Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

NEDBK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: Node Element Descriptor Block
 FUNCTION   : Describes the Contents of a Node Element
 LOCATED BY : CUITOKND - Pointer to the Token NED in an I/O
              Subsystem.  Other NEDs are linked using
              the Boeblingen Building Block N-ary Tree
 CREATED BY : HCPCDT - Configuration Data Table Services
 SERIALIZED : This block will be serialized by the RDEV lock.
 COMMENTS   : Data map is hand drawn.


NEDBK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      NEDBK          Node Element Descriptor Block
0000    0 Bitstring   32 NEDDATA (0)    Node Element Data
0000    0 Bitstring    1 NEDFLAGS       Flags.
          111. ....      NEDFNVAL       X'E0' Node-ID Validity. Describes
                                        the validity of the node ID in
                                        bytes 4-31.
          11.. ....      NEDFLDID       X'C0' Field id = '11'b
          ..1. ....      NEDTOKEN       X'20' Token NED Indicator. If ON,
                                        the node described by this Node
                                        Element Descriptor (NED) is a
                                        Token NED.
          ...1 ....      NEDFTYP        X'10' Node Type. If ON, the node
                                        described by this Node Element
                                        Descriptor (NED) is a Central
                                        Processing Complex (CPC) type
                                        node. If OFF, the node described
                                        by this NED is a Device Type
          .... 1...      NEDFINFT       X'08' Interface Type. If ON, the
                                        attachable unit interface that
                                        determines this node is an
                                        internal interface. If OFF, the
                                        attachable unit interface that
                                        determines this node is an
                                        external interface.
          .... .1..      NEDFINFQ       X'04' Interface Qualifier. When
                                        (NEDFTYP = '1'B) & (NEDFINFT =
                                        '0'B) & (NEDFINFQ = '0'B) THEN
                                        the channel path interface has an
                                        associated CHPID. When (NEDFTYP =
                                        '1'B) & (NEDFINFT = '0'B) &
                                        (NEDFINFQ = '1'B) THEN the
                                        channel path interface has NO
                                        associated CHPID. For all other
                                        settings of flag bits 3 and 4, a
                                        zero in flag bit 5 has no
          .... ..1.      NEDFINVA       X'02' Node ID is not valid. The
                                        CPC is not
          .... ...1      NEDFNCUR       X'01' Node ID is valid, but may
                                        not be current.
          .... ....      NEDFVALN       X'00' Node ID is valid. able to
                                        obtain the requested node ID.
0001    1 Bitstring    3 NEDNPARM       Node Parameters.
0004    4 Bitstring    6 NEDTYPEN       TYPE NUMBER contains the EBCDIC
                                        type number (0-9) of the
                                        attachable unit.
000A   10 Bitstring    3 NEDMODN        Model Number contains the EBCDIC
                                        model number (0-9 or upper case
                                        A-Z) of the attachable unit.
000D   13 Bitstring    3 NEDMANUF       Manufacturer contains EBCDIC code
                                        (0-9 or upper-case A-Z) which
                                        identifies the manufacturer of
                                        the attachable unit e.g. "IBM".
0010   16 Bitstring    2 NEDPMANF       Plant of Manufacture contains
                                        EBCDIC code (0-9 or upper-case
                                        A-Z) which identifies the plant
                                        of manufacture for the attach-
                                        able unit.
0012   18 Bitstring   12 NEDSEQN (0)    Sequence Number.
0012   18 Bitstring    7 NEDSEQN1       Sequence Number contains the
                                        EBCDIC code (0-9 or upper-case
                                        A-Z) which identifies the first 7
                                        chars of the sequence number of
                                        the attachable unit.
0019   25 Bitstring    5 NEDSEQN2       Sequence Number contains the
                                        EBCDIC code (0-9 or upper-case
                                        A-Z) which identifies the last 5
                                        chars of the sequence number of
                                        the attachable unit.
001E   30 Bitstring    2 NEDTAG         Tag contains physical identifier
                                        for an interface of the
                                        attachable unit.
0020   32 Address      4 NEDSCPDT       NED Scope Function data which is
                                        used during the CDT Scope
                                        Function. Depending on the type
                                        of NED this block is used for,
                                        this filed will contain different
                                        data. If DNED, this field holds
                                        the RDEV address Otherwise, this
                                        field holds the CHPID list
     Field Redefinitions
0001    1 Bitstring    1 NEDTYPE        Type of NED
          00000001       NEDDEVND       X'01' I/O device NED
0002    2 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for future IBM use.
0001    1 Bitstring    1 * (2)          Reserved for future IBM use.
0003    3 Bitstring    1 NEDCHPID       Channel Path ID.
     Node parameter definition for a SWITCH Node Descriptor obtained from a
     Store Event Info CHSC after a link incident CRW was stored.
0001    1 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for future IBM use.
0002    2 Bitstring    1 NEDCLASS       I/O Device Class
          .... 1.1.      NEDSWICH       X'0A' Switch
0003    3 Bitstring    1 NEDLINKA       Link Address
0020   32 Address      4 NEDRDEV        RDEV address if Device NED
0020   32 Address      4 NEDCHPTR       Otherwise, CHPID list pointer
0024   36 Address      4 NEDMPPTR       Pointer to another parent NEDBK
                                        which is related to this NEDBK.
0020   32 Bitstring    8 NEDCPLST       Channel Paths associated with
                                        this NEDBK
     Mappings for NEDTAG
     For a Volume NED
001E   30 Bitstring    1 NEDLCU         ESCON Logical CU number.
001F   31 Bitstring    1 NEDUA          Unit address of the Volume.
          00000005       NEDSIZE        (*-NEDBK+7)/8 Size of NEDBK in
          00000028       NEDLEN         (*-NEDBK) Size of NEDBK in bytes.


NEDBK Storage Layout

*** NEDBK - Node Element Descriptor Block
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:FLAGS|     NEDNPARM       |        NEDTYPEN-          |
*     +------+------+-------------+------+--------------------+
*   8 |   -(004)    |      NEDMODN       |     NEDMANUF       |
*     +-------------+--------------------+--------------------+
*  10 |  NEDPMANF   |               NEDSEQN1-                 |
*     +------+------+---------------------------+-------------+
*  18 |-(012)|            NEDSEQN2              |   NEDTAG    |
*     +------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  20 |         NEDSCPDT          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28
*** NEDBK - Node Element Descriptor Block
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*            +------+-------------+
*   0 ..   1 |:TYPE |/////////////| 4
*            +------+-------------+
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*            +-------------+------+
*   0 ..   1 |/////////////|:CHPID| 4
*            +-------------+------+
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*            +------+------+------+
*   0 ..   1 |//////|:CLASS|:LINKA| 4
*            +------+------+------+
*** Overlay for NEDNPARM in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*     +---------------------------+
*  20 |         NEDRDEV           | 24
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         NEDCHPTR          |         NEDMPPTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       NEDCPLST                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28
*** Overlay for NEDSCPDT in NEDBK
*** Overlay for NEDTAG in NEDBK
*                                               +------+------+
*  18 ...                                    1E |NEDLCU|NEDUA |
*                                               +------+------+
*  20
*** Overlay for NEDTAG in NEDBK


NEDBK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
NEDCHPID       0003
NEDCHPTR       0020
NEDCLASS       0002
NEDCPLST       0020
NEDDATA        0000
NEDDEVND       0001 00000001
NEDFINFQ       0000 04
NEDFINFT       0000 08
NEDFINVA       0000 02
NEDFLAGS       0000
NEDFLDID       0000 C0
NEDFNCUR       0000 01
NEDFNVAL       0000 E0
NEDFTYP        0000 10
NEDFVALN       0000 00
NEDLCU         001E
NEDLEN         001F 00000028
NEDLINKA       0003
NEDMANUF       000D
NEDMODN        000A
NEDMPPTR       0024
NEDNPARM       0001
NEDPMANF       0010
NEDRDEV        0020
NEDSCPDT       0020
NEDSEQN        0012
NEDSEQN1       0012
NEDSEQN2       0019
NEDSIZE        001F 00000005
NEDSWICH       0002 0A
NEDTAG         001E
NEDTOKEN       0000 20
NEDTYPE        0001
NEDTYPEN       0004
NEDUA          001F

This information is based on z/VM V4R2.0. Last updated on 17 Oct 2001 at 15:45:56 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001