Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

SNABK Prolog

 Name       : HCPSNABK
 Description: SNA Resource Block
 STATUS     : VM/ESA Version 2, Release 3.0
 Function   : To contain information pertaining to a single
              SNA terminal (LU) connected through a VSM
 Located by : VSMRTREE is the anchor field for the SNABK radix
              tree structure.
              RDEVSNA   Field of RDEV
              VSMSEVRQ  Field of VSMBK, during portions of logoff
              SNASEVRQ  Field of SNABK, during portions of logoff
 Created by : HCPVCTCN  During IUCV CONNECT for an LU
 Deleted by : HCPVCZRL  During SNA/CCS logoff processing
              HCPVCZRS  During SNA/CCS logoff processing
 Serialized : SNALOCK   Shared-exclusive lock


SNABK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      SNABK          SNA Resource Block
0000    0 Character   16 SNANQLUN (0)   Network Qualified Logical Unit
0000    0 Character    8 SNALUN         Logical Unit Name
0008    8 Character    8 SNANWQFR       NetWork QualiFieR for the logical
                                        unit name
0010   16 Dbl-Word     8 SNALOCK (3)    SNABK lock
0028   40 Signed       4 SNARDEV        Address of the RDEV
002C   44 Signed       4 SNAVSMBK       Address of the VSMBK
0030   48 Signed       4 SNAINN         Input WEIBK read chain address
0034   52 Signed       4 SNAOUT         Output WEIBK write chain address
0038   56 Signed       4 SNAINNL        Last in input WEIBK read chain
003C   60 Signed       4 SNAOUTL        Last in output WEIBK write chain
0040   64 Signed       4 SNATRQBK       Address of redisplay TRQBK
0044   68 Signed       4 SNABTRQ        Address of batch write TRQBK
0048   72 Signed       4 SNASCOMQ       COMBK queue of split tasks
004C   76 Signed       4 SNASEVRQ       Next SNABK on pending sever queue
0050   80 Signed       2 SNACPATH       IUCV pathid for CCS
0052   82 Signed       2 SNAVPATH       IUCV pathid for the VSM
0054   84 Signed       2 SNAPACEV       Pace value for the console
0056   86 Signed       2 SNAPACEC       Current pace counter
0058   88 Signed       2 SNAWRST        Count of WEIBKs needing restart
005A   90 Bitstring    1 SNAMODE        Mode of operation
          00000000       SNACONS        X'00' Console mode
          00000001       SNACMS         X'01' CMS mode
          00000002       SNAFSSM        X'02' Full-screen support mode
005B   91 Bitstring    1 SNAFLAG1       Status flags
          1... ....      SNAPFKEY       X'80' PF key indicator
          .1.. ....      SNABATCH       X'40' Batching in progress
          ..1. ....      SNABPND        X'20' Line still to be batched
          ...1 ....      SNADISC        X'10' Disconnect state - release
          .... 1...      SNAERRSM       X'08' Error resume state
          .... .1..      SNASSPND       X'04' User suspended
          .... ..1.      SNAPRMT        X'02' Signal initial logon prompt
          .... ...1      SNASEVER       X'01' Path has been SEVERed
005C   92 Bitstring    1 SNAFLAG2       Status flags
          1... ....      SNATRPND       X'80' Redisplay timer request
          .1.. ....      SNADIAL        X'40' User DIALed to virtual
          ..1. ....      SNAPFKIM       X'20' Read gets immediate PF key
          ...1 ....      SNAPA1         X'10' Notify user of PA1 key in
          .... 1...      SNANPRTY       X'08' No priority messages to be
          .... .1..      SNAFORCE       X'04' User being forced by CCS
          .... ..1.      SNA#CPFD       X'02' #CP found by CCS
          .... ...1      SNAINITF       X'01' Initialization finished
005D   93 Bitstring    1 SNAFLAG3       Status flags
          1... ....      SNAEXWT        X'80' CCS set on execution
                                        PSWWAIT bit
          .1.. ....      SNAENTTY       X'40' Enhanced TTY device
          ..1. ....      SNANOMSG       X'20' Suppress logoff/disc/drop
          ...1 ....      SNAIRAWT       X'10' Wait for an IRA to complete
                                        to purge the SNABK
          .... 1...      SNAIRADN       X'08' All IRAs are done, can
                                        purge SNABK
          .... .1..      SNABTPND       X'04' Batch write timer request
          .... ..1.      SNASVPND       X'02' SEVER is/was pending for
          .... ...1      SNAMORRD       X'01' Read pending until *MORE*
005E   94 Bitstring    1 SNAFLAG4       Status flags
          1... ....      SNARLVSM       X'80' SYSVSMLK to be released by
                                        cleanup handler
          .1.. ....      SNAEDISC       X'40' Error disconnect in
          ..1. ....      SNAONTRE       X'20' SNABK is on the Radix Tree
          ...1 ....      SNAFSPA1       X'10' SNA/CCS FSSM guest hits PA1
                                        key when SET RUN ON.
          .... 1...      SNADING        X'08' DIAL in progress
          .... .1..      SNAFSMRA       X'04' A full screen mode request
                                        is active
          .... ..1.      SNACLNUP       X'02' The actual cleanup has
005F   95 Bitstring    1 SNAFLAG5       Status flags
          1... ....      SNABUSY        X'80' VSM is busy with CMS EW or
          .1.. ....      SNAFSCPS       X'40' A Full-Screen Channel
                                        Program has been Started. Once
                                        this bit is turned on it stays on
                                        until a non-full-screen
                                        transaction is sent to the
0060   96 Signed       4 * (2)          Reserved for future IBM use
          0000000D       SNASIZE        (*-SNABK+7)/8 SNABK size in


SNABK Storage Layout

*** SNABK - SNA Resource Block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                        SNALUN                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       SNANWQFR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                                                       |
*     =                       SNALOCK                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         SNARDEV           |         SNAVSMBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |          SNAINN           |          SNAOUT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         SNAINNL           |         SNAOUTL           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         SNATRQBK          |         SNABTRQ           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         SNASCOMQ          |         SNASEVRQ          |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  58 |  SNAWRST    |:MODE |:FLAG1|:FLAG2|:FLAG3|:FLAG4|:FLAG5|
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
*  60 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68
*** SNABK - SNA Resource Block


SNABK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
SNA#CPFD       005C 02
SNABATCH       005B 40
SNABPND        005B 20
SNABTPND       005D 04
SNABTRQ        0044
SNABUSY        005F 80
SNACLNUP       005E 02
SNACMS         005A 00000001
SNACONS        005A 00000000
SNACPATH       0050
SNADIAL        005C 40
SNADING        005E 08
SNADISC        005B 10
SNAEDISC       005E 40
SNAENTTY       005D 40
SNAERRSM       005B 08
SNAEXWT        005D 80
SNAFLAG1       005B
SNAFLAG2       005C
SNAFLAG3       005D
SNAFLAG4       005E
SNAFLAG5       005F
SNAFORCE       005C 04
SNAFSCPS       005F 40
SNAFSMRA       005E 04
SNAFSPA1       005E 10
SNAFSSM        005A 00000002
SNAINITF       005C 01
SNAINN         0030
SNAINNL        0038
SNAIRADN       005D 08
SNAIRAWT       005D 10
SNALOCK        0010
SNALUN         0000
SNAMODE        005A
SNAMORRD       005D 01
SNANOMSG       005D 20
SNANPRTY       005C 08
SNANQLUN       0000
SNANWQFR       0008
SNAONTRE       005E 20
SNAOUT         0034
SNAOUTL        003C
SNAPACEC       0056
SNAPACEV       0054
SNAPA1         005C 10
SNAPFKEY       005B 80
SNAPFKIM       005C 20
SNAPRMT        005B 02
SNARDEV        0028
SNARLVSM       005E 80
SNASCOMQ       0048
SNASEVER       005B 01
SNASEVRQ       004C
SNASIZE        0060 0000000D
SNASSPND       005B 04
SNASVPND       005D 02
SNATRPND       005C 80
SNATRQBK       0040
SNAVPATH       0052
SNAVSMBK       002C
SNAWRST        0058

This information is based on z/VM V4R2.0. Last updated on 17 Oct 2001 at 16:30:01 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001