIDVLAN2       007A
NIDVLAN3       007C
NIDVLAN4       007E
NIDVQSBK       006C
NIDWRACT       001D 10
NIDXDACT       001D 08
NIDXFRLN       0034
NIDXFRPT       0030

This information is based on z/VM V4R4.0. Last updated on 6 Aug 2003 at 08:56:03 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2003