Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

TCMBK Prolog

 Name       : HCPTCMBK
 Description: Full Track Cache Main Control Block
 Function   : This block is used to keep track of global
              information associated with the full track
              caching including cache management and hash
 Located by : This DSECT overlays the data entry point
 Created by : HCPTCM is loaded by the system during IPL.
              The TCMBK is initialized by HCPFTHIN.
 Deleted by : Never deleted.


TCMBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      TCMBK          Full Track Cache Main Control
0000    0 Character  256 *              Skip prolog and align for cache
0100  256 Signed       4 TCMBKST (0)
0100  256 Signed       4 TCMTSLK        Hash table/cache lock byte.
                                        Hierarchically above TCMPTELK.
                                        Also contains a footprint of the
                                        location in the module which last
                                        obtained or released lock.
0104  260 Address      1 TCMFLAGS       Flag byte
     Bits in TCMFLAGS:
          1... ....      TCMCACHE       X'80' Caching is enabled
          .1.. ....      TCMTHUD        X'40' Unconditional deletes
          ..1. ....      TCMFSL         X'20' Flag is set when the fair
                                        share limit was calculated last
                                        time in HCPSTP. Only calculate it
                                        every other time
          ...1 ....      TCMDMDC        X'10' User issued SET MDC or
                                        RETAIN XSTORE cmd to alter MDC
                                        XSTORE size.
          .... 1...      TCMONDEF       X'08' Deferred on is set, The
                                        cache will be turned on as soon
                                        as the last access of the cache
                                        is completed and the cache
          .... .1..      TCMSTLX        X'04' XSTORE steal in progress
          .... ..1.      TCMSTLM        X'02' Main storage steal in
0105  261 Bitstring    1 TCMFLAG2       MORE TCMBK FLAG BITS
     Bits in TCMFLAG2:
          1... ....      TCMHSHEX       X'80' Hash table is in the
                                        process of expanding. No new
                                        inserts or track accesses are
                                        allowed during expansion, only
                                        track deletions are allowed until
                                        expansion is complete.
          .1.. ....      TCMEFAIL       X'40' Hash expansion failed
                                        during this 30 second interval
          ..1. ....      TCMFLUSH       X'20' Tells HCPFTVST to call
                                        HCPFTVFX when done.
0106  262 Signed       2 TCMPRIME       Prime number used in hash
0108  264 Address      4 TCMHMASK       Mask to create address of 1st lvl
     Hash table and values required to perform hash
          00000004       TCMINISZ       4 Initial hash size TCMINISZ *
                                        2**N = TCMMAXSZ (N is an integer)
          00000040       TCMMAXSZ       64 Max first level indexes. See
                                        TCMINISZ for limits
010C  268 Bitstring    4 TCMIXMSK       MASK FOR DEVICE TBL INDEX SEE
                                        ALSO TCHIXMSK
          ..11 1111      TCMIXTST       X'3F' Mask for device tbl index
0110  272 Signed       4 TCMRDCT        Count of successful read accesses
                                        to MDC records
0114  276 Signed       4 TCMIA          IOs avoided by MDC hits
0118  280 Signed       4 TCMINOTA       I/Os not avoided TCMIA + TCMINOTA
                                        = MDC eligible
     TCMALMSK and TCMALSHF are used to convert the TCHASPAC (address space
     selection) bits into a displacement into the ALET/STO array starting at
                                        I.E. AL1(0,0,0,TCHASPAC)
          00000003       TCMALSHF       3 Used to SRL the isolated
                                        TCHASPAC bits to form a
                                        displacement from TCMALET1
     The following ALET/STO pairs are mapped by MDAS DSECT Serialized by
     TCMPTELK and the TCMNEWAS lock when adding new address spaces.
0120  288 Signed       4 TCMALET1       ALET for 1st MDC address space
0124  292 Signed       4 TCMSTO1        STO for 1st MDC address space
0128  296 Signed       4 TCMALET2       ALET for 2nd MDC address space
012C  300 Signed       4 TCMSTO2        STO for 2nd MDC address space
0130  304 Signed       4 TCMALET3       ALET for 3rd MDC address space
0134  308 Signed       4 TCMSTO3        STO for 3rd MDC address space
0138  312 Signed       4 TCMALET4       ALET for 4th MDC address space
013C  316 Signed       4 TCMSTO4        STO for 4th MDC address space
0140  320 Address      4 TCMHPPT (64)   First level index. Each word
                                        points to a hash segment (3
          0000023C       TCMEOIX        *-4 Pointer to last possible hash
                                        table index
          0000000A       TCMPSHFT       10 Shift value used to split
                                        hashed key into segment ix and
                                        relative entry within the segment
          0000000A       TCMGPSHF       10 Number of TCHENTRYs per 3-page
                                        group, i.e. per entry in HCPHPPT,
                                        as a shift value (2**10=1024)
          00000400       TCMTCHPG       1024 Number of TCHENTRYs per
                                        3-page group, i.e. per entry in
                                        HCPHPPT. (2**TCMGPSHF)
0240  576 Address      2 TCMBSEGS       Count base hash table segments
0242  578 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
     The following are Full Track Cache Hash Table Performance Related
0244  580 Signed       4 TCMRDAB        Count of times that read
                                        simulation was aborted
0248  584 Signed       4 TCMCOLPG       Hash table collision pages.
                                        Actually HSHAV blocks.
024C  588 Signed       4 TCMINSCT       Hash table insertions of new
                                        TCHBKs (aka the track insertion
0250  592 Signed       4 TCMDELCT       Count of cache TCHBK deletions
0254  596 Signed       4 TCMDELST       Count of TCHBK deletes by the
                                        steal function
0258  600 Signed       4 TCMGCFRM       Count of Garbage collected frms
025C  604 Signed       4 TCMCOLCT       Hash table collisions on
                                        insertion of new item
0260  608 Signed       4 TCMPFCT        Count of times page fault
                                        accessed track in cache
0264  612 Signed       4 TCMRDER        Count of times that add of track
                                        to cache failed (due to i/o error
0268  616 Signed       4 TCMSTKRD       Count of times a CPEBK was
                                        deferred on a track (reads)
026C  620 Signed       4 TCMSTKEX       Count of times a CPEBK was
                                        deferred on a track (writes)
0270  624 Signed       4 TCMSTKPF       Count of times a CPEBK was
                                        deferred on a track (page fault
0274  628 Signed       4 TCMSTKUD       Count of times an unconditional
                                        delete was deferred
0278  632 Signed       4 TCMEXCT        Count of successfull excl. access
                                        to track
027C  636 Signed       4 TCMDCCT        Count of times track deleted
                                        after excl. access
0280  640 Signed       4 TCMUDFST       Count of fast unconditional
                                        deletes performed
0284  644 Signed       4 TCMUDMLT       Count of cache unconditional
                                        delete requests (multi-track)
0288  648 Signed       4 TCMEFCT        Hash expansion failure count
     End of Performance related counts. Next fields are for available TCHBK
     list management. and hash table expansion.
028C  652 Address      4 TCMAVLST       Available list head. This is the
                                        anchor for the collision node
                                        (CNODE) available list.
0290  656 Address      4 TCMAVPAG       Available pages (HSHAV blocks).
                                        Each block containing available
                                        list nodes is linked together.
0294  660 Address      4 TCMALTBK       Alternate TCMBK, the alternate
                                        TCMBK is used during hash table
                                        expansion and will become the
                                        current one after expansion is
     Below are values for the full track cache address space.
0298  664 Bitstring    1 TCMPTELK       Lock for PTE sets and address
                                        space create. Also see the
                                        TCMNEWAS lock for A/S create.
                                        Hierarchically below TCMTSLK. If
                                        no MDC tasks are outstanding,
                                        TCMTSLK held is equivalent to
                                        holding both locks as no new work
                                        can start without the main cache
0299  665 Bitstring    3 *              Reserved for IBM use
029C  668 Signed       4 TCMSEGTE       Queue of available SEGTE sets
02A0  672 Address      4 TCMLASTA       Address of last ALET/STO pair
                                        currently in use
02A4  676 Character   80 TCMPTES (0)    Mapped by PTESET DSECT
02A4  676 Signed       4 TCMPTE8 (4)    PTE subbks for 8 pages/track
02B4  692 Address      2 *              Count of PTEs in this set
02B6  694 Address      2 *              Max sets/page of size 8
02B8  696 Signed       4 TCMPTE10 (4)   PTE subbks for 10 pages/track
02C8  712 Address      2 *              Count of PTEs in this set
02CA  714 Address      2 *              Max sets/page of size 10
02CC  716 Signed       4 TCMPTE12 (4)   PTE subbks for 12 pages/track
02DC  732 Address      2 *              Count of PTEs in this set
02DE  734 Address      2 *              Max sets/page for size 12
02E0  736 Signed       4 TCMPTE14 (4)   PTE subbks for 14 pages/track
02F0  752 Address      2 *              Count of PTEs in this set
02F2  754 Address      2 *              Max sets/page of size 14
02F4  756 Signed       2 TCMRDVID       Next RDEV ID to give out
                                        Serialized by TCMTSLK.
02F6  758 Bitstring    2 TCMMAXID       MAXIMUM RDEV ID
02F8  760 Character   24 TCMASNAM
0309  777 Character    1 TCMASNUM       ADDRESS SPACE NUMBER
     8 FBA pages make up a "track" in full track cache. With CKD it is known
     that if one page is referenced on a track, it is likely that others on
     that track will be referenced. This information is not known for FBA.
     Therefore we wanted to keep the number of pages per FBA track small.
          00000040       TCMBKPTK       64 Number of FBA blocks per
                                        "track". MDC does not use blocks
                                        per cyclical group since a track
                                        would not necessarily be
          00000008       TCMPGPTK       8 Number of pages needed to read
                                        in an FBA "track".
          00000006       TCMFBSHF       6 Shift factor to determine FBA
                                        "track" number from an FBA block
                                        number. Thus 1 FBA track is 8
                                        pages: 2**6=64, 64*512
0310  784 Signed       4 TCMMNBLW       Current number of pages in main
                                        storage < 2G being used as
                                        track cache pages
0314  788 Signed       4 TCMMNABV       Current number of pages in main
                                        storage >= 2G being used as
                                        track cache pages
     Main storage steal information. This information is mapped by SDDATA
0318  792 Signed       4 TCMMDATA (0)   Location of main storage steal
0318  792 Bitstring    4 TCMMIDSZ       Maximum allowable number of pages
                                        in track cache (based on average
                                        age of a page in DPA)
031C  796 Signed       4 TCMMAIN        Current number of pages in main
                                        storage being used as track cache
                                        pages. = TCMMNBLW+TCMMNABV in
0320  800 Signed       4 TCMMNMIN       Minimum number of main storage
                                        pages used by cache as set by
                                        user command
0324  804 Signed       4 TCMMNMAX       Maximum number of main storage
                                        pages used by cache as set by
                                        user command
0328  808 Signed       4 TCMMNDL        Number of main storage pages
                                        stolen from cache
032C  812 Signed       4 TCMSTLMN       Number of times pages steal was
                                        invoked to steal main storage
                                        pages from the track cache
     TCMSTFRM is used by MDC main storage steal to contain the address of
     the next FRMTE on the MDC cyclic list to be processed.
0330  816 Address      4 TCMSTFRM       Address of next FRMTE to steal
                                        from for main storage steal
     TCMFRANC is the MDC cyclic list FRMTEs representing main storage frames
     used to hold user data in MDC. The 1st 2 words are a forward and
     backward ptr. The 3rd word is 0 to represent a FRMTE without a
     FRMDCKEY. Bit zero of the pointer fields are used to flag the start/end
     of the queue.
0334  820 Address      4 TCMFRANC       Anchor of MDC frames
     XSTORE steal information. This information is mapped by SDDATA DSECT.
0340  832 Signed       4 TCMXDATA (0)   Location of XSTORE steal
0340  832 Bitstring    4 TCMXIDSZ       Maximum allowable number of
                                        XSTORE blocks in track cache
                                        (based on avg age of XSTORE
0344  836 Signed       4 TCMXSTOR       Number of cache pages that live
                                        on XSTORE
0348  840 Signed       4 TCMXSMIN       Minimum number of XSTORE blocks
                                        used by cache as set by user
034C  844 Signed       4 TCMXSMAX       Maximum number of XSTORE blocks
                                        used by cache ase set by user
0350  848 Signed       4 TCMXSTDL       Number of XSTORE blocks stolen
                                        from track cache
0354  852 Signed       4 TCMSTLXS       Number of times pages steal was
                                        invoked to steal XSTORE blocks
                                        from the track cache
0358  856 Signed       4 TCMSTXTC       Address of next TCHBK to steal
                                        from for XSTORE block steal
035C  860 Signed       4 TCMSTXHP       Address of hash page currently
                                        stealing from for XSTORE block
     End of steal information.
0360  864 Signed       4 TCM2IO         Number of times had to do both
                                        STD and non-STD I/O
0364  868 Signed       4 TCMKLNT0       Number of times key length was
                                        not 0 when doing STD I/O
0368  872 Signed       4 TCMDLBAD       Number of times data length not
                                        consistent when doing standard
036C  876 Signed       4 TCMBADR0       Number of times record 0's length
                                        was greater than X'10'
0370  880 Signed       4 TCMRCBAD       Number of times records were not
                                        sequential when doing standard
0374  884 Signed       4 TCMBADCC       Number of times cylinder and head
                                        weren't the same for each record
                                        on track
0378  888 Signed       4 TCMREADS       Count of successful read channel
                                        programs simulated
037C  892 Signed       4 TCMNOPTE       Count of times we ran out of PTE
0380  896 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
0382  898 Signed       2 TCMAXSCT       Count of hash entries that need
                                        to be flushed but are currently
0384  900 Signed       4 TCMNOTEL       Number of channel programs that
                                        were not eligible for channel
                                        program simulation
0388  904 Signed       4 TCMFSHVM       Number of fair share cache
                                        inserters during this fair share
038C  908 Signed       4 TCMFSHIN       Number of fair share track
                                        inserts during this fair share
0390  912 Signed       4 TCMNFSVM       Number of non-fair share cache
                                        inserters during this fair share
0394  916 Signed       4 TCMNFSIN       Number of non-fair share track
                                        inserts during this fair share
0398  920 Signed       4 TCMFSLIM       Fair share insert limit for this
039C  924 Signed       4 TCMFSLMM       Minimum fair share insert limit
                                        per interval
03A0  928 Signed       4 TCMSFSIN       Smoothed previous number of fair
                                        share inserts
03A4  932 Signed       4 TCMSSMIN       Smoothed previous number of all
                                        (both fair share and non-fair
                                        share) inserts
03A8  936 Signed       4 TCMFSLEX       Count of tracks not inserted due
                                        to fair share limit
03AC  940 Signed       4 TCMTFBA        Count of track inserts done with
                                        FBA channel prg
03B0  944 Signed       4 TCMTCKST       Count of standard track inserts
                                        done with CKD channel program
03B4  948 Signed       4 TCMTCKNS       Count of non-std track inserts
                                        done with CKD channel program
03B8  952 Signed       4 TCMTECST       Count of standard track inserts
                                        done with ECKD channel program
03BC  956 Signed       4 TCMTECNS       Count of non-std track inserts
                                        done with ECKD channel program
03C0  960 Signed       4 TCMPIN4K       Count of page faults resolved
                                        with 4K aligned PGIN for standard
03C4  964 Signed       4 TCMPOU4K       Count of page faults resolved
                                        with 4K aligned PGOUT for
                                        standard track
03C8  968 Signed       4 TCMPINVA       Count of page faults resolved
                                        with PGIN to validate page for
                                        std track (non-4K case)
03CC  972 Signed       4 TCMPSTRD       Count of page faults resolved
                                        with read from DASD for std track
03D0  976 Signed       4 TCMPSTWR       Count of page faults requesting
                                        DASD write (which are ignored)
03D4  980 Signed       4 TCMPFNS        Count of page faults for
                                        non-standard tracks
03D8  984 Signed       4 TCMNOINS       Count of track inserts rejected
                                        because user's insert capability
03DC  988 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
03E0  992 Dbl-Word     8 TCMONTOD       Last time cache was enabled via
                                        SET MDC or RETAIN command. Cache
                                        is not necessarily active yet.
03E8 1000 Dbl-Word     8 TCMOFTOD       Last time cache was disabled via
                                        SET MDC command. Cache is not
                                        necessarily flushed yet.
03F0 1008 Dbl-Word     8 TCMXSTOD       Last time hash table expansion
                                        started successfully.
03F8 1016 Dbl-Word     8 TCMXETOD       Last time hash table expansion
0400 1024 Dbl-Word     8 TCMQSTOD       Last time hash table quiesce
0408 1032 Dbl-Word     8 TCMQETOD       Last time hash table quiesce
                                        completed as TCMAXSCT went to
0410 1040 Dbl-Word     8 TCMFLTOD       Last time all the data in all the
                                        cache address spaces was flushed.
                                        I.E. the cache itself was
0418 1048 Dbl-Word     8 TCMATTOD       Last time the cache was flushed
                                        for ATTACH XSTORE command.
0420 1056 Signed       4 TCMATRNG (2)   Start and ending XSTORE block
                                        number for last ATTACH XSTORE
0428 1064 Dbl-Word     8 TCMUDTOD       Last time a range of tracks was
                                        deleted unconditionally.
0430 1072 Signed       4 TCMUDRNG (2)   Starting hash key and number of
                                        hash keys associated with the
                                        last unconditional delete of a
                                        range of tracks.
0438 1080 Signed       4 TCMNEWAS       Informal non-defer, non-spin lock
                                        used when allocating a new MDC
                                        address space. Must hold TCMPTELK
                                        to obtain. If new A/S is needed
                                        and this lock is non-zero, track
                                        insert must be aborted.
043C 1084 Bitstring   12 TCMNEWCO       New address space creation
                                        communication area. Must hold
                                        TCMNEWAS to change or reference
                                        any field here.
043C 1084 Signed       4 TCMNWMDA       MDAS address to use for creating
                                        the new address space.
0440 1088 Signed       4 TCMNWSTO       STO for new address space. Also
                                        address of 1st STE-set.
0444 1092 Signed       4 TCMNWLST       Last STE-set address.
          00000089       TCMBKSIZ       (*-TCMBK+7)/8 Size in double


TCMBK Storage Layout

*** TCMBK - Full Track Cache Main Control Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 100 |         TCMTSLK           |:FLAGS|:FLAG2|  TCMPRIME   |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+-------------+
* 108 |         TCMHMASK          |         TCMIXMSK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 110 |         TCMRDCT           |          TCMIA            |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 118 |         TCMINOTA          |         TCMALMSK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 120 |         TCMALET1          |         TCMSTO1           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 128 |         TCMALET2          |         TCMSTO2           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 130 |         TCMALET3          |         TCMSTO3           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 138 |         TCMALET4          |         TCMSTO4           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 140 |                                                       |
*     =                       TCMHPPT                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 240 |  TCMBSEGS   |/////////////|         TCMRDAB           |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 248 |         TCMCOLPG          |         TCMINSCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 250 |         TCMDELCT          |         TCMDELST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 258 |         TCMGCFRM          |         TCMCOLCT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 260 |         TCMPFCT           |         TCMRDER           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 268 |         TCMSTKRD          |         TCMSTKEX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 270 |         TCMSTKPF          |         TCMSTKUD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 278 |         TCMEXCT           |         TCMDCCT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 280 |         TCMUDFST          |         TCMUDMLT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 288 |         TCMEFCT           |         TCMAVLST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 290 |         TCMAVPAG          |         TCMALTBK          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* 298 |:PTELK|////////////////////|         TCMSEGTE          |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
* 2A0 |         TCMLASTA          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                       TCMPTE8                         |
*     |                           +-------------+-------------+
* 2B0 |                           |/////////////|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2B8 |                       TCMPTE10                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 2C8 |/////////////|/////////////|                           |
*     +-------------+-------------+                           |
*     |                       TCMPTE12                        |
*     |                           +-------------+-------------+
* 2D8 |                           |/////////////|/////////////|
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2E0 |                       TCMPTE14                        |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2F0 |/////////////|/////////////|  TCMRDVID   |  TCMMAXID   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
* 2F8 |                                                       |
*     =                       TCMASNAM                        =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 310 |         TCMMNBLW          |         TCMMNABV          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 318 |         TCMMIDSZ          |         TCMMAIN           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 320 |         TCMMNMIN          |         TCMMNMAX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 328 |         TCMMNDL           |         TCMSTLMN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 330 |         TCMSTFRM          |         TCMFRANC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 338 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 340 |         TCMXIDSZ          |         TCMXSTOR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 348 |         TCMXSMIN          |         TCMXSMAX          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 350 |         TCMXSTDL          |         TCMSTLXS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 358 |         TCMSTXTC          |         TCMSTXHP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 360 |          TCM2IO           |         TCMKLNT0          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 368 |         TCMDLBAD          |         TCMBADR0          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 370 |         TCMRCBAD          |         TCMBADCC          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 378 |         TCMREADS          |         TCMNOPTE          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 380 |/////////////|  TCMAXSCT   |         TCMNOTEL          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
* 388 |         TCMFSHVM          |         TCMFSHIN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 390 |         TCMNFSVM          |         TCMNFSIN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 398 |         TCMFSLIM          |         TCMFSLMM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A0 |         TCMSFSIN          |         TCMSSMIN          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3A8 |         TCMFSLEX          |         TCMTFBA           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B0 |         TCMTCKST          |         TCMTCKNS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3B8 |         TCMTECST          |         TCMTECNS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C0 |         TCMPIN4K          |         TCMPOU4K          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3C8 |         TCMPINVA          |         TCMPSTRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3D0 |         TCMPSTWR          |         TCMPFNS           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3D8 |         TCMNOINS          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 3E0 |                       TCMONTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 3E8 |                       TCMOFTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 3F0 |                       TCMXSTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 3F8 |                       TCMXETOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 400 |                       TCMQSTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 408 |                       TCMQETOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 410 |                       TCMFLTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 418 |                       TCMATTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 420 |                       TCMATRNG                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 428 |                       TCMUDTOD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 430 |                       TCMUDRNG                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 438 |         TCMNEWAS          |         TCMNEWCO          |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
* 448
*** TCMBK - Full Track Cache Main Control Block
*** Overlay for TCMASNAM+17 in TCMBK
*            +------+
* 308 .. 309 |:ASNUM| 30A
*            +------+
*** Overlay for TCMASNAM+17 in TCMBK
*** Overlay for TCMNEWCO in TCMBK
*                                 +---------------------------+
* 438 ...                     43C |         TCMNWMDA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 440 |         TCMNWSTO          |         TCMNWLST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
* 448
*** Overlay for TCMNEWCO in TCMBK


TCMBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
TCMALET1       0120
TCMALET2       0128
TCMALET3       0130
TCMALET4       0138
TCMALMSK       011C
TCMALSHF       011C 00000003
TCMALTBK       0294
TCMASNAM       02F8
TCMASNUM       0309
TCMATRNG       0420
TCMATTOD       0418
TCMAVLST       028C
TCMAVPAG       0290
TCMAXSCT       0382
TCMBADCC       0374
TCMBADR0       036C
TCMBKPTK       0309 00000040
TCMBKSIZ       0444 00000089
TCMBKST        0100
TCMBSEGS       0240
TCMCACHE       0104 80
TCMCOLCT       025C
TCMCOLPG       0248
TCMDCCT        027C
TCMDELCT       0250
TCMDELST       0254
TCMDLBAD       0368
TCMDMDC        0104 10
TCMEFAIL       0105 40
TCMEFCT        0288
TCMEOIX        0140 0000023C
TCMEXCT        0278
TCMFBSHF       0309 00000006
TCMFLAGS       0104
TCMFLAG2       0105
TCMFLTOD       0410
TCMFLUSH       0105 20
TCMFRANC       0334
TCMFSHIN       038C
TCMFSHVM       0388
TCMFSL         0104 20
TCMFSLEX       03A8
TCMFSLIM       0398
TCMFSLMM       039C
TCMGCFRM       0258
TCMGPSHF       0140 0000000A
TCMHMASK       0108
TCMHPPT        0140
TCMHSHEX       0105 80
TCMIA          0114
TCMINISZ       0108 00000004
TCMINOTA       0118
TCMINSCT       024C
TCMIXMSK       010C
TCMIXTST       010C 3F
TCMKLNT0       0364
TCMLASTA       02A0
TCMMAIN        031C
TCMMAXID       02F6
TCMMAXSZ       0108 00000040
TCMMDATA       0318
TCMMIDSZ       0318
TCMMNABV       0314
TCMMNBLW       0310
TCMMNDL        0328
TCMMNMAX       0324
TCMMNMIN       0320
TCMNEWAS       0438
TCMNEWCO       043C
TCMNFSIN       0394
TCMNFSVM       0390
TCMNOINS       03D8
TCMNOPTE       037C
TCMNOTEL       0384
TCMNWLST       0444
TCMNWMDA       043C
TCMNWSTO       0440
TCMOFTOD       03E8
TCMONDEF       0104 08
TCMONTOD       03E0
TCMPFCT        0260
TCMPFNS        03D4
TCMPGPTK       0309 00000008
TCMPINVA       03C8
TCMPIN4K       03C0
TCMPOU4K       03C4
TCMPRIME       0106
TCMPSHFT       0140 0000000A
TCMPSTWR       03D0
TCMPTELK       0298
TCMPTES        02A4
TCMPTE10       02B8
TCMPTE12       02CC
TCMPTE14       02E0
TCMPTE8        02A4
TCMQETOD       0408
TCMQSTOD       0400
TCMRCBAD       0370
TCMRDAB        0244
TCMRDCT        0110
TCMRDER        0264
TCMRDVID       02F4
TCMREADS       0378
TCMSEGTE       029C
TCMSFSIN       03A0
TCMSSMIN       03A4
TCMSTFRM       0330
TCMSTKEX       026C
TCMSTKPF       0270
TCMSTKRD       0268
TCMSTKUD       0274
TCMSTLM        0104 02
TCMSTLMN       032C
TCMSTLX        0104 04
TCMSTLXS       0354
TCMSTO1        0124
TCMSTO2        012C
TCMSTO3        0134
TCMSTO4        013C
TCMSTXHP       035C
TCMSTXTC       0358
TCMTCHPG       0140 00000400
TCMTCKNS       03B4
TCMTCKST       03B0
TCMTECST       03B8
TCMTFBA        03AC
TCMTHUD        0104 40
TCMTSLK        0100
TCMUDFST       0280
TCMUDMLT       0284
TCMUDRNG       0430
TCMUDTOD       0428
TCMXDATA       0340
TCMXETOD       03F8
TCMXIDSZ       0340
TCMXSMAX       034C
TCMXSMIN       0348
TCMXSTDL       0350
TCMXSTOD       03F0
TCMXSTOR       0344
TCM2IO         0360

This information is based on z/VM V4R2.0. Last updated on 17 Oct 2001 at 16:58:24 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001