Programming Interface Information:
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Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
SR3BK Prolog
NAME : HCPSR3BK DESCRIPTION: Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings DSECT : SR3BK FUNCTION : Overlays section 3, Primary Symptom Strings of the Symptom Record for hard and soft abends. LOCATED BY : n/a CREATED BY : HCPDMP HCPSRB HCPEDC DELETED BY : HCPDMP HCPSRB HCPEDC NOTES : This mapping is for section 3 of the symptom record associated with CP hard and soft abend dumps only. CP builds its own primary symptom strings and determines the order as mapped below. The symptom record architecture requires only that the PIDS be the first field in section 3. All others primary symptom strings are optional and may be in any order. Section 3 must be built using the SDB(Structured Data Base) format definitions. VMDUMP primary symptom strings are provided by the Guest running in the virtual machine requesting a dump. CP is not aware of the order that they are provided. Therefore, this mapping can not be used for section 3 of VMDUMP symptom records.
SR3BK Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SR3BK Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings 0000 0 Character 5 SR3PIDS SDB keyword PIDS/ 0005 5 Character 9 SR3PIDSD Component ID 000E 14 Character 1 SR3BLK1 Blank used by soft and hard abend 000F 15 Character 4 SR3ABS SDB keyword AB/S 0013 19 Character 6 SR3ABSD Hard/Soft Abend Code 0019 25 Character 1 SR3BLK2 Blank 001A 26 Signed 2 SR3NXT (0) Remaining Symptom strings may or may not be built.. Length of section 3 that will always be built for a CP symptom record. 0000001A SR3BYTL (*-SR3BK) In bytes.. The RIDS string contains the module name causing the error or the module name issuing the abend. There will be no RIDS in the symptom record if this abend was caused by a hardware error (SVC002) or a program check.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SR3RIDSS Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings 0000 0 Character 5 SR3RIDS SDB keyword RIDS/ 0005 5 Character 8 SR3RIDSD Module causing error 000D 13 Character 1 SR3BLK3 Blank Length of SR3RIDSS 0000000E SR3RIDL (*-SR3RIDSS) The Return code symptom string is only built if R15 contains a return code.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SR3RETC Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings 0000 0 Character 5 SR3PRCS SDB keyword PRCS/ 0005 5 Character 8 SR3PRCSD Return code symptom 000D 13 Character 1 SR3BLK4 Blank Length of SR3RETC 0000000E SR3RETL (*-SR3RETC) The register symptom consists of a maximum of two symptoms. There may only by one or none. The SDB keyword is REGS/.
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SR3REGS Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings 0000 0 Character 5 SR3REGS1 SDB keyword REGS/ 0005 5 Character 2 SR3REGDA Registers symptom data 0007 7 Character 3 SR3REGDB Registers symptom data 000A 10 Character 1 SR3BLKF1 Primary symptom string ends with blank 000B 11 Character 5 SR3REGS2 SDB keyword REGS/ 0010 16 Character 2 SR3REGDC Registers symptom data 0012 18 Character 3 SR3REGDD Registers symptom data 0015 21 Character 1 SR3BLKF2 Primary symptom string ends with blank Length of SR3REGS 00000016 SR3REGL (*-SR3REGS) Length of SR3BK in double words. Includes all sections 0000000A SR3SIZE (SR3BYTL+SR3RIDL+SR3RETL+SR3REGL+ 7)/8
SR3BK Storage Layout
*** SR3BK - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings * * +----------------------------------+--------------------+ * 0 | SR3PIDS | SR3PIDSD | * +----------------------------------+ +------+------+ * 8 | |:BLK1 |(00F)-| * +--------------------+--------------------+------+------+ * 10 | -SR3ABS | SR3ABSD- | * +------+------+------+----------------------------------+ * 18 |-(013)|:BLK2 | * +------+------+ * *** SR3BK - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings *** SR3RIDSS - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings * * +----------------------------------+--------------------+ * 0 | SR3RIDS | (005)- | * +----------------------------------+------+-------------+ * 8 | -SR3RIDSD |:BLK3 | E * +----------------------------------+------+ * *** SR3RIDSS - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings *** SR3RETC - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings * * +----------------------------------+--------------------+ * 0 | SR3PRCS | (005)- | * +----------------------------------+------+-------------+ * 8 | -SR3PRCSD |:BLK4 | E * +----------------------------------+------+ * *** SR3RETC - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings *** SR3REGS - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings * * +----------------------------------+-------------+------+ * 0 | SR3REGS1 | SR3REGDA |(007)-| * +-------------+------+-------------+-------------+------+ * 8 | -SR3REGDB |:BLKF1| SR3REGS2 | * +-------------+------+-------------+------+-------------+ * 10 | SR3REGDC | SR3REGDD |:BLKF2| 16 * +-------------+--------------------+------+ * *** SR3REGS - Symptom Record Primary Symptom Strings
SR3BK Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- SR3ABS 000F SR3ABSD 0013 SR3BLKF1 000A SR3BLKF2 0015 SR3BLK1 000E SR3BLK2 0019 SR3BLK3 000D SR3BLK4 000D SR3BYTL 001A 0000001A SR3NXT 001A SR3PIDS 0000 SR3PIDSD 0005 SR3PRCS 0000 SR3PRCSD 0005 SR3REGDA 0005 SR3REGDB 0007 SR3REGDC 0010 SR3REGDD 0012 SR3REGL 0015 00000016 SR3REGS1 0000 SR3REGS2 000B SR3RETL 000D 0000000E SR3RIDL 000D 0000000E SR3RIDS 0000 SR3RIDSD 0005 SR3SIZE 0015 0000000A
This information is based on z/VM V4R1.0.
Last updated on 5 Jun 2001 at 16:45:01 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001