Programming Interface Information: This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

DBCWK Prolog

 DESCRIPTION: DASD Block I/O work block
 FUNCTION   : Contains information specific to DASD block
              I/O requests.  It is basically a work area
              for HCPDBC and it is also now used as the control
              block to represent the current state of a
              particular Diagnose 250 or *BLOCKIO (request).
              (The SNDBK and BRQBK used to fulfill these
              roles, any fields in those control blocks
              now reside here).
              Since a number fields are specific to the particular
              i/o request, there is an overlay portion of this control
              block at label DBCSPECL.  The overlays are defined in
              here and there is an overlay for each type of i/o.
 LOCATED BY : This is pointed to by R13 in all of the
              block i/o handlers (HCPBIM, HCPBIR, HCPDGB
              HCPBID, HCPDGD, HCPDBC and HCPDBD).
 CREATED BY : HCPDGB (Diag A4 handling)
              HCPBIM (*BLOCKIO handling)
              HCPBID (Diag 250 handling)
              HCPDGD (Diag 18  handling)
 DELETED BY : HCPDGB (Diag A4 handling)
              HCPBIM (*BLOCKIO handling)
              HCPBID or HCPBIR (Diag 250 handling)
              HCPDGD (Diag 18  handling)
 COMMENTS   : The DBCWK area contains one BPLBK (DBCSINGL) and one
              IPARML Reply (DBCPARML).  If the size of either of
              these control blocks changes, then DBCSINGL and
              DBCPARML should be updated accordingly.


DBCWK Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DBCWK          DASD Block I/O work block
0000    0 Dbl-Word     8 DBCIASIT       I-ASIT for the
                                        SBIOP/SBILIST/BPLBK and guest
     Work area can be used as a temporary save area by any routine that
     needs to save something temporarily. The general rule of thumb is that
     a value stored in DBCWORK is only used within the subroutine that
     stored it there, any exceptions to this rule are noted in the code.
0008    8 Dbl-Word     8 DBCWORK (0)    Temporary work area
0008    8 Signed       4 DBCWORK1       Work word 1
000C   12 Signed       4 DBCWORK2       Work word 2
0010   16 Signed       4 DBCWORK3       Work word 3
0014   20 Signed       4 DBCWORK4       Work word 4
     The following 4 bytes (1 word) are used to hold various processing bits
     common to all types of block i/o.
0018   24 Bitstring    1 DBCSWTCH       Flags for processing control
          1... ....      DBCGOOD        X'80' At least one good i/o
          .1.. ....      DBCNSTD        X'40' Nonstandard block size
          ..1. ....      DBCNOCAR       X'20' No caching requested
          ...1 ....      DBCWRITE       X'10' Type of I/O 1 for read, 0
                                        for write
          .... 1...      DBCCACC        X'08' Cache access held
          .... .1..      DBCINCAC       X'04' This I/O operation is no
                                        longer eligible for caching
          .... ..1.      DBCARMOD       X'02' In AR Mode
          .... ...1      DBCPRIM        X'01' Parameter list in primary
0019   25 Bitstring    1 DBCSWTC2       More flags for processing
          1... ....      DBCNOTEL       X'80' Not eligible for cache
          .1.. ....      DBCBLKER       X'40' Found block in error
          ..1. ....      DBCREPLP       X'20' Must replace Parm List
          ...1 ....      DBCCOPYP       X'10' Made copy of Parm list
          .... 1...      DBCASYNC       X'08' Asynchronous blockio
          .... .1..      DBCDG250       X'04' DIAG 250 i/o
          .... ..1.      DBCBLKIO       X'02' *BLOCKIO i/o
          .... ...1      DBCDGA4        X'01' DIAGA4 i/o
     DBCGKEY has key for storage protection checks
001A   26 Bitstring    1 DBCGKEY        Storage key
001B   27 Bitstring    1 DBCSWTC4       More processing bits
          1... ....      DBCGLDEL       X'80' All track deletion req.
          .1.. ....      DBCNOREL       X'40' Don't release on read
          ..1. ....      DBCRDCPY       X'20' Read access must copy data
          ...1 ....      DBCARGST       X'10' Guest in AR mode
          .... 1...      DBCSAWWR       X'08' At least 1 write in req.
          .... .1..      DBCWFAIL       X'04' At least 1 write failed
          .... ..1.      DBCXSTOR       X'02' Cache block on XSTOR
          .... ...1      DBCDIDIO       X'01' Did I/O for this request
001C   28 Signed       4 DBCSAV         original SAVBK address
     The DBCHALET is used for the block list control block for the
     particular type of block i/o request.
0020   32 Signed       4 DBCHALET       ALET for guest space (CP)
0024   36 Signed       4 DBCEALET       Guest version of ALET.
0028   40 Signed       4 DBCERET        Return address save
002C   44 Signed       4 DBCERET2       2'nd level return address save
0030   48 Signed       4 DBCDPSBK       DPSBK Address
0034   52 Signed       4 DBCANCHR       BIOPG page list anchor
     The following fields used to be in a separate control block called a
     DVCPL. They are now placed here to avoid having to load up its address
     all the time.
0038   56 Signed       4 DBCHFRST       Beginning of DVIENTRY linked list
003C   60 Signed       4 DBCHLAST       End of DVIENTRY linked list
0040   64 Address      4 DBCOPPTR       Beginning of DVIOP linked list
0044   68 Signed       4 DBCTFRST       DVTRK (tracks accessed) list
0048   72 Address      4 DBCLCKAD       Address of lock word
004C   76 Signed       4 DBCMAXCH       Max channel program size
0050   80 Signed       4 DBCKEY         Key save area
0054   84 Signed       4 DBCBKNUM       Block number save area
0058   88 Signed       4 DBCDVC         DBC/DBE - ptr to DVIENTRY DGB/DGD
                                        - ptr to DVIOP
005C   92 Signed       4 DBCTKPTR       Pointer to previous DVTRK
0060   96 Signed       4 DBCRTRAK       Relative track save area
0064  100 Signed       4 DBCTCHBK       Last Read TCHBK Addr
0068  104 Signed       4 DBCMXENT       Max entry count
006C  108 Signed       4 DBCERRAD       Address where a host storage
                                        error occurred on parameter list.
     The following fields are the CDATA word and the DPSBK information from
     the currently-in-use track, by that we mean that it is the one we will
     next try to copy data to/from.
0070  112 Signed       4 DBCTKDAT (0)   Data for current track
0070  112 Signed       4 DBCCDATA (0)   TCHBK save
0070  112 Signed       2 DBCVCYL        Virtual cylinder
0072  114 Bitstring    1 DBCFSTRN       First record number
0073  115 Bitstring    1 DBCLOWRN       Low record number
0074  116 Signed       4 * (0)
0074  116 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
0075  117 Bitstring    3 DBCDPSTF (0)   DPSBK stuff we care about
0075  117 Bitstring    1 DBCHIRN        Highest record number
0076  118 Signed       2 DBCTKSIZ       Blocksize of track
          00000002       DBCTKLEN       (*-DBCTKDAT+3)/4 Size in words of
                                        track data
     The following field is the read copy of the data. We only have 1 read
     track accessed at any given time, yet for *BLOCKIO and DIAG 250 we may
     have mixed reads and writes. So if we get write access to a track, then
     we copy the read data to this temporary save area. Then, if we later
     read from the current read track, then we can just copy the data back
     instead of going through a re-access of the track.
0078  120 Signed       4 DBCRDSAV (2)   Read save area
0080  128 Signed       4 DBCBLKCT       Remember block count
0084  132 Signed       4 DBCRC          Return code save area
0088  136 Signed       2 DBCBLKSZ       Block size
008A  138 Signed       2 DBCHSID        Hash id for cache
008C  140 Signed       2 DBCOFSET       OFFSET into track
008E  142 Signed       2 DBCDBICT       Count of DBIRQ blocks sent to
0090  144 Signed       4 DBCDVIAD       Pointer to next DVIOP to schedule
                                        for these i/o oper.
0094  148 Address      4 DBCNEXT        Pointer to next DBCWK for this
                                        virtual device
0098  152 Signed       4 DBCRELRT       Release return address
009C  156 Signed       4 DBCMALET       ALET FOR MDC address space for
                                        last track accessed
00A0  160 Signed       4 * (0)
00A0  160 Bitstring    1 DBCSWTC5       More processing bits
          1... ....      DBCDG18        X'80' Processing a Diag X'18'
00A1  161 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
00A2  162 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
00A4  164 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 DBCSPECL (0)
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 * (10)         Overlay area, note that this
                                        leaves room for service.
          0000001F       DBCWKLEN       (*-DBCWK+7)/8 Size in double
     DIAGNOSE 18 Specific fields Are overlayed at label DBCSPECL.
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 DBCSVCCW       Host copy of CCW
     DBCARGSV has BBCCHH of first SEEK in CCW program and the relocated CC
     address for the minidisk.
00B0  176 Dbl-Word     8 DBCARGSV (0)   First SEEK arguments
00B0  176 Signed       2 DBCARGBB       BB portion of seek
00B2  178 Signed       2 DBCARGCC       CC portion of seek
00B4  180 Signed       2 DBCARGHH       HH portion of seek
00B6  182 Signed       2 DBCCYLSV       Relocated CC of seek
     DBCNXTSV has BBCCHH of latest SEEK in CCW program
00B8  184 Dbl-Word     8 DBCNXTSV (0)   Latest SEEK arguments
00B8  184 Signed       2 DBCNXTBB       BB portion of seek
00BA  186 Signed       2 DBCNXTCC       CC portion of seek
00BC  188 Signed       2 DBCNXTHH       HH portion of seek
00BE  190 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
     DBCORIEN has the latest record orientation information in it. It has
     the CCHHR of the last record that we read from the cache.
00C0  192 Bitstring    5 DBCORIEN (0)   Latest SIDE arguments
00C0  192 Signed       2 DBCORICC       CC of SIDE
00C2  194 Signed       2 DBCORIHH       HH of SIDE
00C4  196 Bitstring    1 DBCORIR        R of SIDE
00C5  197 Bitstring    1 DBC18SWT       More flags
          1... ....      DBCFIRST       X'80' Working on first CCW
          .1.. ....      DBCBUSYV       X'40' Made the VDEV busy
          ..1. ....      DBCSILI        X'20' SILI bit on
          ...1 ....      DBCMIXED       X'10' Mixed blocksizes found
          .... 1...      DBCREMOV       X'08' Can remove DVIENTRYs
          .... .1..      DBCSTD         X'04' Track is standard
          .... ..1.      DBCEOT         X'02' Reached End of Track
00C6  198 Signed       2 DBCMAXSZ       Max block size found
00C8  200 Signed       4 DBCIORAD       IORBK save address
00CC  204 Signed       4 DBCGCCW        Guest CCW Address
00D0  208 Signed       4 DBCCCWCT       CCW count
00D4  212 Signed       4 DBCCYLTK       Relative track for cyl
00D8  216 Signed       4 DBCSEKPT       Last SearchID DVIENTRY
00DC  220 Signed       4 DBCCPSPT       Last C.P.S. Pointer
00E0  224 Signed       4 DBCTKHED       Track pointer
00E4  228 Signed       4 DBC18RC        Diag 18 return code
00E8  232 Signed       4 * (4)          Reserved for IBM use
     DIAGNOSE A4 Specific fields Are overlayed at label DBCSPECL.
00A8  168 Bitstring    1 DBCA4SWT       More flags
          1... ....      DBCVDEV        X'80' Got the VDEV lock to be
                                        copied back to guest storage.
          .1.. ....      DBCBUSY        X'40' We turned on VDEVBUSY
          ..1. ....      DBCREPS        X'20' SBIOP must be replaced on
          .... 1...      DBCINIOR       X'08' Initialized IORBK
          .... .1..      DBCCOPYS       X'04' SBIOP was copied to host
          .... ..1.      DBCQDSK        X'02' Have Vdisk I/O lock
          .... ...1      DBCBKOUT       X'01' End-user breakout enabled
00A9  169 Bitstring    1 DBCARNUM       ARx access register
00AA  170 Bitstring    1 DBCLPM         Guest LPM
00AB  171 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
00AC  172 Signed       4 DBCAR9         Save for current ALET
00B0  176 Signed       4 DBCPROG        Prog check operand
00B4  180 Signed       4 DBCIORBK       IORBK save address
00B8  184 Signed       4 DBCBLKPR       Blocks processed
00BC  188 Signed       4 DBCSBIOP       Address of SBIOP
00C0  192 Signed       4 DBCGADDR       Guest addr of SBIOP
00C4  196 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
00C8  200 Signed       4 DBCGLIST       SBILIST guest address
00CC  204 Signed       4 * (11)         Reserved for IBM use
     DIAGNOSE 250 Specific fields are overlayed at label DBCSPECL.
     The following is an address space buffer. It holds the latest address
     space info on a guest buffer specified in the BELBK entry. I.E. It
     holds the latest BELBALET and the associated things that we care about.
     A non-zero entry indicates that we have access to the data space
     containing the buffer. A zero entry means that there is no address
     space attached for a given BELBK entry.
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 DBCBASIT       BELBK I-asit Address
00B0  176 Signed       4 DBCBKIBK       BKIBK address
00B4  180 Address      4 DBCHALBK       Address of the host-ART
                                        .lookaside block .containing the
                                        ALET/i-ASIT .pairs associated
                                        with .the data buffers in the
                                        .BELBK entries.
00B8  184 Bitstring    1 DBCDOPER       Operation field for the DIAG
                                        X'250' request
          1... ....      DBCABSET       X'80' Abort exit was established
          .1.. ....      DBCABORT       X'40' Abort exit was driven
          ..1. ....      DBCASYRQ       X'20' Guest requested
                                        asynchronous processing.
          ...1 ....      DBCBYPAS       X'10' Guest requested that we
                                        bypass minidisk cache
          .... 1...      DBCBELST       X'08' The BELBK could not be
                                        stored for the completion of an
                                        asynchronous request.
00B9  185 Bitstring    1 DBCFLAGS       More processing flags
          1... ....      DBCBELGT       X'80' Used GETST to get BELBK
          .1.. ....      DBCGTHAL       X'40' Used GETST to get HALBK
00BA  186 Bitstring    1 DBC250RC       Return code for request
          .... ....      DBCRC00        X'00' A synchronous request was
                                        successful (either scheduled and
                                        completed, or from cache) or an
                                        asynchronous request was
                                        successfully satisfied from
          .... 1...      DBCRC08        X'08' An asynchronous request was
                                        initiated (all or part of the I/O
                                        was scheduled).
          .... 11..      DBCRC12        X'0C' A request was partially
                                        successful. If asynchronous, part
                                        of the request was satisfied from
                                        cache, but an error occurred
                                        preventing the entire request
                                        from completing successfully.
          ..1. 1...      DBCRC40        X'28' All of the BELBK entries
                                        were in error, or all DVIOPs were
                                        in error.
          ..1. 11..      DBCRC44        X'2C' Remove or reset terminated
                                        a synchronous request.
          ..11 ....      DBCRC48        X'30' A synchronous request was
                                        terminated by the user (the abort
                                        exit was driven).
          1111 1111      DBCRC255       X'FF' A catastrophic error (abend
                                        condition) occurred. Some I/O may
                                        have been scheduled or done.
00BB  187 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved for IBM use
00BC  188 Signed       2 DBCBELCT       Number of entries in the block
                                        .I/O entry list
00BE  190 Signed       2 *              Reserved for IBM use
00C0  192 Address      4 DBCBELBK       Address of the block I/O .entry
                                        list in host .storage.
00C4  196 Address      4 DBCGBELA       Address of the block I/O .entry
                                        list in guest .storage.
00C8  200 Signed       4 DBCIPARM       Interruption parameter, if this
                                        .is an asynchronous request.
00CC  204 Signed       4 DBCOFFCP       Offset for block number - .this
                                        is a copy of BKIOFFCP
00D0  208 Signed       4 * (10)         Reserved for IBM use
     **BLOCKIO Specific fields are overlayed at label DBCSPECL.
     DBCSINGL contains a BPLBK, so any changes to the BPLBK size affect this
     field. NOTES : Currently the BPLBK is 4F, but the last 1F is unused, so
     using 3F for DBCSINGL works (and is all we can fit in DBCSPECL at this
00A8  168 Signed       4 DBCSINGL (3)   Storage for a single block I/O
                                        version of the multiple block I/O
                                        parameter list Mapped by HCPBPLBK
00B4  180 Signed       4 DBCBLKAD       BLKIO address
00B8  184 Bitstring    1 DBCBOPER       Operation field for SEND Request
          1... ....      DBCMONO        X'80' Indicate Single BLK SEND
                                        REQ Protocol
          .1.. ....      DBCMULTI       X'40' Indicate Multi BLK SEND REQ
          ..1. ....      DBCIWAIT       X'20' Indicate waiting for I/O
          ...1 ....      DBCSYNC        X'10' Guest request is
          .... 1...      DBCGOTBL       X'08' got storage for blockio
          .... .1..      DBCSEXIT       X'04' Exitted to caller already
00B9  185 Bitstring    1 DBCBLKRC       IUCV Reply Return Code
00BA  186 Signed       2 DBCSSHCT       Number of real SSCH issued to
                                        handle this send request.
00BC  188 Signed       4 DBCMSGID       IUCV message id
00C0  192 Signed       4 DBCTRGCL (0)   IUCV target class
00C0  192 Bitstring    3 *              ...IUCV target class
00C3  195 Bitstring    1 DBCBLKRQ       Blockio service request
          1... ....      DBCBLKNC       X'80' Bypass MDC processing
          .... ..11      DBCBLKMB       X'03' Multi-block request
          .... ..1.      DBCBLKRD       X'02' Single block read
          .... ...1      DBCBLKWR       X'01' Single block write
00C4  196 Address      4 DBCPLADR       Address of the multiple block
                                        parameter list in host real
00C8  200 Signed       4 DBCGPLST       Guest address of the multiple
     DBCPARML houses an IPARML, so any changes to the IPARML size affect
     this field.
00CC  204 Bitstring   40 DBCPARML       IUCV reply parameter list
                                        Mask to validate DBCTRGCL (IUCV
                                        target class)
00F4  244 Signed       2 DBCPLCNT       Count of elements in the multiple
                                        block parameter list
00F6  246 Signed       2 DBCPLSIZ       Size of the multiple block
                                        parameter list in bytes


DBCWK Storage Layout

*** DBCWK - DASD Block I/O work block
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       DBCIASIT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         DBCWORK1          |         DBCWORK2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         DBCWORK3          |         DBCWORK4          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  18 |:SWTCH|:SWTC2|:GKEY |:SWTC4|          DBCSAV           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         DBCHALET          |         DBCEALET          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         DBCERET           |         DBCERET2          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         DBCDPSBK          |         DBCANCHR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         DBCHFRST          |         DBCHLAST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |         DBCOPPTR          |         DBCTFRST          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         DBCLCKAD          |         DBCMAXCH          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |          DBCKEY           |         DBCBKNUM          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |          DBCDVC           |         DBCTKPTR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         DBCRTRAK          |         DBCTCHBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         DBCMXENT          |         DBCERRAD          |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
*  70 |  DBCVCYL    |:FSTRN|:LOWRN|//////|:HIRN |  DBCTKSIZ   |
*     +-------------+------+------+------+------+-------------+
*  78 |                       DBCRDSAV                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         DBCBLKCT          |          DBCRC            |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |  DBCBLKSZ   |  DBCHSID    |  DBCOFSET   |  DBCDBICT   |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  90 |         DBCDVIAD          |         DBCNEXT           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |         DBCRELRT          |         DBCMALET          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |:SWTC5|//////|/////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8
*** DBCWK - DASD Block I/O work block
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                       DBCSVCCW                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*     +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
*  B8 |  DBCNXTBB   |  DBCNXTCC   |  DBCNXTHH   |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  C8 |         DBCIORAD          |         DBCGCCW           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         DBCCCWCT          |         DBCCYLTK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8 |         DBCSEKPT          |         DBCCPSPT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E0 |         DBCTKHED          |         DBC18RC           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  E8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |:A4SWT|:ARNUM|DBCLPM|//////|          DBCAR9           |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         DBCPROG           |         DBCIORBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         DBCBLKPR          |         DBCSBIOP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         DBCGADDR          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         DBCGLIST          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+///////////////////////////|
*  D0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                       DBCBASIT                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         DBCBKIBK          |         DBCHALBK          |
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  B8 |:DOPER|:FLAGS|:250RC|//////|  DBCBELCT   |/////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+
*  C0 |         DBCBELBK          |         DBCGBELA          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         DBCIPARM          |         DBCOFFCP          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////=
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  F8
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |                       DBCSINGL                        |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*  B0 |                           |         DBCBLKAD          |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |:BOPER|:BLKRC|  DBCSSHCT   |         DBCMSGID          |
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |////////////////////|:BLKRQ|         DBCPLADR          |
*     +--------------------+------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         DBCGPLST          |                           |
*     +---------------------------+                           |
*  D0 |                                                       |
*     =                       DBCPARML                        =
*     |                           +-------------+-------------+
*  F0 |                           |  DBCPLCNT   |  DBCPLSIZ   |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  F8
*** Overlay for DBCSPECL in DBCWK


DBCWK Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DBCABORT       00B8 40
DBCABSET       00B8 80
DBCANCHR       0034
DBCARGBB       00B0
DBCARGCC       00B2
DBCARGHH       00B4
DBCARGST       001B 10
DBCARGSV       00B0
DBCARMOD       0018 02
DBCARNUM       00A9
DBCAR9         00AC
DBCASYNC       0019 08
DBCASYRQ       00B8 20
DBCA4SWT       00A8
DBCBASIT       00A8
DBCBELBK       00C0
DBCBELGT       00B9 80
DBCBELST       00B8 08
DBCBKIBK       00B0
DBCBKNUM       0054
DBCBKOUT       00A8 01
DBCBLKAD       00B4
DBCBLKCT       0080
DBCBLKER       0019 40
DBCBLKIO       0019 02
DBCBLKMB       00C3 03
DBCBLKNC       00C3 80
DBCBLKPR       00B8
DBCBLKRC       00B9
DBCBLKRD       00C3 02
DBCBLKRQ       00C3
DBCBLKSZ       0088
DBCBLKWR       00C3 01
DBCBOPER       00B8
DBCBUSY        00A8 40
DBCBUSYV       00C5 40
DBCBYPAS       00B8 10
DBCCACC        0018 08
DBCCCWCT       00D0
DBCCDATA       0070
DBCCOPYP       0019 10
DBCCOPYS       00A8 04
DBCCYLSV       00B6
DBCCYLTK       00D4
DBCDBICT       008E
DBCDGA4        0019 01
DBCDG18        00A0 80
DBCDG250       0019 04
DBCDIDIO       001B 01
DBCDOPER       00B8
DBCDPSBK       0030
DBCDPSTF       0075
DBCDVC         0058
DBCDVIAD       0090
DBCEALET       0024
DBCEOT         00C5 02
DBCERET        0028
DBCERET2       002C
DBCERRAD       006C
DBCFIRST       00C5 80
DBCFLAGS       00B9
DBCFSTRN       0072
DBCGADDR       00C0
DBCGBELA       00C4
DBCGCCW        00CC
DBCGKEY        001A
DBCGLDEL       001B 80
DBCGLIST       00C8
DBCGOOD        0018 80
DBCGOTBL       00B8 08
DBCGPLST       00C8
DBCGTHAL       00B9 40
DBCHALBK       00B4
DBCHALET       0020
DBCHFRST       0038
DBCHIRN        0075
DBCHLAST       003C
DBCHSID        008A
DBCIASIT       0000
DBCINCAC       0018 04
DBCINIOR       00A8 08
DBCIORAD       00C8
DBCIORBK       00B4
DBCIPARM       00C8
DBCIWAIT       00B8 20
DBCKEY         0050
DBCLCKAD       0048
DBCLOWRN       0073
DBCLPM         00AA
DBCMALET       009C
DBCMAXCH       004C
DBCMAXSZ       00C6
DBCMIXED       00C5 10
DBCMONO        00B8 80
DBCMULTI       00B8 40
DBCMXENT       0068
DBCNEXT        0094
DBCNOCAR       0018 20
DBCNOREL       001B 40
DBCNOTEL       0019 80
DBCNSTD        0018 40
DBCNXTBB       00B8
DBCNXTSV       00B8
DBCOFSET       008C
DBCOPPTR       0040
DBCORICC       00C0
DBCORIEN       00C0
DBCORIHH       00C2
DBCORIR        00C4
DBCPLADR       00C4
DBCPLCNT       00F4
DBCPLSIZ       00F6
DBCPRIM        0018 01
DBCPROG        00B0
DBCQDSK        00A8 02
DBCRC          0084
DBCRC00        00BA 00
DBCRC08        00BA 08
DBCRC12        00BA 0C
DBCRC255       00BA FF
DBCRC40        00BA 28
DBCRC44        00BA 2C
DBCRC48        00BA 30
DBCRDCPY       001B 20
DBCRDSAV       0078
DBCRELRT       0098
DBCREMOV       00C5 08
DBCREPLP       0019 20
DBCREPS        00A8 20
DBCRTRAK       0060
DBCSAV         001C
DBCSAWWR       001B 08
DBCSEKPT       00D8
DBCSEXIT       00B8 04
DBCSILI        00C5 20
DBCSINGL       00A8
DBCSPECL       00A8
DBCSTD         00C5 04
DBCSVCCW       00A8
DBCSWTCH       0018
DBCSWTC2       0019
DBCSWTC4       001B
DBCSWTC5       00A0
DBCSYNC        00B8 10
DBCTCHBK       0064
DBCTFRST       0044
DBCTKDAT       0070
DBCTKHED       00E0
DBCTKLEN       0076 00000002
DBCTKPTR       005C
DBCTKSIZ       0076
DBCTRGCL       00C0
DBCVCYL        0070
DBCVDEV        00A8 80
DBCWFAIL       001B 04
DBCWKLEN       00A8 0000001F
DBCWORK        0008
DBCWORK1       0008
DBCWORK2       000C
DBCWORK3       0010
DBCWORK4       0014
DBCWRITE       0018 10
DBCXSTOR       001B 02
DBC18RC        00E4
DBC18SWT       00C5
DBC250RC       00BA

This information is based on z/VM V4R1.0.
Last updated on 5 Jun 2001 at 13:14:44 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001