Programming Interface Information: This page documents intended Programming
Interfaces that allow the customer to write programs to obtain the services of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  


 FUNCTION   : CP Creates this parameter list to interface
              with The ESM (External Security Manager e.g.
 CREATED BY : Modules which call HCPRPIRA and HCPRPWEP.
 DELETED BY : Modules which call HCPRPIRA and HCPRPWEP.


ACIPARMS Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      ACIPARMS       ACCESS CONTROL INTERFACE
     The code in this field indicates class of event for the purposes of the
     authorization check associated with the ACIBMAPP setting. On calls
     where no authorization corresponding to the ACIBMAPP setting is
     applicable, ACIVMCMD should be used.
0000    0 Bitstring    1 ACIFCN         A*1 FUNCTION REQUEST
          00000000       ACILINK        X'00' LINK ACCESS VALIDATION
          00000004       ACISPOOL       X'04' SPOOL ACCESS VALIDATION
          00000008       ACITAG         X'08' NODE ACCESS VALIDATION
          0000000C       ACIDEL         X'0C' DELETE USER REQUEST
          00000010       ACILOG         X'10' LOGON and (X)Autolog
          00000018       ACIALTU        X'18' ALTERNATE USERID
          0000001C       ACIVMCMD       X'1C' COMMAND FUNCTION
          00000020       ACINSSEG       X'20' Restricted Load/Find of an
          00000024       ACIDCSEG       X'24' Restricted Load/Find of a
          00000028       ACIFESM1       X'28' Reserved for ESM internal
          0000002C       ACIFESM2       X'2C' Reserved for ESM internal
          00000030       ACISETID       X'30' POSIX set ID request
          00000034       ACIQGDB        X'34' POSIX group database query
          00000038       ACIQUDB        X'38' POSIX user database query
          00000000       *
0001    1 Bitstring    1 ACICODE        A*2 RETURN CODE FIELD
          00000000       ACIAUTH        X'00' Access authorized, or
                                        successful audit
          00000004       ACIDEFR        X'04' Access deferred
          00000008       ACINOAC        X'08' Access denied
          0000000C       ACIFAIL        X'0C' Fail command, issue no
                                        message. For LOGON command, force
                                        user. Only possible when
          00000010       ACITERM        X'10' Fail command issue no
                                        message. Only possible when
          00000020       ACIUNAV        X'20' ESM was unable to process
          00000024       ACINFND        X'24' Input group/user does not
          00000028       ACIBFSM        X'28' Access authorized, but the
                                        data buffer is too small to
                                        contain the requested data
          0000002C       ACINVAL        X'2C' ACINUID/ACINGID contains an
                                        invalid value
          00000030       ACINGMEM       X'30' ACITUSR not a member of the
                                        group identified in
                                        ACIGGNAM/ACIGGID. Only possible
                                        when ACIPXQGM=1.
          00000000       *
0002    2 Bitstring    2 ACILEN         ACIPARMS length, in bytes
     The ACIBMAPA, ACIBMAPP and ACIBMAPM fields contain the audit, protect
     and MAC settings respectively. For privileged commands, the bits in in
     the field contain the settings for CLASSA-CLASSG of the command. For
     ANY class commands, diagnose codes, and system functions, the flags
     defined after each field are used to indicate the setting. (ACIBMAPM is
     located after ACIENV)
0004    4 Bitstring    1 ACIBMAPA       ACI audit bit
          1... ....      ACIANYAU       X'80' Audit for 'ANY' command
          1... ....      ACIDGNAU       X'80' Audit for Diagnose
          1... ....      ACISYSAU       X'80' Audit for system functions
0005    5 Bitstring    1 ACIBMAPP       ACI protect bit
          1... ....      ACIANYPR       X'80' Protect for 'ANY' command
          1... ....      ACIDGNPR       X'80' Protect for Diagnose
          1... ....      ACISYSPR       X'80' Protect for system
     The ACIENV codes indicate the format of the ACIPARMS buffer being
0006    6 Bitstring    1 ACIENV         A*3 Type of event
          00000001       ACIXAC         X'01' Command
          00000006       ACIXAD         X'06' DIAGNOSE
          0000000B       ACIXAT         X'0B' TRANSFER function
          0000000C       ACIXAV         X'0C' VMCF function
          0000000F       ACIXACCW       X'0F' Diagnostic CCW function
          00000010       ACISEG         X'10' Diagnose X'64' and RSTDSEG.
          00000011       ACIDIAE4       X'11' Diagnose X'E4'
          00000012       ACIAPPW        X'12' APPC Connect with password
          00000013       ACICNCT        X'13' IUCV & APPC connect
          00000014       ACISEVER       X'14' IUCV & APPC sever
          00000015       ACISPF         X'15' SPF/SDF create, open &
                                        delete and CP printing
          00000030       ACIAUTO        X'30' (X)autolog
          00000031       ACITAGN        X'31' Tag command
          00000032       ACIDISK        X'32' Link or MDISK
          00000033       ACIGVRTN       X'33' GIVE return
          00000037       ACITRANS       X'37' Transfer command & 'TO'
          00000038       ACISPTAP       X'38' SPTAPE/SPXTAPE LOAD or DUMP
          00000040       ACIPQUDB       X'40' POSIX user database query
          00000041       ACIPQGDB       X'41' POSIX group database query
          00000042       ACISETUI       X'42' POSIX setuid() function
          00000043       ACISETEU       X'43' POSIX seteuid() function
          00000044       ACISETGI       X'44' POSIX setgid() function
          00000045       ACISETEG       X'45' POSIX setegid() function
          00000046       ACIEXEC        X'46' POSIX exec() function
          00000047       ACINWGRP       X'47' POSIX newgrp utility
          00000048       ACISETSG       X'48' POSIX setgroups() function
          00000000       *
0007    7 Bitstring    1 ACIBMAPM       ACI MAC bits
          1... ....      ACIANYMC       X'80' MAC for 'ANY' command
          1... ....      ACIDGNMC       X'80' MAC for Diagnose
          1... ....      ACISYSMC       X'80' MAC for system functions
0008    8 Character    8 ACIRGRP        REQUESTOR'S GROUP NAME
0010   16 Character    8 ACIRUSR        REQUESTOR'S USERID
0018   24 Character    8 ACITGRP        TARGET GROUP NAME
0020   32 Character    8 ACITUSR        TARGET USERID
0028   40 Character    2 ACIMODE        ACCESS MODE
002A   42 Character    4 ACIADDR        RESOURCE ADDRESS
002E   46 Bitstring    1 ACILGOPT       Logon options
     Flags defined in ACILGOPT These flags are defined for calls with
          1... ....      ACINOPAS       X'80' Don't check the password
          .1.. ....      ACIRECON       X'40' This is a reconnect
          ..1. ....      ACINPMT        X'20' Don't prompt for password
          ...1 ....      ACIVAL         X'10' Only check the password
          .... 1...      ACILOGCL       X'08' Logical terminal
          .... .1..      ACILOCAL       X'04' Local terminal
          .... ..1.      ACISNA         X'02' SNA (VTAM) terminal
          .... ..1.      ACILOGIP       X'02' Logical terminal with IP
          .... ...1      ACITTY         X'01' TTY terminal (ASCII)
     ACIVERS indicates the level of the ACIPARMS interface. ACIVERS should
     be set to ACIVERS1 on all ESM calls.
002F   47 Bitstring    1 ACIVERS        ACIPARMS version indicator
          1... ....      ACIVERS1       X'80' Version 1 indicator
0030   48 Character    8 ACINODE        Resource nodename
0038   56 Character    8 ACILABL        Volume label
0040   64 Character    4 ACITADDR       TARGET RESOURCE ADDRESS
0044   68 Bitstring    1 ACIFLAG        A*4 Success/failure indicator
          1... ....      ACIGOOD        X'80' The event was success. The
                                        definition of success is based on
                                        CP's authority checking for the
                                        event, not on the execution of
                                        the event. ACIGOOD indicates that
                                        CP has authorized the user to
                                        issue the command, diagnose or
                                        system function.
          .1.. ....      ACIBAD         X'40' The event was failure.
                                        ACIBAD indicates that CP denies
                                        authority for the user to issue
                                        the command, diagnose code, or
                                        system function. (CP is going
                                        going to fail the request). This
                                        flag is normally used on audit-
                                        only requests.
          ..1. ....      ACIANY         X'20' Diagnose code, system
                                        function or Class 'ANY' command
          .... .1..      ACIRO          X'04' Read Only MAC call
          .... ..1.      ACIWO          X'02' Write Only MAC call
          .... ...1      ACIRW          X'01' Read/Write MAC call
0045   69 Bitstring    1 ACICMDTP       A*5 Command version
0046   70 Bitstring    1 ACIFLAG2       Processing flags
          1... ....      ACIRMSRC       X'80' A private server is being
                                        xautologged by a remote source
          .1.. ....      ACINPASS       X'40' User defined with NOPASS
                                        operand in system directory
          ..1. ....      ACINQLUN       X'20' The SNA logical unit
                                        identifier or the logical device
                                        identifier defined in ACITRMID
                                        has a network qualifier defined
                                        in ACINWQFR
          ...1 ....      ACIPXALL       X'10' Indicates real, effective &
                                        saved set IDs are to be set (0
                                        value indicates only effective ID
                                        is to be set)
          .... 1...      ACIPXUSN       X'08' Indicates supplying a
                                        user/group name in ACIxxNAM (as
                                        opposed to a UID/GID in ACIxxID)
          .... .1..      ACIPXSYS       X'04' Indicates this is
                                        CP-initiated query (as opposed to
                                        a user- initiated query). No
                                        authority checking should be
          .... ..1.      ACIPXIDS       X'02' Indicates the query was
                                        initiated by a POSIX process.
                                        ACIxxUID & ACIxxGID are filled
          .... ...1      ACIPXQGM       X'01' Indicates this is the query
                                        to determine if ACITUSR is a
                                        member of the group identified in
                                        ACIGGNAM/ACIGGID Redefined
                                        following bits in ACIFLAG2 for CP
                                        use only
          .... ...1      ACIMSGUS       X'01' Indicates the error message
                                        only be issued to the user
0047   71 Bitstring    1 ACIRSNCD       Seclabel relationship - for MDISK
          ..1. ....      ACISD          X'20' Subject dominates object
0048   72 Character   12 ACIEVENT       Event name
0054   84 Signed       4 ACIVMDBK       address of the VMDBK for a user
                                        who is being autologged or logged
0058   88 Character    8 ACIBYVAL       BYUSER ID
0060   96 Character    8 ACISLAB        Source seclabel
0068  104 Character    8 ACITLAB        Target seclabel
0070  112 Character    8 ACIALAB        Alternate seclabel
0078  120 Dbl-Word     8 ACIDATA (0)    Start of variable length data
          00000078       ACISIZEB       (*-ACIPARMS) Size of fixed-length
                                        portion of the ACIPARMS, in bytes
          0000000F       ACISIZE        (ACIDATA-ACIPARMS+7)/8 ACIPARMS
                                        size in double word
0078  120 Character   40 ACIPASS        LOGON PASSWORDS
          00000005       ACIPWSZ        (*-ACIDATA+7)/8 Size of ACIPASS
00A0  160 Character    8 ACINWQFR       The network qualifier of the SNA
                                        logical unit identifier or the
                                        logical device identifier
                                        provided in ACITRMID
          000000A8       ACILG1SB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size, in
                                        bytes, for LOGON event
00A8  168 Bitstring    1 ACILOPTS       LOGON/(X)AUTOLOG option settings
          1... ....      ACILSIDE       X'80' Indicates the option
                                        settings are provided by ESM if
                                        the bit is on. Otherwise, the
                                        option settings are deferred to
                                        CP and the ACILSIDA field is
          .1.. ....      ACILSIDA       X'40' Indicates the user is
                                        allowed to set other's POSIX IDs.
00A9  169 Bitstring    1 * (3)          Reserved for IBM use
00AC  172 Signed       4 *              Reserved for IBM use
00B0  176 Dbl-Word     8 *              Reserved for IBM use
00B8  184 Dbl-Word     8 ACILBUFL (0)   LOGON/(X)AUTOLOG data buffer list
00B8  184 Address      4 ACILUIDA       Addr of the buffer to contain the
                                        user's POSIX UID
00BC  188 Signed       4 ACILUIDL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACILUIDA
00C0  192 Address      4 ACILGIDA       Addr of the buffer to contain the
                                        user's POSIX GID
00C4  196 Signed       4 ACILGIDL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACILGIDA
00C8  200 Address      4 ACILSGIA       Addr of the buffer to contain the
                                        user's supplementary GID list
00CC  204 Signed       4 ACILSGIL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACILSGIA
          0000000B       ACILGNSZ       (*-ACIDATA+7)/8 ACIDATA size, in
                                        double words, for LOGON event
          000000D0       ACILGNSB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size, in
                                        bytes, for LOGON event
          0000001A       ACILGNSD       (ACILGNSB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size, in
                                        DWs, for LOGON event
00BC  188 Bitstring    1 ACILUIDI       Indicate who provided POSIX UID
          1... ....      ACILUIDE       X'80' POSIX UIDs provided by ESM
00C4  196 Bitstring    1 ACILGIDI       Indicate who provided POSIX GID
          1... ....      ACILGIDE       X'80' POSIX GIDs provided by ESM
00CC  204 Bitstring    1 ACILSGII       Indicate who provided POSIX SGIDs
          1... ....      ACILSGIE       X'80' POSIX SGIDs provided by ESM
0078  120 Bitstring    1 ACIPWLEN       Password length
0079  121 Character   39 ACIPSWD        Password
0030   48 Character    8 ACITRMID       Terminal ID
0038   56 Character    8 ACIDSPID       Dispatched userid
0018   24 Character    8 ACIWUSR        WORKING (TARGET) USERID
0020   32 Character    8 ACIAUSR        ALTERNATE USERID ASSIGNED
0030   48 Character    8 ACINSPLD       New seclabel
0078  120 Bitstring    8 ACISEGNM       EBCDIC shared segment name
0078  120 Signed       4 ACIRX          Contents of the RX register
007C  124 Signed       4 ACIRX1         Contents of the RX+1 register
0080  128 Signed       4 ACIRY          Contents of the RY register
0084  132 Signed       4 ACIRY1         Contents of the RY+1 register
          00000002       ACIDISZ        (*-ACIRX+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        DIAGNOSE event
0078  120 Character    2 ACISUBC        Diagnose subcode
007A  122 Character    4 ACITCYL        Cyl/blk number. This field is
                                        used for subcode 03 of diagnose
          00000001       ACIDE4SZ       (*-ACISUBC+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        diag X'E4'
0078  120 Character    8 ACIORIG        Spool file origin ID
0080  128 Signed       4 ACIFSTPG       DASD address of first page
0084  132 Signed       2 ACISPLID       Spoolid
0086  134 Bitstring    6 ACITOD         Old TOD stamp of first page
008C  140 Bitstring    8 ACICMDIS       Command issuer
          00000004       ACISPLSZ       (*-ACIORIG+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        SPTAPE or SPXTAPE event
0086  134 Signed       2 ACISPIDN       New spoolid
0078  120 Signed       2 ACIPATH        Pathid for IUCV/APPCVM event
007A  122 Bitstring    6 *              Reserved for future IBM use
          00000001       ACIUCVSZ       (*-ACIPATH+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        IUCV event
          00000001       ACISEVSZ       (*-ACIPATH+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        APPCVM SEVER
0080  128 Character    8 ACISERVR       Server userid
0088  136 Character    8 ACIQUAL        LU name qualifier (Gate_LU)
0090  144 Character    8 ACITLUN        Target LU name (Gate_known_LU)
          00000004       ACICONSZ       (*-ACIPATH+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        APPCVM CONNECT
0078  120 Bitstring   24 ACIVMCF        Command name for VMCF event
          00000003       ACIVMCSZ       (*-ACIVMCF+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        VMCF event
0078  120 Character    4 ACIDETAD       VDEV returner's device (the
                                        device was GIVEn to this user)
007C  124 Character    4 ACIRECAD       VDEV of the Giver's device. (this
                                        user is now receiving the device
          00000001       ACIGIVSZ       (*-ACIDETAD+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        GIVE event
0078  120 Signed       4 ACISCYL        Starting cyl/blk on the DASD
007C  124 Signed       4 ACIECYL        Ending cylinder/block
0080  128 Character    4 ACIRDEV        Real device number
0084  132 Character    6 ACIVOLSR       Volume serial
          00000003       ACICCWSZ       (*-ACISCYL+7)/8 ACIDATA size for
                                        Maintccw event
0078  120 Bitstring   24 ACIOIDS (0)    All old (current) IDs
0078  120 Signed       4 ACIORUID       Old (current) real UID
007C  124 Signed       4 ACIOEUID       Old (current) effective UID
0080  128 Signed       4 ACIOSUID       Old (current) saved set-UID
0084  132 Signed       4 ACIORGID       Old (current) real GID
0088  136 Signed       4 ACIOEGID       Old (current) effective GID
008C  140 Signed       4 ACIOSGID       Old (current) saved set-GID
0090  144 Signed       4 ACINUID        New UID (equal to ACIORUID if UID
                                        not being changed)
0094  148 Signed       4 ACINGID        New GID (equal to ACIORGID if GID
                                        not being changed) if ACIPXUSN is
                                        off. Otherwise, not used
0098  152 Character    8 ACINGNAM       The group name that identifies
                                        the new GID if ACIPXUSN is on.
                                        Otherwise, not used. May be in
                                        mixed case
00A0  160 Signed       4 ACIOSGCT       Count of old (current) SGIDs
                                        (Valid only for code ACISETSG)
00A4  164 Address      4 ACIOSGLS       Address of old (current) SGID
                                        list (Valid only for code
00A8  168 Signed       4 ACINSGCT       Count of SGIDs in new list (Valid
                                        only for code ACISETSG)
00AC  172 Address      4 ACINSGLS       Address of new SGID list (Valid
                                        only for code ACISETSG)
          000000B0       ACISIDSB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size, in
                                        bytes, for POSIX set IDs
          00000016       ACISIDSD       (ACISIDSB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size, in
                                        DWs, for POSIX set IDs functions.
0078  120 Bitstring   24 ACIGPXID (0)   All POSIX IDs (UIDs and GIDs)
0078  120 Signed       4 ACIGRUID       Real UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
007C  124 Signed       4 ACIGEUID       Effective UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0080  128 Signed       4 ACIGSUID       Saved set-UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0084  132 Signed       4 ACIGRGID       Real GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0088  136 Signed       4 ACIGEGID       Effective GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
008C  140 Signed       4 ACIGSGID       Saved set-GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0090  144 Signed       4 ACIGMCNT       Count of members of the group
0094  148 Signed       4 ACIGGID        GID of the POSIX group for which
                                        information is to be returned if
                                        ACIPXUSN is off.
0098  152 Character    8 ACIGGNAM       The group name of the POSIX group
                                        for which information is to be
                                        returned if ACIPXUSN is on. May
                                        be in mixed case.
00A0  160 Dbl-Word     8 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
          000000B0       ACIGB1SB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size
                                        without buffer list, in bytes.
          00000016       ACIGB1SD       (ACIGB1SB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size
                                        without buffer list, in DWs.
00B0  176 Dbl-Word     8 ACIGBUFL (0)   Group database buffer list
00B0  176 Address      4 ACIGRPMA       Addr of the buffer to contain the
                                        member names of the input group
00B4  180 Signed       4 ACIGRPML       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACIGRPMA
          000000B8       ACIGDBSB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size, in
                                        bytes, for POSIX group database
                                        query function with 1 buffer list
          00000017       ACIGDBSD       (ACIGDBSB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size, in
                                        DWs, for POSIX group database
                                        query function with 1 buffer list
0078  120 Bitstring   24 ACIUPXID (0)   All POSIX IDs (UIDs and GIDs)
0078  120 Signed       4 ACIURUID       Real UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
007C  124 Signed       4 ACIUEUID       Effective UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0080  128 Signed       4 ACIUSUID       Saved set-UID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0084  132 Signed       4 ACIURGID       Real GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0088  136 Signed       4 ACIUEGID       Effective GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
008C  140 Signed       4 ACIUSGID       Saved set-GID of the process
                                        requesting the data if ACIPXIDS
                                        is on. Otherwise, unpredictable
                                        and should not be used.
0090  144 Signed       4 ACIUUID        UID for which information is to
                                        be returned if ACIPXUSN is off.
0094  148 Character    8 ACIUUNAM       User name for which information
                                        is to be returned if ACIPXUSN is
                                        on. May be in mixed case.
009C  156 Signed       4 ACIUGID        GID of the user's primary POSIX
                                        group. (output only)
00A0  160 Character    8 ACIUGNAM       Group name of the user's primary
                                        POSIX group. (output only)
00A8  168 Dbl-Word     8 * (2)          Reserved for IBM use
          000000B8       ACIUB1SB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size
                                        without buffer list, in bytes.
          00000017       ACIUB1SD       (ACIUB1SB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size
                                        without buffer list, in DWs.
00B8  184 Dbl-Word     8 ACIUBUFL (0)   User database buffer list
00B8  184 Address      4 ACIUIWDA       Addr of the buffer to contain
                                        user's initial working directory
00BC  188 Signed       4 ACIUIWDL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACIUIWDA
00C0  192 Address      4 ACIUIUPA       Addr of the buffer to contain
                                        user's initial user program
00C4  196 Signed       4 ACIUIUPL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACIUIUPA
00C8  200 Address      4 ACIUFSRA       Addr of the buffer to contain
                                        user's file system root
00CC  204 Signed       4 ACIUFSRL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACIUFSRA
00D0  208 Address      4 ACIUSGIA       Addr of the buffer to contain the
                                        user's supplementary GID list
00D4  212 Signed       4 ACIUSGIL       Length of the buffer pointed to
                                        by ACIUSGIA
          000000D8       ACIUDBSB       (*-ACIPARMS) ACIPARMS size, in
                                        bytes, for POSIX user database
                                        query function
          0000001B       ACIUDBSD       (ACIUDBSB+7)/8 ACIPARMS size, in
                                        DWs, for POSIX user database
                                        query fcn
00BC  188 Bitstring    1 ACIUIWDI       Indicate who provided POSIX IWDIR
          1... ....      ACIUIWDE       X'80' POSIX IWDIR provided by ESM
00C4  196 Bitstring    1 ACIUIUPI       Indicate who provided POSIX IUPGM
          1... ....      ACIUIUPE       X'80' POSIX IUPGM provided by ESM
00CC  204 Bitstring    1 ACIUFSRI       Indicate who provided POSIX
          1... ....      ACIUFSRE       X'80' POSIX FSROOT provided by
00D4  212 Bitstring    1 ACIUSGII       Indicate who provided POSIX SGIDs
          1... ....      ACIUSGIE       X'80' POSIX SGIDs provided by ESM
     The following constants are used to check/set the high order bit in the
     length field of a buffer list entry.
          .... ....      ACIPXYES       X'80000000' Mask to isolate the
                                        high order bit (bit 0) of a
                                        ACIxxxxL field
          00FFFFFF       ACIPXNO        X'7FFFFFFF' Mask to turn off the
                                        high order bit (bit 0) of a
                                        ACIxxxxL field
     Security Constants For CP Use Only
          .... ..1.      ACIXAQ         X'02' Query command
          .... ..11      ACIXAQV        X'03' Query virtual operand
          .... .1..      ACIXAQVM       X'04' Query virtual miscellaneous
          .... .1.1      ACIXAS         X'05' SET command


ACIPARMS Storage Layout

*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*     +------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*   8 |                       ACIRGRP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       ACIRUSR                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       ACITGRP                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       ACITUSR                         |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+------+------+
*  28 |  ACIMODE    |         ACIADDR           |:LGOPT|:VERS |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+------+------+
*  30 |                       ACINODE                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       ACILABL                         |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  40 |         ACITADDR          |:FLAG |:CMDTP|:FLAG2|:RSNCD|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  48 |                       ACIEVENT                        |
*     |                           +---------------------------+
*  50 |                           |         ACIVMDBK          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |                       ACIBYVAL                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  60 |                       ACISLAB                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  68 |                       ACITLAB                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  70 |                       ACIALAB                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                                                       |
*     =                       ACIPASS                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A0 |                       ACINWQFR                        |
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |:LOPTS|////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+--------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         ACILUIDA          |         ACILUIDL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         ACILGIDA          |         ACILGIDL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         ACILSGIA          |         ACILSGIL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACILUIDL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  B8 ...                      BC |:LUIDI| BD
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACILUIDL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACILGIDL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  C0 ...                      C4 |:LGIDI| C5
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACILGIDL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACILSGIL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  C8 ...                      CC |:LSGII| CD
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACILSGIL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIPASS in ACIPARMS
*     +------+------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |:PWLEN|                                                |
*     +------+                                                |
*  80 |                                                       |
*     =                       ACIPSWD                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A0
*** Overlay for ACIPASS in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACINODE in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       ACITRMID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38 |                       ACIDSPID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  40
*** Overlay for ACINODE in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACITGRP in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  18 |                       ACIWUSR                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       ACIAUSR                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28
*** Overlay for ACITGRP in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACINODE in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  30 |                       ACINSPLD                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  38
*** Overlay for ACINODE in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                       ACISEGNM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  80
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |          ACIRX            |          ACIRX1           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |          ACIRY            |          ACIRY1           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |  ACISUBC    |         ACITCYL           | 7E
*     +-------------+---------------------------+
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                       ACIORIG                         |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  80 |         ACIFSTPG          |  ACISPLID   |   (086)-    |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  88 |         -ACITOD           |        ACICMDIS-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |          -(08C)           | 94
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACITOD in ACIPARMS
*                                               +-------------+
*  80 ...                                    86 |  ACISPIDN   |
*                                               +-------------+
*  88
*** Overlay for ACITOD in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------+-----------------------------------------+
*  78 |  ACIPATH    |/////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------+-----------------------------------------+
*  80 |                       ACISERVR                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  88 |                       ACIQUAL                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  90 |                       ACITLUN                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  98
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  78 |                                                       |
*     =                       ACIVMCF                         =
*     |                                                       |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  90
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         ACIDETAD          |         ACIRECAD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         ACISCYL           |         ACIECYL           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         ACIRDEV           |        ACIVOLSR-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |   -(084)    | 8A
*     +-------------+
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         ACIORUID          |         ACIOEUID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         ACIOSUID          |         ACIORGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         ACIOEGID          |         ACIOSGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         ACINUID           |         ACINGID           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |                       ACINGNAM                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |         ACIOSGCT          |         ACIOSGLS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A8 |         ACINSGCT          |         ACINSGLS          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         ACIGRUID          |         ACIGEUID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         ACIGSUID          |         ACIGRGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         ACIGEGID          |         ACIGSGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         ACIGMCNT          |         ACIGGID           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |                       ACIGGNAM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A0 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B0 |         ACIGRPMA          |         ACIGRPML          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         ACIURUID          |         ACIUEUID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         ACIUSUID          |         ACIURGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88 |         ACIUEGID          |         ACIUSGID          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  90 |         ACIUUID           |        ACIUUNAM-          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  98 |          -(094)           |         ACIUGID           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  A0 |                       ACIUGNAM                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  A8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  B8 |         ACIUIWDA          |         ACIUIWDL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C0 |         ACIUIUPA          |         ACIUIUPL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  C8 |         ACIUFSRA          |         ACIUFSRL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D0 |         ACIUSGIA          |         ACIUSGIL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  D8
*** Overlay for ACIDATA in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIUIWDL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  B8 ...                      BC |:UIWDI| BD
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACIUIWDL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIUIUPL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  C0 ...                      C4 |:UIUPI| C5
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACIUIUPL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIUFSRL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  C8 ...                      CC |:UFSRI| CD
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACIUFSRL in ACIPARMS
*** Overlay for ACIUSGIL in ACIPARMS
*                                 +------+
*  D0 ...                      D4 |:USGII| D5
*                                 +------+
*** Overlay for ACIUSGIL in ACIPARMS


ACIPARMS Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
*              0000 00000000
*              0001 00000000
*              0006 00000000
ACIADDR        002A
ACIALAB        0070
ACIALTU        0000 00000018
ACIANY         0044 20
ACIANYAU       0004 80
ACIANYMC       0007 80
ACIANYPR       0005 80
ACIAPPW        0006 00000012
ACIAUSR        0020
ACIAUTH        0001 00000000
ACIAUTO        0006 00000030
ACIBAD         0044 40
ACIBFSM        0001 00000028
ACIBMAPA       0004
ACIBMAPM       0007
ACIBMAPP       0005
ACIBYVAL       0058
ACICCWSZ       0084 00000003
ACICMDIS       008C
ACICMDTP       0045
ACICNCT        0006 00000013
ACICODE        0001
ACICONSZ       0090 00000004
ACIDATA        0078
ACIDCSEG       0000 00000024
ACIDEFR        0001 00000004
ACIDEL         0000 0000000C
ACIDETAD       0078
ACIDE4SZ       007A 00000001
ACIDGNAU       0004 80
ACIDGNMC       0007 80
ACIDGNPR       0005 80
ACIDIAE4       0006 00000011
ACIDISK        0006 00000032
ACIDISZ        0084 00000002
ACIDSPID       0038
ACIECYL        007C
ACIENV         0006
ACIEVENT       0048
ACIEXEC        0006 00000046
ACIFAIL        0001 0000000C
ACIFCN         0000
ACIFESM1       0000 00000028
ACIFESM2       0000 0000002C
ACIFLAG        0044
ACIFLAG2       0046
ACIFSTPG       0080
ACIGBUFL       00B0
ACIGB1SB       00A0 000000B0
ACIGB1SD       00A0 00000016
ACIGDBSB       00B4 000000B8
ACIGDBSD       00B4 00000017
ACIGEGID       0088
ACIGEUID       007C
ACIGGID        0094
ACIGGNAM       0098
ACIGIVSZ       007C 00000001
ACIGMCNT       0090
ACIGOOD        0044 80
ACIGPXID       0078
ACIGRGID       0084
ACIGRPMA       00B0
ACIGRPML       00B4
ACIGRUID       0078
ACIGSGID       008C
ACIGSUID       0080
ACIGVRTN       0006 00000033
ACILABL        0038
ACILBUFL       00B8
ACILEN         0002
ACILGIDA       00C0
ACILGIDE       00C4 80
ACILGIDI       00C4
ACILGIDL       00C4
ACILGNSB       00CC 000000D0
ACILGNSD       00CC 0000001A
ACILGNSZ       00CC 0000000B
ACILGOPT       002E
ACILG1SB       00A0 000000A8
ACILINK        0000 00000000
ACILOCAL       002E 04
ACILOG         0000 00000010
ACILOGCL       002E 08
ACILOGIP       002E 02
ACILOPTS       00A8
ACILSGIA       00C8
ACILSGIE       00CC 80
ACILSIDA       00A8 40
ACILSIDE       00A8 80
ACILUIDA       00B8
ACILUIDE       00BC 80
ACIMODE        0028
ACIMSGUS       0046 01
ACINFND        0001 00000024
ACINGID        0094
ACINGMEM       0001 00000030
ACINGNAM       0098
ACINOAC        0001 00000008
ACINODE        0030
ACINOPAS       002E 80
ACINPASS       0046 40
ACINPMT        002E 20
ACINQLUN       0046 20
ACINSGCT       00A8
ACINSPLD       0030
ACINSSEG       0000 00000020
ACINUID        0090
ACINVAL        0001 0000002C
ACINWGRP       0006 00000047
ACINWQFR       00A0
ACIOEGID       0088
ACIOEUID       007C
ACIOIDS        0078
ACIORGID       0084
ACIORIG        0078
ACIORUID       0078
ACIOSGCT       00A0
ACIOSGID       008C
ACIOSGLS       00A4
ACIOSUID       0080
ACIPASS        0078
ACIPATH        0078
ACIPQGDB       0006 00000041
ACIPQUDB       0006 00000040
ACIPSWD        0079
ACIPWLEN       0078
ACIPWSZ        0078 00000005
ACIPXALL       0046 10
ACIPXIDS       0046 02
ACIPXNO        00D4 00FFFFFF
ACIPXQGM       0046 01
ACIPXSYS       0046 04
ACIPXUSN       0046 08
ACIPXYES       00D4 00
ACIQGDB        0000 00000034
ACIQUAL        0088
ACIQUDB        0000 00000038
ACIRDEV        0080
ACIRECAD       007C
ACIRECON       002E 40
ACIRGRP        0008
ACIRMSRC       0046 80
ACIRO          0044 04
ACIRSNCD       0047
ACIRUSR        0010
ACIRW          0044 01
ACIRX          0078
ACIRX1         007C
ACIRY          0080
ACIRY1         0084
ACISCYL        0078
ACISD          0047 20
ACISEG         0006 00000010
ACISEGNM       0078
ACISERVR       0080
ACISETEG       0006 00000045
ACISETEU       0006 00000043
ACISETGI       0006 00000044
ACISETID       0000 00000030
ACISETSG       0006 00000048
ACISETUI       0006 00000042
ACISEVER       0006 00000014
ACISEVSZ       007A 00000001
ACISIDSB       00AC 000000B0
ACISIDSD       00AC 00000016
ACISIZE        0078 0000000F
ACISIZEB       0078 00000078
ACISLAB        0060
ACISNA         002E 02
ACISPF         0006 00000015
ACISPIDN       0086
ACISPLID       0084
ACISPLSZ       008C 00000004
ACISPOOL       0000 00000004
ACISPTAP       0006 00000038
ACISUBC        0078
ACISYSAU       0004 80
ACISYSMC       0007 80
ACISYSPR       0005 80
ACITADDR       0040
ACITAG         0000 00000008
ACITAGN        0006 00000031
ACITCYL        007A
ACITERM        0001 00000010
ACITGRP        0018
ACITLAB        0068
ACITLUN        0090
ACITOD         0086
ACITRANS       0006 00000037
ACITRMID       0030
ACITTY         002E 01
ACITUSR        0020
ACIUBUFL       00B8
ACIUB1SB       00A8 000000B8
ACIUB1SD       00A8 00000017
ACIUCVSZ       007A 00000001
ACIUDBSB       00D4 000000D8
ACIUDBSD       00D4 0000001B
ACIUEGID       0088
ACIUEUID       007C
ACIUFSRA       00C8
ACIUFSRE       00CC 80
ACIUGID        009C
ACIUGNAM       00A0
ACIUIUPA       00C0
ACIUIUPE       00C4 80
ACIUIUPI       00C4
ACIUIUPL       00C4
ACIUIWDA       00B8
ACIUIWDE       00BC 80
ACIUNAV        0001 00000020
ACIUPXID       0078
ACIURGID       0084
ACIURUID       0078
ACIUSGIA       00D0
ACIUSGID       008C
ACIUSGIE       00D4 80
ACIUSGII       00D4
ACIUSGIL       00D4
ACIUSUID       0080
ACIUUID        0090
ACIUUNAM       0094
ACIVAL         002E 10
ACIVERS        002F
ACIVERS1       002F 80
ACIVMCF        0078
ACIVMCMD       0000 0000001C
ACIVMCSZ       0078 00000003
ACIVMDBK       0054
ACIVOLSR       0084
ACIWO          0044 02
ACIWUSR        0018
ACIXAC         0006 00000001
ACIXACCW       0006 0000000F
ACIXAD         0006 00000006
ACIXAQ         00D4 02
ACIXAQV        00D4 03
ACIXAQVM       00D4 04
ACIXAS         00D4 05
ACIXAT         0006 0000000B
ACIXAV         0006 0000000C

This information is based on z/VM V4R1.0.
Last updated on 5 Jun 2001 at 12:43:00 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001